Enrico Lippi Ortolani
University of São Paulo
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Featured researches published by Enrico Lippi Ortolani.
Research in Veterinary Science | 2009
Antonio Humberto Hamad Minervino; Raimundo Alves Barrêto Júnior; Rodrigo Nogueira Fernandes Ferreira; Frederico Rodrigues; Selwyn Arlington Headley; Clara Satsuki Mori; Enrico Lippi Ortolani
The susceptibility of cattle and buffalos to chronic copper poisoning (CCP) was compared by using cattle (n=10) and buffalo (n=10) steers distributed into two copper supplemented (n=6) and two control (n=4) groups. Supplemented animals received 2 mg copper (Cu)/kg body weight daily for one week, with an additional 2 mg weekly until the end of the experiment (day 105). Three liver biopsies (day 0, 45, and 105) were obtained for mineral analyses; clinical examinations and blood samples were obtained every 15days. Three supplemented cattle and two buffalos with typical manifestations of CCP died. There were no differences in the frequency of mortality between cattle and buffalos; hepatic copper concentration was higher in cattle than buffalos. These findings suggest that buffalos and cattle might be equally susceptible to CCP. However, buffalos accumulate less liver copper than cattle and have a lower threshold of hepatic Cu accumulation, which leads to clinical manifestation of CCP.
Parasitology Research | 2010
Samantha Yuri Oshiro Branco Valadas; Antonio Humberto Hamad Minervino; Valéria Marçal Felix de Lima; Rodrigo Martins Soares; Enrico Lippi Ortolani; Solange Maria Gennari
A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the occurrence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii, anti-Neospora caninum, and anti- Leishmania chagasi antibodies in dogs of the state of Pará, Brazil. For this purpose, 129 blood samples were collected from dogs of different ages and gender. Samples of 72 dogs were collected from 39 rural properties from 19 municipalities, and 57 samples were from stray dogs, collected after captivity by the Center of Zoonosis Control from the municipality of Santarém. The sera were analyzed for anti-T. gondii and anti-N. caninum antibodies by indirect fluorescent antibody tests with cutoff values of 1:16 and 1:50, respectively. For the presence of L. chagasi antibodies, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used and positive results were confirmed by immunochromatographic method using the recombinant antigen K39. Of the total of 129 dogs, 90 (69.8%) were positive for T. gondii, 16 (12.4%) for N. caninum, and 30 (23.3%) for L. chagasi. Antibodies for all three parasites were found simultaneously in seven dogs (5.4%), mostly in urban dogs (six of seven). No association was observed related to gender and location (urban or rural) of dogs and occurrence of N. caninum and T. gondii antibodies although, regarding L. chagasi, higher prevalence was found in females (P < 0.02) and in dogs from urban location (P < 0.001). From the 39 farms, in 30 (76.9%) at least one dog was positive for T. gondii or N. caninum or both. Higher occurrence of Leishmania antibodies was observed in N. caninum-negative dogs (P < 0.05).
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine | 2010
Antonio Humberto Hamad Minervino; Herbert Sousa Soares; Raimundo Alves Barrêto-Júnior; Kedson Alessandri Lobo Neves; Hilda Fátima de Jesus Pena; Enrico Lippi Ortolani; J. P. Dubey; Solange Maria Gennari
Abstract In this study, serum samples of 203 animals from different locations, from zoos and breeding facilities from the north and northeast regions of Brazil, were analyzed for the presence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies by the modified agglutination test (MAT) with a cutoff of 1∶25. Of the sampled animals, 184 were adult mammals of both sexes and 19 were birds. Antibodies were found in 61 of 184 mammals, and no association between sex and age of the animals and the presence of T. gondii antibodies was observed (P < 0.05). Anti-T. gondii antibodies were not found in birds. Toxoplasma gondii was detected in Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris) for the first time.
