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Featured researches published by Cristina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda.

Educação e Pesquisa | 2013

Política para uma educação bilíngue e inclusiva a alunos surdos no município de São Paulo

Cristina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda; Neiva de Aquino Albres; Silvana Lucena dos Santos Drago

O objetivo deste artigo e analisar a atual politica para educacao de alunos com surdez no municipio de Sao Paulo, ja que tal politica tem impacto na inducao de acoes no sentido de criar ou nao melhores condicoes para a aprendizagem desse alunado. A educacao de surdos e tema polemico e resultados satisfatorios nem sempre sao alcancados. A lingua de sinais e a lingua de constituicao de sujeitos surdos e, quando assumida nos espacos educacionais, favorece um melhor desempenho desses sujeitos. Propostas de escolas de surdos e de educacao inclusiva emergem e debatem o direito linguistico da pessoa surda, a abordagem metodologica e a atuacao de profissionais bilingues, alem de demandarem politicas governamentais para sua implementacao. No Brasil, a Lei no 10.436, de 2002, e o Decreto no 5.626, de 2005, tratam da lingua brasileira de sinais (Libras) e da educacao de surdos, indicando a necessidade de formacao de futuros profissionais (professor bilingue, instrutor surdo e interprete de Libras) cientes da condicao linguistica diferenciada dos alunos surdos. Nessa perspectiva, destaca-se o caso do municipio de Sao Paulo, que conta com surdos inseridos em dois contextos educacionais distintos: escolas municipais de educacao bilingue (para alunos surdos) e escolas regulares (que recebem alunos ouvintes e surdos) regulamentadas pelo Decreto no 52.785, de 2011, que cria escolas municipais de educacao bilingue para surdos (EMEBS) na rede municipal de ensino, e pela Portaria no 5.707, tambem de 2011, que regulamenta o referido decreto.

Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação | 2015

Políticas públicas para acesso de pessoas com deficiência ao ensino superior brasileiro: uma análise de indicadores educacionais

Diléia Aparecida Martins; Lúcia Pereira Leite; Cristina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda

This study sought to analyze the enrollment policies for special education in Brazilian higher education programs derived from educational indicators. The study is characterized as analytic-descriptive and was based on primary sources; they included technical reports and data from the Brazilian Higher Education Census Bureau from 2000 to 2011, as well as documents from the country’s accessibility program known as Include (Incluir, in original Portuguese) from 2005 to 2011. The decade in question was selected in line with understanding the federal government’s measures planned in the country’s National Education Plan, which were focused on increasing enrollment in Brazilian higher education programs. The need to question the results of the aforementioned measures also justified the choice of the period to be studied. The data analysis revealed an increase in the number of disabled students enrolled in traditional and online undergraduate degree programs (particularly at Brazilian public universities) following the initiation of the Include Program. Overall, enrollments among disabled students in higher education programs increased in terms of numbers; however, the percentage still represents only a small part of the disabled population.O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as politicas relativas as matriculas da educacao especial no ensino superior brasileiro com base em indicadores educacionais. A pesquisa se caracteriza como descritivo-analitica com base documental, cujas fontes de dados foram resumos tecnicos e planilhas do Censo da Educacao Superior no periodo de 2000 a 2011 e documentos do Programa Incluir no periodo de 2005 a 2011, quinquenio em que foi implantado. A escolha pela decada em questao justifica-se pelas acoes do governo federal previstas no Plano Nacional de Educacao direcionadas a ampliacao de matriculas no ensino superior brasileiro e pela necessidade de problematizar os resultados dessas acoes. A analise dos dados permite identificar a evolucao do numero de matriculas de estudantes com deficiencia em cursos de graduacao presencial e a distância – sobretudo em instituicoes publicas – apos a criacao do Programa Incluir. De modo geral, o quadro de matriculas de pessoas com deficiencia no ensino superior evolui em termos numericos, mas ainda representa uma camada minima da populacao com deficiencia efetivamente matriculada nessa etapa da escolarizacao.

Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial | 2013

Mapeamento de alunos surdos matriculados na rede de ensino pública de um município de médio porte do Estado de São Paulo: dissonâncias

Alice Almeida Chaves de Resende; Cristina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda

The education of deaf students is a prominent field of study mainly because providing inclusive schooling for a group of people that use a language that is different and specific to their needs is not an easy task. Considering that the Brazilian government has been active in trying to include everyone, without exception, to study hearing impairment in the Brazilian educational context means, necessarily, studying the inclusive education proposal and questioning the challenges and perspectives derived from this proposal. This study developed through a quantitative approach and its objective was to map and to determine the number students with hearing impairments enrolled at municipal and state elementary schools of a medium size city in the state of Sao Paulo, according to data from the Secretaria Municipal de Educacao and the Diretoria de Ensino Estadual. These statistics do not conform to the information provided by Microdados do Censo Escolar da Educacao Basica, available for the year 2010 from the Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anisio Teixeira (INEP). We argue that in order to provide appropriate policies for educating deaf students, it is necessary to know where these students are enrolled and how many there are. Whether at the municipal, state or national level, these data have not been considered. The study was conducted following two stages: a documentary stage and data analysis. There was wide discrepancy in the data coming from different sources that should have provided the same information. The inclusion of students with deafness in regular schools is a constant and permanent challenge. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to discussions in the field of Special Education, especially to studies related to deaf education, since providing quality education for these students is related to issues such as the number of enrollments. We consider that the data presented in this study is indicative of the way the issue of deaf education has been proposed, suggesting opportunities for revision and orientation regarding acknowledgment and registration of students, such as the deaf students that are enrolled in the public education system. This should contribute to better planning of actions related to including deaf students.

