Flávio de São Pedro Filho
Universidade Federal de Rondônia
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Featured researches published by Flávio de São Pedro Filho.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning | 2018
Sued Santos Rocha de Souza; Flávio de São Pedro Filho; Maria José Aguilar Madeira; Inon Beydha Lukman
This paper presents, as its overall objective, an analysis of the epistemological nature of isomorphism in the generation of innovation. To obtain the results in this study, the specific aims are as follows: (1) to raise the theoretical-conceptual basis of isomorphism in the innovation process, with regard to design;(2) to characterize the concepts inherent in the relationship of the innovation process to organizational isomorphism; and (3) to analyze the impact of isomorphism from the perspective of institutional theory. The content analysis method was used for this research, with the support of procedures for design planning. It was preceded by Internet research, bibliographical research in published books and articles, discussion, reflection, preparatory analysis and valid criticism. The results suggest that isomorphism is a common procedure for managers in organizations which seek to copy the structures or actions to obtain greater visibility and competitiveness in a specific organizational field. However, innovation is a prominent feature by which to create distinctiveness in a competitive market; it is an excellent way of changing the organizational process. Regarding the paper’s theoretical contribution, it exposes the conceptual proposals of several selected authors, focusing on creative modelling for new solutions through design planning; diagrams, charts and other suitable elements are included. Given the relevance and coverage of its theme, it is aimed at researchers and others who study innovation,
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science | 2018
Sâmia Laise Manthey Benevides; Flávio de São Pedro Filho; Maria José Aguilar Madeira; Irene Yoko Taguchi Sakuno; Valeria Arenhardt
This work concerns the strategies of social innovation focused on the concept of inbound tourism and hospitality in Rondonia State, Brazil. The general objective is to study the main strategies for qualifying as a tourist attraction. The specific objectives are to: point out the strategic elements to (1) qualify the facilities for inbound tourism and hospitality in the scenario;(2)examine the perspective on the implementation of the strategic elements in practice; and (3)indicate the elements of social innovation in support of the strategy of qualification to the concepts of inbound tourism and hospitality. This study is supported by the Theory of Planned Behaviour and concepts of inbound tourism, hospitality, creativity and innovation. It adopts the method of a case study which is both qualitative and quantitative in nature. As part of the methodological procedure, workshops were held for 28 stakeholders in Rondonia’s tourism, during which questionnaire data were collected from answers using the Likert Scale, participant observation was conducted and documents were analysed to enable the causal relationship to be critically assessed. A SWOT matrix was imposed upon the survey report. The tourist potential in the scenario has consequently been acknowledged, together with a need for the strategic planning of its attributes; valid elements for social innovation which use qualifying strategies for inbound tourism and hospitality are indicated; Possible public-private partnerships with the third sector and society could together create an ideal form of intervention. This study is of interest to both the public and the private sector, to academia and the community. It can contribute suggestions for the planning and management required for tourism to develop as well as outline strategies for social innovation.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science | 2018
Saiane Barros de Souza; Flávio de São Pedro Filho; Cleice de Pontes Bernardo; Rwrsilany Silva; José Moreira da Silva Neto
This study was conceived in the cradle of the Brazilian Amazon region, on managerial and cognitive knowledge of the perspectives of sustainable management in coffee cultivation. The objective is to study the green purchasing process and sustainability in coffee management; (1), to map the factors that interfere in the green purchasing processes and sustainability in the researched scenario (2), propose the innovation required with participative management in the face of sustainability with green purchasing (3). With a base on Contingency theories of adaptive nature and emerging demands, Ecodevelopment interprets and performs compatible actions for sustainable local development, the U Theory confronts the problems and transforms them with innovative solutions. The Method of Study adopted is the Case study, of a qualitative nature, such as bibliographic survey procedures, data collection by semi-structured interviews with social actors of the coffee system, data analysis through triangulation and criticism with the theoretical framework and construction of the innovation sustainable development proposal. The result shows the lack of knowledge about green purchasing and the sustainability aspect of the practices used in the Global Coffee Platform. The quality work of the coffee farmers was evidenced in an individual form, but in order to meet the quantitative demands of the market, it is required the structural and leadership development for the construction of APL or agricultural cooperative. The mental design configured at the base of the productive chain needs to break paradigms that interfere in the sustainable posture, to understand the needs of the consumers and to emphasize their participation on the responsibility with the Amazon and the beneficiary society as a whole. We presented suggestions of innovation discussed from the gaps detected by the mapping of factors.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science | 2018
