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Molecular Ecology | 2003

Evidence of a hybrid-zone in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Baltic and the Danish Belt Sea revealed by individual admixture analysis

Einar Eg Nielsen; Michael M. Hansen; Daniel E. Ruzzante; Dorte Meldrup; Peter Grønkjær

The study of hybrid zones is central to our understanding of the genetic basis of reproductive isolation and speciation, yet very little is known about the extent and significance of hybrid zones in marine fishes. We examined the population structure of cod in the transition area between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea employing nine microsatellite loci. Genetic differentiation between the North Sea sample and the rest increased along a transect to the Baltic proper, with a large increase in level of differentiation occurring in the Western Baltic area. Our objective was to determine whether this pattern was caused purely by varying degrees of mechanical mixing of North Sea and Baltic Sea cod or by interbreeding and formation of a hybrid swarm. Simulation studies revealed that traditional Hardy–Weinberg analysis did not have sufficient power for detection of a Wahlund effect. However, using a model‐based clustering method for individual admixture analysis, we were able to demonstrate the existence of intermediate genotypes in all samples from the transition area. Accordingly, our data were explained best by a model of a hybrid swarm flanked by pure nonadmixed populations in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea proper. Significant correlation of gene identities across loci (gametic phase disequilibrium) was found only in a sample from the Western Baltic, suggesting this area as the centre of the apparent hybrid zone. A hybrid zone for cod in the ecotone between the high‐saline North Sea and the low‐saline Baltic Sea is discussed in relation to its possible origin and maintenance, and in relation to a classical study of haemoglobin variation in cod from the Baltic Sea/Danish Belt Sea, suggesting mixing of two divergent populations without interbreeding.

Molecular Ecology | 2004

Genetic population structure of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) supports the presence of multiple hybrid zones for marine fishes in the transition zone between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea

Einar Eg Nielsen; Peter H. Nielsen; Dorte Meldrup; Michael M. Hansen

Genetic population structure of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) in the Northeast Atlantic was investigated using eight highly variable microsatellite loci. In total 706 individuals from eight locations with temporal replicates were assayed, covering an area from the French Bay of Biscay to the Aaland archipelago in the Baltic Sea. In contrast to previous genetic studies of turbot, we found significant genetic differentiation among samples with a maximum pairwise FST of 0.032. Limited or no genetic differentiation was found among samples within the Atlantic/North Sea area and within the Baltic Sea, suggesting high gene flow among populations in these areas. In contrast, there was a sharp cline in genetic differentiation going from the low saline Baltic Sea to the high saline North Sea. The data were explained best by two divergent populations connected by a hybrid zone; however, a mechanical mixing model could not be ruled out. A significant part of the genetic variance could be ascribed to variation among years within locality. Nevertheless, the population structure was relatively stable over time, suggesting that the observed pattern of genetic differentiation is biologically significant. This study suggests that hybrid zones are a common phenomenon for marine fishes in the transition area between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea and highlights the importance of using interspecific comparisons for inferring population structure in high gene flow species such as most marine fishes.

Molecular Ecology | 2006

Evidence of microsatellite hitch‐hiking selection in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.): implications for inferring population structure in nonmodel organisms

Einar Eg Nielsen; Michael M. Hansen; Dorte Meldrup

Microsatellites have gained wide application for elucidating population structure in nonmodel organisms. Since they are generally noncoding, neutrality is assumed but rarely tested. In Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.), microsatellite studies have revealed highly heterogeneous estimates of genetic differentiation among loci. In particular one locus, Gmo 132, has demonstrated elevated genetic differentiation. We investigated possible hitch‐hiking selection at this and other microsatellite loci in Atlantic cod. We employed 11 loci for analysing samples from the Baltic Sea, North Sea, Barents Sea and Newfoundland covering a large part of the species’ distributional range. The ‘classical’ Lewontin–Krakauer test for selection based on variance in estimates of FST and (standardized genetic differentiation) revealed only one significant pairwise test (North Sea–Barents Sea), and the source of the elevated variance could not be ascribed exclusively to Gmo 132. In contrast, different variants of the recently developed ln Rθ test for selective sweeps at microsatellite loci revealed a high number of significant outcomes of pair‐wise tests for Gmo 132. Further, the presence of selection was indicated in at least one other locus. The results suggest that many previous estimates of genetic differentiation in cod based on microsatellites are inflated, and in some cases relationships among populations are obscured by one or more loci being the subject to hitch‐hiking selection. Likewise, temporal estimates of effective population sizes in Atlantic cod may be flawed. We recommend, generally, to use a higher number of microsatellite loci to elucidate population structure in marine fishes and other nonmodel species to allow for identification of outlier loci that are subject to selection.

Nature | 2001

Fisheries. Population of origin of Atlantic cod.

Einar Eg Nielsen; Michael M. Hansen; Cathrin Schmidt; Dorte Meldrup; Peter Grønkjær

Most of the worlds cod (Gadus morhua) fisheries are now tightly regulated or closed altogether. Being able to link individual fish to their population of origin would assist enormously in policing regulations and in identifying poachers. Here we show that microsatellite genetic markers can be used to assign individual cod from three different populations in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean to their population of origin.