Ciencia Rural | 2002
Celso Akio Maruta; Enrico Lippi Ortolani
Medico Veterinario, Mestre, PhD., Professor do Departamento de Clinica Medica, FMVZ-USP, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques dePaiva, 87, 05508-000, Sao Paulo, Brasil., FAX 055-11 – 38187944, R-283. E-mail: [email protected]. Autor para correspondencia.RESUMOQuatro garrotes Jersey (J) (Bos taurus) e quatroGir (G) (Bos indicus), providos de cânula ruminal, foramutilizados para comparar a susceptibilidade a acidose lacticaruminal (ALR) aguda. Para a uniformizacao da microbiotaruminal, os animais receberam uma alimentacao padronizadapor dois meses antes da inducao da ALR. Esta foi realizada como uso de sacarose administrada diretamente no rumen, de acordocom peso metabolico corrigido. Amostras de suco ruminal e fezesforam colhidas no decorrer de 24 horas apos a inducao. Emambas as amostras, foram determinados o pH e as concentracoesde acido lactico total e dos seus isomeros D e L. Ambas as racasapresentaram marcante e identica acidose ruminal, naoocorrendo diferencas no pH e nas concentracoes de acido lacticototal, L e D no suco ruminal e nas fezes. Quanto maior foi aconcentracao de acido lactico total nas fezes menores foram osvalores de pH fecal (r = - 0,65). Devido a grande queda no pHfecal, sugere-se que esse pode ser utilizado para se firmar odiagnostico de ALR.Palavras-chave: bovinos, racas, susceptibilidade, acidoselactica, rumen, fezes.SUMMARYTo compare the susceptibility to acute rumen lacticacidosis (RLA) four Jersey (J) ( Bos taurus) and four Gir (G) ( Bosindicus ) rumen-cannulated steers were used. In order tostandardise the rumen microbiota, the steers were fed a standarddiet of hay and concentrates, for two months before the beginningof the induction. The RLA was induced with sucrose administeredintraruminally, on a basis of the corrected metabolic weight.Rumen fluid and faecal samples were collected throughout 24hafter the induction. The pH and the concentration of total lacticacid and its L and D isomers were determined in all samples.Both breeds developed intense rumen acidosis; similar pH andconcentration of total lactic acid and its isomers were found inthe rumen fluid and faecal samples. The higher the total lacticacid concentration in the faeces, the lower the faecal pH (r = -0.65). The faecal pH can be used as a tool to diagnosis RLA.Key words: cattle, breeds, susceptibility, lactic acidosis, rumen,faeces.
Ciencia Rural | 2002
Celso Akio Maruta; Enrico Lippi Ortolani
In order to compare the susceptibility to acute rumen lactic acidosis (RLA), four Jersey (J) (Bos taurus) and four Gir (G) (Bos indicus) steers were used to evaluate the degree of metabolic acidosis (MA) and the metabolism of L-lactate during the RLA. The RLA was induced by the administration of sucrose into the rumen. Blood samples were collected at following times: zero, 14th,16th, 18th, 20th, 22nd and 24th h. Total lactic acid and its isomers, and blood gas determination were measured. At the most critical moments (14th to 18th h) the MA was severe in both breeds, but the MA became moderate in the G steers and remained severe in the J steers at the end of the trial. Higher amounts of D-lactate was absorbed from the rumen to the blood of the J steers; the higher the D-lactate plasma level, the lower the blood pH in this breed (r = - 0.78). Conversely, L-lactate was more absorbed and metabolised in the G steers promoting a partial recovery of the acid-basic homeostasis, as measured by the pO2 and pCO2 changes. The Bos indicus steers were less susceptible to metabolic acidosis than the Bos taurus steers.
Ciencia Rural | 2003
Maria Claudia Araripe Sucupira; Enrico Lippi Ortolani
Twelve steers were used to compare the blood gas and acid-base status. The animals were randomly divided in three equal groups according to the following diets: 1- adequate, for gaining 600g/head/d ; 2- protein and energy levels to meet the maintenence; 3- protein and energy 20% below the maintenance levels. One hundred thirty-two arterial blood (caudal auricular artery) or venous blood (jugular vein) were continuously sampled for 11 fortnights. At the end of the experiment steers from groups 2 and principally 3 presented a moderate level of metabolic acidosis. Higher pH and pO2 levels were found in arterial blood; conversely, higher level of bicarbonate, TCO2, BE and pO2 levels were found in the venous blood. High correlation was found in the pH (r = 0.81), bicarbonate and TCO2 (r = 0.94) between venous and arterial blood; median correlation but significant in the pCO2 (r = 0.56) and lack of correlation in the pO2 (r = -0.06). The higher the pCO2, the higher the bicarbonate (r = 0.54) and TCO2 (r = 0.56) concentration. In spite of the small differences of pH, bicarbonate, TCO2 and even pCO2 between venous and arterial blood the values of arterial blood can be predicted adequately from the venous blood either in healthy steers or steers with moderate metabolic acidosis. When respiratory changes are concerned arterial blood must be collected for evaluating pO2. It was easier to sample venous blood than arterial blood.
