Gregory J. Walsh
United States Geological Survey
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Featured researches published by Gregory J. Walsh.
Precambrian Research | 2002
Gregory J. Walsh; John N. Aleinikoff; Fouad Benziane; Abdelaziz Yazidi; Thomas R. Armstrong
Abstract New U–Pb zircon data obtained by sensitive high resolution ion micro probe (SHRIMP) from the Tagragra de Tata inlier in the western Anti-Atlas, Morocco establish Paleoproterozoic ages for the basement schists, granites, and metadolerites, and a Neoproterozoic age for an ignimbrite of the Ouarzazate Series in the cover sequence. The age of interbedded felsic metatuff in the metasedimentary and metavolcanic sequence of the basement schists is 2072±8 Ma. This date represents: (1) the first reliable age from the metasedimentary and metavolcanic sequence; (2) the oldest reliable age for the basement of the Anti-Atlas; (3) the first date on the timing of deposition of the sediments on the northern edge of the Paleoproterozoic West African craton; (4) a lower age limit on deformation during the Eburnean orogeny; and (5) the first date obtained from the non-granitic Paleoproterozoic basement of Morocco. Ages of 2046±7 Ma (Targant granite) and 2041±6 Ma (Oudad granite) support earlier interpretations of a Paleoproterozoic Eburnean igneous event in the Anti-Atlas. The granites post-date the Eburnean D1 deformation event in the Paleoproterozoic schist sequence, and place a ∼2046 Ma limit on short-lived Eburnean deformation in the area. Cross-cutting metadolerite is 2040±6 Ma; this is the first date from a metadolerite in the western Anti-Atlas. All of the dolerites in the area post-date emplacement of the two granites and the new age constrains the onset of late- or post-Eburnean extension. Ignimbrite of the Ouarzazate Series, immediately above the Paleoproterozoic basement is 565±7 Ma. This Neoproterozoic age agrees with ages of similar volcanic rocks elsewhere from the Ouarzazate Series. The date also agrees with the ages of associated hypabyssal intrusions, and marks the second and final stage of Pan-African orogenic activity in the western Anti-Atlas.
Water Resources Research | 1994
Donald S. Ross; Richmond J. Bartlett; Frederick R. Magdoff; Gregory J. Walsh
An investigation was undertaken into how headwater tributaries of Brush Brook, Vermont, could have average pH differences of almost two units (4.75 and 6.7). Sampling along four tributaries revealed that most of one tributary, below an area of seeps, had consistently higher pH, Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+, and lower Al than other sites. Bedrock mapping showed numerous fractures in vicinity of the seeps. A portion of this tributarys watershed and a portion of an acid tributarys watershed were intensively mapped for soil depth. Sampling showed the widespread existence of dense basal till in the watershed of the acid tributary but none in that of the near-neutral stream. Lateral flow, found above the dense till, was chemically similar to that of the acid tributary and to solutions sampled from soil B horizons. There were no differences in the average pH of nonseep soils sampled from either watershed. Flow paths are hypothesized to be through the B horizons in the acid tributaries and from below the soil profile in the near-neutral tributary. The acid catchment should be more sensitive to environmental change.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications | 2011
R.M. Key; P.E.J. Pitfield; Ronald J. Thomas; Kathryn Goodenough; D. Waele; David I. Schofield; Wilfried Bauer; Matthew S. A. Horstwood; Michael Styles; J. Conrad; John Encarnacion; David J. Lidke; E. A. O'connor; C.J. Potter; R.A. Smith; Gregory J. Walsh; A.V. Ralison; T. Randriamananjara; J.-M. Rafahatelo; M. Rabarimanana
Abstract Our recent geological survey of the basement of central and northern Madagascar allowed us to re-evaluate the evolution of this part of the East Africa–Antarctica Orogen (EAAO). Five crustal domains are recognized, characterized by distinctive lithologies and histories of sedimentation, magmatism, deformation and metamorphism, and separated by tectonic and/or unconformable contacts. Four consist largely of Archaean metamorphic rocks (Antongil, Masora and Antananarivo Cratons, Tsaratanana Complex). The fifth (Bemarivo Belt) comprises Proterozoic meta-igneous rocks. The older rocks were intruded by plutonic suites at c. 1000 Ma, 820–760 Ma, 630–595 Ma and 560–520 Ma. The evolution of the four Archaean domains and their boundaries remains contentious, with two end-member interpretations evaluated: (1) all five crustal domains are separate tectonic elements, juxtaposed along Neoproterozoic sutures and (2) the four Archaean domains are segments of an older Archaean craton, which was sutured against the Bemarivo Belt in the Neoproterozoic. Rodinia fragmented during the early Neoproterozoic with intracratonic rifts that sometimes developed into oceanic basins. Subsequent Mid-Neoproterozoic collision of smaller cratonic blocks was followed by renewed extension and magmatism. The global ‘Terminal Pan-African’ event (560–490 Ma) finally stitched together the Mid-Neoproterozoic cratons to form Gondwana.
