John Riedl
University of Minnesota
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Featured researches published by John Riedl.
international world wide web conferences | 2001
Badrul Munir Sarwar; George Karypis; Joseph A. Konstan; John Riedl
Recommender systems apply knowledge discovery techniques to the problem of making personalized recommendations for information, products or services during a live interaction. These systems, especially the k-nearest neighbor collaborative ltering based ones, are achieving widespread success on the Web. The tremendous growth in the amount of available information and the number of visitors to Web sites in recent years poses some key challenges for recommender systems. These are: producing high quality recommendations, performing many recommendations per second for millions of users and items and achieving high coverage in the face of data sparsity. In traditional collaborative ltering systems the amount of work increases with the number of participants in the system. New recommender system technologies are needed that can quickly produce high quality recommendations, even for very large-scale problems. To address these issues we have explored item-based collaborative ltering techniques. Item-based techniques rst analyze the user-item matrix to identify relationships between di erent items, and then use these relationships to indirectly compute recommendations for users. In this paper we analyze di erent item-based recommendation generation algorithms. We look into di erent techniques for computing item-item similarities (e.g., item-item correlation vs. cosine similarities between item vectors) and di erent techniques for obtaining recommendations from them (e.g., weighted sum vs. regression model). Finally, we experimentally evaluate our results and compare them to the basic k-nearest neighbor approach. Our experiments suggest that item-based algorithms provide dramatically better performance than user-based algorithms, while at the same time providing better quality than the best available userbased algorithms.
conference on computer supported cooperative work | 1994
Paul Resnick; Neophytos Iacovou; Mitesh Suchak; Peter Bergstrom; John Riedl
Collaborative filters help people make choices based on the opinions of other people. GroupLens is a system for collaborative filtering of netnews, to help people find articles they will like in the huge stream of available articles. News reader clients display predicted scores and make it easy for users to rate articles after they read them. Rating servers, called Better Bit Bureaus, gather and disseminate the ratings. The rating servers predict scores based on the heuristic that people who agreed in the past will probably agree again. Users can protect their privacy by entering ratings under pseudonyms, without reducing the effectiveness of the score prediction. The entire architecture is open: alternative software for news clients and Better Bit Bureaus can be developed independently and can interoperate with the components we have developed.
ACM Transactions on Information Systems | 2004
Jonathan L. Herlocker; Joseph A. Konstan; Loren G. Terveen; John Riedl
Recommender systems have been evaluated in many, often incomparable, ways. In this article, we review the key decisions in evaluating collaborative filtering recommender systems: the user tasks being evaluated, the types of analysis and datasets being used, the ways in which prediction quality is measured, the evaluation of prediction attributes other than quality, and the user-based evaluation of the system as a whole. In addition to reviewing the evaluation strategies used by prior researchers, we present empirical results from the analysis of various accuracy metrics on one content domain where all the tested metrics collapsed roughly into three equivalence classes. Metrics within each equivalency class were strongly correlated, while metrics from different equivalency classes were uncorrelated.
Communications of The ACM | 1997
Joseph A. Konstan; Bradley N. Miller; David A. Maltz; Jonathan L. Herlocker; Lee R. Gordon; John Riedl
newsgroups carry a wide enough spread of messages to make most individuals consider Usenet news to be a high noise information resource. Furthermore, each user values a different set of messages. Both taste and prior knowledge are major factors in evaluating news articles. For example, readers of the rec.humor newsgroup, a group designed for jokes and other humorous postings, value articles based on whether they perceive them to be funny. Readers of technical groups, such as comp.lang.c11 value articles based on interest and usefulness to them—introductory questions and answers may be uninteresting to an expert C11 programmer just as debates over subtle and advanced language features may be useless to the novice. The combination of high volume and personal taste made Usenet news a promising candidate for collaborative filtering. More formally, we determined the potential predictive utility for Usenet news was very high. The GroupLens project started in 1992 and completed a pilot study at two sites to establish the feasibility of using collaborative filtering for Usenet news [8]. Several critical design decisions were made as part of that pilot study, including:
electronic commerce | 2000
Badrul Munir Sarwar; George Karypis; Joseph A. Konstan; John Riedl
ABSTRACT Re ommender systems apply statisti al and knowledge disovery te hniques to the problem of making produ t re ommendations during a live ustomer intera tion and they are a hieving widespread su ess in E-Commer e nowadays. In this paper, we investigate several te hniques for analyzing large-s ale pur hase and preferen e data for the purpose of produ ing useful re ommendations to ustomers. In parti ular, we apply a olle tion of algorithms su h as traditional data mining, nearest-neighbor ollaborative ltering, and dimensionality redu tion on two di erent data sets. The rst data set was derived from the web-pur hasing transa tion of a large Eommer e ompany whereas the se ond data set was olle ted from MovieLens movie re ommendation site. For the experimental purpose, we divide the re ommendation generation pro ess into three sub pro esses{ representation of input data, neighborhood formation, and re ommendation generation. We devise di erent te hniques for di erent sub pro esses and apply their ombinations on our data sets to ompare for re ommendation quality and performan e.
