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Journal of Plant Nutrition | 2010


Erdal Elkoca; Metin Turan; M. Figen Donmez

This study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of single, dual, and triple inoculations with Rhizobium, N2-fixing Bacillus subtilis (OSU-142), and P-solubilizing Bacillus megaterium (M-3) on nodulation, plant growth, nutrient uptake and seed yield of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. ‘Elkoca-05’) in comparison to control and mineral fertilizer application under field conditions in 2006 and 2007 in the cold highland in Erzurum plateau (29° 55′ N and 41° 16′ E with an altitude of 1850 m), Turkey. Bacterial inoculations significantly increased all the parameters investigated compared with the control treatment, equal to or higher than nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and NP treatments. The lowest shoot dry weight and chlorophyll content values were recorded in the control treatment and the bacterial inoculations increased shoot dry weight by 19.7–54.3% and chlorophyll content by 34.1–59.3% over control. Nodule dry weight significantly increased in Rhizobium alone treatment. Additionally, nodulation by native soil Rhizobium population was increased in single inoculations of OSU-142 and M-3. Significant increases of the seed yield under different inoculation treatments ranged between by 6.6% (Rhizobium + OSU-142 + M-3) and 12.2% (OSU-142 alone) over the control whereas N, P and NP applications corresponded to increases of 5.6%, 4.0% and 7.4%, respectively. All bacterial inoculations, especially triple inoculation, significantly increased uptake of macronutrients and micronutrients by common bean. In conclusion, seed inoculation with Rhizobium, OSU-142 and M-3, especially OSU-142 alone, may substitute partially costly NP fertilizers in common bean production even in cold highland areas such as in Erzurum.

Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-soil and Plant Science | 2007

Hydro- and osmopriming improve chickpea germination

Erdal Elkoca; Kamil Haliloglu; Ahmet Esitken; Sezai Ercisli

Abstract The effects of different priming treatments and durations on germination percentage, speed, synchrony and thermal time requirement of the seeds of chickpea were investigated. Seeds were osmoprimed in four water potentials (−0.5, −1.0, −1.5 and −2.0 MPa) of polyethylene glycol (PEG) or in 4% mannitol in addition to hydropriming for 12 or 24 h at 25±1°C in darkness. Following priming, the seeds were subjected to germination tests at ten different constant temperatures ranging from 5 to 32±0.5°C. In general, there was no significant effect of priming treatments on germination percentage. However, compared to unprimed seeds, hydropriming and osmopriming treatments induced faster and more synchronous germination at all of the temperatures tested and also significantly decreased thermal time requirements. These reductions in thermal time requirements ranged between 18.1°C d and 30.3°C d for 50% germination. Seeds treated with water for 12 h generally produced the highest germination speed and the lowest thermal time requirement values. Among the osmopriming treatments, seeds treated with −0.5 MPa solution of PEG for 24 h gave the best results. Consequently, hydropriming for 12 h or osmopriming (PEG −0.5 MPa) for 24 h may be recommended for a better germination of chickpeas under cold soil conditions.

Journal of Plant Nutrition | 2015

The Symbiotic Performance and Plant Nutrient Uptake of Certain Nationally Registered Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Cultivars of Turkey

