Igor V. Schweigert
University of California, Irvine
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Featured researches published by Igor V. Schweigert.
Accounts of Chemical Research | 2009
Shaul Mukamel; Darius Abramavicius; Lijun Yang; Wei Zhuang; Igor V. Schweigert; Dmitri V. Voronine
Over the past 15 years, researchers have extended the multidimensional techniques which originated with NMR in the 1970s to infrared and visible coherent spectroscopy. These advances have dramatically enhanced the temporal resolution from the microsecond to the femtosecond regime. NMR spectroscopists have developed principles for the design of pulse sequences that enhance selected spectral features and reveal desired dynamical events. Extending these principles to the optical regime offers numerous opportunities for narrowing the line shapes in specific directions, unraveling weak cross-peaks from otherwise congested spectra, and controlling the interferences between quantum pathways. We can achieve these enhancements by shaping the spectral and temporal profiles of the pulses. Pulse polarization shaping may lead to unique probes of time-dependent chirality. In this Account, we compare two types of signals. The first, the photon echo, is generated in the direction -k(1) + k(2) + k(3), and the second, double quantum coherence, is detected at +k(1) + k(2) - k(3). Here k(1), k(2), and k(3) are the wave vectors of the three incoming pulses in chronological order. We illustrate the novel information extracted from these signals by simulations of three physical systems. In the first system, spectra of GaAs semiconductor quantum wells provide a direct look at many-body electron correlation effects. We directly observe specific projections of the many-electron wave function, which we can use to test the quality of various levels of computational techniques for electronic structure. Secondly, the spectra of photosynthetic aggregates reveal couplings between chromophores, quantum coherence signatures of chromophore entanglement, and energy-transfer pathways. Using some fundamental symmetries of pulse polarization configurations of nonlinear signals, we can construct superpositions of signals designed to better distinguish among various coherent and incoherent exciton transport pathways and amplify subtle variations among different species of the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) antenna complex. Both of the first two applications require femtosecond pulses of light in the visible range. The third application demonstrates how resonant core spectroscopy may be used to generate core excitations that are highly localized at selected atoms. Such signals can monitor the motions of valence electron wavepackets in real space with atomic spatial resolution. These future X-ray applications will require attosecond bright X-ray sources, which are currently being developed in several labs. Common principles underlie these techniques in coherent spectroscopy for spins, valence electrons, and core electronic excitations, spanning frequencies from radiowaves to hard X-rays.
Physical Review Letters | 2007
Igor V. Schweigert; Shaul Mukamel
We propose two-dimensional x-ray coherent correlation spectroscopy for the study of interactions between core-electron and valence transitions. This technique may find experimental applications in the future when very high intensity x-ray sources become available. Spectra obtained by varying two delay periods between pulses show off-diagonal crosspeaks induced by coupling of core transitions of two different types. Calculations of the N1s and O1s signals of aminophenol isomers illustrate how novel information about many-body effects in electronic structure and excitations of molecules can be extracted from these spectra.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2007
Valerie Rodriguez-Garcia; So Hirata; Kiyoshi Yagi; Kimihiko Hirao; Tetsuya Taketsugu; Igor V. Schweigert; Mitsuo Tasumi
The authors present a first-principles prediction of the energies of the eight lowest-lying anharmonic vibrational states of CO(2), including the fundamental symmetric stretching mode and the first overtone of the fundamental bending mode, which undergo a strong coupling known as Fermi resonance. They employ coupled-cluster singles, doubles, and (perturbative) triples [CCSD(T) and CCSDT] in conjunction with a range of Gaussian basis sets (up to cc-pV5Z, aug-cc-pVQZ, and aug-cc-pCVTZ) to calculate the potential energy surfaces (PESs) of the molecule, with the errors arising from the finite basis-set sizes eliminated by extrapolation. The resulting vibrational many-body problem is solved by the vibrational self-consistent-field and vibrational configuration-interaction (VCI) methods with the PESs represented by a fourth-order Taylor expansion or by numerical values on a Gauss-Hermite quadrature grid. With the VCI, the best theoretical estimates of the anharmonic energy levels agree excellently with experimental values within 3.5 cm(-1) (the mean absolute deviation). The theoretical (experimental) anharmonic frequencies of the Fermi doublet are 1288.9 (1285.4) and 1389.3 (1388.2) cm(-1).
Journal of Physical Chemistry A | 2015
Igor V. Schweigert
Unimolecular dynamics of gas-phase hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) and its dissociation products were simulated using density functional theory (DFT) at the M06-L level. The simulations of RDX at 2000 K showed that dissociation proceeds from multiple conformers, mostly via homolytic fission of an N-N bond with a minor contribution from elimination of HONO, in agreement with previous transition state theory calculations. However, the simulations of the fission and elimination products revealed that secondary N-N fission is facile and, at the simulated temperature of 1750 K, dominant over other mechanisms. The simulations of the resulting intermediates revealed a number of new unimolecular pathways that have not been previously considered. The transition structures and minimal energy paths were calculated for all reactions to confirm these observations. Based on these findings, a revised set of the unimolecular reactions contributing to gas-phase RDX decomposition is proposed.
