Hasan Boesri
Yogyakarta State University
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Jurnal Ekologi Kesehatan | 2006
Hasan Boesri; Damar Tri Boewono
Exposure Level of Radiation Received by Radiographer In The Radiotheraphy Room In Ciptomangunkusumo General Hospital Jakarta. A research to evaluate the exposure level of radiation in the radiotherapy room and the dose of radiation received by radiographer has been done. The research was carried out in Ciptomangunkusumo General Hospital in Jakarta in 2000. Radiation exposure of radiographer was evaluated measured of film badge process at Safety of Health Facility Center (BPFK) to know radiation doses of radiographer, the level of radiation was measured in two radiotheraphy rooms in Cobalt-60 room and Brach therapy was using radiation counter (survey meter). The result show that the monthly average equivalent dose of radiation received by hospital radiographer is 10 memo or equivalent to 120 mRem/year. The range of radiation exposyre in Cobalt-60 radiotherapy room was 0.02-0.04 mRem/hour. In the Brach therapy facility, the range of radiation level was 0.013-2.46 mRem/hour. Generally the work safety of raddiographer in Ciptomangunkusumo General Hospital is good according to standar issued by National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN) with the maximum dose of radiation must be not more than 5000 mRem or 50 mSv per year. Keywords: Radiation exposure, Radiographer, RadiotherapyHospital is one of critical and important part of health care chain due to improvement of it. Hospital can cause nosocomial case for example cellulitis at Dr. Sutomo Hospital in Surabaya because the environment of it not fulfil the health requirements. Several studies reported that hospital environmental health not yet fulfil all the health requirements needed. Only 56.5% used incenerator with unperfect result in temperature which is only reached 200°C. The need of waste management recently have taken attention to improve its quality. Important factors such as volume and waste characteristics are major concern. According to measurement result held in Latin America showed that the hospital garbage and waste production every day per bed about 3.6 Kgs while in England approximately 3.3 Kgs. This research aimed to have characteristic information and the medical waste management of several hospital in Jakarta and Medan. The collection of data conducted through research and book reference, interview and laboratory test for 9 (nine) parameters. Characteristic and solid medical waste volume in this research are 2.5-53 Kgs of infectious waste. 0.8-60 Kgs of solid material, 0.8-3 Kgs of unused human anatomy, 0.5-3.3 Kgs of chemical side products, 2-6.6 Kgs of plastic waste. Number of patients with one day care per year about 1228 people while for several days care about 4928 people. From the test results showed that Cu, Se, Zn and Cr value over the quality standard requirements based on Government Acts no 18, 1999. Keywords: Medical waste, Waste Quality, Hospital
Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan | 2017
Sri Wahyuni Handayani; Hasan Boesri; Heru Priyanto
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a disease with a high rate incidence in Indonesia. In some areas of Aedes aegypti which is the vector of dengue is currently indicated resistance to insecticides. The development of technology requires industry and researchers to studying insecticide research utilizing natural materials, such as yam and zodia. Yam contains diascorin, while zodia contains evodiamine and rutaecarpine, all three off these substances can be used as an insecticide. The way to obtain such materials by extraction with maceration method used ethanol 70%. In this study conducted two tests, namely larvacide test and repellent test. The dose used to the test the repellent concentration of 100%, to test the concentration used for larvacide were 50%; 25%; 12.5%; 6.25%; 3.12%, and 1.56%. Based on the results of research: zodia as a repellent dose of 100 % able to reject 88.6% of mosquito bites of Aedes aegypti for about 1 hour, 88.2% for 2 hours; 84.5% for 3 hours; 80% for 4 hours; 77.1% for 5 hours; and 73.5% for 6 hours. Extract of yam repellent concentration of 100% able to reject 61.2% of mosquito bites for 1 hour; 42.2% for 2 hours; 39.2% for 3 hours; 31.2% for 4 hours; 28.4% for 5 hours; and 26.3% for 6 hours. Extract zodia as larvicides have LC50 LC90 0.194% and 0.628%, while the yam tuber extract LC50 0.585% and LC90 1.494%. It can be concluded yam tuber extract and zodia leaf extract has potential as nabati pesticide, namely as larvacide. However zodia extract more potential as a repellent than yam tuber. Abstrak Penyakit demam berdarah dengue (DBD) masih merupakan penyakit dengan incidence rate yang tinggi di Indonesia. Pada beberapa daerah, Aedes aegypti yang merupakan vektor DBD saat ini diindikasikan resisten dengan insektisida. Perkembangan teknologi menuntut industri dan peneliti mendalami riset insektisida yang lebih memanfaatkan bahan alam, diantaranya gadung dan zodia. Gadung mengandung diaskorin, sedangkan zodia mengandung evodiamine dan rutaecarpine. Ketiga zat tersebut bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai insektisida. Cara memperoleh bahan tersebut dengan ekstraksi. Zodia dan gadung diekstrak dengan metode maserasi, pelarut etanol 70%. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan dua pengujian, yaitu uji larvasida dan uji daya tolak. Dosis yang digunakan untuk uji daya tolak konsentrasi 100%, untuk uji larvasida konsentrasi yang digunakan 50%; 25%; 12,5%; 6,25%; 3,12% dan 1,56%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian: ekstrak Euvodia graveolens/zodia (daun) konsentrasi 100% sebagai repelan mampu menolak 88,6% gigitan nyamuk Aedes aegypti selama 1 jam; 88,2% selama 2 jam; 84,5% selama 3 jam; 80,0% selama 4 jam, 77,1% selama 5 jam; dan 73,5% selama 6 jam. Ekstrak umbi gadung untuk repelan konsentrasi 100% mampu menolak 61,2% gigitan nyamuk selama 1 jam; 42,2% selama 2 jam; 39,2% selama 3 jam; 31,2% selama 4 jam; 28,4% selama 5 jam, dan 26,3% selama 6 jam. Ekstrak zodia sebagai larvasida mempunyai LC50 0,194% dan LC90 0,628%, sedangkan ekstrak umbi gadung LC50 0,585% dan LC90 1,494%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan ekstrak umbi gadung dan ekstrak daun zodia berpotensi sebagai insektisida nabati, yaitu sebagai larvasida. Namun ekstrak zodia lebih berpotensi sebagai repelan.
