John Chappell
Australian National University
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Featured researches published by John Chappell.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1996
John Chappell; Akio Omura; Tezer M. Esat; Malcolm T. McCulloch; John M. Pandolfi; Yoko Ota; Brad Pillans
A major discrepancy between the Late Quaternary sea level changes derived from raised coral reef terraces at the Huon Peninsula in Papua New Guinea and from oxygen isotopes in deep sea cores is resolved. The two methods agree closely from 120 ka to 80 ka and from 20 ka to 0 ka (ka = 1000 yr before present), but between 70 and 30 ka the isotopic sea levels are 20–40 m lower than the Huon Peninsula sea levels derived in earlier studies. New, high precision U-series age measurements and revised stratigraphic data for Huon Peninsula terraces aged between 30 and 70 ka now give similar sea levels to those based on deep sea oxygen isotope data planktonic and benthic δ18O data. Using the sea level and deep sea isotopic data, oxygen isotope ratios are calculated for the northern continental ice sheets through the last glacial cycle and are consistent with results from Greenland ice cores. The record of ice volume changes through the last glacial cycle now appears to be reasonably complete.
Quaternary Research | 1974
Arthur L. Bloom; Wallace S. Broecker; John Chappell; R. K. Matthews; K.J. Mesolella
Emerged coral reef terraces on the Huon Peninsula in New Guinea were reported in a reconnaissance dating study by Veeh and Chappell 1970. Age definition achieved was not good for several important terraces, and we report here a series of new 230Th234U dates, which further clarify the history of late Quaternary eustatic sea level fluctuations. More than 20 reef complexes are present, ranging well beyond 250,000 yr old: we are concerned with the seven lowest complexes. Major reef-building episodes dated by 30Th234U are reef complex I at 5–9 ka (kilo anno = 1000 yr), r.c. IIIb at 41 ka (four dates), r.c. IV at 61 ka (four dates), r.c. V at 85 ka (two dates), r.c. VI at 107 ka (two dates), and r.c. VII at 118–142 ka. Complex II was previously dated by 14C at 29 ka: this age has not yet been confirmed, and may be only a lower limit. The reef crests were built during or immediately before intervals of sea level maxima, when rates of rising sea level and tectonic uplift briefly coincided. The culmination of each reef-building episode was only a few thousand years in duration, and multiple dates from the same reef complex generally group within the statistical errors of the individual dates. Several methods can be used to estimate the altitude of each sea level maximum relative to present sea level. The least complicated is to calculate mean tectonic uplift rate for each profile of the terraces, and use the mean rate to calculate the tectonic displacement of each dated reef complex on that profile. The difference between the present altitude of a reef complex and its calculated tectonic uplift gives the paleosea level at the time the reef grew. We estimate uplift rates for six surveyed sections by calibrating against published paleosea level estimates from Barbados and elsewhere, viz 125 ka, paleosea at +6 m; 103 ka, −15 m; 82 ka, −13 m. For each section the individual uplift rates for reefs V, VI, and VIIb are within 5% of their section means. Using the mean rates. paleosea level estimates for reef crests II, IIIB, and IV are made for each section. Consistency of estimates between sections is good, giving −28 m for the 60 ka paleosea level, around −38 m for the 42 ka level and −41 m for the 28 ka level (if the age is older the paleosea level would be lower. Using the mean uplift rates, the 82 ka and 103 ka paleosea levels are also estimated for each section: all individual estimates are plotted graphically, and a sea level curve drawn. The reef stratigraphy indicates sea level lowerings between each dated reef crest: the crests probably represent the interstadials of the Wisconsin (Wurm, Weichsel) Glaciation, and intervening lower levels correspond to stadials. Since the last time of eustatic sea level higher than the present (about 125 ka), five sea level maxima occurred at roughly 20-ka intervals, none being as high as the present.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1998
