D. J. Lawrence
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
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Featured researches published by D. J. Lawrence.
Science | 2012
C. T. Russell; C.A. Raymond; Angioletta Coradini; Harry Y. McSween; Maria T. Zuber; A. Nathues; M.C. De Sanctis; R. Jaumann; Alexander S. Konopliv; Frank Preusker; Sami W. Asmar; Ryan S. Park; Robert W. Gaskell; H. U. Keller; S. Mottola; Thomas Roatsch; Jennifer E.C. Scully; David E. Smith; Pasquale Tricarico; Michael J. Toplis; Ulrich R. Christensen; William C. Feldman; D. J. Lawrence; Timothy J. McCoy; Thomas H. Prettyman; Robert C. Reedy; M. E. Sykes; Timothy N. Titus
A New Dawn Since 17 July 2011, NASAs spacecraft Dawn has been orbiting the asteroid Vesta—the second most massive and the third largest asteroid in the solar system (see the cover). Russell et al. (p. 684) use Dawns observations to confirm that Vesta is a small differentiated planetary body with an inner core, and represents a surviving proto-planet from the earliest epoch of solar system formation; Vesta is also confirmed as the source of the howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) meteorites. Jaumann et al. (p. 687) report on the asteroids overall geometry and topography, based on global surface mapping. Vestas surface is dominated by numerous impact craters and large troughs around the equatorial region. Marchi et al. (p. 690) report on Vestas complex cratering history and constrain the age of some of its major regions based on crater counts. Schenk et al. (p. 694) describe two giant impact basins located at the asteroids south pole. Both basins are young and excavated enough amounts of material to form the Vestoids—a group of asteroids with a composition similar to that of Vesta—and HED meteorites. De Sanctis et al. (p. 697) present the mineralogical characterization of Vesta, based on data obtained by Dawns visual and infrared spectrometer, revealing that this asteroid underwent a complex magmatic evolution that led to a differentiated crust and mantle. The global color variations detailed by Reddy et al. (p. 700) are unlike those of any other asteroid observed so far and are also indicative of a preserved, differentiated proto-planet. Spacecraft data provide a detailed characterization of the second most massive asteroid in the solar system. The Dawn spacecraft targeted 4 Vesta, believed to be a remnant intact protoplanet from the earliest epoch of solar system formation, based on analyses of howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) meteorites that indicate a differentiated parent body. Dawn observations reveal a giant basin at Vesta’s south pole, whose excavation was sufficient to produce Vesta-family asteroids (Vestoids) and HED meteorites. The spatially resolved mineralogy of the surface reflects the composition of the HED meteorites, confirming the formation of Vesta’s crust by melting of a chondritic parent body. Vesta’s mass, volume, and gravitational field are consistent with a core having an average radius of 107 to 113 kilometers, indicating sufficient internal melting to segregate iron. Dawns results confirm predictions that Vesta differentiated and support its identification as the parent body of the HEDs.