Vektora : Jurnal Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit | 2012
Lulus Susanti; Hasan Boesri
Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease, caused by the leptospira bacteria. Leptospirosis at Sumbersari Village Moyudan, Subdistrict Sleman District was the highest case in the D.I. Yogyakarta Province with CFR = 16.6% in 2009. The purpose study is to describe an individual characteristic and condition of urban environmental leptospirosis case area. It was explorative descriptive research with cross sectional approach. Population of this study is houses in the leptospirosis case area. Ninety houses were chosen, using simple random sampling. This study showed the proportion of leptospirosis in farmer was 4.4 %, proportion on sex male was 6,6 %, proportion on group 40 - 59 years old was 6.6 %, basic education level was 4.4 %. There was a statistically significant correlation between the water storage with the incidence of leptospirosis (p= 0.034); the environtmental conditions around of the leptospirosis case with water temperature were between 20 - 25 °C, pH range 6.4 - 7.4, soil pH range 6.8 - 7.2; The conclusion of this study are: Farmer and the house with no water storage is at risk for leptospirosis, Key words: leptospirosis, zoonosis, prevalensi. Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit zoonosis, yang diakibatkan oleh bakteri leptospira Kejadian leptospirosis di Desa Sumbersari, Kecamatan Moyudan merupakan yang tertinggi di Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta dengan CFR= 16,6% pada tahun 2009. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik individu dan kondisi lingkungan rumah di daerah kasus leptospirosis. Metode penelitian menggunakan jenis ekspoloratif deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah rumah tangga di daerah kasus leptospirosis. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 90 kepala keluarga ,ditentukan dengan teknik simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proporsi kasus leptospirosis pada kelompok pekerjaan (petani) 4,4%. Pada kelompok dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki 6,6%. Pada kelompok golongan umur 40 - 59 tahun 6,6% dan pada tingkat pendidikan dasar 4,4 %. Ada hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara rumah yang tidak memiliki tempat menyimpan sarana air bersih dengan kejadian leptospirosis (p= 0,034). Kondisi pH air 6,4 - 7,4 dan suhu air 20 - 25 °C dengan pH tanah 6,8 - 7,2. Kesimpulan penelitian: Pekerjaan sebagai petani dan kondisi rumah yang tidak memiliki tempat menyimpan sarana air bersih berisiko tertular leptospirosis. Kata kunci: leptospirosis, zoonosis, prevalensi.The most popular and effective vector control is the use of insecticides. Survey was done in the houses and some supermarket to know many kind of insecticides used by people. The formulation, active ingredients, and concentration were recorded and analyzed. Based on the results of the survey, household insecticides formulated in various formulations such as liquid, mosquito coils, aerosol, mat and liquid vaporizer, chalk and paper burn. In addition to formulation, active ingredients and concentration also vary. Almost all household insecticide products on the market using the synthetic pyrethroid. Selection of household insecticides should be adapted to the type of insect pests because each type of active ingredients and formulations have advantages and disadvantages. Efficacy of various active ingredients in various formulations has been studied and the results vary widely. Insecticide efficacy is influenced by the type of active ingredient, dosage, concentration, formulation, and the susceptibility of insect species, temperature, sunlight, wind, and application method. Key word: household insecticide, insecticides formulation, active ingredients ABSTRAK Pengendalian serangga vektor penyakit yang paling efektif dan populer adalah penggunaan insektisida. Survei dilakukan di masyarakat dan supermarket untuk mengetahui jcnis-jenis insektisida yang digunakan oleh masyarakat. Berdasarkan hasil survei, insektisida rumah tangga terkemas dalam berbagai formulasi antara lain liquid, mosquito coil, aerosol, mat & liquid vaporizer, kapur serangga dan kertas bakar. Disamping formulasi, bahan aktif dan konsentrasi yang digunakan juga bermacam-macam. Hampir semua produk insektisida rumah tangga di pasaran menggunakan bahan aktif golongan piretroid sintetik. Pemilihan insektisida rumah tangga hendaknya disesuaikan dengan jenis serangga sasaran karena tiap jenis bahan aktif dan formulasi memiliki kelcbihan dan kekurangan. Efikasi berbagai bahan aktif dalam berbagai formulasi telah banyak diteliti dan hasilnya sangat bervariasi. Efikasi insektisida dipengaruhi oleh jenis bahan aktif, dosis, konsentrasi, formulasi, dan kepekaan spesies serangga, suhu, sinar matahari, angin, serta cara pengaplikasian. Kata kunci: insektisida rumah tangga, formulasi insektisida, bahan aktif
Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan | 2012
Lulus Susanti; Hasan Boesri
