Ingo Pecher
University of Auckland
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Featured researches published by Ingo Pecher.
Tectonics | 2003
Peter D. Clift; Ingo Pecher; Nina Kukowski; Andrea Hampel
[1]xa0Subsidence of Lima Basin, part of the Peruvian forearc, is controlled by tectonic erosion by the subducting Nazca plate. Multichannel seismic reflection data coupled with age and paleowater depth constraints derived from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) coring now allow the rates of erosion to be reconstructed through time. In trenchward locations the forearc has experienced limited recent relative uplift (700–850 m) likely due to preferential basal erosion under the center of Lima Basin. Long-term subsidence driven by basal tectonic erosion dominates and is fastest closest to the trench. Since 47 Ma (Eocene) up to 148 km of the plate margin have been lost at an average rate of up to 3.1 km myr−1. Appoximately 110 km of that total appears to be lost since 11 Ma, implying much faster average rates of trench retreat (10 km myr−1) since collision of the Nazca Ridge with the Lima Basin at 11 Ma. Although there is no clear subsidence event at ODP Site 679 during the time at which Nazca Ridge was subducting beneath this part of the forearc (4–11 Ma), the more trenchward ODP Sites 682 and 688 show significant deepening after 11 Ma indicating that subduction of the ridge accelerates tectonic erosion. Long-term rates of crustal erosion in the region of Lima Basin are greater than estimates of regional arc magmatic productivity, implying that such margins are net sinks of continental crust.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2005
Ingo Pecher; S. Henrys; Susan Ellis; Stephen M. Chiswell; Nina Kukowski
[1]xa0The dissociation of gas hydrates in sediment pores is thought to decrease seafloor strength potentially facilitating submarine slides because of the generation of overpressured gas and the “melting” of load-bearing or cementing solid hydrate. Here, we present findings that suggest gas hydrates may lead to a previously unknown mechanism of seafloor erosion. Gas-hydrate-bearing sub-sea ridges on the Hikurangi Margin are eroded close to the top of the hydrate stability field in the ocean. We hypothesize that gas hydrate instability may lead to ridge erosion by a combination of two processes; hydrate destabilization caused by depressurization during ridge uplift, and repeated pore volume expansion and contraction from hydrate dissociation and formation triggered by fluctuating water temperatures.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2010
Bryan Davy; Ingo Pecher; Ray Wood; Lionel Carter; Karsten Gohl
[1]xa0Multibeam swath bathymetry data from the southwest margin of the Chatham Rise, New Zealand, show gas release features over a region of at least 20,000 km2. Gas escape features, interpreted to be caused by gas hydrate dissociation, include an estimated a) 10 features, 8–11 km in diameter and b) 1,000 features, 1–5 km in diameter, both at 800–1,100 m water depth. An estimated 10,000 features, ∼150 m in diameter, are observed at 500–700 m water depth. In the latter depth range sub-bottom profiles show similar gas escape features (pockmarks) at disconformities interpreted to mark past sea-level low stands. The amount of methane potentially released from hydrates at each of the largest features is ∼7*1012 g. If the methane from a single event at one 8–11 km scale pockmark reached the atmosphere, it would be equivalent to ∼3% of the current annual global methane released from natural sources into the atmosphere.
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems | 2012
Andreia Plaza-Faverola; Dirk Klaeschen; Philip Barnes; Ingo Pecher; Stuart Henrys; Joshu J. Mountjoy
Identification of methane sources controlling hydrate distribution and concentrations in continental margins remains a major challenge in gas hydrate research. Lack of deep fluid samples and high quality regional scale seismic reflection data may lead to underestimation of the significance of fluid escape from subducting and compacting sediments in the global inventory of methane reaching the hydrate zone, the water column and the atmosphere. The distribution of concentrated hydrate zones in relation to focused fluid flow across the southern Hikurangi subduction margin was investigated using high quality, long offset (10 km streamer), pre-stack depth migrated multichannel seismic data. Analysis of low P wave velocity zones, bright-reverse polarity reflections and dim-amplitude anomalies reveals pathways for gas escape and zones of gas accumulation. The study shows the structural and stratigraphic settings of three main areas of concentrated hydrates: (1) the Opouawe Bank, dominated by focused periodic fluid input along thrust faults sustaining dynamic hydrate concentrations and gas chimneys development; (2) the frontal anticline, with a basal set of protothrusts controlling permeability for fluids from deeply buried and subducted sediments sustaining hydrate concentrations at the crest of the anticline; and (3) the Hikurangi Channel, with buried sand dominated channels hosting significant amounts of gas beneath the base of the hydrate zone. In sand dominated channels gas injection into the hydrate zone favors highly concentrated hydrate accumulations. The evolution of fluid expulsion controlling hydrate formation offshore southern Hikurangi is described in stages during which different methane sources (in situ, buried and thermogenic) have been dominant.
