
Intercultural Education | 2017

The educational needs of and barriers faced by Syrian refugee students in Turkey: a qualitative case study

Hasan Aydin; Yeliz Kaya

Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the educational status of Syrian refugees in Turkish schools, and the perspectives of teachers and school principals regarding the needs of Syrian refugee students in two inner‐city elementary schools in Istanbul, Turkey. A qualitative interpretive case study method was employed. Eight participants (seven teachers and one school principal), who had Syrian refugee students in their classes and wider school environment, participated in the study. The findings of the study show that Turkish public schools provide many Syrian children in Istanbul with an access to education, and a welcoming and secure learning environment. However, poor school conditions, linked to the potentially limited capacity of teachers and the shortage of sufficiently trained teachers able to instruct refugees, inadequate resources and inappropriate curriculum planning impede the provision of high-quality education.

Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi | 2014

Çokkültürlü Eğitim Yaklaşımının Etkililik Düzeyi: Bir Meta-Analiz Çalışması

Rafet Günay; Yeliz Kaya; Hasan Aydin

Bu calismayla, dunyada cokkulturlu egitim ile ilgili yapilmis birbirinden bagimsiz calismalardan elde edilen sonuclarin birlestirilmesi amaclanmistir. Arastirmada cevabi aranan soru: “Cokkulturlu egitim yaklasimi, ogrencilerin akademik basarisini etkilemekte midir?” seklinde ifade edilmistir. Arastirmada nicel verilerin bir araya getirilerek yorumlanmasi meta-analiz yontemiyle saglanmistir. Meta-analiz yontemi, birbirinden bagimsiz arastirmalarin nicel verilerinin bir araya getirilerek nicel verilerinin istatistiksel yorumlanmasi ve sonuclarin sentezlenmesi surecidir. Bu baglamda, alan yazin taramasi 1994-2013 yillari arasinda yapilmis cokkulturlu egitim yaklasiminin ogrencilerin akademik basarisi uzerindeki etkisini arastiran cesitli ulkelerde Ingilizce yazilmis calismalar meta-analiz arastirmasina dâhil edilmistir. Meta-analize dâhil edilecek arastirmalarin hangi kriterlere gore bir araya getirecegi belli olcutler cercevesinde gerceklestirilmistir. Bu olcutler sonucunda arastirmaya 17 deneysel calismanin eklenmesine karar verilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda, cokkulturlu egitim yaklasiminin akademik basariya orta duzeyde olumlu etkisinin oldugu bulunmustur. Bu etkililik duzeyinin calismanin yapildigi yillara gore, ogrenim duzeyine gore ve ulkelere gore farklilik gosterdigi; calismanin yapildigi bolum ve arastirma surelerine gore farklilik gostermedigi sonucuna varilmistir.

Archive | 2013

The Digital User of Social Networks: A Comparative, Transcultural and Intergenerational Study

Jon Altuna; Hasan Aydin; Burhan Ozfidan; Nere Amenabav

Journal of Electronic Imaging | 2018

The Minority Languages Dilemmas in Turkey: A Critical Approach to an Emerging Literature.

Burhan Ozfidan; Lynn M. Burlbaw; Hasan Aydin

Journal of Social Studies Education Research | 2017

Meeting the Challenges of Curriculum and Instruction in School Settings in the United States

Hasan Aydin; Burhan Ozfidan; Douglas Carothers

Journal of Education and Learning | 2017

Reformed Teaching and Learning in Science Education: A Comparative Study of Turkish and US Teachers.

Burhan Ozfidan; Baki Cavlazoglu; Lynn M. Burlbaw; Hasan Aydin

The Qualitative Report | 2018

Parents’ Involvement in their Children’s Education: The Value of Parental Perceptions in Public Education

John Duman; Hasan Aydin; Burhan Ozfidan

Techtrends | 2018

Examining Turkish Social Studies Teachers’ Beliefs About Barriers toTechnology Integration

Emin Kılınç; Bulent Tarman; Hasan Aydin

Quality & Quantity | 2018

Teachers’ stereotypes about secondary school students: the case of Germany

Daria Nolkemper; Hasan Aydin; Michel Knigge

Journal for Multicultural Education | 2018

Global citizenship education and diversity (GCEDS): A measure of students' attitudes related to social studies program in higher education

Hasan Aydin; Muhammed Cinkaya

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