Hanny Hafiar
Padjadjaran University
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Featured researches published by Hanny Hafiar.
Profetik: Jurnal Komunikasi | 2018
Fasya Maudia; Hanny Hafiar; Anwar Sani
Reputasi digital saat ini menjadi salah satu penilaian dalam jenjang karir penyiar radio di Kota Bandung. Agar mereka bisa bertahan di antara penyiar radio lainnya, mereka harus membentuk reputasi digital yang memengaruhi jenjang karir mereka. Ketika penyiar radio tidak aktif dalam menggunakan sosial media dan tidak membentuk reputasi digital, maka tidak akan bertahan di dunia broadcast. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui makna reputasi digital, motif dalam membentuk reputasi digital, dan interaksi yang dilakukan oleh penyiar radio dalam membentuk reputasi digital. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori fenomenologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme dengan jenis studi fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa makna reputasi digital bagi penyiar radio dibagi menjadi dua. Pertama adalah yang berkenaan dengan diri penyiar radio sebagai individu atau self oriented dan yang kedua adalah makna reputasi digital yang berhubungan dengan kepentingan perusahaan yaitu company oriented. Motif dalam membentuk reputasi digital dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu because motives dan in order to motives. Because motives diantaranya adalah latar belakang individu dan pengaruh lingkungan, sedangkan in order to motives yaitu tujuan penyiar radio dalam membentuk reputasi digital. Interaksi yang dilakukan oleh penyiar radio dapat dibagi menjadi dua yaitu yang berhubungan dengan antarpersonal sebagai individu dan yang kedua adalah interaksi yang didasari konteks profesi sebagai penyiar radio. Digital reputation has currently become one of the standards in a radio announcer’s carrier. They have to be capable to create a digital reputation that is able to influence their carrier, so that they are able to survive in between all the other radio announcers out there. When a radio announcer isn’t active in using social media and does not create a digital reputation, they will not be able to last in the broadcasting industry. The purpose of this study is to figure out the meaning of digital reputation, the motive behind the creation of a digital reputation, and the interaction that has been done by a radio announcer in order to create it. The theory used in this study is phenomenology theory. This study used the constructivism paradigm with the study’s concentration in phenomenology. The results in this study shown, that the meaning of digital reputation for a radio announcer has been divided into two. The first has a correlation between a radio announcer and themselves as an individual or self orientation and the second as a correlation between the radio announcer and company interests as being company orientated. Motives in creating digital reputations have also been divided in two, which are because motives and in order to motives. Because motives are individual backgrounds and environmental influences, while in order to motives are radio announcer’s aims in creating a digital reputation. There are two types of interactions that a radio announcer does and those are interpersonal relationships as individuals and interactions that are based on the profession’s context as a radio announcer.
MIMBAR, Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan | 2018
Dadang Sugiana; Hanny Hafiar
The development of creative industries in Bandung, Indonesia showed a quite satisfactory improvement. This success needs to be completed by performing revitalization and city branding for Bandung. This study aims to examine the factors of competitiveness and productivity in the knitted industry of Binong Jati in the revitalization of creative industries and city branding in Bandung, West Java Province. The research used census method and verification with statistical method of Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The unit of analysis is thirty people of owners or knitted creative business entrepreneurs in Bandung city. The result of this research is that out of twenty-eight factors studied, the dominant factor of industrial competitiveness is drawn to seven factors which are the production equipment used, the owner quick response, the product trend periods, knitting machine used, the processed of raw material, delivery of goods, and workers with accuracy. There are four factors of productivity and one dominant factor is flexibility.The study has a purpose of elaborating the motives of living in a long-distance relationship, how is the interpersonal communication and communication experience of a long-distance marriage partner if one of them stay in Bandung. The research method uses constructivist paradigm with phenomenology tradition. Data is obtained through in-depth interviews with six informants who undergo long-distance relationship with their respective spouses. The result of this study finds that the motive of getting married in long-distance couples is the motive of cause (because of motive): feeling that they match for each other, the compatibility in communicating and having the same mission/vision in life. While the purpose motive (in order to motive): gaining support and building a sakinah family. Interpersonal communication in long-distance couples is a commitment built on trust and supporting each others activities. Happiness is believed to be the power of commitment to marital relationships. The communication experience of long-distance marriage partners is to maintain quality of communication, such as expression of longing, asking news, encouraging, supporting, and also praying for mutual success. This is done by utilizing various media that the informants have.Despite the government support for economic development in some coastal areas in Indonesia, the paradigm about women’s agency remains almost the same. This is because women are still marginalized. This paper focuses on looking at agency of women in managing their resources. This study proves that women are active agents in coastal areas of North Gorontalo. Specifically, in the seaweed production, empirical evidences show significantly that womens associations succeeded in gaining economic advantages, participatory leadership, and had adaptability towards changes in technology and seaweed market. Applying a qualitative research approach, this study illustrates a number of policy subjects, organizational patterns, regional opportunity, and actors that support the centrality of women’s organizational capabilities in the field of seaweed production in the north coast of Gorontalo. This study justifies the tendency in Gorontalo, and perhaps in other areas in Indonesia, that women groups have an economic reputation in the seaweed production because they are fully involved in all production processes.SMEs (Small and Medium-size Enterprise) in Indonesian are only growing in terms of quantity and undeveloped in terms of quality, which causing a decrease in competitiveness. The solution is not through the provision of financial approach but can be in a form of an agency that knows about the market or those who can provide knowledge about the quality of the product. The objective of this study is to analyze the competence of small businesses and business survival of SMEs in culinary field of Bandung. The analytical method used in this research is Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). CFA method is used to measuring the relationship between each indicator to explain the competence of small business and business sustainability. Indicator of entrepreneur competence and business survival can be explained by all indicator researcher has been used. Small businesses of culinary in Bandung have a high category for the dimension of opportunity competency, organizing competency, strategy competency, social competency, and commitment competency . Nevertheless, there is still category of sufficient dimension, that is conceptual competency.
