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Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution | 1987

Vorarbeiten zur monographischen Darstellung von Wildpflanzensortimenten:Secale L

Karl Hammer; Ewa Skolimowska; H. Knüpffer

ZusammenfassungDie Genbank in Gatersleben verfügt über eine umfangreiche Wildroggen-Kollektion, die für die Aufgaben der Züchtungsforschung und Züchtung zur Verfügung steht. Probleme der Erhaltung dieser Kollektion in der Genbank werden diskutiert. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das Reproduktionssystem besonders untersucht.Zur Dokumentation des Materials ist seine Identifikation notwendig. Daher wurde die GattungSecale revidiert. Neukombinationen werden fürS. strictum (Presl) Presl — subsp.kuprijanovii (Grossh.) Hammer, subsp.anatolicum (Boiss.) Hammer, subsp.ciliatoglume (Boiss.) Hammer, subsp.africanum (Stapf) Hammer — und fürS. cereale L. — subsp.afghanicum (Vav.) Hammer — vorgeschlagen. Zur Determination der Sippen wird ein Bestimmungsschlüssel publiziert.Entwicklungstendenzen innerhalb der Gattung werden aufgezeigt.SummaryThe Gatersleben gene bank holds a large collection of wild rye available for the tasks of breeding research and plant breeding. Problems of maintaining this collection in the gene bank are discussed. In this connection the breeding system is especially studied.A proper identification of the material is a necessary prerequisite for its documentation. Therefore, the genusSecale was revised. New combinations are proposed forS. strictum (Presl) Presl — subsp.kuprijanovii (Grossh.) Hammer, subsp.anatolicum (Boiss.) Hammer, subsp.ciliatoglume (Boiss.) Hammer, subsp.africanum (Stapf) Hammer — and forS. cereale L. — subsp.afghanicum (Vav.) Hammer. Keys for the determination of species and subspecies are given.Evolutionary trends within the genus are demonstrated.Краткое содержаниеГатерслебенский генный банк располагает обширной коллекцией дикой ржи, которая представлена в распоряжение для решения исследовательских и практическнх задач селекции. Обсуждается проблема сохранения этой коллекции в генном банке. В свяэи с этим специально изучалась репродукционная система.Для документации материала необходима его идентификация. Поэтому родSecale. подвергся ревизии. Предлагаются новые комбинации дляS. strictum (Presl) Presl — subsp.kuprijanovii (Grossh.) Hammer, subsp.anatolicum (Boiss.) Hammer, subsp.ciliatoglume (Boiss.) Hammer, subsp.africanum (Stapf) Hammer — и дляS. cereale L. — subsp.afghanicum (Vav.) Hammer.Публикуются кля определения форм.Показюваытся тенденцня развитии рода.

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution | 1996

Estimating genetic erosion in landraces — two case studies

Karl Hammer; H. Knüpffer; L. Xhuveli; Pietro Perrino

SummaryThe results of collecting missions in Albania in 1941 and 1993 and in South Italy in 1950 and in the eighties allowed a comparison to be made of the material cultivated. The number of landraces still cultivated recently, as compared to their former number, was the basis for the estimation of genetic erosion. Genetic erosion (GE) was calculated as GE=100%-GI (Genetic integrity). Genetic erosion was found to be 72.4% in Albania and 72.8% in South Italy, respectively. These results prove the high degree of genetic erosion in landraces from different parts of the Mediterranean area. Apart from the economic conditions, several other factors are responsible for genetic erosion, among them breeding system, crop type (i.e., garden or field crop) and crop group (e.g., cereals, vegetables and pulses).The results show that in the areas investigated there are still landraces for in situ conservation. Ex situ conservation in genebanks proved to be a possibility. An integration process is necessary to prevent losses in crops which are difficult to propagate under ex situ conditions. The complementarity of both conservation methods is stressed.

Die Kulturpflanze | 1980

Vorarbeiten zur monographischen Darstellung von Wildpflanzensortimenten:Agrostemma L.@@@Studies towards a monographic treatment of wild plant collections:Agrostemma L.@@@Предварительные раб оты для монографичес кого описания коллекций д икорастущих сородичей культурны х растений:Agrostemma L.

