John Begg
GNS Science
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Featured researches published by John Begg.
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics | 2006
Maurice J. McSaveney; Ian J. Graham; John Begg; Alan G. Beu; Alan G. Hull; Kyeong Ja Kim; Albert Zondervan
Abstract Holocene terraces at Turakirae Head on the south coast of the North Island, New Zealand, record four recent earthquakes from simultaneous rupture of the Wairarapa Fault and flexure of the Rimutaka Anticline. The lowest tread and riser is the modern marine platform and storm beach that began forming when the area was raised during the Mw 8.2 Wairarapa earthquake of AD 1855 January. The remaining chronology is established by radiocarbon dating, in situ 10Be surface‐exposure dating, and slip‐predictable uplift estimation. Prior to AD 1855, uplifts occurred at 110–430 BC (max. 9.1 m), 2164–3468 BC (6.8 m), and 4660–4970 BC (7.3 m). Earlier uplift of unknown magnitude occurred at c. 7000 BC but went unrecorded because of rapidly rising sea level. Sea level was still rising when the two oldest surviving beach ridges were raised. Uplift at Turakirae Head in AD 1855 varied from 1.5 m at the Wainuiomata River to 6.4 m at the crest of the Rimutaka Anticline. Older beaches also are tilted, with the amount of tilt increasing with age. Coastal uplift at the anticline crest has averaged 3.32 ± 0.17 mm/yr over the past 9000 yr, and has changed little over the past 0.5 m.y. Uplift fits a slip‐predictable model of earthquake occurrence, and is log‐normally distributed with a mean of 7.3 ± 0.7 m. The most frequently occurring uplift is 7.1 ± 0.9 m. Uplift in AD 1855 was not significantly smaller than mean or mode, suggesting that the Turakirae Head sequence records four great earthquakes of at least similar magnitude to that of AD 1855. The mean earthquake recurrence interval is 2194 ± 117 yr; the modal interval is 2122 ± 193 yr. At the crest of the anticline, the coastal platform was cut entirely during the postglacial rise of sea level until shortly before 4660–4970 BC. Away from the crest, however, it may have been partially cut during low sea level of the penultimate glaciation. The open‐ocean radiocarbon reservoir correction (δR) for 10 14C dates of coastal marine shells that died in AD 1855 at Turakirae Head is 3 ± 14cal. yrBP(andnot‐31 ± 13 cal. yr BP, the currently accepted δR for central New Zealand coastal waters).
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics | 2014
Nick Mortimer; Rattenbury; Peter R. King; Kyle J. Bland; Dja Barrell; F Bache; John Begg; Hamish J. Campbell; Simon C. Cox; James S. Crampton; Sw Edbrooke; Pj Forsyth; Johnston; Richard Jongens; Jm Lee; Graham S. Leonard; J. I. Raine; Dnb Skinner; Christian Timm; Dougal B. Townsend; A. J. Tulloch; I. M. Turnbull; Rose E. Turnbull
We formally introduce 14 new high-level stratigraphic names to augment existing names and to hierarchically organise all of New Zealands onland and offshore Cambrian–Holocene rocks and unconsolidated deposits. The two highest-level units are Austral Superprovince (new) and Zealandia Megasequence (new). These encompass all stratigraphic units of the countrys Cambrian–Early Cretaceous basement rocks and Late Cretaceous–Holocene cover rocks and sediments, respectively. Most high-level constituents of the Austral Superprovince are in current and common usage: Eastern and Western Provinces consist of 12 tectonostratigraphic terranes, 10 igneous suites, 5 batholiths and Haast Schist. Ferrar, Tarpaulin and Jaquiery suites (new) have been added to existing plutonic suites to describe all known compositional variation in the Tuhua Intrusives. Zealandia Megasequence consists of five predominantly sedimentary, partly unconformity-bounded units and one igneous unit. Momotu and Haerenga supergroups (new) comprise lowermost rift to passive margin (terrestrial to marine transgressive) rock units. Waka Supergroup (new) includes rocks related to maximum marine flooding linked to passive margin culmination in the east and onset of new tectonic subsidence in the west. Māui and Pākihi supergroups (new) comprise marine to terrestrial regressive rock and sediment units deposited during Neogene plate convergence. Rūaumoko Volcanic Region (new) is introduced to include all igneous rocks of the Zealandia Megasequence and contains the geochemically differentiated Whakaari, Horomaka and Te Raupua supersuites (new). Our new scheme, Litho2014, provides a complete, high-level stratigraphic classification for the continental crust of the New Zealand region.
