Doreen Reifegerste
Hanover College
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Featured researches published by Doreen Reifegerste.
Mobile media and communication | 2017
Saskia Klenk; Doreen Reifegerste; Rebecca Renatus
Previous research has shown gender differences in the motivations to be physically active, in mobile phone gratifications, and social media usage, but so far these areas have not been studied together. Based on the uses and gratification approach and self-determination theory, we aimed to identify gender-specific gratifications and determinants of fitness app usage in combination with fitness-related Facebook groups. Results of an online survey (N = 171) and of a mobile experience sampling method (N = 31) revealed that the app Runtastic was primarily used for achieving goals and to improve enjoyment for physical activity, with men and older participants sharing results with others in Facebook groups more often than women and younger participants. Conclusions regarding gender-specific targeting strategies and user-centered design and content of mHealth features are presented.
International Journal of Medical Informatics | 2017
Doreen Reifegerste; Katrin Wasgien; Lutz M. Hagen
PURPOSE Worldwide, the number of obese persons continues to grow. Online-mediated self-help groups represent an opportunity for obese persons to support each other. The aim of our study was to evaluate whether and how the use of and active participation in online self-help groups is associated with perceived informational and emotional support among obese adults. METHODS We conducted an online-based questionnaire (N=230) with users of online self-help groups for obese adults in Germany. RESULTS Findings revealed that forum activity is significantly correlated with perceived informational and emotional support. While asking questions was strongly correlated with both types of social support, sharing opinions and answering posts were more strongly correlated with perceived emotional support. CONCLUSION The level of social support in online communities depends on an individuals forum activity. Our findings offer a foundation for professionals in the health care sector to enhance their understanding, make recommendations, and further develop online self-help groups.
Health Communication | 2017
Doreen Reifegerste; Constanze Rossmann
ABSTRACT Past research in social and health psychology has shown that affiliation motivation is associated with health behavior, especially for high-risk populations, suggesting that targeting this motivation could be a promising strategy to promote physical activity. However, the effects that affiliation appeals (e.g., pictures depicting companionship during physical activities) and accompanying slogans have on motivating physical activity have been largely unexplored. Hence, our two studies experimentally tested the effects of exposure to affiliation-based pictures for overweight or less active people, as well as the moderating effect of affiliation motivation. The results of these two studies give some indication that group pictures (with or without an accompanying slogan) can be an effective strategy to improve high-risk populations’ attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions to engage in physical activity. Affiliation motivation as a personality trait did not interact with these effects, but was positively associated with attitudes, independent of the group picture effect.
International Journal of Medical Informatics | 2017
Doreen Reifegerste; Marko Bachl; Eva Baumann
OBJECTIVES Health information seeking on behalf of others is an important form of social support by which laypeople provide important sources of information for patients. Based on social network theory, we analyze whether this phenomenon also occurs in offline sources. We also seek to learn more about the type of relationships between information seekers and patients, as research to date indicates that surrogate seeking mostly occurs in close relationships between the seeker and the patient. METHODS Using a large-scale representative survey from the 28 member states of the European Union (N=26,566), our data comprise all respondents who reported seeking health information online or offline (n=18,750; 70.6%). RESULTS Within the past year, 61.0% of the online health information seekers and 61.1% of the offline health information seekers had searched on behalf of someone else. Independent of the information channel, surrogate seekers primarily searched for health information for family members (online: 89.8%; offline: 92.8%); they were significantly less likely to search for information on behalf of someone with whom they had weaker ties, such as colleagues (online: 25.1%; offline: 24.4%). In a multilevel generalized linear model, living together with someone was by far the most relevant determinant for surrogate seeking, with differences between countries or Internet activity being less important. CONCLUSION These results support the assumptions of social network theory. Implications are discussed, especially with regard to the provision of adequate health information.
Archive | 2016
Lars Guenther; Sabrina Heike Kessler; Doreen Reifegerste
Regelmasige korperliche Aktivitat ist eine der effektivsten Praventionsmasnahmen, um einer Vielzahl an Gesundheitsrisiken vorzubeugen (Warburton, Nicol, & Bredin, 2006). Evaluationen zeigen, dass sich massenmediale Kampagnen eignen, um die korperliche Bewegung eines Individuums zu steigern (Leavy, Bull, Rosenberg, & Bauman, 2011). Unklar ist indes, welche Art von Botschaftsstrategien hierbei am effektivsten ist. Bisher hat sich die Forschung zu Praventionsbotschaften zur Forderung korperlicher Aktivitat vor allem auf den Text der Anzeigen konzentriert (z. B. Latimer, Brawley, & Bassett, 2010; Priebe & Spink, 2012) und visuelle Botschaften grostenteils vernachlassigt. Dies ist umso erstaunlicher, da Bilder in Bewegungskampagnen durchaus haufig zum Einsatz kommen (Berry, McCarville, & Rhodes, 2008) und sich fur andere Themen der Gesundheitskommunikation bisher als effektiv erwiesen haben (Houts, Doak, Doak, & Loscalzo, 2006).
