F. Peter Schloerb
California Institute of Technology
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Featured researches published by F. Peter Schloerb.
Science | 2015
Samuel Gulkis; Mark Allen; Paul von Allmen; Gerard Beaudin; N. Biver; Dominique Bockelee-Morvan; Mathieu Choukroun; Jacques Crovisier; B. Davidsson; P. Encrenaz; Therese Encrenaz; Margaret A. Frerking; Paul Hartogh; Mark Hofstadter; Wing-Huen Ip; Michael A. Janssen; C. Jarchow; Stephen J. Keihm; Seungwon Lee; Emmanuel Lellouch; Cedric Leyrat; L. Rezac; F. Peter Schloerb; Thomas R. Spilker
Heat transport and ice sublimation in comets are interrelated processes reflecting properties acquired at the time of formation and during subsequent evolution. The Microwave Instrument on the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO) acquired maps of the subsurface temperature of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, at 1.6 mm and 0.5 mm wavelengths, and spectra of water vapor. The total H2O production rate varied from 0.3 kg s–1 in early June 2014 to 1.2 kg s–1 in late August and showed periodic variations related to nucleus rotation and shape. Water outgassing was localized to the “neck” region of the comet. Subsurface temperatures showed seasonal and diurnal variations, which indicated that the submillimeter radiation originated at depths comparable to the diurnal thermal skin depth. A low thermal inertia (~10 to 50 J K–1 m–2 s–0.5), consistent with a thermally insulating powdered surface, is inferred.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2015
F. Peter Schloerb; Stephen J. Keihm; Paul von Allmen; Mathieu Choukroun; Emmanuel Lellouch; Cedric Leyrat; Gerard Beaudin; N. Biver; Dominique Bockelee-Morvan; Jacques Crovisier; P. Encrenaz; Robert W. Gaskell; Samuel Gulkis; Paul Hartogh; Mark Hofstadter; Wing-Huen Ip; Michael A. Janssen; C. Jarchow; L. Jorda; H. U. Keller; Seungwon Lee; L. Rezac; H. Sierks
Observations of the nucleus of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in the millimeter-wave continuum have been obtained by the Microwave Instrument for the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO). We present data obtained at wavelengths of 0.5 mm and 1.6 mm during September 2014 when the nucleus was at heliocentric distances between 3.45 and 3.27 AU. The data are fit to simple models of the nucleus thermal emission in order to characterize the observed behavior and make quantitative estimates of important physical parameters, including thermal inertia and absorption properties at the MIRO wavelengths. MIRO brightness temperatures on the irregular surface of 67P are strongly affected by the local solar illumination conditions, and there is a strong latitudinal dependence of the mean brightness temperature as a result of the seasonal orientation of the comet’s rotation axis with respect to the Sun. The MIRO emission exhibits strong diurnal variations, which indicate that it arises from within the thermally varying layer in the upper centimeters of the surface. The data are quantitatively consistent with very low thermal inertia values, between 10–30 J K -1 m -2 s -1/2 , with the 0.5 mm emission arising from 1 cm beneath the surface and the 1.6 mm emission from a depth of 4 cm. Although the data are generally consistent with simple, homogeneous models, it is difficult to match all of its features, suggesting that there may be some vertical structure within the upper few centimeters of the surface. The MIRO brightness temperatures at high northern latitudes are consistent with sublimation of ice playing an important role in setting the temperatures of these regions where, based on observations of gas and dust production, ice is known to be sublimating.