American Journal of Science | 1999
Gregory J. Walsh; John N. Aleinikoff
The Pinney Hollow Formation of central Vermont is part of a rift-clastic to drift-stage sequence of cover rocks deposited on the Laurentian margin during the development of the Iapetan passive margin in Late Proterozoic to Cambrian time. Conventional U-Pb zircon data indicate an age of 571+ or -5 Ma for a metafelsite from the Pinney Hollow Formation. Geochemical data indicate that the protolith for the metafelsite, now a quartz-albite gneiss or granofels, was rhyolite from a source that was transitional between a within-plate granite and ocean-ridge granite setting and probably came through partially distended continental crust. The transitional setting is consistent with previous data from metabasalts in the Pinney Hollow Formation and supports the idea that the source magma came through continental crust on the rifted margin of the Laurentian craton. The 571+ or -5 Ma age provides the first geochronologic age from the rift-clastic cover sequence in New England and establishes a Late Proterozoic age for the Pinney Hollow Formation. The Late Proterozoic age of the Pinney Hollow confirms the presence of a significant mapped thrust fault between the autochthonous and para-autochthonous rocks of the cover sequence. These findings support the interpretation that the Taconic root zone is located in the hinterland of the Vermont Appalachians on the eastern side of the Green Mountain massif.
American Journal of Science | 2007
Robert P. Wintsch; John N. Aleinikoff; Gregory J. Walsh; Wallace A. Bothner; Arthur M Hussey Ii; Christopher Fanning
U-Pb ages of detrital, metamorphic, and magmatic zircon and metamorphic monazite and titanite provide evidence for the ages of deposition and metamorphism of metasedimentary rocks from the Merrimack and Putnam-Nashoba terranes of eastern New England. Rocks from these terranes are interpreted here as having been deposited in the middle Paleozoic above Neoproterozoic basement of the Gander terrane and juxtaposed by Late Paleozoic thrusting in thin, fault-bounded slices. The correlative Hebron and Berwick formations (Merrimack terrane) and Tatnic Hill Formation (Putnam-Nashoba terrane), contain detrital zircons with Mesoproterozoic, Ordovician, and Silurian age populations. On the basis of the age of the youngest detrital zircon population (∼425 Ma), the Hebron, Berwick and Tatnic Hill formations are no older than Late Silurian (Wenlockian). The minimum deposition ages of the Hebron and Berwick are constrained by ages of cross-cutting plutons (414 ± 3 and 418 ± 2 Ma, respectively). The Tatnic Hill Formation must be older than the oldest metamorphic monazite and zircon (∼407 Ma). Thus, all three of these units were deposited between ∼425 and 418 Ma, probably in the Ludlovian. Age populations of detrital zircons suggest Laurentian and Ordovician arc provenance to the west. High grade metamorphism of the Tatnic Hill Formation soon after deposition probably requires that sedimentation and burial occurred in a fore-arc environment, whereas time-equivalent calcareous sediments of the Hebron and Berwick formations probably originated in a back-arc setting. In contrast to age data from the Berwick Formation, the Kittery Formation contains primarily Mesoproterozoic detrital zircons; only 2 younger grains were identified. The absence of a significant Ordovician population, in addition to paleo-current directions from the east and structural data indicating thrusting, suggest that the Kittery was derived from peri-Gondwanan sources and deposited in the Fredericton Sea. Thus, the Kittery should not be considered part of the Laurentian-derived Merrimack terrane; it more likely correlates with the early Silurian Fredericton terrane of northeastern New England and Maritime Canada.
