Evandro Jost
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
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Featured researches published by Evandro Jost.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2007
Nerinéia Dalfollo Ribeiro; Patrícia Medianeira Grigoletto Londero; Alberto Cargnelutti Filho; Evandro Jost; Nerison Luís Poersch; Carlos Augusto Mallmann
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a composicao de aminoacidos em graos de cultivares de feijao e a presenca de interacao cultivares x locais, nos teores de aminoacidos, e identificar cultivares para uso direto na alimentacao e derivacoes em programas de melhoramento. Os aminoacidos foram determinados por cromatografia liquida de alta performance (HPLC), em graos de 19 cultivares de feijao cultivadas em dois locais. Os dados medios obtidos para cada cultivar, em duplicata, foram comparados entre si com a utilizacao do teste t, a 5% de probabilidade para cada local. Os graos das cultivares analisadas apresentaram teores de aminoacidos essenciais e nao-essenciais, adequados as necessidades diarias de um individuo adulto, o que indica alta qualidade da proteina do feijao. As cultivares de feijao apresentam, em ordem decrescente, os aminoacidos essenciais: leucina, lisina, fenilalanina, valina, isoleucina, treonina, histidina e metionina; e os aminoacidos nao-essenciais: acido glutâmico, acido aspartico, arginina, serina, alanina, glicina, tirosina, prolina e cisteina. Os teores de leucina, isoleucina, histidina, valina, treonina, glicina e alanina foram afetados pela interacao cultivares x locais. A cultivar Irai apresenta composicao de aminoacidos adequada e e indicada para uso em dietas e derivacoes em programas de melhoramento.
Bragantia | 2008
Nerinéia Dalfollo Ribeiro; Evandro Jost; Taiguer Cerutti; Sandra Maria Mazieiro; Nerison Luiz Poersch
The objective of this investigation was to determine the micromineral composition of seeds of common bean cultivars grown at different locations, examine cultivar x location interactions, and identify cultivars for direct consumption or use in breeding programs. Iron, zinc, copper, manganese and boron concentrations mineral were determined for 19 cultivars obtained in the 2004/05 cropping year in two locations in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Iron (71.5 mg kg-1), followed by zinc (30.0 mg kg-1), manganese (18.9 mg kg-1), copper (9.5 mg kg-1) and boron (8.3 mg kg-1) were the main constituents. Significant cultivar x location interactions were detected for zinc content and grain yield. Cultivar Guateian 6662 presented high micromineral content, independently of location, being suitable for diet enrichment and cultivar improvement.
Ciencia Rural | 2008
Evandro Jost; Nerinéia Dalfollo Ribeiro; Sandra Maria Maziero; Taiguer Cerutti; Daniele Piano Rosa
The objective of this research was to investigate the existence of maternal effect in calcium content of common bean grains and to estimate heritability and gene effect by selection in early generations. The controlled crossings were performed among the cultivars ‘Perola’ x ‘TPS Bonito’ and ‘TPS Bonito’ x ‘BRS Expedito’. The F1, F1 reciprocal, F2, F2 reciprocal, F3, F3 reciprocal, backcross 1 and backcross 2 generations were obtained for each hybrid combination. The calcium content was ascertained by nitric-perchloric digestion and determination on the atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Genetic variability in grain calcium content was revealed in two crosses with higher influence of the additive genetic effect, beyond expression of maternal effect. Estimates of heritability in the broad sense were of 66.75% and 74.65% and in the narrow sense of 47.00% and 63.61%, in the crosses ‘Perola’ x ‘TPS Bonito’ and ‘TPS Bonito’ x ‘BRS Expedito’, respectively. The selection performed in the early generation may be effective for development of common bean germplasm with higher calcium content.
