J. F. Fennell
The Aerospace Corporation
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Featured researches published by J. F. Fennell.
Nature | 2013
Richard M. Thorne; W. Li; B. Ni; Q. Ma; J. Bortnik; Lunjin Chen; D. N. Baker; Harlan E. Spence; G. D. Reeves; M. G. Henderson; C. A. Kletzing; W. S. Kurth; G. B. Hospodarsky; J. B. Blake; J. F. Fennell; S. G. Claudepierre; Shrikanth G. Kanekal
Recent analysis of satellite data obtained during the 9 October 2012 geomagnetic storm identified the development of peaks in electron phase space density, which are compelling evidence for local electron acceleration in the heart of the outer radiation belt, but are inconsistent with acceleration by inward radial diffusive transport. However, the precise physical mechanism responsible for the acceleration on 9 October was not identified. Previous modelling has indicated that a magnetospheric electromagnetic emission known as chorus could be a potential candidate for local electron acceleration, but a definitive resolution of the importance of chorus for radiation-belt acceleration was not possible because of limitations in the energy range and resolution of previous electron observations and the lack of a dynamic global wave model. Here we report high-resolution electron observations obtained during the 9 October storm and demonstrate, using a two-dimensional simulation performed with a recently developed time-varying data-driven model, that chorus scattering explains the temporal evolution of both the energy and angular distribution of the observed relativistic electron flux increase. Our detailed modelling demonstrates the remarkable efficiency of wave acceleration in the Earth’s outer radiation belt, and the results presented have potential application to Jupiter, Saturn and other magnetized astrophysical objects.
Science | 2013
G. D. Reeves; Harlan E. Spence; M. G. Henderson; S. K. Morley; Roland H. Friedel; H. O. Funsten; D. N. Baker; Shrikanth G. Kanekal; J. B. Blake; J. F. Fennell; S. G. Claudepierre; Richard M. Thorne; D. L. Turner; C. A. Kletzing; W. S. Kurth; Brian A. Larsen; J. T. Niehof
Local Acceleration How the electrons trapped in Earth-encircling Van Allen radiation belts get accelerated has been debated since their discovery in 1958. Reeves et al. (p. 991, published online 25 July) used data from the Van Allen Radiation Belt Storm Probes, launched by NASA on 30 August 2012, to discover that radiation belt electrons are accelerated locally by wave-particle interactions, rather than by radial transport from regions of weaker to stronger magnetic fields. Satellite observations provide evidence for local relativistic electron acceleration in Earth’s radiation belts. The Van Allen radiation belts contain ultrarelativistic electrons trapped in Earth’s magnetic field. Since their discovery in 1958, a fundamental unanswered question has been how electrons can be accelerated to such high energies. Two classes of processes have been proposed: transport and acceleration of electrons from a source population located outside the radiation belts (radial acceleration) or acceleration of lower-energy electrons to relativistic energies in situ in the heart of the radiation belts (local acceleration). We report measurements from NASA’s Van Allen Radiation Belt Storm Probes that clearly distinguish between the two types of acceleration. The observed radial profiles of phase space density are characteristic of local acceleration in the heart of the radiation belts and are inconsistent with a predominantly radial acceleration process.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1998
K. Shiokawa; W. Baumjohann; G. Haerendel; G. Paschmann; J. F. Fennell; E. Friis-Christensen; H. Lühr; G. D. Reeves; C. T. Russell; Peter R. Sutcliffe; Kazue Takahashi
We have studied the onset timing of earthward high-speed ion flow observed by the AMPTE/IRM satellite at 12.3 Earth radii (RE) and 0100 MLT in the central plasma sheet during an isolated substorm event on March 1, 1985. The timing of this onset is compared with that of the substorm current wedge and Pi 2 magnetic pulsations observed by a large number of ground-based stations and the AMPTE/CCE, GOES 5, and ISEE 1 satellites and with that of high-energy particle injection observed at Los Aimos geosynchronous satellite 1982-019. The onset of earthward high-speed flow is observed 3 min before the onset of the global current wedge formation and 6 min before the onset of high-energy particle injection. The three bursts of the high-speed flow observed at AMPTE/IRM are likely to correspond to three compressional pulses observed at AMPTE/CCE at 6 RE and three Pi 2 wave packets observed at midlatitude ground stations. On the basis of these observations we conclude that the substorm current wedge is caused by inertia current and the current due to flow shear at the braking point of the earthward high-speed flow during the initial stage of the substorm expansion phase. The braking point is well separated from the near-Earth neutral line. It is also suggested that the compressional pulses and fluctuations of field-aligned currents generated at the flow braking point can be the initial cause of the Pi 2 magnetic pulsations in the inner magnetosphere.
