Ernesto P. Raposo
Federal University of Pernambuco
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Featured researches published by Ernesto P. Raposo.
Nature | 1999
G. M. Viswanathan; Sergey V. Buldyrev; Shlomo Havlin; M. G. E. da Luz; Ernesto P. Raposo; H. Eugene Stanley
We address the general question of what is the best statistical strategy to adapt in order to search efficiently for randomly located objects (‘target sites’). It is often assumed in foraging theory that the flight lengths of a forager have a characteristic scale: from this assumption gaussian, Rayleigh and other classical distributions with well-defined variances have arisen. However, such theories cannot explain the long-tailed power-law distributions of flight lengths or flight times that are observed experimentally. Here we study how the search efficiency depends on the probability distribution of flight lengths taken by a forager that can detect target sites only in its limited vicinity. We show that, when the target sites are sparse and can be visited any number of times, an inverse square power-law distribution of flight lengths, corresponding to Lévy flight motion, is an optimal strategy. We test the theory by analysing experimental foraging data on selected insect, mammal and bird species, and find that they are consistent with the predicted inverse square power-law distributions.
Nature | 2007
Andrew M. Edwards; Richard A. Phillips; Nicholas Wynn Watkins; M. P. Freeman; Eugene J. Murphy; Vsevolod Afanasyev; Sergey V. Buldyrev; M. G. E. da Luz; Ernesto P. Raposo; H. Eugene Stanley; Gandhimohan. M. Viswanathan
The study of animal foraging behaviour is of practical ecological importance, and exemplifies the wider scientific problem of optimizing search strategies. Lévy flights are random walks, the step lengths of which come from probability distributions with heavy power-law tails, such that clusters of short steps are connected by rare long steps. Lévy flights display fractal properties, have no typical scale, and occur in physical and chemical systems. An attempt to demonstrate their existence in a natural biological system presented evidence that wandering albatrosses perform Lévy flights when searching for prey on the ocean surface. This well known finding was followed by similar inferences about the search strategies of deer and bumblebees. These pioneering studies have triggered much theoretical work in physics (for example, refs 11, 12), as well as empirical ecological analyses regarding reindeer, microzooplankton, grey seals, spider monkeys and fishing boats. Here we analyse a new, high-resolution data set of wandering albatross flights, and find no evidence for Lévy flight behaviour. Instead we find that flight times are gamma distributed, with an exponential decay for the longest flights. We re-analyse the original albatross data using additional information, and conclude that the extremely long flights, essential for demonstrating Lévy flight behaviour, were spurious. Furthermore, we propose a widely applicable method to test for power-law distributions using likelihood and Akaike weights. We apply this to the four original deer and bumblebee data sets, finding that none exhibits evidence of Lévy flights, and that the original graphical approach is insufficient. Such a graphical approach has been adopted to conclude Lévy flight movement for other organisms, and to propose Lévy flight analysis as a potential real-time ecosystem monitoring tool. Our results question the strength of the empirical evidence for biological Lévy flights.
Journal of Theoretical Biology | 2008
Frederic Bartumeus; Jordi Catalan; Gandhimohan. M. Viswanathan; Ernesto P. Raposo; M. G. E. da Luz
Animal searches cover a full range of possibilities from highly deterministic to apparently completely random behaviors. However, even those stochastic components of animal movement can be adaptive, since not all random distributions lead to similar success in finding targets. Here we address the general problem of optimizing encounter rates in non-deterministic, non-oriented searches, both in homogeneous and patchy target landscapes. Specifically, we investigate how two different features related to turning angle distributions influence encounter success: (i) the shape (relative kurtosis) of the angular distribution and (ii) the correlations between successive relative orientations (directional memory). Such influence is analyzed in correlated random walk models using a proper choice of representative turning angle distributions of the recently proposed Jones and Pewsey class. We consider the cases of distributions with nearly the same shape but considerably distinct correlation lengths, and distributions with same correlation but with contrasting relative kurtosis. In homogeneous landscapes, we find that the correlation length has a large influence in the search efficiency. Moreover, similar search efficiencies can be reached by means of distinctly shaped turning angle distributions, provided that the resulting correlation length is the same. In contrast, in patchy landscapes the particular shape of the distribution also becomes relevant for the search efficiency, specially at high target densities. Excessively sharp distributions generate very inefficient searches in landscapes where local target density fluctuations are large. These results are of evolutionary interest. On the one hand, it is shown that equally successful directional memory can arise from contrasting turning behaviors, therefore increasing the likelihood of robust adaptive stochastic behavior. On the other hand, when target landscape is patchy, adequate tumbling may help to explore better local scale heterogeneities, being some details of the shape of the distribution also potentially adaptive.
Physica A-statistical Mechanics and Its Applications | 2002
G. M. Viswanathan; Frederic Bartumeus; Sergey V. Buldyrev; Jordi Catalan; U. L. Fulco; Shlomo Havlin; M. G. E. da Luz; M. L. Lyra; Ernesto P. Raposo; H. Eugene Stanley
There has been growing interest in the study of Levy flights observed in the movements of biological organisms performing random walks while searching for other organisms. Here, we approach the problem of what is the best statistical strategy for optimizing the encounter rate between “searcher” and “target” organisms—either of the same or of different species—in terms of a limiting generalized searcher–target model (e.g., predator-prey, mating partner, pollinator–flower). In this context, we discuss known results showing that for fixed targets an inverse square density distribution of step lengths can optimize the encounter rate. For moving targets, we review how the encounter rate depends on whether organisms move in Levy or Brownian random walks. We discuss recent findings indicating that Levy walks confer a significant advantage for increasing encounter rates only when the searcher is larger or moves rapidly relative to the target, and when the target density is low.