Bragantia | 2009
Evandro Jost; Nerinéia Dalfollo Ribeiro; Taiguer Cerutti; Nerison Luiz Poersch; Sandra Maria Maziero
BREEDING POTENTIAL FOR IRON CONTENT IN COMMON BEAN The development of common bean germplasm with higher iron content would be an interesting alternative to reduce the low in take of this mineral in Brazilians diet. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the existence of maternal effect in iron content and to analyse the inheritance of this trait. The F1, F1 reciprocal, F2, F2 reciprocal, F3, F3 reciprocal, backcross 1 and backcross 2 generations were performed among the cultivars Minuano x Diamante Negro and Diamante Negro x IAPAR 44. The iron content was ascertained by nitric-perchloric digestion and determination on the atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Genetic variability in grain iron content was revealed in two crosses, beyond expression of maternal effect . Estimates of heritability in the broad sense was of 76.36% and the narrow sense of 50.60% in the cross Minuano x Diamante Negro. The gain from selection was of 11.14% and it is able to increase in grain iron content in common bean by plant breeding. The selection performed in the early generation may be effective for development of common bean germplasm with higher iron content.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | 2013
Evandro Jost; Nerinéia Dalfollo Ribeiro; Sandra Maria Maziero; Micheli Thaise Della Flora Possobom; Daniele Piano Rosa; Lucas da Silva Domingues
BACKGROUND Selection indices are linear combinations that allow the selection of several characters simultaneously. The objective of this study was to verify the efficiency of direct selection, indirect selection and selection indices in the identification of higher inbred common bean lines for grain yield, morphological, phenological and nutritional traits. RESULTS There is genetic variability for grain yield, lodging, general adaptation note, cycle, insertion of the first pod, calcium and iron concentrations in the seeds. Moderate phenotypic correlation coefficients were observed between grain yield and general adaptation note (r = -0.57) and cycle (r = -0.57). When direct selection was performed for grain yield, the insertion of the first pod, calcium and iron concentrations showed negative indirect selection gains. The classic index showed that the distribution of gains has become more balanced: grain yield (39.05%), calcium (8.29%) and iron concentration (1.64%). CONCLUSION Direct selection and indirect selection are not efficient in the simultaneous selection of agronomic traits and nutritional quality in common bean. The classical, base and multiplicative indexes provide responses of gain balanced among traits and superior genetic progress in the selection of inbred common bean lines, and have a high coincidence between the lines selected.
Ciencia Rural | 2004
Nerinéia Dalfollo Ribeiro; Evandro Jost; Sandro Borba Possebon; Alberto Cargnelutti Filho
The objective this work was to identify beans cultivars with broad or specific adaptability in different planting times and with yield stability in the central depression region of Rio Grande do Sul to guide breeding programs. The experiments were conducted in the area of the Plant Science Department at the Santa Maria Federal University in three agricultural years in two traditional cropping seasons: rainy (September-October, favorable environment) and dry (January-February, unfavorable environment). A complete randomized experimental blocks design with three replications and 16 registred common bean cultivars were used. Carioca, Iapar 31, Minuano, PR 468 e TPS Bionobre cultivars were identified with mean yield compared to the overall yield, broad adaptability and high stability. The TPS Nobre showed specific adaptability to rainy growing season and Irai and Perola showed specific adaptability to dry growing season.
