Dong-Uk Cho
Chungbuk Provincial College
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Featured researches published by Dong-Uk Cho.
The Kips Transactions:partb | 2008
Se-Hwan Lee; Bong-Hyun Kim; Dong-Uk Cho
ABSTRACT Despite the effectiveness of oriental medical practice in the diagnosis of symptoms and providing cure to it, the preferences in western medicinal values is socially prevalent. The diagnosis of a disease using western medicinal practices provides us with an objective diagnostic result, however, decisions by oriental doctors are based on their heuristic intuitions developed by practice and experience. Objective solutions for the cure of symptoms using oriental medical therapy can have a high impact on the world market. Therefore, development of diagnostic machines based on oriental therapy can enhance the Ocular Inspection which is evaluated as one of the best diagnostic treatment among Oriental Medical Science, is not researched much compared to other diagnoses. Because there is no color diagnosis rules for digital machines to analyze the actual color, looking at the persons face color is one of the most important components to diagnose the disease or illness. The thesis proposes the implementation of absolute observing a persons face color standards of the color settings for objective diagnosis. As a results, comparative digital color analysis for observing a persons face color can be the most effective rule based Color scheme system to diagnose disease. A standard solution for the researching conditions is suggested to reduce the variable which may occur depending on the differences between the researching conditions.Keywords:Ocular inspection, Oriental medicine, Color scheme, Observing a persons face color, Standardization
The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences | 2012
Bong-Hyun Kim; Dong-Uk Cho
One of the most important means in modern NQ emphasized smart society is the communication skill. Especially, effects on improving pronunciation accuracy, it is mostly necessary to accurately express his or her own idea due to the personal relation influence 38% of voice. For this, this paper proposed the voice influence analysis of carbonate drink and eucalyptus fragrance. In particular, in the case of carbonate drink, the amounts of drinking accumulation is verified for analysing the drinking accumulation influence. Also, eucalyptus fragrance is reported for influencing the pronunciation accuracy. For this, jitter, shimmer, pitch and intensity of voice is analyzed. Finally, we accomplish an voice analysis of quantization, objective and visualization for such carbonate drink and eucalyptus fragrance.
The Kips Transactions:partb | 2011
Bong-Hyun Kim; Dong-Uk Cho
There is getting worse to various liver diseases due to change in eating habits, stress, alcohol etc in modern society. Therefore, we proposed methodology to diagnose early for liver disease to study the influence on voice in liver diseases. To this end, we carried out experiment to apply parameter of voice analysis to collect each voice inpatients and patients by treatment of liver diseases patients. Particularly, we carried out experiment to apply element value of pronunciation and the third formant frequency bandwidths about velar sounds associated liver in oriental medicine, then to produce objective index resonance cavity and influence vocalization in liver diseases. In addition, we carried out to study about design of system to monitoring a liver function in u-Health environment based on result by experiment.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2011
Bong-Hyun Kim; Dong-Uk Cho; Kil-Sung Han; Younglae Bae
Abstract We propose an efficiency analysis method to test whether Schisandra tea is beneficial to the health of internal organs, and, if so, to find which organ is mostly benefited. Firstly, for this, the color change in the right cheek region of face images before and after drinking Schisandra tea is analyzed using image processing techniques. Also, acoustic analysis experiments on both of the vocal cords vibration and the intensity value of acoustic signal are performed to investigate further Schisandra teas effectiveness. The results of lung function smoothly by eating omijacha become. Vocal cords vibration and voice energy intensity of the right cheek region has changed a steady increase of the b values were observed. Key Words : Image Analysis, Acoustic Analysis, Schisandra Tea, Right Cheek, Vocal Cords, Intensity, * 교신저자 : 조동욱([email protected])접수일 11년 05월 06일 수정일 (1차 11년 06월 08일, 2차 11년 06월 13일) 게재확정일 11년 07월 07일 1. 서론 현재 우리나라는 OECD 국가 중 평균 수명은 높은 편이지만 건강 수명은 66세로 가장 낮은 편이다. 이를 해결하기 위해서는 질병의 치료보다는 예방과 보건, 약품보다는 식품을 통해 우리의 건강 수명을 높이는 것에 대한 방안이 적극 강구되어야 하는 실정이다. 통상 우리의 일상생활에서 건강 수명을 높이기 위한 방법으로는 음식 섭취와 규칙적인 운동의 방법이 사용되어진다. 또한 이를 위한 다양한 운동법이나 건강 보조식품 등이 나오고 있는 것도 정확한 현 실정이다. 그런데 현재 중요한 것 중 하나가 건강 중진에 도움이 된다고 하여 즐겨 먹는 건강 보조 식품 등이 실제 건강 증진에 도움이 되느냐 하는 것이다. 그러나 현재까지 이를 위한 과학적, 객관적, 정략적, 시각화된 결과가 전무한 실정이라는 사실이다. 즉, 몸에 좋다고 하여 마시기는 하지만 이를 규명할 과학적 자료가 현재까지 존재하지 않았다. 이를 위해 본 논문에서는 IT 기술을 적용하여 우리들이 건강 증진을 위해 가장 많이 섭취하는 차 종류의 음식물이 실제 효과가 있는 것인지에 대한 분석을 행하고자 한다. 그 중 본 논문에서는 우선적으로 오미자차를 연구 대상으로 잡았다. 오미자라는 이름이 단맛, 신맛, 매운맛, 짠맛, 쓴맛을 갖고 있다고
The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences | 2011
Bong-Hyun Kim; Dong-Uk Cho
