James Dorman
Columbia University
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Featured researches published by James Dorman.
Science | 1970
Gary V. Latham; Maurice Ewing; Frank Press; George H. Sutton; James Dorman; Yosio Nakamura; Nafi Toksoz; Ralph A. Wiggins; John S. Derr; Frederick K. Duennebier
Seismometer operation for 21 days at Tranquillity Base revealed, among strong signals produced by the Apollo 11 lunar module descent stage, a small proportion of probable natural seismic signals. The latter are long-duration, emergent oscillations which lack the discrete phases and coherence of earthquake signals. From similarity with the impact signal of the Apollo 12 ascent stage, they are thought to be produced by meteoroid impacts or shallow moonquakes. This signal character may imply transmission with high Q and intense wave scattering, conditions which are mutually exclusive on earth. Natural background noise is very much smaller than on earth, and lunar tectonism may be very low.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 1972
Marc L. Sbar; Muawia Barazangi; James Dorman; Christopher H. Scholz; Robert B. Smith
During the summer of 1969, six portable seismographs were operated at 82 sites along the Intermountain Seismic Belt from southwestern Utah to northwestern Montana. This survey followed a well-known seismic belt along the eastern physiographic boundary of the Basin and Range province, and within the middle and northern Rocky Mountains. In general, the 120 microearthquakes located in this study follow the same spatial trend as the macroseismic earthquakes reported by the NOS (formerly USCGS). Most of the micro-earthquakes clustered in time and space along well-known fault zones on which late Tertiary or younger movements have occurred. All of the accurately located hypocenters occurred between the surface and a 20 km depth. Composite fault plane solutions along the Hurricane and Sevier fault zones (southwestern Utah), Tushar and Sevier fault zones (Marysvale area, Utah), and Wasatch and East Cache fault zones in central and northern Utah indicate vertical-motion on steeply dipping fault planes. These motions may be indicative of differential movements between the Basin and Range province and the Colorado Plateau-Rocky Mountains. Composite fault plane solutions (CFPS) in the Caribou Mountains, southeastern Idaho, and Flathead Lake area, northwestern Montana, show normal faulting on less steeply dipping planes and have west-northwest trending extensional axes. Swarm activity was also observed in the above two regions. Between the above two areas of uplift and extension lies a region of complicated geology and seismicity.
Science | 1970
Gary V. Latham; Maurice Ewing; James Dorman; Frank Press; Nafi Toksoz; George H. Sutton; Rolf Meissner; Frederick K. Duennebier; Yosio Nakamura; Robert L. Kovach; M. Yates
Unusually long reverberations were recorded from two lunar impacts by a seismic station installed on the lunar surface by the Apollo 12 astronauts. Seismic data from these impacts suggest that the lunar mare in the region of the Apollo 12 landing site consists of material with very low seismic velocities near the surface, with velocity increasing with depth to 5 to 6 kilometers per second (for compressional waves) at a depth of 20 kilometers. Absorption of seismic waves in this structure is extremely low relative to typical continental crustal materials on earth. It is unlikely that a major boundary similar to the crustmantle interface on earth exists in the outer 20 kilometers of the moon. A combination of dispersion and scattering of surface waves probably explains the lunar seismic reverberation. Scattering of these waves implies the presence of heterogeneity within the outer zone of the mare on a scale of from several hundred meters (or less) to several kilometers. Seismic signals from 160 events of natural origin have been recorded during the first 7 months of operation of the Apollo 12 seismic station. At least 26 of the natural events are small moonquakes. Many of the natural events are thought to be meteoroid impacts.
Science | 1973
Yosio Nakamura; David Lammlein; Gary V. Latham; Maurice Ewing; James Dorman; Frank Press; Nafi Toksoz
Direct shear-wave arrivals from seismtic events originating on the far side of the moon are not observed at some of the stations of the Apollo seismic network. These data suggest that the material in the lunar interior at a depth of 1000 to 1100 kilometers is more dissipative for seismic shear waves than the lithosphere above, and possibly exists in a partially molten state akin to the earths asthenosphere.
Earth Moon and Planets | 1975
Yosio Nakamura; James Dorman; Frederick Duennebier; David Lammlein; Gary V. Latham
Data relevant to the shallow structure of the Moon obtained at the Apollo seismic stations are compared with previously published results of the active seismic experiments. It is concluded that the lunar surface is covered by a layer of low seismic velocity (Vp ≃ 100 m s−1), which appears to be equivalent to the lunar regolith defined previously by geological observations. This layer is underlain by a zone of distinctly higher seismic velocity at all of the Apollo landing sites. The regolith thicknesses at the Apollo 11, 12, and 15 sites are estimated from the shear-wave resonance to be 4.4, 3.7, and 4.4 m, respectively. These thicknesses and those determined at the other Apollo sites by the active seismic experiments appear to be correlated with the age determinations and the abundances of extralunar components at the sites.
Science | 1972
M. N. Toksöz; Frank Press; Kenneth R. Anderson; Anton M. Dainty; Gary V. Latham; Maurice Ewing; James Dorman; David Lammlein; George H. Sutton; Frederick K. Duennebier; Yosio Nakamura
Lunar seismic data from artificial impacts recorded at three Apollo seismometers are interpreted to determine the structure of the moons interior to a depth of about 100 kilomneters. In the Fra Mauro region of Oceanus Procellarum, the moon has a layered crust 65 kilometers thick. The seismic velocities in the upper 25 kilometers are consistent with those in lunar basalts. Between 25 and 65 kilometers, the nearly constant velocity (6.8 kilometers per second) corresponds to velocities in gabbroic and anorthositic rocks. The apparent velocity is high (about 9 kilometers per second) in the lunar mantle immediately below the crust.