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics | 2008
Kelvin Berryman; Pilar Villamor; Ian A. Nairn; Russ Van Dissen; John Begg; Julie Lee
Abstract The 30 km long Paeroa Fault is one of the largest and fastest slipping (c. 1.5 mm/yr vertical displacement rate) normal faults of the currently active Taupo Rift of North Island, New Zealand. Along its northern section, seven trenches excavated across 5 of 11 subparallel fault strands show that successive ruptures of individual strands probably occurred at the same time, but were individually and collectively highly variable in size and recurrence, and most fault strands have ruptured three or four times in the past 16 kyr. In the c. 16 kyrtimeframe, four surface‐rupturing earthquakes took place when Okataina volcano was erupting, and six occurred between eruptions. Large earthquakes on the Paeroa Fault comprise a significant component of the seismic hazard in the region between the Okataina and Taupo Volcanic Centres, and there are partial associations between these large earthquakes and volcanism.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 1998
Harvey M. Kelsey; Alan G. Hull; Susan M. Cashman; Kelvin Berryman; Patricia H. Cashman; James H. Trexler; John Begg
The Poukawa fault zone, on the North Island of New Zealand within the forearc of the Hikurangi subduction zone, consists of a series of en echelon reverse faults and companion hanging-wall anticlines. The geomorphically expressed length of the fault zone is 34 km. However, on the basis of coseismic deformation associated with an M s 7.8 earthquake in 1931 and the presence of blind faults north of the geomorphically expressed fault zone, it appears that the seismogenic length of the fault zone may be as much as 130 km. On the basis of chronostratigraphic horizons identified in each of three trenches evenly distributed along the exposed fault zone, from which a paleoseismological record for the past ∼25 k.y. can be determined, there is not a characteristic rupture length for earthquakes. Some slip events are confined to the ∼10–20-km-long southern part of the fault zone, whereas other slip events may have ruptured the entire 34 km length of the geomorphically expressed fault zone. At least two slip events that occurred in the northern part of the fault zone did not occur in the southern part of the zone. The largest earthquake recorded in the trenches had a maximum reverse slip in excess of 10 m. We infer that this prehistoric earthquake, similar to the 1931 earthquake, entailed slip on faults along the geomorphically expressed fault zone and on blind faults to the north. This prehistoric earthquake may have had a rupture length (surface plus subsurface) in excess of 100 km. Average earthquake repeat times on the fault zone range from 3–7.5 k.y. for the southern and middle part of the zone to 7–12 k.y. for the northern part of the fault zone. Average single-event slip ranges from 3 m to as much as 6 m. Slip was initially accommodated at the surface primarily by folding. With successive slip events, however, coseismic displacements propagated to the surface and surface deformation became increasingly dominated by reverse slip on fault planes. The Poukawa fault zone is part of a foreland-propagating fold and thrust belt in the forearc of the Hikurangi subduction zone. Older, actively eroding hanging-wall anticlines are present to the west of the fault zone toward the volcanic arc, whereas younger folds are developing above blind reverse faults east of the main fault trace. In addition to propagating to the east, the fault zone is propagating northward beneath the Heretaunga Plains. This active propagation testifies to ongoing and evolving contractional forearc deformation in response to oblique plate convergence.
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics | 2012
Pilar Villamor; Nicola Litchfield; Dja Barrell; R. Van Dissen; S. Hornblow; Mark Quigley; S. Levick; William Ries; Brendan Duffy; John Begg; Dougal B. Townsend; T. Stahl; Eric L. Bilderback; D. Noble; Kevin P. Furlong; H Grant
Abstract Rupture of the Greendale Fault during the 4 September 2010, M W7.1 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake produced a zone of ground-surface rupture that severely damaged several houses, buildings and lifelines. Immediately after the earthquake, surface rupture features were mapped in the field and from digital terrain models developed from airborne Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) data. To enable rebuild decisions to be made and for future land use planning, a fault avoidance zone was defined for the Greendale Fault following the Ministry for the Environment guidelines on ‘Planning for the Development of Land on or Close to Active Faults’. We present here the most detailed map to date of the fault trace and describe how this was used to define and characterise the fault avoidance zone for land use planning purposes.
Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule A-sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes | 2001
Jean-Christophe Audru; Maksim Bano; John Begg; Kelvin Berryman; Stuart Henrys; Bertrand Nivière
Abstract This paper presents preliminary results for three GPR profiles acquired across the Wellington active strike-slip fault within the Wellington urban area. In this sector, it is suggested that the subsurface geometry (8–10 m) of the fault comprises two main deforming strands that bound narrow transpressive and transtensive sections. The location of fault planes interpreted from radargrams closely corresponds with the inferred location of the main fault at the ground surface. Despite noise due to the urban settings, GPR proved to be a technique capable of locating fault strands, thus potentially providing useful data in targeting areas for palaeoseismic studies, such as trenching.
