João Batista de Pinho
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
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Featured researches published by João Batista de Pinho.
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) | 2009
Leonardo Esteves Lopes; João Batista de Pinho; Bianca Bernardon; Fabiano Ficagna de Oliveira; Giuliano Bernardon; Luciana Pinheiro Ferreira; Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos; Marcos Maldonado-Coelho; Paula Fernanda Albonette de Nóbrega; Tatiana Colombo Rubio
E apresentada uma revisao historica dos inventarios ornitologicos conduzidos na Chapada dos Guimaraes, centro-oeste do Brasil. A avifauna da regiao e caracterizada a partir de uma revisao critica de todas as listas de especies produzidas por varias geracoes de ornitologos, especimes depositados em museus e meticulosos trabalhos de campo. Especial atencao foi dada as publicacoes de J.A. Allen, baseadas na monumental colecao preparada por H.H. Smith e sua esposa no final do seculo XIX. A avifauna da regiao e tipica do Cerrado, abrigando tambem especies amazonicas. Um total de 393 especies de aves e listado para a regiao, sendo outras 52 especies citadas pela literatura consideradas de ocorrencia improvavel baseado nos criterios restritivos adotados. Vinte e quatro especies coletadas pelos Smith nao foram mais registradas para a regiao. Seis destas especies sao campestres e bastante sensiveis a alteracoes antropicas, enquanto que outras tres sao perseguidas pelo comercio ilegal de aves. Estas especies provavelmente se encontram extintas na regiao. Sete outras especies associadas a corpos hidricos, e duas de distribuicao predominantemente Amazonica, eram provavelmente raras na regiao, mesmo em tempos historicos, principalmente devido a falta de habitat adequado. Seis outras sao normalmente raras, podendo ter passado despercebidas. Sao apresentados o primeiro registro documentado de Caprimulgus longirostris para o Mato Grosso e o segundo registro de Pipraeidea melanonota para o estado. Tambem sao discutidos os registros de outras especies raras na regiao, tais como Ictinia mississipensis, Buteo melanoleucus, Harpia harpyja, Megascops usta, Asio flammeus, Berlepschia rikeri, Euscarthmus rufomarginatus, Xenopsaris albinucha e Poospiza cinerea.
Zoologia | 2011
Cleiton Adriano Signor; João Batista de Pinho
In this contribution we characterize the spatial diversity of bird populations in a heterogeneous landscape with respect to vegetation in the northern Pantanal region of Brazil. The method of additive partitioning of species diversity (γ = α + β) was used. Samples were collected in a grid with 30 sampling plots within a 25 km2 area (5 x 5 km). A total of 163 bird species were found, comprising 114 resident species and 49 regional migrants. Most species were restricted spatially, with 58% found in a maximum of five sampling plots, while 15% were found in only one plot. The beta diversity comprised 77% of total diversity and was lower for residents than for regional migrants (66% and 88%, respectively). This suggests greater spatial heterogeneity in diversity patterns for regional migrants. Seasonal availability of resources caused by changing water levels as well as anthropogenic influences may also play a role in species diversity patterns by influencing species composition across sampling plots. High beta diversity and species-specific habitat occupancy suggest that conservation and management strategies should be implemented at a regional spatial scale and focus on the conservation of this environmental mosaic.
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology | 2011
Leonardo Esteves Lopes; João Batista de Pinho; Carlos Eduardo R.T. Benfica
Abstract Avian bamboo specialists are an ecologically distinctive group of birds in the Neotropics with some seedeater species having nomadic movements following bamboo (Guadua, Chusquea or Rhipidocladum) mast seeding. We reviewed the range and seasonal distribution of Blackish-blue Seedeaters (Amaurospiza moesta) using published and unpublished records, museum specimens, sound libraries, and intensive field work. We report the first occurrence of Blackish-blue Seedeaters in the Brazilian State of Mato Grosso, a male collected in Fazenda Baía de Pedra, Cáceres (16° 27′ 29″ S, 58° 09′ 59″ W). We also recorded this species in two localities in the Cerrado region (a tropical savannah) of Minas Gerais: the Santo Antonio River, Presidente Olegário (18° 07′ 48″ S, 46° 11′ 57″ W), and the Abaeté River, São Gonçalo do Abaeté (18° 05′ S, 45° 22′ W). These records represent a remarkable range extension, demonstrating this species is distributed across the Cerrado. We found no evidence of regular large scale or local movements of this species, which seems to be resident, at least in Argentina, which had the largest data set.
