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Featured researches published by Fátima Regina Gonçalves Salimena.

Rodriguésia - Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro | 2011

Composição, estrutura e similaridade florística da Floresta Atlântica, na Serra Negra, Rio Preto – MG

Arthur Sérgio Mouço Valente; Paulo Oswaldo Garcia; Fátima Regina Gonçalves Salimena; Ary Teixeira de Oliveira-Filho

Serra Negra is a region surrounded by some stretches of mountain, covered by Atlantic Forests and cloud scrubs, located in the southern part of Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais, in Serra da Mantiqueira, between the rises of the massif of Itatiaia (RJ, SP e MG) and the Serra do Ibitipoca (MG). The aim of this study was to determine the composition, structure and floristic similarity of arboreal flora among three forest types of Atlantic Forest (Alluvial, Montane and Cloud Forest) and also the similarity with other studies. A total of 2,572 individuals was sampled, from 194 species, 59 families and 118 genera. The highest number of species was recorded in the families Myrtaceae (30 morphospecies), Lauraceae (20), Melastomataceae (17) and Fabaceae (13). The three vegetation types associated with different environmental conditions differ in their composition and structure. The alluvial proved with low diversity and stature and high ecological dominance. The cloud forest stood out for its typical elements of altitude over other common species in the area below the range, where diversity was higher. The tree flora of Sierra Negra presents various indicator species to characteristic distribution of highlands of southeastern Brazil.

Brazilian Journal of Botany | 2007

Floração, germinação e estaquia em espécies de Lippia L. (Verbenaceae)

Maiana R. Pimenta; Leonardo S. Fernandes; Uanderson J. Pereira; Leonardo S. Garcia; Steveen R. Leal; Suzana G. Leitão; Fátima Regina Gonçalves Salimena; Lyderson Facio Viccini; Paulo Henrique Pereira Peixoto

Plantas de dez especies de Lippia foram coletadas na Cadeia do Espinhaco, MG, Brasil e cultivadas em canteiros em Juiz de Fora, MG. A epoca de florescimento das especies de Lippia foi observada nos ambientes de origem e em canteiro. A germinacao foi testada com sementes coletadas em ambiente natural. Os materiais estabelecidos ex situ foram avaliados quanto ao enraizamento de estacas. As analises das plantas em ambiente natural e das cultivadas em canteiro evidenciaram que a maioria das especies estudadas apresenta floracao no periodo seco (inverno), enquanto um menor numero, no chuvoso (verao). Uma unica especie floresceu nessas duas estacoes. Em cultivo controlado, o periodo de floracao das especies com floracao caracteristica no verao foi aumentado. Algumas especies germinaram melhor quando recem coletadas enquanto outras quando armazenadas, evidenciando a ocorrencia de perda de viabilidade e de dormencia. O GA3 estimulou a germinacao em algumas especies, enquanto inibiu ou nao apresentou efeitos sobre outras. Sementes de algumas especies germinaram melhor no escuro, enquanto de outras sob luz branca, existindo ainda especies que germinaram tanto na luz quanto no escuro. O enraizamento das estacas das especies nao domesticadas de Lippia foi muito baixo, independente da estacao do ano e da concentracao da auxina. O enraizamento em estacas de L. alba (Mill.) N.E. Br. variou em resposta a epoca de coleta das estacas e quanto ao tipo e a concentracao das auxinas utilizadas. Os resultados do presente trabalho constituem os primeiros relatos envolvendo a reproducao de especies de Lippia endemicas da Cadeia do Espinhaco. Eles indicam a possibilidade de utilizacao das sementes na propagacao das plantas desse genero e tambem evidenciam que a reproducao das plantas das especies nao domesticadas de Lippia atraves de tecnicas convencionais de propagacao assexuada apresenta eficiencia bastante reduzida.