Maria Rafaella Roysal Fontenelle; Wander Pereira de Souza; Flávio de São Pedro Filho; Leonardo Severo da Luz Neto; Irene Yoko Taguchi Sakuno; Eloisa Alves Pinto
This study focuses on learning strategies in municipal public health administration of the environment in the Municipality of Porto Velho, Brazil. Ali bureaucracy focuses on the predictability of institutional operations, to enable the achievement of efficiency and organizational efficiency. The question to be answered is: What learning strategies fit into this scenario for improving the service offered? The general objective is to analyze the learning strategies in the body of a Municipal Health work environment to verify their existence and use. The task here is based on Piagets Theory of creativity, and the concepts of other authors committed to organizational learning. This research was characterized as descriptive, with quantitative approach, basic in nature, Case Study prepared by Method. The sample consisted of 52 servers in crowded health body searched; We used a questionnaire to collect data. It was proved the internal consistency by Cronbachs alpha coefficient. The research concluded that the Extrinsic reflection, Interpersonal Help Search, and Help Search for Material Written, relate significantly with demographic variables: gender, age and income. It also concludes that the servants are in the majority, use these strategies for the implementation of work. This document concerns the public managers committed to the efficiency of their results from learning your team. We used a questionnaire to collect data. It was proved the internal consistency by Cronbachs alpha coefficient. The research concluded that the Extrinsic reflection, Interpersonal Help Search, and Help Search for Material Written, relate significantly with demographic variables: gender, age and income. It also concludes that the servants are in the majority, use these strategies for the implementation of work. This document concerns the public managers committed to the efficiency of their results from learning your team. We used a questionnaire to collect data. It was proved the internal consistency by Cronbachs alpha coefficient. The research concluded that the Extrinsic reflection, Interpersonal Help Search, and Help Search for Written Material, relate significantly with demographic variables: gender, age and income. It also concludes that the servants are in the majority, use these strategies for the implementation of work. This document concerns the public managers committed to the efficiency of their results from learning your team. age and income. It also concludes that the servants are in the majority, use these strategies for the implementation of work. This document concerns the public managers committed to the efficiency of their results from learning your team. age and income. It also concludes that the servants are in the majority, use these strategies for the implementation of work. This document concerns the public managers committed to the efficiency of their results from learning your team.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science | 2018
Jeoval Batista da Silva; Flávio de São Pedro Filho; Tomas Daniel Menendez Rodriguez; Haroldo de Sá Medeiros
This paper aims to develop a method for assessing the sustainability of sustainable use units through indicators. The specific objectives are to identify the characteristics of sustainability assessment criteria in Extractive Reserves (1), to elaborate a method for sustainability evaluation to those Extractive Reserves (2) and to develop a critical analysis bout the efficiency of the proposed method (3). The focus on Theory U, present in the work, allows an adequate operational interpretation about the use of indicators for the evaluation of sustainability. As a result, the GEITEC Method of Sustainability Endogenous Assessment was elaborated, in which the logical convergence of the object searched was pointed out. In this way, it presents the alignment of the academy, through strictosensu programs, in a search for means that guide appropriate technologies to be applied, not only as a phatic interpretation, but also to support actions to benefit the environment, to the social that should be adequately protected, to the economy in view of its importance for endogenous development and to the organizational structures that must be managed with skill for the success of the common interest. This research is a contribution to those involved in decisions related to sustainability.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science | 2018
Thaís Cristina Medeiros Eggers; Flávio de São Pedro Filho; Fabrício Moraes de Almeida; ItaloCamilo da Silva Nogueira; Valeria Arenhardt; Pablo Nunes Vargas; Henrique Otávio Braga Brasil
The water is an universal soluble, fundamental to every living being. The main component to the human body and indispensable for any form of life, however, there is an increasing preocupation within the quality of their providers, which are the rivers, strands and springs, but as the time passes by are threatened by anthropogenic activities, main causer of the contamination and destruction of the local fauna and habitat. The principal objetictive of this research was to generate necessary information to further make use of this water, specifically located in Porto Velho, Rondonia, in Jamaris Rivers hidrographic basin sided with Green Rivers, one affluent and one subfluent of Madeiras River, which is one of the most important hidrographic basins of Amazons River, yet, lots of physical, chemicals and microbiological parameters were effected, like pH, turbidity, overall alkalinity, overall toughness, iron, chloride, color, fecal coliforms, that are capable of identify the contamination by anthropic action, obtaining the characteristics of the containing waters in the studied area, which in turn had favorable results, following the collected results we could confirm that all them were under acceptable and expectable parameters required by legislation in force of bathing, aquatic community preservation and human consumption, being the last one dependable of a simple threatment (chlorination).