Kevin Fleming; Paul Johnston; Dan Zwartz; Yusuke Yokoyama; Kurt Lambeck; John Chappell
The eustatic component of relative sea-level change provides a measure of the amount of ice transferred between the continents and oceans during glacial cycles. This has been quantified for the period since the Last Glacial Maximum by correcting observed sea-level change for the glacio-hydro-isostatic contributions using realistic ice distribution and earth models. During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) the eustatic sea level was 125±5 m lower than the present day, equivalent to a land-based ice volume of (4.6–4.9)×107 km3. Evidence for a non-uniform rise in eustatic sea level from the LGM to the end of the deglaciation is examined. The initial rate of rise from ca. 21 to 17 ka was relatively slow with an average rate of ca. 6 m ka−1, followed by an average rate of ca. 10 m ka−1 for the next 10 ka. Significant departures from these average rates may have occurred at the time of the Younger Dryas and possibly also around 14 ka. Most of the decay of the large ice sheets was completed by 7 ka, but 3–5 m of water has been added to the oceans since that time.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 1974
John Chappell
A spectacular flight of terraces occurs on the northeast seaboard of Huon Peninsula, New Guinea. The terraces are clearly developed for more than 80 km and rise to over 600 m. They are built dominantly of coral reefs but include subordinate deltaic gravel formations. Interpretation of the reef succession depends on analysis of facies changes across a number of sections, and this is developed after prior analysis of reefs, lagoons, deltas, and submarine terraces on the modern coast. A record of sea-level changes relative to the rising land is determined for each section. Radiometric dating of the terrace reefs indicates Pleistocene sea-level maxima at the following times (yr B.P.): 30,000, 40,000 to 50,000, 60,000, 80,000, 105,000, 120,000, 140,000, 185,000, 220,000. Good agreement with dated reefs elsewhere reinforces these age estimates. Tectonic uplift has varied along the terraced area, because heights of terraces diminish from southeast to northwest, parallel to the coast; and yet records of relative sea-level changes are similar between sections. By assuming that upper Pleistocene interglacial sea levels were little different from the present level, tectonic and sea-level changes can in principle be separated. Using least-squares search, a “best estimate” sea-level curve and corresponding tectonic uplift pattern are derived on the basis of 11 sections. The sea-level curve compares well with Emiliani9s generalized paleotemperature curve for the upper Quaternary.
Science | 1993
R. L. Edwards; J.W. Beck; George S. Burr; D.J. Donahue; John Chappell; Arthur L. Bloom; Ellen R. M. Druffel; Frederick W. Taylor
Paired carbon-14 (14C) and thorium-230(230Th) ages were determined on fossil corals from the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. The ages were used to calibrate part of the 14C time scale and to estimate rates of sea-level rise during the last deglaciation. An abrupt offset between the 14C and 230Th ages suggests that the atmospheric 14C/12C ratio dropped by 15 percent during the latter part of and after the Younger Dryas (YD). This prominent drop coincides with greatly reduced rates of sea-level rise. Reduction of melting because of cooler conditions during the YD may have caused an increase in the rate of ocean ventilation, which caused the atmospheric 14C/12C ratio to fall. The record of sea-level rise also shows that globally averaged rates of melting were relatively high at the beginning of the YD. Thus, these measurements satisfy one of the conditions required by the hypothesis that the diversion of meltwater from the Mississippi to the St. Lawrence River triggered the YD event.