Science | 2011
Larry R. Nittler; Richard D. Starr; Shoshana Z. Weider; Timothy J. McCoy; William V. Boynton; Denton S. Ebel; Carolyn M. Ernst; Larry G. Evans; John O. Goldsten; David K. Hamara; D. J. Lawrence; Ralph L. McNutt; Charles E. Schlemm; Sean C. Solomon; Ann L. Sprague
Geochemical data show that the major rock-forming components of Mercury are characterized by high sulfur content. X-ray fluorescence spectra obtained by the MESSENGER spacecraft orbiting Mercury indicate that the planet’s surface differs in composition from those of other terrestrial planets. Relatively high Mg/Si and low Al/Si and Ca/Si ratios rule out a lunarlike feldspar-rich crust. The sulfur abundance is at least 10 times higher than that of the silicate portion of Earth or the Moon, and this observation, together with a low surface Fe abundance, supports the view that Mercury formed from highly reduced precursor materials, perhaps akin to enstatite chondrite meteorites or anhydrous cometary dust particles. Low Fe and Ti abundances do not support the proposal that opaque oxides of these elements contribute substantially to Mercury’s low and variable surface reflectance.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2001
W. C. Feldman; S. Maurice; D. J. Lawrence; R. C. Little; S. L. Lawson; O. Gasnault; Roger C. Wiens; B. L. Barraclough; R. C. Elphic; T. H. Prettyman; John T. Steinberg; Alan B. Binder
Improved versions of Lunar Prospector thermal and epithermal neutron data were studied to help discriminate between potential delivery and retention mechanisms for hydrogen on the Moon. Improved spatial resolution at both poles shows that the largest concentrations of hydrogen overlay regions in permanent shade. In the north these regions consist of a heavily cratered terrain containing many small (less than ∼10-km diameter), isolated craters. These border circular areas of hydrogen abundance ([H]) that is only modestly enhanced above the average equatorial value but that falls within large, flat-bottomed, and sunlit polar craters. Near the south pole, [H] is enhanced within several 30-km-scale craters that are in permanent shade but is only modestly enhanced within their sunlit neighbors. We show that delivery by the solar wind cannot account for these observations because the diffusivity of hydrogen at the temperatures within both sunlit and permanently shaded craters near both poles is sufficiently low that a solar wind origin cannot explain their differences. We conclude that a significant portion of the enhanced hydrogen near both poles is most likely in the form of water molecules.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2002
D. J. Lawrence; W. C. Feldman; R. C. Elphic; R. C. Little; T. H. Prettyman; S. Maurice; Paul G. Lucey; Alan B. Binder
[i] Global measurements of iron abundances on the lunar surface are presented using data from the Lunar Prospector (LP) Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (GRS) and Neutron Spectrometer (NS). In this study, we derive relative iron abundances from the low-altitude, high spatial resolution (∼(45 km) 2 ) LP data using the 7.6 MeV neutron capture gamma-ray doublet. As part of the LP-GRS analysis, we demonstrate the importance of accounting for variations in neutron number density across the lunar surface by measuring neutron fluxes using LP-NS data. In a first step of comparing the LP-GRS data with previously published iron abundances inferred from Clementine Spectral Reflectance (CSR) data, we show that the existing CSR FeO data are nonlinear with respect to the LP relative iron abundances. We use the LP data to linearize the relationship between the CSR and the relative iron values then recalibrate the CSR data to iron abundance using returned soil abundances. We then correlate the CSR data, except for major anomalies, with the LP relative iron measurements to convert the LP data to absolute iron abundances. When we compare the LP-GRS and revised CSR data sets, we find a very good correspondence. There are two locations (Mare Tranquillitatis and South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin) that show major discrepancies, suggesting that the CSR data are locally overestimating iron abundances. In both these regions, the discrepancies identified by the LP-GRS/CSR comparison are possibly explained by mineralogical differences that are not accounted for in the CSR to FeO calibration. In regards to our understanding of the Moon, the LP data have found the following: (I) There exist large expanses of mare basalt in the western mare regions that have very high iron abundances (22-23 wt.% FeO) that are underrepresented but not absent from the returned sample collection and are highly unusual for mare soils, which typically contain a significant amount of highlands contamination. (2) The low iron abundances in the lunar highlands (∼5 FeO wt.%) are consistent with a previous analysis using thermal and epithermal neutrons and with the idea that the lunar crust formed by a relatively simple magma ocean process. (3) The comparison of LP and CSR derived iron abundances suggests that the material within SPA basin is similar to a norite-type rock without an enriched mantle FeO signature. (4) A comparison of LP and CSR data at Tycho Crater shows a large discrepancy such that the CSR data show moderate iron abundances of 8-9 wt.% FeO while the LP data show very low iron abundances of 3-4 wt.% FeO. This discrepancy cannot yet be easily explained by any known process.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
D. J. Lawrence; W. C. Feldman; B. L. Barraclough; Alan B. Binder; R. C. Elphic; S. Maurice; M. C. Miller; T. H. Prettyman
Measurements of absolute thorium abundances on the lunar surface are presented using both the high- and low-altitude data taken with the Lunar Prospector Gamma-Ray Spectrometer. An analysis of the uncertainties shows that the measured uncertainties are 7 µg/g are likely small area regions ≤ (150 km) 2 . Using lunar topographic data, we have shown that the thorium abundances in the lunar high- lands and portions of South Pole-Aitken (SPA) Basin are larger for lower elevations. We have also studied a number of regions with anomalously high thorium abundances such as the northwestern region of SPA Basin, the crater Arago in western Tranquillitatis, and the Compton/Belkovich region in the northeastern highlands. The Compton/Belkovich region appears to be enriched with evolved rocks such as alkali anorthosite and currently represents the only such extended region on the Moon that has been identified. In contrast, Tycho crater has very low thorium abundances which suggests that KREEP was not assimilated at depth in this portion of the Moon.