Abstract Article 24 paragraph (1) of the National Social Security payments determine the amount of health care facilities , established by agreement between BPJS and associations of health facilities in the region. It is necessary to map out and investigate the association before the enactment of Law no. 40 of 2004 on National Social Security, as an input of policy making, implementing regulations, public policies and implementation strategies of public health insurance system in accordance Article 19 law of National Social Security Commission. Data was collected through literature review and document depth and extensive with qualitative methods. Samples were: related units in ministries , provincial/district/city health office in Jakarta and Central Java, associations of health facilities at national level and regional located in Jakarta and Central Java, health service management and health insurance experts, Indonesia Army and Police of health directorate at head-quarter. Only a few associations of health facilities existing recognized by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. The established of association define by regulation at level decree which adopted with letters by all type leadership, organizational leaders and notaries. Their membership multiple, nearly all associations gathered in other associations, thus a hospital can be assembled in many different associations. The existing Association of health facilities does not play a role in determining content and the magnitude of the contract with BPJS, in contrary the facilities played directly. Necessary the rule of law for association which has members a local technical unit area can also bound by contract with BPJS. Key words: social health insurance payment association of health facilities Abst r ak Pasal 24 ayat 1 UU Sistim Jaminan Sosial Nasional/SJSN menyatakan b esarnya pem-bayaran ke fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan untuk setiap wilayah ditetapkan berdasarkan kesepakatan antara BPJS dan asosiasi fasilitas kesehatan di wilayah tersebut . Maka dirasakan perlu untuk m emetakan dan menelaah secara kiritis asosiasi fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan sebelum diberlakukannya UU No. 40 Tahun 2004 t entang SJSN , sebagai bahan masukan penyusunan kebijakan, peraturan pelaksana, kebijakan umum dan strategi penyelenggara a n sistem jaminan kesehatan publik sesuai a manat Pasal 19 U U SJSN. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan telaah literatur dan dokumen secara luas dan mendalam dan metoda kualitatif . Sampel Unit terkait SJSN dan direktorat yang mewakili fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan di Departemen Kesehatan , Dinas Kesehatan Propinsi DKI Jakarta dan Jawa Tengah , asosiasi fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan di tingkat nasional dan regional di Jakarta dan Jawa Tengah, Ahli manajemen fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan dan ahli jaminan kesehatan , Direktorat Kesehatan MABES TNI dan MABES POLRI di Jakarta. Baru sebagian dari asosiasi fasilitas kesehatan yang ada berbadan hukum/diakui Kementerian Hukum dan Ham . Pendirian asosiasi ditetapkan berdasarkan peraturan setingkat surat keputusan yang ditetapkan oleh berbagai jenis pimpinan, pimpinan organisasi dan akta notaris. Kepesertaan multipel, hampir seluruh asosiasi berhimpun di dalam asosiasi lainnya sehingga sebuah rumah sakit berhimpun di berbagai asosiasi yang berbeda. Asosiasi fasilitas kesehatan yang ada belum berperan dalam menetapkan muatan dan besaran kontrak kerja dengan BPJS , sebaliknya fasilitas kesehatan yang berperan secara langsung. Perlu perangkat hukum yang mengatur agar asosiasi yang beranggotakan UPT daerah dan pusat sebagai berbadan hukum agar dapat terikat kontrak dengan BPJS .
Vektora : Jurnal Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit | 2010
Hasan Boesri; Damar Tri Boewono
ENGLISH K-OTHRINE 20 EW® insecticides were tested in 100 and 200 ml/ha with the application of fumigation using pure water as solvent and mixture of water and glycol. It was equally effective to kill Ae. aegypti mosquitoes indoor and outdoor with the mortality of 100%. Similarly, the insecticide effectively provides mortality of 90.0 – 94.8% to the Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes, indoor and outdoor. The effect of fumigation of K-Othrine 20 EW® insecticide using either pure or mixed solvent of water (9.5 l water + 0.5 l glycol) showed no difference to the mortality of mosquitoes, but glycol solution produce the fog, so the particle could be spread out to all directions. INDONESIA Pengujian insektisida K-OTHRINE 20 EW® dosis 100 dan 200 ml/ha telah dilakukan dengan aplikasi pengasapan menggunakan pelarut air dan campuran air dengan glikol. Hasil menunjukkan keduanya sama-sama efektif membunuh nyamuk Aedes aegypti di dalam dan luar rumah (kematian 100%); terhadap Culex quinquefasciatus di dalam dan luar rumah efektif memberikan kematian 90.0 – 90.8%. Pengaruh aplikasi pengasapan insektisida K-Othrine 20 EW® baik menggunakan pelarut air maupun campuran (9.5 l air + 0.5 l glikol) menunjukkan tidak berbeda terhadap kematian nyamuk uji, perbedaan pada larutan yang ditambah glikol dapat mengeluarkan kabut sehingga partikel yang dikeluarkan dapat tersebar ke semua arah.ENGLISH Malaria spot survey was conducted in Hamlet Bakal, Campurejo Village, District Tretep, Temanggung Regency in view of the increasing cases in this area. The aims of the survey was to obtain information about the epidemiology of malaria transmission in Bakal Hamlet, Campurejo Village include: Entomology (especially suspected vectors, density and habitat), the social environment (focusing on the behavior and migration of patient / case) and parasitology includes slides and blood examination to confirm the patient post-treatment. The main result is that the mosquito An. aconitus (as suspected vector of malaria) would be found in this area with density of 0.91 / person / hour was found resting outside the house / around the cage. Anopheles mosquitoes habitat are found in Bakal Hamlet, Campurejo Village among other rivers, ditches and ponds. Local malaria transmission occur in Bakal Hamlet, Campurejo Village with the indicator case, the