Jeffrey H. List
United States Geological Survey
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Featured researches published by Jeffrey H. List.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1992
Jeffrey H. List
A finite difference model predicting group-forced long waves in the nearshore is constructed with two interacting parts: an incident wave model providing time-varying radiation stress gradients across the nearshore, and a long-wave model which solves the equations of motion for the forcing imposed by the incident waves. Both shallow water group-bound long waves and long waves generated by a time-varying breakpoint are simulated. Model-generated time series are used to calculate the cross correlation between wave groups and long waves through the surf zone. The cross-correlation signal first observed by Tucker [1950] is well predicted. For the first time, this signal is decomposed into the contributions from the two mechanisms of leaky mode forcing. Results show that the cross-correlation signal can be explained by bound long waves which are amplified, though strongly modified, through the surf zone before reflection from the shoreline. The breakpoint-forced long waves are added to the bound long waves at a phase of π/2 and are a secondary contribution owing to their relatively small size.
Journal of Coastal Research | 2006
Laura J. Moore; Peter Ruggiero; Jeffrey H. List
Abstract More than one type of shoreline indicator can be used in shoreline change analyses, and quantifying the effects of this practice on the resulting shoreline change rates is important. Comparison of three high water line (proxy-based) shorelines and a mean high water intercept (datum-based) shoreline collected from simultaneous aerial photographic and lidar surveys of a relatively steep reflective beach (tan β = 0.07), which experiences a moderately energetic wave climate (annual average Hs = 1.2 m), reveals an average horizontal offset of 18.8 m between the two types of shoreline indicators. Vertical offsets are also substantial and are correlated with foreshore beach slope and corresponding variations in wave runup. Incorporating the average horizontal offset into both a short-term, endpoint shoreline change analysis and a long-term, linear regression analysis causes rates to be shifted an average of −0.5 m/y and −0.1 m/y, respectively. The rate shift increases with increasing horizontal offset and decreasing measurement intervals and, depending on the rapidity of shoreline change rates, is responsible for varying degrees of analysis error. Our results demonstrate that under many circumstances, the error attributable to proxy-datum offsets is small relative to shoreline change rates and thus not important. Furthermore, we find that when the error associated with proxy-datum offsets is large enough to be important, the shoreline change rates themselves are not likely to be significant. A total water level model reveals that the high water line digitized by three independent coastal labs for this study was generated by a combination of large waves and a high tide several days before the collection of aerial photography. This illustrates the complexity of the high water line as a shoreline indicator and calls into question traditional definitions, which consider the high water line a wetted bound or “marks left by the previous high tide.”
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2010
Laura J. Moore; Jeffrey H. List; S. Jeffress Williams; David Stolper
Using a morphological‐behavior model to conduct sensitivity experiments, weinvestigate the sea level rise response of a complex coastal environment to changes ina variety of factors. Experiments reveal that substrate composition, followed in rankorder by substrate slope, sea level rise rate, and sediment supply rate, are the mostimportant factors in determining barrier island response to sea level rise. We find thatgeomorphic threshold crossing, defined as a change in state (e.g., from landward migratingto drowning) that is irreversible over decadal to millennial time scales, is most likely tooccur in muddy coastal systems where the combination of substrate composition, depth‐dependent limitations on shoreface response rates, and substrate erodibility mayprevent sand from being liberated rapidly enough, or in sufficient quantity, to maintain asubaerial barrier. Analyses indicate that factors affecting sediment availability such aslow substrate sand proportions and high sediment loss rates cause a barrier to migratelandward along a trajectory having a lower slope than average barrier island slope, therebydefining an “effective” barrier island slope. Other factors being equal, such barrierswill tend to be smaller and associated with a more deeply incised shoreface, therebyrequiring less migration per sea level rise increment to liberate sufficient sand to maintainsubaerial exposure than larger, less incised barriers. As a result, the evolution of larger/lessincised barriers is more likely to be limited by shoreface erosion rates or substrateerodibility making them more prone to disintegration related to increasing sea level riserates than smaller/more incised barriers. Thus, the small/deeply incised North Carolinabarriers are likely to persist in the near term (although their long‐term fate is less certainbecause of the low substrate slopes that will soon be encountered). In aggregate,results point to the importance of system history (e.g., previous slopes, sediment budgets,etc.) in determining migration trajectories and therefore how a barrier island will respondto sea level rise. Although simple analytical calculations may predict barrier responsein simplified coastal environments (e.g., constant slope, constant sea level rise rate, etc.),our model experiments demonstrate that morphological‐behavior modeling is necessary toprovide critical insights regarding changes that may occur in environments havingcomplex geometries, especially when multiple parameters change simultaneously.