Science | 2016
J. L. Burch; R. B. Torbert; T. D. Phan; L. J Chen; T. E. Moore; R. E. Ergun; J. P. Eastwood; D. J. Gershman; P. A. Cassak; M. R. Argall; Sheng-Hsiang Wang; Michael Hesse; C. J. Pollock; B. L. Giles; R. Nakamura; B. H. Mauk; S. A. Fuselier; C. T. Russell; R. J. Strangeway; J. F. Drake; M. A. Shay; Yu. V. Khotyaintsev; Per-Arne Lindqvist; Göran Marklund; F. D. Wilder; D. T. Young; K. Torkar; J. Goldstein; J. C. Dorelli; L. A. Avanov
Probing magnetic reconnection in space Magnetic reconnection occurs when the magnetic field permeating a conductive plasma rapidly rearranges itself, releasing energy and accelerating particles. Reconnection is important in a wide variety of physical systems, but the details of how it occurs are poorly understood. Burch et al. used NASAs Magnetospheric Multiscale mission to probe the plasma properties within a reconnection event in Earths magnetosphere (see the Perspective by Coates). They find that the process is driven by the electron-scale dynamics. The results will aid our understanding of magnetized plasmas, including those in fusion reactors, the solar atmosphere, solar wind, and the magnetospheres of Earth and other planets. Science, this issue p. 10.1126/science.aaf2939; see also p. 1176 Magnetic reconnection is driven by the electron-scale dynamics occurring within magnetized plasmas. INTRODUCTION Magnetic reconnection is a physical process occurring in plasmas in which magnetic energy is explosively converted into heat and kinetic energy. The effects of reconnection—such as solar flares, coronal mass ejections, magnetospheric substorms and auroras, and astrophysical plasma jets—have been studied theoretically, modeled with computer simulations, and observed in space. However, the electron-scale kinetic physics, which controls how magnetic field lines break and reconnect, has up to now eluded observation. RATIONALE To advance understanding of magnetic reconnection with a definitive experiment in space, NASA developed and launched the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission in March 2015. Flying in a tightly controlled tetrahedral formation, the MMS spacecraft can sample the magnetopause, where the interplanetary and geomagnetic fields reconnect, and make detailed measurements of the plasma environment and the electric and magnetic fields in the reconnection region. Because the reconnection dissipation region at the magnetopause is thin (a few kilometers) and moves rapidly back and forth across the spacecraft (10 to 100 km/s), high-resolution measurements are needed to capture the microphysics of reconnection. The most critical measurements are of the three-dimensional electron distributions, which must be made every 30 ms, or 100 times the fastest rate previously available. RESULTS On 16 October 2015, the MMS tetrahedron encountered a reconnection site on the dayside magnetopause and observed (i) the conversion of magnetic energy to particle kinetic energy; (ii) the intense current and electric field that causes the dissipation of magnetic energy; (iii) crescent-shaped electron velocity distributions that carry the current; and (iv) changes in magnetic topology. The crescent-shaped features in the velocity distributions (left side of the figure) are the result of demagnetization of solar wind electrons as they flow into the reconnection site, and their acceleration and deflection by an outward-pointing electric field that is set up at the magnetopause boundary by plasma density gradients. As they are deflected in these fields, the solar wind electrons mix in with magnetospheric electrons and are accelerated along a meandering path that straddles the boundary, picking up the energy released in annihilating the magnetic field. As evidence of the predicted interconnection of terrestrial and solar wind magnetic fields, the crescent-shaped velocity distributions are diverted along the newly connected magnetic field lines in a narrow layer just at the boundary. This diversion along the field is shown in the right side of the figure. CONCLUSION MMS has yielded insights into the microphysics underlying the reconnection between interplanetary and terrestrial magnetic fields. The persistence of the characteristic crescent shape in the electron distributions