Janet Sprintall
University of California, San Diego
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Featured researches published by Janet Sprintall.
Science | 2008
Lothar Stramma; Gregory C. Johnson; Janet Sprintall; Volker Mohrholz
Oxygen-poor waters occupy large volumes of the intermediate-depth eastern tropical oceans. Oxygen-poor conditions have far-reaching impacts on ecosystems because important mobile macroorganisms avoid or cannot survive in hypoxic zones. Climate models predict declines in oceanic dissolved oxygen produced by global warming. We constructed 50-year time series of dissolved-oxygen concentration for select tropical oceanic regions by augmenting a historical database with recent measurements. These time series reveal vertical expansion of the intermediate-depth low-oxygen zones in the eastern tropical Atlantic and the equatorial Pacific during the past 50 years. The oxygen decrease in the 300- to 700-m layer is 0.09 to 0.34 micromoles per kilogram per year. Reduced oxygen levels may have dramatic consequences for ecosystems and coastal economies.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2009
Janet Sprintall; Susan Wijffels; Robert Molcard; Indra Jaya
[ 1] The mean and variable transport of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) are determined from full-depth velocity measurements in the three major exit passages of Lombok Strait, Ombai Strait, and Timor Passage from January 2003 through December 2006. Collectively, these passages convey the full-depth transport and stratification profile of the ITF from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean. To first order, the seasonal cycle of transport in the thermocline (~100-150 m) in all three exit straits is dominated by regional monsoon forcing, with maximum ITF during the southeast monsoon. During the northwest monsoon, the surface transport relaxes in Timor and weakly reverses in Ombai and Lombok, so the main core of the ITF is subsurface. Below the thermocline, semiannual reversals occur in all three straits during the monsoon transitions in response to the passage of Indian Ocean wind-forced Kelvin waves. However, the reversals occur over different depth levels in each passage reflecting the influence of different sill depths along the coastal waveguide. The seasonal cycle of depth-integrated transports in Lombok and Ombai are strongly out of phase with Timor Passage, suggesting that the subthermocline flow is largely gated by these Kelvin waves. Despite the different seasonal transport phases, interannual anomalies in all three passages are remarkably similar, particularly during the strong positive Indian Ocean Dipole event in 2006 when transport in the surface layer is toward the Indian Ocean and reversed below. The deep reversals are likely in response to a series of Kelvin waves driven by anomalous zonal winds in the equatorial Indian Ocean. Total mean transport over the 3-year period is -2.6 Sv in Lombok Strait (i.e., toward the Indian Ocean), -4.9 Sv in Ombai Strait, and -7.5 Sv in Timor Passage. The transport in Timor Passage is nearly twice as large as historical estimates and represents half of the ―15 Sv full-depth ITF transport that enters the Indian Ocean.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
Janet Sprintall; Arnold L. Gordon; Ragu Murtugudde; R. Dwi Susanto
Recent observations within the Indonesian exit passages and internal seas highly resolve the arrival and passage of a semiannual Kelvin wave. In mid-May 1997, surface and subsurface currents were to the southeast at a mooring located south of Java in the South Java Current, while local wind forcing was northwestward. Subsequent northward fluctuations in the geostrophic current through Lombok Strait and in observed currents from two moorings located in Makassar Strait are commensurate with the speed and passage of a Kelvin wave through the region. The Kelvin wave was due to westerly wind forcing in the remote equatorial Indian Ocean during the semiannual April/May monsoon transition period. This was confirmed through a simple remote wind-forced analytical Kelvin wave model of velocity at the South Java Current mooring location and sea level in Lombok Strait and also in the numerical general circulation model of Murtugudde et al. [1998]. Warm temperature anomalies measured at the south Java mooring and within Makassar Strait are associated with the passage of the Kelvin wave. Salinity anomalies measured at the south Java mooring are consistent with an Indian Ocean source. The observed passage of the Kelvin wave during May 1997 unambiguously demonstrates for the first time that equatorial Indian Ocean remote wind forcing may on occasions influence the internal Indonesian seas
Nature | 2015
Dunxin Hu; Lixin Wu; Wenju Cai; Alex Sen Gupta; Alexandre Ganachaud; Bo Qiu; Arnold L. Gordon; Xiaopei Lin; Zhaohui Chen; Shijian Hu; Guojian Wang; Qingye Wang; Janet Sprintall; Tangdong Qu; Yuji Kashino; Fan Wang; William S. Kessler
Pacific Ocean western boundary currents and the interlinked equatorial Pacific circulation system were among the first currents of these types to be explored by pioneering oceanographers. The widely accepted but poorly quantified importance of these currents—in processes such as the El Niño/Southern Oscillation, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Indonesian Throughflow—has triggered renewed interest. Ongoing efforts are seeking to understand the heat and mass balances of the equatorial Pacific, and possible changes associated with greenhouse-gas-induced climate change. Only a concerted international effort will close the observational, theoretical and technical gaps currently limiting a robust answer to these elusive questions.
