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Featured researches published by Francisco Cabrera.

Geoderma | 1981

Desorption of phosphate from iron oxides in relation to equilibrium pH and porosity

Francisco Cabrera; P. de Arambarri; Luis Madrid; C.G. Toga

Abstract Reactions of phosphated lepidocrocites and geothites with 0.1 M NaCl, 0.1 M NaOH and 0.5 M NH 4 F solutions have been studied. Solutions of indifferent electrolyte (0.1 M NaCl) at the same pH as used during adsorption of P were used to desorb P so that new apparent equilibria were reached, but a slow readsorption was also observed. Strongly alkaline solutions seemed to cause some breakdown of the solid surface and part of the adsorbed P became occluded. Desorption and isotopic exchange data have been related to porosity of the two oxides, and presence of a component of the exchangeable P released very slowly, has been attributed to P adsorbed on surfaces of micropores.

Water Research | 1984

Acid mine-water and agricultural pollution in a river skirting the Doñana National Park (Guadiamar River, South West Spain)

Francisco Cabrera; C.G. Toca; E. Diaz; P. de Arambarri

Abstract An inventory of the pollution originated by a mining industry in its first stages of development and by a highly developed agriculture is carried out in a river skirting the Donana National Park. The pathway along the Guadiamar river basin was studied for heavy metals derived from the opencast-worked polymetallic sulphide deposits and from the mine spoil heaps. The dynamics of N, P and herbicides in waters of urban and/or agricultural origin was also discussed.

Chemosphere | 1987

Heavy metal pollution in the Guadiamar River and the Guadalquivir estuary (south west Spain)

Francisco Cabrera; Marina Soldevilla; Rosario Cordón; P. de Arambarri

The Guadalquivir river is the most important course of water of South West Spain. Its tributary, the Guadiamar river, joins the Guadalquivir near its mouth at C~diz Gulf in the Spanish South Atlantic coast, just after skirting the marshy part of the Do~ana National Park. The upper Guadiamar river receives through its tributary the Agrio river the drainage water from an opencast-worked polymetallic sulphide deposit and the effluents from a plant for the treatment and concentration of mineral. Guadiamar river also receives sewaEes outlets from villages supporting a population of ca. 40000 and diffuse land pollution. Untreated effluents from olive-oil manufacturing mills were also discharged into the river during the first part of the period of this study. To preserve the Do~ana National Park from water pollution, Guadiamar river flows between levees in the neighbourhood of the Park, what causes droughts and other problems of ecological significance. However, there exists a project to allow Guadiamar river to flood the marshes of the Park again. C~diz Gulf is rich in high quality fish and shell-fish and touristic resorts. Also C~diz Gulf and Guadalquivir estuary are important areas for the development of aquaculture. The Do~ana National Park, the Guadalquivir estuary and the C~diz Gulf, are very fragile ecosystems which can be greatly altered by inflow of sewage and industrial effluents. The present paper summarizes the work carried out from 1978 to 1984 on water, sediment, flora and fauna of the Guadiamar river and the Guadalquvir estuary.

Water Research | 1982

A modification of the hydrogen peroxide method of determination of total phosphorus in natural waters

Francisco Cabrera; E. Diaz; C.G. Toca; P. de Arambarri

Abstract A modification is suggested of the H 2 O 2 -H 2 SO 4 digestion method for determining total dissolved and suspended P in natural waters in order to avoid loss of P by adsorption on hydrous Fe and Al oxides formed during neutralization prior to filtration. The modification consists in adding an extra volume of sulfuric acid after neutralization so that such oxides are dissolved and hence the adsorbed P can pass into solution.

Analyst | 1981

Use of ascorbic and thioglycollic acids to eliminate interference from iron in the aluminon method for determining aluminium

Francisco Cabrera; Luis Madrid; P. de Arambarri

The use of ascorbic and thioglycollic acids as inhibitors for the interference of iron in the aluminon method of Hsu have been examined. The use of ascorbic acid, as proposed by Jayman and Sivasubramaniam, has been found to change iron interference from positive to negative causing aluminium to be underestimated. However, the addition of 0.2 ml of a 1%V/V solution of thioglycollic acid to solutions containing aluminium in amounts ranging from 10 to 50 µg has been proved to suppress the interference from up to 900 µg of iron.

Archive | 1994

Estimación de las pérdidas de nitrato en un suelo con cultivo de maíz y riego

José Antonio Cayuela; José Enrique Fernández Luque; Félix Moreno Lucas; José Manuel Murillo Carpio; Francisco Cabrera

Trabajo presentado en el XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Malherbologia, celebrado en Pamplona-Iruna, entre los dias 25 y 27 de octubre de 2017.La reiterada multiplicacion vegetativa de cultivares de vid (Vitis vinifera L.) de elite para la vinificacion provoca la acumulacion de variacion somatica que es explotada en la mejora varietal. Considerando la hipotesis de que variantes con ciclo largo de maduracion (baja tasa de acumulacion de azucares) pueden adaptarse mejor a condiciones de alta temperatura, en este estudio se caracterizaron 450 accesiones de ‘Tempranillo’ buscando clones que difiriesen en la duracion del ciclo de maduracion. Se preseleccionaron diez clones de ciclo largo y nueve de ciclo corto y la consistencia de su ciclo se testo sobre esquejes fructiferos. Asi se seleccionaron dos clones de ciclo largo y uno de ciclo corto, que ademas de mantener diferencias consistentes en el ciclo, presentaban un rendimiento y una produccion de antocianinas equilibrados. Se realizo un analisis transcriptomico de estos tres clones, mediante la tecnica RNA-seq, con el objetivo de identificar la variacion genetica responsable de las diferencias en el proceso de maduracion. Comparando el transcriptoma de uvas que estaban completando el envero, se detectaron posibles mutaciones puntuales responsables del fenotipo de ciclo largo en uno de los clones. Asimismo, se identifico una region cromosomica con tres genes localizados consecutivamente que se hallaban sobreexpresados en el otro clon de ciclo largo analizado. La secuencia de los transcritos de estos genes indica que la sobreexpresion se debe a la induccion especifica de uno de los alelos de cada gen, lo que sugiere la presencia de una mutacion en cis con una region reguladora en una copia del cromosoma, que causaria la sobreexpresion ectopica de los tres genes y la ralentizacion de la maduracion. Estos resultados pueden ser utiles en programas de mejora de la vid dirigidos a la adaptacion de la elaboracion de vino de calidad en condiciones de cambio climatico.4 paginas.-- 2 tablas.-- 10 referencias.-- Comunicacion oral presentada en el VIII Congreso Iberico de las Ciencias del Suelo. VIII Congresso Iberico de Ciencias do Solo. DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIAN. 20 - 22 junio 2018..-- El documento completo se encuentra para su descarga en“Connected Worlds: the Caribbean, Origin of Modern World”. This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 823846La crisis ha reducido las entradas por reagrupacion familiar debido a un aumento de las denegaciones y una caida de las solicitudes derivada de las dificultades economicas que atraviesan los inmigrantes y el endurecimiento de los requisitos legales. Esta caida corresponde casi en exclusiva a los no-comunitarios, para los comunitarios apenas se ha producido variacion. Las diferencias entre ambos cualitativas: los comunitarios reagrupan mayoritariamente a sus conyuges y ascendientes, mientras que los no comunitarios reagrupan sobre todo a descendientes. Por ultimo, la mayor precariedad legal de los reagrupados por regimen general se refleja tambien en autorizaciones de muy corta duracion y sometidas a requisitos economicos de renovacion mas exigentes, lo que amenaza con complicar mas aun la vida de las familias reagrupadasProject EPOS Implementation Phase (EPOS IP) (Grant Agreement no: 676564-EPOS IP Call H2020-IFRADEV-12015-1)In this paper we present a new approach to monitor noise pollution involving citizens and built upon the notions of participatory sensing and citizen science. We enable citizens to measure their personal exposure to noise in their everyday environment by using GPS-equipped mobile phones as noise sensors. The geo-localised measures and user-generated meta-data can be automatically sent and shared online with the public to contribute to the collective noise mapping of cities. Our prototype, called Noise Tube, can be found online.Trabajo presentado en el II Congreso Medio Rural, Agricultura y Cambio climatico, celebrado en Espana, en marzo de 2009Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado al Workshop and Summer School on Field Robotics (euRathlon/ARCAS), celebrado en Sevilla (Espana) del 15 al 18 de junio de 2014.The project COINVENT acknowledges the nancial support of the Future and Emerging Tech- nologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the Eu- ropean Commission, under FET-Open Grant number: 611553PROYECTO: Alfabetizacion cientifica en la escuela: mejorar las estrategias y construir nuevas practicas de ensenanza de las ciencias en la educacion de los primeros anos (SciLit). PROGRAMA ERASMUS + DE LA UNION EUROPEA. Esta guia para el docente es el resultado de una estrecha colaboracion entre los ocho socios de este programa, de cinco paises europeos, con sus diferentes valores y culturas, metodos de trabajo, necesidades, etc. Esta pluralidad refuerza lo que une a los cientificos y maestros: el amor por el conocimiento, Que ambos grupos creen y transmitan en un espacio intelectual comun que supera cualquier tipo de fronteras. PDF de 130 paginasPoster presentado en la 2nd International Ocean Research Conference, celebrada en Barcelona del 17 al 21 de noviembre de 2014.Trabajo presentado en el International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV16), celebrado en Swansea (Reino Unido), del 29 de junio al 1 de julio de 2016CPESS-5, Centro Europeo de Astronomia Espacial, ESAC en Villanueva de la Canada, Madrid, del 6 al 8 de Junio de 2017. -- presentado al Spanish JRU EGI-ENGAGE meeting celebrado en Madrid el 23 de febrero de 2015.Poster (P-FA-34 ) presentado en la XVIII Reunion de la Sociedad Espanola de Cromatografia y Tecnicas Afines (SECyTA 2018), Granada, del 2 al 4 de Octubre de 2018.Trabajo presentado en el XII Congreso de Estudiantes de la Seccion de Quimica celebrado en San Cristobal de La Laguna, Tenerife (Espana), del 11 al 13 de abril de 2016.2 .pdf Files ( extended abstract, 1 Pag.; 1 Poster copy from the original by Authors). Under Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Trabajo presentado en la 6th European Conference on Python in Science (EuroSciPy 2013), celebrada en Bruselas del 21 al 25 de agosto de 2013.-- Editors: Pierre de Buyl, Nelle Varoquaux.-- arXiv:1405.0166Trabajo presentad en el World Aquaculture 2011, celebrado en Natal (Brasil) del 6 al 10 de junio de 2011.Comunicacion oral presentada en la European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 Vienna | Austria | 17–22 April 2016The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007 - 2013) under grant agreement no. 320116 for the research p roject FamiliesAndSocieties.6 paginas.-- 4 tablas.-- 12 referencias.-- Comunicacion oral presentada en el XIII Simposio Hispano-Portugues de Relaciones Hidricas en las Plantas “Aprendiendo a optimizar el uso del agua en las plantas para hacer de nuestro entorno un ambiente mas sostenible” Libro de resumenes . 18 – 20 de octubre de 2016 Pamplona (Espana) y organizado por El Grupo de Fisiologia del Estres en Plantas (Unidad asociada al CSIC)This paper is based on a 16-year-long ethnography of mass grave exhumations in contemporary Spain and deals with the tortuous, painful, much-disputed, and incomplete unmaking of a concrete and massive militaristic inscription of Spain: that related to its last internal war (1936–1939) and subsequent dictatorship (1939–1975). To understand this process and its historical roots, the paper first dissects the formation of a “funerary apartheid” in the country since the end of the war. Second, it analyzes the impact on the social fabric of the mass grave exhumations of Republican civilians that started in the year 2000. Third, it traces how these disinterments have intersected with Spain’s most prominent Francoist stronghold, the Valley of the Fallen, and threaten the dictator’s burial place. Finally, it discusses the parallel dismantling of the dictatorship’s official statuary that once presided over prominent public spaces in many cities and some military quarters. It argues that rolling back militarization by dismantling war-derived cartographies of death, challenging military burial arrangements, or degrading statues of generals necessarily involves a certain level of remilitarizing by other means. I call this mirroring and deeply embodied memorial backfiring “phantom militarism.”Trabajo presentado al XII Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola para la Conservacion y Estudio de los Mamiferos (SECEM), celebrado en Burgos (Espana) del 4 al 7 de diciembre de 2015.Dynamic models of PEM stacks are the basis to design controllers for appropriate performance, maximum efficiency and minimum degradation. Fluid dynamic models of different dimensions can be found in the literature; however, these models are rarely used to improve the control laws and strategies. This work presents a control oriented 1+1D model (distributed in the direction of the stack flow channels). The model is based on a similar model presented by M. Mangold [1], is implemented in MATLAB Simulink. The model is validated using experimental data of a Powercell stack.Authors gratefully acknowledge MICINN Projects AGL2 008-00344/AGR and HA2008-0014 and FEDER financial support from the European Union.Comunicacion presentada en el 10th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, celebrado en Olhao, Portugal, del 25 al 30 de mayo de 2014Trabajo presentado al 18th International Symposiun on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man), celebrado en Toyama (Japon) del 27 de septiembre al 2 de octubre de 2009.Trabajo presentado en el FENS Regional Meeting, celebrado en Belgrado (Sebia), del 10 al 13 de julio de 2019This thesis is devoted to design Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategies aiming to enhance the management of constrained generalised flow-based networks, with special attention to the economic optimisation and robust performance of such systems. Several control schemes are developed in this thesis to exploit the available economic information of the system operation and the disturbance information obtained from measurements and forecasting models. Dynamic network flows theory is used to develop control-oriented models that serve to design MPC controllers specialised for flow networks with additive disturbances and periodically time-varying dynamics and costs. The control strategies developed in this thesis can be classified in two categories: centralised MPC strategies and non-centralised MPC strategies. Such strategies are assessed through simulations of a real case study: the Barcelona drinking water network (DWN). Regarding the centralised strategies, different economic MPC formulations are first studied to guarantee recursive feasibility and stability under nominal periodic flow demands and possibly time-varying economic parameters and multi-objective cost functions. Additionally, reliability-based MPC, chance-constrained MPC and tree-based MPC strategies are proposed to address the reliability of both the flow storage and the flow transportation tasks in the network. Such strategies allow to satisfy a customer service level under future flow demand uncertainty and to efficiently distribute overall control effort under the presence of actuators degradation. Moreover, soft-control techniques such as artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic are used to incorporate self-tuning capabilities to an economic certainty-equivalent MPC controller. Since there are objections to the use of centralised controllers in large-scale networks, two non-centralised strategies are also proposed. First, a multi-layer distributed economic MPC strategy of low computational complexity is designed with a control topology structured in two layers. In a lower layer, a set of local MPC agents are in charge of controlling partitions of the overall network by exchanging limited information on shared resources and solving their local problems in a hierarchical-like fashion. Moreover, to counteract the loss of global economic information due to the decomposition of the overall control task, a coordination layer is designed to influence non-iteratively the decision of local controllers towards the improvement of the overall economic performance. Finally, a cooperative distributed economic MPC formulation based on a periodic terminal cost/region is proposed. Such strategy guarantees convergence to a Nash equilibrium without the need of a coordinator and relies on an iterative and global communication of local controllers, which optimise in parallel their control actions but using a centralised model of the network.Resumen del poster presentado al XII Simposio Nacional y X Iberico de Maduracion y Postcosecha (POST18), celebrado en Badajoz del 4 al 7 de junio de 2018.Trabajo presentado al EGI Community Forum, celebrado en Bari (Italia) del 10 al 13 de noviembre de 2015.Trabajo presentado al III Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrogeno y Pilas de Combustible (IberConappice), celebrado en Huesca del 17 al 20 de octubre de 2017.Trabajo presentado al 8th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, celebrado en Elsinore (Dinamarca) del 29 de mayo al 1 de junio de 2017.Trabajo presentado en el Aquaculture Europe 16 (Food for Thought), celebrado en Edimburgo del 20 al 23 de septiembre de 2016.Trabajo presentado en la SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting (Environmental protection in a multi-stressed world: challenges for science, industry and regulators), celebrada en Barcelona del 3 al 7 de mayo de 2015.Trabajo presentado en la XXV Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica celebrada en Alicante del 4 al 6 de junio de 2014.8 pages, 4 figures, 15 references.-- International Symposium on Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality, Nazareth, Israel.Trabajo presentado a la 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI), celebrado en Sousse (Tunisia) del 10 al 13 de octubre de 2019.Trabajo presentado en la Third International Legume Society Conference ILS3 2019 (Legumes for human and planet health), celebrada en Poznan (Polonia) del 21 al 24 de mayo de 2019.he European Grid Initiative (EGI) provides a sustainable pan-European Grid computing infrastructure for e-Science based on a network of regional and national Grids. The middleware driving this production infrastructure is constantly adapted to the changing needs of the EGI Community by deploying new features and phasing out other features and components that are no longer needed. Unlike previous e-Infrastructure projects, EGI does not develop its own middleware solution, but instead sources the required components from Technology Providers and integrates them in the Unified Middleware Distribution (UMD). In order to guarantee a high quality and reliable operation of the infrastructure, all UMD software must undergo a release process that covers the definition of the functional, performance and quality requirements, the verification of those requirements and testing in production environments.Trabajo presentado al VI Workshop Probioticos, Prebioticos y Salud: Evidencia Cientifica, celebrado en Oviedo del 5 al 6 de febrero de 2015. Abstract en Nutricion Hospitalaria 31(suplemento 1): pagina 130.Comunicacion presentada en el 10th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, celebrado en Olhao, Portugal, del 25 al 30 de mayo de 2014A sterol esterase purified from cultures of the sapstain fungus Ophiostoma piceae was able to hydrolyse sterol esters and glycerides. The kinetics of sterol esters and triglyceride hydrolysis by this new esterase, estimated using a pH-stat, showed a Kmapp and a kcatapp in the range of 0.9–1.1 mM and 70–300 s-1, respectively. Its ability to hydrolyse both pure sterol esters and natural mixtures of saponifiable lipids from eucalypt wood was compared with those of commercial sterol esterases from other microbial sources. Its specific activity on sterol esters was higher than that found with all the commercial esterases assayed, and the highest hydrolysis of eucalypt sterol esters was also attained using the O. piceae esterase. This sterol esterase could be of biotechnological interest for the hydrolysis of sterol esters that form pitch deposits in paper pulp manufacturing.Tradicionalmente no ha sido fácil trabajar con los datos de satélite debido a la complejidad de los formatos, el tamaño de los propios datos y la necesidad de tener un software de lectura muy especializado. La motivación que hay detrás de éste proyecto ha sido la de desarrollar una interfase que facilite el uso de los datos satélite permitiendo un cierto nivel de manipulación y mejora de las imágenes. Generalizando, en teledetección, se puede pensar en dos tipos de usuarios de los datos satélites: los que necesitan trabajar con los datos brutos y aquellos que tienen suficiente con una visión cualitativa y, en definitiva, les basta con las imágenes de satélite procesadas. Es para estos últimos que se ha construido Revista de Teledetección. 2006. Número Especial: 105-108Forest fires are a major factor of disturbance in many terrestrial ecosystems, especially in European areas under Mediterranean type of climate. This is due to the confluence of specific climatic, ecological and socio-economic conditions. Fire produces important changes in soil organic matter (SOM) both qualitatively and quantitatively, which, in turn, affect relevant physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. These changes also affect a large number of related biotic and abiotic factors and processes. The main objective of this PhD Thesis is to deepen the knowledge of the impact of forest fires on SOM in relation to changes in soil water repellency, using advanced techniques of molecular analysis. Due to the high number of variables that may influence soil water repellency and the chemical alteration of organic matter after fire, we chose the sandy soils of the Donana National Park for this study, with well-known and relatively simple composition. In any case, we have followed the classical scheme of comparison of burnt soils with unaffected soils (control), under the same geomorphological and climatic characteristics. Water repellency is one of the main edaphic properties affected by forest fires. This physical property reduces the affinity of soil for water, which carries important hydrological, geomorphological and ecological consequences. Fire-induced changes of soil water repellency can be due to numerous factors, although it is generally accepted that the alteration of SOM and, in particular, of its more labile fraction (lipid fraction) is the main variable involved in this process. Due to their environmental implications, there are currently countless works on the effects of fire on SOM and water repellency, which are reviewed in chapter 1. However, the current state of knowledge shows some gaps and aspects insufficiently studied, due either to the complexity of the soil system or to the lack of adequate analytical techniques. Numerous scientific studies indicate that both the type of vegetation and the chemical composition of SOM strongly influence soil water repellency. These studies have focused mainly on the study of complete soils both at the surface and at different depths. However, available information on the influence of organic matter and vegetation on the degree of hydrophobicity of different soil physical fractions is limited. This aspect is studied in detail in chapter 3. In particular, the relation between soils under different vegetation cover, dominated by cork oaks (Quercus suber), eagle fern (Pteridium aquilinum), pine (Pinus pinea) and rockrose (Halimium halimifolium), the amount and quality of organic matter, and water repellency in four particle sieve fractions (1-2, 0.25-1, 0.05-0.25 and <0.05 mm). We observed that the degree of water repellency was significantly different, both among soils under different vegetation cover and among different sieve fractions, with soils under cork oak showing the highest severity of water repellency. In addition, we found a clear relation between the amount of SOM and the degree of water repellency. On the other hand, the molecular analysis of the organic matter from sieve fractions by analytical pyrolysis techniques let us find a relation between the quality of MOS and soil water repellency, the presence of long-chained fatty acids and the degree of humification (evolution) of SOM in the different fractions. The impact of fire on water repellency and SOM was studied especially in soils under cork oaks, due to the greater organic contribution of this type of vegetation, the severe soil water repellency and its pyrophilic character. For the most detailed study, the number of studied sieve fractions was expanded to 6 (1-2, 0.5-1, 0.25-0.5, 0.1-0.25, 0.05-0.1 and <0.05 mm), including also the complete sample. It is known that impacts caused by forest fires on soils are related to changes in SOM. Fire favors the modification or formation of new chemical structures, besides contributing to mass outputs and inputs, such as the contribution of fresh biomass or more or less carbonized residues. This idea has predominated in the focus of a great number of research works, which have aimed to the study of complete soils or some of their horizons. However, the knowledge about the effect of fire on soil granulometric fractions is little known and that is why we consider some relevant questions, such as i) does the chemical composition of organic matter from different sieve fractions vary?, ii) does fire cause the same impact on all fractions?, or iii) what chemical reactions does fire induce in the different particle size fractions? In chapters 4, 5 and 6, we try to give answers to these questions, by means of detailed studies of the molecular composition of the organic matter present in the different fractions. With this aim, we used advanced analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry of isotopic relations of carbon and hydrogen (13C and 2H, respectively) (chapter 4), analytical pyrolysis (chapter 5) and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry (chapter 6). The study of the isotopic composition of 13C confirms the existence of two compartments of organic matter with different degrees of evolution. The larger sieve fractions contain slightly evolved organic matter, impoverished in 13C and with δ13C values not different from