Coastal Engineering | 1991
Jeffrey H. List
Abstract This paper proposes a new definition of the groupiness factor, GF, based on the envelope of the incident-wave time series. It is shown that an envelope-based GF has several important advantages over the SIWEH-based groupiness factor, including objective criteria for determining the accuracy of the envelope function and well-defined numerical limits. Using this new GF, the variability of incident wave groupiness in the field is examined both temporally, in unbroken waves at a fixed location, and spatially, in a cross-shore array through the surf zone. Contrary to previous studies using the SIWEH-based GF, results suggest that incident wave groupiness may not be an independent parameter in unbroken waves; through a wide range of spectral shapes, from swell to storm waves, the groupiness did not vary significantly. As expected, the groupiness decreases rapidly as waves break through the surf zone, although significant wave height variability persists even through a saturated surf zone. The source of this inner surf zone groupiness is not identified; however, this observation implies that models of long wave generation must account for nonsteady radiation stress gradients landward of some narrow zone near the mean breakpoint.
Journal of Coastal Research | 2013
William C. Schwab; Wayne E. Baldwin; Cheryl J. Hapke; Erika E. Lentz; Paul T. Gayes; Jane F. Denny; Jeffrey H. List; John C. Warner
ABSTRACT Schwab, W.C.; Baldwin, W.E.; Hapke, C.J.; Lentz, E.E.; Gayes, P.T.; Denny, J.F.; List, J.H., and Warner, J.C., 2013. Geologic evidence for onshore sediment transport from the inner continental shelf: Fire Island, New York. Sediment budget analyses along the south shore of Fire Island, New York, have been conducted and debated in the scientific and coastal engineering literature for decades. It is well documented that a primary component of sediment transport in this system is directed alongshore from E to W, but discrepancies in volumetric sediment budget calculations remain. An additional quantity of sand, averaging about 200,000 m3/y is required to explain the growth of the western segment of the barrier island, a prograding spit. Littoral sediment derived from updrift erosion of the coast, addition of beach nourishment fill, and onshore transport of inner continental shelf, shoreface sediments, or both have all been proposed as potential sources of the additional sediment needed to balance the sediment budget deficit. Analysis of high-resolution seafloor mapping data collected in 2011, including seismic reflection profiles and inteferometric sonar acoustic backscatter and swath bathymetry; comparison with seafloor mapping data collected in 1996–1997; and shoreline change analysis from 1933 to 2011 support previous suggestions that the inner-shelf Holocene sedimentary deposit is a likely source to resolve this sediment budget discrepancy.
Marine Geology | 1997
Jeffrey H. List; Asbury H. Sallenger; Mark Hansen; Bruce E. Jaffe
Abstract The role of relative sea-level rise as a cause for the rapid erosion of Louisianas barrier island coast is investigated through a numerical implementation of a modified Bruun rule that accounts for the low percentage of sand-sized sediment in the eroding Louisiana shoreface. Shore-normal profiles from 150 km of coastline west of the Mississippi delta are derived from bathymetric surveys conducted during the 1880s, 1930s and 1980s. An RMS difference criterion is employed to test whether an equilibrium profile form is maintained between survey years. Only about half the studied profiles meet the equilibrium criterion; this represents a significant limitation on the potential applicability of the Bruun rule. The profiles meeting the equilibrium criterion, along with measured rates of relative sea-level rise, are used to hindcast shoreline retreat rates at 37 locations within the study area. Modeled and observed shoreline retreat rates show no significant correlation. Thus, in terms of the Bruun approach, relative sea-level rise has no power for hindcasting (and presumably forecasting) rates of coastal erosion for the Louisiana barrier islands.
Journal of Coastal Research | 2007
Amy S. Farris; Jeffrey H. List
Abstract It is difficult and expensive to calculate changes in sediment volume for large sections of sandy beaches. Shoreline change could be a useful proxy for volume change because it can be collected quickly and relatively easily over long distances. In this paper, we summarize several studies that find a high correlation between shoreline change and subaerial volume change. We also examine three new data sets. On Cape Cod, Massachusetts, the correlation coefficients between the time series of shoreline change and subaerial volume change at two locations are 0.73 and 0.96. On Assateague Island, the correlation coefficient between along-coast variations in shoreline change and subaerial volume change is 0.71. On the Outer Banks of North Carolina, the average correlation coefficient between temporal variations in shoreline change and subaerial volume change is 0.84. For spatial variations, the average correlation coefficient is 0.88. It is therefore concluded that shoreline change is a useful proxy for subaerial volume change.