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) | 2008
Tatiana Colombo Rubio; João Batista de Pinho
Synallaxis albilora (joao-do-pantanal) e um furnarideo Neotropical restrito a areas alagaveis do Pantanal da America do Sul. O objetivo deste trabalho e apresentar uma descricao detalhada de sua biologia reprodutiva (ninhos, ovos e ninhegos) na regiao do Pirizal, municipio de Nossa Senhora do Livramento, Pantanal de Pocone, Mato Grosso, Brasil. Sao tambem abordados outros aspectos da sua historia natural, tais como: tamanho da ninhada; duracao dos periodos de incubacao e cuidado com os filhotes; ocupacao dos ninhos por outras especies; interacoes agonisticas e sitio de nidificacao. Para o estudo do sitio de nidificacao obteve-se fotografias hemisfericas da vegetacao onde os ninhos foram construidos e ao norte destes. As fotos foram analisadas para estimar a abertura da vegetacao. O uso deste metodo e considerado inedito em estudos ornitologicos. Foram monitorados 60 ninhos durante os anos de 2001, 2002, 2005 e 2006. O ninho de S. albilora e semelhante a uma retorta, sendo construido com gravetos e forrado com folhas. O seu exterior e constituido de gravetos maiores e espinhos. A construcao do ninho e realizada pelo casal. Os ovos possuem formato piriforme, sao esbranquicados e apresentam superficie opaca (media de 20,5 x 16,4 mm, 2,8 g). O tamanho da ninhada foi de 3,35 ± 0,4 ovos (n = 20). Os jovens sao semelhantes aos adultos. A incubacao e realizada exclusivamente por um individuo, sendo estimada em 15,3 ± 0,7 dias, os filhotes permanecem no ninho por 13,6 ± 1,1 dias. A abertura da vegetacao nos ninhos (16,4%) foi menor do que a cinco metros ao norte destes (20,3%) (n = 18; p = 0,036). Estes dados sugerem que a probabilidade de encontrar ninhos de S. albilora esta associada a abertura da vegetacao. Diversos grupos foram observados utilizando ninhos antigos. Interacoes agonisticas foram registradas durante a estacao reprodutiva. A estacao reprodutiva se estende de agosto a dezembro.
Air & Water Borne Diseases | 2013
Luana Gabriela Ferreira dos Santos; Tatiana Ometto; Jansen de Araujo; Luciano Matsumya Thomazelli; Leticia Pinto Borges; Dirceu Guilherme de Souza Ramos; Edison Luis Durigon; João Batista de Pinho; Daniel Moura de Aguiar
Birds and bats can be considered potential transmitters of some tick-borne diseases, since eventually they carry infected ticks in areas where transit. Pantanal ecosystem is the largest tropical wetland area of the world with more than 582 recorded avian species, contributing to the maintenance of different tick species. The aim of this study was to examine altogether 152 blood samples of several bird and bat species collected in a large flooded area of Pantanal for the presence of members from genera Ehrlichia, Anaplasma and Neorickettsia. None PCR product was obtained, what suggest that wild, domestic birds and bats from Pantanal region are unlikely to play a significant role in the maintenance of tick-borne agents and DNA survey from this species in birds may not be a reliable indicator of exposure.
Waterbirds | 2012
Leonardo Esteves Lopes; João Batista de Pinho; Milene Garbin Gaiotti; Mahal Massavi Evangelista; Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos
Abstract. The range and natural history of Neotropical rails are little understood. Observations are presented on the range, diet and breeding of seven poorly known rails amassed during 15 years of intensive fieldwork in Brazil and visits to dozens of ornithological collections: Amaurolimnas concolor, Neocrex erythrops, Micropygia schomburgkii, Gallinula melanops, Parphyrio flavirostris, Lateiallus exilis and Pardirallus macidatus. The proposed disjunctions in some species ranges between the humid forests of Central America/northern South America and those in eastern Brazil are an artifact due to the natural scarcity of some species in the drier formations of central South America as well as to incomplete sampling.
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) | 2012
Kelrene M Lara; João Batista de Pinho; Roberto de Moraes Lima Silveira
We describe some aspects of the reproductive biology of the Great Antshrike (Taraba major), such as: reproductive period, nests, eggs, nestlings, incubation period, and permanence of nestlings in the nest. The data were collected during the breeding seasons of 2009 and 2010 at Retiro Novo Farm, municipality of Pocone, Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Nest searching was conducted through active searching and observation of adults carrying nest material or food for the nestlings. The nests were visited at intervals of three to four days. Fifty-one active nests were monitored. The reproductive period of the species lasted from October to December. The average time of nest construction was 06 ± 1.6 days (n = 08). Eggs were ovoid, white with brown spots scattered throughout their length. The mass, length, and average width of the eggs were 0.5 g, 6.1 ± 1 mm, and 26.8 ± 19.5 ± 1 mm, respectively (n = 74). Litter size ranged from two (n = 13) to three (n = 1) eggs. Both sexes built the nest and took turns during incubation. The average time of incubation was 15.5 ± 1.7 days (n = 08), and the nestling period ranged from 13.2 ± 1.6 days (n = 08).
