Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
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Featured researches published by Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos.
Bird Conservation International | 2001
Tadeu A. Melo-Júnior; Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos; Geraldo Wilson Fernandes; Miguel Ângelo Marini
Summary We studied the distribution of birds along an altitudinaI gradient ranging frorn 800 rn to 1400 rn on two sIopes of the Serra do Cipo, Minas Gerais, southeastern BraziI. OrnithologicaI surveys were conducted over transects covering open (cerrado, campo rupestre) and forested (gaIlery and Atlantic forest) habitats frorn 1994 to 2000. We found 273 bird species belonging to 51 farnilies. Twenty-two species were restricted to higher elevations and 84 species were detected on only one slopeidepending on the vegetation type they inhabited. We recorded 104 species occurring onboth slopes, while 61 species were considered altitudinal generalists. Six species, incl.uding Hyacinth Visorbearer Augastes scutatus and Cip6 Canastero Asthenes luizae wer~ restricted to the highest parts of Serra do Cip6, a fragile habitat irnportant to endernic bir~s of the Espinhaco Range. In the past 10years, the Serra do Cip6 region has suffered hurnan irnpacts on a large scale, and conservation action rnust be developed to protect thefauna and flora confined to the area.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | 2009
Helena Mata; Carla Suertegaray Fontana; Giovanni Nachtigall Maurício; Marcos R. Bornschein; Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos; Sandro L. Bonatto
Scytalopus and the recently erected Eleoscytalopus are among the Neotropical groups of birds whose taxonomy is most difficult to resolve given their very conservative morphology. We investigated the phylogeny and species limits of Eleoscytalopus and the eastern Scytalopus using two mitochondrial genes and two nuclear introns of multiple individuals from all species of these groups. The eastern Scytalopus are separated in three well defined clades also supported by morphological or vocal characteristics, although the relationships between these clades could not be resolved. We found several allopatric and very divergent lineages in these genera whose characteristics are consistent with species-level divergence, especially in S.speluncae. The great divergence between E. psychopompus and its sister species supports the former as a valid species. Our results corroborate the importance of the Bahia refuge as an avian center of endemism.
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) | 2010
Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos; Marcos Rodrigues
Montane open-habitats of southeastern Brazil are represented by the campos rupestres (principally in the Espinhaco Range) and by the campos de altitude (in the Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira). In spite of the occurrence of endemic species in both vegetation types, an analysis and synthesis of their bird communities have never been conducted. In this paper, we present an avifaunal survey of these areas, describe patterns of geographic distribution, and comment on the conservation of those open-habitats and their avifauna. A total of 231 bird species was recorded in the open-habitats of southeastern Brazilian mountaintops. In the campos rupestres, 205 species were recorded, while in the campos de altitude, the total was 123 species. Five patterns of distribution are recognizable among birds occurring in these habitats: non-endemic (191 species), Atlantic Forest endemics (26 species), Cerrado endemics (6 species), Caatinga endemic (1 species), and montane open-habitat endemics (7 species). In spite of the presence of several protected areas in those regions, the existing reserves do not guarantee the conservation of their important vegetation types and their avifaunas under current low levels of implementation. Since several endemic and threatened bird species live in the campos rupestres and campos de altitude, more efforts must be directed for their conservation.
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) | 2009
Leonardo Esteves Lopes; João Batista de Pinho; Bianca Bernardon; Fabiano Ficagna de Oliveira; Giuliano Bernardon; Luciana Pinheiro Ferreira; Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos; Marcos Maldonado-Coelho; Paula Fernanda Albonette de Nóbrega; Tatiana Colombo Rubio
E apresentada uma revisao historica dos inventarios ornitologicos conduzidos na Chapada dos Guimaraes, centro-oeste do Brasil. A avifauna da regiao e caracterizada a partir de uma revisao critica de todas as listas de especies produzidas por varias geracoes de ornitologos, especimes depositados em museus e meticulosos trabalhos de campo. Especial atencao foi dada as publicacoes de J.A. Allen, baseadas na monumental colecao preparada por H.H. Smith e sua esposa no final do seculo XIX. A avifauna da regiao e tipica do Cerrado, abrigando tambem especies amazonicas. Um total de 393 especies de aves e listado para a regiao, sendo outras 52 especies citadas pela literatura consideradas de ocorrencia improvavel baseado nos criterios restritivos adotados. Vinte e quatro especies coletadas pelos Smith nao foram mais registradas para a regiao. Seis destas especies sao campestres e bastante sensiveis a alteracoes antropicas, enquanto que outras tres sao perseguidas pelo comercio ilegal de aves. Estas especies provavelmente se encontram extintas na regiao. Sete outras especies associadas a corpos hidricos, e duas de distribuicao predominantemente Amazonica, eram provavelmente raras na regiao, mesmo em tempos historicos, principalmente devido a falta de habitat adequado. Seis outras sao normalmente raras, podendo ter passado despercebidas. Sao apresentados o primeiro registro documentado de Caprimulgus longirostris para o Mato Grosso e o segundo registro de Pipraeidea melanonota para o estado. Tambem sao discutidos os registros de outras especies raras na regiao, tais como Ictinia mississipensis, Buteo melanoleucus, Harpia harpyja, Megascops usta, Asio flammeus, Berlepschia rikeri, Euscarthmus rufomarginatus, Xenopsaris albinucha e Poospiza cinerea.