suggests that the kinetic processes causing magnetic field line reconnection are dominated by electron dynamics, which produces the electric fields and currents that dissipate magnetic energy. The primary evidence for this magnetic dissipation is the appearance of an electric field and a current that are parallel to one another and out of the plane of the figure. MMS has measured this electric field and current, and has identified the important role of electron dynamics in triggering magnetic reconnection. Electron dynamics controls the reconnection between the terrestrial and solar magnetic fields. The process of magnetic reconnection has been a long-standing mystery. With fast particle measurements, NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission has measured how electron dynamics controls magnetic reconnection. The data in the circles show electrons with velocities from 0 to 104 km/s carrying current out of the page on the left side of the X-line and then flowing upward and downward along the reconnected magnetic field on the right side. The most intense fluxes are red and the least intense are blue. The plot in the center shows magnetic field lines and out-of-plane currents derived from a numerical plasma simulation using the parameters observed by MMS. Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental physical process in plasmas whereby stored magnetic energy is converted into heat and kinetic energy of charged particles. Reconnection occurs in many astrophysical plasma environments and in laboratory plasmas. Using measurements with very high time resolution, NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission has found direct evidence for electron demagnetization and acceleration at sites along the sunward boundary of Earth’s magnetosphere where the interplanetary magnetic field reconnects with the terrestrial magnetic field. We have (i) observed the conversion of magnetic energy to particle energy; (ii) measured the electric field and current, which together cause the dissipation of magnetic energy; and (iii) identified the electron population that carries the current as a result of demagnetization and acceleration within the reconnection diffusion/dissipation region.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1998
Jiasheng Chen; Theodore A. Fritz; Robert B. Sheldon; Harlan E. Spence; Walther N. Spjeldvik; J. F. Fennell; S. Livi; C. T. Russell; Jolene S. Pickett; D. A. Gurnett
The Charge and Mass Magnetospheric Ion Composition Experiment (CAMMICE) on board the Polar spacecraft observed 75 energetic particle events in 1996 while the satellite was at apogee. All of these events were associated with a decrease in the magnitude of the local magnetic field measured by the Magnetic Field Experiment (MFE) on Polar. These new events showed several unusual features: (1) They were detected in the dayside polar cusp near the apogee of Polar with about 79% of the total events in the afternoonside and 21% in the morningside; (2) an individual event could last for hours; (3) the measured helium ion had energies up to and many times in excess of 2.4 MeV; (4) the intensity of 1-200 KeV/e helium was anticorrelated with the magnitude of the local geomagnetic field but correlated with the turbulent magnetic energy density; (5) the events were associated with an enhancement of the low-frequency magnetic noise, the spectrum of which typically extends from a few hertz to a few hundreds of hertz as measured by the Plasma Wave Instrument (PWI) on Polar; and (6) a seasonal variation was found for the occurrence rate of the events with a maximum in September. These characterized a new phenomenon which we are calling cusp energetic particle (CEP) events. The observed high charge state of helium and oxygen ions in the CEP events indicates a solar source for these particles. Furthermore, the measured 0.52-1.15 MeV helium flux was proportional to the difference between the maximum and the minimum magnetic field in the event. A possible explanation is that the energetic helium ions are energized from lower energy helium by a local acceleration mechanism associated with the high-altitude dayside cusp. These observations represent a potential discovery of a major acceleration region of the magnetosphere.