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology | 2009
João Batista de Pinho; Leonardo Esteves Lopes; Marcos Maldonado-Coelho; Tatiana Colombo Rubio; Bianca Bernardon
Abstract We studied the habitat association of Band-tailed Antbirds (Hypocnemoides maculicauda) in four forest types in the Brazilian Pantanal between 1999 and 2006. Birds were sampled with standardized mist nets during 20 months and point count censuses during 14 months. Band-tailed Antbirds exhibited a preference for seasonally flooded forests (Landi and Cambarazal) with no capture or detection in drier forests (Cordilheira and Carvoeiro), even during the wet season. We found no evidence of regular local movements between different forest types. The 21 recaptures were normally in the same forest patch as capture, indicating strong site fidelity and defense of year-round territories. The 10 nests observed were pouch shaped and constructed with plant fibers; each contained two eggs. Nests were found between January and April when the Pantanal is flooded. The unusual breeding season of the Band-tailed Antbird appears to be closely associated with the flooding regime.
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) | 2010
Paula Fernanda Albonette de Nóbrega; João Batista de Pinho
O conhecimento atual sobre o sucesso reprodutivo e caracteristicas da historia de vida da maioria das especies de aves neotropicais e deficiente. A qualidade do habitat onde o ninho e construido e um dos fatores que influenciam o sucesso reprodutivo das aves. Este estudo objetivou determinar atributos da historia de vida, assim como o padrao de uso de habitat a fim de compreender a dinâmica reprodutiva de Cantorchilus leucotis no Pantanal de Pocone, entre o rio Bento Gomes e Cuiaba, o qual e sujeito a alagamento de janeiro a abril. Cantorchilus leucotis foi registrado pelos metodos de captura com rede de neblina (1.560 horas), observacao por censo auditivo (5.600 horas) e procura por ninhos (234 horas), durante os anos de 2001, 2002 e 2006. Foram encontrados 87 ninhos de C. leucotis durante as estacoes reprodutivas dos anos pesquisados, destes, 58 foram abandonados na fase de construcao, quatro foram destruidos por intemperies climaticas, e apenas 25 ninhos chegaram a fase de postura de ovos. A porcentagem simples de sucesso reprodutivos foi de 12% (n = 25). A predacao foi a maior causa de perda de ninhos ativos (76%). Desses ninhos, 94,7% encontrava-se em fase de ovo e 5,2% em fase de filhote. Dos 87 ninhos encontrados, 52 (59.8%) foram encontrados no Cambarazal, 26 ninhos (29.8%) no Brejo e nove ninhos (10.4%) no Landi. O parasitismo de ninho nao foi observado. A especie foi registrada ao longo de todos os anos de pesquisa, o que lhe conferiu o status de residente. O cambarazal, por se tratar de uma floresta umida, apresentou locais ideais para confeccao do ninho e a disponibilidade de alimento requerido pela especie.
Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science | 2016
L. B. Pinto; Tatiana Ometto; Jansen de Araujo; Luciano M. Thomazelli; Marina M. M. Seixas; C. M. Barbosa; Dirceu Guilherme de Souza Ramos; A. L. T. Melo; João Batista de Pinho; Edison Luis Durigon; Daniel Moura de Aguiar
The Pantanal is the worlds largest wetland biome with a seasonal flood pulse that attracts a great diversity of birds, many of which are migratory. Birds can be natural reservoirs Influenza A, West Nile and Newcastle Disease viruses. However, the occurrence of carriers for these viruses in the Pantanal was not verified yet. The present study evaluated the occurrence of natural infection by Influenza A, WN and ND virus of birds in the municipality of Pocone, a subregion of the Pantanal in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. A total of 76 birds belonging to 11 orders and 20 families were captured using mist nets. The most representative order was Passeriformes, followed by the other nine orders, which included Columbiformes, Psittaciformes, Charadriiformes and Anseriformes. The most representative family was Thamnophilidae, with 16 individuals (21.0%), followed by the family Tyrannidae with 10 individuals (7.6%) and the family Furnariidae, with eight individuals (10.5%). The bird species were identified, and cloacal and tracheal swab samples were collected. The samples were subjected to RNA extraction and tested for the presence of the three agents by real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). All the sampled birds were considered healthy, had no clinical sign of infection, and were tested negative for the three viruses. Based on our findings, we can conclude that Influenza, West Nile and Newcastle Disease viruses were absent from the samples in this region of the Pantanal wetlands during the period of this study.
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Paula Fernanda Albonette de Nóbrega
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
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