Molecular Ecology | 2004

Stocking impact and migration pattern in an anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta) complex: where have all the stocked spawning sea trout gone?

Daniel E. Ruzzante; Michael M. Hansen; Dorte Meldrup; Kaare M. Ebert

We examined polymorphism at seven microsatellite loci among sea trout (Salmo trutta) (n = 846) collected from three areas in the Limfjord (Denmark). We then assessed their potential population source by comparing, using a mixed stock analysis (MSA) Bayesian framework, their genetic composition to that of brown trout collected from 32 tributaries pooled into nine geographical regions (n = 3801) and two hatcheries (n = 222) used for stocking. For each of the three regional sea trout groups (western, central and eastern Limfjord, n = 91, n = 426, n = 329, respectively), MSA was conducted with (i) all individuals in the group, (ii) with the subset of spawning sea trout only and (iii) with the subset of foraging, nonspawning individuals only, a subset that consisted primarily of sea trout caught during their first year at sea. For all three regional sea trout groups, a higher proportion of individuals (regardless of whether they were foraging or spawning) appear to have originated from the rivers that drain locally, than from the rivers that drain in other parts of the Limfjord. This suggests (1) that sea trout, at least during their first year at sea, undertake limited migrations within the Limfjord system and (2) that sea trout on their spawning run were caught close to their natal rivers. The proportion of sea trout of hatchery origin varied widely among all three Limfjord areas and broadly reflected regional stocking histories, with high proportions of sea trout of domestic origin in the east (39.3%), where stocking with domestic trout was practised intensely at the time of sampling, and in the west (57.2%), where a programme of coastal stocking of post smolts took place over several years in the early 1990s. In contrast, in the central Limfjord, where stocking with domestic trout was largely abandoned in the early 1990s, the proportion of sea trout of domestic origin was only 8.5%. Interestingly, for all three regional sea trout groups, virtually no sea trout of hatchery origin were found among the spawning individuals, which were on average larger than the nonspawning sea trout. These results suggest that stocked domestic brown trout that become anadromous experience high mortality at sea and are therefore largely absent among the larger, spawning individuals. We conclude that sea trout of domestic origin exhibit much reduced ability to reproduce and are unlikely to contribute significantly to the local gene pool largely because of a relatively high mortality at sea before the onset of maturity.

Molecular Ecology | 2001

Distribution of individual inbreeding coefficients, relatedness and influence of stocking on native anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta) population structure

Daniel E. Ruzzante; Michael M. Hansen; Dorte Meldrup

We examined polymorphism at seven microsatellite loci in 4023 brown trout (Salmo trutta) collected from 32 tributaries to the Limfjord, Denmark (~200 km) and from two hatcheries used for stocking. Populations differ in their estimated sizes and stocking histories. Mean individual inbreeding coefficients do not differ among locations within rivers. Relatedness varies between sites within rivers indicating varied local dynamics at a very small geographical scale. Relatedness is sometimes lower than expected among an equal number of simulated individuals with randomized genotypes, suggesting structure within locations. Five per cent of the genetic variance is distributed among rivers (FST = 0.049), but in the western, less heavily stocked, area of the Limfjord a higher proportion of the genetic variance is distributed among rivers than among locations within rivers. The reverse is true of the eastern, more heavily stocked, area of the Limfjord. Here, a higher proportion of the genetic variance is distributed among locations within rivers than among rivers. Assignment tests reveal that the majority of trout (mean 77% of all fish) are more probably of local origin than hatchery origin but this proportion varies regionally, with rivers in the western area of the Limfjord showing a relatively high (mean 88%) and those in the eastern area showing a relatively low (mean 72%) proportion of locally assigned trout. These results can be interpreted as reflecting stocking impact. Also, the proportion of locally assigned trout correlates with the populations’ stocking histories, with rivers presently subjected to stocking (hatchery trout) showing low (mean ~0.73), and rivers where stocking was discontinued showing high (mean ~0.84) proportions of local fish, probably reflecting lower survival of hatchery than of wild trout. There is evidence for isolation by distance at a large geographical scale when individual river populations are pooled into nine geographical regions but not at a small geographical scale when populations are considered individually. We reject the null hypothesis that stocking has had no impact on population structure but the relatively high proportion of locally assigned trout in populations where stocking with domestic fish no longer takes place suggests limited long‐term success of stocking.

Evolutionary Applications | 2013

Spatiotemporal SNP analysis reveals pronounced biocomplexity at the northern range margin of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua

Nina Overgaard Therkildsen; Jakob Hemmer-Hansen; Rasmus Hedeholm; Mary S. Wisz; Christophe Pampoulie; Dorte Meldrup; Sara Bonanomi; Anja Retzel; Steffen M. Olsen; Einar Eg Nielsen

Accurate prediction of species distribution shifts in the face of climate change requires a sound understanding of population diversity and local adaptations. Previous modeling has suggested that global warming will lead to increased abundance of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the ocean around Greenland, but the dynamics of earlier abundance fluctuations are not well understood. We applied a retrospective spatiotemporal population genomics approach to examine the temporal stability of cod population structure in this region and to search for signatures of divergent selection over a 78‐year period spanning major demographic changes. Analyzing >900 gene‐associated single nucleotide polymorphisms in 847 individuals, we identified four genetically distinct groups that exhibited varying spatial distributions with considerable overlap and mixture. The genetic composition had remained stable over decades at some spawning grounds, whereas complete population replacement was evident at others. Observations of elevated differentiation in certain genomic regions are consistent with adaptive divergence between the groups, indicating that they may respond differently to environmental variation. Significantly increased temporal changes at a subset of loci also suggest that adaptation may be ongoing. These findings illustrate the power of spatiotemporal population genomics for revealing biocomplexity in both space and time and for informing future fisheries management and conservation efforts.