Reviews of Geophysics | 2011
Michael P. Meredith; Philip L. Woodworth; Teresa K. Chereskin; David P. Marshall; L. C. Allison; Grant R. Bigg; Kathy Donohue; Karen J. Heywood; Chris W. Hughes; Angela Hibbert; Andrew McC. Hogg; H. L. Johnson; L. Jullion; Brian A. King; Harry Leach; Yueng-Djern Lenn; M. A. Morales Maqueda; David R. Munday; Alberto C. Naveira Garabato; Christine Provost; Jean-Baptiste Sallée; Janet Sprintall
Drake Passage is the narrowest constriction of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) in the Southern Ocean, with implications for global ocean circulation and climate. We review the long-term sustained monitoring programs that have been conducted at Drake Passage, dating back to the early part of the twentieth century. Attention is drawn to numerous breakthroughs that have been made from these programs, including (1) the first determinations of the complex ACC structure and early quantifications of its transport; (2) realization that the ACC transport is remarkably steady over interannual and longer periods, and a growing understanding of the processes responsible for this; (3) recognition of the role of coupled climate modes in dictating the horizontal transport and the role of anthropogenic processes in this; and (4) understanding of mechanisms driving changes in both the upper and lower limbs of the Southern Ocean overturning circulation and their impacts. It is argued that monitoring of this passage remains a high priority for oceanographic and climate research but that strategic improvements could be made concerning how this is conducted. In particular, long-term programs should concentrate on delivering quantifications of key variables of direct relevance to large-scale environmental issues: In this context, the time-varying overturning circulation is, if anything, even more compelling a target than the ACC flow. Further, there is a need for better international resource sharing and improved spatiotemporal coordination of the measurements. If achieved, the improvements in understanding of important climatic issues deriving from Drake Passage monitoring can be sustained into the future.
Journal of Marine Research | 2003
Janet Sprintall
Year-round monitoring of the upper-ocean temperature variability in Drake Passage has been undertaken since September 1996 through repeat expendable bathythermograph (XBT) surveys. The closely spaced measurements (6‐ 15 km apart) provide the e rst multi-year time series for examining seasonal to interannual variability in this Southern Ocean choke point. While the temperature sections reveal the seasonal variability in water mass formation of the upper layer, there was no seasonal signal evident below 200 m. Similarly, there was little seasonal cycle evident in the position of the Subantarctic Front, the Polar Front and the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) in Drake Passage. Mesoscale eddy features are readily identie able in the XBT sections and in some sparse salinity sections, as distinct alternating bands separated by near-vertical isotherms of cold and warm core temperatures. The eddies can also be tracked in concurrent maps of altimetric sea surface height, with time scales of ;35 days and diameters of 50‐ 100 km, following a north to north-east trajectory with the main path of ACC e ow through Drake Passage. Both the XBT and the altimetric data suggest the eddies are mainly cone ned to the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone. To determine transport, an empirical relationship is derived between upper ocean XBT temperature and a baroclinic mass transport function from historical CTD casts collected in the Drake Passage. While in the temporal mean the strongest eastward transport is associated with the three major fronts in the ACC, the individual cruises strongly suggest a banded nature to the e ow through the passage. Some, although not all, of the eastward and westward bands of transport can be attributed to the presence of eddies. The high spatial resolution of the XBT measurements is more capable of distinguishing these countere ows than the typical 50 km resolution of historical hydrographic sections across Drake Passage. Commensurate with the position of the fronts, no real seasonal signal in Drake Passage transport is discernible, although there is substantial variability on interannual time scales. The Drake Passage XBT transport time series is strongly correlated to both zonal wind stress and wind stress curl in the southeast Pacie c Ocean.
Journal of Physical Oceanography | 2006
Shenfu Dong; Janet Sprintall; Sarah T. Gille
Abstract The location of the Southern Ocean polar front (PF) is mapped from the first 3 yr of remotely sensed Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) sea surface temperature (SST) measurements. In agreement with previous studies, the mean path of the Antarctic PF and its standard deviation are strongly influenced by bottom topography. However, the mean PF path diverges slightly from previous studies in several regions where there is high mesoscale variability. Although the SST and SST gradient at the PF show spatially coherent seasonal variations, with the highest temperature and the lowest temperature gradient during summer, the seasonal variations in the location of the PF are not spatially coherent. The temporal mean SST at the PF corresponds well to the mean PF path: the temperature is high in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean sections and is low in the Pacific Ocean section where the PF has a more southerly position. The relationship of the wind field with the Antar...