Bakhtiniana: Revista de Estudos do Discurso | 2018

O intérprete de libras-português no contexto de conferência: reflexões sobre sua atuação

Kátia Andréia Souza dos Santos; Cristina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda

This research approaches the interpreting act and aims to better understand the performance of Brazilian sign language (Libras) interpreters who work in the mode of simultaneous translation in academic conferences. It reflects on this practice based on authors whose studies are founded on Bakhtinian concepts. Thus, a descriptive qualitative approach was developed using the simple self-confrontation technique during data collection. The study showed that a conference is a complex context for interpreters to work due to: (i) time required for decision making; (ii) highlighted physical exposure; (iii) interpreter positioning on stage (towards the side or the front of the stage), and (iv) need for advance preparation, which is not always possible. In-depth understanding of the interpretation context in conferences makes it possible to propose qualifying actions that can meet the demands of the interpreting act and points out the need for new studies in the field.

Revista Educação Especial | 2017

Tradutores-interpretes de línguas de sinais: funções e atuação nas redes de ensinos

Adriane Melo de Castro Menezes; Cristina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda

This article discusses some functional conditions criterion of Sign Language Translators- Interpreters (TILS), that act in the process of deaf student education enrolled in brazilian schools at the regular education system. We undertake discussions on aspects such as functional linking and wages, trying to see how these subjects feel themselves in their places, and how they are affected by it in their daily lives. Grounded on the enunciation-discourse theory of Mikhail Bakhtin, this study utilized employed face-to-face interviews as a main base on data construction, and in addition, one profile with training data, bonding and professional experience. Also taking notes of contextual elements, were relevant to the subjects’ understanding and their speeches. Altogether 27 TILS participated from thirteen municipalities among eight Brazilian states. As results, it was outstanding that TILs are not just about nomenclatures and functional linking. Such developments, may affect the performance expectations and linked social representations. The data also demonstrate a diverse social movement to meet the existing education and inclusion public policies, depending on each specific situation, may compromise, greatly, how these TILS are seen and their integration-participation in the institutional as a whole.

Revista Educação Especial | 2016

Vestibulares vídeo-gravados em libras: um novo modo de acesso ao ensino superior federal?

Luiz Renato Martins Rocha; Cristina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda

Over the last two decades, deaf people’s rights to schooling has strongly impacted the increasing of their access to the university, once restricted to a small portion of population. Video recording some entrance examinations in Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) was a response to the deaf community demand, which wants the valorization of their contributions for the scientific community. In this study, we aimed to investigate: How did deaf people take the video recorded entrance examinations in Libras for two federal public universities? And how did they understand the service addressed to meet their language needs? We carried out a qualitative research, exploratory and descriptive, with a semi-structured interview. We translated and categorized all the interviews, identifying divergences and convergences within the statements. The results show that deaf people were satisfied with the video recorded entrance examination in Libras in both universities. They also pointed out some potential adjustments to further improve this kind of exam. However, the effective entrance of deaf people in Brazilian universities is considered low, suggesting the need to strive for an improvement on the basic education in order to prepare those students and meet their language, cultural and educational needs.

Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial | 2015


Ana Paula Zerbato; Cristina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda

Este estudo pretendeu analisar a inter-relacao da atividade simbolica de desenhar com o desenvolvimento de linguagem de criancas surdas, usuarias tardias da lingua brasileira de sinais, e em fase de aquisicao da escrita da Lingua Portuguesa como segunda lingua. Assumindo a abordagem qualitativa, apoiou-se na perspectiva Historico-Cultural, que busca reunir em um modelo explicativo tanto os mecanismos cerebrais implicitos ao funcionamento psicologico como o desenvolvimento da especie humana e do individuo ao longo de um processo historico e cultural, incluindo a especificacao do contexto social. Participaram do estudo tres criancas, com idade entre quatro e sete anos, que se encontravam em fase de aquisicao da lingua de sinais e em fase inicial de contato com a lingua portuguesa escrita e a professora bilingue da sala de aula. Os dados coletados foram analisados a luz da abordagem Historico-Cultural buscando a relacao entre essa forma signica de expressao - o desenho, a lingua que esta sendo adquirida pelas criancas surdas e o processo de significacao de mundo que esta sendo construido por meio da mediacao do outro. Com base na literatura que trata da interpretacao de desenhos infantis, tambem foi realizada analise da construcao dos significados que as representacoes graficas das criancas surdas apresentam. Os resultados apontam para a importância da lingua de sinais e da atividade de desenho como recurso signico, que contribui para o progresso linguistico e cognitivo destas criancas que buscam ser bilingues.

Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação | 2015

Public policy for disabled persons’ access to higher education in Brazil: an analysis of educational indicators

Diléia Aparecida Martins; Lúcia Pereira Leite; Cristina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda

This study sought to analyze the enrollment policies for special education in Brazilian higher education programs derived from educational indicators. The study is characterized as analytic-descriptive and was based on primary sources; they included technical reports and data from the Brazilian Higher Education Census Bureau from 2000 to 2011, as well as documents from the country’s accessibility program known as Include (Incluir, in original Portuguese) from 2005 to 2011. The decade in question was selected in line with understanding the federal government’s measures planned in the country’s National Education Plan, which were focused on increasing enrollment in Brazilian higher education programs. The need to question the results of the aforementioned measures also justified the choice of the period to be studied. The data analysis revealed an increase in the number of disabled students enrolled in traditional and online undergraduate degree programs (particularly at Brazilian public universities) following the initiation of the Include Program. Overall, enrollments among disabled students in higher education programs increased in terms of numbers; however, the percentage still represents only a small part of the disabled population.O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as politicas relativas as matriculas da educacao especial no ensino superior brasileiro com base em indicadores educacionais. A pesquisa se caracteriza como descritivo-analitica com base documental, cujas fontes de dados foram resumos tecnicos e planilhas do Censo da Educacao Superior no periodo de 2000 a 2011 e documentos do Programa Incluir no periodo de 2005 a 2011, quinquenio em que foi implantado. A escolha pela decada em questao justifica-se pelas acoes do governo federal previstas no Plano Nacional de Educacao direcionadas a ampliacao de matriculas no ensino superior brasileiro e pela necessidade de problematizar os resultados dessas acoes. A analise dos dados permite identificar a evolucao do numero de matriculas de estudantes com deficiencia em cursos de graduacao presencial e a distância – sobretudo em instituicoes publicas – apos a criacao do Programa Incluir. De modo geral, o quadro de matriculas de pessoas com deficiencia no ensino superior evolui em termos numericos, mas ainda representa uma camada minima da populacao com deficiencia efetivamente matriculada nessa etapa da escolarizacao.

Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação | 2015

Políticas públicas para el acceso de personas con deficiencia en la educación superior brasileña: un análisis de indicadores educativos

Diléia Aparecida Martins; Lúcia Pereira Leite; Cristina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda

This study sought to analyze the enrollment policies for special education in Brazilian higher education programs derived from educational indicators. The study is characterized as analytic-descriptive and was based on primary sources; they included technical reports and data from the Brazilian Higher Education Census Bureau from 2000 to 2011, as well as documents from the country’s accessibility program known as Include (Incluir, in original Portuguese) from 2005 to 2011. The decade in question was selected in line with understanding the federal government’s measures planned in the country’s National Education Plan, which were focused on increasing enrollment in Brazilian higher education programs. The need to question the results of the aforementioned measures also justified the choice of the period to be studied. The data analysis revealed an increase in the number of disabled students enrolled in traditional and online undergraduate degree programs (particularly at Brazilian public universities) following the initiation of the Include Program. Overall, enrollments among disabled students in higher education programs increased in terms of numbers; however, the percentage still represents only a small part of the disabled population.O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as politicas relativas as matriculas da educacao especial no ensino superior brasileiro com base em indicadores educacionais. A pesquisa se caracteriza como descritivo-analitica com base documental, cujas fontes de dados foram resumos tecnicos e planilhas do Censo da Educacao Superior no periodo de 2000 a 2011 e documentos do Programa Incluir no periodo de 2005 a 2011, quinquenio em que foi implantado. A escolha pela decada em questao justifica-se pelas acoes do governo federal previstas no Plano Nacional de Educacao direcionadas a ampliacao de matriculas no ensino superior brasileiro e pela necessidade de problematizar os resultados dessas acoes. A analise dos dados permite identificar a evolucao do numero de matriculas de estudantes com deficiencia em cursos de graduacao presencial e a distância – sobretudo em instituicoes publicas – apos a criacao do Programa Incluir. De modo geral, o quadro de matriculas de pessoas com deficiencia no ensino superior evolui em termos numericos, mas ainda representa uma camada minima da populacao com deficiencia efetivamente matriculada nessa etapa da escolarizacao.

Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial | 2011

Perfil de tradutores-intérpretes de Libras (TILS) que atuam no ensino superior no Brasil

Cristina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda; Taís Margutti do Amaral Gurgel


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Lara Ferreira dos Santos

Federal University of São Carlos

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Diléia Aparecida Martins

Federal University of São Carlos

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Neiva de Aquino Albres

Federal University of São Carlos

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Aline Aparecida Veltrone

Federal University of São Carlos

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Ana Paula Aporta

Federal University of São Carlos

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