Science | 2012
Thomas H. Prettyman; David W. Mittlefehldt; N. Yamashita; D. J. Lawrence; Andrew W. Beck; William C. Feldman; Timothy J. McCoy; H.Y. McSween; Michael J. Toplis; Timothy N. Titus; Pasquale Tricarico; Robert C. Reedy; John S. Hendricks; O. Forni; Lucille Le Corre; Jian-Yang Li; H. Mizzon; Vishnu Reddy; C.A. Raymond; C. T. Russell
Vesta to the Core Vesta is one of the largest bodies in the main asteroid belt. Unlike most other asteroids, which are fragments of once larger bodies, Vesta is thought to have survived as a protoplanet since its formation at the beginning of the solar system (see the Perspective by Binzel, published online 20 September). Based on data obtained with the Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector aboard the Dawn spacecraft, Prettyman et al. (p. 242, published online 20 September) show that Vestas reputed volatile-poor regolith contains substantial amounts of hydrogen delivered by carbonaceous chondrite impactors. Observations of pitted terrain on Vesta obtained by Dawns Framing Camera and analyzed by Denevi et al. (p. 246, published online 20 September), provide evidence for degassing of volatiles and hence the presence of hydrated materials. Finally, paleomagnetic studies by Fu et al. (p. 238) on a meteorite originating from Vesta suggest that magnetic fields existed on the surface of the asteroid 3.7 billion years ago, supporting the past existence of a magnetic core dynamo. Analysis of data from the Dawn spacecraft implies that asteroid Vesta is rich in volatiles. Using Dawn’s Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector, we tested models of Vesta’s evolution based on studies of howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites. Global Fe/O and Fe/Si ratios are consistent with HED compositions. Neutron measurements confirm that a thick, diogenitic lower crust is exposed in the Rheasilvia basin, which is consistent with global magmatic differentiation. Vesta’s regolith contains substantial amounts of hydrogen. The highest hydrogen concentrations coincide with older, low-albedo regions near the equator, where water ice is unstable. The young, Rheasilvia basin contains the lowest concentrations. These observations are consistent with gradual accumulation of hydrogen by infall of carbonaceous chondrites—observed as clasts in some howardites—and subsequent removal or burial of this material by large impacts.