leaf biomass, while finer fractions showed a more evolved organic material, enriched in 13C. Fire produced no changes in this trend, although an increase in the 13C content was observed in all affected fractions. This process may be explained by selective removal of light compounds (lower 13C content) or incorporation of charred residues. The study of the isotopic composition of 2H showed the existence of two differentiated water compartments in the upper centimeters of soil and dependent on the size of particles. No homogeneous behavior of the 2H composition after the fire was observed. The results obtained stimulated a more detailed study (chapters 5 and 6) of the molecular composition of SOM and the different reaction mechanisms induced by fire, focusing now on the fractions of larger (1-2 mm) and finer (<0.05 mm) sizes. For this, graphical tools such as the van Krevelen and Kendrick mass diagrams were used, as well as different indices or geochemical proportions (namely, the index of preferred carbon of short- and long-chained alkanes ratio, C<24/C≥24. The analysis of the SOM composition confirmed the existence of two different compartments of organic carbon in the first centimeters of soil with a different contribution of fire. In the larger fraction (1-2 mm), influenced by lignocellulosic material, fire produced a removal of lipid compounds and an increase of aromatics, with relatively high contribution of lignin-derived material. This may be due to a posteriori input of partially burnt material. On the other hand, humic compounds from the finer fraction, mostly formed by lipid and protein compounds, did not show significant variations after fire. However, an increase in exogenous pyromorphic compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), was detected along with a relative increase of lignin-derived substances. The different molecular composition of studied fractions showed that fire induces different reactions depending on the quality of SOM. Variations in the preferential carbon index and in the proportion of long-chained alkanes aims to the existence of thermal cracking processes. In turn, fire-induced condensation contributed to the increased aromaticity of SOM. However, fire favored reduction reactions in the larger sieve fraction, with a decrease in the atomic O/C ratio but not affecting the H/C ratio. Therefore, it is possible that fire altered the outermost and accessible areas of the organic macromolecules, removing functional groups contaning oxygen but not altering the main molecular structures. Different scientific studies have highlighted an association between soil water repellency and SOM quality, particularly to the proportion and composition of certain lipid compounds. Chapter 7 aims to the study of the impact of fire on the lipid composition of organic matter from different sieve fractions of sandy soils under cork oaks and its relation with the changes in the degree of soil water repellency, using quantitative chromatographic techniques. The main results showed that the severity of water repellency in different sieve fractions varied significantly (p <0.05) after a fire. As observed in Chapter 3, we observed a relation between SOM quantity and quality and water repellency in burnt soils. The analysis of the lipid composition (acid and neutral compounds) confirmed the existence of two compartments of soil organic carbon, with fire causing different alterations in each of them. The proportion of long-chained faty acids increased in all burnt fractions except for the largest one (1-2 mm). This suggests the existence of a contribution of partially burnt material with a relatively high contribution of compounds derived from small-sized fatty acids, so confirming the exogenous contribution of charred cork residues. The decrease in both the quantity and the length of organic acid chains in the burnt larger sieve fraction confirms the existence of a thermal breakdown reaction. This cracking has also been observed in the n-alkane series. Finally, the comparative analysis of soil water repellency and related variables shows that water repellency depends on both the quantity and the quality of SOM and is strongly related to the presence of long-chained fatty acids. These may be considered as surrogate biomarkers of hydrophobicity in sandy soils.NGA was the recipient of a JAE-Predoc contract from Institut d’Investigacions Biome`diques de Barcelona-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienti´ficas (CSIC) (‘‘Junta para la Ampliacio´n de Estudios’’, partly funded by the European Social Fund of the European Union). CV was the recipient of a fellowship from ‘‘La Caixa’’ foundation. This study was supported by grants PI081396 and PI100378 from the Instituto Carlos III of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n of Spain. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.154 paginas.-- Tesis doctoral leida en el Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica y Tecnologias del Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Zaragoza.161 Pags.- Tabls.- Figs. Tesis doctoral Univ. Zaragoza, Departamento de Ciencias Agrarias y del Medio Natural, realizada, bajo la direccion de los Drs. Yolanda Gogorcena y Juan Jose Barriuso, en la Estacion Experimental de Aula Dei (EEAD-CSIC) y en el Centro de de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agroalimentaria de Aragon (CITA). Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe (Adding value), celebrado en San Sebastian del 14 al 17 de octubre de 2014.Resumen del poster presentado al VIII International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, celebrado en Barcelona (Espana) del 3 al 5 de julio de 2017.-- et al.Resumen del trabajo presentado al International Symposium on Green Chemistry (ISGC), celebrado en La Rochelle (Francia) del 16 al 19 de mayo de 2017.Resumen del trabajo presentado al 1st FEBS3+, celebrado en Barcelona (Espana) del 23 al 26 de octubre de 2017.The spider fauna of Albania is still insuffi ciently studied. The present list was compiled after a critical review of the existing literature data and taxonomic review of some available collections. The study comprises 335 species from 36 families. In this number, 197 species are new to the spider fauna of the country. According to their current distribution the species can be assigned to 18 zoogeographical catego- ries, grouped into 5 complexes (Cosmopolitic, Holarctic, European, Mediterranean, Endemics). Dominant are Holarctic species (56.4%) followed by European (16.4%) and Mediterranean (16.2%). The endemics (8%) are also well presented and refl ect the local character of the fauna and the main role of the Balkan Peninsula in its origin and formation.Resumen del trabajo presentado al XIVth Congress of the Spanish Biophysical Society, celebrado en Alcala de Henares (Madrid-Espana) del 11 al 13 de junio de 2014.Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado a las XXVI Jornadas Tecnicas SEAE y al X Seminario Agroecologia, Cambio Climatico y Agroturismo: “Innovacion Agroecologica y Cambio Climatico”, celebrado en Orihuela del 19 al 20 de ocubre de 2017.This document has been prepared in the framework of the project for supporting the establishment of MPAs in open seas, including deep seas, with financial support of the European CommissionPoster (P-EA-22) presentado en la XVIII Reunion de la Sociedad Espanola de Cromatografia y Tecnicas Afines (SECyTA 2018), Granada, del 2 al 4 de Octubre de 2018.The expectations raised in the mid-1980s on the potential of genetic engineering for in situ remediation of environmental pollution have not been entirely fulfilled. Yet, we have learned a good deal about the expression of catabolic pathways by bacteria in their natural habitats, and how environmental conditions dictate the expression of desired catalytic activities. The many different choices between nutrients and responses to stresses form a network of transcriptional switches which, given the redundance and robustness of the regulatory circuits involved, can be neither unraveled through standard genetic analysis nor artificially programmed in a simple manner. Available data suggest that population dynamics and physiological control of catabolic gene expression prevail over any artificial attempt to engineer an optimal performance of the wanted catalytic activities. In this review, several valuable spin-offs of past research into genetically modified organisms with environmental applications are discussed, along with the impact of Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology in the future of environmental biotechnology.Advanced computing has become a crucial factor in most areas of science , in some cases may be as critical as the experimental observation . The data analysis and experimental validation of these needs by observation instruments (detectors , sensors, etc ... ) the ability to communicate and interact with computing resources and software tools capable of storing and formatting the scientists analyzed data . This multidisciplinary and collaborative environment is what is known as e- Science . In this work, several solutions have been developed to facilitate transparent access to distributed resources that allow scientists to access a limited specific training are presented herein . The problems that have been addressed have to do with interactivity in access to resources , and the design of workflows. This will be made up of various elements simulate complex systems that interact with each other. Throughout all the work we have collaborated with researchers in Nuclear Fusion and Astrophysics to implement solutions in real scientific computing environments for researchers. Several examples of complex workflows , which are prototypes of what will be a platform for simulation of plasma from a fusion reactor and analysis for the WBC / Planck experiment are presented . Thus we have demonstrated the versatility of the developed tools , when applied to more than one scientific discipline.During the last years biofuel fuel cells (BFCs) have attracted great interest due to their possible applications, especially as electrical power sources for in vivo or ex vivo applications. In BFCs enzymes can be used as biocatalysts for fuel oxidation at the anode and oxidant reduction at the cathode. The majority of EFCs use oxygen-reducing enzymes at the cathode, and glucose-oxidizing enzymes at the anode, as they are very common substrates present in most human physiological fluids. Two multi-copper oxidases, laccase and bilirubin oxidase, and cellobiose dehydrogenase have been studied as possible biocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction and glucose oxidation, respectively. Laccases usually exhibit higher activity at acid pH and they are more inhibited in the presence of chloride ions than bilirubin oxidase. Therefore, native laccases have been engineered by directed evolution for obtaining mutants that show activity also under physiological conditions, and cysteine residues have been introduced by site-directed mutagenesis for oriented immobilization on gold electrodes. The major aim of the Thesis has been the development of biocathodes as they represent the rate-limiting part of the BFC due to the low O2 availability in human body. The development of the bioelectrodes was carried out paying special attention to the different electrode materials and immobilization strategies used to manufacture the biodevices. Indeed, a good immobilization strategy enhances the long-term stability of the biodevice while achieving efficient wiring of the enzyme. Additionally, a larger surface area of the support material allows higher enzyme loading, therefore increasing the current density developed. Gold nanorods, macroporous gold, indium tin oxide and carbonaceous materials have been used for this purpose, obtaining current densities up to 1.5 mA/cm2 for bioelectrocatalytic O2 reduction. Direct electron transfer (DET) based systems are preferred as some possible drawbacks of using mediators are overcome and allow making the miniaturization of the BFC easier. For these reason, all the immobilization strategies presented were developed in order to optimize DET between the enzyme and the electrode surface. Combination of a conventional BFC with electrochemical capacitors is also presented in order to overcome the limitations of both systems, achieving a maximum power output of 0.6 µW at an operating voltage of 0.15 V. This hybrid biodevice was also tested in ex vivo conditions by connecting it directly to the dorsal venous of a human volunteer.Financial support for this study was provided by the Comunidad Autonoma of Madrid (Spain) and European funding from FEDER program (research project S2013/ABI-3028, AVANSECAL-CM). Dra. Gema Flores thanks CSIC for her JAE-Doc contract.The problem of achieving common understanding between agents that use different vocabularies has been mainly addressed by designing techniques that explicitly negotiate mappings between their vocabularies, requiring agents to share a meta-language. In this paper we consider the case of agents that use different vocabularies and have no meta-language in common, but share the knowledge of how to perform a task, given by the specification of an interaction protocol. For this situation, we present a framework that lets agents learn a vocabulary alignment from the experience of interacting. Unlike previous work in this direction, we use open protocols that constrain possible actions instead of defining procedures, making our approach more general. We present two techniques that can be used either to learn an alignment from scratch or to repair an existent one, and we evaluate experimentally their performance.Resumen del trabajo presentado al Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe 27th Annual Meeting, celebrado en Bruselas (Belgica) del 7 al 11 de mayo de 2017.This work was supported by the project AGL2012-40128-C03-01 and EU-FEDER funds from the Spanish government.espanolLos margenes de los campos reciben muchas denominaciones locales (linderos, ribazos, etc.) y pueden ser motivo de preocupacion para los agricultores por albergar especies arvenses que pueden devenir infestantes del cultivo. Pero su estudio tambien ha reflejado que pueden ser beneficiosos si albergan diversidad vegetal, la que atraeria a su vez diversidad animal. Estudios recientes realizados en Espana arrojan resultados aparentemente contradictorios y por este motivo se realiza una descripcion de la tipologia de margenes existentes en Espana. Se constata que las diferencias de anchura, altura y pendiente entre margenes, el tipo de vegetacion cercano, asi como la intensidad de la perturbacion que se ejerce en ellos son posiblemente los principales factores que explican porque algunos margenes albergan especies potencialmente nocivas (malas hierbas) y otros no. EnglishThe field margins receive many local names and can cause trouble to farmers if they host weeds that can infest the nearby fields. But their study has shown that they be beneficial if they harbor vegetal diversity, which can attract animal diversity. Recent studies conducted in Spain show apparently contradictory results an due to this, a description of the margin types found in this country is shown in this communication. We confirm that differences in margins width, height and slope, the type of natural vegetation in the area and the disturbance intensity on the margins are probably the main factors explaining why some margins host potentially harmful plant species (weeds) and others do not.22nd IMEKO TC4 International Symposium & 20th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, 14-15 September 2017, Iasi, Romania.-- 6 pages, 8 figures, 1 tableXIX Seminario Iberico de Quimica Marina (SIQUIMAR), VI Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar - VI International Symposium of Marine Sciences (ISMS 2018), 20- 22 June 2018, Vigo.-- 1 pageSAF2016-77703-C2-2-R of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); AGAUR 2017-SGR-106 and the CERCA Programme of the Generalitat de Catalunya; R. Copas and C. Sanfeliu belong to Group 05 of CIBER Epidemiologia y Salud Publica (CIBERESP) of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, SpainResumen del poster presentado al I Congreso Interdisciplinar en Genetica Humana, celebrado en Madrid del 25 al 28 de abril de 2017.-- et al.Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe 19 (Our future, growing from water), celebrado en Berlin del 7 al 10 de octubre de 2019.Trabajo presentado a la Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe (DIME) Final Conference celebrada del 6 al 8 de abril de 2011 en Maastricht (Paises Bajos).Compared to machines, humans are intelligent and dexterous; they are indispensable for many complex tasks in areas such as flexible manufacturing or scientific experimentation. However, they are also subject to fatigue and inattention, which may cause errors. This motivates automated monitoring systems that verify the correct execution of manipulation sequences. To be practical, such a monitoring system should not require laborious programming.Trabajo presentado en el 18th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding (ISFNF. 40 years of research in fish nutrition), celebrado en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria del 3 al 7 de junio de 2018.Comunicacion oral presentada en la 6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Abstracts book pag. 14 (2019)Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado a la 21st Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, celebrada en Madison, Wisconsin (US) del 5 al 9 de junio de 2016.3 paginas, 3 tablas.- Trabajo presentado al: XVIII Jornadas sobre Produccion Animal AIDA. Zaragoza, Espana, 7-8 mayo 2019.5 paginas.-- 3 figuras.-- 2 tabla.-- 8 referencias.-- Comunicacion presentadoa en el XIV Simposio Internacional Hispano-Portugues de Relaciones Hidricas en Plantas de la Sociedad Espanola y Portuguesa de Fisiologia Vegetal.“La fisiologia como valor anadido para la comercializacion”Trabajo presentado al 48th West European FishTechnologists Association Meeting (WEFTA), celebrado en Lisboa (Portugal) del 15 al 18 de octubre de 2018.Trabajo presentado en la 2nd European conference on Xylella fastidiosa (how research can support solutions), celebrada en Ajaccio el 29 y 30 de octubre de 2019.The synthesis of the 5-hydroxyproline derivatives 3a and 3b using cyclobutane serine analogs 1 and 2 as starting materials is reported. This process occurs with moderate cis/trans selectivity. A mechanism for this reaction is also proposed. Cyclobutane serine analog 1 was tested in tandem Michael and Wittig-like reactions, providing some evidence of the mechanism proposed.Trabajo realizado dentro del proyecto “El Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales entre 1939 y 1985: de la disgregacion a la reunificacion en su contexto nacional e internacional” (Ref. HAR2016-76125-P).Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe 19 (Our future, growing from water), celebrado en Berlin del 7 al 10 de octubre de 2019.Resumen del trabajo presentado en el 19th International Symposium on Deep Seismic Profiling of the Continents and their Margins (SEISMIX 2020), celebrado del 15 al 19 de marzo de 2020 en AustraliaTrabajo presentado en la 12th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA), celebrada en Sacaramento (US) del 20 al 23 de julio de 2014.Resumen del poster presentado a la European Human Genetics Conference, celebrada en Barcelona (Espana) del 21 al 24 de mayo de 2016.-- et al.Resumen del poster presentado a la VIII Reunion Cientifica Anual del Centro de Investigacion Biomedica En Red de Enfermedades Raras, celebrada en San Lorenzo del Escorial (Madrid) los dias 12 y 13 de marzo de 2015.Poster presentado en la 34th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT) y en la 13th European Conference on Thermoelectrics(ECT), celebradas en Dresden del 28 de junio al 2 de julio de 2015.Poster presentado en la 6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Santiago de Compostela, Oclober 2-4, 2019Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito dos projetos Metalurgia Primitiva no Territorio Portugues – EARLYMETAL (PTDC/HIST-ARQ/110442/2008) e Espacos Naturais, Arquiteturas, Arte rupestre e Deposicoes na Pre-historia Recente da Fachada Ocidental do Centro e Norte Portugues: das Acoes aos Significados - ENARDAS (PTDC/HISARQ/112983/2009), financiado pelo Programa Operacional Tematico Factores de Competitividade (COMPETE) e comparticipados pelo Fundo Comunitario Europeu FEDER. Os autores agradecem a Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) as bolsas individuais (SFRH/ BD/65143/2009) e (SFRH/BPD/73245/2010) concedidas a Joao Fonte e Elin Figueiredo, respetivamente, e o apoio financeiro concedido ao CENIMAT/I3N atraves do Projecto Estrategico LA25/2013-2014 (PEst-C/CTM/LA0025/2011); a Joe Horst os esclarecimentos gentilmente cedidos sobre as condicoes de achado; a empresa Metais Jaime Dias, S.A. e ao Dr. Normando Ramos a possibilidade do uso do equipamento de FRX portatil para o estudo preliminar da colecao metalica e a equipa do Museu D. Diogo de Sousa, em Braga, o tratamento e fotografia do conjunto.13 GLOSSARY OF RELEVANT TERMS 17RS received support from the Czech Ministry of Culture (project MK00002327201) and from the SYNTHESYS Programme (project ES-TAF-1249), financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” Programme at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC).Poster presentado en el XII Congreso de los Grupos de Investigacion Enologica (GIENOL 2013, Nuevas perspectivas en investigacion vitivinicola), celebrado en Madrid del 18 al 21 de junio de 2013.Trabajo presentado al Delft Software Days, celebrado en Netherlands del 5 al 16 de noviembre de 2018.Trabajo presentado al Spanish JRU EGI-ENGAGE meeting celebrado en Madrid el 23 de febrero de 2015.The genetic analysis of dorsoventral patterning in Drosophila has identified a zinc-finger gene, snail, that is required for mesoderm formation. The cloning and nuclease protection analysis of a Xenopus homologue of this gene has suggested a possible role in the mesoderm of vertebrates. Here, we describe the cloning of a murine homologue of snail, Sna, and in situ hybridisation studies of its developmental expression. Sequence analysis reveals substantial conservation of the second to fifth zinc fingers, but not of the first zinc finger in the Sna gene. Expression occurs in the ectoplacental cone, parietal endoderm, embryonic and extraembryonic mesoderm, in neural crest and in condensing precartilage. Based on the timing and spatial restriction of expression in embryonic mesoderm, we suggest that Sna might be required for the early development of this tissue, as is the case for its Drosophila counterpart. In addition, we propose that Sna might have an analogous role in the development of neural crest. The expression in condensing precartilage indicates that this gene also has a later function in chondrogenesis.Este trabajo se centra en la sintesis de nuevos nanohibridos dador-aceptor (D/A) de politiofeno solubles en medios acuosos y en la elucidacion de la interaccion electronica entre las unidades D/A como en el funcionamiento de los nanohibridos en forma de peliculas delgadas en aplicaciones optoelectronicas. Utilizando tecnicas de auto-ensamblaje in-situ de politiofeno en presencia de diferentes nanomateriales como son el oxido de grafeno, puntos cuanticos de semiconductores o laminas de dicalcogenuros de metales de transicion se ha conseguido la formacion de complejos de transferencia de carga, solubles en agua y con superiores propiedades electronicas de relevancia para el desarrollo de dispositivos optoelectronicos basados en peliculas delgadas210 Pags.- Figs.- Fots.- Tabls. Tesis realizada en la Unidad de Suelos y Riegos (Unidad Asociada EEAD-CSIC). Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0),Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco de ERAWATCH, una iniciativa conjunta de la Direccion General de Investigacion de la Comision Europea y el Instituto de Prospectiva Tecnologica (IPTS).La investigacion ha sido posible gracias a la financiacion del Proyecto 2091 de la Universidad Politecnica de Valencia y del Proyecto P08-SEJ-03981 de la Junta de Andalucia.Oral presentation given at the 16th European Microscopy Congress, held in Lyon (France) from August 28th to September 2nd, 2016.Trabajo presentado en la European Conference on Xylella 2017 (Finding answers to a global problem), celebrada en Palma de Mallorca del 13 al 15 de noviembre de 2017.Master 2° Annee Biologie, Ecologie, Evolution (M2 BEE). Universite de Poitiers. Faculte des Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquees.Santiago de Compostela, Facultade de Quimica,17-21 julio 2017. -- work is under the scope of the following projects: Cargo-ANTS: Cargo handling by Automated Next generation Transportation Systems for ports and terminals.Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado en el LV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio, celebrado en Sevilla (Espana), del 5 al 7 de octubre de 2016Poster presentado en el First Joint Meeting on Soil and Plant System Sciences (SPSS 2019) Natural and Human-induced Impacts on the Critical Zone and Food Production. Bari, Italy 23-26 September 2019Trabajo presentado en el V Workshop The cultivation of the Soles, celebrado en Faro (Portugal) del 5 al 7 de abril de 2011.Web tematica.-- Proposito: divulgativo.-- Estado del proyecto: actualizacion continua.-- Fecha de la consulta: 2018-01-08.Trabajo de investigacion desarrollado por el ingeniero Juan Antonio Moreno-Cid Mora para optar al grado de Doctor por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.Trabajo presentado en la XXVI Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Quimica, celebrada en Punta Umbria, Huelva (Espana) del 14 al 17 de junio de 2016.Trabajo presentado en la European Conference on Xylella 2017 (Finding answers to a global problem), celebrada en Palma de Mallorca del 13 al 15 de noviembre de 2017.We introduce the logics E(G) for reasoning about probabilistic expectation over classes G of games with discrete polynomial payoff functions represented by finite-valued Lukasiewicz formulas and provide completeness and complexity results. In addition, we introduce a new class of games where players’ expected payoff functions are encoded by E(G)-formulas. In these games each player’s aim is to randomise her strategic choices in order to affect the other players’ expectations over an outcome as well as their own. We offer a logical and computational characterisation of this new class of games.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation-FEDER grants AGL2009-08339/AGR and AGL2015-71386-R.Trabajo presentadso en la Jornada de divulgacion y presentacion en Espana del Proyecto POnTE (Plagas que amenazan a los cultivos y los bosques de Europa. El caso de Xylella fastidiosa en el olivar), celebrada el 14 de diciembre de 2016 en Madrid.4 paginas.-- 1 figuras.-- 3 tablas.-- 3 referencias.-- Comunicacion presentada en el >VII Congresso Iberico das Ciencias do Solo (CICS 2016) y VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem> que decorreu no Instituto Politecnico de Beja de 13 a 15 de Setembro de 2016.

