Daniele Piazza
University of Bern
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Featured researches published by Daniele Piazza.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2014
Charles D. Fisher; Chaz Morantz; David F. Braun; M. D. Seiffert; Hrand Aghazarian; Eamon J. Partos; Matthew E. King; Larry E. Hovland; Mark A. Schwochert; Joel V. Kaluzny; Christopher M. Capocasale; Andrew Houck; Johannes Gross; Daniel J. Reiley; Peter H. Mao; Reed Riddle; Khanh Bui; David A. Henderson; Todd Haran; Robert Culhane; Daniele Piazza; Eric Walkama
The Cobra fiber positioner is being developed by the California Institute of Technology (CIT) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for the Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) instrument that will be installed at the Subaru Telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. PFS is a fiber fed multi-object spectrometer that uses an array of Cobra fiber positioners to rapidly reconfigure 2394 optical fibers at the prime focus of the Subaru Telescope that are capable of positioning a fiber to within 5μm of a specified target location. A single Cobra fiber positioner measures 7.7mm in diameter and is 115mm tall. The Cobra fiber positioner uses two piezo-electric rotary motors to move a fiber optic anywhere in a 9.5mm diameter patrol area. In preparation for full-scale production of 2550 Cobra positioners an Engineering Model (EM) version was developed, built and tested to validate the design, reduce manufacturing costs, and improve system reliability. The EM leveraged the previously developed prototype versions of the Cobra fiber positioner. The requirements, design, assembly techniques, development testing, design qualification and performance evaluation of EM Cobra fiber positioners are described here. Also discussed is the use of the EM build and test campaign to validate the plans for full-scale production of 2550 Cobra fiber positioners scheduled to begin in late-2014.
Optical Engineering | 2007
Karsten Seiferlin; Sumita Chakraborty; Kurt Gunderson; Josef Fischer; Benjamin Lÿuthi; Daniele Piazza; Martin Rieder; Martin Sigrist; Nicolas Thomas; T. Weigel
The BepiColombo Laser Altimeter (BELA), part of the payload of the European Space Agencys BepiColombo mission, is designed to point a telescope with a 200-mm aperture toward a surface that can reach 700 K. Furthermore, direct sunlight can shine into the instrument at angles of 38 deg from the boresight. At Mercury, the solar flux can exceed 14 kW m−2. A baffle for such conditions must both reduce straylight to the best possible extent and minimize the heat load to the spacecraft, i.e., the sum of absorbed visible light and infrared flux. We describe the design and manufacture, including coating, of a reflective baffle. The baffle is made by diamond turning of aluminum and has a clear aperture of 200 mm, about 300-mm length, and a mass of 716 g.
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science | 2017
Davide Lasi; Marek Tulej; Stefan Meyer; Matthias Lüthi; André Galli; Daniele Piazza; Peter Wurz; Davide Reggiani; Hualin Xiao; R. Marcinkowski; Wojtek Hajdas; Alberto Cervelli; Stefan Karlsson; Thomas Matthew Carpenter Knight; M. Grande; Stas Barabash
Detectors of scientific instruments on spacecraft flying through Jupiter radiation belts need to be protected from high fluxes of penetrating radiation by means of radiation shields. Electrons constitute the most difficult component of Jupiter’s magnetosphere to shield from, because of their abundance, penetration depth in matter, and intensity of bremsstrahlung radiation generated upon interaction with the shielding material. For the Neutral and Ion Mass spectrometer (NIM) of the Particle Environment Package (PEP) instrument suite on board the European Space Agency’s mission JUpiter Icy moons Explorer (JUICE), we devised a shielding design made of an aluminum and tantalum stack to reduce the radiation-induced noise on its Micro-Channel Plate (MCP) detector. To predict the expected radiation background in the mass spectra in space, we manufactured a flight-like shielded detector and submitted it to radiation testing at the Paul Scherrer Institut with an electron beam in the energy range ~ 30 to ~ 345 MeV. The results of this test provide a verification of the NIM capability to fulfill its science requirements in the mission’s worst-case scenario (the Europa flyby), and give insights into new directions of optimization of shielding elements’ design for NIM and similar instrument bound to operate in a harsh radiation environment.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2016
Roberto Ragazzoni; Demetrio Magrin; H. Rauer; I. Pagano; Valerio Nascimbeni; Giampaolo Piotto; Daniele Piazza; Patrick Levacher; Mario Schweitzer; S. Basso; Timothy Bandy; Willy Benz; Maria Bergomi; Federico Biondi; Anko Boerner; F. Borsa; Alexis Brandeker; Mathias Brändli; Giordano Bruno; J. Cabrera; Simonetta Chinellato; Thierry De Roche; Marco Dima; A. Erikson; Jacopo Farinato; Matteo Munari; Mauro Ghigo; Davide Greggio; M. Gullieuszik; Maximilian Klebor