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia | 2007
Marta Lizandra do Rego Leal; Celso Akio Maruta; Enrico Lippi Ortolani
The efficiency of sodium bicarbonate or l-lactate for correcting systemic metabolic acidosis (SMA) caused by rumen lactic acidosis (RLA) was evaluated using six rumen-cannulated steers in a cross-over experimental design. RLA was induced by administration of sucrose, intraruminally. Twenty hours later when the animals developed an intense SMA, the steers were randomly distributed and treated intravenously either with 5l of 15 mMol/l sodium bicarbonate or L-lactate solution, infused throughout 4h. Blood samples were colleted throughout the infusion at zero, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8h, for blood gas analysis. After 1hour, both sodium bicarbonate and L-lactate solutions increased blood pH and corrected adequately the SMA. Blood bicarbonate, TCO2 and base excess concentrations were also increased at the 2nd hour with L-lactate and at the 3rd hour with bicarbonate. No differences between treatments were observed for blood pH, bicarbonate, TCO2 and base excess concentrations. Treated steers after twenty-four hours showed an effective clinical recovery. L-lactate can adequately replace bicarbonate in the correction of SMA in steers with RLA.
Ciencia Rural | 2006
Néria Vania Marcos dos Santos; Jorge Eduardo de Souza Sarkis; José Luiz Guerra; Paulo César Maiorka; Marcos Antonio Hortelani; Francisco Feliciano da Silva; Enrico Lippi Ortolani
Nos anos de 2001 e 2002, 46 cabritos (CAB) e 35 cordeiros (COR) de uma propriedade do agreste do Estado de Pernambuco foram acometidos por ataxia enzootica (AE) de forma tardia. Houve aumento da incidencia do 1o ano (46,3% - CAB; 24,2% COR) para o ano subsequente (100% - CAB e COR). Somente no ano de 2001, houve maior incidencia em CAB (P<0,002) que nos COR. Todos os animais acometidos sucumbiram, com excecao de um CAB e um de COR. O quadro clinico variou de acordo com a idade em que surgiram os sintomas, ou seja, de 30 a 45 dias os animais manifestaram paralisia dos membros anteriores e posteriores, acompanhada de espasticidade muscular e morte; com mais de 45 dias, ocorreu paralisia flacida ou espastica apenas dos membros posteriores e morte; somente os cabritos com menos de 45 dias apresentaram movimentos verticais de cabeca. As lesoes histopatologicas evidenciadas foram: degeneracao axonal, esferoides, gliose e dismielinizacao no segmento ventral e lateral da medula espinhal. Nos animais com menos de 45 dias, essas lesoes foram evidentes na regiao cervical e nos animas mais velhos na regiao lombar. Apenas nos cabritos foi constatada lesao degenerativa no cerebelo. A dieta oferecida ao rebanho continha quantidades adequadas de cobre, porem os animais acometidos por AE apresentaram baixos teores de cobre no figado (45,8mg kg-1 MS). Os elementos antagonizantes do cobre, Mo, S, e Zn, estavam normais, com excecao do ferro, que estava em alta concentracao tanto no solo (8600mg kg-1) quanto nos alimentos (284mg kg-1). O excesso de ingestao de ferro sugere ter provocado a carencia de cobre nos animais.