Icarus | 1979
F. Peter Schloerb; Duane O. Muhleman; Glenn L. Berge
Abstract Interferometric observations of Saturn and its rings made at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory at a wavelength of 3.71 cm ar fit to models of the Saturn brightness structure. The models have allowed us to estimate the brightness temperatures and optical thicknesses of the A, B, and C rings as well as the brightness temperature of the planetary disk. The most accurate results are the ratios of the ring temperatures to the planet temperature of 0.030 ± 0.012, 0.050 ± 0.010, and 0.040 ± 0.014 for the A, B, and C rings, respectively. The best estimates of the ring optical thicknesses are τ A = 0.2 ± 0.1, τ B = 0.9 ± 0.2, and τ C = 0.1 ± 0.1. The actual brightness temperatures, which are affected by the absolute calibration errors, are T planet = 178 ± 8, T A = 5.2 ± 2.0, T B = 9.1 ± 1.8, and T C = 7.1 ± 2.6°K. The particle single-scattering albedo that would be most consistent with the observations is slightly less than one, but probably greater than 0.95. The observations are consistent with particles which conservatively scatter the thermal emission from Saturn to the Earth and emit no thermal emission of their own. The 3.71-cm optical depths which we have estimated are very close to the visible wavelength optical depths. This similarity indicates that the ring particles must be at least a few centimeters in size, although we feel that the particles may well be much larger than this in view of the closeness of the visible and microwave optical depths. Particles which are nearly conservative scatterers at our wavelength and at least a few centimeters in size must be composed of a material which is either a very good reflector of microwaves or a very poor absorber of them. At this time, water ice seems to be the most likely candidate since it is a very poor absorber of microwaves and has been detected in the rings spectroscopically.
Icarus | 1976
David J. Diner; James A. Westphal; F. Peter Schloerb
Abstract High spatial resolution 8–14 μm images of Venus were obtained on March 6, 1974. The planet was at a phase angle of 112° with the morning terminator in view. Our images confirm the existence of a previously mapped flux anomaly near the south pole and show evidence of other infrared features, presumably transient in nature. Flux differences of 2–7% were measured, corresponding to brightnes temperature variations of roughly 1–3°K. The images also confirm the difference between polar and equatorial limb darkening. Finally, we present evidence for a night-day asymmetry in the flux, with the brightness temperature greater by about 2°K on the sunlit side.
Icarus | 1976
F. Peter Schloerb; Duane O. Muhleman; Glenn L. Berge
Abstract We discuss observations of the Moon at a wavelength of 49.3 cm made with the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Interferometer. These observations have been fit to models in order to estimate the lunar dielectric constant, the equatorial subsurface temperature, the latitude dependence of the subsurface temperature, and the subsurface temperature gradient. The models are most consistent with a dielectric constant of 2.52 ± 0.01 (formal errors), an equatorial subsurface temperature of 249−5+8K, and a change in the subsurface temperature with latitude (ψ), which is proportional to cos0.38ψ. Since the temperature of the Moon has been measured by the Apollo Lunar Heat Flow Experiment, we have been able to use our determination of the equatorial temperature to estimate the error in the flux density calibration scale at 49.3cm (608 MHz). This results in a correction factor of 1.03 ± 0.04, which must be applied to the flux density scale. This factor is much different from 1.21 ± 0.09 estimated by Muhleman et al. (1973) from the brightness temperature of Venus and apparently indicates that the observed decrease in the brightness temperature of Venus at long wavelengths is a real effect. The estimates of the temperature gradient, which are based on the measurement of limb darkening, are small and negative (temperature decreases with depth) and may be insignificantly different from zero since they are only as large as their formal errors. We estimate that a temperature gradient in excess of 0.6K/m at 10m depth would have been observed. Thus, a temperature gradient like that measured in situ at the Apollo 15 and 17 landing sites in the upper 2m of the regolith is not typical of the entire lunar frontside at the 10m depths where the 49.3 cm wavelength emission originates. This result may indicate that the mean lunar heat flow is lower than that measured at the Apollo landing sites, that the thermal conductivity is greater at 10m depth than it is at 2m depth, or that the radio opacity is greater at 10m depth than at 2m depth. The negative estimates of the temperature gradient indicate that the Moon appeared limb bright and might be explained by scattering of the emission from boulders or an interface with solid rock. The presence of solid rock at 10m depths will probably cause heat flows like those measured by Apollo to be unobservable by our interferometric method at long wavelengths, since it will cause both the thermal conductivity and radio opacity of the regolith to increase. Thus, our data may be most consistent with a change in the physical properties of the regolith to those of solid rock or a mixture of rock and soil at depths of 7 to 16m. Our results show that future radio measurements for heat flow determinations must utilize wavelengths considerably shorter than 50 cm (25 cm or less) to avoid the rock regions below the regolith.
