J. Renée Brooks
United States Environmental Protection Agency
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Featured researches published by J. Renée Brooks.
Resource Physiology of Conifers#R##N#Acquisition, Allocation, and Utilization | 1995
Douglas G. Sprugel; Michael G. Ryan; J. Renée Brooks; Kristiina A. Vogt; Timothy A. Martin
Publisher Summary Respiration is a major factor in plant, stand, or ecosystem energy budgets, estimated to consume anywhere from 30–70% of total carbon fixed. Respiration has been an area of particular interest and concern recently because of the possibility that C02-induced global warming might lead to substantial increases in respiration in temperate and boreal ecosystems that could decrease net primary productivity This chapter focuses on respiration. It describes dark respiration as a process by which glucose is enzymatically combined with oxygen to liberate chemical energy and CO2. Most respiration in trees is through the normal cytochrome-mediated pathway, but there is an alternative. Cyanide-resistant or salicylhydroxamic acid-sensitive respiration is a nonphosphorylating respiration pathway that generates only 40–50% as much chemical energy per glucose oxidized. When the respiration costs of producing plant tissue are estimated from tissue analyses, any ATP required for synthesis is produced by cytochromemediated respiration. Photorespiration is a by-product of photosynthesis in C3 plants in which ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase binds to O2 instead of CO2. It manifests as a reduction in the rate of photosynthesis. Considerable effort has been put into developing techniques for scaling individual measurements up to stand level. This chapter focuses on these scaling techniques and how they deal with known sources of variation in respiration.
New Phytologist | 2008
Jeffrey M. Warren; J. Renée Brooks; Frederick C. Meinzer; Joyce L. Eberhart
While there is strong evidence for hydraulic redistribution (HR) of soil water by trees, it is not known if common mycorrhizal networks (CMN) can facilitate HR from mature trees to seedlings under field conditions. Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) seedlings were planted into root-excluding 61-microm mesh barrier chambers buried in an old-growth pine forest. After 2 yr, several mature trees were cut and water enriched in D(2)O and acid fuchsin dye was applied to the stumps. Fine roots and mycorrhizal root tips of source trees became heavily dyed, indicating reverse sap flow in root xylem transported water from stems throughout root systems to the root hyphal mantle that interfaces with CMN. Within 3 d, D(2)O was found in mesh-chamber seedling foliage > 1 m from source trees; after 3 wk, eight of 10 mesh-chamber seedling stem samples were significantly enriched above background levels. Average mesh-chamber enrichment was 1.8 x greater than that for two seedlings for which the connections to CMN were broken by trenching before D(2)O application. Even small amounts of water provided to mycorrhizas by HR may maintain hyphal viability and facilitate nutrient uptake under drying conditions, which may provide an advantage to seedlings hydraulically linked by CMN to large trees.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment | 2006
Jana E. Compton; Christian P. Andersen; Donald L. Phillips; J. Renée Brooks; Mark G. Johnson; M. Robbins Church; William E. Hogsett; Michael A. Cairns; Paul T. Rygiewicz; Brenda McComb; Courtney D. Shaff
Salmon runs have declined over the past two centuries in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Reduced inputs of salmon-derived organic matter and nutrients (SDN) may limit freshwater production and thus establish a negative feedback loop affecting future generations of fish. Restoration efforts use the rationale of declining SDN to justify artificial nutrient additions, with the goal of reversing salmon decline. The forms of nutrient addition include introducing salmon carcasses, carcass analogs (processed fish cakes), or inorganic fertilizers. While evidence suggests that fish and wildlife may benefit from increases in food availability as a result of carcass additions, stream ecosystems vary in their ability to use nutrients to benefit salmon. Moreover, the practice may introduce excess nutrients, disease, and toxic substances to streams that may already exceed proposed water quality standards. Restoration efforts involving nutrient addition must balance the potential benefits of increased foo...
Ecological Applications | 2009
J. Renée Brooks; Rob Coulombe
Nitrogen fertilizer applications are common land use management tools, but details on physiological responses to these applications are often lacking, particularly for long-term responses over decades of forest management. We used tree ring growth patterns and stable isotopes to understand long-term physiological responses to fertilization using a controlled fertilization experiment begun in 1964 in Washington State (USA), in which three levels of nitrogen fertilizer were applied: 157, 314; and 471 kg/ha. Basal area increment (BAI) increased more than fourfold in the highest treatment to twofold in the lowest, and a significant increase in BAI was observed for 20 years. Latewood delta 13C sharply decreased by 1.4 per thousand after fertilization and was significantly lower than controls for four years, but no differences existed between fertilization levels, and the effect disappeared after four years, indicating that intrinsic water use efficiency (A/gs) increased in response to fertilization. Earlywood delta 13C showed similar trends but was more variable. Latewood delta 18O increased significantly above controls by approximately 2 per thousand in all treatments, but the duration differed with treatment level, with the effect being longer for higher levels of fertilization and lasting as long as nine years after fertilization. Because source water and relative humidity were the same between experimental plots, we interpreted the delta 18O increase with treatment as a decrease in leaf-level transpiration. Earlywood delta 18O did not show any treatment effects. Because the Pacific Northwest has a mediterranean climate with dry summers, we speculated that fertilization caused a substantial increase in leaf area, causing the trees to transpire themselves into drought stress during the late summer. We estimate from the delta 18O data that stomatal conductance (gs) was reduced by approximately 30%. Using the delta 13C data to estimate assimilation rates (A), A during the late season was also reduced by 20-30%. If leaf-level A decreased, but BAI increased, we estimated that leaf area on those trees must have increased by fourfold with the highest level of treatment within this stand. This increase in leaf area resulting from fertilization caused a hydraulic imbalance within the trees that lasted as long as nine years after treatment at the highest levels of fertilization.