Space Science Reviews | 1997
B. Wilken; W. I. Axford; Ioannis A. Daglis; P. W. Daly; W. Güttler; W. H. Ip; A. Korth; G. Kremser; S. Livi; Vytenis M. Vasyliūnas; J. Woch; D. N. Baker; R. D. Belian; J. B. Blake; J. F. Fennell; L. R. Lyons; H. Borg; Theodore A. Fritz; F. Gliem; R. Rathje; M. Grande; D. Hall; K. Kecskemety; S. M. P. McKenna-Lawlor; K. Mursula; P. Tanskanen; Zuyin Pu; I. Sandahl; E. T. Sarris; M. Scholer
The RAPID spectrometer (Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors) for the Cluster mission is an advanced particle detector for the analysis of suprathermal plasma distributions in the energy range from 20–400 keV for electrons, 40 keV–1500 keV (4000 keV) for hydrogen, and 10 keV nucl-1–1500 keV (4000 keV) for heavier ions. Novel detector concepts in combination with pin-hole acceptance allow the measurement of angular distributions over a range of 180° in polar angle for either species. Identification of the ionic component (particle mass A) is based on a two-dimensional analysis of the particles velocity and energy. Electrons are identified by the well-known energy-range relationship. Details of the detection techniques and in-orbit operations are described. Scientific objectives of this investigation are highlighted by the discussion of selected critical issues in geospace.
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | 1992
B. Wilken; W. Weiss; D. Hall; M. Grande; F. Søraas; J. F. Fennell
The magnetospheric ion composition spectrometer (MICS) in the CRRES scientific payload utilizes time-offlight and energy spectroscopy in combination with an electrostatic entrance filter to measure the mass A , energy E, and ionic charge Q of particles with energies between 1 keV/charge and 430 keV/charge. An advanced ogive design of the electrostatic filter system provides a narrow angle of acceptance and high sensitivity. Incident particles are postaccelerated prior to entering the detection segment in order to improve the resolution at the lower end of the useful energy range. The principle features of the MICS spectrometer are described in some detail. Selected data gathered in-flight are shown as an illustration of the instrument performance in the operational orbit. I. Introduction T HE magnetospheric ion composition spectrometer (MICS) in the payload of the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES) belongs to a class of advanced instruments which provide full characterization of incident ions by determining their mass A (in amu), charge Q, and velocity V (magnitude and direction) as independent parameters. The particles identity is derived from a time-offlight Tand energy E measurement, and the ionic charge Q is obtained from an electrostatic energy per charge E/Q filter which serves as the entry element of the spectrometer. Upon leaving the E/Q filter the ions energy is increased by a postaccelerating voltage to improve the instrument resolution at low particle energies. The MICS energy range extends from 1.2 keV/charge up to 426.5 keV/charge, and ion species are identified from hydrogen to iron. The obtainable mass resolution A/dA is a complex function of the particle mass and energy. For a given ion species the mass resolution increases as a function of the energy per mass ratio E/A. A typical ratio A /cL4 = 8 is obtained for oxygen ions with energies above 100 keV. Despite this only moderate mass resolution, atoms and molecules, even isobaric structures, can be discriminated by a peculiarity of the MICS detection technique: Fragmentation of swift molecules in the thin START foil of the TIE spectrometer leads to groups of particles which travel with the original velocity but each fragments energy is apportioned to its mass. The resulting statistical distribution in (E, T) space can be used to identify the presence of molecules.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
W. Li; Richard M. Thorne; Q. Ma; B. Ni; J. Bortnik; D. N. Baker; Harlan E. Spence; G. D. Reeves; S. G. Kanekal; J. C. Green; C. A. Kletzing; W. S. Kurth; G. B. Hospodarsky; J. B. Blake; J. F. Fennell; S. G. Claudepierre
Local acceleration driven by whistler-mode chorus waves is fundamentally important for accelerating seed electron populations to highly relativistic energies in the outer radiation belt. In this study, we quantitatively evaluate chorus-driven electron acceleration during the 17 March 2013 storm, when the Van Allen Probes observed very rapid electron acceleration up to several MeV within ~12 hours. A clear radial peak in electron phase space density (PSD) observed near L* ~4 indicates that an internal local acceleration process was operating. We construct the global distribution of chorus wave intensity from the low-altitude electron measurements made by multiple Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES) satellites over a broad region, which is ultimately used to simulate the radiation belt electron dynamics driven by chorus waves. Our simulation results show remarkable agreement in magnitude, timing, energy dependence, and pitch angle distribution with the observed electron PSD near its peak location. However, radial diffusion and other loss processes may be required to explain the differences between the observation and simulation at other locations away from the PSD peak. Our simulation results, together with previous studies, suggest that local acceleration by chorus waves is a robust and ubiquitous process and plays a critical role in accelerating injected seed electrons with convective energies (~100 keV) to highly relativistic energies (several MeV).
