José Antonio Palazón
University of Murcia
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Featured researches published by José Antonio Palazón.
Economic Botany | 2007
Diego Rivera; Concepción Obón; Cristina Inocencio; Michael Heinrich; Alonso Verde; José Fajardo; José Antonio Palazón
Gathered food plants (GFPs) (wild and weeds) are crucial for understanding traditional Mediterranean diets. Combining open interviews and free-listing questionnaires, we identified 215 GFP items, i.e., 53 fungi and 162 from 154 vascular plant species. The variation in frequency and in salience among the items follows a rectangular hyperbola. Highly salient species were Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke, Scolymus hispanicus L., and Pleurotus eryngii (DC.: Fr.) Quélet. Salience and frequency showed no correlation with the expected health benefits of each species. Regional frequency in the Mediterranean and local frequency are directly related. Thus, local food plants are much less “local” than expected.Different types of culinary preparations provide the most information in the cluster analysis of variables. The cluster analysis of items produced a tree with 10 clusters that form culture-specific logical entities, allowing people to structure their environment. Within each cluster, plant species are replaced and incorporated provided they resemble the general profile. This allows innovation and adaptation on a local level and explains the differences between adjacent localities in the list of species. Two types of clusters or species complexes are described: “species-labeled” and “uses-labeled.” Lastly, we discuss the underlying empirical basis of the ethnoclassification in the Mediterranean area.
Biodiversity and Conservation | 2007
José Enrique Martínez; Iluminada Pagán; José Antonio Palazón; José F. Calvo
We examined the patterns of habitat use of six radio-tagged booted eagles (Hieraaetus pennatus) in a Special Protection Area (SPA) in southeastern Spain. Variable percentages of radio locations (20.8–72.0 %) and home range areas (45.2–81.3 %) lay outside the SPA limits. A model selection procedure showed that habitat use was mainly influenced by habitat type and the distance to the nest. Edges and open lands were the most selected habitat types at long distances, while the probability of forest use strongly decreased with the distance. We conclude that effective conservation strategies for this species should encourage not only the protection of the forest nesting habitats, but also the traditional agricultural practices of the surrounding agroecosystems.
Journal of Environmental Management | 1992
José F. Calvo; José Antonio Palazón; Miguel A. Esteve; María Luisa Suárez; A. Torres; M. R. Vidal-Abarca; Luis Ramírez-Díaz
Ordination and classification techniques have been applied to an integrated study of the ecological characteristics of the Mula River watershed (Murcia, south-east Spain), as environmental background for use and management. These techniques facilitate an objective determination of the main tendencies in environmental variation within the study area, and how this variation may be viewed from ecological and geographical points of view. Moreover, their use permits the delimitation of internally homogeneous environmental units based on their topographic, geologic, vegetation and land use characteristics. A description of six environmental units in the study area was derived using information theory parameters.
Polyhedron | 1985
José Antonio Palazón; José Gálvez; Gabriel García; Gregorio López
Abstract The compounds [NiCl2(Morph)3(H2O)2] and [NiCl2(Morph)3] have been prepared by treating NiCl2·6H2O with morpholine (Mo
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry | 1984
José Gálvez; José Antonio Palazón; Gregorio López; Gabriel García
The preparation of Ni(CN)21.5M (M=morpholine) and the thermal study of this and NiBr23M, Nil24M and Ni(NCS)24M are described. The thermal treatment of these compounds leads to the isolation of Ni(CN)2M, Ni(CN)20.5M, NiBr22M, Nil23M, Nil21.5M, Ni(NCS)22M and Ni(NCS)2M. With the exception of NiBr22M and Ni(NCS)22M, all intermediate species are reported here for the first time. Magnetic and spectral studies have been carried out to determine the mode of coordination and stereochemistry of the complexes. The thermal study includes the determination of stability, apparent activation energy and reaction orders, and reaction enthalpies.ZusammenfassungDie Darstellung von Ni(CN)21.5M (M=Morpholin) wird beschrieben. Das thermische Verhalten dieser Verbindung und von NiBr23M, Nil24M und Ni(NCS)24M wird untersucht. Durch thermische Behandlung dieser Verbindungen werden Ni(CN)2M, Ni(CN)20.5M, NiBr22M, Nil23M, Nil21.5M, Ni(NCS)22M und Ni(NCS)2M erhalten. Mit Ausnahme von NiBr22M und Ni(NCS)22M handelt es sich dabei um bisher noch nicht beschriebene Zwischenprodukte. Es wurden magnetische und spektrometrische Untersuchungen ausgeführt, um die Art der Koordinaten und die Stereochemie dieser Komplexe zu ermitteln. Die thermische Untersuchung erstreckt sich auf die Bestimmung der Stabilität, der scheinbaren Aktivierungsenergie und der Reaktionsordnungen sowie der Reaktionsenthalpien.РезюмеОписано получение ко мплекса Ni(CN)21.5M (M=морфолин), термическое исследо вание которого проведено с овместно с комплекса ми NiBr23M, Nil24M, Ni(NCS)24M. Термическая обработ ка этих комплексов пр иводит к образованию Ni(CN)2M, Ni(CN)20.5M, NiBr22M, Nil23M, Nil21.5M, Ni(NCS)22M, и Ni(NCS)2M. За искл ючением NiBr22M и Ni(NCS)22M, все остальные пр омежуточные соедине ния обнаружены впервые. С целью определения т ипа координации и сте реохимии комплексов, было пров едено исследование их магн итных и спектральных свойств. Термическое исследо вание включало определение их устой чивости, кажущейся эн ергии активации и порядков реакций, а также энтальпий реакций.