source of transmission is supported by other cases (patients with P. falciparum) and the finding of a mosquito An . aconitus as a suspected vector. Post-treatment blood examination showed that seven patients of malaria (indigenous suspects) are not found anymore malaria parasites (negative examination). Advised to increase surveillance of malaria on the population migrants (migration) in Temanggung Regency area, especially Bakal Hamlet, Campurejo Village, District Tretep. It is necessary to educate the community to increase knowledge, particularly about how to protect themselves to prevent transmission of malaria, due to local transmission of malaria occurs in the area. INDONESIA Kegiatan spot survai malaria telah dilakukan di Dusun Bakal, Desa Campurejo, Kecamatan Tretep, Kabupaten Temanggung sehubungan dengan adanya peningkatan kasus di daerah tersebut. Survei bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang Epidemiologi penularan malaria di Dusun Bakal, Desa Campurejo meliputi: Entomologi (khususnya tersangka vektor, kepadatan dan habitat), lingkungan sosial (difokuskan pada perilaku dan migrasi penderita/ kasus) dan Parasitologi meliputi konfirmasi slide dan pemeriksaan darah penderita pasca pengobatan. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah bahwa nyamuk An. aconitus (sebagai tersangka vektor malaria) ditemukan di Dusun Bakal, Desa Campurejo dengan kepadatan 0,91/orang/jam ditemukan istirahat di luar rumah/ sekitar kandang. Habitat nyamuk Anopheles ditemukan di Dusun Bakal, Desa Campurejo antara lain sungai, selokan dan kolam.Transmisi malaria terjadi setempat di Dusun Bakal, Desa Campurejo dengan adanya indikator kasus, sumber penularan yang didukung oleh kasus lain (penderita P. falciparum) dan ditemukannya nyamuk An. aconitus sebagai tersangka vektor. Pemeriksaan darah pasca pengobatan menunjukkan bahwa pada 7 penderita malaria (tersangka indigenous) tidak ditemukan lagi parasit malaria (hasil pemeriksaan negatif). Disarankan untuk meningkatkan survailans malaria terhadap penduduk pendatang (migrasi) di wilayah Kabupaten Temanggung, khususnya Dusun Bakal, Desa Campurejo, Kecamatan Tretep. Perlu adanya penyuluhan kepada masyarakat untuk peningkatan pengetahuan khususnya mengenai cara pencegahan dengan perlindungan diri agar tidak terjadi penularan malaria, karena penularan malaria terjadi setempat di daerah tersebut.ENGLISH Reservoir Reference Study Collection Disease, particularly rats have been conducted in several areas such as the enzootic plague area in the district of Nongkojajar, Pasuruan, East Java and Ciwidey district, Bandung regency, West Java. These were organized in May-October 2007. The method used for the collection and reference reservoir of disease is rodentia survey methods. Result of the reference collection reservoir of disease is the house rat Rattus tanezumi Nongkojajar found either in the of Pasuruan, East Java (3 rats) and the District of Ciwidey (4 rats). Polynesian rat R. exulans, three rats were only found in the District Nongkojajar, whereas three rats R. tiomanicus, three rats were found in Ciwidey. In addition another types of mice were also found 1 Insectivora mice Suncus murinus in the District Ciwidey. Type of rats captured in habitat homes in the District Ciwidey Bandung regency, West Java and Pasuruan, East Java is the same type, namely house rat Rattus tanezumi. Types of mice caught in the habitat garden in the District Ciwidey Bandung regency, West Java (tiomanicus R. tree rats) were different from mice found in Pasuruan, East Java (Polynesian rat R. exulans). Local environment in plague enzootic area in Pasuruan, East Java is mountainous and forest conservation area Bromo-Tengger, while District Ciwidey, Bandung is the highland tourism areas / mountainous and agricultural areas. INDONESIA Koleksi referensi reservoir penyakit khususnya tikus telah dilakukan di beberapa daerah enzootik pes seperti di Kecamatan Nongkojajar, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur dan Kecamatan Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat. Kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Oktober 2007. Metode yang digunakan untuk koleksi dan referensi reservoir penyakit adalah metode survei rodensia. Hasil koleksi referensi reservoir penyakit adalah tikus rumah Rattus tanezumi ditemukan baik di Kecamatan Nongkojajar, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur (3 ekor) maupun Kecamatan Ciwidey (4 ekor). Tikus polinesia R. exulans, 3 ekor hanya ditemukan di Kecamatan Nongkojajar, sedangkan tikus pohon R. tiomanicus, 3 ekor ditemukan di Kecamatan Ciwidey. Selain jenis tikus tersebut ditemukan pula seekor insektivora celurut rumah Suncus murinus, 1 ekor di Kecamatan Ciwidey. Jenis tikus yang tertangkap di habitat rumah di Kecamatan Ciwidey Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat dan Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur adalah sama jenisnya, yaitu tikus rumah Rattus tanezumi. Jenis tikus yang tertangkap di habitat kebun di Kecamatan Ciwidey Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat (tikus pohon R. tiomanicus) berbeda dengan jenis tikus di Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur (tikus polinesia R. exulans). Lingkungan daerah enzootik pes di Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur merupakan daerah pegunungan dan kawasan hutan lindung Bromo-Tengger, Kecamatan Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung merupakan daerah wisata dataran tinggi/pegunungan dan daerah pertanian/perkebunan
Vektora : Jurnal Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit | 2010
Damar Tri Boewono; Lulus Susanti; Hasan Boesri