Erdal Elkoca; Tulin Kocli; Adem Gunes; Metin Turan

An experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions to test the symbiotic performance and plant nutrient uptake of the twelve nationally registered chickpea cultivars (‘Çakır’, ‘Işık-05’, ‘Canıtez-87’, ‘Hisar’, ‘Yaşa-05’, ‘Azkan’, ‘Küsmen-99’, ‘Gökçe’, ‘Damla-89’, ‘Diyar-95’, ‘Aziziye-94’, and ‘İzmir-92’) in Turkey. Inoculation with Mesorhizobium ciceri increased the average nodule number by 687%, nodule weight by 257%, plant height by 6%, shoot dry weight by 12%, root dry weight by 21%, chlorophyll content by 4.2%, nitogen (N)% by 7.9%, and total N by 22.7%. Averaged across chickpea cultivars, inoculation also significantly increased sulfur (S) by 14.4%, phosphorus (P) by 1.9%, magnesium (Mg) by 13.8%, potassium (K) by 6.2%, calcium (Ca) by 17.4%, copper (Cu) by 4.5%, iron (Fe) by 16.5%, manganese (Mn) by 10.9% and zinc (Zn) uptake by 9.4%. The macro- and micronutrient uptake of cultivars significantly correlated with their nitrogen content and the magnitude of response to inoculation in relation to nodulation, plant growth, nitrogen fixation, and nutrient uptake significantly varied among cultivars. Based on the amount of fixed N and plant nutrient uptake, ‘Azkan’, ‘Aziziye-94’, ‘Küsmen-99’, ‘Diyar-95’, and ‘Hisar’ were the genotypes with the most positive response to inoculation. Our data showed that nodulation, nitrogen fixation, plant dry matter production, and macro- and micronutrient uptake of the inoculated chickpea can be improved by selecting the best compatible cultivar.

Archive | 2017

Nonsymbiotic and Symbiotic Bacteria Efficiency for Legume Growth Under Different Stress Conditions

Metin Turan; Nurgul Kitir; Erdal Elkoca; Deniz Uras; Ceren Ünek; Emrah Nikerel; Bahar Sogutmaz Ozdemir; Leyla Tarhan; Ahmet Eşitken; Ertan Yildirim; Negar Ebrahim Pour Mokhtari; Şefik Tüfenkçi; M. Rüştü Karaman; Adem Gunes

In order to achieve maximum crop yields, excessive amounts of expensive fertilizers are applied in intensive farming practices. However, the biological nitrogen fixation via symbiotic and nonsymbiotic bacteria can play a significant role in increasing soil fertility and crop productivity, thereby reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. It is well known that a considerable number of bacterial species, mostly those associated with the plant rhizosphere, are able to exert a beneficial effect on plant growth. The use of those bacteria, often called plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), as biofertilizers in agriculture has been the focus of research for several years. The beneficial impact of PGPR is due to direct plant growth promotion by the production of growth regulators, enhanced access to soil nutrients, disease control, and associative nitrogen fixation. Legumes play a crucial role in agricultural production due to their capability to fix nitrogen in association with rhizobia. Inoculation with nodule bacteria called rhizobia has been found to increase plant growth and seed yields in many legume species such as chickpea, common bean, lentil, pea, soybean, and groundnut. However, both rhizobia and legumes suffer heavily and adversely from various abiotic factors. The impact of different stress factors on both PGPR and legume production is critically reviewed and discussed.

Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture | 2005

Tarla Şartlarında Soğuğa Dayanıklı Kuru Fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotiplerinin Belirlenmesi / Determination of Cold Resistant Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes Under Field Conditions

