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Featured researches published by H. Sulewska.

Plant Production Science | 2017

New winter oilseed rape varieties – seed quality and morphological traits depending on sowing date and rate

Karolina Ratajczak; H. Sulewska; Grażyna Szymańska

Abstract Many studies have focused on research about impact of time and density of sowing on the agronomic characteristics of different crops. However, the number of studies investigating such a response on the qualitative composition of different types of winter oilseed rape varieties is still limited. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of sowing date and density on yield, protein and oil content and quality of winter oilseed rape varieties: open-pollinated, a typical hybrid of traditional type of growth and a new semi-dwarf hybrid, which biology and yielding have not been thoroughly established. This experiment was conducted applying four sowing dates (August 14, August 25, September 4, September 15), three winter oilseed rape cultivars (PR45D03 -semi-dwarf hybrid, PR46W31 – hybrid, Californium – open-pollinated) and four sowing rates (30, 40, 50, 60 seeds/m2). Among the compared sowing dates, August 25 proved to be optimal for yielding of the tested winter oilseed rape cultivars. Semi-dwarf variety contained less protein and glucosinolate in seeds, but more oil in comparison to other studied varieties (hybrid and open-pollinated). The yields did not differ significantly within a density of 40, 50, 60 seeds/m2, so it is important result, especially for the agricultural practice.

Vegetos | 2018

Efficacy of Biofertilizers and Organic Additive Application in Sweet Basil (Ocimum Basilicum L.) Cultivation Depending on the Type of Soil

H. Sulewska; Karolina Ratajczak; Grażyna Szymańska; K. Panasiewicz

Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is one of the most important medicinal and aromatic plants of a considerable economic role; therefore research on this plant is required, especially because of the continuous and increasing demand for such products. Literature sources lack information on the improvement of growth conditions for sweet basil with no requirement for preparations containing chemicals, which is of particular importance in organic farming, in which the application of synthetic pesticides and artificial fertilizers are banned. Biofertilizers (UG Max, EM1, PRP SOL) were tested in two-year pot experiments with different types of soil. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of the application of biofertilizers and organic additives in basil grown on different types of soil. The addition of straw to mineral soil provided an effect comparable to cultivation in organic soil, in which greater dry mass of leaved shoots of basil was obtained than in mineral soil. The application of all tested biofertilizers, particularly UG Max, in growing basil on mineral soil provides a similar yield of dry mass of leaves as that grown on organic or mineral soil with an addition of straw.

Nauka Przyroda Technologie | 2016

Response of spring barley to PRP SOL application as a complex of mineral inducer process (MIP)

H. Sulewska; W. Koziara; Grażyna Szymańska; Alicja Niewiadomska; K. Panasiewicz; Karolina Ratajczak

The aim of the application of a PRP SOL complex of MIP bioactive compounds is to improve the soil characteristics by unblocking the potential of the nutrients in the soil and making them available to plants. This fertilizer is used for soil fertilization rather than crop nutrition. The research focused on evaluation of the yield of spring barley after the application of the PRP SOL technology in the fields of the Research and Education Center Gorzyń, at the Experimental Station in Złotniki, in 2007 to 2011. The purpose of the research was to compare the effects of spring barley fertilization technology by applying a complex of MIP bioactive compounds in the form of a PRP SOL fertilizer with the standard technology applying phospho-potassium fertilization. The five years of the research led to the conclusion that the traditional fertilization of spring barley plantations with phosphorus and potassium can be replaced with the technology applying the MIP complex without grain yield losses. However, the yield was not stable between years. In one of the five research years (2007) there was a significant increase (by 3.7 dt∙ha-1), and in another (2010) a significant decrease (by 3.2 dt∙ha-1) as a result of fertilizer use. The PRP SOL fertilizer may be particularly useful for malting barley due to the favourable increase in the share of lush grain fractions (larger than 2.5 mm) and simultaneous decrease in the share of smaller grains and due to the fact that the weight of 1 hl tends to decrease whereas the thousand grain weight tends to increase.