Cx.quinquefasciatusmosquitoeslabelledwithradioisotopee32P wasperformedatvarious dose application. Theresearch conductedbyInsitute of Vector andReservoirControlResearchand Development,Salatiga incollaborationwith The Nationalof AtomicAgency Used severaldoses: 0,1 uCi(micro currie);0,2 uCi; and 0,3 uCi of each 25 grlarvaefood for 50 larvae with dry and wet radiation then observed the effectofradiation against larvae stadium and mosquitoes. The result shows that at0,2 uCiisotop 32P doseapplication, Cx.quinquefasciatusmosquitoescan survive with 288,6 cps(curriepersecond)residualradioactivity and detected in 68 cm distance. The32P can be used asradiotracerforlabelling Cx.quinquefasciatus mosquitoes Keywords: Radioisotope32P,Labelling,Filariasis danCx.quinquefasciatus ABSTRAKS Pemberianlabel pada nyamuk cx. quinquefasciatusdengan radioisotopee 32Pdilakukanpada aplikasi berbagai dosis. Penelitiandilakukan olehBalaiBesarPenelitiandanPengembangan Vektor danReservoirPenyakitSalatigabekerjasamadengan Badan Tenaga AtomNasional menggunakanbeberapadosis:0,1 itCi (micro currie);0,2uCi,dan 0,3 uCimasing-masing25 gr pakan larva untuk 50 larvadengan radiasi kering danbasahkemudianmengamatipengaruh radiasi terhadap stadium larva dan nyamuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada dosis aplikasi 0,2 uCi isotop 32P dosisapilkasi,cx. quinquefasciatusnyamuk dapat bertahan dengan 288,6 cps(curriepersecond)radioaktivitasdanterdeteksi padajarak68cm.32P dapatdigunakan sebagai radiotracer untuk pelabelan Cx.quinquefasciatusnyamuk. KataKunci:Radioisotope32P,Penandaan,Filariasis danCx.quinquefasciatusDengue hemorrhagic Fever was an emerging disease that was still a problem in public health. The successful of DHF prevention in family was depend on housewivesbeliefin controlling mosquito breeding sites around the house(PSN). The objectiveofthis study was to describe knowledge, attitude and behavior toward DHF on housewives, for choosing the right health promotionmethod. This was a quantitative study with cross sectional design,conducted in KutowinangunSub District, Salatiga, Central Java. Subjects selected by simple random sampling. The data collectionwascarryingbyinterviewandobservation. Result showed the correlation between knowledge, attitude and behaviorofrespondent was no significant(p>0,05),but there were significancecorrelationbetween demographiccharacteristics ofrespondent (education levels and age) and DHF knowledge. Health promotion program that couldbesuggestedwasfocusing vectoridentification andvectorcontrolinside andoutsidethe house. Keywords:knowledge,attitude,behavior,DHF,housewives ABSTRAK Demamberdarahdengue(DBD) merupakan salah satu penyakitmenular yangmasihmenjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat. Keberhasilanpencegahan DBD di keluarga tergantung dari pemahaman ibu terhadap upaya pelaksanaan Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk (PSN) di lingkungan rumah tangga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikanpengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku (PSP) ibu rumah tangga tentang DBD dan pencegahannyauntuk memilih metodepromosikesehatanyangtepat di dalam pencegahanDBD. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kuantitatifdengan rancangan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Kelurahan Kutowinangun, Kota Salatiga, Jawa Tengah. Pengambilan sampel dengan carasimplerandomsampling. Metodepengambilandata dilakukan denganwawancara danobservasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan, sikap, dan observasi lingkungan dengan perilaku pencegahan DBD,namunada hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan dengan tingkat pendidikan dan kelompok umur responden. Program promosi kesehatan yang disarankan dapat difokuskan pada kegiatan pengenalan vektor dan upaya pengendalianbaik di dalammaupundi luarlingkunganrumah. Katakunci:pengetahuan, sikap,perilaku,DBD,iburumahtangga.Leptospirosis is currently a public health problem in Central Java especially in Demak district, Klaten, Pati and Semarang city. Spot survey aims to find out the type mice reservoir was conducted in May-August2010. Surveymethodsbycollectiontypes ofrat andexaminationofbloodserumofrats. Thesurvey showedthat roofrat (Rattus tanezumi) dominatethe habitathousesin KlatenDistrict (88%) Pati (76%) and Semarang City (50%). Brown rat R. norvegicus was found in Demak regency (15%) and Semarang City (16%). Polinesian rat R. exulans is found only in the cityofSemarang (1). Othersmall mammalspecies found in habitats serind homeis homececurut Suncusmurinus.In Demak regency (12), Pati (5) Klaten Regency (3) and in Semarang (7). Leptotek Lateralflow examination indicated that theroofrat R. tanezumi seropositivity against leptospira antibody that is in Demak District (2), Klaten (1), Pati (1) and Semarang City (1). Likewise, brown rat R. norvegicus were found in Demak district (1) seropositivity againstbacterialeptospira antibodies. Roofrat R. tanezumi and Brown rat R. norvegicus potentialas reservoirs ofleptospirosis in Central Java Province. Keywords: leptospirosis, rat, reservoir, Jawa Tengah ABSTRAK Leptospirosis saat ini menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat Di Jawa Tengah terutama di Kabupaten Demak, Klaten, Pati dan Kota Semarang.Spot surveybertujuan mengetahuijenistikus reservoir telah dilakukan pada bulan Mei -Agustus2010.Metode survei dengan cara koleksi jenis tikus dan pemeriksaan serum darah tikus. Hasil survei menunjukkanbahwaTikus rumahRattustanezumi mendominasihabitat rumah di Kabupaten Klaten (88%) Pati (76%) dan Kota semarang (50% ekor). Tikus gotR.norvegicusditemukan di Kabupaten Demak(15%ekor) dan Kota Semarang (16% ekor) sedang tikus kebunR. exulanshanyaditemukandi KotaSemarang(1 ekor). Jenis mamaliakecil lain yang sering ditemukan di habitat rumah adalah cecurut rumahSuncusmurinus.Di Kabupaten Demak (12 ekor), Kabupaten Pati (5 ekor) Kabupaten Klaten (3 ekor) dan di Kota Semarang (7 ekor). Pemeriksaan Leptoteklateralflow mengindikasikanbahwa tikus rumahR. tanezumi seropositif terhadap antibodi leptospira yaitu di Kabupaten Demak (2 ekor), Klaten (1 ekor), Pati (1 ekor) dan Kota Semarang (1 ekor). Demikian juga tikus gotR.norvegicusdi temukan di Kabupaten Demak (1ekor) seropositif terhadap antibodi bakteri leptospira. Tikus rumahR. tanezumi dan tikus gotR. norvegicusberpotensi sebagai reservoir leptospirosis di Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Katakunci:leptospirosis, tikus,reservoir, Jawa Tengah