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics | 2010
Dougal B. Townsend; A. Nicol; V Mouslopoulou; John Begg; Rd Beetham; D Clark; M Giba; D Heron; B Lukovic; A McPherson; H Seebeck; John J. Walsh
Abstract The tectonic origin, palaeoearthquake histories and slip rates during the last c. 26 ka have been examined for six normal faults (referred to here as the Rahotu, Oaonui, Kina, Ihaia, Kiri and Pihama faults) within the Taranaki Rift, New Zealand. A minimum of 13 ground-surface rupturing palaeoearthquakes have been recognised on four of the faults using analysis of displaced late Quaternary stratigraphy and landforms. These data, in combination with 21 new radiocarbon dates, constrain the timing, slip and magnitude of each earthquake. The faults have low throw rates (c. 0.1–0.8 mm a–1) and appear to be buried near the Mt Taranaki volcanic cone. Recurrence intervals between earthquakes on individual faults typically range from 3–10 ka (average c. 6 ka), with single event displacements ranging from c. 0.3–1.5 m (average c. 0.7 m) and corresponding moment magnitudes incorporating estimated fault rupture areas of Mw 6.1–6.6. Recurrence intervals and single event displacements typically vary by up to a factor of three on individual faults, with only the Oaonui Fault providing any evidence for near-characteristic slip (of about 0.5 m) during successive earthquakes. The timing and slip of earthquakes on individual faults appears to have been interdependent, with each event decreasing the likelihood of additional earthquakes across the system.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2015
Vasiliki Mouslopoulou; Andrew Nicol; John Begg; Onno Oncken; Marcos Moreno
The Hellenic subduction margin in the Eastern Mediterranean has generated devastating historical earthquakes and tsunamis with poorly known recurrence intervals. Here stranded paleoshorelines indicate strong uplift transients (0–7 mm/yr) along the island of Crete during the last ~50 kyr due to earthquake clustering. We identify the highest uplift rates in western Crete since the demise of the Minoan civilization and along the entire island between ~10 and 20 kyr B.P., with the absence of uplifted Late Holocene paleoshorelines in the east being due to seismic quiescence. Numerical models show that uplift along the Hellenic margin is primarily achieved by great earthquakes on major reverse faults in the upper plate with little contribution from plate-interface slip. These earthquakes were strongly clustered with recurrence intervals ranging from hundreds to thousands of years and primarily being achieved by fault interactions. Future great earthquakes will rupture seismically quiet areas in eastern Crete, elevating both seismic and tsunami hazards.
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology | 2011
Dja Barrell; Nicola Litchfield; Dougal B. Townsend; Mark Quigley; R. Van Dissen; R. Cosgrove; Simon C. Cox; Kevin P. Furlong; Pilar Villamor; John Begg; S. Hemmings-Sykes; R. Jongens; H. Mackenzie; D. Noble; T. Stahl; Eric L. Bilderback; Brendan Duffy; H. Henham; A. Klahn; E.M.W. Lang; L. Moody; R. Nicol; K. Pedley; A. Smith
Abstract This paper provides a photographic tour of the ground-surface rupture features of the Greendale Fault, formed during the 4 September 2010 Darfield earthquake. The fault, previously unknown, produced at least 29.5 km of strike-slip surface deformation of right-lateral (dextral) sense. Deformation, spread over a zone between 30 and 300 m wide, consisted mostly of horizontal flexure with subsidiary discrete shears, the latter only prominent where overall displacement across the zone exceeded about 1.5 m. A remarkable feature of this event was its location in an intensively farmed landscape, where a multitude of straight markers, such as fences, roads and ditches, allowed precise measurements of offsets, and permitted well-defined limits to be placed on the length and widths of the surface rupture deformation.
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics | 1993
John Begg; D.C. Mildenhall; G.L. Lyon; W.R. Stephenson; R.H. Funnell; R. Van Dissen; Stephen Bannister; L.J. Brown; Brad Pillans; Margaret A. Harper; J. Whitton
Abstract A stratigraphic drillhole (WS‐1 ) sited on the floor of the Wainuiomata Valley near Lower Hutt, revealed a 61.6 m thick Quaternary sequence overlying Torlesse Supergroup greywacke sandstone and argillite. The Quaternary sediments consist of three sequences separated by dis‐conformities. The lower sequence, 10.7 m thick (61.6–50.9 m), consists of fluvial sediments of probable early Quaternary age. The middle sequence, about 48.3 m in thickness (50.9‐c. 2.6 m), spans most of the Last Glaciation. Fluvial/overbank (50.9–42.0 m), floodplain/swamp (42.0–34.5 m), and fluvial (34.5–31.3 m) sediments overlie the disconformity at 50.9 m. Conformably overlying these sediments are swamp and lacustrine deposits between 31.3 and 4.1 m. Diatoms and algal spores and coenobia show the existence of an extensive lake during much of this sequence, from 25.6 to 4.0 m. At the peak of its development, at a drillhole depth of c. 23 m, the lake was >10 m deep and had a high algal biomass. Kawakawa Tephra (22 600 yr B.P.)...