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2003
Ana Paula C. Marques; Franklin Riet-Correa; Mauro Pereira Soares; Enrico Lippi Ortolani; Mauricio J. Giuliodori
An outbreak of sudden death was observed in cattle in southern Brazil. No significant gross or microscopic lesions were found in 10 cattle at post-mortem examination. To test if the sudden deaths were caused by a toxic plant, 13 weeds were collected and given to rabbits at a total of 440 to 600 g per kg body weight within 7 days. Results were negative. Mean copper levels of the liver in 10 cattle were very low (3.6±1.6 ppm-dry matter) suggesting Cu deficiency as the cause of the disease. Five samples of pasture collected during the outbreak had normal levels of Cu (8.4±0.8 ppm-d.m.) and S (0.2%±0.03-d.m.), but high levels of Fe (522±122 ppm-d.m.). One group of 10 heifers was supplemented with Cu subcutaneously. This group and a similar control group were maintained in the same area where the outbreak occurred. Serum levels of Cu, S, Fe, Mo and ceruloplasmin were determined bimonthly in both groups during one year. Mean serum levels of Cu (1.76±1.06 to 10.34±3.1 µmol/l for the control group and 3.86±1.53 to 10.61±1.34 µmol/l for the treated group) and ceruloplasmin (6.59±3.93 to 18.61±4.14 mg/l for the control group and 10.31±5.48 to 32.49±6.05 mg/l for the treated group) were significantly higher in the supplemented group (P=0.0046 for Cu and P=0.0001 for ceruloplasmin), but they were below normal levels in most samples of both groups. Serum levels of Cu and ceruloplasmin were correlated (r=0.67; P=00.5). In both groups serum levels of Fe (40.09±5.25 to 78.48±28.23 µmol/l) were higher than normal levels. Samples of forage were collected bimonthly for determination of Cu, Mo, S, Fe and protein in 7 points of the paddock where the outbreak occurred. Levels of Cu (1.36±0.56 to 4.76±1.15 ppm-d.m.) were below the normal ranges. The concentration of Mo (0.17±0.06 to 0.96±0.47 ppm-d.m.) was within normal ranges. Levels of S (0.21±0.04% to 0.5±0.17%) and Fe (172.92±62.64 to 437.24±205.44 ppm-d.m.) were occasionally within toxic level. Levels of protein varied from 7.77±2.6% to 13.16±3.02%. Six samples of water and six of submersed pastures were collected at the end of the experiment when the paddock was flooded. High levels of iron (169.23±83.49 ppm-d.m. ) and S (0.06±0.03%) were found in the water. Levels of Fe and S in the submerse pasture were of 469.3±218.28 ppm and 0.19±0.05%, respectively. The results obtained suggest that the sudden deaths are due to Cu deficiency. Three factors seem to be responsible for the Cu deficiency: 1) high levels of iron in pastures and water; 2) occasionally low levels of copper in the pastures; and 3) the ingestion of S above the requirements due to the levels occasionally high in pastures and high in water. The outbreak reported is similar to other outbreaks of sudden deaths associated with low liver copper previously reported during winter in the same region of southern Brazil. This area is characterized by acid sandy soils with frequent flooding during this season. In periodically flooded acid soils iron is solubilized and absorbed by the plants, decreasing the Cu content and increasing the Fe content of forage. This seems to be the main reason for Cu deficiency in the region.
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine | 2012
Marta Lizandra do Rego Leal; S.S. Fialho; Fernanda Cavaliini Cyrillo; Heloisa Godoi Bertagnon; Enrico Lippi Ortolani; Fernando José Benesi
Objective The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of treating osmotic diarrhea and dehydration in calves with hypertonic saline solution (HSS) IV, isotonic electrolyte solution (IES) PO, and a combination of these 2 solutions (HSS + IES). Experimental Design Eighteen male calves 8–30 days of age were used to evaluate the efficacy of 3 methods of fluid therapy after induction of osmotic diarrhea and dehydration. The diarrhea and dehydration were induced by administration of saccharose, spironolactone, and hydrochlorothiazide for 48 hours. The animals were randomly divided into 3 experimental groups: Group 1: 7.2% hypertonic saline solution‐HSS (5 mL/kg IV); Group 2: oral isotonic electrolyte solution IES (60 mL/kg PO); or Group 3: HSS+IES. Clinical signs and laboratory finding observed 48 hours post‐induction (Time 0) included diarrhea, dehydration, lethargy, and metabolic acidosis. Results Calves treated with HSS + IES experienced decreases in hematocrit, total protein concentration, albumin concentration, urea nitrogen concentration, and plasma volume as well as increases in blood pH, blood bicarbonate concentration, and central venous pressure between 1 and 3 hours post‐treatment. These findings also were observed in animals treated with IES, however, at a slower rate than in the HSS + IES‐treated animals. Animals treated with HSS continued to display signs of dehydration, lethargy, and metabolic acidosis 24 hours post‐treatment. Conclusion Treatment with a combination of HSS and IES produced rapid and sustainable correction of hypovolemia and metabolic acidosis in calves with noninfections diarrhea and dehydration.