Vektora : Jurnal Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit | 2009
Hasan Boesri; Damar Tri Boewono
Telah dilakukan evaluasi pengaruh frekuensi pencucian terhadap 3 macam kelambu berinsektisida ”Long Lasting Insecticidal Net” (LLIN) dengan bahan aktif (b.a.) golongan insektisida pyretroid yaitu alfa-sipermethrin 0,2 g/m2, deltamethrin 0,055 g/m2 dan permethrin 1,0 g/m2. Evaluasi dilakukan di laboratorium B2P2VRP Salatiga (pencucian kelambu berinsektisida digunakan metode standar WHO), terhadap nyamuk Ae. aegypti (vektor DBD) dan An. aconitus (vektor malaria). Evaluasi lapangan dilakukan di desa Tambangan, Kota Semarang, terhadap nyamuk An. aconitus dan pencucian kelambu dilakukan oleh kader kesehatan desa. Hasil evaluasi pengaruh pencucian menunjukkan bahwa daya bunuh tiga macam kelambu bertinsektisida LLIN terhadap Ae. aegypti dan An. aconitus di laboratorium dan terhadap An. aconitus di lapangan adalah sebanding. Di laboratorium tiga macam kelambu LLIN yang telah dicuci 5 kali masih efektif membunuh nyamuk Ae. aegypti dan An. aconitus, sedangkan kelambu LLIN telah dicuci 10 kali sudah tidak efektif terhadap nyamuk An. aconitus. Efektivitas kelambu LLIN (dengan insektisida alfa-sepermethrin, deltamethrin dan permethrin) di lapangan, setelah dicuci 9 kali oleh kader kesehatan desa, hanya kelambu dengan insektisida Deltamethrin (0,055 g/ m2) masih efektif membunuh An. aconitus (kematian 82,47%).Resistance is inherited and has proved to be the biggest single barrier to successful chemical control of insect vectors. The continuity of along time period insecticide usage can produce mosquitoes resistance. Resistance to insecticide as a results from three main mechanism : 1) insecticide penetration is reduce, 2) the insecticides is more efficiently metabolized by esterases, mixed function oxidases, or glutathione transferase enzyme and, 3) the target of the insecticide is modified (insensitive acetylcholinesterase). The objectives of this study was to determine the potency of malaria vector from East Java Province to be resistant to organophosphate, carbamate and pyrethroid insecticides. The research methods used were biochemical assays (microplate assays) for elevated esterase and insensitive acetylcholinesterase. The esterase activity and insensitive acetylcholinesterase were measured at 450 nm and 405 nm with a Dytech Elisa plate reader. Biochemical assays indicated that susceptibility (resistant or tolerance), of the malaria vector collected from East Java Province natural population against insecticide were mostly decreased, although there were different level and mechanism occurs. Microplate enzymatic assay on individual Anopheles sundaicus collected from Banyuwangi, Pacitan, Jember, Malang Regency revealed that 31,25 %, 12,5 %, 45,2 % and 15,25 % population were resistant respectively due to elevated esterase activity mechanism. Base on the susceptibility test which was held using WHO method (as a cross-check) An. sundaicus from Teleng village, Pacitan Regency was proven to have a double resistance agains Malathion 0,5 % (cause mortality 28 %) and Bendiocarb 0,1 % (cause mortality 66 %). The percentage resistance of Anopheles aconitus population collected from Pacitan and Trenggalek Regency were 35,42 % and 29,17 % population respectively due to elevated esterase activity mechanism. There was no evidence of an altered acetylcholinesterase (insensitive acetylcholinesterase) mechanism of the malaria vector population in East Java.Pada bulan Januari 2005, uji metode tidak langsung untuk uji kepekaan pinjal pada tubuh tikus telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Pes Puskesmas Nongkojajar Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kelayakan alat uji kepekaan pinjal pada tubuh tikus terhadap insektisida (metode kontak tidak langsung).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alat uji kepekaan pinjal pada tubuh tikus terhadap insektisida (metode kontak tidak langsung) dapat digunakan untuk uji kepekaan pinjal. Pinjal Xenopsylla cheopis dan Stivalius cognatus peka terhadap insektisida fenitrothion 2,5%, baik dengan metoda kontak lagsung maupun metode kontak tidak langsung. LT50 (Lethal Time 50%) pada metode kontak tidak langsung, pinjal X. cheopis yang diinvestasikan pada tikus rumah Rattus rattus diardii adalah 18 menit dan pada metode kontak langsung, LT50 pinjal X. cheopis adalah 12 menit. LT95 pada pinjal yang sama untuk metode kontak langsung adalah 60,9 menit dan 62,3 menit untuk metode kontak tidak langsung. Pinjal tikus hutan S. Cognatus pada tikus ladang Rattus Exulans, LT50 adalah 16 menit untuk metode kontak langsung dan 31 menit untuk metode kontak tidak lamgsung, sedangkan LT95 untuk S. Cognatus pada metoda kontak langsung adalah 59 menit dan 114 menit untuk metode kontak tidak langsung.