Rodriguésia - Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro | 2011

Solanaceae na Serra Negra, Rio Preto, Minas Gerais

Eveline Aparecida Feliciano; Fátima Regina Gonçalves Salimena

Resumo Apresenta-se o estudo taxonomico da familia Solanaceae A. Juss na Serra Negra, municipio de Rio Preto, Minas Gerais. A familia esta representada na area por oito generos e 26 especies. As especies encontradas sao: Athenaea picta, Aureliana fasciculata, Brugmansia suaveolens, Cestrum bracteatum, Dyssochroma viridiflorum, Nicotiana tabacum, Physalis pubescens, Solanum bullatum, S. capsicoides, S. cinnamomeum, S. decorum, S. leptostachys, S. leucodendron, S. luridifuscescens, S. lycocarpum, S. melissarum, S. palinacanthum, S. piluliferum, S. pseudoquina , S. schizandrum, S. sellowianum, S. sisymbriifolium, S. subumbellatum, S. swartzianum, S. vaillantii e S. velleum. Solanum e o genero mais representativo com 19 especies. Sao apresentadas chave de identificacao, descricoes, ilustracoes, comentarios taxonomicos, ecologicos e distribuicao geografica para as especies. Palavras-chave: Mata Atlântica, Serra da Mantiqueira, Solanum, taxonomia. Abstract The taxonomic study of the family Solanaceae A. Juss is represented in Serra Negra, Rio Preto municipality, Minas Gerais state is presented. In this area the family is represented by eight genera and 26 species. The species are: Athenaea picta, Aureliana fasciculata, Brugmansia suaveolens, Cestrum bracteatum, Dyssochroma viridiflorum, Nicotiana tabacum, Physalis pubescens , Solanum bullatum, S. capsicoides, S. cinnamomeum, S. decorum, S. leptostachys, S. leucodendron, S. luridifuscescens, S. lycocarpum, S. melissarum, S. palinacanthum, S. piluliferum, S. pseudoquina , S. schizandrum, S. sellowianum, S. sisymbriifolium, S. subumbellatum, S. swartzianum , S. vaillantii e S. velleum. Solanum is the most representative genus with 19 species. A key for identification, as well as, descriptions, illustrations, and comments about of the species taxonomy, ecology and geographic distribution is presented. Key words: Atlantic Forest, Mantiqueira Range, Solanum, taxonomy.

Journal of Plant Research | 2007

Cytogenetic characterization of Lippia alba and Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) from Brazil

Aline Dias Brandão; Lyderson Facio Viccini; Fátima Regina Gonçalves Salimena; André Luiz Laforga Vanzela; Shirlei Maria Recco-Pimentel

The aim of this work was to determine the cytogenetic characteristics of Brazilian Lippia alba (Mill) N. E. Brown and Lantana camara Plum. that could be useful for future characterization of these genera. Our analyses revealed that Li. alba has 2n=30 chromosomes consisting of ten metacentric and five submetacentric pairs, while La. camara has 44 metacentric chromosomes. The large blocks of heterochromatin seen in both species suggest an apomorphic condition. Six 45S rDNA sites were detected in both species by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Two and four 5S rDNA sites were observed in Li. alba and La. camara, respectively. Meiotic analysis revealed a normal chromosomal behaviour. The number of chromosomes and the presence of 45S rDNA and 5S rDNA sites do not exclude a possible polyploid origin. The cytogenetic differences between La. camara and Li. alba may be useful markers for differentiating these species.

Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society | 2008

Analysis of the chemical composition of the essential oils extracted from Lippia lacunosa Mart. & Schauer and Lippia rotundifolia Cham. (Verbenaceae) by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

Suzana G. Leitão; Danilo Ribeiro de Oliveira; Valeria P. Sülsen; Virginia S. Martino; Ymira Galico Barbosa; Humberto R. Bizzo; Daíse Lopes; Lyderson Facio Viccini; Fátima Regina Gonçalves Salimena; Paulo Henrique Pereira Peixoto; Gilda Guimarães Leitão

Lippia lacunosa and L. rotundifolia (Verbenaceae) are two Brazilian species of complex taxonomic delimitation. The composition of the essential oils from leaves and flowers of these plants was investigated by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. The major components of the essential oils of flowers and leaves of L. lacunosa were: myrcene (14.7% and 11.9%), myrcenone (45.2% and 64.2%), Z-ocimenone (5.7% and 5.2%), and E-ocimenone (14.7% and 4.1%), respectively; whereas in L. rotundifolia (flowers and leaves) were a-pinene (8.7% and 1.8%), myrcene (5.1% and 3.6%), limonene (26.0% and 7.9 %), cis-pinocamphone (4.5% and 3.1%) and myrtenal (22.3% and 16.7%), respectively. The essential oils from L. lacunosa exhibited a strong and pleasant mango aroma, which was related to the presence of myrcene and myrcenone. The marked differences in the chemical composition of their essential oils may represent a powerful tool for the botanical classification.

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant | 2006


Paulo Henrique Pereira Peixoto; Fátima Regina Gonçalves Salimena; Marcelo de Oliveira Santos; Leonardo S. Garcia; Patrícia Maria de Oliveira Pierre; Lyderson Facio Viccini; Wagner Campos Otoni

SummaryThis work describes an efficient micropropagation protocol of Lippia filifolia. Nodal segments cultivation in MS medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (4.5 μM)/α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA; 54nM) induced multiple shoots (in average 27 shoots per explant). Elongated shoots were rooted with NAA (0.11 μM) and they maintained ploidy level of the in vitro produced explants. The basic chromosome number were 2n=2x=24. Regenerated rooted shoots were successfully acclimatized under shading house conditions. This is the first report involving the establishment of a protocol for shoot multiplication and rooting for endangered L. filifolia, contributing for germplasm preservation of this species.