Ciencia Rural | 2011
Viviani Ruffo de Oliveira; Nerinéia Dalfollo Ribeiro; Sandra Maria Maziero; Alberto Cargnelutti Filho; Evandro Jost
ABSTRACT The common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) presentshigher nutritional quality, however when stored in undesirableconditions, become hardened and resistant to cooking. Theaim of this research was to evaluate the effect of refrigerationstorage on the cooking and nutritional quality of commonbean genotypes of the black (Macanudo, Guapo Brilhante andBRS Campeiro) and color (Carioca, Perola and LH 5) group.The six genotypes were evaluated immediately after harvesttime and the grains that were evaluated after six months ofstorage, were dried in hot-house until 13% moisture content.The grains were reserved in plastic bag and storaged inrefrigeration under 0oC and at 50% of relative humidity. It wasevaluated cooking quality (water absorption, normal grains,hardshell grains and cooking time), the color of grains tegumentand the nutritional quality (protein, potassium, iron and zinc)were evaluated as well. The genotypes of black group (Macanudoand BRS Campeiro) keep the quality for cooking, the clarity ofgrains tegument and nutritional quality after six months ofstorage. The genotypes of the color group (Carioca, Perolaand LH 5) present darkening on the grains tegument, but thenutritional quality is not modified after six months of storage
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2008
Viviani Ruffo de Oliveira; Nerinéia Dalfollo Ribeiro; Evandro Jost; Patrícia Medianeira Grigoletto Londero
Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a qualidade nutricional e microbiologica de feijao (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), processado com o aproveitamento ou nao da agua de maceracao. Graos de duas cultivares de feijao comum - Irai (graos bege com estrias vermelhas) e BRS Expedito (graos pretos) -foram submetidos a embebicao em agua destilada por oito horas, a temperatura ambiente. O cozimento foi realizado com e sem o aproveitamento da agua de maceracao. Os minerais foram determinados nos graos e no caldo, separadamente, e os microrganismos, na mistura de graos e caldo. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que a composicao de minerais nos graos e no caldo de feijao nao foi alterada pelo descarte da agua de maceracao para o cozimento. O caldo de feijao apresentou altos teores de fosforo, potassio, magnesio e enxofre. A eliminacao da agua de maceracao nao melhorou a qualidade microbiologica do feijao processado. O cozimento das cultivares de feijao Irai e BRS Expedito pode ser realizado com o aproveitamento ou com o descarte da agua de maceracao, pois ha manutencao do teor de minerais e da qualidade microbiologica do feijao.
Revista Ciencia Agronomica | 2014
Evandro Jost; Nerinéia Dalfollo Ribeiro; Daniele Piano Rosa; Micheli Thaise Della Flora Possobom; Sandra Maria Maziero
Selection for grain yield, combined with phenological and morphological characteristics of agricultural interest, represents technological advances in the common bean. The objectives of this work were to estimate genetic parameters and the efficiency of both the Pedigree and Single-Seed Descent (SSD) methods for progression segregating populations in order to obtain common bean lines superior in grain yield, precocity and plant architecture. To do this, 136 inbred lines obtained using the Pedigree method, and 136 inbred lines obtained by SSD method were evaluated in a 17 x 17 simple lattice design, integrating the 272 inbred lines in the F 7 generation and 17 cultivars as control. Estimates of moderate narrow sense heritability were obtained for grain yield, lodging and insertion of the first pod. The cycle and general adaptation note showed low heritability for the F 7 generation. The Pedigree method allows obtaining a greater number of lines of high grain yield, early cycle and a lower general adaptation note (best adaptability). Selection using the Single-Seed Descent method allows the identification of a larger number of lines with lower notes for lodging and higher insertion of the first pod.
Revista Ceres | 2014
Nerinéia Dalfollo Ribeiro; Evandro Jost; Sandra Maria Maziero; Lindolfo Storck; Daniele Piano Rosa
O melhoramento genetico da qualidade nutricional do feijao representa vantagens mercadologicas e contribui para a sociedade em termos de fonte de alimento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a variabilidade genetica para a produtividade de graos e para a concentracao de calcio e de ferro em graos de linhagens de feijao obtidas por diferentes metodos de melhoramento. Para tanto, 136 linhagens F7 foram obtidas pelo metodo Genealogico e 136 linhagens F7 foramobtidas pelo metodo Descendencia de uma Unica Semente (SSD). As linhagens de feijao apresentaram variabilidade genetica para produtividade de graos, concentracao de calcio e de ferro em graos independentemente do metodo de conducao da populacao segregante. O metodo Genealogico permitiu obter maior numero de linhagens com alta produtividade de graos. A selecao usando o metodo SSD possibilitou a identificacao de maior numero de linhagens com alta concentracao de calcio e de ferro nos graos. Correlacao negativa de baixa magnitude foi observada entre a produtividade de graos e as concentracoes de calcio (r = -0,0994) e de ferro (r = -0,3926). Varias linhagens apresentam superioridade genetica para a produtividade de graos e para concentracoes de calcio e de ferro nos graos, e a selecao destas linhagens pode resultar em novas cultivares de feijao com alta qualidade nutricional.
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Patrícia Medianeira Grigoletto Londero
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
View shared research outputsMicheli Thaise Della Flora Possobom
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
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