Archive | 2015
Doreen Reifegerste
The online provision of personal health data is an important step towards increased patient empowerment. Health insurance providers can offer fast, easy and individual access to accounting data for their clients. However, the implementation of such internet tools is fraught with a variety of challenges, and several technical and legal aspects have to be considered. The structure and labeling of accounting data is not intended for usage by laypersons; it is therefore necessary to translate medical and accounting terms in a user-friendly way. If this is not done, misunderstandings and misinterpretations can lead to confusion and frustration on the part of patients, as well as to conflicts with care providers.
Archive | 2014
Doreen Reifegerste; Franziska Oelschlägel; May-Britt Schumacher
Gesundheits-PR stellt eine wichtige Strategie in der massenmedialen Gesundheitskommunikation dar, um die Bevolkerung uber gesundheitsforderliches bzw. krankheitspraventives Verhalten zu informieren. Wahrend fur Unternehmen die identische Ubernahme ihrer Pressemitteilungen ein wichtiges Erfolgskriterium der Offentlichkeitsarbeit darstellt, wird dies aus normativer Sicht der Journalismusforschung grundsatzlich sehr kritisch eingeschatzt. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden inhaltsanalytischen Studie zeigen, dass der Gesundheitsjournalismus fur Akteure im Gesundheitsmarkt eine geeignete Moglichkeit darstellt, nicht nur auf Gesundheitsprobleme und -risiken hinzuweisen, sondern auch Bewaltigungsmoglichkeiten anzubieten. Andererseits bleibt aufgrund der weitreichenden Ubernahme der Pressemitteilungen fraglich, ob Journalisten dem Anspruch an neutrale und objektive Berichterstattung gerecht werden.
Archive | 2012
Doreen Reifegerste; Uta Schwarz; Thomas Niemand
Praventionsanzeigen sind ein wirksames und haufig eingesetztes Mittel, um in der Bevolkerung das Bewusstsein fur Gesundheitsprobleme zu wecken, Wissen zu vermitteln, Einstellungen sowie Verhaltensintentionen zu pragen und gesundheitsschadigende Verhaltensweisen zu unterbinden (vgl. Rice/Atkin 2001). Als Themen von Praventionsanzeigen kommen damit grundsatzlich alle Krankheiten bzw. Risikoverhaltensweisen infrage, die sich durch eine Verhaltensanderung beeinflussen lassen. Hierzu zahlen sowohl Themen der Gesundheitsforderung (u. a. Ernahrung und Bewegung) als auch der Risikovorbeugung (u. a. AIDS, Rauchen, Verkehrsverhalten) (vgl. Rossmann 2010).
Archive | 2012
Doreen Reifegerste
Im Alltagsgebrauch werden Praventionsanzeigen oft mit Furchtappellen gleichgesetzt. Entsprechend hat sich die Forschung lange und intensiv vor allem mit dieser Form der Kommunikation auseinandergesetzt (vgl. Hastall 2010). Klassischerweise werden dabei vor allem die gesundheitlichen Risiken einer Verhaltensweise dargestellt. Wahrend diese Furchtappelle bei alteren Erwachsenen gesundheitsforderliche Absichten steigern konnen, haben sie bei Jugendlichen oft keine oder sogar negative Wirkungen (vgl. Keller/Lehmann 2008; Pechmann/Reibling 2006).
Archive | 2012
Doreen Reifegerste; Kerstin Seitz; André Theis
Der zunehmend schlechte Gesundheitszustand vieler Kinder und Jugendlicher in Deutschland gibt Anlass zur Besorgnis. Bereits jedes funfte Kind hat Gewichtsprobleme, mehr als die Halfte der Kinder haben Haltungsschaden (vgl. Kurth/Schaffrath 2007). Ubergewicht schrankt die Freude der Kinder ein, sich sportlich zu betatigen, was eine weitere Gewichtszunahme nach sich zieht. Das Resultat ist ein Kreislauf, der sich nicht selten bis ins Erwachsenenalter hinein ungunstig auf die Personlichkeitsentwicklung und den Gesundheitszustand des Einzelnen auswirkt.