Edulib | 2017
Muhammad Syahwal Ashari; Hanny Hafiar; Priyo Subekti
This study aims to determine the relationship between the grain business training information with the attitude of the participants of the Programme Budget. This study uses a quantitative type of correlational research. The theory used is the Information Integration Theory of Martin Fishbein. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and inferential analysis using Spearman Rank formula. Samples from this study 95 of the 126 participants in the drawn by means of simple random sampling technique. The results of this study showed a significant relationship between the Office business training participants KUMKM attitude towards Program Budget. Valance and weight information KUMKM Business Training Department Bandung has a significant relationship with the attitude of the participants of the Programme Budget. KUMKM Office of Bandung should pay more attention to the determination of the flow of information that touches the confidence of participants to credit jasmine, by the way can engage the Bank who are the partners of the government as a training resource.
4th Asia Pacific Education Conference (AECON 2017) | 2017
Yanti Setianti; Aat Ruchiat Nugraha; Hanny Hafiar; Trie Damayanti
Schools, as education institutions have an important role in educational efforts, including education about health reproductive for their students. As a specialized educational institution for students with intellectual disability, SLB C has its own challenges in providing education about reproductive health. Whereas in SLB C equivalent to Junior High School level, the students have entered the age of puberty. On the other hand, the pattern of education conducted by the SLB cannot be made only to the student, but also to the parents of the students, because consider to the students with the intellectual disability has a different understanding ability. Some teachers are hoping to be able to disseminate information relating to the reproductive health education for teenagers with the intellectual disability through the mass media, to be accessible directly by parents who have children with special needs. However, there are a few problems still become the constraint, so that those activities have not been implemented optimally. Therefore, this research aims to do mapping with respect to the problems encountered by the school in conducting information dissemination concerning education about reproductive health education for disability teenagers through the mass media. The method used is descriptive qualitative with the techniques of data collection through interviews and observations. As for the results obtained include: technical barriers, consisting of scientific articles technical writing and article technical submissions to the mass media; as well as psychological barriers perceived by the teachers in information dissemination through the mass media.
Jurnal Komunikasi | 2016
Firda Firdaus Abdi; Hanny Hafiar; Evi Novianti
Peranakan Chinese is a result of marriage, assimilation, or acculturation between two major groups in Indonesia, the local and the Chinese. They are attached to various kinds of stereotypes that lead to difficulties in socializing, which ultimately affect their behaviors and on how they run the family business. The phenomenological approach research seeks to study the behavioral communications made by Peranakan Chinese who in running their family business. Five people who are Peranakan Chinese and have family business based in Jakarta are involved through some in-depth interviews and revealed that the meaning of peranakan itself are influenced by their experiences during socializing, which affects they way they acted up, including their behavioral communication in the family business to the obstacles encountered. Keywords: Crossbrreed Chinese, behavioral communications, family business
Sosiohumaniora | 2014
Priyo Subekti; Hanny Hafiar; Trie Damayanti
Kasus pernikahan usia dini banyak terjadi di berbagai penjuru dunia dengan berbagai latar belakang. Telah menjadi perhatian komunitas internasional mengingat risiko yang timbul akibat pernikahan yang dipaksakan, hubungan seksual pada usia dini, kehamilan pada usia muda, kehamilan bermasalah, persalinan yang mengalami kesulitan, bayi yang terlahir tidak normal dll. Kemiskinan bukanlah satu-satunya factor penting yang berperan dalam pernikahan usia dini.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan data kualitatif.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Bagaimana Karakteristik demografi pelaku pernikahan usia dini pada masyarakat urban. 2) Apa faktor-faktor penyebab masyarakat urban melakukan pernikahan dini. 3) Bagaimana gambaran personal determinans pelaku pernikahan usia dini. 4) Bagaimana gambaran tanggapan pelaku pernikahan usia dini terhadap ILM pernikahan dini. 5) Bagaimana gambaran peranan keluarga terhadap pelaku pernikahan dini.Hasil dari penelitian ini: 1) a) Pendidikan SMP dan SMA b) Menikah di Usia 15-20 tahun c)Ekonomi menengah ke bawah, 2. Faktor-faktor penyebab masyarakat urban melakukan pernikahan dini: Dorongan dari orang tua, Alasan agama, tidak ingin melanggar syariat agama, Keyakinan yang tinggi bahwa dengan menikah di usia dini mampu menyejahterakan keluarga (pendidikan anak), Tingkat pengetahuan yang rendah yang menyebabkan ketidaktahuan akan resiko menikah di usia dini, Lingkungan social yang mendorong untuk segera menikah; 3. Pelaku pernikahan usia muda cenderung belum dewasa secara psikologis disebabkan usia masih berada dalam ranah remaja awal, Pengambilan keputusan penting dalam hidup lebih dipengaruhi oleh afeksi; 4, Untuk mengetahui bagaimana gambaran tanggapan pelakupernikahan usia dini terhadap ILM pernikahan dini, Kuantitas terpaan rendah.
Widya Komunika | 2018
Giani Levina; Hanny Hafiar; Evi Novianti
Scholaria: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan | 2018
Sherly Amalia; Hanny Hafiar; Heru Riyanto Budiana
PRofesi humas : jurnal ilmiah ilmu hubungan masyarakat | 2018
Seftia Rahmaning Tyas; Hanny Hafiar; Anwar Sani
PRofesi humas : jurnal ilmiah ilmu hubungan masyarakat | 2018
Rusmulyadi Rusmulyadi; Hanny Hafiar