Karl Hammer; Peter Hanelt; H. Knüpffer

2 . 4 . 2.4.1. 2.4.2. S y s t e m a t i k der G a t t u n g Aegilops ( S y s t e m a gener is Aegilops) . . . . . . . 43 A b g r e n z u n g und Def in i t ion des Genus (Del imi ta t io e t def in i t io generis) . . . 43 P r inz ip ien der Gl iederung des Genus (Pr inc ip ia s y s t e m a t i s generis) . . . . 46 K o n s p e k t der Sek t ionen n n d A r t e n de r G a t t u n g Aegilops L. (Conspectus s e c t i o n u m s p e c i e r u m q u e gener is Aegilops L.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 D e t e r m i n a t i o n und Bes t immungssch l i i s se l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Schliissel der A r t e n (Clavis specierum) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Schltissel flit die in f raspez i f i schen S ippen (Clavis taxorum infra-specificorum) 57

Archive | 2009

Triticeae Genetic Resources in ex situ Genebank Collections

H. Knüpffer

Of the ca. 350 species and ca. 30 genera estimated for the Triticeae, 111 species of 19 genera are either cultivated or useful wild species. These species are listed together with their main uses in the first part of this chapter. The second part provides an overview of Triticeae holdings in the world’s genebanks. Starting from a survey of available online information resources, 1,278,000 accessions of Triticeae, belonging to 35 genera (among them 12 hybrid genera) and almost 300 species and, comprising one-fifth of the estimated world germplasm holdings, are doucmented. The survey includes data from 295 genebanks. Summaries of the world holdings per genus, species, regions where the genebanks are located, and the largest collections of the major genera are provided. For the larger genera, i.e., Triticum, Hordeum, × Triticosecale, Aegilops, Secale, Elymus and Agropyron, the worldwide germplasm collections are surveyed with more details. Existing international or regional cooperation programmes, germplasm databases and cultivar registers with pedigree information for these genera are briefly described. For the major cereal crops, core collections and genetic stocks collections are also mentioned. Due to its growing importance as a model plant in genomics research, the genus Brachypodium closely related to the Triticeae is also included in the surveys. The paper aims at providing background information for plant breeders and crop plant researchers on the germplasm available in ex situ genebank collections, to make this wealth of material more easily accessible.

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution | 1995

Duplication within and between germplasm collections: I. Identifying duplication on the basis of passport data

Theo van Hintum; H. Knüpffer

SummaryPrinciples of duplication within and between genebank collections have been explored, terminology is proposed and the difficulties in identifying probable duplication are discussed.Identical duplication concerns genetically identical accessions, whereas common duplication refers to accessions derived from the same original population that are mixtures of lines with differing genotype frequencies, or random mating populations with the same alleles but differing allele frequencies. Partial and compound duplication are types of incomplete duplication. An additional type of duplication is the relation between the parents in a cross and their offspring, i.e. parental duplication.Identifying probable duplication on the basis of passport data is often hindered by their incompleteness or poor quality. The genetic identity of accessions is also subject to changes during maintenance in genebanks. Therefore, probable duplicates will often not be true duplicates.Examples from the European Barley Database illustrate the problems.

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution | 1982

Vorarbeiten zur monographischen Darstellung von Wildpflanzensortimenten:Agrostemma L.