New Phytologist | 2011
J. Renée Brooks; A. K. Mitchell
• Carbon sequestration has focused renewed interest in understanding how forest management affects forest carbon gain over timescales of decades, and yet details of the physiological mechanisms over decades are often lacking for understanding long-term growth responses to management. • Here, we examined tree-ring growth patterns and stable isotopes of cellulose (δ(13)C(cell) and δ(18)O(cell)) in a thinning and fertilization controlled experiment where growth increased substantially in response to treatments to elucidate physiological data and to test the dual isotope approach for uses in other locations. • δ(13)C(cell) and δ(18)O(cell) results indicated that fertilization caused an increase in intrinsic water-use efficiency through increases in photosynthesis (A) for the first 3 yr. The combination treatment caused a much larger increase in A and water-use efficiency. Only the thinning treatments showed consistent significant increases in δ(18)O(cell) above controls. Changes in canopy microclimate are the likely drivers for δ(18)O(cell) increases with decreases in relative humidity and increases in leaf temperature associated with thinning being the most probable causes. • Tree-ring isotopic records, particularly δ(13)C(cell), remain a viable way to reconstruct long-term physiological mechanisms affecting tree carbon gain in response to management and climate fluctuations.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1997
Lawrence B. Flanagan; J. Renée Brooks; James R. Ehleringer
In this paper we compare measurements of photosynthesis and carbon isotope discrimination characteristics among plants from three mature boreal forest types (Black spruce, Jack pine, and aspen) in order to help explain variation in ecosystem-level gas exchange processes. Measurements were made at the southern study area (SSA) and northern study area (NSA) of the boreal forest in central Canada as part of the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS). In both the NSA and the SSA there were significant differences in photosynthesis among the major tree species, with aspen having the highest CO2 assimilation rates and spruce the lowest. Within a species, photosynthetic rates in the SSA were approximately twice those measured in the NSA, and this was correlated with similar variations in stomatal conductance. Calculations of the ratio of leaf intercellular to ambient CO2 concentration (ci/ca) from leaf carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) values indicated a relatively low degree of stomatal limitation of photosynthesis, despite the low absolute values of stomatal conductance in these boreal tree species. Within each ecosystem, leaf Δ values were strongly correlated with life-form groups (trees, shrubs, forbs, and mosses), and these differences are maintained between years. Although we observed significant variation in the 13C content of tree rings at the old Jack pine site in the NSA during the past decade (indicating interannual variation in the degree of stomatal limitation), changes in summer precipitation and temperature accounted for only 44% of the isotopic variance. We scaled leaf-level processes to the ecosystem level through analyses of well-mixed canopy air. On average, all three forest types had similar ecosystem-level Δ values (average value ± standard deviation, 19.1‰±0.5‰), calculated from measurements of change in the concentration and carbon isotope ratio of atmospheric CO2 during a diurnal cycle within a forest canopy. However, there were seasonal changes in ecosystem discrimination for aspen forests, while the evergreen conifer forests exhibited relatively constant discrimination values throughout the active growing season.
Ecosphere | 2012
J. Renée Brooks; Parker J. Wigington; Donald L. Phillips; Randy L. Comeleo; Rob Coulombe
Determining how water sources for rivers vary over time can greatly enhance our understanding and management of land use and climate change impacts on rivers. Because the stable isotope composition of precipitation can vary geographically, variation in the stable isotope composition of river water may be able to identify source water dynamics. We monitored the stable isotope values (δ18O and δ2H) of river and stream water within the southern Willamette River Basin in western Oregon over two years. Within this basin, eighty-four percent of the isotopic variation in small tributary streams was explained by the mean elevation of the catchments, whereas seasonal variation was minimal. However, water within the Willamette River had distinct isotopic seasonal patterns that likely occurred because of changes in the mean elevation of source water for the river. River isotopic values were lowest during summer low flow and highest during February/March when snow accumulated in the mountains. We estimated that the m...