Archive | 2008

Urban composts as an alternative for peat in forestry nursery growing media

Rafael López Núñez; Francisco Cabrera; Engracia Madejón; Felipe Sancho; José María Álvarez

Trabajo presentado en la 4th SCARCE International Conference (Towards a better understanding of the links between stressors, hazard assessment and ecosystem services under water scarcity), celebrada en Cadiz el 25 y 26 de noviembre de 2013.4 paginas.-- 1 figuras.-- 2 tablas.-- 8 referencias.-- Comunicacion presentada en el VIII Congreso Iberico de las Ciencias del Suelo. VIII Congresso Iberico de Ciencias do Solo. DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIAN. 20 - 22 junio 2018..-- El documento completo se encuentra para su descarga en Pags.- 15 Figs. Tesis Master para optar al grado Master en Iniciacion a la Investigacion en Ciencias Agrarias y del Medio Natural por la Universidad de Zaragoza realizada en la Estacion Experimental de Aula Dei (EEAD-CSIC) bajo direccion del Dr. Javier Abadia Bayona (EEAD-CSIC).Trabajo presentado en el 10o Congreso de la Asociacion Iberica de Endocrinologia Comparada (AIEC), celebrado en Castellon (Espana), del 23 al 25 de septiembre de 2015Master en Microbiologia realizado por Elvira Barroso Merinero en el Instituto de Investigacion en Ciencias de la Alimentacion (CSIC-UAM).Los avances cientificos han evidenciado el papel fundamental de la dieta en la salud, existiendo un creciente interes del consumidor en la relacion entre la dieta y la salud. Estudios epidemiologicos realizados durante las ultimas decadas demuestran la conexion que existe entre el tipo de alimento consumido y su composicion, con la mejora o el mantenimiento de un estado saludable del individuo. Los alimentos funcionales presentan efectos especificos beneficiosos para la salud humana mas alla de la nutricion basica. En este sentido, se estan descubriendo propiedades funcionales en muchos alimentos de origen vegetal, dentro de los cuales se encuentra la cebolla, con potencial como alimento funcional. La composicion nutricional de la cebolla es muy compleja, presenta diversos fructooligosacaridos como carbohidratos de reserva, y se caracteriza por presentar cantidades significativas de vitaminas, minerales y elementos traza. La cebolla es rica en compuestos bioactivos, entre los que cabe destacar los compuestos organosulfurados, como los S-alqu(en)il-L-cisteina sulfoxidos y los flavonoides como la quercetina, a los cuales se les atribuye los potenciales efectos beneficiosos para la salud. Existen numerosos estudios sobre la potencial actividad biologica de la cebolla, especialmente propiedades anticancerigenas, efectos en el metabolismo lipidico, efectos cardioprotectores, actividad antibiotica y propiedades antioxidantes. La creciente demanda por parte del consumidor de alimentos faciles de consumir, seguros y con propiedades biologicas mas alla de las nutricionales, manteniendo su calidad sensorial y organoleptica, ha motivado a investigadores e industriales al desarrollo de nuevas tecnologias de procesado, siendo las altas presiones hidrostaticas una de las que ha recibido mayor atencion. El potencial y las limitaciones del procesado de alimentos mediante altas presiones hidrostaticas ha sido extensamente estudiado, la gran mayoria de investigaciones se han centrado en estudiar su aplicacion como metodo de inactivacion microbiana y enzimatica. Sin embargo, son escasos los estudios realizados sobre el efecto que ejerce el procesado de alimentos por alta presion hidrostatica sobre la potencial actividad biologica de los mismos...Poster presentado al XXXVII Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular, celebrado en Granada del 9 al 12 de septiembre de 2014.Resumen del poster presentado al IX Simposio de Investigadores Jovenes Real Sociedad Espanola de Quimica - Sigma Aldrich celebrado en Zaragoza del 7 al 10 de noviembre de 2012.Los proyectos TEMPURA: (CGL2005- 00092/BOS) y ACOURA (CGL2008-04814-C02) fueron financiados por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion del Gobierno de Espana. Actualmente, continuamos los estudios de bioacustica de anuros con fondos del Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad del Gobierno de Espana. (proyecto TATANKA, CGL2001/25062)Financial support was provided by the Fundacion Biodiversidad and the project MICIIN-CGL2011-24150/BOS.En tan solo una decada, Espana se ha convertido en uno de los paises del mundo de mayor afluencia de inmigracion internacional, procedente en gran medida de paises de America Latina. En este contexto, en este articulo se investigan las pautas de formacion de la pareja de los latinoamericanos en Espana a partir de tres fuentes estadisticas: el Censo de Poblacion y Viviendas de 2001, el registro de matrimonios y el registro de nacimientos del Movimiento Natural de la Poblacion. Concretamente, se analizan los niveles de endogamia conyugal por sexo de los 11 grupos mas numerosos. De los resultados se advierten diferencias significativas entre las tres fuentes. Con independencia de la fuente, sin embargo, los niveles de endogamia varian sensiblemente de un grupo a otro y, en algunos casos, entre hombres y mujeres dentro de un mismo grupo. En parte, estas variaciones obedecen a factores de tipo estructural, como el tamano del grupo, la antiguedad y la relacion de masculinidad dentro de cada grupo.El presente volumen colectivo analiza, desde diferentes perspectivas historicas, la relacion de la creacion artistica y visual con los desplazamientos geograficos del artista y con la movilidad de sus producciones materiales o inmateriales. El arte y el viaje, un tema con multiples aspectos de interes en las investigaciones y estudios historico-artisticos y al que en 2010 se dedicaron las XV Jornadas Internacionales de Historia del Arte del CSIC, tambien ha sido siempre un tema importante en la trayectoria formativa, profesional y vivencial del artista, en las descripciones y escritos del viajero y del entendido o en el traslado de la produccion artistica como adquisicion, botin, herencia, intercambio, regalo, embajada diplomatica, etc. Asi, el conjunto de trabajos que se ofrece en estas paginas propone observar y analizar desde la historia del arte los aspectos que inciden en el viaje como vision privilegiada para la confrontacion de contextos historicos y sociales, como motivo de inspiracion para descripciones artisticas o literarias, como elemento consustancial de la formacion artistica en las sociedades antiguas o modernas, o como huida o exilio en busca de contextos mas propicios para la creacion artistica y el pensamiento. Privilegiado argumento y perspectiva para el analisis y enfoque del hecho artistico, para una mejor articulacion de las diferentes revisiones, reflexiones, aspectos y enfoques que conectan al arte y al viaje, la actual publicacion se ha estructurado en tres secciones, que agrupan las aportaciones de casi medio centenar de autores: 1a. El viaje del artista: de la formacion al arraigo; 2a. Los viajeros y su mirada sobre el arte; y 3a. La obra de arte viajera.Trabajo presentado en el V Workshop The cultivation of the Soles, celebrado en Faro (Portugal) del 5 al 7 de abril de 2011.Programa CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 (CSD-TCP CSD2007-00058),Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Espana; Proyecto PADCAM (S2007/HU M-543) Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid; Contrato ART.83 – LOU/Universidad de Salamanca, financiado por la Junta de Castilla y Leon.Trabajo presentado en la XVIII Semana Cientifica Antonio Gonzalez celebrada en en la Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife) del 8 al 10 de octubre de 2014.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la contribucion del filosofo de la ciencia Ian Hacking a la historia cultural de la psiquiatria. Partiendo de conceptos propuestos por el autor, como “enfermedad mental transitoria” o “inventar/construir gente”, se reflexiona en torno a la construccion socio-cultural de la enfermedad mental. Se examinan y discuten los dos estudios de caso propuestos por Hacking: la fuga disociativa y la personalidad multiple, identificando las fortalezas y debilidades de sus planteamientos y la posible aplicacion de los mismos a la historia y a la teoria psicopatologica.Trabajo presentado en el 3rd European symposium on photocatalysis (JEP 2013), celebrada en Portorov (Eslovenia) del 25 al 27 de septiembre de 2013.This paper shows a synthectic view of the vegetation history, the anthropogenic dymamic and the climatic evolution of the Protohistoric period in a very specific sector of the Ebro Valley, the present province of Alava. To this end, we have used a palaeoenvironmental tool of great interest, the study of pollen, spores and non‐pollen palynomorphs preserved in several different deposits of the Bronze Age and Iron Age, in order to provide data and reflections to different problems related with cultural changes.Este trabajo se inscribe en el marco de los Proyectos de Investigacion HUM200763608/FILO y FFI2010-17273 del Plan Nacional de I+D+i del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion.Trabajo presentado al VII Congreso Espanol de Ingenieria de los Alimentos celebrado en Ciudad Real del 7 al 9 de noviembre de 2012.Resumen del trabajo presentado a la 10th Conferencia Fuerzas y Tunel, celebrada en Girona (Espana) del 5 al 7 de septiembre de 2016.Trabajo presentado a la VII Reunion de Expertos en Fluidos Comprimidos celebrada en Barcelona (Espana) del 12 al 13 de junio de 2014.Comunicacion presentada en el VI Congreso de Mejora genetica de plantas, celebrado en Gijon en septiembre de 2012.- 2 paginas y 1 tabla.En 1909 se celebraron en Valencia y Lorca homenajes a Darwin en el primer centenario del nacimiento. Medio siglo despues, los actos y publicaciones de la comunidad cientifica espanola con motivo del centenario de la publicacion de On the Origin of Species, coincidieron en mostrar una cercania y aceptacion hacia las tesis de la sintesis moderna de la evolucion. Durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, en Espana se desarrollaron controversias entre las posturas darwinistas y antidarwinistas y se difundieron y apoyaron teorias evolucionistas no darwinistas. Aunque pronto se conocieron, comentaron y discutieron los supuestos de la teoria sintetica de la evolucion, la tendencia mayoritaria en los anos cuarenta y cincuenta fue inclinarse por interpretaciones vitalistas y finalistas.Trabajo presentado al 10th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids celebrado en San Francisco (US) del 13 al 16 de mayo de 2012.4 Pags.- 1 Tabl.- 1 Fig. Contribucion de los autores originalmente presentada, como comunicacion, en el XIV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Horticolas (SECH 2015): Retos de la Nueva Agricultura Mediterranea (Orihuela, 3-5 junio 2015).Trabajo presentado en las IV Jornadas de la Asociacion Espanola de Leguminosas. V Seminario de la Judia, celebradas en Pontevedra (Espana), en julio de 20123 paginas, 1 tabla.--Trabajo presentado a las XVI Jornadas sobre Produccion Animal AIDA (Zaragoza, 19 al 20 de mayo, 2015).Historical Epistemology Project- Mobility Grant, HUM 2007– 63267/FISO, 2009–2010, Spanish Ministry of Science and InnovationThis research was funded by grants CGL2008-04271-C02- 01/BOS, and CGL2011-28300 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion- MICINN), Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad- MEC, Spain, and FEDER). G. Sanchez-Montes is funded by a predoctoral grant provided by the Asociacion de Amigos de la Universidad de Navarra. E. Recuero is supported by a DGAPA-UNAM postdoctoral fellowship. J. Gutierrez-Rodriguez is supported by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas of Spain (CSIC) and the European Social Fund (ESF) (JAE-pre PhD fellowship). IMS was funded by the project ‘Biodiversity, Ecology and Global Change’, co-financed by North Portugal Regional Operational Programme 2007/2013 (ON.2–O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and is currently supported by funding from the Spanish Severo Ochoa Program (SEV- 2012-0262).Poster presentado en el congreso 4th SCARCE International Conference, celebrado en Cadiz, Espana el 25 y 26 de noviembre de 2013En esta tesis, tratamos de mirar profundamente en el interior de la estructura de los glicanos, con el objetivo de traducir la informacion estructural extraida a nivel atomico en la razon de la flexibilidad molecular. La introduccion de esta tesis se centra en el codigo de los carbohidratos, como la informacion biologica se almacena en la estructura de los glicanos y como este mensaje es leido y traducido por los receptores. Tambien se presenta el uso de glicomimeticos y su utilizo como moleculas de interes bio-medico y espectroscopico. El capitulo concluye con una descripcion de los metodos experimentales que se utilizaron en esta tesis para elucidar la estructura y las interacciones de los glicanos. En el capitulo dos se discute la flexibilidad de los azucares a nivel de monosacarido. Se presenta una nueva generacion de glicomimeticos que contienen atomos de fluor. Hemos aplicado una combinacion de espectroscopia de RMN y metodos computacionales para investigar el comportamiento dinamico de los anillos de idosa y glucosa. En el especifico, hemos utilizado experimentos de espectroscopia RMN a baja temperatura para ralentizar el intercambio conformacional de los anillos de idosa. En estas condiciones, el intercambio es lento con respecto a la escala de tiempo del desplazamiento quimico en fluor, asi permitiendo arrojar luz sobre las caracteristicas termodinamicas y cineticas del equilibrio. De monosacarido a disacarido. En el capitulo tres se discute el origen de la flexibilidad del enlace glicosidico. En el especifico, el uso de mimeticos moleculares proporciona resultados clave en el diseno de glicanos sinteticos, como modular las componentes estereoelectronicas que son relevantes a la hora de definir la distribucion de poblaciones para los posibles conformeros. Mediante el uso de metodos de RMN y de los calculos teoricos, se muestra que es posible restablecer el efecto anomerico de un acetal cuando se sustituye uno de los atomos de oxigeno por un grupo CF2. Receptor de glicano. La relacion que existe entre la dinamica de proteinas y sus funciones es todavia poco caracterizada desde el punto de vista energetico. En el capitulo cinco hemos utilizado GGBP, una proteina de union a glucosa y galactosa, como modelo para definir los movimientos conformacionales asociados a su funcion, tanto desde el punto de vista estructural como energetico. Para llevar a cabo este estudio hemos usado un enfoque innovador que combina los experimentos de RMN de compuestos paramagneticos con simulaciones de Dinamica Molecular. Nuestros resultados demuestran que la proteina en su estado libre coexiste entre conformaciones abiertas y cerrad, con una velocidad de intercambio de 25 ns. A pesar de esta heterogeneidad conformacional, la presencia del ligando es el impetus para desplazar el equilibrio hacia la forma cerrada. Estos resultados demuestran que, en algunos casos, el evento de reconocimiento molecular no se puede describir como puros induced fit o conformational selection procesos. Finalmente, las interacciones tipo CH/p aportan importantes contribuciones a los procesos de reconocimiento moleculares. En complejos de glicano-proteina, estas interacciones debiles implican un sistema p de un residuo aromatico dela proteina, como aceptor, y un grupo polar CH en el azucar, como donante. A pesar de su amplia difusion, caracterizada por estudios estructurales, una directa evidencia de esta interaccion todavia no ha sido proporcionada. Nosotros proponemos que la RMN podria proporcionar evidencias directas de la existencia de un acoplamiento debil atreves intermolecular coupling. En este capitulo se discuten los resultados preliminares dedicados al diseno de un sistema de etiquetas isotopicas apropiadas para mejorar la sensibilidad experimental necesaria a la deteccion directa. El ultimo capitulo se presentan las conclusiones generales procedentes del trabajo que se ha realizado durante este programa de estudios de doctorado.Los autores agradecen la financiacion recibida del Plan Nacional de Investigacion AGL2007-61805, AGL2009-09445 y PI-200870I049). Borja Sanchez es contratado del Programa Juan de la Cierva del MICINN.El contacto con la familia, principalmente con hijos cuando los tienen, es un elemento destacado de la calidad de vida para muchas personas mayores. Los lazos intergeneracionales dentro de la estructura familiar vertical no se han debilitado con el paso del tiempo, ni con los cambios en los tipos de familia. Incluso pueden ser más prolongados, pues hay más tiempo compartido en co-biografía entre padres mayores e hijos.Poster presentado al II Congreso de la Asociacion Espanola de Profesionales del Analisis Sensorial (AEPAS), celebrado en Valencia del 18 al 20 de octubre de 2017.This work is part of the research project entitled “The Spanish Institute of Entomology, CSIC (1941-1985): a stage in the history of science of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (ref. HAR2011-28621)”.Resumen del trabajo presentado al International Symposium on Immunonutrition (10th Anniversary), celebrado en Madrid (Espana) del 17 al 19 de julio de 2017.Los autores agradecen al Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (AGL2012-38357-C02-01 cofinanciado con fondos FEDER y CGL2012-38655-C04-01) y a la Junta de Andalucia (AGR- 7252) la financiacion de este proyecto. M Llana-Ruiz-Cabello agradece a la Junta de Andalucia por su beca predoctoral y NT Jimenez-Morillo por su beca FPI (BES-2013-062573).Memoria presentada por Guzman Torrelo Villa para optar al grado de Doctor en Ciencia y Tecnologia de los Alimentos.Las proteasas existentes en el musculo de pescado contribuyen de manera importante a los cambios texturales post mortem que tienen lugar en el musculo, asi como en la aptitud tecnologica de este para su posterior procesado, por ejemplo en la elaboracion de productos derivados del pescado. Las proteasas al actuar sobre las proteinas del musculo pueden influir negativamente sobre las propiedades funcionales de las mismas. Asi por ejemplo, se ha observado que la accion de proteasas termoestables que degradan las proteinas miofibrilares puede impedir el proceso de gelificacion termica tradicional. Distintos metodos como el lavado del musculo, la adicion de inhibidores de uso alimentario, el calentamiento rapido o el tratamiento por altas presiones se pueden emplear para el control de la actividad enzimatica, contribuyendo a mantener o mejorar la calidad y la conservacion de los productos pesqueros. Por otro lado, a la hora de aplicar el tratamiento de altas presiones hay que considerar el efecto que tiene este sobre otros componentes de los alimentos, ya que la alta presion puede inducir cambios estructurales en las proteinas, conduciendo tambien con ello a cambios en las propiedades funcionales de los alimentos. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron caracterizar los principales grupos de enzimas presentes en el musculo de sardina y bacaladilla, determinar sus condiciones de maxima actividad, y estudiar su modificacion tras el tratamiento con altas presiones (300 Mpa, 7o C, 20 min). La seleccion de las especies se baso en su diferente actividad proteolitica y contenido en grasa. Ademas, se estudio el efecto de la actividad proteolitica y el tratamiento con alta presion en las proteinas miofibrilaes, y en consecuencia, en la aptitud funcional de las proteinas del musculo, en concreto, en la capacidad gelificante del musculo. Por otro lado, teniendo en cuenta que la realizacion de lavados es muy frecuente en la industria, depEl calentamiento global proyectado puede afectar de forma negativa al proceso de maduracion de la uva y a su composicion. En este sentido, el empleo de diferentes variantes somaticas que se acumulan en cada variedad en el proceso de multiplicacion vegetativa de la vid (Vitis vinifera L.) pueden ser una herramienta util para mantener la calidad de la uva y el vino en condiciones de cambio climatico. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la temperatura elevada sobre la acumulacion de azucares y antocianinas en las bayas de trece variantes somaticas (accesiones) de vid cv. Tempranillo, que difieren en la longitud de su ciclo. Se cultivaron estaquillas fructiferas de trece accesiones de vid (86, 1052, 336, 518, 501, 349, 280, 825, 807, 814, 318, 56, y 1084, Gobierno de la Rioja) en condiciones controladas, y se sometieron, desde cuajado hasta madurez, a dos regimenes termicos: 24/14oC o 28/18oC, dia/noche. Se determino el desarrollo fenologico como el numero de dias desde cuajado a envero y desde envero a madurez. Se analizo la concentracion de solidos solubles totales (SST) y antocianinas totales en piel en cuatro puntos del desarrollo de la baya: i) pre-envero (antes del inicio de la sintesis de antocianinas), ii) envero (50 % de la baya coloreada), iii) dos semanas despues del envero y iv) madurez (21-23oBrix). Las accesiones 349, 807, 814, 56 y 1084 presentaron los ciclos mas largos y la 501 y 518 los mas cortos. Las principales diferencias entre accesiones se observaron en el periodo comprendido entre envero y madurez. La temperatura elevada redujo significativamente el numero de dias transcurridos entre cuajado y madurez, con una mayor influencia antes del envero. Las variantes somaticas difirieron en la tasa de acumulacion de SST y antocianinas. Los resultados indican, en general, un efecto de desacoplamiento termico entre azucares y antocianinas en la baya. Las variantes somaticas estudiadas difirieron en el grado de desacoplamiento entre ambos metabolitos, asi las accesiones 501 y 56 fueron las que mostraron un mayor desequilibrio, especialmente en madurez, mientras que la 1052 y la 318 fueron las menos afectadas. Estas diferencias no estuvieron asociadas directamente con las distintas longitudes de ciclo (cuajadoenvero) que mostraron las accesiones estudiadas.Trabajo presentado en Natural Products and Biocontrol Congress, celebrado en Perpignan (France) del 21 al 23 de septiembre de 2016.Trabajo presentado en el V Congreso Iberoamericano de Productos Naturales, celebrado en Bogota (Colombia) del 25 al 29 de abril de 2016.4 paginas.-- 21 referencias.-- Comunicacion oral presentada en el XIII Simposio Hispano-Portugues de Relaciones Hidricas en las Plantas “Aprendiendo a optimizar el uso del agua en las plantas para hacer de nuestro entorno un ambiente mas sostenible” Libro de resumenes . 18 – 20 de octubre de 2016 Pamplona (Espana)Poster presentado en el 60 Benzon Symposium: Nuclear Regulation by Ubiquitin, celebrado en Copenhage del 18 al 21 de agosto de 2014Trabajo presentado a la I Jornada CYTED-IBEROFUN sobre Alimentacion y Salud, celebrada en Mexico en 2010.XXII Reunion Nacional de Espectroscopia. VI Congreso Iberico de Espectroscopia, Porto 8th to 10th September 2010Human LSECtin (Liver and lymph node sinusoidal endothelial cell C-type lectin, CLEC4G) is a C-type lectin encoded within the L-SIGN/DC-SIGN/CD23 gene cluster. LSECtin acts as a pathogen-attachment factor for Ebola and SARS virus, and its expression can be induced by IL-4 on monocytes and macrophages. Although reported as a liver and lymph node sinusoidal endothelial cell-specific molecule, LSECtin could be detected in the MUTZ-3 dendritic-like cell line at the mRNA and protein level, and immunohistochemistry analysis on human liver revealed its presence in Kupffer cells co-expressing the myeloid marker CD68. The expression of LSECtin in myeloid cells was further corroborated through the analysis of the proximal regulatory region of the human LSECtin gene, which contains a highly conserved PU.1-binding site at position 70 and whose activity was maximal in LSECtin+ myeloid cells. PU.1 transactivated the LSECtin regulatory region in collaboration with other hematopoietic-restricted transcription factors (Myb, RUNX3), and was found to be constitutively bound to the LSECtin proximal promoter in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells by chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis. Moreover, knockdown of PU.1 through the use of siRNA led to a decrease in LSECtin mRNA levels in both THP-1 myeloid cells and in monocyte-derived dendritic cells, thus confirming the involvement of PU.1 in the myeloid expression of the lectin. Therefore, LSECtin is expressed by myeloid cells and its expression is dependent on the PU.1 transcription factor.70 paginas.- Proyecto Fin de Carrera de Ingenieria Tecnica Forestal de Pontevedra, Universidad de VigoEsta investigacion se pudo realizar gracias al Proyecto CGL2005-03912/BOS del Plan Nacional de Investigacion, Desarrollo e InnovacionResumen del trabajo presentado a la 6a Jornada de Jovenes Investigadores en Fisica y Quimica de Aragon celebrada en Zaragoza el 20 de noviembre de 2014.Agglomeration can generate gains. If it does, how does it work and how are those gains distributed across agglomerated firms? Despite the existence of an important body of research on this topic, the evidence is inconclusive. We examine the effect of localization externalities on a firm’s innovativeness. By analyzing a large dataset of 6,697 firms integrated with another regional agglomeration-related dataset, we obtain results which show that (i) location in an agglomeration has a positive influence on a firm’s absorptive capacity and innovativeness, and, (ii) firms benefit heterogeneously from being located in agglomerations, with benefits being distributed asymmetrically. Agglomeration gains exist but not all firms benefit equally: the least innovative firms gain the most.The authors wish to acknowledge partial funding of the program Consolider TCP Ref. CSD2007-00058 and professional support by the Historical and Cultural Heritage Thematic Network (CSIC). T. Palomar also acknowledges a pre-doctoral grant for the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Resumen del trabajo presentado al Dagstuhl Seminar 2014 celebrado en Dagstuhl (Alemania) del 17 al 21 de febrero de 2014.The project was partially funded by the POSVOLDEC project (CTM2016-79617-P)(AEI/FEDER-UE). D.P. is grateful for his Beatriu de Pinos contract (2016 BP 00086).Poster presented in: Neogene to Quaternary geological evolution of Mediterranean, Parathethys and Black Sea. 14th Congress, 8-12 September 2013 Istanbul, Turkey, RCMNS (Regional Committee en Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy)This article analyses Abraham ibn Ezra’s explanations on the flood from his two commentaries on Genesis. These explanations are compared with other observations by Ibn Ezra and with the opinions of other medieval authors. Behind his explanations on the flood, we find Ibn Ezra’s opinions on the utility of astrology, on the reception of astrological knowledge by human beings, on the value of prophecy, and on the methods to avoid astral influences.Trabajo presentado en el 8o Congreso de la Asociacion Iberica de Endocrinologia Comparada (AIEC), celebrado en Madrid del 5 al 7 de septiembre de 2011.Trabajo presentado en el XXIV Congreso Iberoamericano de Catalisis, celebrado en Medellin (Colombia) del 14 al 19 de septiembre de 2014.Poster presentado al XII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Reated Techniques (Reunion Cientifica de la Sociedad Espanola de Cromatografia y Tecnicas Afines) celebrada en Tarragona del 14 al 16 de noviembre de 2012.A. Estrada has a postdoctoral contract jointly financed by the European Social Fund and by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), in the framework of the Operational Programme FSE 2007-2013. This work was partially financed by the project CGL2009-11316 (I+D project, Subprogramme BOS) funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain) and FEDER.Poster presentado en el congreso European Geosciences Union General Assembly, celebrado en Viena, Austria, del 27 de abril al 2 de mayo de 2014Presentada en el Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica y Tecnologias del Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Zaragoza, para optar al grado de Doctor en Ingenieria Quimica, 03-01-2011El yacimiento de El Calvari (El Molar, Tarragona), fechado entre finales de la Edad del Bronce y la I Edad del Hierro, ha proporcionado diversos objetos de base cobre y algun resto de fundicion. El yacimiento se localiza junto a las minas de galena (no argentifera) y de cobre dentro del distrito Molar-Bellmunt-Falset (MBF). Los analisis de isotopos de plomo de materiales relacionados con la metalurgia del plomo senalan su explotacion en este periodo. Sin embargo, ninguno de los objetos de base cobre (ni del poblado ni de la necropolis) se puede relacionar con el aprovechamiento de minerales locales. La mayor parte del metal se identifica con una procedencia del area minera de Linares, y en menor medida con minas en la provincia de Almeria. En el articulo se discuten los argumentos a favor de un comercio de metal, ya sea de lingotes o de objetos acabados, vinculado a la actividad comercial fenicia en el noreste de la Peninsula Iberica.Trabajo presentado a la 19th International Conference on Solid State Ionics celebrada en Kyoto (Japon) del 2 al 7 de Junio de 2013.Un reciente artículo de El País “La brecha escolar que divide España” (8-12-2013) analiza las posibles causas de las disparidades regionales en educación, a propósito del Informe PISA, que se realiza a adolescentes. Se argumentan razones socioeconómicas para explicar los peores resultados en las regiones más pobres. Otras explicaciones añaden el efecto del nivel cultural. Finalmente se señalan razones familiares (demográficas) y la importancia que las familias den a la educación como clave para explicar la brecha escolar.International Ocean Vector Wind Science Team Meeting (2014 IOVWST), 2-4 June 2014, Brest, France.-- 1 page, 5 figures.