Vektora : Jurnal Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit | 2009
Damar Tri Boewono; Hasan Boesri; Widiarti
ENGLISH Study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Lambda-cyhalothrin (pyrethroid insecticide) against mosquito vectors of dengue haemorrhagic fever /DHF Aedes aegypti and urban lymphatic filariasis Culex quinquefasciatus. Four concentrations of active ingredient 3.75, 3.13, 2.50 and 1.88 g/ha (diluted in water) were evaluated for space spray, namely: thermal fog and Ultra Low Volume (ULV) applications. The study revealed that Lambda-cyhalothrin (concentrations of 3.75 and 3.13 g/ha) applied by using space spray methods, were effective in controlling dengue mosquito vector of Ae. aegypti (mortality 90.40-100.00%). Whereas, the concentration of 3.75 g/ha was effective against lymphatic filariasis mosquito vector of Cx.quinquefasciatus (mortality 90.00-100.00%), for both indoors and outdoors. It means that effective concentrations of lambdacyhalothrin insecticide for both space spray thermal fog and ULV methods application were more than three times of WHO recommendation 1.0 g/ha. INDONESIA Penelitian efikasi lambdasihalothrin (insektisida piretroid) telah dilakukan terhadap nyamuk vektor demam berdarah dengue/DBD Aedes aegypti dan filariasis perkotaan Culex quinquefasciatus. Empat konsentrasi bahan aktif telah dievaluasi 3.75, 3.13, 2.50 dan 1.88 g/ha (dilarutkan dalam air) dengan menggunakan metode aplikasi penyemprotan ruangan yaitu pengasapan (thermal fogging) dan pengkabutan (Ultra Low Volume/ULV). Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa lambdasihalotrin (konsentrasi 3.75 dan 3.13 g/ha) aplikasi pengasapan dan pengkabutan, efektif membunuh nyamuk vektor DBD Ae. aegypti (kematian 90.4-100.00%). Sedangkan konsentrasi 3.75 g/ha, efektif membunuh nyamuk vektor filariasis perkotaan Cx. quinquefasciatus (kematian 90.00-100.00%) baik di dalam maupun di luar rumah. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi insektisida lambdasihalotrin aplikasi pengasapan maupun pengkabutan, adalah lebih dari tiga kali konsentrasi yang direkomendasikan oleh WHO 1.0 g/ha.ENGLISH Study of index diversity of ectoparasite species in the body of rat R. tanezumi and Polynesian rat R. exulans was conducted on the slopes of Mt. Merapi, Sukabumi village, Cepogo Sub District, Boyolali District, Central Java from May up to December 2008. The purpose of this study was to accounter index diversity of ectoparasite species in roof rat R. tanezumi and Polynesia rat R. exulans. This study was descriptive research. The method of study was by wire trap and ectoparasite processing by combing the hair. Five main groups of ectoparasites were found on the bodies of roof rat R. tanezumi and Polynesian rat R. exulans i.e mites, chiggers, ticks, lice and fleas. It had been found 10 species of ectoparasites on the body of R. tanezumi. It was 2 species of fleas, Xenopsylla cheopis and Stivalius cognatus, 2 species of lice Polyplax spinulosa and Hoplopleura pasifica, 5 species of chiggers Leptotrombidium deliensis, L. lacunosa,and Gahrliepia disparunguis, 2 species of mites larvae Laelap echidninus and L. nuttalli and 1 species of tick Ixodes sp., whereas in the bodies of polynesian rat R. exulans were found all of species ectoparasites, exceptly chigger L. lacunosa and ticks Ixodes sp. Species of chiggers L. fletcheri and Celadonta were found too in the bodies of Polynesian rats R. exulans. Poly-ectoparasitism and indexs diversity of ectoparasites species on the bodies roof rats R. tanezumi and R. exulans (male and female) in domestic and peridomestic habitat in slope of Merapi Mountain, Central Java were not different significantly INDONESIA Studi indeks keanekaragaman jenis ektoparasit pada tubuh tikus rumah Rattus tanezumi dan tikus Polinesia R. exulans telah dilakukan daerah di lereng Gunung Merapi, Desa Sukabumi, Kecamatan Cepogo, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah dilakukan pada bulan Mei-Desember 2008. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui indeks keragaman ektoparasit pada tikus rumah Rattus tanezumi dan tikus polinesia R. exulans. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei rodent dengan perangkap kawat, serta pemrosesan ektoparasit dengan penyisiran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lima kelompok ektoparasit telah ditemukan pada tubuh tikus rumah R. tanezumi dan tikus polinesia R. exulans.. Di tubuh tikus rumah R. tanezumi telah ditemukan 10 jenis ektoparasit yaitu 2 jenis kelompok pinjal, Xenopsylla cheopis dan Stivalius cognatus, 2 jenis kelompok kutu Polyplax spinulosa dan Hoplopleura Pasifica, 5 jenis kelompok larva tungau Leptotrombidium deliensis, L. lacunosa, dan Gahrliepia disparunguis, 2 jenis kelompok tungau Laelap echidninus dan L. nuttalli dan 1 jenis kelompok caplak Ixodes sp.,sedangkan pada tubuh tikus polynesia R. exulans telah ditemukan semua dari jenis ectoparasit tersebut di atas L. lacunose. Jenis larva tungau L. fletcheri dan Celadonta telah ditemukan di tubuh tikus polinesia R. exulans. Indeks keragaman ektoparasit pada tubuh tikus R. tanezumi dan tikus polinesia R. exulans, baik jantan maupun betina tidak ada perbedaan yang bermaknaENGLISH The use of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 as biolarvacide is known effectively kill the vector mosquito larvae. The use of coconut media as a culture media