PLATO stands for PLAnetary Transits and Oscillation of stars and is a Medium sized mission selected as M3 by the European Space Agency as part of the Cosmic Vision program. The strategy behind is to scrutinize a large fraction of the sky collecting lightcurves of a large number of stars and detecting transits of exo-planets whose apparent orbit allow for the transit to be visible from the Earth. Furthermore, as the transit is basically able to provide the ratio of the size of the transiting planet to the host star, the latter is being characterized by asteroseismology, allowing to provide accurate masses, radii and hence density of a large sample of extra solar bodies. In order to be able to then follow up from the ground via spectroscopy radial velocity measurements these candidates the search must be confined to rather bright stars. To comply with the statistical rate of the occurrence of such transits around these kind of stars one needs a telescope with a moderate aperture of the order of one meter but with a Field of View that is of the order of 50 degrees in diameter. This is achieved by splitting the optical aperture into a few dozens identical telescopes with partially overlapping Field of View to build up a mixed ensemble of differently covered area of the sky to comply with various classes of magnitude stars. The single telescopes are refractive optical systems with an internally located pupil defined by a CaF2 lens, and comprising an aspheric front lens and a strong field flattener optical element close to the detectors mosaic. In order to continuously monitor for a few years with the aim to detect planetary transits similar to an hypothetical twin of the Earth, with the same revolution period, the spacecraft is going to be operated while orbiting around the L2 Lagrangian point of the Earth-Sun system so that the Earth disk is no longer a constraints potentially interfering with such a wide field continuous uninterrupted survey.
Applied Optics | 2012
Sumita Chakraborty; Michael Affolter; Kurt Gunderson; Jakob Neubert; Nicolas Thomas; Thomas Beck; Michael Gerber; Stefan Graf; Daniele Piazza; Antoine Pommerol; Guillaume Roethlisberger; Karsten Seiferlin
The accurate co-alignment of the transmitter to the receiver of the BepiColombo Laser Altimeter is a challenging task for which an original alignment concept had to be developed. We present here the design, construction and testing of a large collimator facility built to fulfill the tight alignment requirements. We describe in detail the solution found to attenuate the high energy of the instrument laser transmitter by an original beam splitting pentaprism group. We list the different steps of the calibration of the alignment facility and estimate the errors made at each of these steps. We finally prove that the current facility is ready for the alignment of the flight instrument. Its angular accuracy is 23 μrad.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2010
Demetrio Magrin; Matteo Munari; I. Pagano; Daniele Piazza; Roberto Ragazzoni; Carmelo Arcidiacono; S. Basso; Marco Dima; Jacopo Farinato; Lisa Gambicorti; G. Gentile; Mauro Ghigo; E. Pace; Giampaolo Piotto; Salvatore Scuderi; Valentina Viotto; Wolfgang Zima; Claude Catala
The project PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) is one of the three medium class (M class) missions selected in 2010 for definition study in the framework of the ESA Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 program. The main scientific goals of PLATO are the i) discovery and study of extra-solar planetary systems, (including those hosting Earth-like planets in their habitable zone) by means of planetary transits detection from space and radial velocity follow-up from ground, and ii) the characterization of the hosting stars through seismic analysis, in order to determine with high accuracy planetary masses and ages. According to the study made by the PLATO Payload Consortium (PPLC) during the PLATO assessment phase, the scientific payload consists of 34 all refractive telescopes having small aperture (120 mm) and wide field of view (greater than 1000 degree2) observing over 0.5-1 micron wavelength band. The telescopes are mounted on a common optical bench and are divided in four families with an overlapping line-of-sight in order to maximize the science return. In this paper, we will describe the detailed design of the Telescope Optical Units (TOUs) focusing on the selected optical configuration and the expected performances.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2016
Lisa Gambicorti; Daniele Piazza; Antoine Pommerol; Victoria Ann Roloff; Michael Gerber; Ruth Ziethe; M. R. El-Maarry; T. Weigel; M. Johnson; D. Vernani; E. Pelò; V. Da Deppo; G. Cremonese; I. Ficai Veltroni; Nicolas Thomas