One of the most important means in modem NQ (Network Quotient) emphasized society is the communication skill. Therefore, it is mostly necessary to accurately express his or her own idea and maximize own communication competence. For this, efforts on improving pronunciation accuracy, such as pronunciation stretching practice and vocal cords reflex point acupressure therapy, have been devoted for communication competence in daily life. However, objective and positive method to substantiate such efforts has not yet been studied to find if the methods can improve pronunciation accuracy in effect. We, therefore, propose an IT based method of substantiation and quantization for such pronunciation accuracy improvement methods. Voice analysis on voice data sample of 30 males in 20s, before and after pronunciation stretching practice and vocal cords reflex point acupressure, has been performed in this paper.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2011
Bong-Hyun Kim; Dong-Uk Cho; Kil-Sung Han
In this paper, measure of change the speech analysis parameter by stimulating ears blood points corresponding to cardiac. To do this, we collected voice of before and after a stimulation corresponding points to ears to select normal heart having 10 subjects. We analyzed changes before and after corresponding points to ear in cardiac to apply Jitter, the second zFormant Frequency Bandwidths related to heart of elements of voice analysis. As a result of us experiment, we were able to analyze correlation of voice with cardiac according to corresponding points to ears decreased values of Jitter, the Second Formant Frequency Bandwidths of 90% of subjects. Finally, the effectiveness of proposed method is demonstrated by several experiments.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2009
Bong-Hyun Kim; Dong-Uk Cho
Due to poor linguistic communication skills of sucklings and infants, crying mostly is only means of communication to express their body conditions and desires. We, therefore, developed an infant auscultation system which detects which part of the body has a pathological problem, by analysing infant`s crying sound patterns. Specifically, in this paper, we accomplished an auscultation system for congenital heart diseases detection by performing pitch, intensity and spectrum analysis of the crying sounds between the normal infants group and the congenital heart diseases group. With this system, we can diagnose congenital heart diseases of infants with poor communication capacity, and, in the near future, can build a home care diagnosis system based on crying sound analysis technologies through additional experiments on medical data.
international conference on future generation communication and networking | 2008
Ji-Hyun Kwak; Kyung-Tae Kim; Bong-Hyun Kim; Se-Hwan Lee; Min-Kyoung Ka; Dong-Uk Cho
In this paper, we present an algorithm for synthesizing intermediate view image from a stereoscopic pair of images. The proposed method is based on disparity space image. First of all, disparity space image that is depicted by the gap of pixel followed by disparity of stereo image is generated. Disparity map is made by utilizing disparity space image for searching for optimal disparity path then eventual intermediate view image is generated after occlusion region which does not match is processed. Experimental results illustrate the performance of the proposed technique and we obtained a high quality image of more than 30 dB PSNR.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society | 2008
Se-Hwan Lee; Bong-Hyun Kim; Min-Kyoung Ka; Dong-Uk Cho; Ji-Hyun Kwak; Sang-Young Oh; Younglae Bae
Sasang medicine is our country`s unique traditional medicine based on the classification of individual physical constitution. In the Sasang medicine, what is considered the most important task is to categorize Sasang constitution exactly. Therefore, security of objective elements and diagnosis index is a problem awaiting solution in Sasang constitution classification. To this the paper abstracted result value from objectification, visualization, a fixed quantity of Sasang constitution to analyze face image signals and voice signals. And, comparing the differences constitution would like to develop system classification of Sasang constitution. Specially, image and voice signals are different because of gender, age, region so it composed Sasang constitution group to 40-50 years women in Seoul. To extract of these image and voice signals wanted to perform comparison, analysis in constitution. Finally, it would like to prove a significance of research result through experiment.
The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences | 2012
Bong-Hyun Kim; Dong-Uk Cho
폐질환은 대부분 흡연과 대기 오염으로 발병하며 한 번 손상된 폐는 기능 회복이 어려워 생명 연장의 위험 질환이며 현대인의 6대 질병 중 하나로 사회적 관심이 증대되고 있다 . 따라서 평소 흡연을 하지 말며 폐 기능 강화를 위한 행위를 행해야 호흡기 질환으로 고통 받는 경우의 수를 줄일 수 있을 것으로 여겨진다 . 본 논문에서는 귀의 혈 자리가 인체 장기와 연계되어 있다는 이혈요법을 적용하여 폐와 상응하는 귀의 혈 자리를 자극했을 때 실제 폐 기능 강화에 도움이 되는지를 음성 분석 기술에 의해 규명하는 방법을 제안하고자 한다 . 이를 위해 우선 인체가 폐에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위한 선행 연구로 흡연 전 /후의 음성 변화를 고찰하고자 한다. 이를 기반으로 폐와 상응하는 이혈점을 자극하기 전과 후의 음성 특징 차이를 분석하여 폐의 이혈점 자극이 실제 폐 기능 향상에 도움이 되는지를 수치적, 정량적으로 규명해 내고자 한다.Key Words : Lung, Lung Ear Reflex Point Stimulation, Intensity, Voice Analysis, Formant Frequency Bandwidth.ABSTRACTMostly lung diseases by smoking and air pollution is increasing social interest one of 6 kinds of modern diseases which is difficult functional recovery of damaged lung as dangerous diseases of life extension. Therefore, to reduce suffering from respiratory diseases is usually non-smoking, to do strengthen behavior of lung function. In this paper, we would like to propose method to do investigation by voice analysis technology to apply when lung associated ear acupuncture point stimulus to help strengthen actually lung function. From this, we would like to consider the voice change of before/after in smoking to analyze the impact on the human body to the lungs. Based on this experiment, we would like to investigate numerically quantity data actual improved lung function to analyze of voice character difference of before/after in lung associated ear acupuncture point stimulating.