Earth Moon and Planets | 1972
M. N. Toksőz; Frank Press; Kenneth R. Anderson; Anton M. Dainty; Gary V. Latham; Maurice Ewing; James Dorman; David Lammlein; Yosio Nakamura; George H. Sutton; Frederick K. Duennebier
Lunar seismic data from three Apollo seismometers are interpreted to determine the structure of the Moons interior to a depth of about 100 km. The travel times and amplitudes ofP arrivals from Saturn IV B and LM impacts are interpreted in terms of a compressional velocity profile. The most outstanding feature of the model is that, in the Fra Mauro region of Oceanus Procellarum, the Moon has a 65 km thick layered crust. Other features of the model are: (i) rapid increase of velocity near the surface due to pressure effects on dry rocks, (ii) a discontinuity at a depth of about 25 km, (iii) near constant velocity (6.8 km/s) between 25 and 65 km deep, (iv) a major discontinuity at 65 km marking the base of the lunar crust, and (v) very high velocity (about 9 km/s) in the lunar mantle below the crust. Velocities in the upper layer of the crust match those of lunar basalts while those in the lower layer fall in the range of terrestrial gabbroic and anorthositic rocks.
Earth Moon and Planets | 1973
Gary V. Latham; Maurice Ewing; James Dorman; Yosio Nakamura; Frank Press; Nafi Toksőz; George H. Sutton; Fred K. Duennebier; David Lammlein
Analysis of seismic signals from man-made impacts, moonquakes, and meteoroid impacts has established the presence of a lunar crust, approximately 60 km thick in the region of the Apollo seismic network; an underlying zone of nearly constant seismic velocity extending to a depth of about 1000 km, referred to as the mantle; and a lunar core, beginning at a depth of about 1000 km, in which shear waves are highly attenuated suggesting the presence of appreciable melting. Seismic velocitites in the crust reach 7 km s−1 beneath the lower-velocity surface zone. This velocity corresponds to that expected for the gabbroic anorthosites found to predominate in the highlands, suggesting that rock of this composition is the major constituent of the lunar crust. The upper mantle velocity of about 8 km s−1 for compressional waves corresponds to those of terrestrial olivines, pyroxenites and peridotites. The deep zone of melting may simply represent the depth at which solidus temperatures are exceeded in the lower mantle. If a silicate interior is assumed, as seems most plausible, minimum temperatures of between 1450°C and 1600°C at a depth of 1000 km are implied. The generation of deep moonquakes, which appear to be concentrated in a zone between 600 km and 1000 km deep, may now be explained as a consequence of the presence of fluids which facilitate dislocation. The preliminary estimate of meteoroid flux, based upon the statistics of seismic signals recorded from lunar impacts, is between one and three orders of magnitude lower than previous estimates from Earth-based measurements.
Earth Moon and Planets | 1972
Gary V. Latham; Maurice Ewing; James Dorman; David Lammlein; Frank Press; Naft Toksőz; George H. Sutton; Fred K. Duennebier; Yosio Nakamura
AbstractWith the succesful installation of a geophysical station at Hadley Rille, on July 31, 1971, on the Apollo 15 mission, and the continued operation of stations 12 and 14 approximately 1100 km SW, the Apollo program for the first time achieved a network of seismic stations on the lunar surface. A network of at least three stations is essential for the location of natural events on the Moon. Thus, the establishment of this network was one of the most important milestones in the geophysical exploration of the Moon.The major discoveries that have resulted to date from the analysis of seismic data from this network can be summarized as follows:(1)Lunar seismic signals differ greatly from typical terrestrial seismic signals. It now appears that this can be explained almost entirely by the presence of a thin dry, heterogeneous layer which blankets the Moon to a probable depth of few km with a maximum possible depth of about 20 km. Seismic waves are highly scattered in this zone. Seismic wave propagation within the lunar interior, below the scattering zone, is highly efficient. As a result, it is probable that meteoroid impact signals are being received from the entire lunar surface.(2)The Moon possesses a crust and a mantle, at least in the region of the Apollo 12 and 14 stations. The thickness of the crust is between 55 and 70 km and may consist of two layers. The contrast in elastic properties of the rocks which comprise these major structural units is at least as great as that which exists between the crust and mantle of the earth. (See Toksőzet al., p. 490, for further discussion of seismic evidence of a lunar crust.)(3)Natural lunar events detected by the Apollo seismic network are moonquakes and meteoroid impacts. The average rate of release of seismic energy from moonquakes is far below that of the Earth. Although present data do not permit a completely unambiguous interpretation, the best solution obtainable places the most active moonquake focus at a depth of 800 km; slightly deeper than any known earthquake. These moonquakes occur in monthly cycles; triggered by lunar tides. There are at least 10 zones within which the repeating moonquakes originate.(4)In addition to the repeating moonquakes, moonquake ‘swarms’ have been discovered. During periods of swarm activity, events may occur as frequently as one event every two hours over intervals lasting several days. The source of these swarms is unknown at present. The occurrence of moonquake swarms also appears to be related to lunar tides; although, it is too soon to be certain of this point. These findings have been discussed in eight previous papers (Lathamet al., 1969, 1970, 1971) The instrument has been described by Lathamet al. (1969) and Sutton and Latham (1964). The locations of the seismic stations are shown in Figure 1.
Geophysics | 1959
James Dorman
The IBM 650 computer of the Watson Scientific Computing Laboratory, Columbia University, was programmed to obtain numerical solutions for the period equation for Love waves on a half‐space with a double surface layer. Solutions including higher modes for seven models of the continental crust‐mantle system are presented. This group of related cases shows that certain properties of the solutions are diagnostic of crustal structure. These relationships are illustrated graphically.