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics | 2004
Ingo Pecher; Stuart Henrys; Hai Zhu
Abstract Recently acquired seismic reflection data across the southern edge of Ritchie Ridge, a prominent bathymetric high on the Hikurangi margin, display zones of high amplitudes and reflections that crosscut strata. We interpret the latter as bottom‐simulating reflections which are commonly associated with gas beneath gas hydrates. An analysis of reflection strength indicates the high‐amplitude zones are caused by free gas in the pore space of sediments, probably migrating upward along layers. One of the high‐amplitude regions is situated beneath the projected location of a known gas vent site. The seismic data appear to image the conduits that supply this vent site with gas. The seafloor in most of the study area is likely to be within the zone of gas hydrate stability, depending on bottom water temperatures and hydrate composition. Hence, gas appears to be venting through the gas hydrate stability zone, favouring locally high concentrations of gas hydrates.
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems | 2014
Andreia Plaza-Faverola; Ingo Pecher; Gareth Crutchley; Phil Barnes; Stefan Bünz; Thomas Peter Golding; Dirk Klaeschen; Cord Papenberg; J. Bialas
Gas seepage from marine sediments has implications for understanding feedbacks between the global carbon reservoir, seabed ecology and climate change. Although the relationship between hydrates, gas chimneys and seafloor seepage is well established, the nature of fluid sources and plumbing mechanisms controlling fluid escape into the hydrate zone and up to the seafloor remain one of the least understood components of fluid migration systems. In this study we present the analysis of new three-dimensional high-resolution seismic data acquired to investigate fluid migration systems sustaining active seafloor seepage at Omakere Ridge, on the Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand. The analysis reveals at high resolution, complex overprinting fault structures (i.e. protothrusts, normal faults from flexural extension, and shallow (<1 km) arrays of oblique shear structures) implicated in fluid migration within the gas hydrate stability zone in an area of 2x7 km. In addition to fluid migration systems sustaining seafloor seepage on both sides of a central thrust fault, the data show seismic evidence for sub-seafloor gas-rich fluid accumulation associated with proto-thrusts and extensional faults. In these latter systems fluid pressure dissipation through time has been favored, hindering the development of gas chimneys. We discuss the elements of the distinct fluid migration systems and the influence that a complex partitioning of stress may have on the evolution of fluid flow systems in active subduction margins.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2015
Gareth Crutchley; Douglas Fraser; Ingo Pecher; Andrew R. Gorman; G. Maslen; Stuart Henrys
We present multichannel seismic data from New Zealands Hikurangi subduction margin that show widespread evidence for gas migration into the field of gas hydrate stability. Gas migration along stratigraphic layers into the hydrate system manifests itself as highly reflective segments of dipping strata that originate at the base of hydrate stability and extend some distance toward the seafloor. The highly reflective segments exhibit the same polarity as the seafloor reflection, indicating that localized gas hydrate precipitation from gas-charged fluids within relatively permeable layers has occurred. High-density velocity analysis shows that these layer-constrained gas hydrate accumulations are underlain by thick (up to ~500u2009m) free gas zones, which provide the source for focused gas migration into the hydrate layer. In addition to gas being channeled along layers, we also interpret gas migration through a fault zone into the field of hydrate stability; in this case, a low-velocity layer within the hydrate stability zone extends laterally away from the fault, which might indicate that gas-charged fluids have also migrated away from the fault along strata. At this site, where both dipping strata and faulting seem to influence fluid migration, we observe anomalously high velocities at the base of hydrate stability that we interpret as concentrated gas hydrates. Our results give insight into how shallow fluid flow responds to permeability contrasts between strata, fault zones, and perhaps also the gas hydrate system itself. Ultimately, these relationships can lead to gas migration across the base of hydrate stability and the precipitation of concentrated hydrate deposits.