American Journal of Science | 2010
Cory K. McWilliams; Gregory J. Walsh; Robert P. Wintsch
U-Pb SHRIMP ages of detrital zircons from metasedimentary rocks of the Connecticut Valley-Gaspé trough in Vermont corroborate a Silurian-Devonian age of deposition for these strata and constrain their provenances. Ages of randomly selected detrital zircons obtained from quartzites within the Waits River and Gile Mountain Formations range from Archean to Devonian with Mesoproterozoic, Neoproterozoic, Ordovician, and Silurian age populations suggesting both eastern and western sources of the sediments. The two youngest single-grain detrital zircon ages from samples collected in the Waits River Formation are 418 ± 7 and 415 ± 2 Ma. The youngest single-grain detrital zircon age from the eastern part of the Gile Mountain Formation is 411 ± 8. The youngest detrital zircons from the western portion of the Gile Mountain Formation comprise an age population with a weighted average of 409 ± 5 Ma. These ∼409 Ma zircons are likely of volcanic origin, perhaps derived from the Piscataquis magmatic belt to the east. The absence of younger volcanic zircons in the coarser-grained eastern facies of the Gile Mountain Formation suggests the eastern sediments are older and were buried during Piscataquis volcanism and deposition in the west. The shift in protoliths from calcareous silts and muds of the Waits River Formation to quartzo-feldspathic sands of the Gile Mountain Formation implies a change from a continental slope-like depositional environment to a near-shore or terrestrial environment of deposition. This change supports a transition in the nature of the basin from an intercontinental back-arc extensional setting to a foreland basin setting. Maximum depositional ages of sediments above and below this facies boundary constrain the timing of transition in basin style between about 415 and 411 Ma. Given the timing of the approaching Acadian wedge, this shift in basin style likely reflects westward migration of thrust sheets during the Acadian orogeny. The fine-grained nature of the youngest silts, muds and turbidites suggests that sedimentation occurred in increasingly deeper water. The implied basin subsidence was likely caused by lithospheric flexure as the Acadian wedge approached from the east. The timing of this subsidence is constrained to be younger than the youngest zircons at about 409 Ma.
Journal of Metamorphic Geology | 2017
Ryan J. McAleer; David L. Bish; Michael J. Kunk; Karri R. Sicard; Peter M. Valley; Gregory J. Walsh; Bryan A. Wathen; Robert P. Wintsch
We describe strain localization by a mixed process of reaction and microstructural softening in a lower greenschist facies ductile fault zone that transposes and replaces middle to upper amphibolite facies fabrics and mineral assemblages in the host Littleton Schist near Claremont, New Hampshire. Here, Na-poor muscovite and chlorite progressively replace first staurolite, then garnet, and finally biotite porphyroblasts as the core of the fault zone in approached. Across the transect, higher-grade fabric-forming Na-rich muscovite is also progressively replaced by fabric forming Na-poor muscovite. The mineralogy of the new phyllonitic fault-rock produced is dominated by Na-poor muscovite and chlorite together with late albite porphyroblasts. The replacement of the amphibolite facies porphyroblasts by muscovite and chlorite is pseudomorphic in some samples and shows that the chemical metastability of the porphyroblasts is sufficient to drive replacement. In contrast, element mapping shows that fabric-forming Na-rich muscovite is selectively replaced at high-strain microstructural sites, indicating that strain energy played an important role in activating the dissolution of the compositionally metastable muscovite. The replacement of strong, high-grade porphyroblasts by weaker Na-poor muscovite and chlorite constitutes reaction softening. The crystallization of parallel and contiguous mica in the retrograde foliation at the expense of the earlier and locally crenulated Na-rich muscovite-defined foliation destroys not only the metastable high-grade mineralogy, but also its stronger geometry. This process constitutes both reaction and microstructural softening. The deformation mechanism here was thus one of dissolution-precipitation creep, activated at considerably lower stresses than might be predicted in quartzo-feldspathic rocks at the same lower greenschist facies conditions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