Nauka Przyroda Technologie | 2016

Changes of selected soil properties during the five-year period of mineral inducer process (MIP) complex application

H. Sulewska; Grażyna Szymańska; Alicja Niewiadomska; Leszek Majchrzak; Artur Sitek; Roman Roszkiewicz

Streszczenie. Badania prowadzono w latach 2007–2011 na polach Zakładu Doświadczalno-Dydaktycznego Gorzyń, Stacja w Złotnikach, należącego do UP w Poznaniu. Każdego roku zakładano pięć jednoczynnikowych doświadczeń, które obejmowały pełen płodozmian (ziemniaki, jęczmień jary, rzepak ozimy, pszenica ozima, kukurydza na ziarno). Badano przemiany zachodzące w glebie pod uprawą wymienionych gatunków przy stosowaniu bioaktywnych związków mineralnych (MIP) i odnoszono je do obiektów kontrolnych nawożonych tradycyjnie fosforem i potasem. Wprowadzenie technologii nawożenia PRP SOL w płodozmianie skutkowało istotnym wzrostem zawartości magnezu w glebie i przyrost ten w porównaniu z kontrolą wyniósł średnio 1,1 mg·kg-1 gleby. W ujęciu syntezy z lat i średnio dla gatunków zawartość przyswajalnego fosforu i potasu w glebie istotnie spadała, a różnice względem kontroli nawożonej P i K wyniosły odpowiednio 2,0 i 2,2 mg·kg-1 gleby. Coroczne stosowanie nawozu PRP SOL wywołało korzystne tendencje wzrostu wartości pH gleby oraz zawartości w niej azotu i próchnicy, jednak różnice względem obiektu kontrolnego były niewielkie i wyniosły: pH – 0,1, N – 44 mg·kg-1 oraz próchnica – 0,05%. Pięcioletnie stosowanie PRP SOL nie zmieniło istotnie zwięzłości gleby mierzonej na głębokościach 10, 20 i 30 cm i w porównaniu z kontrolą obserwowano zwykle tendencję do jej zwiększania.

Journal of Central European Agriculture | 2016

Response of Maize (Zea mays L.) Grown for Grain After the Application of Sewage Sludge

Grażyna Szymańska; H. Sulewska; Karolina Śmiatacz

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of the agricultural use of sewage sludge in corn for grain, in the year of application and follow up effect after one and two years after its application. The study was conducted on the variety PR39G12 on the field after the 5-year monoculture corn. Sewage sludge was used in accordance with the Directive of Minister of Environment allowing application of 10 t dry mater per ha-1 once every five years. Fertilization with sludge of maize grown for grain did not cause differences in the growth and development of plants, compared to mineral fertilized objects, as well as did not exceed the limit value for heavy metals content in above-ground plant parts. Maize grown using sewage sludge yielded higher than the objects fertilized with mineral, especially in conditions of extreme drought, which occurred in 2006. Beneficial effect of sewage sludge was maintained in the next two years after application and stabilized the grain yield of maize.

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria | 2008


Agnieszka Makowska; Wiktor Obuchowski; H. Sulewska; W. Koziara; Hanna Paschke

Progress in Plant Protection | 2007

Wplyw biologicznych i chemicznych zapraw nasiennych na parametry wigorowe ziarna zboz

K. Panasiewicz; W. Koziara; H. Sulewska; W. Skrzypczak

Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering | 2011

Reaction of winter wheat and spring barley on PRP SOL fertilisation.

H. Sulewska; W. Koziara; K. Panasiewicz; A. Niewiadomska

Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering | 2008

Plonowanie dwóch odmian ozimych orkiszu pszennego w zależności od terminu i ilości wysiewu w warunkach środkowej Wielkopolski

H. Sulewska; W. Koziara; K. Panasiewicz; G. Ptaszyńska

Zemdirbyste-agriculture | 2014

Seed size effect on yield quantity and quality of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivated in South East Baltic region

H. Sulewska; Karolina Śmiatacz; Grażyna Szymańska; K. Panasiewicz; Hanna Bandurska; Romana Głowicka-Wołoszyn


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Agnieszka Wolna-Maruwka

University of Life Sciences in Poznań

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