Erdal Elkoca; Faik Kantar; Gökmen Eleman; I. Güngör Şat

OZET: Fasulye dusuk sicakliklara oldukca hassas bir bitki olup, dusuk sicakliklarin fasulye verim ve uretimini sinirlandirmasi, iyi cikis yapabilen soguga toleransli ve verimli genotiplerin belirlenmesini gerekli kilmaktadir. Bu amacla tarla sartlarinda 1997 ve 1998 yillarinda yurutulen bu arastirmada, iki farkli tarihte (erken ve normal) ekilen 14 fasulye genotipinin soguga toleranslari ve verimleri incelenmistir. Beyaz testali ve dusuk tanin icerigine sahip genotipler, sicakligin dusuk oldugu erken ekimde renkli testali ve yuksek tanin icerigine sahip genotiplerden daha hizli cikis yapmislardir. Arastirmanin ilk yilinin erken ekim uygulamasinda fide cikisi devam ederken don zarari meydana gelmis ve kisa surede yuksek oranda cikis yapmis olan genotipler dondan daha fazla zarar gormuslerdir. Don olayinin goruldugu ve gelisme mevsiminin daha serin gectigi ilk yilda renkli testali genotipler, beyaz testali genotiplerden ortalama olarak daha yuksek tohum verimine sahip olmuslardir. Arastirmanin her iki yilinin erken ekim uygulamasinda da yuksek tohum verimine sahip olmasiyla dikkat ceken renkli testali 36 ve 569 nolu genotiplerin erken ekime ve dolayisiyla dusuk sicakliga diger butun genotiplerden daha toleransli olduklari sonucuna varilmistir. Beyaz testali genotipler dikkate alindiginda ise birinci yilin erken uygulamasinda yuksek tohum verimine sahip olmalariyla on plana cikan 339 ve 568 nolu genotiplerin diger beyaz testali genotiplerden daha umitvar olduklari saptanmistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Kuru fasulye, ekim zamani, soguga dayaniklilik, tanin, verim Determination of Cold Resistant Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes Under Field Conditions ABSTRACT: That beans are sensitive to cold temperatures limits yield and production of beans, which requires selection of the genotypes with a good emergence, cold tolerance and high yielding capability. In this study, cold tolerance during emergence and yield potential of 14 bean genotypes were investigated under field conditions at two different sowing dates (early and normal) in 1997 and 1998. The genotypes with white testa and low tannin content emerged faster than the genotypes with coloured testa and high tannin content at the early sowing date. In the first year of experiment, frost injury occured at the stage of seedling emergence of the early sowing date and higher frost injury was determined in faster emerging genotypes. In the first year, in which frost injury occured and cool conditions experienced, the genotypes with coloured testa had higher seed yields than those with white testa. It was concluded that two genotypes (AN. 36 and AN. 569) with coloured testa having high seed yields at the early sowing date of the both years were more tolerant to low temperatures than the others. As with the genotypes with white testa, genotypes AN. 339 and AN. 568 having high seeds yield at the early sowing date of the first year were more hopeful than the other genotypes with white testa. Key words: Dry beans, sowing date, cold tolerance, tannin, yield

Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture | 2004

Erzurum Ekolojik Koşullarına Uygun Erkenci ve Yüksek Verimli Kuru Fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotiplerinin Belirlenmesi / Determination of Early Maturing and High Yielding Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes Suitable for Erzurum Ecological Co

Erdal Elkoca; Faik Kantar

OZET: Serin iklim sartlari, dusuk sicakliklara butun gelisme donemlerinde hassas olan fasulyede uretimi sinirlayan en onemli faktordur. Erzurum ve benzer ekolojilerde, fasulyenin soguk ve don zararina maruz kalmadan gelisebilecegi donem kisa olup, bu tip bolgelerde garantili bir fasulye uretimi icin olgunlasma suresi kisa olan cesitlere ihtiyac duyulmaktadir. Bu calisma; Erzurum ekolojisine uygun, olgunlasma suresi kisa ve yuksek verimli yeni tescilli kuru fasulye cesitlerinin gelistirilmesi amaciyla yurutulmustur. Bu amacla, onceki calismalarda umitvar oldugu belirlenen 4 fasulye hatti (kayit no 114, 218, 473 ve 510), bolge icin tescil ettirilmis olan Aras-98 ve Yakutiye-98 cesitleri ile kiyaslamali olarak, Erzurum Merkez ve Pasinler olmak uzere iki farkli lokasyonda 2001 ve 2002 yillarinda olgunlasma suresi, verim ve verim unsurlari yonunden test edilmistir. Arastirma yillarinin ve lokasyonlarin ortalamasi olarak, 114 nolu hat tescilli cesitlerden 26 gun, diger hatlar ise 13-14 gun once oluma ulasmislardir. Diger taraftan, erkenci olan bu hatlarin tane verimi her iki lokasyonda da tescilli cesitlerden onemli seviyede yuksek olmustur. Arastirma sonuclari, erkenci ve yuksek verimli olan bu hatlarin, Erzurum ve benzer ekolojilere mevcut tescilli cesitlerden cok daha iyi adapte oldugunu ve sonbahar ilk donlarindan once olgunlasarak uretimi garanti altina alabilecegini ortaya koymustur. Anahtar kelimeler: Kuru fasulye, erkencilik, verim, verim unsurlari Determination of Early Maturing and High Yielding Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes Suitable for Erzurum Ecological Conditions ABSTARCT: Cool climatic conditions is one of the most important limiting factors in bean production. In cold conditions such as Erzurum, vegetation period is short and beans are exposed to frost. Thus, it is necessary to have early maturing bean cultivars for production in such ecologies. This study was conducted in order to develop new early maturing and high yielding dry bean cultivars suitable for Erzurum ecological conditions. In the study, 4 bean lines (record nu. 114, 218, 473 and 510) being hopeful in previous studies were tested for early maturity, yield and yield parameters compared with Aras-98 and Yakutiye-98 in Erzurum and Pasinler locations in 2001 and 2002. As an average of years and locations, 114 and other lines matured 26 and 13-14 days earlier respectively compared with the registered cultivars. On the other hand, these lines gave seed yields significantly higher than the registered cultivars in both locations. It was concluded that these early maturing and high yielding bean lines adapt better than the registered cultivars avoiding first autumn frosts in Erzurum and similar ecologies. Key words: Dry beans, earliness, yield, yield parameters

Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture | 2001


Erdal Elkoca; Faik Kantar

OZET : RhIzobium bakterisi arasinda tesis edilen ortak yasam neticesinde, havada serbest halde bulunan azot bitkinin istifadesine sunulmaktadir. Simbiyotik yolla baglanan bu azot tarimsal acidan buyuk bir kaynak olusturmakta, boylece bir taraftan azotlu gubre masraflarinin azaltilmasinda, diger taraftan mineral azotlu gubrelerin uretimi ve kullanimi sirasinda ortaya cikan cevre kirliligi probleminin giderilmesinde onemli bir alternatif olmaktadir. Ancak, simbiyotik yolla baglanan azot miktari uzerine sicaklik, toprak rutubeti, tuzluluk, toprak reaksiyonu, sus, konukcu ve besin elementleri gibi pek cok faktor etki etmekte ve bu faktorlere bagli olarak fikse edilen azot miktari onemli Olcude azalabilmektedir. Bu makalede, baklagil bitkilerinde simblyotik yolla fikse edilen azot miktari uzerine etki eden faktorler ana basliklar halinde sunulmustur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Simbiyotik azot fiksasyonu, flksasyona etki eden faktorler, baklagiller SOME FACTORS AFFECTING SYMBIOTIC NITROGEN FtXAT10N IN LEGUMES SUMMARY : Atmospheric N is transferred to available forms for plants ovving to legume-/?A/zo£/tW7symbiosis. Symbiotically fbced N is of agrlcultural importance reducing N-production costs and environmental pollution. Hovvever, many factors afFect this symbiosis and eventual amount of N flxed. This vvork reviewed and highlighted recent studies on the factors afTecting symbiotic N nxalion. Key VVords: Symbiotic nitrogen fixation, factors afFecting nitrogen fbcation, legumes

Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry | 2008

The Determination of Symbiotic Effectiveness of Rhizobium Strains Isolated from Wild Chickpeas Collected from High Altitudes in Erzurum

Hatice Öğütçü; Ömer Faruk Algur; Erdal Elkoca; Faik Kantar

Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry | 2010

Effects of rhizobium strains isolated from wild chickpeas on the growth and symbiotic performance of chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) under salt stress

Hatice Öğütçü; Caner Kasimoğlu; Erdal Elkoca

New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science | 2005

Weed control in lentil (Lens culinaris) in eastern Turkey

Erdal Elkoca; Faik Kantar; Hüseyin Zengin


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Faik Kantar

United States Department of Agriculture

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