James L. Elliot
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Featured researches published by James L. Elliot.
Science | 1993
Tobias Owen; Ted L. Roush; Dale P. Cruikshank; James L. Elliot; Leslie A. Young; Catherine de Bergh; Bernard Schmitt; Thomas R. Geballe; Robert H. Brown; Mary Jane Bartholomew
Observations of the 1.4- to 2.4-micrometer spectrum of Pluto reveal absorptions of carbon monoxide and nitrogen ices and confirm the presence of solid methane. Frozen nitrogen is more abundant than the other two ices by a factor of about 50; gaseous nitrogen must therefore be the major atmospheric constituent. The absence of carbon dioxide absorptions is one of several differences between the spectra of Pluto and Triton in this region. Both worlds carry information about the composition of the solar nebula and the processes by which icy planetesimals formed.
Icarus | 1989
James L. Elliot; Earl W. Dunham; Amanda Bosh; Stephen Michael Slivan; Leslie A. Young; Lawrence H. Wasserman; Robert L. Millis
Abstract The stellar occultation by Pluto on June 9, 1988, was observed with a high-speed CCD photometer attached to the 0.9-m telescope aboard NASAs Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO). The occultation lightcurve, which probed two regions on the sunrise limb separated by about 200 km, reveals a clear upper atmosphere that overlies an extinction layer with an abrupt upper boundary. The observations demonstrate that the extinction layer extends along the portion of the sunrise limb bounded by the immersion and emersion regions, as well as long the corresponding portion of the sunset limb on the opposite side of the planet. In all, the total limb probed by the KAO data for extinction represents nearly half of Plutos circumference. Hence, the extinction layer may surround the entire planet. A model atmosphere is presented, from which is derived an occultation lightcurve that closely matches the data. In addition to the standard parameters describing the occultation curve by an isothermal atmosphere, our model includes the radius of the upper boundary of the extinction and the radius of unit observed optical depth as free parameters. Fits of this model to the immersion and emersion lightcurves show no significant differences in the derived atmospheric structure. A preliminary geometrical solution, based on three occultation chords, yields a half-light radius of 1214 ± 20 km. At this level, the mean scale height derived from the model fits to the KAO data is 59.7 ± 1.5 km. The corresponding ratio of temperature to mean molecular weight is 4.2 ± 0.4°K/amu, with the principal source of error arising from the uncertainty in the mass of Pluto. The extinction layer, whose upper boundary lies 25 km below the half-light level, has a minimum thickness of 46 km, a minimum vertical optical depth of 0.19, and a scale height of 33.4 ± 6.9 km. For a pure methane atmosphere, our results imply (for the clear atmosphere at the half-light level) a temperature of 67 ± 6°K, a number density of 8.3 × 10 13 cm −3 , and a pressure of 0.78 ωbar. Our occultation data are also consistent with a predominantly nitrogen atmosphere (such as that of Titan), in which case the temperature would be 117 ± 11°K. The substantially smaller scale height of the extinction layer may arise from properties of the “particles” causing the extinction or may indicate a lower temperature in this region. Since our analysis indicates that the extinction layer is optically thick at the limb of Pluto, determinations of Plutos radius by methods that use reflected light, such as speckle interferometry and observations of the mutual events, give results that refer to the “visible disk” of Pluto and not on the planets solid surface. Unit optical depth of the extinction layer (observed along the line of sight) lies at 1174 ± 20 km, a level consistent with the radius of Pluto derived from the mutual events (1142 ± 21 km). The mutual event radius is also consistent with the deepest level probed by the occultation: it lies at a radius of 1143 ± 20 km, which represents an upper limit on the surface radius. For a pure methane atmosphere, a surface pressure as low as 3 ωbar (the vapor pressure of methane at 50°K) would be consistent with the occultation data.