Science | 2008
Sean C. Solomon; Ralph L. McNutt; Thomas R. Watters; D. J. Lawrence; William C. Feldman; James W. Head; S. M. Krimigis; Scott L. Murchie; Roger J. Phillips; James A. Slavin; Maria T. Zuber
In January 2008, the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft became the first probe to fly past the planet Mercury in 33 years. The encounter revealed that Mercury is a dynamic system; its liquid iron-rich outer core is coupled through a dominantly dipolar magnetic field to the surface, exosphere, and magnetosphere, all of which interact with the solar wind. MESSENGER images confirm that lobate scarps are the dominant tectonic landform and record global contraction associated with cooling of the planet. The history of contraction can be related to the history of volcanism and cratering, and the total contractional strain is at least one-third greater than inferred from Mariner 10 images. On the basis of measurements of thermal neutrons made during the flyby, the average abundance of iron in Mercurys surface material is less than 6% by weight.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
R. C. Elphic; D. J. Lawrence; W. C. Feldman; B. L. Barraclough; S. Maurice; Alan B. Binder; Paul G. Lucey
Lunar Prospector neutron spectrometer data have been used to map the global surface distribution of the incompatible rare earth elements gadolinium and samarium from the low-altitude (30±15 km) mapping orbit. These results afford improved surface resolution and detailed views of the potassium, rare earth elements, and phosphorus (KREEP) distribution within and around Mare Imbrium and elsewhere. The Gd and Sm results serve as a complementary and independent check of the distribution of KREEP on the Moon, in contrast with the Lunar Prospector gamma ray spectrometer results for thorium. The neutron spectrometer observations reflect the presence of Fe and Ti as well as Gd and Sm. The contributions of Fe and Ti are removed using high spatial resolution Clementine spectral reflectance determinations of FeO and TiO2 abundances. Overall, the resulting Gd and Sm abundance map agrees with the Th abundance map determined using the Lunar Prospector gamma ray spectrometer. In general, the detailed features of the Procellarum/Imbrium KREEP terrane are found in both. For example, distinct highs in Gd, Sm, and Th abundances are resolved over the craters Mairan, Aristarchus, Kepler, Reinhold, Lalande, and Aristillus, over the Apennine Bench and Fra Mauro regions, and over the Montes Jura and Montes Carpatus, indicating an enhanced abundance of KREEP in these locations. The neutron observations also provide constraints on FeO and TiO2 abundances; for some high-Ti locales, there is a significant disagreement with TiO2 abundances inferred from Clementine spectral reflectance.
Science | 2013
D. J. Lawrence; William C. Feldman; John O. Goldsten; Sylvestre Maurice; Patrick N. Peplowski; Brian J. Anderson; David Bazell; Ralph L. McNutt; Larry R. Nittler; Thomas H. Prettyman; Douglas J. Rodgers; Sean C. Solomon; Shoshana Z. Weider
Wet Mercury Radar observations of Mercurys poles in the 1990s revealed regions of high backscatter that were interpreted as indicative of thick deposits of water ice; however, other explanations have also been proposed (see the Perspective by Lucey). MESSENGER neutron data reported by Lawrence et al. (p. 292, published online 29 November) in conjunction with thermal modeling by Paige et al. (p. 300, published online 29 November) now confirm that the primary component of radar-reflective material at Mercurys north pole is water ice. Neumann et al. (p. 296, published online 29 November) analyzed surface reflectance measurements from the Mercury Laser Altimeter onboard MESSENGER and found that while some areas of high radar backscatter coincide with optically bright regions, consistent with water ice exposed at the surface, some radar-reflective areas correlate with optically dark regions, indicative of organic sublimation lag deposits overlying the ice. Dark areas that fall outside regions of high radio backscatter suggest that water ice was once more widespread. Spacecraft data and a thermal model show that water ice and organic volatiles are present at Mercury’s north pole. [Also see Perspective by Lucey] Measurements by the Neutron Spectrometer on the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft show decreases in the flux of epithermal and fast neutrons from Mercury’s north polar region that are consistent with the presence of water ice in permanently shadowed regions. The neutron data indicate that Mercury’s radar-bright polar deposits contain, on average, a hydrogen-rich layer more than tens of centimeters thick beneath a surficial layer 10 to 30 cm thick that is less rich in hydrogen. Combined neutron and radar data are best matched if the buried layer consists of nearly pure water ice. The upper layer contains less than 25 weight % water-equivalent hydrogen. The total mass of water at Mercury’s poles is inferred to be 2 × 1016 to 1018 grams and is consistent with delivery by comets or volatile-rich asteroids.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 1999
W. C. Feldman; B. L. Barraclough; Kenneth R. Fuller; D. J. Lawrence; S. Maurice; M. C. Miller; T. H. Prettyman; Alan B. Binder
Gamma-ray and neutron spectrometers (GRS and NS, respectively) are included in the payload complement of Lunar Prospector (LP) that is currently orbiting the Moon. Specific objectives of the GRS are to map abundances of O, Si, Fe, Ti, U, Th, K, and perhaps, Mg, Al, and Ca, to depths of about 20 cm. Those of the NS are to search for water ice to depths of about 50 cm near the lunar poles and to map regolith maturity. The designs of both spectrometers are described and their performance in both the laboratory and in lunar orbit are presented. ( 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.