Journal of Coastal Research | 2009
Peter Ruggiero; Jeffrey H. List
Abstract A generalized methodology, relevant for a wide variety of shoreline change analyses, is developed to estimate the horizontal offset between proxy-based high water line (HWL) type shorelines and datum-based mean high water (MHW) type shorelines. The ability to compute this term is critical for change analyses that incorporate variously defined and derived shoreline estimates because this horizontal offset nearly always acts in one direction; HWL shorelines are landward of MHW shorelines. Not accounting for this offset will cause shoreline change rates to be biased toward slower shoreline retreat, progradation rather than retreat, or faster progradation than in reality (for the typical case where datum-based shorelines are collected after proxy-based shorelines), depending on actual changes at a given site. It is also demonstrated that by computing the uncertainty associated with this proxy datum shoreline bias, we are quantifying, for the first time, the uncertainty of HWL shorelines due to water level fluctuations. Complete accounting of the uncertainty of shoreline position estimates is necessary for determining the statistical significance of shoreline change rate computations. The proxy-datum bias and the bias uncertainty are estimated to be approximately 18 and 9 m, respectively, on average for the sandy beaches of the California coast (and significantly larger on the milder sloping beaches of the U.S. Pacific Northwest). The importance of accounting for the bias in calculating shoreline change rates is confirmed as its inclusion along the California coast changes the coastwide decadal-scale (1970s to present) shoreline change rate from net progradation to net shoreline retreat.
Marine Geology | 1999
Harley J. Knebel; Richard P. Signell; R.R Rendigs; Lawrence J. Poppe; Jeffrey H. List
Abstract Four categories of modern seafloor sedimentary environments have been identified and mapped across the large, glaciated, topographically complex Long Island Sound estuary by means of an extensive regional set of sidescan sonographs, bottom samples, and video-camera observations and supplemental marine-geologic and modeled physical-oceanographic data. (1) Environments of erosion or nondeposition contain sediments which range from boulder fields to gravelly coarse-to-medium sands and appear on the sonographs either as patterns with isolated reflections (caused by outcrops of glacial drift and bedrock) or as patterns of strong backscatter (caused by coarse lag deposits). Areas of erosion or nondeposition were found across the rugged seafloor at the eastern entrance of the Sound and atop bathymetric highs and within constricted depressions in other parts of the basin. (2) Environments of bedload transport contain mostly coarse-to-fine sand with only small amounts of mud and are depicted by sonograph patterns of sand ribbons and sand waves. Areas of bedload transport were found primarily in the eastern Sound where bottom currents have sculptured the surface of a Holocene marine delta and are moving these sediments toward the WSW into the estuary. (3) Environments of sediment sorting and reworking comprise variable amounts of fine sand and mud and are characterized either by patterns of moderate backscatter or by patterns with patches of moderate-to-weak backscatter that reflect a combination of erosion and deposition. Areas of sediment sorting and reworking were found around the periphery of the zone of bedload transport in the eastern Sound and along the southern nearshore margin. They also are located atop low knolls, on the flanks of shoal complexes, and within segments of the axial depression in the western Sound. (4) Environments of deposition are blanketed by muds and muddy fine sands that produce patterns of uniformly weak backscatter. Depositional areas occupy broad areas of the basin floor in the western part of the Sound. The regional distribution of seafloor environments reflects fundamental differences in marine-geologic conditions between the eastern and western parts of the Sound. In the funnel-shaped eastern part, a gradient of strong tidal currents coupled with the net nontidal (estuarine) bottom drift produce a westward progression of environments ranging from erosion or nondeposition at the narrow entrance to the Sound, through an extensive area of bedload transport, to a peripheral zone of sediment sorting. In the generally broader western part of the Sound, a weak tidal-current regime combined with the production of particle aggregates by biologic or chemical processes, cause large areas of deposition that are locally interrupted by a patchy distribution of various other environments where the bottom currents are enhanced by and interact with the seafloor topography.
Marine Geology | 1997
Bruce E. Jaffe; Jeffrey H. List; Asbury H. Sallenger
Abstract Analysis of a series of historical bathymetric and shoreline surveys along the Louisiana coast west of the Mississippi River mouth detected a large area of deposition in water depths of 2.0–8.5 m offshore of a 9-km-wide tidal inlet, the Cat Island Pass/Wine Island Pass system. A 59.9 · 106 m3 sandy deposit formed from the 1930s–1980s, spanning 27 km in the alongshore direction, delineating the transport pathway for sediment bypassing offshore of the inlet on the shoreface. Bypassing connected the shorefaces of two barrier island systems, the Isles Dernieres and the Bayou Lafourche. The processes responsible for formation of this deposit are not well understood, but sediment-transport modeling suggests that sediment is transported primarily by wind-driven coastal currents during large storms and hurricanes. Deposition appears to be related to changes in shoreline orientation, closing of transport pathways into a large bay to the east and the presence of tidal inlets. This newly documented type of bypassing, an offshore bypassing of the inlet system, naturally nourished the immediate downdrift area, the eastern Isles Dernieres, where shoreface and shoreline erosion rates are about half of pre-bypassing rates. Erosion rates remained the same farther downdrift, where bypassing has not yet reached. As this offshore bypassing continues, the destruction of the Isles Dernieres will be slowed.