Molecular Ecology | 2013

Microevolution in time and space: SNP analysis of historical DNA reveals dynamic signatures of selection in Atlantic cod.

Nina Overgaard Therkildsen; Jakob Hemmer-Hansen; Thomas Damm Als; Douglas P. Swain; M. Joanne Morgan; Edward A. Trippel; Stephen R. Palumbi; Dorte Meldrup; Einar Eg Nielsen

Little is known about how quickly natural populations adapt to changes in their environment and how temporal and spatial variation in selection pressures interact to shape patterns of genetic diversity. We here address these issues with a series of genome scans in four overfished populations of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) studied over an 80‐year period. Screening of >1000 gene‐associated single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified 77 loci that showed highly elevated levels of differentiation, likely as an effect of directional selection, in either time, space or both. Exploratory analysis suggested that temporal allele frequency shifts at certain loci may correlate with local temperature variation and with life history changes suggested to be fisheries induced. Interestingly, however, largely nonoverlapping sets of loci were temporal outliers in the different populations and outliers from the 1928 to 1960 period showed almost complete stability during later decades. The contrasting microevolutionary trajectories among populations resulted in sequential shifts in spatial outliers, with no locus maintaining elevated spatial differentiation throughout the study period. Simulations of migration coupled with observations of temporally stable spatial structure at neutral loci suggest that population replacement or gene flow alone could not explain all the observed allele frequency variation. Thus, the genetic changes are likely to at least partly be driven by highly dynamic temporally and spatially varying selection. These findings have important implications for our understanding of local adaptation and evolutionary potential in high gene flow organisms and underscore the need to carefully consider all dimensions of biocomplexity for evolutionarily sustainable management.

Molecular Ecology Resources | 2011

Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms in candidate genes for growth and reproduction in a nonmodel organism; the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua

Jakob Hemmer-Hansen; Einar Eg Nielsen; Dorte Meldrup; Christian Mittelholzer

Recent technological developments have facilitated intensified searches for genetic markers under selection in nonmodel species. Here, we present an approach for the identification of candidate gene variation in nonmodel organisms. We report on the characterization of 82 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and on the development of a specific genotyping assay for 30 SNPs in 18 candidate genes for growth and reproduction in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). These markers can be used for scanning natural populations for signatures of selection in both contemporary and archived historical samples, for example in retrospective studies assessing the effects of environmental changes, such as increasing temperatures, and selection imposed by high fishing pressure. Furthermore, these gene markers may be of interest to aquaculture, serving as a starting point for linking phenotypic traits important for productivity with genotypes and potentially be of use for marker‐assisted selection in the future. This study demonstrates that the candidate gene approach is a valuable and targeted complement to the more random approach for discovering genetic variation in the genome and transcriptome applied through high throughput methods in nonmodel species.

Conservation Genetics | 2014

Conserving marine biodiversity: insights from life-history trait candidate genes in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

Jakob Hemmer-Hansen; Nina Overgaard Therkildsen; Dorte Meldrup; Einar Eg Nielsen

Recent technological developments have facilitated an increased focus on identifying genomic regions underlying adaptive trait variation in natural populations, and it has been advocated that this information should be important for designating population units for conservation. In marine fishes, phenotypic studies have suggested adaptation through divergence of life-history traits among natural populations, but the distribution of adaptive genetic variation in these species is still relatively poorly known. In this study, we extract information about the geographical distribution of genetic variation for 33 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with life-history trait candidate genes, and compare this to variation in 70 putatively neutral SNPs in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). We analyse samples covering the major population complexes in the eastern Atlantic and find strong evidence for non-neutral levels and patterns of population structuring for several of the candidate gene-associated markers, including two SNPs in the growth hormone 1 gene. Thus, this study aligns with findings from phenotypic studies, providing molecular data strongly suggesting that these or closely linked genes are under selection in natural populations of Atlantic cod. Furthermore, we find that patterns of variation in outlier markers do not align with those observed at selectively neutral markers, and that outlier markers identify conservation units on finer geographical scales than those revealed when analysing only neutral markers. Accordingly, results also suggest that information about adaptive genetic variation will be useful for targeted conservation and management in this and other marine species.


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Einar Eg Nielsen

Technical University of Denmark

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Jakob Hemmer-Hansen

Technical University of Denmark

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Sara Bonanomi

Technical University of Denmark

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Brian R. MacKenzie

Technical University of Denmark

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