G. Magazzù
University of Siena
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Featured researches published by G. Magazzù.
EPL | 2011
G. Antchev; P. Aspell; I. Atanassov; V. Avati; J. Baechler; V. Berardi; M. Berretti; M. Bozzo; E. Brucken; A. Buzzo; F. S. Cafagna; M. Calicchio; M. G. Catanesi; C. E. Covault; M. Csanád; T. Csörgo; M. Deile; E. Dimovasili; M. Doubek; K. Eggert; V. Eremin; F. Ferro; A. Fiergolski; F. Garcia; S. Gianì; V. Greco; L. Grzanka; J. Heino; T. E. Hilden; M. Janda
Proton-proton elastic scattering has been measured by the TOTEM experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider at √ s = 7 TeV in dedicated runs with the Roman Pot detectors placed as close as seven times the transverse beam size (σbeam) from the outgoing beams. After careful study of the accelerator optics and the detector alignment, |t|, the square of four-momentum transferred in the elastic scattering process, has been determined with an uncertainty of δt = 0.1 GeV p |t|. In this letter, first results of the differential cross-section are presented covering a |t|-range from 0.36 to 2.5 GeV 2 . The differential cross-section in the range 0.36 < |t| < 0.47 GeV 2 is described by an exponential with a slope parameter B =( 23.6 ± 0.5 stat ± 0.4 syst )G eV −2 , followed by a significant diffractive minimum at |t| =( 0.53 ± 0.01 stat ± 0.01 syst )G eV 2 .F or|t|-values larger than ∼ 1. 5G eV 2 , the cross-section exhibits a power law behaviour with an exponent of −7.8 ± 0.3 stat ± 0.1 syst . When compared to predictions based on the different available models, the data show a strong discriminative power despite the small t-range covered. open access Copyright c EPLA, 2011
nuclear science symposium and medical imaging conference | 2010
D. Abbaneo; S. Bally; H. Postema; A. Conde Garcia; J. P. Chatelain; G. Faber; L. Ropelewski; E. David; S. Duarte Pinto; G. Croci; M. Alfonsi; M. Van Stenis; Archana Sharma; L. Benussi; S. Bianco; S. Colafranceschi; D. Piccolo; G. Saviano; N. Turini; E. Oliveri; G. Magazzù; A. Marinov; M. Tytgat; N. Zaganidis; M. Hohlmann; Kondo Gnanvo; Y. Ban; H. Teng; J. Cai
The muon detection system of the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider is based on different technologies for muon tracking and triggering. In particular, the muon system in the endcap disks of the detector consists of Resistive Plate Chambers for triggering and Cathode Strip Chambers for tracking. At present, the endcap muon system is only partially instrumented with the very forward detector region remaining uncovered. In view of a possible future extension of the muon endcap system, we report on a feasibility study on the use of Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors, in particular Gas Electron Multipliers, for both muon triggering and tracking. Results on the construction and characterization of small triple-Gas Electron Multiplier prototype detectors are presented.
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement | 2012
Tamás Csörgő; G. Antchev; P. Aspell; I. Atanassov; V. Avati; J. Baechler; V. Berardi; M. Berretti; E. Bossini; M. Bozzo; P. Brogi; E. Brucken; A. Buzzo; F. S. Cafagna; M. Calicchio; M. G. Catanesi; C. E. Covault; M. Csanád; M. Deile; E. Dimovasili; M. Doubek; K. Eggert; V. Eremin; R. Ferretti; F. Ferro; A. Fiergolski; F. Garcia; S. Gianì; V. Greco; L. Grzanka
Tamas Csorgő4 for the TOTEM Collaboration: G. Antchev,∗) P. Aspell,8 I. Atanassov,8,∗)V. Avati,8 J. Baechler,8 V. Berardi,5b,5a M. Berretti,7b E. Bossini,7b M. Bozzo,6b,6a P. Brogi,7b E. Brucken,3a,3b A. Buzzo,6a F. S. Cafagna,5a M. Calicchio,5b,5a M. G. Catanesi,5a C. Covault,9 M. Csanad,4,∗∗) M. Deile,8 E. Dimovasili,8 M. Doubek,1b K. Eggert,9 V. Eremin,∗∗∗) R. Ferretti,6a,6b F. Ferro,6a A. Fiergolski,†) F. Garcia,3a S. Giani,8 V. Greco,7b,8 L. Grzanka,8,††) J. Heino,3a T. Hilden,3a,3b M. R. Intonti,5a M. Janda,1b J. Kaspar,1a,8 J. Kopal,1a,8 V. Kundrat,1a K. Kurvinen,3a S. Lami,7a G. Latino,7b R. Lauhakangas,3a T. Leszko,† E. Lippmaa,2 M. Lokajicek,1a M. Lo Vetere,6b,6a F. Lucas Rodŕiguez,8 M. Macŕi,6a L. Magaletti,5b,5a G. Magazzu,7a A. Mercadante,5b,5a M. Meucci,7b S. Minutoli,6a F. Nemes,4,∗∗) H. Niewiadomski,8 E. Noschis,8 T. Novak,4,† † †) E. Oliveri,7b F. Oljemark,3a,3b R. Orava,3a,3b M. Oriunno,8,‡) K. Osterberg,3a,3b P. Palazzi,7b A.-L. Perrot,8 E. Pedreschi,7a J. Petajajarvi,3a J. Prochazka,1a M. Quinto,5a E. Radermacher,8 E. Radicioni,5a F. Ravotti,8 E. Robutti,6a L. Ropelewski,8 G. Ruggiero,8 H. Saarikko,3a,3b G. Sanguinetti,7a A. Santroni,6b,6a A. Scribano,7b G. Sette,6b,6a W. Snoeys,8 F. Spinella,7a J. Sziklai,4 C. Taylor,9 N. Turini,7b V. Vacek,1b M. Vitek,1b J. Welti,3a,b J. Whitmore10
nuclear science symposium and medical imaging conference | 2010
D. Abbaneo; S. Bally; H. Postema; A. Conde Garcia; J. P. Chatelain; G. Faber; L. Ropelewski; S. Duarte Pinto; G. Croci; M. Alfonsi; M. Van Stenis; Archana Sharma; M. Villa; L. Benussi; S. Bianco; S. Colafranceschi; F. Fabbri; L. Passamonti; D. Piccolo; D. Pierluigi; G. Raffone; A. Russo; G. Saviano; A. Marinov; M. Tytgat; N. Zaganidis; M. Hohlmann; Kondo Gnanvo; M. G. Bagliesi; R. Cecchi
In view of a possible extension of the forward CMS muon detector system and future LHC luminosity upgrades, Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGDs) are an appealing technology. They can simultaneously provide precision tracking and fast trigger information, as well as sufficiently fine segmentation to cope with high particle rates in the high-eta region at LHC and its future upgrades. We report on the design and construction of a full-size prototype for the CMS endcap system, the largest Triple-GEM detector built to-date. We present details on the 3D modeling of the detector geometry, the implementation of the readout strips and electronics, and the detector assembly procedure.