for B. thuringiensis H-14 has been conducted in Institute of Vector-Reservoir Research and Development Salatiga. Coconut used as growth media for B. thuringiensis H-14 was taken from the Getas village, Semarang regency. This research was conducted in two ways: coconut water media stored at 4C and at room 0temperature for one day. The purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy of B. thuringiensis H-14 which growth in various pH media of coconut water at room temperature and storage temperature of 4C against dengue and malaria vectors. The results showed that Bacillus 0thuringiensis H-14 which cultured at various pH of coconut water media stored at 4C and at 0room temperature requires respectively 90 ppm to kill 100% larvae Ae. aegypti and 0.64% to kill the 100% larvae An. aconitus. The highest growth of living cells and living spores of B. thuringiensis H-14 stored at 4C at pH 7.5 were respectively 24 x 10cells / ml and 23.9 x 10 011 11spores / ml, while the media stored at room temperature were 27.1 x 10 cells / ml and 5, .3 x 1110 spores / ml at pH 8.5. The results of coconut water analysis showed that the content 11carbohydrate, protein, reduction sugar, and fat were respectively 1.68%, 0.12%, 1.52% . and 0.01%. Coconut water media is a local media that is potential for culturing B. thuringiensis H-14. INDONESIA Penggunaan Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 sebagai biolarvasida telah diketahui efektif membunuh jentik nyamuk vektor. Penggunaan media buah kelapa sebagai media pengembangbiakan B. thuringiensis H-14, telah dilakukan di Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit Salatiga. Kelapa yang digunakan sebagai media pertumbuhan B. thuringiensis H-14 diambil dari Desa Getas, Kabupaten Semarang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu menyimpan media air kelapa pada suhu 40C dan suhu kamar selama 1 hari. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan efikasi B. thuringiensis H-14 yang dibiakan dalam berbagai pH media air kelapa pada penyimpanan temperatur kamar dan suhu 40C terhadap vektor DBD dan malaria. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 yang dikembangbiakan pada berbagai pH media air kelapa yang disimpan pada suhu 40C dan suhu kamar berturut-turut membutuhkan konsentrasi sebesar 90 ppm untuk membunuh jentik Ae. aegypti dan 0,64 % untuk membunuh jentik An aconitus sebesar 100 %. Pertumbuhan sel hidup dan spora hidup B.thuringiensis H-14 yang terbanyak dari media yang disimpan pada 40C adalah pada pH 7,5 berturut-turut sebesar 24, x 1011 sel/ml dan 23,9 x 1011 spora/ml, sedangkan dari media yang disimpan pada suhu kamar adalah 27,1 x 1011 sel/ml dan 5,.3 x 1011 spora/ml pada pH 8,5.Hasil uji analisa air kelapa adalah kandungan karbohidrat 1.68%, protein 0.12%, kadar gula reduksinya 1.52%. dan lemak 0.01%, Media air kelapa merupakan media lokal yang potensial bagi pengembangbiakan B. thuringiensis H-14.
Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan | 2008
Hasan Boesri; Damar Tri Boewono
The output of Polytechnic of health science Departement of Radiodiagnostic are the radiografors who have the academic ability, good performance and ethical attitude.The design of this study was a cross sectional study. The objectives of the study is to find the relationship between self concept and on the job effectiveness of Clinical Instructor. The study was conducted at Polytechnic of health science Departement of Radiodiagnostic with 70 respondens selected randomly. The Study concludes that there is a positive correlation between: self cocept with the job effectiveness of Clinical Instructor. Furthermore, there is positive correlation between two independent variables a self concept a with the job effoctiveness of Clinical Instructor. Keywords: Self concept, field work, instructor, job effectiveness
Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan | 1993
Hasan Boesri; Hadi Suwasono; Widiarti Widiarti; Soemardi Soemardi
A treatment trial of artesunate for uncomplicated falciparum malaria cases was conducted at ITCI Hospital, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in November 1992 - Januari 1993. The objectives of this study were to assess the efficacy and safety of artesunate. Thirty eight falcipamm malaria patients who had been selected according to criteria for the in vivo sensitivity test were treated orally with 100 mg artesunate 12 hourly on DO and followed 50 mg 12 hourly on Dl-4. All patients were hospitalized until declared cured clinically and parasitologicalty. The most prevalent clinical symptoms of these malaria patients were fever (84,2%), headache (81,6%), nausea (73,7%) and splenomegaly (71,0%o). The cure rates of artesunate were 100% (38/38 and 28/28) on D7 and D14, but on D21 and D28 there were 88,2% (15/17) and 75% (6/8) because of the presence of late Rl cases. The mean fever clearance time (FCT) and parasite clearance time (PCT) were as follows 15,1 1,8 h and 32,1 3,0 h (D7), 14,1 2,2 h and 33,3 3,8 h (D14), 15,7 3,0 h and 37,6 5,6 h (D21), 14,0 4,6 h and 32,0 5,9 h (D28) respectively. No side effect was found clinically and on laboratory examinations. Artesunate is effective and safe for treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria until D14 in a multidrug resistant area. A sequential combination of artesunate and other antimalarial drugs should be studied to achieve a radical cure.