Karl Hammer; Peter Hanelt; H. Knüpffer

ZusammenfassungAgrostemma githago ist ein typisches Saatgut-Unkraut, das zu den Segetalarten mit konvergentem Entwicklungstyp gehört; es hat sich in seinen Samenmerkmalen an die von ihm begleiteten Kulturpflanzen, vor allem an Getreide, anpassen können und ist dabei selbst Domestikationsvorgängen unterworfen worden. Dadurch ist es zu Adaptationen gekommen, wie sie vor allem bei der Evolution sekundärer Kulturpflanzen (z. B. Roggen, Hafer) eine Rolle gespielt haben.A. githago kann somit als Modellobjekt zur Untersuchung der Evolutionsvorgänge bei derartigen Kultursippen herangezogen werden.Heute gehört die früher weit verbreitete Segetalpflanze, bedingt vor allem durch bessere Methoden der Saatgutreinigung, vielerorts zu den vom Aussterben bedrohten Arten. Zahlreiche Sippen, besonders von Sammelreisen, werden daher in die Gaterslebener Genbank aufgenommen, und eine umfangreiche Kollektion wurde zusammengetragen, die gegenwärtig etwa 100 Sippen umfaßt. Die Methoden zur Erhaltung dieses Materials, das die Basis für die vorliegenden Untersuchungen bildet, werden dargelegt.In den Jahren 1977 bis 1980 wurden an je 10 Pflanzen jeder angebauten Sippe quantitative Merkmale ermittelt. Es erfolgte die Berechnung der statistischen Kenngrößen (Mittelwert, Varianz, Streuung, Variationskoeffizient, Korrelationsmatrizen) für das gesamte Material und die Einzelsippen. Unter Zuhilfenahme dieser Ergebnisse wurde die GattungAgrostemma revidiert und zwei Arten,A. brachylobum (Fenzl) Hammer (2x =24) undA. githago L. (4x=48), anerkannt, die sich auch anhand morphologischer Merkmale deutlich unterscheiden. BeiA. githago ist die var.linicohim (Terech.) Hammer, mit kleinen, ±glatten Samen, an die Leinkultur angepaßt, und die großsamige var.macrospermum (Levina) Hammer kommt überwiegend im Weizen vor. Innerhalb der var.githago deuten sich weitere Evolutionsrichtungen an, wie die Anpassung an Wicken oder Buchweizen. In neuerer Zeit sind Vertreter dieser Sippe mit relativ kleinen Samen häufiger als Ruderalpflanzen zu finden.Das GaterslebenerAgrostemma-Sortiment bietet gute Möglichkeiten für die botanische Grundlagenforschung und kann gleichzeitig einen Beitrag zum Artenschutz leisten.SummaryAgrostemma githago is a typical seed weed belonging to the segetal species of the so-called convergent evolutionary type; its seed characters are adapted to those of the cultivated species (mainty cereals), which are accompanied by the corn cockle. In the course of cereal domestication the weed has been domesticated too and developed certain adaptations characteristic for secondary cultivated plants (as e.g. rye, oats). Therefore this weed species can be used as a model for studying evolutionary processes in such cultivated species.Today the formerly widespreadA. githago belongs to the species threatened with extinction, mainly due to improved methods for seed cleaning. Therefore different races of this weed mostly gathered by collecting missions are included into the Gatersleben gene bank and a comprehensive collection has been built up comprising now about 100 accessions. Methods for maintaining of this collection are discussed; this material is used as the basis for the present investigations.From 1977 to 1980, quantitative traits of 10 plants of all the cultivated accessions have been recorded. The statistical analysis carried out for every year included the calculation of means, variances, standard deviations, coefficients of variation and correlation matrices for the single accessions and the complete collection. Using these results the genusAgrostemma has been revised and two species are accepted —A.brachylobum (Fenzl) Hammer (2x=24) andA. githago L. (4x=48) — which can be easily distinguished also by morphological characters. WithinA. githago the var.linicolum (Terech.)Hammer with small ±smooth seeds is adapted to flax and the large-seeded var.macrospermum (Levina) Hammer grows mainly in wheat fields. Further evolutionary trends can be traced within the var.githago, e.g. adaptations toVicia spp. or buckwheat. Plants with relatively small seeds nowadays can be found more frequently at ruderal sites.The GaterslebenAgrostemma collection provides good possibilities for the use in basic botanical research and simultaneously for the protection of an endangered species.Краткое содержаниеAgrostemma githago является типичны м посевным сорняком, принадлежащим к сегетальным видам с к онвергентным типом э волюции. В признаках своих семя н куколь приспособилс я к культурным растен иям, главным образом к зерновым злакам, которые он соп ровождает и при этом с ам подвергся процессам доместикации.Благодаря этому появ ились адаптации, кото рые играли роль, главным образом, в эволюции вт оричных культурных р астений (напр. рожь, овес). Таким образом, куколь можно использовать как мод ельный объект для изучения э волюционных процессов культурны х растений подобного типа. В настоящее время это сорно-полевое растен ие, которое прежде было широко распространено, во мн огих местах оказывае тся вымирающим видом, что обусловлено, главным образом, усов ершенствованием мет одов очистки посевного материала. Многочисленные форм ы, в особенности собра нные различными экспедиц иями, были поэтому включен ы в генный банк Гатерс лебенского института, в котором коллекция к уколя насчитывает се йчас около 100 форм. Излагаются методы сохранения эт ого материала, служащ его основой настоящего исследов ания. В1977–1980 гг. учитывались кол ичественные признак и на 10 растениях каждого высеянного образца. Р ассчитывались стати стические показатели (среднее, варианса, стандартно е отклонение, коэффиц иент вариации, корреляцио нные матрицы) как для всего материала, так и для от дельных форм. На основании все х результатов наблюде ний родAgrostemma подвергся р евизии и были приняты два вида:A. brachylobum (Fenzl) Hammer (2x=24) иA. githago L. (4x=48), кот орые четко различаются и п о морфологическим пр изнакам. РазновидностьA. githago с мелкими, ±гладкими с еменами, var.linicolum (Terech.) Hammer, приспособлена к культуре льна, а круп носемянная var.macrospermum (Levina) Hammer встречается преимущественно в по севах пшеницы. В преде лах var.githago намечаются и другие направления э волюции, как приспосо бление к посевам вики или греч ихи. В последнее время пре дставители этой форм ы (с относительно мелким и семенами) чаще встречаются как рудеральные растени я.Гатерслебенский сор тимент форм куколя да ет материал для теоретическибот анических исследований и однов ременно может способ ствовать защите вида.