Icarus | 1980
F. Peter Schloerb; Duane O. Muhleman; Glenn L. Berge
Abstract We present interferometric observations of Saturn and its ring system made at the Hat Creek Radio Astronomy Observatory at a wavelength of 1.30 cm. The data have been analyzed by both model-fitting and aperture synthesis techniques to determine the brightness temperature and optical thickness of the ring system and estimate the amount of planetary limb darkening. We find that the ring optical depth is close to that observed at visible wavelenghts, while the ring brightness temperature is only 7 ± 1°K. These observational constraints require the ring particles to be nearly conservative scatterers at this wavelength. A conservative lower limit to the single-scattering albedo of the particles at 1.30-cm wavelength is 0.95, and if their composition is assumed to be water ice, then this lower limit implies an upper limit of 2.4 m for the radius of a typical ring particle. The aperture synthesis maps show evidence for a small offset in the position of Saturn from that given in the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. The direction and magnitude of this offset are consistent with that found from a similar analysis of 3.71-cm interferometric data which we have previously presented (F.P. Schloerb, D.O. Muhleman, and G.L. Berge, 1979b , Icarus 39, 232–250). Limb darkening of the planetary disk has been estimated by solving for the best-fitting disk radius in the models. The best-fitting radius is 0.998 ± 0.004 times the nominal Saturn radius and indicates that the planet is not appreciably limb dark at 1.30 cm. Since our previous 3.71-cm data also indicated that the planet was not strongly limb dark (F.P. Schloerb, D. O. Muhleman, and G.L. Berge, 1979a , Icarus 39, 214–230), we feel that the limb darkening is not strongly wavelength dependent between 1.30 and 3.71 cm. The difference between the best-fitting disk radii at 3.71 and 1.30 cm is +0.007 ± 0.007 times the nominal Saturn radius and suggests that the planet is more limb dark at 1.30 cm than at 3.71 cm. Models of the atmosphere which have NH3 as the principal source of microwave opacity predict that the planet will be less limb dark at 1.30 cm. However, the magnitude of the effect predicted by the NH3 models is −0.009 and only marginally different from the observed value.
Icarus | 1979
F. Peter Schloerb; Duane O. Muhleman; Glenn L. Berge
Abstract We present aperture synthesis maps of the Saturn system at a wavelength of 3.71 cm. The data used to make the maps were obtained in May–June 1976 at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory on 13 interferometer baselines. The aperture synthesis maps contain few assumptions about the brightness structure of Saturn and the rings and, therefore, may be used to check previous model-fitting results as well as search for new unmodeled features. Generally, the maps confirm the previous model-fitting results. An exception to this is that the brightness temperature of the planet that is implied by the maps is about 4% less than that deduced from model fitting. The likely explanation of this discrepancy is that random errors on the phase of the visibility function have led to an underestimate of the planet brightness temperature in the map. Maps of the residuals to the model fits have shown that the position of Saturn given in the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac may be in error by about 0.25 arcsec. Maps of the residuals to model fits including a position offset show that no new features of the Saturn brightness structure are required to match the present data. In particular, no azimuthal variations in the brightness temperature of the rings were detected.
Archive | 1976
Duane O. Muhleman; F. Peter Schloerb; Glenn L. Berge
Archive | 1977
F. Peter Schloerb; Duane O. Muhleman; Glenn L. Berge
Archive | 1976
David J. Diner; James A. Westphal; F. Peter Schloerb