The Astronomical Journal | 2005
James L. Elliot; Susan Diane Kern; K. B. Clancy; Amanda A. S. Gulbis; Robert L. Millis; Marc William Buie; Lawrence H. Wasserman; Eugene Chiang; A. B. Jordan; David E. Trilling; K. J. Meech
The Deep Ecliptic Survey (DES)?a search optimized for the discovery of Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) with the Blanco and Mayall 4 m telescopes at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory and Kitt Peak National Observatory?has covered 550 deg2 from its inception in 1998 through the end of 2003. This survey has a mean 50% sensitivity at VR magnitude 22.5. We report here the discoveries of 320 designated KBOs and Centaurs for the period 2000 March through 2003 December and describe improvements to our discovery and recovery procedures. Our data and the data products needed to reproduce our analyses in this paper are available through the NOAO survey database. Here we present a dynamical classification scheme, based on the behavior of orbital integrations over 10 Myr. The dynamical classes, in order of testing, are Resonant, Centaur, Scattered-Near, Scattered-Extended, and Classical. (These terms are capitalized when referring to our rigorous definitions.) Of the 382 total designated KBOs discovered by the DES, a subset of 196 objects have sufficiently accurate orbits for dynamical classification. Summary information is given for an additional 240 undesignated objects also discovered by the DES from its inception through the end of 2003. The number of classified DES objects (uncorrected for observational bias) are Classical, 96; Resonant, 54; Scattered-Near, 24; Scattered-Extended, 9; and Centaur, 13. We use subsets of the DES objects (which can have observational biases removed) and larger samples to perform dynamical analyses on the Kuiper belt. The first of these is a determination of the Kuiper belt plane (KBP), for which the Classical objects with inclinations less than 5? from the mean orbit pole yield a pole at R.A. = 27392 ? 062 and decl. = 6670 ? 020 (J2000), consistent with the invariable plane of the solar system. A general method for removing observational biases from the DES data set is presented and used to find a provisional magnitude distribution and the distribution of orbital inclinations relative to the KBP. A power-law model fit to the cumulative magnitude distribution of all KBOs discovered by the DES in the VR filter yields an index of 0.86 ? 0.10 (with the efficiency parameters for the DES fitted simultaneously with the population power law). With the DES sensitivity parameters fixed, we derive power-law indices of 0.74 ? 0.05, 0.52 ? 0.08, and 0.74 ? 0.15, respectively, for the Classical, Resonant, and Scattered classes. Plans for calibration of the DES detection efficiency function and DES magnitudes are discussed. The inclination distribution confirms the presence of hot and cold populations; when the geometric sin i factor is removed from the inclination distribution function, the cold population shows a concentrated core with a full width at half-maximum of approximately 46, while the hot population appears as a halo, extending beyond 30?. The inclination distribution is used to infer the KBO distribution in the sky, as a function of latitude relative to the KBP. This inferred latitude distribution is reasonably consistent with the latitude distribution derived from direct observation, but the agreement is not perfect. We find no clear boundary between the Classical and Scattered classes either in their orbital inclinations with respect to the KBP or in their power-law indices in their respective magnitude distributions. This leaves open the possibility that common processes have shaped the distribution of orbital parameters for the two classes.
Nature | 2003
James L. Elliot; Alper Ates; B. A. Babcock; Amanda Bosh; Marc William Buie; K. B. Clancy; Earl W. Dunham; Stephen S. Eikenberry; D. T. Hall; Susan Diane Kern; S. K. Leggett; Stephen E. Levine; D.-S. Moon; Catherine B. Olkin; David J. Osip; Jay M. Pasachoff; Bryan E. Penprase; S. H. Qu; John T. Rayner; L. C. Roberts; Colette Salyk; S. P. Souza; Roger C. Stone; Brian Taylor; D. J. Tholen; J. E. Thomas-Osip; David Ticehurst; L. H. Wasserman
Stellar occultations—the passing of a relatively nearby body in front of a background star—can be used to probe the atmosphere of the closer body with a spatial resolution of a few kilometres (ref. 1). Such observations can yield the scale height, temperature profile, and other information about the structure of the occulting atmosphere. Occultation data acquired for Plutos atmosphere in 1988 revealed a nearly isothermal atmosphere above a radius of ∼1,215 km. Below this level, the data could be interpreted as indicating either an extinction layer or the onset of a large thermal gradient, calling into question the fundamental structure of this atmosphere. Another question is to what extent Plutos atmosphere might be collapsing as it recedes from the Sun (passing perihelion in 1989 in its 248-year orbital period), owing to the extreme sensitivity of the equilibrium surface pressure to the surface temperature. Here we report observations at a variety of visible and infrared wavelengths of an occultation of a star by Pluto in August 2002. These data reveal evidence for extinction in Plutos atmosphere and show that it has indeed changed, having expanded rather than collapsed, since 1988.