Biota Neotropica | 2009
Luciene Carrara Paula Faria; Lucas A. Carrara; Frederico Q. do Amaral; Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos; Mauro Guimarães Diniz; Christiane Duarte Encarnação; Diego Hoffmann; Henrique Belfort Gomes; Leonardo Esteves Lopes; Marcos Rodrigues
The Cerrado is now considered the most threatened biome of South America. Northwestern Minas Gerais state, in southeastern Brazil, still harbors large areas of extreme importance for biological conservation of the Cerrado. The current study provides the first thorough assessment of the avifauna of a large remnant of Cerrado vegetation in this region, the Fazenda Brejao. Data are based on a bird survey conducted from November 1998 to January 2007. This area is a private property of 20.000 ha preserved that lies in a region recognized for its palm groves, a pristine Cerrado (savannah-like vegetation) and gallery forests. Bird censuses were carried out through random transects censuses, mist-net captures and recording bird vocalizations. It was recorded 273 species, belonging to 56 families. This represents 32% of all 857 bird species recorded for the Cerrado. Palm groves held approximately 42% of all recorded species. We also recorded endemic species of Cerrado as well as adjacent biomes such as the Atlantic Forest and the Caatinga. Regional threatened species were also recorded such as the Greater Rhea Rhea americana, the Chestnut-bellied Guan Penelope ochrogaster, the Bare-faced Curassow Crax fasciolata, the Black-and-white Hawk-eagle Spizastur melanoleucus, the Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna, the Yellow-faced Parrot Alipiopsitta xanthops and the Minas Gerais Tyrannulet Phylloscartes roquettei. This species diversity reveals the biological importance of the region. The establishment of a natural reserve in the region will be an essential measure to guarantee the biological conservation of one of the best preserved areas of Cerrado to date in southeastern Brazil.
Waterbirds | 2012
Leonardo Esteves Lopes; João Batista de Pinho; Milene Garbin Gaiotti; Mahal Massavi Evangelista; Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos
Abstract. The range and natural history of Neotropical rails are little understood. Observations are presented on the range, diet and breeding of seven poorly known rails amassed during 15 years of intensive fieldwork in Brazil and visits to dozens of ornithological collections: Amaurolimnas concolor, Neocrex erythrops, Micropygia schomburgkii, Gallinula melanops, Parphyrio flavirostris, Lateiallus exilis and Pardirallus macidatus. The proposed disjunctions in some species ranges between the humid forests of Central America/northern South America and those in eastern Brazil are an artifact due to the natural scarcity of some species in the drier formations of central South America as well as to incomplete sampling.
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) | 2009
Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos; Santos D’Angelo Neto
A avifauna das florestas de Araucaria das partes mais elevadas da Serra da Mantiqueira e pouco conhecida e documentada. Esta regiao e reconhecida como uma importante area de diferenciacao de aves no sudeste do Brasil. Apresentamos o primeiro levantamento ornitologico das florestas de Araucaria e ambientes associados nas montanhas do extremo sul de Minas Gerais, Serra da Mantiqueira. A area de estudo compreende a regiao da Serra do Juncal e diversas localidades adjacentes nos municipios de Goncalves e Camanducaia. Foram registradas 206 especies de aves, das quais 57 (27,7%) sao endemicas da Mata Atlântica. Diversos registros representam os primeiros especimes para Minas Gerais, provando que muitas especies Atlânticas tambem ocorrem na vertente interiorana da Mantiqueira. Exemplos sao: Dysithamnus xanthopterus, Chamaeza ruficauda, Leptasthenura setaria, Heliobletus contaminatus, Hemitriccus obsoletus, Phylloscartes difficilis, Piprites pileata, Poospiza thoracica e Cacicus chrysopterus. A regiao tambem e uma area de simpatria, anteriormente desconhecida, para algumas especies, tais como: Scytalopus notorius e S. speluncae, Lepidocolaptes squamatus e L. falcinellus, Basileuterus culicivorus e B. hypoleucus. As especies de Lepidocolaptes e de Basileuterus hibridam na regiao. Tambem comentamos sobre a conservacao da avifauna, ameacada pelo ecoturismo, construcao de um novo estilo de edificacoes, animais domesticos, fragmentacao florestal e plantacoes.
Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club | 2006
Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos; Santos D’Angelo Neto; Guy M. Kirwan; Marcos R. Bornschein; Mauro Guimarães Diniz; José Francisco da Silva
Archive | 2007
Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos; Santos D’Angelo Neto
Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia - Brazilian Journal of Ornithology | 2013
Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos
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Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources
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