-- The ECMWF data were retrieved from the ECMWF MARS archive. The TMI data are available from the Web site of Remote Sensing Systems ( este articulo se tratan las fuentes que aparecen en la Fila?a farisiyya, obra de Casiano Baso Escolastico, de la que hasta el momento no existe ninguna edicion arabe. Para ello, se ha partido de dos manuscritos: el numero 540 de la Bibliotheca Universitatis Leidensis y el Selden Superius 21 de la Bodleian Library. De ambos se analiza brevemente su contenido y, tras el estudio pormenorizado de los diferentes autores, se aborda la transmision de esta obra agronomica al mundo andalusi, principalmente a traves de la figura del geopono Ibn al-�Awwam. Finalmente, y a modo de conclusion, se destacan una serie de cuestiones relativas al citado estudio y se plantean algunos aspectos problematicos conectados con dichas fuentes de informacion.Partial support by the Spanish MICINN (projects eAEGIS TSI2007-65406-C03-02, ARES - CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 CSD2007-00004, and N-KHRONOUS TIN2010-15764) is also acknowledgedTrabajo presentado al XI Congreso Nacional de Materiales celebrado en Zaragoza del 23 al 25 de junio de 2010.Trabajo presentado en la XXIV Semana de estudios Romanos, realizada entre el 6 y el 8 de septiembre del 2010.Resumen del trabajo presentado a la XI Reunion del Grupo de Microbiologia Molecular, celebrada en Sevilla del 6 al 8 de septiembre de 2016.Este articulo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto I+D titulado «Retorica y cultura en la informacion periodistica sobre salud» (HUM2007-65132), cofinanciado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Espana) y los fondos FEDER.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) (Project Smart-QC GL2008-05267-C03-03), the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) (Project A/030569/10), and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Project 201550E012). We would like to thank Francisco Perez and Angel Perez from Finca Cinegetica Dehesa Vieja (Galapagar) for providing facilities and help.The aim of this study was to determine author productivity and scientific collaboration in the Journal Ansiedad y Estres during the period 1994-2011 using social network analysis methodologies. Social network analysis is a tool increasingly used to understand the relationships between the different elements that comprise a bibliographic scientific work. In this paper researchers collaboration patterns have been studied and networks of coauthorship and collaboration have been built to identify the different research groups. Results show an increase in the number of works published by women throughout the period studied. The information collected was analyzed using Pajek and Ucinet programs and network graphics were designed with Netdraw graphics software.espanolOtra historia para otra psiquiatria. La perspectiva del paciente.- Este articulo pretende revisar, en primer lugar, algunas de las tendencias historiograficas que han configurado una historia “critica” de la psiquiatria a partir de los anos sesenta del siglo XX. Se muestra a continuacion, con algunos ejemplos suficientemente significativos, de que manera los metodos y los discursos se fueron afinando y actualizando hasta llegar a la propuesta de una novedosa historia cultural de la psiquiatria y de la subjetividad. Especial importancia se concede, en nuestro analisis, al “punto de vista del paciente”. Esto obliga a una labor de identificacion de fuentes escasamente trabajadas -como los escritos de los locos-, y a la incorporacion de herramientas hermeneuticas de caracteristicas interdisciplinares, entre las que destacan las procedentes de los estudios culturales y, de manera particular, de la cultura escrita. Finalmente, se ofrece una reflexion sobre el papel epistemologico que este enfoque historiografico puede tener en la construccion de nuevas formas de entender la salud mental, como la representada por la llamada post-psiquiatria EnglishThis article aims to summarise, in the first instance, some of the historiographical trends which have built a “critical” history of psychiatry from the 1960s onwards. Thereafter, it will demonstrate, with suitably significant examples, how methods and discourses were being refined and updated, before reaching a proposal for a new cultural history of psychiatry and subjectivity. In our analysis, special emphasis is placed on the “patient’s view”. This renders necessary the task of identifying little consulted sources, such as the writings of the mad, and the incorporation of interdisciplinary hermeneutic tools, including, most notably, those taken from cultural studies and, in particular, written culture. Finally, it will offer a reflection on the epistemic role that this historiographical approach could play in the construction of new ways of understanding mental health, such as that represented by so-called post-psychiatry.Trabajo presentado al 20th International Congress of Nutrition celebrado en Granada del 15 al 20 de septiembre de 2013.-- Poster Reference Number:PO1020.-- et al.En este articulo se estudia el ideario evolucionista lamarckiano desarrollando cuatro elementos analiticos. Primero, la elaboracion de un arquetipo evolutivo fundacional. Segundo, la interpretacion de la naturaleza como un sistema material donde el cambio organico da sentido a un proceso continuo dirigido a la conservacion de la vida. Tercero, la definicion de un principio genealogico sobre el origen de las especies que identifica el metodo natural. Cuarto, la reformulacion del concepto de especie utilizando los argumentos de relatividad temporal e inestabilidad individual.First Ice, Climate, Economics - Arctic Research on Change General Assembly Meeting, 19-21 November 2014, Barcelona.-- 1 page, 9 figuresTrabajo presentado en NET-SCARCE International Conference, celebrada en Barcelona (Espana) del 15 al 16 de noviembre de 2016Trabajo presentado al III Symposium Internacional sobre Textiles y Tintes del Mediterraneo en el mundo antiguo (Napoles, 13 al 15 de noviembre, 2008).Trabajo presentado en la VI Reunion Quimica Organica del Mediterraneo (VI REQOMED) celebrado en Granada del 19 al 21 de junio de 2013.The decoupling of the current sweep with the Ohmic resistance is a very powerful tool to determine the magnitude of the voltage losses inside of a fuel cell. In a time frame of seconds, the fuel cell can be diagnosed and critical information on the state of the membrane, catalyst and diffusion layer can be assessed. The losses determined by this technique are the Ohmic, mass transport and activation. With this technique flooding and dry can be isolated and degradation studies can be made. Finally, this technique can be applied to a real system were this data can be used to improve control strategies for performance and durability when integrated in to a model based controller.Authors thank the Innovine Project (Combining innovation in vineyard management and genetic diversity for a sustainable European viticulture (Call FP7-KBBE-2012-6, Proposal No 311775-INNOVINE)), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [grant number BFU2011-26989] and Gobierno de Aragon (A03 research group) for financial support, Asociacion de Amigos de la Universidad de Navarra for PhD Thesis grant.7 paginas, 8 figuras, 2 tablas, 6 algoritmos. Comunicacion presentada en: The 2014 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM’14), Worldcomp 2014, Las Vegas (USA), 21-24 July 2014.Intercultural Justice. Legal Pluralism and the Potential of normative Hermeneutics This paper explores the possibilities of inter-normativity in culturally complex contexts and its relation to the idea of a reflexive or self-critical modernity. The paper looks at the debates on justice in contemporary political philosophy in order to show the shortfalls of a constructivist approach to the normative analysis of culture, while it simultaneously portrays the affinity of the communitarian approach to several pluralist currents in modern legal anthropology. The key to the cultural translation of the principles of justice is to be found in their social and subjective effectiveness and in the affinity among the social goods to be normatively protected. The paper refers to several experiences of legal pluralism with ethno-religious communities and native peoples, and to the demands of Islamic feminism, to demonstrate that it is possible to «read» customary practices through the lenses of state law and to defend «modern» normative intentions with traditional languages and principles.Memoria presentada por Ibone Anza Gomez para optar al grado de doctor por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnologia Agroforestal y Genetica.The authors acknowledge partial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MICINN) through projects AYA2013-48623-C2-2, AYA2007-68058-C03-01, AYA2010-21766-C03-02, AYA2012-30789, and the Consolider-Ingenio project CSD2010-00064 (EPI: Exploring the Physics of Inflation). We also acknowledge the support of the Ramon y Cajal fellowship (RyC 2011 148062) awarded by the Spanish MICINN and the Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (CIG 294183).XXI Plant viruses cause severe diseases that lead to serious economic losses worldwide. Moreover, simultaneous infections with several viruses are common in nature leading to exacerbation of the disease symptoms. This phenomenon is known as viral synergism. Systemic necrosis (SN) is one of the most severe symptoms caused by plant viruses in susceptible plants, even leading to death of the host. This phenotype has been compared with the hypersensitive response (HR) displayed by resistant plants, and some parallelisms have been found between both responses, which suggest that SN induced by compatible interactions could be the result of a systemic hypersensitive response (SHR). However, the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of SN, its relationship with antiviral defence processes and its biological relevance are still unknown. Furthermore, the changes produced in plants by mixed infections that cause synergistic pathological effects have not been studied in a genome‐wide scale. In this doctoral thesis different approaches have been used to analyse gene expression, together with other genetic and biochemical techniques, in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana, in order to study the SN produced by the synergistic infection of Potato virus X (PVX) with several potyviruses. Genomic and physiological changes produced in the host by double infection with PVX and Potato virus Y (PVY), and by single infection with PVX or PVY have been compared. In addition, transcriptional and hormonal changes associated with infection by the chimeric virus PVX/HC‐Pro, which produces synergistic symptoms similar to those caused by PVX‐potyvirus, have been compared with those produced by other types of cell death. These types of cell death are: PCD associated with an incompatible interaction, and PCD produced by proteasome disruption. Finally, reverse genetic techniques have revealed the involvement of host factors, such as oxylipins, in the development of SN associated with PVX‐potyvirusEl verderon serrano (Serinus citrinella) es una especie paleartica endemica que cria en zonas montanosas subalpinas de la Europa occidental templada. Esta especie parece que esta sufriendo un gran declive en su area de distribucion septentrional, principalmente en la Selva Negra y en el NE de los Alpes. Se han propuesto muchas razones para dicha disminucion, pero todas ellas estaban relacionadas con los habitats de cria. Dado que esta especie lleva a cabo una migracion altitudinal, y que durante el invierno puede utilizar habitats muy distintos, se precisaria un buen conocimiento de los patrones de distribucion y de los habitats utilizados fuera del periodo reproductor, para poder establecer unas directrices de conservacion y gestion adecuadas. Sin embargo, esta informacion es muy escasa. El proposito de este estudio es determinar el habitat comun utilizado por los verderones serranos en en nordeste de Espana durante el invierno, para analizar la idoneidad del habitat, y estudiar los movimientos, investigando el origen de la aves que invernan en Cataluna. La distribucion se modelizo utilizando el analisis discriminante y la modelizacion de entropia maxima con los datos registrados desde 1972 al 2009 sobre la presencia de esta especie durante el invierno en Cataluna. Los resultados evidenciaron que la presencia de bosques abiertos mixtos de pino negral (Pinus nigra subsp. salzmanii) y pino silvestre o albar (Pinus sylvestris), con numerosas tierras de cultivo y plantas arvenses, en areas submediterraneas tipicas en las que las temperaturas templadas de finales de invierno (dias soleados) facilitan la apertura de las pinas, fueron las variables ecologicas y bioclimaticas claves responsables de la distribucion del verderon serrano en invierno (valores AUC o area bajo la curva: datos de entrenamiento AUC = 0,955; datos del test AUC = 0,953). Analizamos las recuperaciones (N = 238) de 2.368 aves anilladas en las areas de invernada y 12.648 aves anilladas en localizaciones subalpinas en los Pirineos adyacentes, desde 1977 al 2004. Los resultados de los datos de recuperacion de anillas muestran que en el area de estudio se capturaron aves procedentes de muy diversas localizaciones dentro del area de distribucion de la especie estudiada, incluyendo aves transpirenaicas procedentes de los Alpes. Ello enfatiza la gran movilidad de las poblaciones del verderon serrano hasta alcanzar las areas de invernada. Desde el punto de vista de la conservacion, la gran importancia de los pinos (principalmente del negral) para la distribucion invernal de esta especie pone de manifiesto que cualquier amenaza para los pinos, especialmente los incendios forestales, tendra grandes efectos adversos sobre las poblaciones del verderon serrano. Palabras clave: Verderon serrano, Invernada, Seleccion del habitat, Idoneidad del habitat, Desplazamientos, Conservacion, Pino negral, Pino silvestre, Pino albar.18th International Laser Physics Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, July, 13-17, 2009; http://www.lasphys.comTrabajo presentado en el XV International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, celebrado en Molde (Noruega) del 4 al 7 de junio de 2012.The idea of temporality and how this concept is introduced in the ritual domain could be investigated in past cultures through measurements of the orientation of cultic buildings, provided that such orientations are linked with particular astronomical events. Hellenic societies, among those of the Mediterranean Iron Age, had a need to regulate time through a calendar. The orientation of Hellenic temples in present day Greece and the South of Italy have recently been shown to be somewhat dissimilar, despite the obvious cultural links. In the present paper we verify if the samples of orientations of Hellenic temples in five distinct geographic areas are consistent with each other from a statistical point of view. Then we compute the internal variability among these groups by comparing them with other samples of temples across the Mediterranean, both for the Iron and Bronze ages, in order also to find possible long duration effects on the orientation of temples. Despite apparent discrepancies when directly comparing the Hellenic samples, a clear similarity among these groups of temples appear when we compare them with temples from other societies. Such comparison links closer the temples in Greece with those in Lycia and perhaps Cyrene, and the ones in Sicily with those of Magna Graecia. As a by-product, we find other possible concordances among sacred building orientations across the Mediterranean that may deserve further exploration in the future.Trabajo presentado como poster a la Annual World Conference on Carbon celebrada en Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) del 14 al 19 de julio de 2013.Master Universitario en Investigacion Basica y Aplicada en Recursos Cinegeticos. Trabajo Fin de Master.El Estudio Longitudinal “Envejecer en España” (ELES) pretende el seguimiento, durante 20 años, de españoles nacidos antes de 1960 para analizar su proceso de envejecimiento a través de la recogida de información periódica. Para averiguar la factibilidad de esta propuesta, se decidió realizar un estudio piloto de grandes dimensiones en 2011, en el que se recogió información por medio de cuestionarios de 1.747 personas de todo el territorio nacional. También se realizaron medidas objetivas del cuerpo y de la función física y cognitiva y extracción de sangre. La mayoría de las variables están puestas a disposición de la comunidad investigadora de forma gratuita en la página del proyecto ( Esperamos obtener datos de seguimiento en 2015.3 Pags. Contribucion de los autores originalmente presentada, como comunicacion,en el XIII Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Horticolas (SECH 2012): “Convergencia de las Tecnologias Hortofruticolas” (Almeria, abril 2012)Aquest treball presenta els resultats de l’estudi arqueometric portat a terme en mostres de mosaics romans procedents d’Italica i Carmona (Sevilla). L’objectiu principal de l’estudi va consistir en la caracteritzacio quimico-fisica de tessel. les de vidre i fragments de morter per a determinar la seva composicio, avaluar el seu estat de conservacio i estudiar la seva tecnologia de fabricacio. Les mostres es varen caracteritzar mitjancant lupa binocular, microscopia electronica de rastreig i microanalisi de dispersio d’energia de raigs X, espectrofotometria visible, difraccio de raigs X i analisi petrografic. Els resultats varen indicar que les tessel. les es realitzaren amb vidre de silicat sodic calcic, tot i que una d’elles va mostrar elevats continguts d’oxids de plom i coure. Les mostres procedents d’Italica presentaren una menor degradacio que les de Carmona, com a consequencia de la humitat retinguda per el mosaic. Aixi mateix, els resultats varen indicar que en les tessel. les es va fer servir un vidre d’inferior qualitat tecnica que l’emprat en peces de vaixella.3 paginas, 2 tablas.--Trabajo presentado a las XVI Jornadas sobre Produccion Animal AIDA (Zaragoza, 19 al 20 de mayo, 2015).Poster presentado al International Congress of Chemical Engineering celebrado en Sevilla del 24 al 27 de junio de 2012.Poster presentado en el 9o Congreso Iberico y 6o Iberoamericano de Contaminacion y Toxicologia Ambiental, celebrado en Valencia, Espana del 1 al 4 de julio de 2013This study focuses on the relationship between CO2 production and the ultimate hatchability of the incubation. A total amount of 43316 eggs of red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) were supervised during five actual incubations: three in 2012 and two in 2013. The CO2 concentration inside the incubator was monitored over a 20-day period, showing sigmoidal growth from ambient level (428 ppm) up to 1700 ppm in the incubation with the highest hatchability. Two sigmoid growth models (logistic and Gompertz) were used to describe the CO2 production by the eggs, with the result that the logistic model was a slightly better fit (r2=0.976 compared to r2=0.9746 for Gompertz). A coefficient of determination of 0.997 between the final CO2 estimation (ppm) using the logistic model and hatchability (%) was found.En este trabajo se analiza el modelo de una pila de combustible tipo PEM de catodo abierto. Se caracterizan sus puntos de equilibrio. Se analiza el plano de fase del modelo alrededor de diferentes puntos de operacion y se plantea una linearizacion del comportamiento del sistema. Finalmente se plantea un diseno basado en control robusto. Este diseno se valida con el modelo completo.236 paginas.-- 61 figuras.-- 22 tablas.-- sobre 134 referencias.-- Tesis para optar al grado de Doctor por la Universidad de SevillaComunicacion presentada en el Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulping Chemistry, 09 - 11 September 2015 / Austria, ViennaBased on papers presented at the First International Conference on Composites and Nanocomposites (ICNC 2011), Jan. 7, 8, and 9, at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por los proyectos de investigacion HAR2008-06477-C03-03/HIST y HAR2008-09120/HIST (Plan Nacional de I + D + i, Espana), y ERC-230561 (European Commission).8 paginas.-- 1 tabla.-- 46 referencias.-- Comunicacion oral presentada en el Working Group: Integrated Protection in Oak Forests. Proceedings of the Meeting at Cordoba (Spain), 23 - 27 October, 2016ICOS es una molecula coestimuladora expresada en linfocitos T activados; comparte con CD28 un motivo citoplasmico (YxxM), importante en la senalizacion celular por ser potencialmente capaz de asociar las subunidades reguladoras de PI3-cinasa. Puesto que hay una diversidad de subunidades cataliticas en las PI3-cinasas de clase IA (α, β, δ), con importantes diferencias en su expresion y –posiblemente- en sus funciones, hemos analizado la asociacion de las distintas subunidades de PI3-cinasa a ICOS. En este trabajo se analizaron por ensayos de “pull-down” aquellas proteinas de lisado de celulas SR.D10, linfocitos T CD4+ y linfoblastos capaces de unirse a peptidos de ICOS fosforilados en el residuo de tirosina (ICOSpTir) y a inmunoprecipitados de ICOS. Los peptidos ICOSpTir asocian las subunidades reguladoras de PI3-cinasa (p85α, p85β, p50-55α) y las subunidades cataliticas (p110α, p110βy p110δ). Por ensayos de “inmunoblot” se encontro una asociacion preferencial de la subunidad catalitica p110αa peptidos ICOSpTir pero tambien a inmunoprecipitados de ICOS. Ademas, al inmunoprecipitar PI3-cinasa con anticuerpos frente a la subunidad reguladora se observo una union preferencial de la subunidad p110αa la subunidad reguladora, explicando la asociacion preferencial de esta subunidad a ICOS. Como se ha postulado una importancia funcional preferente de la subunidad catalitica p110δen la activacion de linfocitos T, se han analizado las funciones de ambas subunidades p110αy p110δen la coestimulacion por ICOS. Al estudiar la fosforilacion de Akt y la produccion de citocinas inducida por anti-CD3 y anti-ICOS en diferentes tipos celulares observamos una diferente sensibilidad de los residuos Ser473 y Tre308 de Akt al utilizar inhibidores dirigidos a diferentes subunidades cataliticas p110, confirmando la importancia de estas subunidades en la activacion de Akt. Asi, en celulas SR.D10 la activacion temprana de Akt (Ser473), fue bloqueada parcialmente al inhibir las subunidades cataliticas p110αy p110δde PI3-cinasa con siARN o con inhibidores farmacologicos; en blastos de linfocitos T CD4+, la fosforilacion en la Treonina 308 de Akt fue inhibida eficientemente por inhibidores de p110α(A66), p110(IC87114), o de todas las isoformas (LY294002), mientras que la fosforilacion en la Serina 473 fue inhibida parcialmente por el inhibidor de p110α(A66), y totalmente por el de p110δ, o por LY294002. Estos resultados confirman la importancia de estas subunidades en la activacion de Akt. En cuanto a la secrecion de citocinas encontramos que la produccion de IL-4 e IL-10 es dependiente de la via PI3-cinasa/Akt en celulas SR.D10, ya que el inhibidor general de PI3-cinasa (LY294002) y de las subunidades cataliticas p110αy p110δinhiben la secrecion de estas citocinas En blastos no se observo un efecto significativo sobre la produccion de IL-4 o IL-10, pero si sobre la produccion de IFN-γ con concentraciones mas bajas de los dos inhibidores de p110α La asociacion preferente de las subunidades cataliticas p110αa las subunidades reguladoras de PI3-cinasa no es especifica de la region citoplasmatica de ICOS, tambien pudimos observarla asociada a un peptido de CD28 fosforilado en su motivo YxxM. Al analizar el papel de p110αen la coestimulacion por CD28 encontramos que, a concentraciones de 1-0,1 μM, el inhibidor de p110α(PIK-75) inhibia completamente la proliferacion a tres dias y la produccion de citocinas como IL-2 o IFN-γ. Sin embargo, observamos que esta inhibicion estaba acompanada por una fuerte perdida de viabilidad en las celulas a partir de las 24 horas de cultivo. El uso de inhibidores y el silenciamiento de la subunidad catalitica p110α confirmaron la importancia de esta subunidad en la supervivencia de linfocitos T. Ademas, la muerte celular inducida por PIK-75 es dependiente de caspasas en linfocitos T CD4+ pero no en la linea celular SR.D10. Tambien demostramos que la ligacion de ICOS induce elongacion celular y granulos densos o puntos de actina polimerizada que se encuentran muy cerca de la superficie de contacto celulacristal; estos cambios morfologicos son dependientes de PI3-cinasa, en especial de la subunidad catalitica p110α. Los cambios en el citoesqueleto de actina inducidos por ICOS son dependientes de Vav, de las GTPasas Rac-1 y Cdc42, y de la cinasa de la cadena ligera de miosina (MLCK), pero independientes de la via de Akt o de ROCK. ICOS incrementa el agrupamiento de balsas lipidicas inducida por anticuerpo anti-CD3 en el sitio de contacto con el estimulo. Sin embargo, ICOS, es indetectable en las balsas de membrana, incluso empleando ligandos (CD3 o ICOS) capaces de inducir cambios claros en el citoesqueleto de actina. En conjunto, en este trabajo resaltamos la importancia de PI3-cinasa de clase IA en la coestimulacion de ICOS; no solo confirmamos la importante funcion de la subunidad catalitica p110δ, sino que tambien atribuimos un papel dominante a la subunidad catalitica p110α, que la convierte en una nueva diana potencial en la terapeutica inmunomoduladora. La investigacion adicional de los modelos de raton seguira aportando pistas sobre los posibles beneficios y retos de una terapia dirigida a p110αde PI3-cinasa.Tesis Doctoral presentada por Jose Angel Barasona Garcia-Arevalo, licenciado en veterinaria, para optar al grado de Doctor con Mencion Internacional.Nuestro agradecimiento al equipo de gestion del Proyecto RECUPERA 2020, dirigido por Ana Guerreo y Angel Caballero; a Miguel Ferrer, Coordinador Institucional del CSIC en Andalucia, por el apoyo que ha prestado en todo momento al Proyecto y a las actividades del Hito 1.3.2; a los propietarios de Internacional Olivarera S.A., por su apoyo, desde 2010, a la realizacion de trabajos del Grupo REC en la finca Sanabria. A la Junta de Andalucia y al MINECO por la financiacion de 105 proyectos de riego llevados a cabo por el Grupo REC (Ref. AGR-6456 y AGL2012-34544), de 105 que se ha obtenido informacion para el desarrollo del Hito 1.3.2. Este es un proyecto derivado del convenio firmado entre MINECO y CSIC para la realizacion del proyecto RECUPERA 2020, cofinanciado con fondos FEDER.En un reciente estudio se pone de manifiesto que un nivel mas alto de educacion amplifica significativamente la asociacion inversa existente entre renta y discapacidad en los mayores. Esta asociacion, ya conocida ampliamente, senala que las personas con mas ingresos tienen menos discapacidad (por eso la llamamos inversa), pero si ademas tienen un nivel educativo alto esa asociacion inversa se amplifica.This study was funded by grant CGL2010-21933-C02-01 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion).Esta tesis doctoral se ha enfocado al estudio del proceso de senalizacion del factor transcripcional SltA del organismo modelo Aspergillus nidulans, que media la respuesta a estres por determinados cationes y la alcalinizacion del medio. Para ello se han abordado tres objetivos principales, el analisis de su mecanismo de activacion y regulacion, la caracterizacion de la proteina senalizadora SltB y la relacion funcional entre ambas.SltA pertenece a la clase de factores de transcripcion con dedos de zinc como dominio de union a DNA. Su distribucion filogenetica esta restringida a los genomas de hongos filamentosos. En A. nidulans la respuesta a pH ambiental esta regulada ademas por los factores de transcripcion PacC y CrzA, tambien con dedos de zinc. En S. cerevisiae Crz1p esta involucrado en la regulacion de los cationes intracelulares, pero en A. nidulans esta funcion se reparte entre SltA y CrzA. SltA debe ser activado mediante proteolisis generandose en la celula al menos dos formas funcionales y la proteina SltB es determinante en este proceso.Mediante diversas estrategias de genetica clasica y biologia molecular se han generado formas mutantes etiquetadas de SltA y SltB para investigar la base molecular del mecanismo de activacion y en la regulacion postraduccional por proteolisis de ambas proteinas. La forma primaria de traduccion del factor transcripcional SltA se ha denominado SltA78kDa. La forma truncada se denomina SltA32kDa y esta en equilibrio con una forma modificada por fosforilacion de la misma. La proteina senalizadora SltB esta divida en dos dominios cuya funcion ha sido definida in silico y mediante analisis genetico clasico, un dominio pseudoquinasa y un dominio proteasa. El dominio pseudoquinasa es esencial para que se produzca la proteolisis de SltA, pero no esta implicado en su fosforilacion. El dominio proteasa se ha clasificado como una endoproteasa del tipo serina, y es responsable de la auto-proteolisis de la propia proteina SltB, requisito previo para que se produzca el corte proteolitico de SltA.Finalmente, estudios de expresion de los genes sltA y sltB han permitido asignar una funcion positiva de SltA sobre la expresion de SltB, lo que demuestra que la forma nativa SltA78kDa es funcional.Esta tesis doctoral supone el comienzo del estudio de un nuevo sistema de regulacion por pH alcalino y determinados cationes en A. nidulans.Palabras clave: Aspergillus nidulans, factor transcripcional, estres abiotico, proteolisisTrabajo de investigacion presentado por la Licenciada Maria Paloma Celada Rodriguez para optar al grado de Doctor en Farmacia por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y que ha sido realizado en el Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologia de Alimentos y Nutricion (ICTAN) del CSIC.Trabajo presentado en el XXIV Congreso Iberoamericano de Catalisis, celebrado en Medellin (Colombia) del 14 al 19 de septiembre de 2014.2 paginas.-Trabajo presentado en el VIII Congreso de Mejora genetica de plantas, celebrado en Vitoria-Gasteiz entre el 12 y el 14 de julio de 2016.