Rodriguésia - Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro | 2012

Annonaceae na Serra Negra, Minas Gerais, Brasil

Saulo Moreira Dutra; Fátima Regina Gonçalves Salimena; Luiz Menini Neto

The taxonomic study of Annonaceae in Serra Negra is presented, which covers the municipalities of Rio Preto, Olaria, Santa Barbara do Monte Verde and Lima Duarte in Minas Gerais state. Seven species belonging to three genera has been registered: Annona dolabripetala, A. mucosa, A. sylvatica, Guatteria australis, G. pohliana G. sellowiana and Xylopia brasiliensis. A key for identification as well as descriptions, illustrations, and comments about of the species taxonomy, ecology and geographic distribution are presented.

Biota Neotropica | 2013

Flora vascular da Serra da Pedra Branca, Caldas, Minas Gerais e relações florísticas com áreas de altitude da Região Sudeste do Brasil

Munike Gonçalves de Rezende; Ricardo Cunha Loyola Elias; Fátima Regina Gonçalves Salimena; Luiz Menini Neto

Serra da Pedra Branca (SPB) is a mountain range located in the Southwestern portion of the state Minas Gerais, in the municipality of Caldas (21°58′-21°55′S, 46°24′-46°22′W). It is a striking feature in the landscape, between 1100 and 1780 m.s.m., in a region that is part of the Atlantic Forest Domain and is considered as a priority area for conservation of the flora in Minas Gerais state. The vegetation is composed by a mosaic of “campo de altitude” (which occupy the greatest extension in the area), Seasonal Semidecidual Montane Forest, Dense Ombrophilous High-Montane Forest and Mixed Ombrophilous Forest. The aims of this study was the elaboration of a floristic survey of SPB added to the specimens collected by Anders Fredrik Regnell in the nineteenth century in Caldas and to analyze its floristic similarity with altitude areas of the Southeastern Region of Brazil. There were recorded 502 vascular plant species, distributed in 274 genera and 100 families. The majority of recorded species present herbaceous habit, terricolous, saxicolous and/or rupicolous (representing around 58% of recorded species), predominantly occurring in the “campo de altitude” (ca. 46%). The richest families were Polypodiaceae (20 spp.) and Dryopteridaceae (10 spp.) among the ferns, and Orchidaceae (56 spp.), Asteraceae (27 spp.) and Fabaceae (26 spp.) among the angiosperms. Just one species of gymnosperm was recorded, Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze (Araucariaceae). Five new records were made for the Minas Gerais flora, 13 species are cited as threatened with extinction in the state and at least six are endemic to SPB. Amongst 127 species collected in XIX century in the region, only 29 collected again, while 375 new records were made for SPB. The analysis of floristic similarity performed between the flora of SPB and other altitude areas of Southeastern Region revealed isolation of SPB in relation to other areas, highlighting its floristic peculiarity, which can probably be explained by its location in a distinct hydrographic basin. The vegetation of the SPB must be considered as endangered since the presence of endemic species and/or threatened species, associated with local environmental conditions suffering accelerated rate of destruction, highlight the need for urgent actions to preserve local biodiversity.

Acta Botanica Brasilica | 2010

Uma nova espécie de Lippia L. (Verbenaceae) do cerrado brasileiro

Fátima Regina Gonçalves Salimena

The genus Lippia L. is highly diversified in Brazilian cerrado. Lippia minima (Verbenaceae), endemic to Goias state, is described and illustrated. This species is noteworthy for its small habit, xylopodium and coriaceous, revolute, and densely puberulent-glandulose leaves.

Journal of Essential Oil Research | 2011

Analysis of the Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil from Lippia triplinervis Gardner (Verbenaceae)

Suzana G. Leitão; João Paulo; L. Damasceno; Márcia G. Martini; Simone N. Miranda; Paulo Murillo Neufeld; Fátima Regina Gonçalves Salimena; Humberto R. Bizzo

Abstract The chemical composition of the essential oil from Lippia triplinervis (Verbenaceae), as well as its antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans and other clinical isolates, was analyzed. The major compounds identified in the oil obtained in April 2010 were myrcene (2.6%), ipsenone (11.4%), myrcenone (57.7%), (Z)-ocimenone (1.3%) and (E)-calamenene (4.8%). The essential oil of this same plant collected in September 2010, showed a quite similar chemical composition, but the relative percentage of myrcenone was reduced from 57.7% to 13.5%, whereas limonene (8.0%), (E)-tagetone (2.0%) and (Z)-tagetone (19.4%) were now major constituents of this oil. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) activity against C. albicans as well as other clinical isolates (C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis) ranged from 156 to 1,250 μg/mL. This is the first report of the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of L. triplinervis essential oil.


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Luiz Menini Neto

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

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Lyderson Facio Viccini

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

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Paulo Henrique Pereira Peixoto

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

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Suzana G. Leitão

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

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Maria Ema Múlgura

National Scientific and Technical Research Council

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Arthur Sérgio Mouço Valente

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

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Daniel Salgado Pifano

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

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Filipe Soares de Souza

Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

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Humberto R. Bizzo

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária

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