The Astronomical Journal | 2003
Eugene Chiang; A. B. Jordan; Robert L. Millis; Marc William Buie; Lawrence H. Wasserman; James L. Elliot; Susan Diane Kern; David E. Trilling; K. J. Meech; R. M. Wagner
As part of our ongoing Deep Ecliptic Survey (DES) of the Kuiper belt, we report on the occupation of the 1 : 1 (Trojan), 4 : 3, 3 : 2, 7 : 4, 2 : 1, and 5 : 2 Neptunian mean motion resonances (MMRs). The previously unrecognized occupation of the 1 : 1 and 5 : 2 MMRs is not easily understood within the standard model of resonance sweeping by a migratory Neptune over an initially dynamically cold belt. Among all resonant Kuiper belt objects (KBOs), the three observed members of the 5 : 2 MMR discovered by DES possess the largest semimajor axes (a ≈ 55.4 AU), the highest eccentricities (e ≈ 0.4), and substantial orbital inclinations (i ≈ 10°). Objects (38084) 1999HB12 and possibly 2001KC77 can librate with modest amplitudes of ~90° within the 5 : 2 MMR for at least 1 Gyr. Their trajectories cannot be explained by close encounters with Neptune alone, given the latters current orbit. The dynamically hot orbits of such 5 : 2 resonant KBOs, unlike hot orbits of previously known resonant KBOs, may imply that these objects were preheated to large inclination and large eccentricity prior to resonance capture by a migratory Neptune. Our first discovered Neptunian Trojan, 2001QR322, may not owe its existence to Neptunes migration at all. The trajectory of 2001QR322 is remarkably stable; the object can undergo tadpole-type libration about Neptunes leading Lagrange (L4) point for at least 1 Gyr with a libration amplitude of 24°. Trojan capture probably occurred while Neptune accreted the bulk of its mass. For an assumed albedo of 12%–4%, our Trojan is ~130–230 km in diameter. Model-dependent estimates place the total number of Neptune Trojans resembling 2001QR322 at ~20–60. Their existence helps to rule out violent orbital histories for Neptune.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1993
Jeffrey W. Percival; Jeffrey D. Biggs; Joseph F. Dolan; Edward L. Robinson; Michael J. Taylor; R. C. Bless; James L. Elliot; Matthew Jon Nelson; Tod F. Ramseyer; G. W. van Citters; Er-Ho Zhang
Observations of PSR 0531+21 with the High Speed Photometer on the HST in the visible in October 1991 and in the UV in January 1992 are presented. The time resolution of the instrument was 10.74 microsec; the effective time resolution of the light curves folded modulo the pulsar period was 21.5 microsec. The main pulse arrival time is the same in the UV as in the visible and radio to within the accuracy of the establishment of the spacecraft clock, +/- 1.05 ms. The peak of the main pulse is resolved in time. Corrected for reddening, the intensity spectral index of the Crab pulsar from 1680 to 7400 A is 0.11 +/- 0.13. The pulsed flux has an intensity less than 0.9 percent of the peak flux just before the onset of the main pulse. The variations in intensity of individual main and secondary pulses are uncorrelated, even within the same rotational period.
Nature | 2010
James L. Elliot; Carlos Zuluaga; Amanda Bosh; Elisabeth R. Adams; A. A. S. Gulbis; Stephen E. Levine; Melissa Fitch Lockhart; A. M. Zangari; B. A. Babcock; K. M. DuPre; Jay M. Pasachoff; S. P. Souza; W. Rosing; N. Secrest; Leonard P. Bright; Edward Wood Dunham; Scott S. Sheppard; M. Kakkala; T. Tilleman; B. Berger; J. W. Briggs; G. Jacobson; P. Valleli; B. Volz; S. Rapoport; Rhodes Hart; M. Brucker; R. Michel; A. Mattingly; L. Zambrano-Marin
The Kuiper belt is a collection of small bodies (Kuiper belt objects, KBOs) that lie beyond the orbit of Neptune and which are believed to have formed contemporaneously with the planets. Their small size and great distance make them difficult to study. KBO 55636 (2002 TX300) is a member of the water-ice-rich Haumea KBO collisional family. The Haumea family are among the most highly reflective objects in the Solar System. Dynamical calculations indicate that the collision that created KBO 55636 occurred at least 1 Gyr ago. Here we report observations of a multi-chord stellar occultation by KBO 55636, which occurred on 9 October 2009 ut. We find that it has a mean radius of 143 ± 5 km (assuming a circular solution). Allowing for possible elliptical shapes, we find a geometric albedo of in the V photometric band, which establishes that KBO 55636 is smaller than previously thought and that, like its parent body, it is highly reflective. The dynamical age implies either that KBO 55636 has an active resurfacing mechanism, or that fresh water-ice in the outer Solar System can persist for gigayear timescales.