Vida rural | 2004

Influencia de las distintas dosis de abonado aportado por fertirrigación

Antonio Troncoso de Arce; Francisco Cabrera; José Enrique Fernández Luque; Rafael López Núñez; Félix Moreno Lucas; José Manuel Murillo Carpio; Ignacio F. Girón Moreno; Juana Liñán Benjumea; Manuel Cantos; María García Liñán; Javier Troncoso Mendoza

30a reunion del Grupo de trabajo de Experimentacion en Viticultura y Econologia celebrada en la Estacion de fruticultura y bodega experimental de Zalla (Vizcaya), los dias 25 y 26 de marzo de 2015. -- Munoz Organero, G. et al.Poster presentado en el 37th World Congress of Vine and Wine, celebrado en Mendoza (Argentina) del 9 al 14 de noviembre de 2014.En este trabajo se estudia la influencia sobre el desarrollo, produccion y calidad de la cosecha de las plantas de olivo variedad Manzanillo de Sevilla de cuatro tratamientos de fertirrigacion. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los parametros considerados, es decir, al menos durante el tiempo de duracion de la prueba la planta pudo crecer y producir bien con la concentracion mas baja de nutrientes, lo que significa un menor gasto economico y mas bajo nivel de contaminacion.Poster presentado al XVII Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Nutricion [XVII Conference of the Spanish Nutrition Society (SEN) and the X Meeting of the Catalan Association of Food Science (ACCA)], celebrado en Barcelona (Espana) del 27 al 29 de junio de 2018.C. Miranda, P. Errea, J. Urrestarazu, A. Pina, S. Pereira-Lorenzo, E. Dapena, V. Urbina, M.A. Moreno, M.B. Díaz-Hernandez, A.M. Ramos-Cabrer, J. AscasibarErrasti, I. Iglesias, M. Espiau, G. Reig, J. Dalmases, L.G. Santesteban, M.J. Laquidain y J.B. Royo Universidad Pública de Navarra, Departamento de Agronomía, Biotecnología y Alimentación, Campus de Arrosadia, 31006 Pamplona Unidad de Hortofruticultura, CITA de Aragón, E-50059, Zaragoza Escola Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Producción Vexetal, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Campus de Lugo, 27002 Lugo Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo de Asturias, 33300 Villaviciosa (Asturias) Departament d’Hortofructicultura, Botánica i Jardinería, Universitat de Lleida, 25198, Lleida Departamento de Pomología, Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (CSIC), Apartado 13034, 50080 Zaragoza Centro de Investigaciones Agrarias de Mabegondo. Xunta de Galicia, 15318 Abegondo (A Coruña) Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries, Parc Científic i Tecnològic de Lleida, 25003 Lleida2 paginas y 1 figura.-Trabajo presentado en el VIII Congreso de Mejora genetica de plantas, celebrado en Vitoria-Gasteiz entre el 12 y el 14 de julio de 2016.Trabajo presentado al II Congreso de la Asociacion Espanola de Profesionales del Analisis Sensorial, celebrado en el Basque Culinary Center del 26 al 28 de junio de 2019.Trabajo presentado al: 25th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology. (Liverpool, Reino Unido, 16-20 August, 2015).Trabajo presentado al IX Congreso Nacional de Investigacion Enologica (GIENOL) celebrado en Badajoz del 29 de mayo al 1 de junio de 2007.Master Universitario en Investigacion Basica y Aplicada en Recursos Cinegeticos. Trabajo de Fin de Master.Poster presentado al XVII Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Nutricion [XVII Conference of the Spanish Nutrition Society (SEN) and the X Meeting of the Catalan Association of Food Science (ACCA)], celebrado en Barcelona (Espana) del 27 al 29 de junio de 2018.espanolEl cultivo del pistacho se enfrenta a problemas que limitan grandemente su expansion: la propagacion de patrones heterogeneos mediante plantas de semillas que pueden escasear, o de variedades mediante injertos con un exito irregular. El resultado es la falta de planta disponible y su encarecimiento. Las tecnicas de micropropagacion que desarrollamos en nuestro laboratorio de la Estacion Experimental de Aula Dei contribuyen a paliar estos problemas con la produccion de patrones clonales selectos, sanos y uniformes, que potencialmente pueden proporcionar una cantidad ilimitada de plantas por la multiplicacion masiva. Ademas, con el cultivo in vitro de variedades podemos injertar directamente los apices sobre patrones juveniles, permitiendo una produccion mas rapida de los plantones. La discusion de las ventajas y los inconvenientes justifica claramente la utilizacion de la micropropagacion. EnglishPistachio culture faces problems that greatly limit its expansion: the propagation of both heterogeneous rootstocks through seedlings that may be scarce, or of varieties through grafts with irregular success. The result is short plant availability and price raise. The micropropagation techniques that we develop in our laboratory at the Aula Dei Experimental Station contribute to alleviate these problems with the production of select, healthy and uniform clonal rootstocks, which can potentially provide an unlimited number of plants by massive multiplication. In addition, in vitro culture of varieties allow direct grafting of apices on juvenile rootstocks, and a faster production of pistachio plant trees. The discussion of the pros and cons clearly justifies the use of micropropagation.Resumen del poster presentado al 25th European Congress on Obesity, celebrado en Viena (Austria) del 23 al 26 de mayo de 2018.10 paginas y 5 figuras.-Trabajo presentado en el II Congreso Iberoamericano y III Congreso Iberico de Ciencias Horticolas, celebrado entre el 11 y el 15 de marzo de 1997 en Vilamoura, Portugal.87 paginas.- Proyecto fin de carrera en Ingenieria de Montes de la Universidad de Santiago de CompostelaespanolEn este trabajo se ha evaluado la resistencia a la saliva, al medio acido y a las sales biliares de once cepas de origen enologico pertenecientes a Lactobacillus spp., Pediococcus spp., y Oenococcus oeni, ademas de dos cepas probioticas de referencia. Las cepas de Lactobacillus y Pediococcus mostraron una alta resistencia a la lisozima (> 80 %), y todas sobrevivieron a las sales biliares y a bajos valores de pH (pH 1.8), lo que sugiere una buena adaptacion de estas cepas a las condiciones gastrointestinales. Tambien se evaluo su capacidad para adherirse a la mucosa intestinal y para inhibir la adhesion de Escherichia coli a celulas epiteliales del intestino. En particular, la cepa P. pentosaceus cIAL-86 mostro un alto porcentaje de adherencia a las celulas intestinales (> 12 %), incluso superior al mostrado por las cepas probioticas de referencia, y una alta actividad anti-adhesion de E. coli cIAL-153 (> 30 %). EnglishIn this study, the saliva, acid and bile resistance of eleven enological strains of Lactobacillus spp., Pediococcus spp., and Oenococcus oeni, as well as two probiotic reference strains were evaluated. Lactobacillus and Pediococcus strains showed high resistance to lysozyme (> 80 %) and all were capable of surviving at bile salts and low pH values (pH 1.8), suggesting a good adaptation to gastrointestinal conditions. The ability of these strains to adhere to the intestinal mucosa and the inhibition of the adhesion of Escherichia coli to intestinal cells were also evaluated. In particular, P. pentosaceus cIAL-86 showed a high percentage of adhesion to intestinal cells (> 12 %), even higher than that shown by the reference probiotic strains, and a high anti-adhesion activity against E. coli cIAL-153 (> 30 %).143 Pags. Thesis submitted for de Degree of Master of Science - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM). thesis presented in Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Saragossa (IAMZ). This work has been carried out ant the Departamento de Pomologia, Estacion Experimental de Aula Dei (EEAD.CSIC).Trabajo presentado al 1st International Conference on Global Challenges in Neglected Tropical Diseases. Leon (Spain), 13-15 julio, 2016.Memoria presentada por Virginia Gamino Rodriguez para optar al grado de Doctor por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Grupo de Sanidad y Biotecnologia-Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnologia Agroforestal y Genetica, y realizada en el Instituto de Investigacion en Recursos Cinegeticos (CSIC-UCLM-JCCM).Memoria presentada por Marta Munoz Mendoza para optar al grado de doctora por la Univerisdad de Castilla-La Mancha, realizada en el Instituto de Investigacion en Recursos Cinegeticos (CSIC-UCLM-JCCM).Monografico 25. Investigacion e innovacion al servicio de la alimentacion en La Rioja: avances en el campo de la Enologia y en otros porductos riojanos.The frying performance of two virgin olive oils (VOO) from Cornicabra olives of different ripeness indices, 2.08 for VOO1 and 4.13 for VOO2, was evaluated. Thermal, oxidative and hydrolytic alterations were determined throughout 40 frying operations with potatoes. The initial oils showed similar fatty acid compositions and oxidative stability indices as determined by Rancimat, but VOO1 presented higher amounts of total polyphenols and tocopherols. The oils showed high and similar frying performance. No significant differences in the levels of polar compounds (PC) were found between the two oils during frying. Therefore, the frying stability of Cornicabra VOOs appears to be unconnected with olive fruit ripeness. The limit of degradation at 25% PC as established in different countries was calculated to occur at 55 frying operations in the two oils. As oil toxicity is related to the levels of compounds formed, the use of Cornicabra VOOs for frying is highly recommended.5 paginas, 2 tablas y 4 figuras.- Trabajo presentado en las III Jornadas del Grupo de Viticultura celebradas en Palma de Mallorca entre el 28 y el 29 de noviembre de 2018.Trabajo presentado al 9th International Symposium of the EuroAliment, celebrado en Galati (Rumania) del 5 al 6 de septiembre de 2019.El objetivo del presente estudio llevado a cabo en dos anos consecutivos era detectar la presencia de Dactylis glomerata subsp. hispanica en el norte de la Peninsula Iberica. Se compararon morfologicamente 33 poblaciones tetraploides naturales del genero Dactylis, tomando como referencia las poblaciones Mg0642, Mg0643 y dhl230 de la subsp. hispanica. Se evaluaron caracteres de floracion, foliares y florales. Se aplico un analisis de la varianza, y utilizando las medias de los datos obtenidos durante los dos anos, se realizo un analisis de cluster poblacional con el metodo UPGMA (distancias euclideas de Mahalanobis). Se observaron diferencias significativas entre poblaciones para la mayor parte de los caracteres. El dendrograma muestra 6 grupos. Hay una tendencia a agruparse las poblaciones de la subespecie hispanica, lo mismo que las de la subespecie glomerata. Las poblaciones gallegas izcoi se acercan al grupo formado por la subespecie glomerata. Se localizaron 6 poblaciones de D. glomerata subsp. hispanica que caracterizadas por pequenas dimensiones foliares y florales y que con las localizadas en trabajos anteriores hacen un total de 11 poblaciones encontradas en el interior de Asturias y en la Cordillera Cantabrica. En Galicia no se encuentra presenteComputer vision systems are powerful tools to automate inspection tasks in agriculture. Typical target applications of such systems include grading, quality estimation, yield prediction and monitoring, among others. The capabilities of an artificial vision system go beyond the limited human capacity to evaluate long-term processes objectively and provide valuable data to take decisions that will have great influence in later operations. This work explores the application of machine vision techniques in viticulture from several approaches. The first approach is aimed at working outdoors, developing in-field systems capable of assessing the canopy features of the vineyard (Vitis vinifera L.) by taking digital images and applying computer vision systems. The second approach is aimed at analysing cluster morphology using image analysis. Berry number per cluster and cluster weight were estimated using several algorithms of image processing. Lately, machine vision has been used as a tool to automate the measurement of berry size and weight under laboratory conditions. Manual measurement of the canopy features and yield components are tedious and subjective tasks that can be time-consuming and labour demanding. In this regard, by means of computer vision techniques, a large set of samples can be automatically measured, saving time and providing more objective and precise information.Este libro ha sido financiado por la Accion Complementaria AC2014-00004-00-00 del Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), dentro del Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion 2013-2016, por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y por el Ayuntamiento de Gijon, a traves de Divertia. Tambien ha contado con la colaboracion de Zerep Carbonicas y Aguas S.A.6 paginas, 5 tablas, 1 figura.- Trabajo presentado al 29th EFFoST Conference. (Athens, Greece, 10-12 November, 2015).3 Pags., con resumen amplio y copia .pdf de poster original de los autores (con Figs. y Fots.).Trabajo presentado al IX Congreso Nacional de Investigacion Enologica (GIENOL) celebrado en Badajoz del 29 de mayo al 1 de junio de 2007.8 Pags.- 1 Fig.- 1 Tabl. Creative Commons License Atribucion-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Se evaluo el potencial de la solarizacion para el control de Meloidogyne incognita en sustratos viveristicos de olivo apilados en monticulos durante 1999 y 2000 en Cordoba. La solarizacion redujo significativamente el porcentaje de eclosion del nematodo, por encima del 95% comparado con los sustratos no solarizados. Sin embargo, en todos los casos, la eclosion de huevos del nematodo en las muestras solarizadas fue significativamente inferior a la eclosion en las muestras no solarizadas, independientemente del tipo de sustrato, profundidad y localizacion del inoculo en el monticulo. El bioensayo con plantas de tomate confirmo la reduccion en infectividad de los huevos libres del nematodo sometidos a solarizacion. Analogamente, en condiciones controladas se estudio el uso potencial del compost de corcho como enmienda de suelo para controlar M. incognita en sustratos viveristicos de olivo. La enmienda de suelo con diversas proporciones de compoot de corcho (0, 25, 50, 75 o 100%) redujo significativamente la poblacion final del nematodo, y dicha reduccion se ajuste a un modelo exponencial negativo en funcion de la proporcion de enmienda utilizada.Trabajo presentado en las Jornadas organizadas por la SECH (Sociedad Espanola de Ciencias Horticolas) celebradas en Madrid el 3 y 4 de noviembre de 2016.- 6 paginas, 1 figura.148 Pags.- Figs.- Tabls. Trabajo dirigido por Juan Herrero Isern, investigador EEAD-CSIC, y Miguel Aran Mayoral. Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Trabajo presentado al XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Parasitologia. Apartado Comunicaciones: Parasitologia estructural y molecular).-- II Encuentro Internacional de Parasitologos de Espana, Francia, Italia y Portugal (Vitoria, Gasteiz, 23-25 de julio, 2015).This work was supported by grant 07G/0035/2003 from the Comunidad de Madrid and RM03-002 from INIA. We thank R. Gonzalez, and A.V. Carrascosa for their critical reading of the manuscript. We also thank Dr. Michelle Sheehan for correcting the English version of the manuscript. A. Marcobal was a recipient of a predoctoral fellowship and B. de las Rivas of a postdoctoral fellowship both from the Comunidad de Madrid.Poster presentado en el XIII Congreso Nacional de Investigacion Enologica (GIENOL 2015), celebrado en Tarragona del 9 al 12 de junio de 2015.2 Vols. (Tomo 1, 582 Pags.; Tomo 2. Apendices, 244 Pags.). Tesis Univ. Zaragoza, realizada en la Unidad de Suelos y Riegos del Centro de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agroalimentaria de Aragon (CITA). Dirigida por el Dr. Juan Herrero Isern, investigador EEAD-CSIC. Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).La judia comun es uno de los cultivos de leguminosas de grano para consumo humano de mayor importancia a nivel mundial. Diferentes enfermedades bacterianas, entre las que destacan la bacteriosis de halo y bacteriosis comun, afectan de manera importante a la produccion y calidad del cultivo. La incorporacion de resistencia es el unico metodo eficiente y sostenible para el control de estas enfermedades. Sin embargo, la variabilidad del patogeno y la planta, lo que se traduce en variacion en la respuesta a la interaccion entre ambas especies, y la herencia de la resistencia, dificultan la piramidacion de diferentes genes de resistencia dentro de un fondo genetico comun. Las estrategias de mapeo de QTLs que se han seguido en este estudio con diferentes poblaciones provenientes de cruzamientos permitieron, por un lado, la identificacion de QTLs de efecto principal y efecto epistatico, asi como de las regiones genomicas que localizan genes candidatos putativos para resistencia; y, por otro lado, el desarrollo de nuevas lineas elite de mejora que presentaron resistencia multiple a ambas enfermedades. Los resultados aqui presentados proporcionan informacion esencial no solo para una mejor compresion de la interaccion planta – patogeno, sino tambien para la aplicacion de herramientas de mejora genomica asistida que proporcionan la oportunidad de usar una estrategia piramidal para resistencia duradera a bacteriosis de halo y bacteriosis comun, asi como para importantes estudios adicionales de clonacion de genes candidatos en judia comun.Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Leon y el Instituto de Ganaderia de Montana (IGM-CSIC). Leida en diciembre del 2015.Poster presentado en el 37th World Congress of Vine and Wine, celebrado en Mendoza (Argentina) del 9 al 14 de noviembre de 2014.5 paginas, 1 tabla y 1 figura.- Trabajo presentado en las III Jornadas del Grupo de Viticultura celebradas en Palma de Mallorca entre el 28 y el 29 de noviembre de 2018.Poster presentado en el XIII Congreso Nacional de Investigacion Enologica (GIENOL 2015), celebrado en Tarragona del 9 al 12 de junio de 2015.Trabajo presentado al XI Encuentro Tecnico (Reduccion de Sulfuroso en los Vinos), celebrado en Madrid el 14 de abril de 2016.En este trabajo se han estudiado los efectos de diferentes tratamientos de regimen hidrico sobre la composicion aromatica de los vinos elaborados con uva de las variedades blancas Ciguente (en Badajoz) y Verdejo (en Valladolid). Los tratamientos de riego estudiados para Ciguente fueron: CiNR (no regado), CiPR (deficit preenvero, regado al 25% hasta envero y despues al 75%), CIPO (deficit postenvero. 75% hasta envero y despues al 25%) y CiT (riego maximo durante toda la temporada). Para Verdejo los tratamientos de riego fueron VeNR (no regado), VeRS (riego al 50% del testigo hasta vendimia) y VeT (testigo, 50% ETo, riego maximo). Los mostos obtenidos de las diferentes variedades y tratamientos se sulfitaron con 50 mg/L de SO2, se inocularon con la levadura neutra EC1118 (Lallemand) y su fermentacion se llevo a cabo a temperatura controlada. La composicion volatil de los vinos elaborados a partir de cada tratamiento fue analizada mediante GC-MS. Se identificaron y cuantificaron 42 compuestos en Verdejo y 36 en Ciguente, que se agruparon en ocho familias aromaticas: alcoholes superiores, alcoholes en C6, esteres, acetatos, acidos, fenoles, lactonas y compuestos carbonilados. A nivel global no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos de riego en ninguna de las variedades de estudio, sin embargo se observo una tendencia al aumento de concentracion en los tratamientos no regados (NR). En el analisis por familias de compuestos volatiles, se hallaron pocas diferencias significativas entre tratamientos. En el caso de Ciguente, se observo un efecto significativo del riego sobre las familias de lactonas y compuestos carbonilados, ambas familias representadas por un unico compuesto volatil (γ- butirolactona y acetoina respectivamente). Por otra parte, en Verdejo los tratamientos de riego unicamente tuvieron influencia significativa sobre la familia de fenoles volatiles, representada por dos compuestos (4-vinilguaiacol y 4-vinilfenol). En ambos casos, Verdejo y Ciguente, la mayor concentracion de estas familias de compuestos volatiles fue observada en los tratamientos no regados (NR). En general, en el resto de las familias de compuestos volatiles analizadas no se observaron diferencias significativas, aunque se observo una tendencia hacia una mayor concentracion en los tratamientos no regados (NR).Resumen del trabajo presentado al 11th World Congress on Polyphenol Applications, celebrado en Viena (Austria) del 20 al 21 de junio de 2017.El maiz es un cultivo de suma trascendencia social en la finca de los productores paraguayos. En cuanto al recurso fitgeneticos de este cultivo, existen 10 razas clasificadas en Paraguay, cubriendo alrededor del 48 % de la superficie de maiz del pais se sembraba con materiales locales o nativos, donde el Avati Moroti es la mas difundida, encontrandose en practicamente todas las fincas de los pequenos productores, porque es utilizada preferentemente en la alimentacion humana. El uso de marcadores geneticos o de otra metodologia podria identificar nuevos genes a ser usados en mejoramiento, como asi tambien es utilizar para revelar diferencias existentes entre las accesiones, posibilitando el manejo mas eficiente de los bancos de germoplasma. Los microsatelites han sido frecuentemente aplicados para el estudio de la diversidad genetica en lineas mejoradas y poblaciones de maiz. Los grupos y patrones heteroticos pueden ser identificados usando las cruzas dialelicas. Los objetivos principales que se pretenden conseguir en este trabajo fueron el evaluar la diversidad genetica de la raza de maiz Avati Moroti y la relacion entre accesiones de esta raza, mediante analisis multivariante de microsatelites (SSR), y el determinar las relaciones heteroticas entre poblaciones de maiz representativas de la raza Avati Moroti de Paraguay. Las accesiones de Avati Moroti que fueron estudiadas provienen de la Coleccion Nucleo 20 % de esta raza de Sudamerica elaborada por el CIMMYT, de la cual forma parte 20 accesiones paraguayas. Los ensayos fueron ubicados en Capitan Miranda, Natalicio Talavera y Chore, sembradas en las temporadas 2009/10 y 2010/11. El trabajo de laboratorio para el analisis con marcadores moleculares se desarrollo en la Mision Biologica de Galicia. Para el analisis genetico fueron seleccionadas al azar 40 semillas de cada una de las accesiones, y para el analisis genetico fueron seleccionados 30 pares de cebadores de microsatelites distribuidos en todos los cromosomas del maiz. Para las cruzas dialelicas, las 20 accesiones fueron divididos en tres grupos. Para el estudio de variabilidad genetica se utilizo el metodo de Nei, para distancia genetica se utilizo el metodo de Nei y Li , y para la cruza dialelica el metodo de Gardner y Eberthart. Las conclusiones del trabajo fueron: a) el maiz paraguayo de la raza Avati Moroti posee una gran variabilidad genetica, mayor incluso que algunas razas mexicanas; b) no se observan grandes divergencias geneticas entre poblaciones; c) segun estos resultados, existirian tres grupos heteroticos entre las poblaciones de maiz Avati Moroti que son: norte, centro y sur; d) se pueden formar un grupo de seleccion reciproca recurrente para la zona norte entre PAZM 2035, PAZM 2040 y PAZM 14084, el PAZM 4022 para la zona centro, y PAZM 7097 y PAZM 9044 para la zona sur; e) es posible la formacion de patrones heteroticos entre la PARA 119 x PAZM 2035, PARA 119 x PAZM 2087, PARA 117 x PAZM 2087, PARA 117 x PAZM 7097; y f) las accesiones colectadas en los anos 1950? podrian formar parte como germoplasma en programas de mejoramiento en el desarrollo de hibridos, no asi en grupos de seleccion reciproca recurrente.Poster presentado a la 31st EFFoST International Conference titulada: Food Science and Technology Challenges for the 21st Century - Research to Progress Society, celebrada en Sitges (Espana) del 13 al 16 de noviembre de 2017.Desde hace unos catorce años, la Unidad de Suelos y Riegos del SIA-DGA viene desarrollando aplicaciones agrarias y ambientales de la teledetección. El objetivo es obtener nuevos conocimientos y modelos de funcionamiento del territorio mediante satélites de recursos naturales e información de terreno. Para ello cuenta con programas de tratamiento de imágenes de satélite y de sistemas de información geográfica. Se muestran a continuación algunas aplicaciones desarrolladas en dicha Unidad dentro de las líneas de actuación (i) seguimiento del regadío y (ii) estudio de la evolución y dinámica de lagunas saladas. En todas estas aplicaciones se utilizan imágenes Landsat TM y/o ETM+.Poster presentado en el XIII Congreso Nacional de Investigacion Enologica (GIENOL 2015), celebrado en Tarragona del 9 al 12 de junio de 2015.Proyecto INIA RTA2013-0057-C05-04, FITE y contrato predoctoral FPI-INIA CPD 2015-0044 a Noemi Mateo Marin.Poster presentado al XVII Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Nutricion [XVII Conference of the Spanish Nutrition Society (SEN) and the X Meeting of the Catalan Association of Food Science (ACCA)], celebrado en Barcelona (Espana) del 27 al 29 de junio de 2018.

Archive | 2018

El Guadiamar como laboratorio para la investigación de relaciones planta‐suelo: 20 años de estudio

Teodoro Marañón; Paula Madejón; María Teresa Domínguez; Marta Gil Martínez; Carmen M. Navarro-Fernández; María del Mar Montiel-Rozas; Álvaro López-García; Engracia Madejón; J.M. Murillo; Francisco Cabrera