Marine Geology | 1979
L.D. Wright; John Chappell; B.G Thom; M.P Bradshaw; Peter J. Cowell
Abstract Field experiments involving direct measurement of surf and inshore current spectra, inshore circulation patterns, and depositional morphology have been replicated under different energy conditions and in several environmentally contrasting beach localities on the high-energy coast of New South Wales, Australia. The region exhibits compartmentalized beach systems and is dominated by a highly variable wind-wave climate superimposed on persistent high-energy swell (T = 10–14 sec). Two general types of beach system occur: (1) predominantly reflective systems in which much of the incidentwave energy is reflected from the beach face; and (2) dissipative systems with wide surf zones and high turbulent energy dissipation. Reflective systems are characterized by steep, linear beach faces, well-developed berms and beach cusps, and surging breakers with high runup and minimum setup; rip cells and associated three-dimensional inshore topography are absent. Wave height and current spectra from reflective beaches consistently have their dominant peaks at incident wave and subharmonic frequencies, and cross-spectra indicate the existence of low-mode edge waves at those frequencies. Infra-gravity peaks are negligible. Under low-energy conditions subharmonic peaks are low relative to incident-wave peaks; however, increasing breaker height tends to be accompanied by increasing subharmonic dominance. Analyses of shore-normal currents near the bed show that under all conditions the strongest shoreward motions are induced by the incident waves; however, seaward motion near the beach face is subharmonic-dominated. Dissipative systems characterize the exposed open coast and are fronted by concaveupward nearshore (seaward of break) profiles and wide flat surf zones. Waves break 75–300 m seaward of the beach and dissipate much of their energy before reaching the beach, creating significant radiation-stress gradients and setup. Topography is much more complex and varied than in the case of reflective beaches; one or more bars, three-dimensional inshore topography and different scales of rip cells are normally present. The commonly occurring time-and-environment-dependent morphologic states can be classified into six general types. The greatest total dissipation is associated with Type 1 which prevails in the regions of most abundant inshore sediments or during and immediately after severe storms. Setup is highest and runup is lowest (relative to incident-wave height) with this type and the dominant energy near the beach is in the surf-beat part (80–120 sec) of the spectrum. As the bar migrates shoreward (Types 2 and 3) and beach face steepens and a deep trough develops within which the partially dissipated waves reform. Although the outer surf zone remains dissipative, synchronous and subharmonic resonance occurs near the beach face and, as with reflective beaches, low-mode edge waves form beach cusps. A conspicuous feature of Types 2 and 3 is the occurrence of pronounced resonant spectral peaks at 4T ( ⋍ 40–50 sec ) within the trough and on the bar. Edge waves at this frequency may be responsible for the development of the crescentic bar forms (Type 3). Lower frequency surf beat peaks also remain present but are secondary. The peak at 4T attenuates as Type 4 develops and is not present with Type 5 topography but the first subharmonic (2T) becomes more pronounced, particularly with high tide. Type 6 morphology represents the fully accreted beach state and occurs only after prolonged periods of low swell. This type is a reflective beach with a steep linear beach face and a very high berm which remains continuous for long distances alongshore; rips are always absent. Wave and current spectra are also similar to those described for reflective beaches.
Geology | 2000
Arjun M. Heimsath; John Chappell; William E. Dietrich; Kunihiko Nishiizumi; Robert C. Finkel
The functional dependence of bedrock conversion to soil on the overlying soil depth (the soil production function) has been widely recognized as essential to understanding landscape evolution, but was quantified only recently. Here we report soil production rates for the first time at the base of a retreating escarpment, on the soil-mantled hilly slopes in the upper Bega Valley, southeastern Australia. Concentrations of 10 Be and 26 Al in bedrock from the base of the soil column show that soil production rates decline exponentially with increasing soil depth. These data define a soil production function with a maximum soil production rate of 53 m/m.y. under no soil mantle and a minimum of 7 m/m.y. under 100 cm of soil, thus constraining landscape evolution rates subsequent to escarpment retreat. The form of this function is supported by an inverse linear relationship between topographic curvature and soil depth that also suggests that simple creep does not adequately characterize the hillslope processes. Spatial variation of soil production shows a landscape out of dynamic equilibrium, possibly in response to the propagation of the escarpment through the field area within the past few million years. In addition, we present a method that tests the assumption of locally constant soil depth and lowering rates using concentrations of 10 Be and 26 Al on the surfaces of emergent tors.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 1993
M Stein; G. J. Wasserburg; Paul Aharon; J.H. Chen; Z.R Zhu; A Bloom; John Chappell