Oecologia | 2005
Tammy E. Foster; J. Renée Brooks
The functional grouping concept, which suggests that complexity in ecosystem function can be simplified by grouping species with similar responses, was tested in the Florida scrub habitat. Functional groups were identified based on how species regulate exchange of carbon and water with the atmosphere as indicated by both instantaneous gas exchange measurements and integrated measures of function (%N, δ13C, δ15N, C:N ratio) in fire-maintained Florida scrub, which was considered the natural state for scrub habitat. Using cluster analysis, five distinct physiologically based functional groups were identified in the fire-maintained scrub and were determined to be distinct clusters and not just arbitrary divisions in a continuous distribution by the non-parametric multivariate analysis of similarities (ANOSIM; R=0.649, P=0.005). These functional groups were tested for robustness spatially, temporally, and with management regime using ANOSIM. The physiological functional groups remained distinct clusters in this broader array of sites (R=0.794, P=0.001) and were not altered by plot differences, primarily, water table depth (R=−0.115, P=0.893) or by the three different management regimes: prescribed burn, mechanically treated and burned, and fire-suppressed (R=0.018, P=0.349). The physiological groupings also remained robust between the two climatically different years, with 1999 being a much wetter year than 2000 (R=−0.027, P=0.725). Easy-to-measure morphological characteristics, if they indicate the same functional groups, would be more practical for scaling and modeling ecosystem processes than detailed gas exchange measurements; therefore, we tested a variety of morphological characteristics as functional indicators. A combination of non-parametric multivariate techniques were used to compare the ability of life form, leaf thickness (LT), and specific leaf area (SLA) classifications to identify the physiologically based functional groups. Life form classifications (ANOSIM; R=0.629, P=0.001) were able to depict the physiological groupings more adequately than either SLA (ANOSIM; R=0.426, P=0.001) or LT (ANOSIM; R=0.344, P=0.001). The ability of life forms to depict the physiological groupings was improved by separating the parasitic Ximenia americana from the shrub category (ANOSIM; R=0.794, P=0.001). Therefore, a life form classification including parasites was determined to be a good indicator of the physiological processes of scrub species and would be a useful method of grouping species for scaling physiological processes to the ecosystem level.
Plant Cell and Environment | 2014
Steven L. Voelker; Frederick C. Meinzer; J. Renée Brooks; Richard P. Guyette
Tree-ring characteristics are commonly used to reconstruct climate variables, but divergence from the assumption of a single biophysical control may reduce the accuracy of these reconstructions. Here, we present data from bur oaks (Quercus macrocarpa Michx.) sampled within and beyond the current species bioclimatic envelope to identify the primary environmental controls on ring-width indices (RWIs) and carbon stable isotope discrimination (Δ(13) C) in tree-ring cellulose. Variation in Δ(13) C and RWI was more strongly related to leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit (VPD) at the centre and western edge of the range compared with the northern and wettest regions. Among regions, Δ(13) C of tree-ring cellulose was closely predicted by VPD and light responses of canopy-level Δ(13) C estimated using a model driven by eddy flux and meteorological measurements (R(2) = 0.96, P = 0.003). RWI and Δ(13) C were positively correlated in the drier regions, while they were negatively correlated in the wettest region. The strength and direction of the correlations scaled with regional VPD or the ratio of precipitation to evapotranspiration. Therefore, the correlation strength between RWI and Δ(13) C may be used to infer past wetness or aridity from paleo wood by determining the degree to which carbon gain and growth have been more limited by moisture or light.
Ecological Applications | 2014
Steven L. Voelker; J. Renée Brooks; Frederick C. Meinzer; John S. Roden; Anna Pazdur; Slawomira Pawelczyk; Peter Hartsough; Keirith A. Snyder; Lenka Plavcová; Jiří Šantrůček
Cellulose delta18O and deltaD can provide insights on climates and hydrological cycling in the distant past and how these factors differ spatially. However, most studies of plant cellulose have used only one isotope, most commonly delta18O, resulting in difficulties partitioning variation in delta18O of precipitation vs. evaporative conditions that affect leaf water isotopic enrichment. Moreover, observations of pronounced diurnal differences from conventional steady-state model predictions of leaf water isotopic fractionation have cast some doubt on single isotope modeling approaches for separating precipitation and evaporation drivers of cellulose delta18O or deltaD. We explore a dual isotope approach akin to the concept of deuterium-excess (d), to establish deuterium deviations from the global meteoric water line in leaf water (deltad(l)) as driven by relative humidity (RH). To demonstrate this concept, we survey studies of leaf water delta18O and deltaD in hardwood vs. conifer trees. We then apply the concept to cellulose delta18O and deltaD using a mechanistic model of cellulose delta18O and deltaD to reconstruct deuterium deviations from the global meteoric water line (deltad(c)) in Quercus macrocarpa, Q. robur, and Pseudotsuga menziesii. For each species, deltad(c) showed strong correlations with RH across sites. deltad(c) agreed well with steady-state predictions for Q. macrocarpa, while for Q. robur, the relationship with RH was steeper than expected. The slope of deltad(c) vs. RH of P. menziesii was also close to steady-state predictions, but deltad(c) were more enriched than predicted. This is in agreement with our leaf water survey showing conifer deltad(l) was more enriched than predicted. Our data reveal that applications of this method should be appropriate for reconstructing RH from cellulose delta18O and deltaD after accounting for differences between hardwoods and conifers. Hence, deltad(c) should be useful for understanding variability in RH associated with past climatic cycles, across regional climates, or across complex terrain where climate modeling is challenging. Furthermore, deltad(c) and inferred RH values should help in constraining variation in source water delta18O.