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science | 2018
Lucas Moreira de Souza; Flávio de São Pedro Filho; Carolina Yukari Veludo Watanabe; Gelson Barros Cardoso; Fábio Rogério de Morais
The objective of this work was to study the productive capacity and queues in the services of a bookstore in Porto Velho city, Brazil. To do this, the specific objectives were: (1) to study the productive capacity in the operation units of the bookstore; (2) to carry out an analysis of queuing and flow management in the operation units of the bookstore; and (3) to suggest prospects for the development using the SWOT Matrix analysis tool.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science | 2018
Valeria Arenhardt; Flávio de São Pedro Filho; Luciana Rezende Alves de Oliveira; Leonardo Severo da Luz Neto; Eduardo Egídio Vicensi Deliza
The automotive battery industry is a fixed emission source of high pollution potential arising from secondary lead smelting processes pollutants. The management, the quality control standards of air, air pollutant emission limits as well as the allocation and disposal of waste and effluents are provided by legal norms. The objective is to identify management practices and management of atmospheric emissions and the allocation and disposal of waste and effluents in a battery industry that manufactures and reuses materials from reverse logistics to propose a management model based on PDCA- Plan, Do, Check and Act. The specific objectives are:(1)Identify the management and environmental management practices in the industry and relates them with economic development and innovation in industrial processes; (2)Check the procedures adopted for the reverse logistics management and allocation and disposal of wastes, effluents and emissions to mitigate the generation of pollutants; (3)propose management actions and environmental management, according to the PDCA method. It is a descriptive exploratory survey of bibliographical studies and field research with observations of practices in the industry and using the interview questionnaire, to present qualitative and quantitative data. The sample was randomly chosen to focus an industry that generates wastes, effluents and emissions of high polluting potential. Employing the task isintended to answer the question: An environmental management plan based on the PDCA method is able to systematize sustainable actions in an industry that generates highly toxic pollutants? The result is of interest to managers of enterprises that manufacture and reuse of waste battery. This study is important considering thelocus of research, the Amazonian City, which deserves special attention.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science | 2018
Seri Suriani; Sayamsu Alam; Idayanti Nursyamsi; Mursalim Nohong; Flávio de São Pedro Filho
Suspected budgetary participation is not always linear effect on budgetary slack. This is because the information asymmetry factor, and self esteem. This study aims to determine whether the asymmetry of information and self-esteem able to moderate Effect of participatory budgeting and budgetary slack. The number of samples in the study were 100 echelons SKPD South Sulawesi Provincial Government selected based on purposive sampling method. The data analysis technique used is moderation regression analysis (MRA). The results obtained are variable participatory budgeting has a positive effect on budgetary slack. Variable self esteem weaken the influence of participatory budgeting in the budgetary slack, while strengthening the influence of information asymmetry variable participatory budgeting in the budgetary slack.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science | 2018
Augusto de Souza Leite; Flávio de São Pedro Filho; José Arilson de Souza; Leonardo Severo da Luz Neto; Elder Gomes Ramos
Quick Tool Exchange (QTE) acts to reduce losses and failures during the production process and throughput time, contributing to rapid response to market changes. The object of the work is a private school of the Municipality of Porto Velho, capital of Rondonia. The general objective is to study the building maintenance of a private school in the Municipality of Porto Velho / RO, focusing on QTE technology. Therefore, the specific objectives were to characterize the building maintenance in the study (1); compare the operational processes applied in the face of QTE concepts (2); and propose innovation for the operational improvement of building maintenance in operation (3). The building maintenance has a clear importance, since its compliance contributes to the preservation of life and health of users of any construction. Both the preventive and the corrective have been receiving the importance due to it, especially the preventive one, since this is always cheaper in comparison to the corrective one, since besides the damages caused to the physical structure of the building, there can exist to the users present in the occurrence of the fact. The methodological procedures consisted in carrying out a bibliographic survey followed by a case study. The results demonstrated measures approved and not approved by the QTE, suggesting simple innovations, but with significant consequences to the improvement of service rendering, minimizing costs in the area of building maintenance. This study is of interest to businessmen in general, especially the public or private educational sector, and those involved with the area of Production Administration.