The extensive flight of uplifted reef terraces which occurs along the Vitiaz strait on the northern flank of the Huon Peninsula in PNG (Papua New Guinea) contains a particularly good record of sea level changes in the last 250 ky. The Huon terraces were the target of an international expedition which took place in July–August 1988. In particular, we searched for suitable samples for U-series dating in a reef complex designated as VII, which is correlated with the last interglacial episode and high sea level stand. This complex is composed of a barrier reef (VIIb), a lagoon, and a fringing reef (VIIa). Twelve corals from these terraces and two corals from the older reef complex VIII were selected for analysis. The petrography, oxygen and carbon isotope compositions, and magnesium and strontium concentrations were determined along with the concentrations and isotopic compositions of uranium and thorium. ^(230)Th-^(234)U ages of the corals with > 99% aragonite, having primary textures, and which show U/Sr ratios around 0.4 × 10^(−3) and initial δ^(234)U values close to that of present seawater, appear to be reliable. The “most reliable” ages from complex VII corals fall in two tight groups centered at 118 ky and 134 ky. Corals with δ^(234)U(T) values higher than 160 and U/SR ratios substantially lower than seawater are assumed to have undergone diagenetic alteration, which appears to be common in this area. The simplest model for sea level height for terrace VII is a continuous rise between 134 and 118 ky. Alternatively, there may have been two periods of rapid sea level rise. In contrast, in the Bahamas, there is evidence that sea level remained rather constant over the time interval 132 to 120 ky. The absence of ages between 132 and 120 ky in PNG could be the result of changes in the local tectonic uplift rates during that time, or erosion that disrupted the continuous record. In any event, we find no basis for accepting a single brief time for the age of the last interglacial and applying this age as a precise chronometer for worldwide correlation, or as a test of climatic models. The older ages reported here precede the Milankovitch solar insolation peak at 128 ky, and the younger ages are ~ 10 ky after this peak. If the present high-precision data are correct, then it will be necessary to reassess the validity of the Milankovitch theory of climatic changes. The fundamental issue which must now be resolved is a means of identifying coral samples that have not been disturbed by diagenetic processes.
Quaternary International | 2001
Arjun M. Heimsath; John Chappell; William E. Dietrich; Kunihiko Nishiizumi; Robert C. Finkel
Late Quaternary rates of apparent soil production, bedrock incision, and average erosion are determined for the southeastern highlands of Australia using in situ produced cosmogenic nuclide concentrations of 10 Be and 26 Al. Apparent soil production rates define a steep, inverse exponential function of soil depth with a maximum of 143 m Ma � 1 under zero soil depth. There were no observed soil depths between about 25 cm and zero, however, such that the maximum observed rate is about 50 m Ma � 1 . The Bredbo River catchment average erosion rate is 157 1mM a � 1 , and is similar to the average hillslope erosion rate of 167 1mM a � 1 . Bedrock incision rates average 9 mMa � 1 and suggest that the higher rates of hillslope erosion may be in response to a pulse of incision, perhaps generated by knickpoint propagation. Bedrock erosion rates inferred froma tor profile average 3.8 mMa � 1 , with higher rates on other, more weathered tor tops. An aboveground tor profile of nuclide concentrations is consistent with a simple model of rapid stripping of the surrounding saprolite, supporting the view that at least one episodic period of increased denudation has affected the landscape evolution of the highlands. We test this hypothesis by using a simple landscape evolution model to reasonably predict the spatial variation of soil depth as well as the emergence of tors. r 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 2003
Pauline C. Treble; J.M.G. Shelley; John Chappell
High spatial resolution measurements of Mg, P, U, Sr, Ba and Na using 193-nm excimer laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry has revealed clearly resolvable annual cycles in a modern speleothem from southwestern Australia. The age of this stalagmite is established by the dates of emplacement and removal of the boardwalk where it grew (1911–1992). This chronological constraint allows for the first confident comparison between the instrumental climate record and speleothem trace element content. Eleven laser-ablation transects across a ∼0.5 mm wide section of the speleothem growth axis were measured. Cycles that could be matched between adjacent transects were stacked into a master record to minimise variability between tracks and permit greater confidence in comparing the trace elements to the instrumental climate record. P and U positively, and Mg inversely, mimic the sudden 20% decrease in annual rainfall experienced by this region since 1965. We argue that P from seasonal vegetation decay is transported to the speleothem before it is mineralised in the soil, owing to the low P retention capacity of southwest Australian soils. Both vegetation activity and the transport of vegetation-derived HPO42− are sensitive to rainfall. Groundwater P concentration may also influence the transport of U through the strong affinity between phosphate and uranyl ions. Mg appears to be sensitive to groundwater residence time as this affects drip-water Mg/Ca composition by preferential loss of Ca during drier episodes when calcite precipitates before reaching the stalagmite. The effects of groundwater residence time may also be important for Sr on inter-annual scales. However, the behaviour of Sr on the annual cycle is opposite to Mg but compatible with Ba and Na, which are shown to depend on speleothem growth rate.