Scientific Reports | 2015

Separating the wheat from the chaff – a strategy to utilize plant genetic resources from ex situ genebanks

Jens Keilwagen; Benjamin Kilian; Hakan Özkan; Steve Babben; Dragan Perovic; Klaus F. X. Mayer; Alexander Walther; C. Hart Poskar; Frank Ordon; Kellye Eversole; A. Börner; Martin W. Ganal; H. Knüpffer; Andreas Graner; Swetlana Friedel

The need for higher yielding and better-adapted crop plants for feeding the worlds rapidly growing population has raised the question of how to systematically utilize large genebank collections with their wide range of largely untouched genetic diversity. Phenotypic data that has been recorded for decades during various rounds of seed multiplication provides a rich source of information. Their usefulness has remained limited though, due to various biases induced by conservation management over time or changing environmental conditions. Here, we present a powerful procedure that permits an unbiased trait-based selection of plant samples based on such phenotypic data. Applying this technique to the wheat collection of one of the largest genebanks worldwide, we identified groups of plant samples displaying contrasting phenotypes for selected traits. As a proof of concept for our discovery pipeline, we resequenced the entire major but conserved flowering time locus Ppd-D1 in just a few such selected wheat samples – and nearly doubled the number of hitherto known alleles.

PLOS ONE | 2013

European Phaseolus coccineus L. landraces: population structure and adaptation, as revealed by cpSSRs and phenotypic analyses.

Monica Rodriguez; Domenico Rau; Simonetta Agostina Angioi; Elisa Bellucci; Elena Bitocchi; Laura Nanni; H. Knüpffer; Valeria Negri; Roberto Papa; Giovanna Attene

Relatively few studies have extensively analysed the genetic diversity of the runner bean through molecular markers. Here, we used six chloroplast microsatellites (cpSSRs) to investigate the cytoplasmic diversity of 331 European domesticated accessions of the scarlet runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.), including the botanical varieties albiflorus, bicolor and coccineus, and a sample of 49 domesticated and wild accessions from Mesoamerica. We further explored the pattern of diversity of the European landraces using 12 phenotypic traits on 262 individuals. For 158 European accessions, we studied the relationships between cpSSR polymorphisms and phenotypic traits. Additionally, to gain insights into the role of gene flow and migration, for a subset of 115 accessions, we compared and contrasted the results obtained by cpSSRs and phenotypic traits with those obtained in a previous study with 12 nuclear microsatellites (nuSSRs). Our results suggest that both demographic and selective factors have roles in the shaping of the population genetic structure of the European runner bean. In particular, we infer the existence of a moderate-to-strong cytoplasmic bottleneck that followed the expansion of the crop into Europe, and we deduce multiple domestication events for this species. We also observe an adaptive population differentiation in the phenology across a latitudinal gradient, which suggests that selection led to the diversification of the runner bean in Europe. The botanical varieties albiflorus, bicolor and coccineus, which are based solely on flower colour, cannot be distinguished based on these cpSSRs and nuSSRs, nor according to the 12 quantitative traits.