Trabajo presentado en el XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Malherbologia, celebrado en Pamplona-Iruna, entre los dias 25 y 27 de octubre de 2017.La reiterada multiplicacion vegetativa de cultivares de vid (Vitis vinifera L.) de elite para la vinificacion provoca la acumulacion de variacion somatica que es explotada en la mejora varietal. Considerando la hipotesis de que variantes con ciclo largo de maduracion (baja tasa de acumulacion de azucares) pueden adaptarse mejor a condiciones de alta temperatura, en este estudio se caracterizaron 450 accesiones de ‘Tempranillo’ buscando clones que difiriesen en la duracion del ciclo de maduracion. Se preseleccionaron diez clones de ciclo largo y nueve de ciclo corto y la consistencia de su ciclo se testo sobre esquejes fructiferos. Asi se seleccionaron dos clones de ciclo largo y uno de ciclo corto, que ademas de mantener diferencias consistentes en el ciclo, presentaban un rendimiento y una produccion de antocianinas equilibrados. Se realizo un analisis transcriptomico de estos tres clones, mediante la tecnica RNA-seq, con el objetivo de identificar la variacion genetica responsable de las diferencias en el proceso de maduracion. Comparando el transcriptoma de uvas que estaban completando el envero, se detectaron posibles mutaciones puntuales responsables del fenotipo de ciclo largo en uno de los clones. Asimismo, se identifico una region cromosomica con tres genes localizados consecutivamente que se hallaban sobreexpresados en el otro clon de ciclo largo analizado. La secuencia de los transcritos de estos genes indica que la sobreexpresion se debe a la induccion especifica de uno de los alelos de cada gen, lo que sugiere la presencia de una mutacion en cis con una region reguladora en una copia del cromosoma, que causaria la sobreexpresion ectopica de los tres genes y la ralentizacion de la maduracion. Estos resultados pueden ser utiles en programas de mejora de la vid dirigidos a la adaptacion de la elaboracion de vino de calidad en condiciones de cambio climatico.4 paginas.-- 2 tablas.-- 10 referencias.-- Comunicacion oral presentada en el VIII Congreso Iberico de las Ciencias del Suelo. VIII Congresso Iberico de Ciencias do Solo. DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIAN. 20 - 22 junio 2018..-- El documento completo se encuentra para su descarga en“Connected Worlds: the Caribbean, Origin of Modern World”. This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 823846La crisis ha reducido las entradas por reagrupacion familiar debido a un aumento de las denegaciones y una caida de las solicitudes derivada de las dificultades economicas que atraviesan los inmigrantes y el endurecimiento de los requisitos legales. Esta caida corresponde casi en exclusiva a los no-comunitarios, para los comunitarios apenas se ha producido variacion. Las diferencias entre ambos cualitativas: los comunitarios reagrupan mayoritariamente a sus conyuges y ascendientes, mientras que los no comunitarios reagrupan sobre todo a descendientes. Por ultimo, la mayor precariedad legal de los reagrupados por regimen general se refleja tambien en autorizaciones de muy corta duracion y sometidas a requisitos economicos de renovacion mas exigentes, lo que amenaza con complicar mas aun la vida de las familias reagrupadasProject EPOS Implementation Phase (EPOS IP) (Grant Agreement no: 676564-EPOS IP Call H2020-IFRADEV-12015-1)In this paper we present a new approach to monitor noise pollution involving citizens and built upon the notions of participatory sensing and citizen science. We enable citizens to measure their personal exposure to noise in their everyday environment by using GPS-equipped mobile phones as noise sensors. The geo-localised measures and user-generated meta-data can be automatically sent and shared online with the public to contribute to the collective noise mapping of cities. Our prototype, called Noise Tube, can be found online.Trabajo presentado en el II Congreso Medio Rural, Agricultura y Cambio climatico, celebrado en Espana, en marzo de 2009Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado al Workshop and Summer School on Field Robotics (euRathlon/ARCAS), celebrado en Sevilla (Espana) del 15 al 18 de junio de 2014.The project COINVENT acknowledges the nancial support of the Future and Emerging Tech- nologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the Eu- ropean Commission, under FET-Open Grant number: 611553PROYECTO: Alfabetizacion cientifica en la escuela: mejorar las estrategias y construir nuevas practicas de ensenanza de las ciencias en la educacion de los primeros anos (SciLit). PROGRAMA ERASMUS + DE LA UNION EUROPEA. Esta guia para el docente es el resultado de una estrecha colaboracion entre los ocho socios de este programa, de cinco paises europeos, con sus diferentes valores y culturas, metodos de trabajo, necesidades, etc. Esta pluralidad refuerza lo que une a los cientificos y maestros: el amor por el conocimiento, Que ambos grupos creen y transmitan en un espacio intelectual comun que supera cualquier tipo de fronteras. PDF de 130 paginasPoster presentado en la 2nd International Ocean Research Conference, celebrada en Barcelona del 17 al 21 de noviembre de 2014.Trabajo presentado en el International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV16), celebrado en Swansea (Reino Unido), del 29 de junio al 1 de julio de 2016CPESS-5, Centro Europeo de Astronomia Espacial, ESAC en Villanueva de la Canada, Madrid, del 6 al 8 de Junio de 2017. -- presentado al Spanish JRU EGI-ENGAGE meeting celebrado en Madrid el 23 de febrero de 2015.Poster (P-FA-34 ) presentado en la XVIII Reunion de la Sociedad Espanola de Cromatografia y Tecnicas Afines (SECyTA 2018), Granada, del 2 al 4 de Octubre de 2018.Trabajo presentado en el XII Congreso de Estudiantes de la Seccion de Quimica celebrado en San Cristobal de La Laguna, Tenerife (Espana), del 11 al 13 de abril de 2016.2 .pdf Files ( extended abstract, 1 Pag.; 1 Poster copy from the original by Authors). Under Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Trabajo presentado en la 6th European Conference on Python in Science (EuroSciPy 2013), celebrada en Bruselas del 21 al 25 de agosto de 2013.-- Editors: Pierre de Buyl, Nelle Varoquaux.-- arXiv:1405.0166Trabajo presentad en el World Aquaculture 2011, celebrado en Natal (Brasil) del 6 al 10 de junio de 2011.Comunicacion oral presentada en la European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 Vienna | Austria | 17–22 April 2016The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007 - 2013) under grant agreement no. 320116 for the research p roject FamiliesAndSocieties.6 paginas.-- 4 tablas.-- 12 referencias.-- Comunicacion oral presentada en el XIII Simposio Hispano-Portugues de Relaciones Hidricas en las Plantas “Aprendiendo a optimizar el uso del agua en las plantas para hacer de nuestro entorno un ambiente mas sostenible” Libro de resumenes . 18 – 20 de octubre de 2016 Pamplona (Espana) y organizado por El Grupo de Fisiologia del Estres en Plantas (Unidad asociada al CSIC)This paper is based on a 16-year-long ethnography of mass grave exhumations in contemporary Spain and deals with the tortuous, painful, much-disputed, and incomplete unmaking of a concrete and massive militaristic inscription of Spain: that related to its last internal war (1936–1939) and subsequent dictatorship (1939–1975). To understand this process and its historical roots, the paper first dissects the formation of a “funerary apartheid” in the country since the end of the war. Second, it analyzes the impact on the social fabric of the mass grave exhumations of Republican civilians that started in the year 2000. Third, it traces how these disinterments have intersected with Spain’s most prominent Francoist stronghold, the Valley of the Fallen, and threaten the dictator’s burial place. Finally, it discusses the parallel dismantling of the dictatorship’s official statuary that once presided over prominent public spaces in many cities and some military quarters. It argues that rolling back militarization by dismantling war-derived cartographies of death, challenging military burial arrangements, or degrading statues of generals necessarily involves a certain level of remilitarizing by other means. I call this mirroring and deeply embodied memorial backfiring “phantom militarism.”Trabajo presentado al XII Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola para la Conservacion y Estudio de los Mamiferos (SECEM), celebrado en Burgos (Espana) del 4 al 7 de diciembre de 2015.Dynamic models of PEM stacks are the basis to design controllers for appropriate performance, maximum efficiency and minimum degradation. Fluid dynamic models of different dimensions can be found in the literature; however, these models are rarely used to improve the control laws and strategies. This work presents a control oriented 1+1D model (distributed in the direction of the stack flow channels). The model is based on a similar model presented by M. Mangold [1], is implemented in MATLAB Simulink. The model is validated using experimental data of a Powercell stack.Authors gratefully acknowledge MICINN Projects AGL2 008-00344/AGR and HA2008-0014 and FEDER financial support from the European Union.Comunicacion presentada en el 10th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, celebrado en Olhao, Portugal, del 25 al 30 de mayo de 2014Trabajo presentado al 18th International Symposiun on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man), celebrado en Toyama (Japon) del 27 de septiembre al 2 de octubre de 2009.Trabajo presentado en el FENS Regional Meeting, celebrado en Belgrado (Sebia), del 10 al 13 de julio de 2019This thesis is devoted to design Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategies aiming to enhance the management of constrained generalised flow-based networks, with special attention to the economic optimisation and robust performance of such systems. Several control schemes are developed in this thesis to exploit the available economic information of the system operation and the disturbance information obtained from measurements and forecasting models. Dynamic network flows theory is used to develop control-oriented models that serve to design MPC controllers specialised for flow networks with additive disturbances and periodically time-varying dynamics and costs. The control strategies developed in this thesis can be classified in two categories: centralised MPC strategies and non-centralised MPC strategies. Such strategies are assessed through simulations of a real case study: the Barcelona drinking water network (DWN). Regarding the centralised strategies, different economic MPC formulations are first studied to guarantee recursive feasibility and stability under nominal periodic flow demands and possibly time-varying economic parameters and multi-objective cost functions. Additionally, reliability-based MPC, chance-constrained MPC and tree-based MPC strategies are proposed to address the reliability of both the flow storage and the flow transportation tasks in the network. Such strategies allow to satisfy a customer service level under future flow demand uncertainty and to efficiently distribute overall control effort under the presence of actuators degradation. Moreover, soft-control techniques such as artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic are used to incorporate self-tuning capabilities to an economic certainty-equivalent MPC controller. Since there are objections to the use of centralised controllers in large-scale networks, two non-centralised strategies are also proposed. First, a multi-layer distributed economic MPC strategy of low computational complexity is designed with a control topology structured in two layers. In a lower layer, a set of local MPC agents are in charge of controlling partitions of the overall network by exchanging limited information on shared resources and solving their local problems in a hierarchical-like fashion. Moreover, to counteract the loss of global economic information due to the decomposition of the overall control task, a coordination layer is designed to influence non-iteratively the decision of local controllers towards the improvement of the overall economic performance. Finally, a cooperative distributed economic MPC formulation based on a periodic terminal cost/region is proposed. Such strategy guarantees convergence to a Nash equilibrium without the need of a coordinator and relies on an iterative and global communication of local controllers, which optimise in parallel their control actions but using a centralised model of the network.Resumen del poster presentado al XII Simposio Nacional y X Iberico de Maduracion y Postcosecha (POST18), celebrado en Badajoz del 4 al 7 de junio de 2018.Trabajo presentado al EGI Community Forum, celebrado en Bari (Italia) del 10 al 13 de noviembre de 2015.Trabajo presentado al III Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrogeno y Pilas de Combustible (IberConappice), celebrado en Huesca del 17 al 20 de octubre de 2017.Trabajo presentado al 8th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, celebrado en Elsinore (Dinamarca) del 29 de mayo al 1 de junio de 2017.Trabajo presentado en el Aquaculture Europe 16 (Food for Thought), celebrado en Edimburgo del 20 al 23 de septiembre de 2016.Trabajo presentado en la SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting (Environmental protection in a multi-stressed world: challenges for science, industry and regulators), celebrada en Barcelona del 3 al 7 de mayo de 2015.Trabajo presentado en la XXV Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica celebrada en Alicante del 4 al 6 de junio de 2014.8 pages, 4 figures, 15 references.-- International Symposium on Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality, Nazareth, Israel.Trabajo presentado a la 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI), celebrado en Sousse (Tunisia) del 10 al 13 de octubre de 2019.Trabajo presentado en la Third International Legume Society Conference ILS3 2019 (Legumes for human and planet health), celebrada en Poznan (Polonia) del 21 al 24 de mayo de 2019.he European Grid Initiative (EGI) provides a sustainable pan-European Grid computing infrastructure for e-Science based on a network of regional and national Grids. The middleware driving this production infrastructure is constantly adapted to the changing needs of the EGI Community by deploying new features and phasing out other features and components that are no longer needed. Unlike previous e-Infrastructure projects, EGI does not develop its own middleware solution, but instead sources the required components from Technology Providers and integrates them in the Unified Middleware Distribution (UMD). In order to guarantee a high quality and reliable operation of the infrastructure, all UMD software must undergo a release process that covers the definition of the functional, performance and quality requirements, the verification of those requirements and testing in production environments.Trabajo presentado al VI Workshop Probioticos, Prebioticos y Salud: Evidencia Cientifica, celebrado en Oviedo del 5 al 6 de febrero de 2015. Abstract en Nutricion Hospitalaria 31(suplemento 1): pagina 130.Comunicacion presentada en el 10th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, celebrado en Olhao, Portugal, del 25 al 30 de mayo de 2014A sterol esterase purified from cultures of the sapstain fungus Ophiostoma piceae was able to hydrolyse sterol esters and glycerides. The kinetics of sterol esters and triglyceride hydrolysis by this new esterase, estimated using a pH-stat, showed a Kmapp and a kcatapp in the range of 0.9–1.1 mM and 70–300 s-1, respectively. Its ability to hydrolyse both pure sterol esters and natural mixtures of saponifiable lipids from eucalypt wood was compared with those of commercial sterol esterases from other microbial sources. Its specific activity on sterol esters was higher than that found with all the commercial esterases assayed, and the highest hydrolysis of eucalypt sterol esters was also attained using the O. piceae esterase. This sterol esterase could be of biotechnological interest for the hydrolysis of sterol esters that form pitch deposits in paper pulp manufacturing.Tradicionalmente no ha sido fácil trabajar con los datos de satélite debido a la complejidad de los formatos, el tamaño de los propios datos y la necesidad de tener un software de lectura muy especializado. La motivación que hay detrás de éste proyecto ha sido la de desarrollar una interfase que facilite el uso de los datos satélite permitiendo un cierto nivel de manipulación y mejora de las imágenes. Generalizando, en teledetección, se puede pensar en dos tipos de usuarios de los datos satélites: los que necesitan trabajar con los datos brutos y aquellos que tienen suficiente con una visión cualitativa y, en definitiva, les basta con las imágenes de satélite procesadas. Es para estos últimos que se ha construido Revista de Teledetección. 2006. Número Especial: 105-108Forest fires are a major factor of disturbance in many terrestrial ecosystems, especially in European areas under Mediterranean type of climate. This is due to the confluence of specific climatic, ecological and socio-economic conditions. Fire produces important changes in soil organic matter (SOM) both qualitatively and quantitatively, which, in turn, affect relevant physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. These changes also affect a large number of related biotic and abiotic factors and processes. The main objective of this PhD Thesis is to deepen the knowledge of the impact of forest fires on SOM in relation to changes in soil water repellency, using advanced techniques of molecular analysis. Due to the high number of variables that may influence soil water repellency and the chemical alteration of organic matter after fire, we chose the sandy soils of the Donana National Park for this study, with well-known and relatively simple composition. In any case, we have followed the classical scheme of comparison of burnt soils with unaffected soils (control), under the same geomorphological and climatic characteristics. Water repellency is one of the main edaphic properties affected by forest fires. This physical property reduces the affinity of soil for water, which carries important hydrological, geomorphological and ecological consequences. Fire-induced changes of soil water repellency can be due to numerous factors, although it is generally accepted that the alteration of SOM and, in particular, of its more labile fraction (lipid fraction) is the main variable involved in this process. Due to their environmental implications, there are currently countless works on the effects of fire on SOM and water repellency, which are reviewed in chapter 1. However, the current state of knowledge shows some gaps and aspects insufficiently studied, due either to the complexity of the soil system or to the lack of adequate analytical techniques. Numerous scientific studies indicate that both the type of vegetation and the chemical composition of SOM strongly influence soil water repellency. These studies have focused mainly on the study of complete soils both at the surface and at different depths. However, available information on the influence of organic matter and vegetation on the degree of hydrophobicity of different soil physical fractions is limited. This aspect is studied in detail in chapter 3. In particular, the relation between soils under different vegetation cover, dominated by cork oaks (Quercus suber), eagle fern (Pteridium aquilinum), pine (Pinus pinea) and rockrose (Halimium halimifolium), the amount and quality of organic matter, and water repellency in four particle sieve fractions (1-2, 0.25-1, 0.05-0.25 and <0.05 mm). We observed that the degree of water repellency was significantly different, both among soils under different vegetation cover and among different sieve fractions, with soils under cork oak showing the highest severity of water repellency. In addition, we found a clear relation between the amount of SOM and the degree of water repellency. On the other hand, the molecular analysis of the organic matter from sieve fractions by analytical pyrolysis techniques let us find a relation between the quality of MOS and soil water repellency, the presence of long-chained fatty acids and the degree of humification (evolution) of SOM in the different fractions. The impact of fire on water repellency and SOM was studied especially in soils under cork oaks, due to the greater organic contribution of this type of vegetation, the severe soil water repellency and its pyrophilic character. For the most detailed study, the number of studied sieve fractions was expanded to 6 (1-2, 0.5-1, 0.25-0.5, 0.1-0.25, 0.05-0.1 and <0.05 mm), including also the complete sample. It is known that impacts caused by forest fires on soils are related to changes in SOM. Fire favors the modification or formation of new chemical structures, besides contributing to mass outputs and inputs, such as the contribution of fresh biomass or more or less carbonized residues. This idea has predominated in the focus of a great number of research works, which have aimed to the study of complete soils or some of their horizons. However, the knowledge about the effect of fire on soil granulometric fractions is little known and that is why we consider some relevant questions, such as i) does the chemical composition of organic matter from different sieve fractions vary?, ii) does fire cause the same impact on all fractions?, or iii) what chemical reactions does fire induce in the different particle size fractions? In chapters 4, 5 and 6, we try to give answers to these questions, by means of detailed studies of the molecular composition of the organic matter present in the different fractions. With this aim, we used advanced analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry of isotopic relations of carbon and hydrogen (13C and 2H, respectively) (chapter 4), analytical pyrolysis (chapter 5) and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry (chapter 6). The study of the isotopic composition of 13C confirms the existence of two compartments of organic matter with different degrees of evolution. The larger sieve fractions contain slightly evolved organic matter, impoverished in 13C and with δ13C values not different from leaf biomass, while finer fractions showed a more evolved organic material, enriched in 13C. Fire produced no changes in this trend, although an increase in the 13C content was observed in all affected fractions. This process may be explained by selective removal of light compounds (lower 13C content) or incorporation of charred residues. The study of the isotopic composition of 2H showed the existence of two differentiated water compartments in the upper centimeters of soil and dependent on the size of particles. No homogeneous behavior of the 2H composition after the fire was observed. The results obtained stimulated a more detailed study (chapters 5 and 6) of the molecular composition of SOM and the different reaction mechanisms induced by fire, focusing now on the fractions of larger (1-2 mm) and finer (<0.05 mm) sizes. For this, graphical tools such as the van Krevelen and Kendrick mass diagrams were used, as well as different indices or geochemical proportions (namely, the index of preferred carbon of short- and long-chained alkanes ratio, C<24/C≥24. The analysis of the SOM composition confirmed the existence of two different compartments of organic carbon in the first centimeters of soil with a different contribution of fire. In the larger fraction (1-2 mm), influenced by lignocellulosic material, fire produced a removal of lipid compounds and an increase of aromatics, with relatively high contribution of lignin-derived material. This may be due to a posteriori input of partially burnt material. On the other hand, humic compounds from the finer fraction, mostly formed by lipid and protein compounds, did not show significant variations after fire. However, an increase in exogenous pyromorphic compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), was detected along with a relative increase of lignin-derived substances. The different molecular composition of studied fractions showed that fire induces different reactions depending on the quality of SOM. Variations in the preferential carbon index and in the proportion of long-chained alkanes aims to the existence of thermal cracking processes. In turn, fire-induced condensation contributed to the increased aromaticity of SOM. However, fire favored reduction reactions in the larger sieve fraction, with a decrease in the atomic O/C ratio but not affecting the H/C ratio. Therefore, it is possible that fire altered the outermost and accessible areas of the organic macromolecules, removing functional groups contaning oxygen but not altering the main molecular structures. Different scientific studies have highlighted an association between soil water repellency and SOM quality, particularly to the proportion and composition of certain lipid compounds. Chapter 7 aims to the study of the impact of fire on the lipid composition of organic matter from different sieve fractions of sandy soils under cork oaks and its relation with the changes in the degree of soil water repellency, using quantitative chromatographic techniques. The main results showed that the severity of water repellency in different sieve fractions varied significantly (p <0.05) after a fire. As observed in Chapter 3, we observed a relation between SOM quantity and quality and water repellency in burnt soils. The analysis of the lipid composition (acid and neutral compounds) confirmed the existence of two compartments of soil organic carbon, with fire causing different alterations in each of them. The proportion of long-chained faty acids increased in all burnt fractions except for the largest one (1-2 mm). This suggests the existence of a contribution of partially burnt material with a relatively high contribution of compounds derived from small-sized fatty acids, so confirming the exogenous contribution of charred cork residues. The decrease in both the quantity and the length of organic acid chains in the burnt larger sieve fraction confirms the existence of a thermal breakdown reaction. This cracking has also been observed in the n-alkane series. Finally, the comparative analysis of soil water repellency and related variables shows that water repellency depends on both the quantity and the quality of SOM and is strongly related to the presence of long-chained fatty acids. These may be considered as surrogate biomarkers of hydrophobicity in sandy soils.NGA was the recipient of a JAE-Predoc contract from Institut d’Investigacions Biome`diques de Barcelona-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienti´ficas (CSIC) (‘‘Junta para la Ampliacio´n de Estudios’’, partly funded by the European Social Fund of the European Union). CV was the recipient of a fellowship from ‘‘La Caixa’’ foundation. This study was supported by grants PI081396 and PI100378 from the Instituto Carlos III of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n of Spain. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.154 paginas.-- Tesis doctoral leida en el Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica y Tecnologias del Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Zaragoza.161 Pags.- Tabls.- Figs. Tesis doctoral Univ. Zaragoza, Departamento de Ciencias Agrarias y del Medio Natural, realizada, bajo la direccion de los Drs. Yolanda Gogorcena y Juan Jose Barriuso, en la Estacion Experimental de Aula Dei (EEAD-CSIC) y en el Centro de de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agroalimentaria de Aragon (CITA). Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe (Adding value), celebrado en San Sebastian del 14 al 17 de octubre de 2014.Resumen del poster presentado al VIII International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, celebrado en Barcelona (Espana) del 3 al 5 de julio de 2017.-- et al.Resumen del trabajo presentado al International Symposium on Green Chemistry (ISGC), celebrado en La Rochelle (Francia) del 16 al 19 de mayo de 2017.Resumen del trabajo presentado al 1st FEBS3+, celebrado en Barcelona (Espana) del 23 al 26 de octubre de 2017.The spider fauna of Albania is still insuffi ciently studied. The present list was compiled after a critical review of the existing literature data and taxonomic review of some available collections. The study comprises 335 species from 36 families. In this number, 197 species are new to the spider fauna of the country. According to their current distribution the species can be assigned to 18 zoogeographical catego- ries, grouped into 5 complexes (Cosmopolitic, Holarctic, European, Mediterranean, Endemics). Dominant are Holarctic species (56.4%) followed by European (16.4%) and Mediterranean (16.2%). The endemics (8%) are also well presented and refl ect the local character of the fauna and the main role of the Balkan Peninsula in its origin and formation.Resumen del trabajo presentado al XIVth Congress of the Spanish Biophysical Society, celebrado en Alcala de Henares (Madrid-Espana) del 11 al 13 de junio de 2014.Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado a las XXVI Jornadas Tecnicas SEAE y al X Seminario Agroecologia, Cambio Climatico y Agroturismo: “Innovacion Agroecologica y Cambio Climatico”, celebrado en Orihuela del 19 al 20 de ocubre de 2017.This document has been prepared in the framework of the project for supporting the establishment of MPAs in open seas, including deep seas, with financial support of the European CommissionPoster (P-EA-22) presentado en la XVIII Reunion de la Sociedad Espanola de Cromatografia y Tecnicas Afines (SECyTA 2018), Granada, del 2 al 4 de Octubre de 2018.The expectations raised in the mid-1980s on the potential of genetic engineering for in situ remediation of environmental pollution have not been entirely fulfilled. Yet, we have learned a good deal about the expression of catabolic pathways by bacteria in their natural habitats, and how environmental conditions dictate the expression of desired catalytic activities. The many different choices between nutrients and responses to stresses form a network of transcriptional switches which, given the redundance and robustness of the regulatory circuits involved, can be neither unraveled through standard genetic analysis nor artificially programmed in a simple manner. Available data suggest that population dynamics and physiological control of catabolic gene expression prevail over any artificial attempt to engineer an optimal performance of the wanted catalytic activities. In this review, several valuable spin-offs of past research into genetically modified organisms with environmental applications are discussed, along with the impact of Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology in the future of environmental biotechnology.Advanced computing has become a crucial factor in most areas of science , in some cases may be as critical as the experimental observation . The data analysis and experimental validation of these needs by observation instruments (detectors , sensors, etc ... ) the ability to communicate and interact with computing resources and software tools capable of storing and formatting the scientists analyzed data . This multidisciplinary and collaborative environment is what is known as e- Science . In this work, several solutions have been developed to facilitate transparent access to distributed resources that allow scientists to access a limited specific training are presented herein . The problems that have been addressed have to do with interactivity in access to resources , and the design of workflows. This will be made up of various elements simulate complex systems that interact with each other. Throughout all the work we have collaborated with researchers in Nuclear Fusion and Astrophysics to implement solutions in real scientific computing environments for researchers. Several examples of complex workflows , which are prototypes of what will be a platform for simulation of plasma from a fusion reactor and analysis for the WBC / Planck experiment are presented . Thus we have demonstrated the versatility of the developed tools , when applied to more than one scientific discipline.During the last years biofuel fuel cells (BFCs) have attracted great interest due to their possible applications, especially as electrical power sources for in vivo or ex vivo applications. In BFCs enzymes can be used as biocatalysts for fuel oxidation at the anode and oxidant reduction at the cathode. The majority of EFCs use oxygen-reducing enzymes at the cathode, and glucose-oxidizing enzymes at the anode, as they are very common substrates present in most human physiological fluids. Two multi-copper oxidases, laccase and bilirubin oxidase, and cellobiose dehydrogenase have been studied as possible biocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction and glucose oxidation, respectively. Laccases usually exhibit higher activity at acid pH and they are more inhibited in the presence of chloride ions than bilirubin oxidase. Therefore, native laccases have been engineered by directed evolution for obtaining mutants that show activity also under physiological conditions, and cysteine residues have been introduced by site-directed mutagenesis for oriented immobilization on gold electrodes. The major aim of the Thesis has been the development of biocathodes as they represent the rate-limiting part of the BFC due to the low O2 availability in human body. The development of the bioelectrodes was carried out paying special attention to the different electrode materials and immobilization strategies used to manufacture the biodevices. Indeed, a good immobilization strategy enhances the long-term stability of the biodevice while achieving efficient wiring of the enzyme. Additionally, a larger surface area of the support material allows higher enzyme loading, therefore increasing the current density developed. Gold nanorods, macroporous gold, indium tin oxide and carbonaceous materials have been used for this purpose, obtaining current densities up to 1.5 mA/cm2 for bioelectrocatalytic O2 reduction. Direct electron transfer (DET) based systems are preferred as some possible drawbacks of using mediators are overcome and allow making the miniaturization of the BFC easier. For these reason, all the immobilization strategies presented were developed in order to optimize DET between the enzyme and the electrode surface. Combination of a conventional BFC with electrochemical capacitors is also presented in order to overcome the limitations of both systems, achieving a maximum power output of 0.6 µW at an operating voltage of 0.15 V. This hybrid biodevice was also tested in ex vivo conditions by connecting it directly to the dorsal venous of a human volunteer.Financial support for this study was provided by the Comunidad Autonoma of Madrid (Spain) and European funding from FEDER program (research project S2013/ABI-3028, AVANSECAL-CM). Dra. Gema Flores thanks CSIC for her JAE-Doc contract.The problem of achieving common understanding between agents that use different vocabularies has been mainly addressed by designing techniques that explicitly negotiate mappings between their vocabularies, requiring agents to share a meta-language. In this paper we consider the case of agents that use different vocabularies and have no meta-language in common, but share the knowledge of how to perform a task, given by the specification of an interaction protocol. For this situation, we present a framework that lets agents learn a vocabulary alignment from the experience of interacting. Unlike previous work in this direction, we use open protocols that constrain possible actions instead of defining procedures, making our approach more general. We present two techniques that can be used either to learn an alignment from scratch or to repair an existent one, and we evaluate experimentally their performance.Resumen del trabajo presentado al Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe 27th Annual Meeting, celebrado en Bruselas (Belgica) del 7 al 11 de mayo de 2017.This work was supported by the project AGL2012-40128-C03-01 and EU-FEDER funds from the Spanish government.espanolLos margenes de los campos reciben muchas denominaciones locales (linderos, ribazos, etc.) y pueden ser motivo de preocupacion para los agricultores por albergar especies arvenses que pueden devenir infestantes del cultivo. Pero su estudio tambien ha reflejado que pueden ser beneficiosos si albergan diversidad vegetal, la que atraeria a su vez diversidad animal. Estudios recientes realizados en Espana arrojan resultados aparentemente contradictorios y por este motivo se realiza una descripcion de la tipologia de margenes existentes en Espana. Se constata que las diferencias de anchura, altura y pendiente entre margenes, el tipo de vegetacion cercano, asi como la intensidad de la perturbacion que se ejerce en ellos son posiblemente los principales factores que explican porque algunos margenes albergan especies potencialmente nocivas (malas hierbas) y otros no. EnglishThe field margins receive many local names and can cause trouble to farmers if they host weeds that can infest the nearby fields. But their study has shown that they be beneficial if they harbor vegetal diversity, which can attract animal diversity. Recent studies conducted in Spain show apparently contradictory results an due to this, a description of the margin types found in this country is shown in this communication. We confirm that differences in margins width, height and slope, the type of natural vegetation in the area and the disturbance intensity on the margins are probably the main factors explaining why some margins host potentially harmful plant species (weeds) and others do not.22nd IMEKO TC4 International Symposium & 20th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, 14-15 September 2017, Iasi, Romania.-- 6 pages, 8 figures, 1 tableXIX Seminario Iberico de Quimica Marina (SIQUIMAR), VI Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar - VI International Symposium of Marine Sciences (ISMS 2018), 20- 22 June 2018, Vigo.-- 1 pageSAF2016-77703-C2-2-R of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); AGAUR 2017-SGR-106 and the CERCA Programme of the Generalitat de Catalunya; R. Copas and C. Sanfeliu belong to Group 05 of CIBER Epidemiologia y Salud Publica (CIBERESP) of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, SpainResumen del poster presentado al I Congreso Interdisciplinar en Genetica Humana, celebrado en Madrid del 25 al 28 de abril de 2017.-- et al.Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe 19 (Our future, growing from water), celebrado en Berlin del 7 al 10 de octubre de 2019.Trabajo presentado a la Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe (DIME) Final Conference celebrada del 6 al 8 de abril de 2011 en Maastricht (Paises Bajos).Compared to machines, humans are intelligent and dexterous; they are indispensable for many complex tasks in areas such as flexible manufacturing or scientific experimentation. However, they are also subject to fatigue and inattention, which may cause errors. This motivates automated monitoring systems that verify the correct execution of manipulation sequences. To be practical, such a monitoring system should not require laborious programming.Trabajo presentado en el 18th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding (ISFNF. 40 years of research in fish nutrition), celebrado en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria del 3 al 7 de junio de 2018.Comunicacion oral presentada en la 6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Abstracts book pag. 14 (2019)Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado a la 21st Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, celebrada en Madison, Wisconsin (US) del 5 al 9 de junio de 2016.3 paginas, 3 tablas.- Trabajo presentado al: XVIII Jornadas sobre Produccion Animal AIDA. Zaragoza, Espana, 7-8 mayo 2019.5 paginas.-- 3 figuras.-- 2 tabla.-- 8 referencias.-- Comunicacion presentadoa en el XIV Simposio Internacional Hispano-Portugues de Relaciones Hidricas en Plantas de la Sociedad Espanola y Portuguesa de Fisiologia Vegetal.“La fisiologia como valor anadido para la comercializacion”Trabajo presentado al 48th West European FishTechnologists Association Meeting (WEFTA), celebrado en Lisboa (Portugal) del 15 al 18 de octubre de 2018.Trabajo presentado en la 2nd European conference on Xylella fastidiosa (how research can support solutions), celebrada en Ajaccio el 29 y 30 de octubre de 2019.The synthesis of the 5-hydroxyproline derivatives 3a and 3b using cyclobutane serine analogs 1 and 2 as starting materials is reported. This process occurs with moderate cis/trans selectivity. A mechanism for this reaction is also proposed. Cyclobutane serine analog 1 was tested in tandem Michael and Wittig-like reactions, providing some evidence of the mechanism proposed.Trabajo realizado dentro del proyecto “El Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales entre 1939 y 1985: de la disgregacion a la reunificacion en su contexto nacional e internacional” (Ref. HAR2016-76125-P).Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe 19 (Our future, growing from water), celebrado en Berlin del 7 al 10 de octubre de 2019.Resumen del trabajo presentado en el 19th International Symposium on Deep Seismic Profiling of the Continents and their Margins (SEISMIX 2020), celebrado del 15 al 19 de marzo de 2020 en AustraliaTrabajo presentado en la 12th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA), celebrada en Sacaramento (US) del 20 al 23 de julio de 2014.Resumen del poster presentado a la European Human Genetics Conference, celebrada en Barcelona (Espana) del 21 al 24 de mayo de 2016.-- et al.Resumen del poster presentado a la VIII Reunion Cientifica Anual del Centro de Investigacion Biomedica En Red de Enfermedades Raras, celebrada en San Lorenzo del Escorial (Madrid) los dias 12 y 13 de marzo de 2015.Poster presentado en la 34th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT) y en la 13th European Conference on Thermoelectrics(ECT), celebradas en Dresden del 28 de junio al 2 de julio de 2015.Poster presentado en la 6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Santiago de Compostela, Oclober 2-4, 2019Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito dos projetos Metalurgia Primitiva no Territorio Portugues – EARLYMETAL (PTDC/HIST-ARQ/110442/2008) e Espacos Naturais, Arquiteturas, Arte rupestre e Deposicoes na Pre-historia Recente da Fachada Ocidental do Centro e Norte Portugues: das Acoes aos Significados - ENARDAS (PTDC/HISARQ/112983/2009), financiado pelo Programa Operacional Tematico Factores de Competitividade (COMPETE) e comparticipados pelo Fundo Comunitario Europeu FEDER. Os autores agradecem a Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) as bolsas individuais (SFRH/ BD/65143/2009) e (SFRH/BPD/73245/2010) concedidas a Joao Fonte e Elin Figueiredo, respetivamente, e o apoio financeiro concedido ao CENIMAT/I3N atraves do Projecto Estrategico LA25/2013-2014 (PEst-C/CTM/LA0025/2011); a Joe Horst os esclarecimentos gentilmente cedidos sobre as condicoes de achado; a empresa Metais Jaime Dias, S.A. e ao Dr. Normando Ramos a possibilidade do uso do equipamento de FRX portatil para o estudo preliminar da colecao metalica e a equipa do Museu D. Diogo de Sousa, em Braga, o tratamento e fotografia do conjunto.13 GLOSSARY OF RELEVANT TERMS 17RS received support from the Czech Ministry of Culture (project MK00002327201) and from the SYNTHESYS Programme (project ES-TAF-1249), financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” Programme at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC).Poster presentado en el XII Congreso de los Grupos de Investigacion Enologica (GIENOL 2013, Nuevas perspectivas en investigacion vitivinicola), celebrado en Madrid del 18 al 21 de junio de 2013.Trabajo presentado al Delft Software Days, celebrado en Netherlands del 5 al 16 de noviembre de 2018.Trabajo presentado al Spanish JRU EGI-ENGAGE meeting celebrado en Madrid el 23 de febrero de 2015.The genetic analysis of dorsoventral patterning in Drosophila has identified a zinc-finger gene, snail, that is required for mesoderm formation. The cloning and nuclease protection analysis of a Xenopus homologue of this gene has suggested a possible role in the mesoderm of vertebrates. Here, we describe the cloning of a murine homologue of snail, Sna, and in situ hybridisation studies of its developmental expression. Sequence analysis reveals substantial conservation of the second to fifth zinc fingers, but not of the first zinc finger in the Sna gene. Expression occurs in the ectoplacental cone, parietal endoderm, embryonic and extraembryonic mesoderm, in neural crest and in condensing precartilage. Based on the timing and spatial restriction of expression in embryonic mesoderm, we suggest that Sna might be required for the early development of this tissue, as is the case for its Drosophila counterpart. In addition, we propose that Sna might have an analogous role in the development of neural crest. The expression in condensing precartilage indicates that this gene also has a later function in chondrogenesis.Este trabajo se centra en la sintesis de nuevos nanohibridos dador-aceptor (D/A) de politiofeno solubles en medios acuosos y en la elucidacion de la interaccion electronica entre las unidades D/A como en el funcionamiento de los nanohibridos en forma de peliculas delgadas en aplicaciones optoelectronicas. Utilizando tecnicas de auto-ensamblaje in-situ de politiofeno en presencia de diferentes nanomateriales como son el oxido de grafeno, puntos cuanticos de semiconductores o laminas de dicalcogenuros de metales de transicion se ha conseguido la formacion de complejos de transferencia de carga, solubles en agua y con superiores propiedades electronicas de relevancia para el desarrollo de dispositivos optoelectronicos basados en peliculas delgadas210 Pags.- Figs.- Fots.- Tabls. Tesis realizada en la Unidad de Suelos y Riegos (Unidad Asociada EEAD-CSIC). Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0),Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco de ERAWATCH, una iniciativa conjunta de la Direccion General de Investigacion de la Comision Europea y el Instituto de Prospectiva Tecnologica (IPTS).La investigacion ha sido posible gracias a la financiacion del Proyecto 2091 de la Universidad Politecnica de Valencia y del Proyecto P08-SEJ-03981 de la Junta de Andalucia.Oral presentation given at the 16th European Microscopy Congress, held in Lyon (France) from August 28th to September 2nd, 2016.Trabajo presentado en la European Conference on Xylella 2017 (Finding answers to a global problem), celebrada en Palma de Mallorca del 13 al 15 de noviembre de 2017.Master 2° Annee Biologie, Ecologie, Evolution (M2 BEE). Universite de Poitiers. Faculte des Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquees.Santiago de Compostela, Facultade de Quimica,17-21 julio 2017. -- work is under the scope of the following projects: Cargo-ANTS: Cargo handling by Automated Next generation Transportation Systems for ports and terminals.Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado en el LV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio, celebrado en Sevilla (Espana), del 5 al 7 de octubre de 2016Poster presentado en el First Joint Meeting on Soil and Plant System Sciences (SPSS 2019) Natural and Human-induced Impacts on the Critical Zone and Food Production. Bari, Italy 23-26 September 2019Trabajo presentado en el V Workshop The cultivation of the Soles, celebrado en Faro (Portugal) del 5 al 7 de abril de 2011.Web tematica.-- Proposito: divulgativo.-- Estado del proyecto: actualizacion continua.-- Fecha de la consulta: 2018-01-08.Trabajo de investigacion desarrollado por el ingeniero Juan Antonio Moreno-Cid Mora para optar al grado de Doctor por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.Trabajo presentado en la XXVI Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Quimica, celebrada en Punta Umbria, Huelva (Espana) del 14 al 17 de junio de 2016.Trabajo presentado en la European Conference on Xylella 2017 (Finding answers to a global problem), celebrada en Palma de Mallorca del 13 al 15 de noviembre de 2017.We introduce the logics E(G) for reasoning about probabilistic expectation over classes G of games with discrete polynomial payoff functions represented by finite-valued Lukasiewicz formulas and provide completeness and complexity results. In addition, we introduce a new class of games where players’ expected payoff functions are encoded by E(G)-formulas. In these games each player’s aim is to randomise her strategic choices in order to affect the other players’ expectations over an outcome as well as their own. We offer a logical and computational characterisation of this new class of games.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation-FEDER grants AGL2009-08339/AGR and AGL2015-71386-R.Trabajo presentadso en la Jornada de divulgacion y presentacion en Espana del Proyecto POnTE (Plagas que amenazan a los cultivos y los bosques de Europa. El caso de Xylella fastidiosa en el olivar), celebrada el 14 de diciembre de 2016 en Madrid.4 paginas.-- 1 figuras.-- 3 tablas.-- 3 referencias.-- Comunicacion presentada en el >VII Congresso Iberico das Ciencias do Solo (CICS 2016) y VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem> que decorreu no Instituto Politecnico de Beja de 13 a 15 de Setembro de 2016.