The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) is the high-resolution scientific imager on board the European Space Agency’s (ESA) ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) which was launched on 14th March 2016 to Mars. CaSSIS will observe the Martian surface from an altitude of 400 km with an optical system based on a modified TMA telescope (Three Mirrors Anastigmatic configuration) with a 4th powered folding mirror. The camera EPD (Entrance Pupil Diameter) is 135 mm, and the expected focal length is 880 mm, giving an F# 6.5 in the wavelength range of 400- 1100 nm with a distortion designed to be less than 2%. CaSSIS will operate in a “push-frame” mode with a monolithic Filter Strip Assembly (FSA) produced by Optics Balzers Jena GmbH selecting 4 colour bands and integrated on the focal plane by Leonardo-Finmeccanica SpA (under TAS-I responsibility). The detector is a spare of the Simbio-Sys detector of the Italian Space Agency (ASI), developed by Raytheon Vision Systems. It is a 2kx2k hybrid Si-PIN array with a 10 μm pixel pitch. A scale of 4.6 m/px from the nominal orbit is foreseen to produce frames of 9.4 km × 47 km on the Martian surface. The University of Bern was in charge of the full instrument integration as well as the characterization of the focal plane and calibration of the entire instrument. The paper will present an overview of the CaSSIS telescope and FPA optical performance. The preliminary results of on-ground calibration and the first commissioning campaign (April 2016) will be described.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2014
Demetrio Magrin; Jacopo Farinato; Gabriele Umbriaco; Kalyan Kumar Radhakrishnan Santhakumari; Maria Bergomi; Marco Dima; Davide Greggio; Luca Marafatto; Roberto Ragazzoni; Valentina Viotto; Matteo Munari; I. Pagano; G. Scandariato; Salvatore Scuderi; Giampaolo Piotto; Thomas Beck; Willy Benz; Christopher Broeg; Virginie Cessa; Andrea Fortier; Daniele Piazza
Spreading the PSF over a quite large amount of pixels is an increasingly used observing technique in order to reach extremely precise photometry, such as in the case of exoplanets searching and characterization via transits observations. A PSF top-hat profile helps to minimize the errors contribution due to the uncertainty on the knowledge of the detector flat field. This work has been carried out during the recent design study in the framework of the ESA small mission CHEOPS. Because of lack of perfect flat-fielding information, in the CHEOPS optics it is required to spread the light of a source into a well defined angular area, in a manner as uniform as possible. Furthermore this should be accomplished still retaining the features of a true focal plane onto the detector. In this way, for instance, the angular displacement on the focal plane is fully retained and in case of several stars in a field these look as separated as their distance is larger than the spreading size. An obvious way is to apply a defocus, while the presence of an intermediate pupil plane in the Back End Optics makes attractive to introduce here an optical device that is able to spread the light in a well defined manner, still retaining the direction of the chief ray hitting it. This can be accomplished through an holographic diffuser or through a lenslet array. Both techniques implement the concept of segmenting the pupil into several sub-zones where light is spread to a well defined angle. We present experimental results on how to deliver such PSF profile by mean of holographic diffuser and lenslet array. Both the devices are located in an intermediate pupil plane of a properly scaled laboratory setup mimicking the CHEOPS optical design configuration.
Measurement Science and Technology | 2011
Nicolas Thomas; Thomas Beck; Sumita Chakraborty; Michael Gerber; S Graf; Daniele Piazza; G Roethlisberger
We report on the design, construction and testing of a wide-beam continuous solar simulator which can be used to simulate air mass zero (AM0) solar irradiance at fluxes of up to 6.5 solar constants. The instrument has been designed to produce a steady collimated beam with a homogeneous flux distribution across an aperture area of diameter 290 mm. The instrument is being used to test hardware designed to fly on the ESA/JAXA space mission to Mercury, BepiColombo. It has applications for other spacecraft missions which envisage passing inside the orbit of Venus (e.g. Solar Orbiter).
Proceedings of SPIE | 2010
Jacopo Farinato; Valentina Viotto; G. Gentile; Marco Dima; Demetrio Magrin; Daniele Piazza; Roberto Ragazzoni; Giampaolo Piotto; I. Pagano; Carmelo Arcidiacono; S. Basso; Willy Benz; Lisa Gambicorti; Mauro Ghigo; Matteo Munari; E. Pace; Salvatore Scuderi; C. Catala
PLATO is the acronym of PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars, and it is a mission proposed for the ESA Cosmic Vision program in the Medium size program, with the target to detect and characterize exoplanets by the means of their transit on a bright star. The instrumental overall layout proposed by the Plato Payload Consortium consists in a multitelescope concept instrument, composed by several tens of telescope units, for which we are developing an all refractive optical solution. These devices are characterized by a very large Field of View (more than 20 degrees on one side) with an optical quality that fits most of the energy into a single CCD pixel. Such a goal can be achieved in a variety of solutions, some including aspheric elements as well. A complete prototype of one telescope unit is foreseen to be built initially (during phase B1) to show the alignment feasibility and, only in a second moment (Phase B2), to perform full environmental and functional test. The aim of this article is to describe the alignment, integration and verification strategy of the opto-mechanics of the prototype. Both the approaches of testing the telescope at the target working temperature or to test it at ambient temperature around a displaced zero point, taking into account the effects of thermal deformations, are considered and briefly sketched in this work.