Nature | 1998
James L. Elliot; Heidi B. Hammel; L. H. Wasserman; Otto G. Franz; S. W. McDonald; Catherine B. Olkin; Edward W. Dunham; John R. Spencer; John A. Stansberry; Marc William Buie; Jay M. Pasachoff; B. A. Babcock; T. H. McConnochie
Triton, Neptunes largest moon, has been predicted to undergo significant seasonal changes that would reveal themselves as changes in its mean frost temperature. But whether this temperature should at the present time be increasing, decreasing or constant depends on a number of parameters (such as the thermal properties of the surface, and frost migration patterns) that are unknown. Here we report observations of a recent stellar occultation by Triton which, when combined with earlier results, show that Triton has undergone a period of global warming since 1989. Our most conservative estimates of the rate of temperature and surface-pressure increase during this period imply that the atmosphere is doubling in bulk every 10 years—significantly faster than predicted by any published frost model for Triton,. Our result suggests that permanent polar caps on Triton play a dominant role in regulating seasonal atmospheric changes. Similar processes should also be active on Pluto.
The Astronomical Journal | 2001
Chadwick Aaron Trujillo; Jane X. Luu; Amanda Bosh; James L. Elliot
We present a survey for bright Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) and Centaurs, conducted at the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) 0.9 m telescope with the KPNO 8K Mosaic CCD. The survey imaged 164 deg2 near opposition to a limiting red magnitude of 21.1. Three bright KBOs and one Centaur were found, the brightest KBO having red magnitude 19.7, about 700 km in diameter, assuming a dark Centaur-like 4% albedo. We estimate the power-law differential size distribution of the classical KBOs to have index q = 4.2, with the total number of classical KBOs with diameters larger than 100 km equal to 4.7 × 104. Additionally, we find that if there is a maximum object size in the Kuiper Belt, it must be larger than 1000 km in diameter. By extending our model to larger size bodies, we estimate that 30 Charon-sized and 3.2 Pluto-sized classical KBOs remain undiscovered.
The Astronomical Journal | 2010
Amanda A. S. Gulbis; James L. Elliot; Elisabeth R. Adams; Susan D. Benecchi; Marc William Buie; David E. Trilling; L. H. Wasserman
Using data from the Deep Ecliptic Survey (DES), we investigate the inclination distributions of objects in the Kuiper Belt. We present a derivation for observational bias removal and use this procedure to generate unbiased inclination distributions for Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) of different DES dynamical classes, with respect to the Kuiper Belt plane. Consistent with previous results, we find that the inclination distribution for all DES KBOs is well fit by the sum of two Gaussians, or a Gaussian plus a generalized Lorentzian, multiplied by sin i. Approximately 80% of KBOs are in the high-inclination grouping. We find that Classical object inclinations are well fit by sin i multiplied by the sum of two Gaussians, with roughly even distribution between Gaussians of widths 2.0+0.6 –0.5° and 8.1+2.6 –2.1°. Objects in different resonances exhibit different inclination distributions. The inclinations of Scattered objects are best matched by sin i multiplied by a single Gaussian that is centered at 19.1+3.9 –3.6° with a width of 6.9+4.1 –2.7°. Centaur inclinations peak just below 20°, with one exceptionally high-inclination object near 80°. The currently observed inclination distribution of the Centaurs is not dissimilar to that of the Scattered Extended KBOs and Jupiter-family comets, but is significantly different from the Classical and Resonant KBOs. While the sample sizes of some dynamical classes are still small, these results should begin to serve as a critical diagnostic for models of solar system evolution.