Geophysical Research Letters | 1991
Tuija I. Pulkkinen; D. N. Baker; D. H. Fairfield; R. J. Pellinen; J. S. Murphree; R. D. Elphinstone; R. L. McPherron; J. F. Fennell; Ramon Lopez; T. Nagai
The CDAW-9 Event C focused upon the early part of 3 May 1986 when a large substorm onset occurred at 0111 UT. By modifying the Tsyganenko 1989 magnetic field model, the authors construct a model in which the near-Earth current systems are enhanced with time to describe the observed development of the tail magnetic field during the growth phase. The cross-tail current intensity and the thickness of the current sheet are determined by comparison with three spacecraft in the near-Earth tail. The location of the auroral bulge as recorded by the Viking imager is mapped to the equatorial current sheet. The degree of chaotization of the thermal electrons is estimated, and the consequences to the tail stability towards ion tearing are discussed. The authors conclude that the mapping of the brightening region in the auroral oval corresponds to the regions in the tail where the current sheet may be unstable towards ion tearing.
Nature | 2014
D. N. Baker; A. N. Jaynes; V. C. Hoxie; Richard M. Thorne; J. C. Foster; X. Li; J. F. Fennell; J. R. Wygant; Shrikanth G. Kanekal; Philip J. Erickson; W. S. Kurth; W. Li; Q. Ma; Q. Schiller; L. W. Blum; D. M. Malaspina; Andrew J. Gerrard; L. J. Lanzerotti
Early observations indicated that the Earth’s Van Allen radiation belts could be separated into an inner zone dominated by high-energy protons and an outer zone dominated by high-energy electrons. Subsequent studies showed that electrons of moderate energy (less than about one megaelectronvolt) often populate both zones, with a deep ‘slot’ region largely devoid of particles between them. There is a region of dense cold plasma around the Earth known as the plasmasphere, the outer boundary of which is called the plasmapause. The two-belt radiation structure was explained as arising from strong electron interactions with plasmaspheric hiss just inside the plasmapause boundary, with the inner edge of the outer radiation zone corresponding to the minimum plasmapause location. Recent observations have revealed unexpected radiation belt morphology, especially at ultrarelativistic kinetic energies (more than five megaelectronvolts). Here we analyse an extended data set that reveals an exceedingly sharp inner boundary for the ultrarelativistic electrons. Additional, concurrently measured data reveal that this barrier to inward electron radial transport does not arise because of a physical boundary within the Earth’s intrinsic magnetic field, and that inward radial diffusion is unlikely to be inhibited by scattering by electromagnetic transmitter wave fields. Rather, we suggest that exceptionally slow natural inward radial diffusion combined with weak, but persistent, wave–particle pitch angle scattering deep inside the Earth’s plasmasphere can combine to create an almost impenetrable barrier through which the most energetic Van Allen belt electrons cannot migrate.