Journal of Climate | 2007
Shenfu Dong; Sarah T. Gille; Janet Sprintall
The mixed layer heat balance in the Southern Ocean is examined by combining remotely sensed measurements and in situ observations from 1 June 2002 to 31 May 2006, coinciding with the period during which Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (EOS) (AMSR-E) sea surface temperature measurements are available. Temperature/salinity profiles from Argo floats are used to derive the mixed layer depth. All terms in the heat budget are estimated directly from available data. The domain-averaged terms of oceanic heat advection, entrainment, diffusion, and air–sea flux are largely consistent with the evolution of the mixed layer temperature. The mixed layer temperature undergoes a strong seasonal cycle, which is largely attributed to the air–sea heat fluxes. Entrainment plays a secondary role. Oceanic advection also experiences a seasonal cycle, although it is relatively weak. Most of the seasonal variations in the advection term come from the Ekman advection, in contrast with western boundary current regions where geostrophic advection controls the total advection. Substantial imbalances exist in the regional heat budgets, especially near the northern boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The biggest contributor to the surface heat budget error is thought to be the air–sea heat fluxes, because only limited Southern Hemisphere data are available for the reanalysis products, and hence these fluxes have large uncertainties. In particular, the lack of in situ measurements during winter is of fundamental concern. Sensitivity tests suggest that a proper representation of the mixed layer depth is important to close the budget. Salinity influences the stratification in the Southern Ocean; temperature alone provides an imperfect estimate of mixed layer depth and, because of this, also an imperfect estimate of the temperature of water entrained into the mixed layer from below.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union | 2004
Janet Sprintall; Susan Wijffels; Arnold L. Gordon; Amy Ffield; Robert Molcard; R. Dwi Susanto; Indroyono Soesilo; Jan Sopaheluwakan; Yusuf Surachman; Hendrik M. van Aken
The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) is the leakage of western tropical Pacific water into the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean through the Indonesian seas. The ITF is an important pathway for the transfer of climate signals and their anomalies around the worlds oceans. While the heat and fresh water carried by the ITF are known to affect the basin budgets of both the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the magnitude and vertical distribution of the ITF are not well known, giving little guidance to the initialization and validation of ocean circulation and climate models. In response to this lack of knowledge, the International Nusantara Stratification and Transport (INSTANT) program was established to directly measure the ITF Scientists from Indonesia, France, Netherlands, United States, and Australia make up the collaborative INSTANT partnership.
Progress in Oceanography | 1991
Gary Meyers; Helen E. Phillips; Neville R. Smith; Janet Sprintall
Abstract Autocorrelation functions of sea surface temperature (SST) and depth of the 20°C isotherm (D 20 ) are estimated at 95 locations along the tropical Pacific expendable bathythermograph (XBT) ship-of-opportunity tracks, and used to determine statistical parameters required for optimal interpolation. The parameters are variances for signal and noise, and spatial/temporal decorrelation scales. Estimates were made for two periods of time: June 1979 to May 1982 proceding the 1982/83 El Nino, and June 1979 to May 1983 including it. Parameters for the first period indicate smaller scales and weaker signals than the ones for the second. The difference results from El Nino, whose large temperature signal dominates the statistical structure. Understanding the dynamics of the smaller interannual signals and in particular the precursors to El Nino is as important as understanding El Nino. The smaller scales are therefore recommended for optimal interpolation and design of the XBT network. Three summaries of the scales are presented: 1) averages in three degree latitude bands; 2) values in dynamic regions representing the major zonal currents; and 3) median values for 95 estimates in the tropical Pacific 18°N to 18°S. The median values are recommended for design of the tropical XBT network. The median scales for the depth of the 20°C isotherm are: 3° latitude, 15° longitude and 2 months; and the median signal-to-noise (amplitude) ratio is 0.75. Scales for SST are greater than or equal to scales for D 20 , thus subsurface temperature is the limiting factor in designing the network. Analysis of mapping errors suggests that optimal sampling requires two to three samples per decorrelation scale. Two modes of XBT sampling are recommended for TOGA. Broadscale sampling for horizontal mapping of the temperature field is recommended at a density of two samples per scale, which requires an XBT station every 1.5° latitude and 7.5° longitude, monthly. The broadscale mode should be implemented in as large an area as possible with available shipping. Sampling on repeated transequatorial sections for time series studies is recommended at a density of three samples per scale, which requires 18 sections per year, with stations every 1° latitude. The time series mode is useful for more accurate studies of thermal structure and currents, and should be implemented on a few routes in each ocean which transect major thermal features.