Physical Review A | 2008
Igor V. Schweigert; Shaul Mukamel
Near-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy XANES provides a powerful frequency-domain probe for electronic structure of molecules 1. Transitions from the ground state to bound core-excited states appear as resonances in the absorption spectrum below the ionization edge. Because of the compactness of core shells, the positions and intensities of XANES peaks arising from a given shell carry information about the electronic structure in its vicinity. XANES carries characteristic signatures of the electronic environment of the absorbing atom. If two atoms are spatially well separated, their contribution to XANES is essentially additive. The molecular structure can then be elucidated by identifying the signatures of various functional groups in the total XANES spectra. This additivity, known as the building-block principle of XANES 1, makes it insensitive to electronicstructure variations away from the absorbing atoms as well as to subtle differences in molecular geometry.
Journal of Chemical Physics | 2008
Igor V. Schweigert; Shaul Mukamel
Two-dimensional x-ray correlation spectra (2DXCS) obtained by varying two delay periods in a time-resolved coherent all-x-ray four-wave-mixing measurement are simulated for the N 1s and O 1s transitions of aminophenol. The necessary valence and core-excited states are calculated using singly and doubly substituted Kohn-Sham determinants within the equivalent-core approximation. Sum-over-states calculations of the 2DXCS signals of aminophenol isomers illustrate how novel information about electronic states can be extracted from the 2D spectra. Specific signatures of valence and core-excited states are identified in the diagonal and off-diagonal peaks arising from core transitions of the same and different types, respectively.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A | 2008
Daniel Healion; Igor V. Schweigert; Shaul Mukamel
Two-dimensional X-ray correlation spectroscopy (2DXCS) signals of the isolated DNA bases and Watson-Crick base pairs which contain multiple absorbing nitrogen atoms are calculated. Core-hole excited states are calculated using density functional theory with the B3LYP functional and 6-311G** basis set. Sum over states calculations of the signals reveal changes in cross-peak intensities between hydrogen-bonded and stacked base pairs. Nucleobase analogues are proposed for investigating base-stacking and hydrogen-bonding interactions.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A | 2017
Igor V. Schweigert; Daniel Gunlycke
We present hybrid density functional theory (DFT) calculations of hydrolysis of dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP) by the cyclic tetramer of zirconium hydroxide [Zr4(OH)16]. Various binding configurations of DMMP and its hydrolysis products on the tetramer as well as transition structures connecting them were explored using structure optimizations based on multiple, randomly selected initial structures. We find that DMMP can bind to the tetramer through the phosphoryl O, forming either a strong hydrogen bond to a bridging hydroxyl or a coordinate bond to a coordinatively unsaturated Zr atom. The resulting hydrogen-bonded complexes and Lewis adducts have similar energies. We also find that hydrolysis of a P-OCH3 bond can occur either via an addition-elimination mechanism involving a same-site terminal hydroxyl or direct interchange between a terminal hydroxyl and a methoxy group of DMMP. The computed activation and reaction enthalpies show that the addition-elimination is both kinetically and thermodynamically favored over the direct interchange. Our findings support recent observations of the reactivity of amorphous zirconium hydroxide toward phosphonate esters including chemical warfare agents.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A | 2017
Igor V. Schweigert; Sharon Koh-Fallet
Bimolecular reactions between intact nitramines and their radical decomposition products can accelerate thermal decomposition, yet the detailed mechanisms of such reactions are not well understood. We have used density functional theory at the M06/6-311++G(3df,3pd) level to locate transition structures and compute 0 K activation barriers for various gas-phase reactions that may contribute to radical-assisted decomposition of dimethylnitramine (DMNA, (CH3)2NNO2). Our calculations indicate that H abstraction from DMNA is the lowest-barrier mechanism for most radicals and a subsequent N-N β-scission in the alkyl radical 3 leads to an imine intermediate and NO2. H abstraction is thus responsible for conversion of most radicals to NO2. Also, among the nine radicals considered, NO is found to be least reactive and its reactions with DMNA yield dimethylnitrosoamine (DMNSA, (CH3)2NNO), a known product of DMNA decomposition.
Frontiers in Optics 2007/Laser Science XXIII/Organic Materials and Devices for Displays and Energy Conversion (2007), paper LWJ3 | 2007
Steven T. Cundiff; Tianhao Zhang; Xiaoqin Li; Alan D. Bristow; I. Kuznetsova; T. Meier; Peter Thomas; Lijun Yang; Igor V. Schweigert; Shaul Mukamel; Richard P. Mirin
Optical two dimensional Fourier transform spectra of excitonic resonances in semiconductors are measured and calculated. They provide insight into many-body interactions in direct gap semiconductors by separating the contributions to the coherent optical nonlinear response.