nuclear science symposium and medical imaging conference | 2010
D. Abbaneo; S. Bally; H. Postema; A. Conde Garcia; J. P. Chatelain; G. Faber; L. Ropelewski; S. Duarte Pinto; G. Croci; M. Alfonsi; M. Van Stenis; Archana Sharma; L. Benussi; S. Bianco; S. Colafranceschi; F. Fabbri; L. Passamonti; D. Piccolo; D. Pierluigi; G. Saviano; A. Marinov; M. Tytgat; N. Zaganidis; N. Turini; E. Oliveri; G. Magazzù; Y. Ban; H. Teng; J. Cai; A. Russo
One of the main issues regarding a gaseous detector is the gas flow inside the detector itself. A bad gas flow can affect irreversibly the chamber performance. On the other hand optimizing gas circulation inside the detector could allow a safe and reliable operation even with less gas consumption while at the same time maintaining high performance. Simulations and comparison between several different configurations are presented and discussed.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2010
M. G. Bagliesi; M. Berretti; E. Brucken; R. Cecchi; E. David; F. Garcia; V. Greco; J. Heino; T. E. Hilden; K. Kurvinen; R. Lauhakangas; S. Lami; G. Latino; G. Magazzù; E. Oliveri; E. Pedreschi; L. Ropelewski; A. Scribano; F. Spinella; N. Turini; M. Van Stenis
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2010
G. Antchev; P. Aspell; I. Atanassov; V. Avati; V. Berardi; M. Berretti; M. Bozzo; E. Brucken; A. Buzzo; F. S. Cafagna; M. Calicchio; M. G. Catanesi; M. A. Ciocci; M. Csanád; T. Csörgő; M. Deile; E. Dénes; E. Dimovasili; M. Doubek; K. Eggert; F. Ferro; F. Garcia; S. Gianì; V. Greco; L. Grzanka; J. Heino; T. E. Hilden; M. Janda; J. Kaˇspar; J. Kopal
Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, TWEPP 2007 | 2007
G. Anelli; G. Antchev; V. Avati; P. Aspell; V. Berardi; U. Bottigli; M. Bozzo; E. Brucken; A. Buzzo; F. S. Cafagna; M. Calicchio; F. Capurro; M. G. Catanesi; P. Chalmet; M. A. Ciocci; M. Csanad; T. Csörgo; S. Cuneo; C. Da Via; M. Deile; E. Dimovasili; K. Eggert; F. Ferro; A. Giachero; F. Garcia; V. Greco; J. Hasi; F. Haug; J. Heino; T. E. Hilden
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement | 2012
G. Antchev; P. Aspell; I. Atanassov; V. Avati; J. Baechler; V. Berardi; M. Berretti; E. Bossini; M. Bozzo; P. Brogi; E. Brucken; A. Buzzo; F. S. Cafagna; M. Calicchio; M. G. Catanesi; C. E. Covault; Mate Csanad; M. Deile; E. Dimovasili; M. Doubek; K. Eggert; V. Eremin; R. Ferretti; F. Ferro; A. Fiergolski; F. Garcia; S. Gianì; V. Greco; L. Grzanka; J. Heino
2nd Workshop on the Implications of HERA for LHC Physics, HERA-LHC 2006 - 2008 | 2009
G. Antchev; P. Aspell; V. Avati; M. G. Bagliesi; V. Berardi; M. Berretti; U. Bottigli; M. Bozzo; E. Brucken; A. Buzzo; F. S. Cafagna; M. Calicchio; M. G. Catanesi; P.L. Catastini; R. Cecchi; M. A. Ciocci; M. Deile; E. Dimovasili; K. Eggert; V. Eremin; F. Ferro; F. Garcia; S. Gianì; V. Greco; J. Heino; T. E. Hilden; J. Kašpar; J. Kopal; V. Kundrát; K. Kurvinen