Archive | 2017

Impact of measures to remediate soil contamination and provide ecosystem services

Teodoro Marañón; Paula Madejón; María Teresa Domínguez; Marta Gil Martínez; Carmen M. Navarro Fernández; Francisco Cabrera; Engracia Madejón; José Manuel Murillo Carpio

Trabajo presentado en el XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Malherbologia, celebrado en Pamplona-Iruna, entre los dias 25 y 27 de octubre de 2017.La reiterada multiplicacion vegetativa de cultivares de vid (Vitis vinifera L.) de elite para la vinificacion provoca la acumulacion de variacion somatica que es explotada en la mejora varietal. Considerando la hipotesis de que variantes con ciclo largo de maduracion (baja tasa de acumulacion de azucares) pueden adaptarse mejor a condiciones de alta temperatura, en este estudio se caracterizaron 450 accesiones de ‘Tempranillo’ buscando clones que difiriesen en la duracion del ciclo de maduracion. Se preseleccionaron diez clones de ciclo largo y nueve de ciclo corto y la consistencia de su ciclo se testo sobre esquejes fructiferos. Asi se seleccionaron dos clones de ciclo largo y uno de ciclo corto, que ademas de mantener diferencias consistentes en el ciclo, presentaban un rendimiento y una produccion de antocianinas equilibrados. Se realizo un analisis transcriptomico de estos tres clones, mediante la tecnica RNA-seq, con el objetivo de identificar la variacion genetica responsable de las diferencias en el proceso de maduracion. Comparando el transcriptoma de uvas que estaban completando el envero, se detectaron posibles mutaciones puntuales responsables del fenotipo de ciclo largo en uno de los clones. Asimismo, se identifico una region cromosomica con tres genes localizados consecutivamente que se hallaban sobreexpresados en el otro clon de ciclo largo analizado. La secuencia de los transcritos de estos genes indica que la sobreexpresion se debe a la induccion especifica de uno de los alelos de cada gen, lo que sugiere la presencia de una mutacion en cis con una region reguladora en una copia del cromosoma, que causaria la sobreexpresion ectopica de los tres genes y la ralentizacion de la maduracion. Estos resultados pueden ser utiles en programas de mejora de la vid dirigidos a la adaptacion de la elaboracion de vino de calidad en condiciones de cambio climatico.4 paginas.-- 2 tablas.-- 10 referencias.-- Comunicacion oral presentada en el VIII Congreso Iberico de las Ciencias del Suelo. VIII Congresso Iberico de Ciencias do Solo. DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIAN. 20 - 22 junio 2018..-- El documento completo se encuentra para su descarga en“Connected Worlds: the Caribbean, Origin of Modern World”. This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 823846La crisis ha reducido las entradas por reagrupacion familiar debido a un aumento de las denegaciones y una caida de las solicitudes derivada de las dificultades economicas que atraviesan los inmigrantes y el endurecimiento de los requisitos legales. Esta caida corresponde casi en exclusiva a los no-comunitarios, para los comunitarios apenas se ha producido variacion. Las diferencias entre ambos cualitativas: los comunitarios reagrupan mayoritariamente a sus conyuges y ascendientes, mientras que los no comunitarios reagrupan sobre todo a descendientes. Por ultimo, la mayor precariedad legal de los reagrupados por regimen general se refleja tambien en autorizaciones de muy corta duracion y sometidas a requisitos economicos de renovacion mas exigentes, lo que amenaza con complicar mas aun la vida de las familias reagrupadasProject EPOS Implementation Phase (EPOS IP) (Grant Agreement no: 676564-EPOS IP Call H2020-IFRADEV-12015-1)In this paper we present a new approach to monitor noise pollution involving citizens and built upon the notions of participatory sensing and citizen science. We enable citizens to measure their personal exposure to noise in their everyday environment by using GPS-equipped mobile phones as noise sensors. The geo-localised measures and user-generated meta-data can be automatically sent and shared online with the public to contribute to the collective noise mapping of cities. Our prototype, called Noise Tube, can be found online.Trabajo presentado en el II Congreso Medio Rural, Agricultura y Cambio climatico, celebrado en Espana, en marzo de 2009Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado al Workshop and Summer School on Field Robotics (euRathlon/ARCAS), celebrado en Sevilla (Espana) del 15 al 18 de junio de 2014.The project COINVENT acknowledges the nancial support of the Future and Emerging Tech- nologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the Eu- ropean Commission, under FET-Open Grant number: 611553PROYECTO: Alfabetizacion cientifica en la escuela: mejorar las estrategias y construir nuevas practicas de ensenanza de las ciencias en la educacion de los primeros anos (SciLit). PROGRAMA ERASMUS + DE LA UNION EUROPEA. Esta guia para el docente es el resultado de una estrecha colaboracion entre los ocho socios de este programa, de cinco paises europeos, con sus diferentes valores y culturas, metodos de trabajo, necesidades, etc. Esta pluralidad refuerza lo que une a los cientificos y maestros: el amor por el conocimiento, Que ambos grupos creen y transmitan en un espacio intelectual comun que supera cualquier tipo de fronteras. PDF de 130 paginasPoster presentado en la 2nd International Ocean Research Conference, celebrada en Barcelona del 17 al 21 de noviembre de 2014.Trabajo presentado en el International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV16), celebrado en Swansea (Reino Unido), del 29 de junio al 1 de julio de 2016CPESS-5, Centro Europeo de Astronomia Espacial, ESAC en Villanueva de la Canada, Madrid, del 6 al 8 de Junio de 2017. -- presentado al Spanish JRU EGI-ENGAGE meeting celebrado en Madrid el 23 de febrero de 2015.Poster (P-FA-34 ) presentado en la XVIII Reunion de la Sociedad Espanola de Cromatografia y Tecnicas Afines (SECyTA 2018), Granada, del 2 al 4 de Octubre de 2018.Trabajo presentado en el XII Congreso de Estudiantes de la Seccion de Quimica celebrado en San Cristobal de La Laguna, Tenerife (Espana), del 11 al 13 de abril de 2016.2 .pdf Files ( extended abstract, 1 Pag.; 1 Poster copy from the original by Authors). Under Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Trabajo presentado en la 6th European Conference on Python in Science (EuroSciPy 2013), celebrada en Bruselas del 21 al 25 de agosto de 2013.-- Editors: Pierre de Buyl, Nelle Varoquaux.-- arXiv:1405.0166Trabajo presentad en el World Aquaculture 2011, celebrado en Natal (Brasil) del 6 al 10 de junio de 2011.Comunicacion oral presentada en la European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 Vienna | Austria | 17–22 April 2016The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007 - 2013) under grant agreement no. 320116 for the research p roject FamiliesAndSocieties.6 paginas.-- 4 tablas.-- 12 referencias.-- Comunicacion oral presentada en el XIII Simposio Hispano-Portugues de Relaciones Hidricas en las Plantas “Aprendiendo a optimizar el uso del agua en las plantas para hacer de nuestro entorno un ambiente mas sostenible” Libro de resumenes . 18 – 20 de octubre de 2016 Pamplona (Espana) y organizado por El Grupo de Fisiologia del Estres en Plantas (Unidad asociada al CSIC)This paper is based on a 16-year-long ethnography of mass grave exhumations in contemporary Spain and deals with the tortuous, painful, much-disputed, and incomplete unmaking of a concrete and massive militaristic inscription of Spain: that related to its last internal war (1936–1939) and subsequent dictatorship (1939–1975). To understand this process and its historical roots, the paper first dissects the formation of a “funerary apartheid” in the country since the end of the war. Second, it analyzes the impact on the social fabric of the mass grave exhumations of Republican civilians that started in the year 2000. Third, it traces how these disinterments have intersected with Spain’s most prominent Francoist stronghold, the Valley of the Fallen, and threaten the dictator’s burial place. Finally, it discusses the parallel dismantling of the dictatorship’s official statuary that once presided over prominent public spaces in many cities and some military quarters. It argues that rolling back militarization by dismantling war-derived cartographies of death, challenging military burial arrangements, or degrading statues of generals necessarily involves a certain level of remilitarizing by other means. I call this mirroring and deeply embodied memorial backfiring “phantom militarism.”Trabajo presentado al XII Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola para la Conservacion y Estudio de los Mamiferos (SECEM), celebrado en Burgos (Espana) del 4 al 7 de diciembre de 2015.Dynamic models of PEM stacks are the basis to design controllers for appropriate performance, maximum efficiency and minimum degradation. Fluid dynamic models of different dimensions can be found in the literature; however, these models are rarely used to improve the control laws and strategies. This work presents a control oriented 1+1D model (distributed in the direction of the stack flow channels). The model is based on a similar model presented by M. Mangold [1], is implemented in MATLAB Simulink. The model is validated using experimental data of a Powercell stack.Authors gratefully acknowledge MICINN Projects AGL2 008-00344/AGR and HA2008-0014 and FEDER financial support from the European Union.Comunicacion presentada en el 10th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, celebrado en Olhao, Portugal, del 25 al 30 de mayo de 2014Trabajo presentado al 18th International Symposiun on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man), celebrado en Toyama (Japon) del 27 de septiembre al 2 de octubre de 2009.Trabajo presentado en el FENS Regional Meeting, celebrado en Belgrado (Sebia), del 10 al 13 de julio de 2019This thesis is devoted to design Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategies aiming to enhance the management of constrained generalised flow-based networks, with special attention to the economic optimisation and robust performance of such systems. Several control schemes are developed in this thesis to exploit the available economic information of the system operation and the disturbance information obtained from measurements and forecasting models. Dynamic network flows theory is used to develop control-oriented models that serve to design MPC controllers specialised for flow networks with additive disturbances and periodically time-varying dynamics and costs. The control strategies developed in this thesis can be classified in two categories: centralised MPC strategies and non-centralised MPC strategies. Such strategies are assessed through simulations of a real case study: the Barcelona drinking water network (DWN). Regarding the centralised strategies, different economic MPC formulations are first studied to guarantee recursive feasibility and stability under nominal periodic flow demands and possibly time-varying economic parameters and multi-objective cost functions. Additionally, reliability-based MPC, chance-constrained MPC and tree-based MPC strategies are proposed to address the reliability of both the flow storage and the flow transportation tasks in the network. Such strategies allow to satisfy a customer service level under future flow demand uncertainty and to efficiently distribute overall control effort under the presence of actuators degradation. Moreover, soft-control techniques such as artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic are used to incorporate self-tuning capabilities to an economic certainty-equivalent MPC controller. Since there are objections to the use of centralised controllers in large-scale networks, two non-centralised strategies are also proposed. First, a multi-layer distributed economic MPC strategy of low computational complexity is designed with a control topology structured in two layers. In a lower layer, a set of local MPC agents are in charge of controlling partitions of the overall network by exchanging limited information on shared resources and solving their local problems in a hierarchical-like fashion. Moreover, to counteract the loss of global economic information due to the decomposition of the overall control task, a coordination layer is designed to influence non-iteratively the decision of local controllers towards the improvement of the overall economic performance. Finally, a cooperative distributed economic MPC formulation based on a periodic terminal cost/region is proposed. Such strategy guarantees convergence to a Nash equilibrium without the need of a coordinator and relies on an iterative and global communication of local controllers, which optimise in parallel their control actions but using a centralised model of the network.Resumen del poster presentado al XII Simposio Nacional y X Iberico de Maduracion y Postcosecha (POST18), celebrado en Badajoz del 4 al 7 de junio de 2018.Trabajo presentado al EGI Community Forum, celebrado en Bari (Italia) del 10 al 13 de noviembre de 2015.Trabajo presentado al III Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrogeno y Pilas de Combustible (IberConappice), celebrado en Huesca del 17 al 20 de octubre de 2017.Trabajo presentado al 8th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, celebrado en Elsinore (Dinamarca) del 29 de mayo al 1 de junio de 2017.Trabajo presentado en el Aquaculture Europe 16 (Food for Thought), celebrado en Edimburgo del 20 al 23 de septiembre de 2016.Trabajo presentado en la SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting (Environmental protection in a multi-stressed world: challenges for science, industry and regulators), celebrada en Barcelona del 3 al 7 de mayo de 2015.Trabajo presentado en la XXV Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica celebrada en Alicante del 4 al 6 de junio de 2014.8 pages, 4 figures, 15 references.-- International Symposium on Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality, Nazareth, Israel.Trabajo presentado a la 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI), celebrado en Sousse (Tunisia) del 10 al 13 de octubre de 2019.Trabajo presentado en la Third International Legume Society Conference ILS3 2019 (Legumes for human and planet health), celebrada en Poznan (Polonia) del 21 al 24 de mayo de 2019.he European Grid Initiative (EGI) provides a sustainable pan-European Grid computing infrastructure for e-Science based on a network of regional and national Grids. The middleware driving this production infrastructure is constantly adapted to the changing needs of the EGI Community by deploying new features and phasing out other features and components that are no longer needed. Unlike previous e-Infrastructure projects, EGI does not develop its own middleware solution, but instead sources the required components from Technology Providers and integrates them in the Unified Middleware Distribution (UMD). In order to guarantee a high quality and reliable operation of the infrastructure, all UMD software must undergo a release process that covers the definition of the functional, performance and quality requirements, the verification of those requirements and testing in production environments.Trabajo presentado al VI Workshop Probioticos, Prebioticos y Salud: Evidencia Cientifica, celebrado en Oviedo del 5 al 6 de febrero de 2015. Abstract en Nutricion Hospitalaria 31(suplemento 1): pagina 130.Comunicacion presentada en el 10th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, celebrado en Olhao, Portugal, del 25 al 30 de mayo de 2014A sterol esterase purified from cultures of the sapstain fungus Ophiostoma piceae was able to hydrolyse sterol esters and glycerides. The kinetics of sterol esters and triglyceride hydrolysis by this new esterase, estimated using a pH-stat, showed a Kmapp and a kcatapp in the range of 0.9–1.1 mM and 70–300 s-1, respectively. Its ability to hydrolyse both pure sterol esters and natural mixtures of saponifiable lipids from eucalypt wood was compared with those of commercial sterol esterases from other microbial sources. Its specific activity on sterol esters was higher than that found with all the commercial esterases assayed, and the highest hydrolysis of eucalypt sterol esters was also attained using the O. piceae esterase. This sterol esterase could be of biotechnological interest for the hydrolysis of sterol esters that form pitch deposits in paper pulp manufacturing.Tradicionalmente no ha sido fácil trabajar con los datos de satélite debido a la complejidad de los formatos, el tamaño de los propios datos y la necesidad de tener un software de lectura muy especializado. La motivación que hay detrás de éste proyecto ha sido la de desarrollar una interfase que facilite el uso de los datos satélite permitiendo un cierto nivel de manipulación y mejora de las imágenes. Generalizando, en teledetección, se puede pensar en dos tipos de usuarios de los datos satélites: los que necesitan trabajar con los datos brutos y aquellos que tienen suficiente con una visión cualitativa y, en definitiva, les basta con las imágenes de satélite procesadas. Es para estos últimos que se ha construido Revista de Teledetección. 2006. Número Especial: 105-108Forest fires are a major factor of disturbance in many terrestrial ecosystems, especially in European areas under Mediterranean type of climate. This is due to the confluence of specific climatic, ecological and socio-economic conditions. Fire produces important changes in soil organic matter (SOM) both qualitatively and quantitatively, which, in turn, affect relevant physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. These changes also affect a large number of related biotic and abiotic factors and processes. The main objective of this PhD Thesis is to deepen the knowledge of the impact of forest fires on SOM in relation to changes in soil water repellency, using advanced techniques of molecular analysis. Due to the high number of variables that may influence soil water repellency and the chemical alteration of organic matter after fire, we chose the sandy soils of the Donana National Park for this study, with well-known and relatively simple composition. In any case, we have followed the classical scheme of comparison of burnt soils with unaffected soils (control), under the same geomorphological and climatic characteristics. Water repellency is one of the main edaphic properties affected by forest fires. This physical property reduces the affinity of soil for water, which carries important hydrological, geomorphological and ecological consequences. Fire-induced changes of soil water repellency can be due to numerous factors, although it is generally accepted that the alteration of SOM and, in particular, of its more labile fraction (lipid fraction) is the main variable involved in this process. Due to their environmental implications, there are currently countless works on the effects of fire on SOM and water repellency, which are reviewed in chapter 1. However, the current state of knowledge shows some gaps and aspects insufficiently studied, due either to the complexity of the soil system or to the lack of adequate analytical techniques. Numerous scientific studies indicate that both the type of vegetation and the chemical composition of SOM strongly influence soil water repellency. These studies have focused mainly on the study of complete soils both at the surface and at different depths. However, available information on the influence of organic matter and vegetation on the degree of hydrophobicity of different soil physical fractions is limited. This aspect is studied in detail in chapter 3. In particular, the relation between soils under different vegetation cover, dominated by cork oaks (Quercus suber), eagle fern (Pteridium aquilinum), pine (Pinus pinea) and rockrose (Halimium halimifolium), the amount and quality of organic matter, and water repellency in four particle sieve fractions (1-2, 0.25-1, 0.05-0.25 and <0.05 mm). We observed that the degree of water repellency was significantly different, both among soils under different vegetation cover and among different sieve fractions, with soils under cork oak showing the highest severity of water repellency. In addition, we found a clear relation between the amount of SOM and the degree of water repellency. On the other hand, the molecular analysis of the organic matter from sieve fractions by analytical pyrolysis techniques let us find a relation between the quality of MOS and soil water repellency, the presence of long-chained fatty acids and the degree of humification (evolution) of SOM in the different fractions. The impact of fire on water repellency and SOM was studied especially in soils under cork oaks, due to the greater organic contribution of this type of vegetation, the severe soil water repellency and its pyrophilic character. For the most detailed study, the number of studied sieve fractions was expanded to 6 (1-2, 0.5-1, 0.25-0.5, 0.1-0.25, 0.05-0.1 and <0.05 mm), including also the complete sample. It is known that impacts caused by forest fires on soils are related to changes in SOM. Fire favors the modification or formation of new chemical structures, besides contributing to mass outputs and inputs, such as the contribution of fresh biomass or more or less carbonized residues. This idea has predominated in the focus of a great number of research works, which have aimed to the study of complete soils or some of their horizons. However, the knowledge about the effect of fire on soil granulometric fractions is little known and that is why we consider some relevant questions, such as i) does the chemical composition of organic matter from different sieve fractions vary?, ii) does fire cause the same impact on all fractions?, or iii) what chemical reactions does fire induce in the different particle size fractions? In chapters 4, 5 and 6, we try to give answers to these questions, by means of detailed studies of the molecular composition of the organic matter present in the different fractions. With this aim, we used advanced analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry of isotopic relations of carbon and hydrogen (13C and 2H, respectively) (chapter 4), analytical pyrolysis (chapter 5) and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry (chapter 6). The study of the isotopic composition of 13C confirms the existence of two compartments of organic matter with different degrees of evolution. The larger sieve fractions contain slightly evolved organic matter, impoverished in 13C and with δ13C values not different from leaf biomass, while finer fractions showed a more evolved organic material, enriched in 13C. Fire produced no changes in this trend, although an increase in the 13C content was observed in all affected fractions. This process may be explained by selective removal of light compounds (lower 13C content) or incorporation of charred residues. The study of the isotopic composition of 2H showed the existence of two differentiated water compartments in the upper centimeters of soil and dependent on the size of particles. No homogeneous behavior of the 2H composition after the fire was observed. The results obtained stimulated a more detailed study (chapters 5 and 6) of the molecular composition of SOM and the different reaction mechanisms induced by fire, focusing now on the fractions of larger (1-2 mm) and finer (<0.05 mm) sizes. For this, graphical tools such as the van Krevelen and Kendrick mass diagrams were used, as well as different indices or geochemical proportions (namely, the index of preferred carbon of short- and long-chained alkanes ratio, C<24/C≥24. The analysis of the SOM composition confirmed the existence of two different compartments of organic carbon in the first centimeters of soil with a different contribution of fire. In the larger fraction (1-2 mm), influenced by lignocellulosic material, fire produced a removal of lipid compounds and an increase of aromatics, with relatively high contribution of lignin-derived material. This may be due to a posteriori input of partially burnt material. On the other hand, humic compounds from the finer fraction, mostly formed by lipid and protein compounds, did not show significant variations after fire. However, an increase in exogenous pyromorphic compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), was detected along with a relative increase of lignin-derived substances. The different molecular composition of studied fractions showed that fire induces different reactions depending on the quality of SOM. Variations in the preferential carbon index and in the proportion of long-chained alkanes aims to the existence of thermal cracking processes. In turn, fire-induced condensation contributed to the increased aromaticity of SOM. However, fire favored reduction reactions in the larger sieve fraction, with a decrease in the atomic O/C ratio but not affecting the H/C ratio. Therefore, it is possible that fire altered the outermost and accessible areas of the organic macromolecules, removing functional groups contaning oxygen but not altering the main molecular structures. Different scientific studies have highlighted an association between soil water repellency and SOM quality, particularly to the proportion and composition of certain lipid compounds. Chapter 7 aims to the study of the impact of fire on the lipid composition of organic matter from different sieve fractions of sandy soils under cork oaks and its relation with the changes in the degree of soil water repellency, using quantitative chromatographic techniques. The main results showed that the severity of water repellency in different sieve fractions varied significantly (p <0.05) after a fire. As observed in Chapter 3, we observed a relation between SOM quantity and quality and water repellency in burnt soils. The analysis of the lipid composition (acid and neutral compounds) confirmed the existence of two compartments of soil organic carbon, with fire causing different alterations in each of them. The proportion of long-chained faty acids increased in all burnt fractions except for the largest one (1-2 mm). This suggests the existence of a contribution of partially burnt material with a relatively high contribution of compounds derived from small-sized fatty acids, so confirming the exogenous contribution of charred cork residues. The decrease in both the quantity and the length of organic acid chains in the burnt larger sieve fraction confirms the existence of a thermal breakdown reaction. This cracking has also been observed in the n-alkane series. Finally, the comparative analysis of soil water repellency and related variables shows that water repellency depends on both the quantity and the quality of SOM and is strongly related to the presence of long-chained fatty acids. These may be considered as surrogate biomarkers of hydrophobicity in sandy soils.NGA was the recipient of a JAE-Predoc contract from Institut d’Investigacions Biome`diques de Barcelona-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienti´ficas (CSIC) (‘‘Junta para la Ampliacio´n de Estudios’’, partly funded by the European Social Fund of the European Union). CV was the recipient of a fellowship from ‘‘La Caixa’’ foundation. This study was supported by grants PI081396 and PI100378 from the Instituto Carlos III of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n of Spain. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.154 paginas.-- Tesis doctoral leida en el Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica y Tecnologias del Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Zaragoza.161 Pags.- Tabls.- Figs. Tesis doctoral Univ. Zaragoza, Departamento de Ciencias Agrarias y del Medio Natural, realizada, bajo la direccion de los Drs. Yolanda Gogorcena y Juan Jose Barriuso, en la Estacion Experimental de Aula Dei (EEAD-CSIC) y en el Centro de de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agroalimentaria de Aragon (CITA). Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe (Adding value), celebrado en San Sebastian del 14 al 17 de octubre de 2014.Resumen del poster presentado al VIII International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, celebrado en Barcelona (Espana) del 3 al 5 de julio de 2017.-- et al.Resumen del trabajo presentado al International Symposium on Green Chemistry (ISGC), celebrado en La Rochelle (Francia) del 16 al 19 de mayo de 2017.Resumen del trabajo presentado al 1st FEBS3+, celebrado en Barcelona (Espana) del 23 al 26 de octubre de 2017.The spider fauna of Albania is still insuffi ciently studied. The present list was compiled after a critical review of the existing literature data and taxonomic review of some available collections. The study comprises 335 species from 36 families. In this number, 197 species are new to the spider fauna of the country. According to their current distribution the species can be assigned to 18 zoogeographical catego- ries, grouped into 5 complexes (Cosmopolitic, Holarctic, European, Mediterranean, Endemics). Dominant are Holarctic species (56.4%) followed by European (16.4%) and Mediterranean (16.2%). The endemics (8%) are also well presented and refl ect the local character of the fauna and the main role of the Balkan Peninsula in its origin and formation.Resumen del trabajo presentado al XIVth Congress of the Spanish Biophysical Society, celebrado en Alcala de Henares (Madrid-Espana) del 11 al 13 de junio de 2014.Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado a las XXVI Jornadas Tecnicas SEAE y al X Seminario Agroecologia, Cambio Climatico y Agroturismo: “Innovacion Agroecologica y Cambio Climatico”, celebrado en Orihuela del 19 al 20 de ocubre de 2017.This document has been prepared in the framework of the project for supporting the establishment of MPAs in open seas, including deep seas, with financial support of the European CommissionPoster (P-EA-22) presentado en la XVIII Reunion de la Sociedad Espanola de Cromatografia y Tecnicas Afines (SECyTA 2018), Granada, del 2 al 4 de Octubre de 2018.The expectations raised in the mid-1980s on the potential of genetic engineering for in situ remediation of environmental pollution have not been entirely fulfilled. Yet, we have learned a good deal about the expression of catabolic pathways by bacteria in their natural habitats, and how environmental conditions dictate the expression of desired catalytic activities. The many different choices between nutrients and responses to stresses form a network of transcriptional switches which, given the redundance and robustness of the regulatory circuits involved, can be neither unraveled through standard genetic analysis nor artificially programmed in a simple manner. Available data suggest that population dynamics and physiological control of catabolic gene expression prevail over any artificial attempt to engineer an optimal performance of the wanted catalytic activities. In this review, several valuable spin-offs of past research into genetically modified organisms with environmental applications are discussed, along with the impact of Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology in the future of environmental biotechnology.Advanced computing has become a crucial factor in most areas of science , in some cases may be as critical as the experimental observation . The data analysis and experimental validation of these needs by observation instruments (detectors , sensors, etc ... ) the ability to communicate and interact with computing resources and software tools capable of storing and formatting the scientists analyzed data . This multidisciplinary and collaborative environment is what is known as e- Science . In this work, several solutions have been developed to facilitate transparent access to distributed resources that allow scientists to access a limited specific training are presented herein . The problems that have been addressed have to do with interactivity in access to resources , and the design of workflows. This will be made up of various elements simulate complex systems that interact with each other. Throughout all the work we have collaborated with researchers in Nuclear Fusion and Astrophysics to implement solutions in real scientific computing environments for researchers. Several examples of complex workflows , which are prototypes of what will be a platform for simulation of plasma from a fusion reactor and analysis for the WBC / Planck experiment are presented . Thus we have demonstrated the versatility of the developed tools , when applied to more than one scientific discipline.During the last years biofuel fuel cells (BFCs) have attracted great interest due to their possible applications, especially as electrical power sources for in vivo or ex vivo applications. In BFCs enzymes can be used as biocatalysts for fuel oxidation at the anode and oxidant reduction at the cathode. The majority of EFCs use oxygen-reducing enzymes at the cathode, and glucose-oxidizing enzymes at the anode, as they are very common substrates present in most human physiological fluids. Two multi-copper oxidases, laccase and bilirubin oxidase, and cellobiose dehydrogenase have been studied as possible biocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction and glucose oxidation, respectively. Laccases usually exhibit higher activity at acid pH and they are more inhibited in the presence of chloride ions than bilirubin oxidase. Therefore, native laccases have been engineered by directed evolution for obtaining mutants that show activity also under physiological conditions, and cysteine residues have been introduced by site-directed mutagenesis for oriented immobilization on gold electrodes. The major aim of the Thesis has been the development of biocathodes as they represent the rate-limiting part of the BFC due to the low O2 availability in human body. The development of the bioelectrodes was carried out paying special attention to the different electrode materials and immobilization strategies used to manufacture the biodevices. Indeed, a good immobilization strategy enhances the long-term stability of the biodevice while achieving efficient wiring of the enzyme. Additionally, a larger surface area of the support material allows higher enzyme loading, therefore increasing the current density developed. Gold nanorods, macroporous gold, indium tin oxide and carbonaceous materials have been used for this purpose, obtaining current densities up to 1.5 mA/cm2 for bioelectrocatalytic O2 reduction. Direct electron transfer (DET) based systems are preferred as some possible drawbacks of using mediators are overcome and allow making the miniaturization of the BFC easier. For these reason, all the immobilization strategies presented were developed in order to optimize DET between the enzyme and the electrode surface. Combination of a conventional BFC with electrochemical capacitors is also presented in order to overcome the limitations of both systems, achieving a maximum power output of 0.6 µW at an operating voltage of 0.15 V. This hybrid biodevice was also tested in ex vivo conditions by connecting it directly to the dorsal venous of a human volunteer.Financial support for this study was provided by the Comunidad Autonoma of Madrid (Spain) and European funding from FEDER program (research project S2013/ABI-3028, AVANSECAL-CM). Dra. Gema Flores thanks CSIC for her JAE-Doc contract.The problem of achieving common understanding between agents that use different vocabularies has been mainly addressed by designing techniques that explicitly negotiate mappings between their vocabularies, requiring agents to share a meta-language. In this paper we consider the case of agents that use different vocabularies and have no meta-language in common, but share the knowledge of how to perform a task, given by the specification of an interaction protocol. For this situation, we present a framework that lets agents learn a vocabulary alignment from the experience of interacting. Unlike previous work in this direction, we use open protocols that constrain possible actions instead of defining procedures, making our approach more general. We present two techniques that can be used either to learn an alignment from scratch or to repair an existent one, and we evaluate experimentally their performance.Resumen del trabajo presentado al Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe 27th Annual Meeting, celebrado en Bruselas (Belgica) del 7 al 11 de mayo de 2017.This work was supported by the project AGL2012-40128-C03-01 and EU-FEDER funds from the Spanish government.espanolLos margenes de los campos reciben muchas denominaciones locales (linderos, ribazos, etc.) y pueden ser motivo de preocupacion para los agricultores por albergar especies arvenses que pueden devenir infestantes del cultivo. Pero su estudio tambien ha reflejado que pueden ser beneficiosos si albergan diversidad vegetal, la que atraeria a su vez diversidad animal. Estudios recientes realizados en Espana arrojan resultados aparentemente contradictorios y por este motivo se realiza una descripcion de la tipologia de margenes existentes en Espana. Se constata que las diferencias de anchura, altura y pendiente entre margenes, el tipo de vegetacion cercano, asi como la intensidad de la perturbacion que se ejerce en ellos son posiblemente los principales factores que explican porque algunos margenes albergan especies potencialmente nocivas (malas hierbas) y otros no. EnglishThe field margins receive many local names and can cause trouble to farmers if they host weeds that can infest the nearby fields. But their study has shown that they be beneficial if they harbor vegetal diversity, which can attract animal diversity. Recent studies conducted in Spain show apparently contradictory results an due to this, a description of the margin types found in this country is shown in this communication. We confirm that differences in margins width, height and slope, the type of natural vegetation in the area and the disturbance intensity on the margins are probably the main factors explaining why some margins host potentially harmful plant species (weeds) and others do not.22nd IMEKO TC4 International Symposium & 20th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, 14-15 September 2017, Iasi, Romania.-- 6 pages, 8 figures, 1 tableXIX Seminario Iberico de Quimica Marina (SIQUIMAR), VI Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar - VI International Symposium of Marine Sciences (ISMS 2018), 20- 22 June 2018, Vigo.-- 1 pageSAF2016-77703-C2-2-R of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); AGAUR 2017-SGR-106 and the CERCA Programme of the Generalitat de Catalunya; R. Copas and C. Sanfeliu belong to Group 05 of CIBER Epidemiologia y Salud Publica (CIBERESP) of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, SpainResumen del poster presentado al I Congreso Interdisciplinar en Genetica Humana, celebrado en Madrid del 25 al 28 de abril de 2017.-- et al.Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe 19 (Our future, growing from water), celebrado en Berlin del 7 al 10 de octubre de 2019.Trabajo presentado a la Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe (DIME) Final Conference celebrada del 6 al 8 de abril de 2011 en Maastricht (Paises Bajos).Compared to machines, humans are intelligent and dexterous; they are indispensable for many complex tasks in areas such as flexible manufacturing or scientific experimentation. However, they are also subject to fatigue and inattention, which may cause errors. This motivates automated monitoring systems that verify the correct execution of manipulation sequences. To be practical, such a monitoring system should not require laborious programming.Trabajo presentado en el 18th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding (ISFNF. 40 years of research in fish nutrition), celebrado en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria del 3 al 7 de junio de 2018.Comunicacion oral presentada en la 6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Abstracts book pag. 14 (2019)Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado a la 21st Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, celebrada en Madison, Wisconsin (US) del 5 al 9 de junio de 2016.3 paginas, 3 tablas.- Trabajo presentado al: XVIII Jornadas sobre Produccion Animal AIDA. Zaragoza, Espana, 7-8 mayo 2019.5 paginas.-- 3 figuras.-- 2 tabla.-- 8 referencias.-- Comunicacion presentadoa en el XIV Simposio Internacional Hispano-Portugues de Relaciones Hidricas en Plantas de la Sociedad Espanola y Portuguesa de Fisiologia Vegetal.“La fisiologia como valor anadido para la comercializacion”Trabajo presentado al 48th West European FishTechnologists Association Meeting (WEFTA), celebrado en Lisboa (Portugal) del 15 al 18 de octubre de 2018.Trabajo presentado en la 2nd European conference on Xylella fastidiosa (how research can support solutions), celebrada en Ajaccio el 29 y 30 de octubre de 2019.The synthesis of the 5-hydroxyproline derivatives 3a and 3b using cyclobutane serine analogs 1 and 2 as starting materials is reported. This process occurs with moderate cis/trans selectivity. A mechanism for this reaction is also proposed. Cyclobutane serine analog 1 was tested in tandem Michael and Wittig-like reactions, providing some evidence of the mechanism proposed.Trabajo realizado dentro del proyecto “El Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales entre 1939 y 1985: de la disgregacion a la reunificacion en su contexto nacional e internacional” (Ref. HAR2016-76125-P).Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe 19 (Our future, growing from water), celebrado en Berlin del 7 al 10 de octubre de 2019.Resumen del trabajo presentado en el 19th International Symposium on Deep Seismic Profiling of the Continents and their Margins (SEISMIX 2020), celebrado del 15 al 19 de marzo de 2020 en AustraliaTrabajo presentado en la 12th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA), celebrada en Sacaramento (US) del 20 al 23 de julio de 2014.Resumen del poster presentado a la European Human Genetics Conference, celebrada en Barcelona (Espana) del 21 al 24 de mayo de 2016.-- et al.Resumen del poster presentado a la VIII Reunion Cientifica Anual del Centro de Investigacion Biomedica En Red de Enfermedades Raras, celebrada en San Lorenzo del Escorial (Madrid) los dias 12 y 13 de marzo de 2015.Poster presentado en la 34th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT) y en la 13th European Conference on Thermoelectrics(ECT), celebradas en Dresden del 28 de junio al 2 de julio de 2015.Poster presentado en la 6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Santiago de Compostela, Oclober 2-4, 2019Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito dos projetos Metalurgia Primitiva no Territorio Portugues – EARLYMETAL (PTDC/HIST-ARQ/110442/2008) e Espacos Naturais, Arquiteturas, Arte rupestre e Deposicoes na Pre-historia Recente da Fachada Ocidental do Centro e Norte Portugues: das Acoes aos Significados - ENARDAS (PTDC/HISARQ/112983/2009), financiado pelo Programa Operacional Tematico Factores de Competitividade (COMPETE) e comparticipados pelo Fundo Comunitario Europeu FEDER. Os autores agradecem a Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) as bolsas individuais (SFRH/ BD/65143/2009) e (SFRH/BPD/73245/2010) concedidas a Joao Fonte e Elin Figueiredo, respetivamente, e o apoio financeiro concedido ao CENIMAT/I3N atraves do Projecto Estrategico LA25/2013-2014 (PEst-C/CTM/LA0025/2011); a Joe Horst os esclarecimentos gentilmente cedidos sobre as condicoes de achado; a empresa Metais Jaime Dias, S.A. e ao Dr. Normando Ramos a possibilidade do uso do equipamento de FRX portatil para o estudo preliminar da colecao metalica e a equipa do Museu D. Diogo de Sousa, em Braga, o tratamento e fotografia do conjunto.13 GLOSSARY OF RELEVANT TERMS 17RS received support from the Czech Ministry of Culture (project MK00002327201) and from the SYNTHESYS Programme (project ES-TAF-1249), financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” Programme at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC).Poster presentado en el XII Congreso de los Grupos de Investigacion Enologica (GIENOL 2013, Nuevas perspectivas en investigacion vitivinicola), celebrado en Madrid del 18 al 21 de junio de 2013.Trabajo presentado al Delft Software Days, celebrado en Netherlands del 5 al 16 de noviembre de 2018.Trabajo presentado al Spanish JRU EGI-ENGAGE meeting celebrado en Madrid el 23 de febrero de 2015.The genetic analysis of dorsoventral patterning in Drosophila has identified a zinc-finger gene, snail, that is required for mesoderm formation. The cloning and nuclease protection analysis of a Xenopus homologue of this gene has suggested a possible role in the mesoderm of vertebrates. Here, we describe the cloning of a murine homologue of snail, Sna, and in situ hybridisation studies of its developmental expression. Sequence analysis reveals substantial conservation of the second to fifth zinc fingers, but not of the first zinc finger in the Sna gene. Expression occurs in the ectoplacental cone, parietal endoderm, embryonic and extraembryonic mesoderm, in neural crest and in condensing precartilage. Based on the timing and spatial restriction of expression in embryonic mesoderm, we suggest that Sna might be required for the early development of this tissue, as is the case for its Drosophila counterpart. In addition, we propose that Sna might have an analogous role in the development of neural crest. The expression in condensing precartilage indicates that this gene also has a later function in chondrogenesis.Este trabajo se centra en la sintesis de nuevos nanohibridos dador-aceptor (D/A) de politiofeno solubles en medios acuosos y en la elucidacion de la interaccion electronica entre las unidades D/A como en el funcionamiento de los nanohibridos en forma de peliculas delgadas en aplicaciones optoelectronicas. Utilizando tecnicas de auto-ensamblaje in-situ de politiofeno en presencia de diferentes nanomateriales como son el oxido de grafeno, puntos cuanticos de semiconductores o laminas de dicalcogenuros de metales de transicion se ha conseguido la formacion de complejos de transferencia de carga, solubles en agua y con superiores propiedades electronicas de relevancia para el desarrollo de dispositivos optoelectronicos basados en peliculas delgadas210 Pags.- Figs.- Fots.- Tabls. Tesis realizada en la Unidad de Suelos y Riegos (Unidad Asociada EEAD-CSIC). Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0),Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco de ERAWATCH, una iniciativa conjunta de la Direccion General de Investigacion de la Comision Europea y el Instituto de Prospectiva Tecnologica (IPTS).La investigacion ha sido posible gracias a la financiacion del Proyecto 2091 de la Universidad Politecnica de Valencia y del Proyecto P08-SEJ-03981 de la Junta de Andalucia.Oral presentation given at the 16th European Microscopy Congress, held in Lyon (France) from August 28th to September 2nd, 2016.Trabajo presentado en la European Conference on Xylella 2017 (Finding answers to a global problem), celebrada en Palma de Mallorca del 13 al 15 de noviembre de 2017.Master 2° Annee Biologie, Ecologie, Evolution (M2 BEE). Universite de Poitiers. Faculte des Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquees.Santiago de Compostela, Facultade de Quimica,17-21 julio 2017. -- work is under the scope of the following projects: Cargo-ANTS: Cargo handling by Automated Next generation Transportation Systems for ports and terminals.Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado en el LV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio, celebrado en Sevilla (Espana), del 5 al 7 de octubre de 2016Poster presentado en el First Joint Meeting on Soil and Plant System Sciences (SPSS 2019) Natural and Human-induced Impacts on the Critical Zone and Food Production. Bari, Italy 23-26 September 2019Trabajo presentado en el V Workshop The cultivation of the Soles, celebrado en Faro (Portugal) del 5 al 7 de abril de 2011.Web tematica.-- Proposito: divulgativo.-- Estado del proyecto: actualizacion continua.-- Fecha de la consulta: 2018-01-08.Trabajo de investigacion desarrollado por el ingeniero Juan Antonio Moreno-Cid Mora para optar al grado de Doctor por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.Trabajo presentado en la XXVI Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Quimica, celebrada en Punta Umbria, Huelva (Espana) del 14 al 17 de junio de 2016.Trabajo presentado en la European Conference on Xylella 2017 (Finding answers to a global problem), celebrada en Palma de Mallorca del 13 al 15 de noviembre de 2017.We introduce the logics E(G) for reasoning about probabilistic expectation over classes G of games with discrete polynomial payoff functions represented by finite-valued Lukasiewicz formulas and provide completeness and complexity results. In addition, we introduce a new class of games where players’ expected payoff functions are encoded by E(G)-formulas. In these games each player’s aim is to randomise her strategic choices in order to affect the other players’ expectations over an outcome as well as their own. We offer a logical and computational characterisation of this new class of games.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation-FEDER grants AGL2009-08339/AGR and AGL2015-71386-R.Trabajo presentadso en la Jornada de divulgacion y presentacion en Espana del Proyecto POnTE (Plagas que amenazan a los cultivos y los bosques de Europa. El caso de Xylella fastidiosa en el olivar), celebrada el 14 de diciembre de 2016 en Madrid.4 paginas.-- 1 figuras.-- 3 tablas.-- 3 referencias.-- Comunicacion presentada en el >VII Congresso Iberico das Ciencias do Solo (CICS 2016) y VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem> que decorreu no Instituto Politecnico de Beja de 13 a 15 de Setembro de 2016.


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Engracia Madejón

Spanish National Research Council

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José Manuel Murillo Carpio

Spanish National Research Council

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Paula Madejón

Spanish National Research Council

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Pilar Burgos

Spanish National Research Council

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Rafael López Núñez

Spanish National Research Council

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Alfredo Pérez de Mora

Spanish National Research Council

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Félix Moreno Lucas

Spanish National Research Council

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Spanish National Research Council

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