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems | 2014
Joshu J. Mountjoy; Ingo Pecher; Stuart Henrys; Gareth Crutchley; Philip M. Barnes; Andreia Plaza-Faverola
Morphological and seismic data from a submarine landslide complex east of New Zealand indicate flow-like deformation within gas hydrate-bearing sediment. This “creeping” deformation occurs immediately downslope of where the base of gas hydrate stability reaches the seafloor, suggesting involvement of gas hydrates. We present evidence that, contrary to conventional views, gas hydrates can directly destabilize the seafloor. Three mechanisms could explain how the shallow gas hydrate system could control these landslides. (1) Gas hydrate dissociation could result in excess pore pressure within the upper reaches of the landslide. (2) Overpressure below low-permeability gas hydrate-bearing sediments could cause hydrofracturing in the gas hydrate zone valving excess pore pressure into the landslide body. (3) Gas hydrate-bearing sediment could exhibit time-dependent plastic deformation enabling glacial-style deformation. We favor the final hypothesis that the landslides are actually creeping seafloor glaciers. The viability of rheologically controlled deformation of a hydrate sediment mix is supported by recent laboratory observations of time-dependent deformation behavior of gas hydrate-bearing sands. The controlling hydrate is likely to be strongly dependent on formation controls and intersediment hydrate morphology. Our results constitute a paradigm shift for evaluating the effect of gas hydrates on seafloor strength which, given the widespread occurrence of gas hydrates in the submarine environment, may require a reevaluation of slope stability following future climate-forced variation in bottom-water temperature.
Marine Geophysical Researches | 2018
Jess I. T. Hillman; Geoffroy Lamarche; Arne Pallentin; Ingo Pecher; Andrew R. Gorman; Jens Schneider von Deimling
Using automated supervised segmentation of multibeam backscatter data to delineate seafloor substrates is a relatively novel technique. Low-frequency multibeam echosounders (MBES), such as the 12-kHz EM120, present particular difficulties since the signal can penetrate several metres into the seafloor, depending on substrate type. We present a case study illustrating how a non-targeted dataset may be used to derive information from multibeam backscatter data regarding distribution of substrate types. The results allow us to assess limitations associated with low frequency MBES where sub-bottom layering is present, and test the accuracy of automated supervised segmentation performed using SonarScope® software. This is done through comparison of predicted and observed substrate from backscatter facies-derived classes and substrate data, reinforced using quantitative statistical analysis based on a confusion matrix. We use sediment samples, video transects and sub-bottom profiles acquired on the Chatham Rise, east of New Zealand. Inferences on the substrate types are made using the Generic Seafloor Acoustic Backscatter (GSAB) model, and the extents of the backscatter classes are delineated by automated supervised segmentation. Correlating substrate data to backscatter classes revealed that backscatter amplitude may correspond to lithologies up to 4xa0m below the seafloor. Our results emphasise several issues related to substrate characterisation using backscatter classification, primarily because the GSAB model does not only relate to grain size and roughness properties of substrate, but also accounts for other parameters that influence backscatter. Better understanding these limitations allows us to derive first-order interpretations of sediment properties from automated supervised segmentation.
Interpretation | 2016
Gareth Crutchley; Guy Maslen; Ingo Pecher; Joshu J. Mountjoy
AbstractThe existence of free gas and gas hydrate in the pore spaces of marine sediments causes changes in acoustic velocities that overprint the background lithological velocities of the sediments themselves. Much previous work has determined that such velocity overprinting, if sufficiently pronounced, can be resolved with conventional velocity analysis from long-offset, multichannel seismic data. We used 2D seismic data from a gas hydrate province at the southern end of New Zealand’s Hikurangi subduction margin to describe a workflow for high-resolution velocity analysis that delivered detailed velocity models of shallow marine sediments and their coincident gas hydrate systems. The results showed examples of pronounced low-velocity zones caused by free gas ponding beneath the hydrate layer, as well as high-velocity zones related to gas hydrate deposits. For the seismic interpreter of a gas hydrate system, the velocity results represent an extra “layer” for interpretation that provides important informa...