electronic commerce | 1999
J. Ben Schafer; Joseph A. Konstan; John Riedl
Recommender systems are changing from novelties used by a few E-commerce sites, to serious business tools that are re-shaping the world of E-commerce. Many of the largest commerce Web sites are already using recommender systems to help their customers find products to purchase. A recommender system learns from a customer and recommends products that she will find most valuable from among the available products. In this paper we present an explanation of how recommender systems help E-commerce sites increase sales, and analyze six sites that use recommender systems including several sites that use more than one recommender system. Based on the examples, we create a taxonomy of recommender systems, including the interfaces they present to customers, the technologies used to create the recommendations, and the inputs they need from customers. We conclude with ideas for new applications of recommender systems to E-commerce.
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | 2001
J. Ben Schafer; Joseph A. Konstan; John Riedl
Recommender systems are being used by an ever-increasing number of E-commerce sites to help consumers find products to purchase. What started as a novelty has turned into a serious business tool. Recommender systems use product knowledge—either hand-coded knowledge provided by experts or “mined” knowledge learned from the behavior of consumers—to guide consumers through the often-overwhelming task of locating products they will like. In this article we present an explanation of how recommender systems are related to some traditional database analysis techniques. We examine how recommender systems help E-commerce sites increase sales and analyze the recommender systems at six market-leading sites. Based on these examples, we create a taxonomy of recommender systems, including the inputs required from the consumers, the additional knowledge required from the database, the ways the recommendations are presented to consumers, the technologies used to create the recommendations, and the level of personalization of the recommendations. We identify five commonly used E-commerce recommender application models, describe several open research problems in the field of recommender systems, and examine privacy implications of recommender systems technology.
conference on computer supported cooperative work | 2000
Jonathan L. Herlocker; Joseph A. Konstan; John Riedl
Automated collaborative filtering (ACF) systems predict a persons affinity for items or information by connecting that persons recorded interests with the recorded interests of a community of people and sharing ratings between like-minded persons. However, current recommender systems are black boxes, providing no transparency into the working of the recommendation. Explanations provide that transparency, exposing the reasoning and data behind a recommendation. In this paper, we address explanation interfaces for ACF systems - how they should be implemented and why they should be implemented. To explore how, we present a model for explanations based on the users conceptual model of the recommendation process. We then present experimental results demonstrating what components of an explanation are the most compelling. To address why, we present experimental evidence that shows that providing explanations can improve the acceptance of ACF systems. We also describe some initial explorations into measuring how explanations can improve the filtering performance of users.
human factors in computing systems | 2006
Sean M. McNee; John Riedl; Joseph A. Konstan
Recommender systems have shown great potential to help users find interesting and relevant items from within a large information space. Most research up to this point has focused on improving the accuracy of recommender systems. We believe that not only has this narrow focus been misguided, but has even been detrimental to the field. The recommendations that are most accurate according to the standard metrics are sometimes not the recommendations that are most useful to users. In this paper, we propose informal arguments that the recommender community should move beyond the conventional accuracy metrics and their associated experimental methodologies. We propose new user-centric directions for evaluating recommender systems.
Information Retrieval | 2002
Jonathan L. Herlocker; Joseph A. Konstan; John Riedl
Collaborative filtering systems predict a users interest in new items based on the recommendations of other people with similar interests. Instead of performing content indexing or content analysis, collaborative filtering systems rely entirely on interest ratings from members of a participating community. Since predictions are based on human ratings, collaborative filtering systems have the potential to provide filtering based on complex attributes, such as quality, taste, or aesthetics. Many implementations of collaborative filtering apply some variation of the neighborhood-based prediction algorithm. Many variations of similarity metrics, weighting approaches, combination measures, and rating normalization have appeared in each implementation. For these parameters and others, there is no consensus as to which choice of technique is most appropriate for what situations, nor how significant an effect on accuracy each parameter has. Consequently, every person implementing a collaborative filtering system must make hard design choices with little guidance. This article provides a set of recommendations to guide design of neighborhood-based prediction systems, based on the results of an empirical study. We apply an analysis framework that divides the neighborhood-based prediction approach into three components and then examines variants of the key parameters in each component. The three components identified are similarity computation, neighbor selection, and rating combination.