Physical Review E | 2001
S. V. Buldyrev; Shlomo Havlin; A. Ya. Kazakov; M. G. E. da Luz; Ernesto P. Raposo; H. E. Stanley; G. M. Viswanathan
We consider a Lévy flyer of order alpha that starts from a point x(0) on an interval [O,L] with absorbing boundaries. We find a closed-form expression for the average number of flights the flyer takes and the total length of the flights it travels before it is absorbed. These two quantities are equivalent to the mean first passage times for Lévy flights and Lévy walks, respectively. Using fractional differential equations with a Riesz kernel, we find exact analytical expressions for both quantities in the continuous limit. We show that numerical solutions for the discrete Lévy processes converge to the continuous approximations in all cases except the case of alpha-->2, and the cases of x(0)-->0 and x(0)-->L. For alpha>2, when the second moment of the flight length distribution exists, our result is replaced by known results of classical diffusion. We show that if x(0) is placed in the vicinity of absorbing boundaries, the average total length has a minimum at alpha=1, corresponding to the Cauchy distribution. We discuss the relevance of this result to the problem of foraging, which has received recent attention in the statistical physics literature.
Physica A-statistical Mechanics and Its Applications | 2001
Gandhimohan. M. Viswanathan; Vsevolod Afanasyev; Sergey V. Buldyrev; Shlomo Havlin; M. G. E. da Luz; Ernesto P. Raposo; H. Eugene Stanley
We discuss recent findings suggesting that an inverse square probability density distribution P(l)∼l−2 of step lengths l leads to an optimal random search strategy for organisms that can search efficiently for randomly located objects that can only be detected in the limited vicinity of the searcher and can be revisited any number of times. We explore the extent to which these findings may be dependent on the dimensionality of the search space and the presence of short-range correlations in the step lengths and directions.
Journal of Physics A | 2009
Ernesto P. Raposo; S. V. Buldyrev; M. G. E. da Luz; G M Viswanathan; H. E. Stanley
In this work we discuss some recent contributions to the random search problem. Our analysis includes superdiffusive Levy processes and correlated random walks in several regimes of target site density, mobility and revisitability. We present results in the context of mean-field-like and closed-form average calculations, as well as numerical simulations. We then consider random searches performed in regular lattices and lattices with defects, and we discuss a necessary criterion for distinguishing true superdiffusion from correlated random walk processes. We invoke energy considerations in relation to critical survival states on the edge of extinction, and we analyze the emergence of Levy behavior in deterministic search walks. Finally, we comment on the random search problem in the context of biological foraging.
Physica A-statistical Mechanics and Its Applications | 2001
M. G. E. da Luz; Sergey V. Buldyrev; Shlomo Havlin; Ernesto P. Raposo; H. Eugene Stanley; G. M. Viswanathan
Recently it has been shown that the most efficient strategy for searching randomly located objects, when the sites are randomly distributed and can be revisited any number of times, leads to a power law distribution P(l)=l−μ of the flights l, with μ=2. We show analytically that the incorporation of energy considerations limits the possible range for the Levy exponent μ, however, μ=2 still emerges as the optimal foraging condition. Furthermore, we show that the probability distribution of flight lengths for the short and intermediate flight length regimes depends on the details of the system.
PLOS Computational Biology | 2011
Ernesto P. Raposo; Frederic Bartumeus; M. G. E. da Luz; P. J. Ribeiro-Neto; T. A. Souza; Gandhimohan. M. Viswanathan
Theoretical and empirical investigations of search strategies typically have failed to distinguish the distinct roles played by density versus patchiness of resources. It is well known that motility and diffusivity of organisms often increase in environments with low density of resources, but thus far there has been little progress in understanding the specific role of landscape heterogeneity and disorder on random, non-oriented motility. Here we address the general question of how the landscape heterogeneity affects the efficiency of encounter interactions under global constant density of scarce resources. We unveil the key mechanism coupling the landscape structure with optimal search diffusivity. In particular, our main result leads to an empirically testable prediction: enhanced diffusivity (including superdiffusive searches), with shift in the diffusion exponent, favors the success of target encounters in heterogeneous landscapes.
EPL | 2007
C. L. Faustino; L.R. da Silva; M. G. E. da Luz; Ernesto P. Raposo; Gandhimohan. M. Viswanathan
We investigate the general problem of autonomous random walkers whose sole source of energy are search targets that are themselves diffusing random walkers. We study how the energy accumulated by the searcher varies with the target density via numerical simulations and compare the results with an analytical model for fixed targets. We report that superdiffusion of either searcher or target confers substantial energetic advantages to the former. While superdiffusion may not play a crucial role for high target densities, in contrast it confers a vital advantage in the limit of low densities at the edge of extinction: diffusive searchers rapidly die but superdiffusive searchers can survive for long periods without entering into the extinction state. The validity and relevance of our findings in broader contexts are also discussed.