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution | 1989

A checklist of the cultivated plants of Cuba

Esquivel Miguel; Leonor Castiñeiras; H. Knüpffer; Karl Hammer

SummaryChecklists of cultivated plant species of a geographical area have proven to be a very useful tool for the further exploration and collection in this area and for the compilation of local floras of cultivated plants. They contain valuable information for ethnobotanists, plant breeders as well as for other researchers engaged in cultivated plants. A checklist of the cultivated plant species of Cuba compiled from Cuban literature sources and own field studies is presented. It contains 755 taxa belonging to 740 different species, 414 genera and 103 families. These findings are in striking contrast to the opinions of previous foreign investigators about the poverty of plant genetic resources in Cuba. The alphabetically ordered articles for the taxa contain nomenclatural information (accepted name, synonymy and their literature references), the plant family, Cuban folk names, details of plant uses, additional remarks and references to relevant Cuban literature sources, including reports from own explorations. Three appendices provide indexes by families and genera, by synonyms, and by folk names respectively, which allow to locate the information by different ways. The information given in the checklist is maintained in the Database of the Cultivated Plants of Cuba (DBCPC), a microcomputer-based system. Its main purpose is to produce the list and the indexes mentioned from the same set of data, but it allows also to retrieve the information and to check the data for consistency.ZusammenfassungListen kultivierter Pflanzenarten eines geografischen Gebietes, sog. Checklists, haben sich als nützliches Werkzeug für die weitere Erkundung und Sammlung pflanzlicher genetischer Ressourcen und für die Erarbeitung lokaler Kulturpflanzenfloren erwiesen. Sie enthalten wertvolle Informationen für Ethnobotaniker, Pflanzenzüchter und andere Wissenschaftler, die sich mit Kulturpflanzen befassen. Es wird eine Liste der kultivierten Pflanzenarten Kubas vorgelegt, die auf der Grundlage kubanischer Literaturquellen und eigener Feldforschungen zusammengestellt wurde. Sie enthält 755 Taxa, die 740 verschiedenen Arten, 414 Gattungen und 103 Familien angehören. Diese Ergebnisse stehen in auffälligem Gegensatz zu den Ansichten früherer ausländischer Forscher über die angebliche Armut Kubas an pflanzlichen genetischen Ressourcen. Die alphabetisch angeordneten Artikel über die einzelnen Taxa enthalten nomenklatorische Angaben (akzeptierter Name, Synonymie und zugehörige Literaturzitate), die Pflanzenfamilie, kubanische Volksnamen, Angaben über die Nutzung der Pflanzen, weitere Bemerkungen und Verweise auf kubanische Literaturquellen, einschließlich Berichte über eigene Sammelreisen. Drei Register gestatten das Aufsuchen relevanter Informationen in der Liste nach Pflanzenfamilien und Gattungen, nach Synonymen bzw. nach Volksnamen. Die in der Liste enthaltene Information wird mit Hilfe der Datenbank der Kulturpflanzen Kubas (DBCPC) verwaltet. Dies ist ein mikrocomputer-gestütztes System für die Erzeugung der Liste und der Register auf der Grundlage ein und desselben Datenbestandes; darüberhinaus gestattet es eine Informationsrecherche und unterstützt die Vereinheitlichung der Daten.Краткое содержаниеСниски вндов культурных растений онределенных географических областей оправдалн себя как иолезный инструмент для дальнейщего исследования, сбора растительных генетических ресурсов и для составлення неречня местной флоры культурных растений. Они содержат ценную информацню для этноботаников, селекционеров и других учёиых, занимающихея культурнымн растениямн.Представленный снисок культурных растений Кубы был составлен на основе кубинских литературных источников и собственных нолевых исследований авторов. Он содержит 755 таксонов, которые относятся к 740 различным видам, 414 родам и 103 семействам. Эти результаты резко нротиворечат более ранним иредставлениям иностранных исследователей о предполагаемой бедноте Кубы растительными генетическими ресурсами. В алфавитном норядке составленный сннсок об отдельных видах содержит номенклатурные данные (принятое название, синонимы и соотвстствующие литературные ссылки), указание семейства, кубинские народные названия, данные об иснользовании растений, дальнейщие замечания и ссылки на кубинские литературные источники, включая отчёты о некоторых совместных экснеднциях. Три указателя нозволяют нахождение информации в списке ио растительным семействам и родам, ио синонимам и ио народным названиям. Содержащаяся в сниске информация заложена в базу данных культурных растений Кубы (DBCPC). Эта база является системой на основе микро-Э;ВМ и предназначена для генерирования основного сниска и названных выще указателей при помощи одного и того же массива данных. Кроме того она позволяет вести информационный ноиск и способствует унификации данных.

Developments in Plant Genetics and Breeding | 2003

Barley diversity - an introduction

R. von Bothmer; Kazuhiro Sato; H. Knüpffer; T.J.L. van Hintum

Genetic diversity is one of the main resources sustaining human life on this planet. Genetic diversity also plays an important role in scientific research. To understand properly how plants grow and multiply, how populations develop, and how species evolve, one needs to improve his/her knowledge of distribution and function of genetic diversity. This chapter reviews the present state of knowledge on diversity in barley. Barley has a long history as a domesticated crop, as one of the first to be adopted for cultivation. Migration of people together with their seed crops led to a major diversification and adaptation to new areas, and the crop is now virtually found worldwide. The development of new technology and methods increased the genetic diversity even further and turned barley into the universal, highly diverse crop it is today. Barley has the advantage, apart from being an important agricultural crop for food and feed, that it has also been used virtually worldwide as a model species for biological research.


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L. Maggioni

Bioversity International

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Jean Koenig

Institut national de la recherche agronomique

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N. Maxted

University of Birmingham

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