American Journal of Science | 2013
Martha L. Growdon; Michael J. Kunk; Robert P. Wintsch; Gregory J. Walsh
New 40Ar/39Ar ages for hornblende and muscovite from the Orange-Milford belt in southern Connecticut reflect cooling from Acadian amphibolite facies metamorphism between ∼380 to 360 Ma followed by retrograde recrystallization of fabric-forming muscovite and chlorite during lower greenschist facies Alleghanian transpression at ∼280 Ma. Reported field temperature and pressure gradients are improbably high for these rocks and a NW metamorphic field gradient climbing from chlorite-grade to staurolite-grade occurs over less than 5 km. Simple tilting cannot account for this compressed isograd spacing given the geothermal gradient of ∼20 °C/km present at the time of regional metamorphism. However, post-metamorphic transpression could effectively telescope the isograds by stretching the belt at an oblique angle to the isograd traces. Textures in the field and in thin section reveal several older prograde schistosities overprinted by lower greenschist facies fabrics. The late cleavages commonly occur at the scale of ∼100 μm and these samples contain multiple age populations of white mica. 40Ar/39Ar analysis of these poly-metamorphic samples with mixed muscovite populations yield climbing or U-shaped age spectra. The ages of the low temperature steps are late Paleozoic, while the ages of the older steps are late Devonian. These results support our petrologic interpretation that the younger cleavage developed under metamorphic conditions below the closure temperature for Ar diffusion in muscovite, that is, in the lower greenschist facies. The correlation of a younger regionally reproducible age population with a pervasive retrograde muscovite ± chlorite cleavage reveals an Alleghanian (∼280 Ma) overprint on the Acadian metamorphic gradient (∼380 Ma). Outcrop-scale structures including drag folds and imbricate boudins suggest that Alleghanian deformation and cleavage development occurred in response to dextral transpression along a northeast striking boundary. Alleghanian oblique collision of accreting terranes from the northeast would have resulted in northeast-southwest dextral transpression against the New York promontory. This deformation was responsible for crystallization of pervasive retrograde muscovite + chlorite cleavages and associated telescoping of the Acadian metamorphic isograds in southern Connecticut at ∼280 Ma.
American Journal of Science | 2015
Raymond Coish; Jonathan Kim; Evan Twelker; Scott P. Zolkos; Gregory J. Walsh
The Moretown Formation, exposed as a north-trending unit that extends from northern Vermont to Connecticut, is located along a critical Appalachian litho-tectonic zone between the paleomargin of Laurentia and accreted oceanic terranes. Remnants of magmatic activity, in part preserved as metamorphosed mafic rocks in the Moretown Formation and the overlying Cram Hill Formation, are a key to further understanding the tectonic history of the northern Appalachians. Field relationships suggest that the metamorphosed mafic rocks might have formed during and after Taconian deformation, which occurred at ca. 470 to 460 Ma. Geochemistry indicates that the sampled metamorphosed mafic rocks were mostly basalts or basaltic andesites. The rocks have moderate TiO2 contents (1–2.5 wt %), are slightly enriched in the light-rare earth elements relative to the heavy rare earths, and have negative Nb-Ta anomalies in MORB-normalized extended rare earth element diagrams. Their chemistry is similar to compositions of basalts from western Pacific extensional basins near volcanic arcs. The metamorphosed mafic rocks of this study are similar in chemistry to both the pre-Silurian Mount Norris Intrusive Suite of northern Vermont, and also to some of Late Silurian rocks within the Lake Memphremagog Intrusive Suite, particularly the Comerford Intrusive Complex of Vermont and New Hampshire. Both suites may be represented among the samples of this study. The geochemistry of all samples indicates that parental magmas were generated in supra-subduction extensional environments during lithospheric delamination.
Precambrian Research | 2009
Ronald J. Thomas; B. De Waele; David I. Schofield; Kathryn Goodenough; Matthew S. A. Horstwood; R.D. Tucker; W. Bauer; Richard Annells; K. Howard; Gregory J. Walsh; M. Rabarimanana; J.-M. Rafahatelo; A.V. Ralison; T. Randriamananjara