Polyhedron | 1983
José Antonio Palazón; José Gálvez; Gabriel García; Gregorio López
Abstract The compounds NiX 2 M x [M = morpholine; X = C 6 F 5 ( x = 2), NO 3 ( x = 3), Br( x = 2 or 3), and I( x = 4)] have been prepared and investigated. Magnetic and spectral studies have been carried out to determine the mode of coordination and stereochemistry of the complexes. Except for NiBr 2 M 3 , which appears to contain bridging morpholine, in all other compounds the neutral ligand acts as a monodentate N-donor group.
Scientific Reports | 2016
Chele Martínez-Martí; María V. Jiménez-Franco; J. Andrew Royle; José Antonio Palazón; José F. Calvo
Occurrence models that account for imperfect detection of species are increasingly used for estimating geographical range, for determining species-landscape relations and to prioritize conservation actions worldwide. In 2010, we conducted a large-scale survey in Río Muni, the mainland territory of Equatorial Guinea, which aimed to estimate the probabilities of occurrence and detection of threatened mammals based on environmental covariates, and to identify priority areas for conservation. Interviews with hunters were designed to record presence/absence data of seven species (golden cat, leopard, forest elephant, forest buffalo, western gorilla, chimpanzee and mandrill) in 225 sites throughout the region. We fitted single season occupancy models and recently developed models which also include false positive errors (i.e. species detected in places where it actually does not occur), which should provide more accurate estimates for most species, which are susceptible to mis-identification. Golden cat and leopard had the lowest occurrence rates in the region, whereas primates had the highest rates. All species, except gorilla, were affected negatively by human settlements. The southern half of Río Muni showed the highest occurrence of the species studied, and conservation strategies for ensuring the persistence of threatened mammals should be focused on this area.
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry | 1987
José Antonio Palazón; José Gálvez; Gabriel García; Gregorio López
The preparations of the nickel-morpholine (Morph) complexes Ni(NO2)2·3Morph and Ni(ClO4)2·4Morph·2H2O are described. The thermal treatment of this perchlorate and of NiSO4·2Morph led to the isolation of Ni(ClO4)2·2Morph·2H2O and NiSO4·Morph. The magnetic moments, diffuse reflectance spectra and infrared spectra of these compounds are all compatible with a pseudo-octahedral environment around the nickel atom.ZusammenfassungDie Darstellung der Nickel-Morpholin(Morph)-Komplexe Ni(NO2)2·3Morph und Ni(ClO4)2·4Morph·2H2O wird beschrieben. Die thermische Behandlung dieses Perchlorates und von NiSO4·2Morph ergibt Ni(ClO4)2·2Morph·2H2O und NiSO4Morph. Magnetisches Moment sowie diffuse Reflektionsspektren und Infrarotspektren dieser Verbindungen sind kompatibel mit einer pseudooktaedrischen Koordination des Nickelatoms.РезюмеОписано получение ад дуктов нитрита, сульф ата и перхлората никеля с морфолином (Морф) следующего сост ава: Ni(NO2)2·ЗМорф, NiSO4·2Морф и Ni(ClO4)2·4Морф·2H2O. Термическая обработ ка двух последних сое динений привела к выделению с оединений NiSO4·Морф и Ni(ClO4)2·2Морф·2H2O. Ма гнитные моменты, спектры диффузного о тражения и ИК спектры показали, что эти соединения об ладают псевдооктаэдрическ ой структурой.
International Journal of Music Education | 2018
José Antonio Palazón; Andrea Giráldez
This article presents an experiment with a group of secondary school music students in Spain. We used music score sheets enriched with Quick Response codes as a resource for the practice required to play a musical instrument. The first group (n = 56) was compared with another group (n = 56) that used traditional resources (textbooks and compact discs). The results of the research supported the fact that the students who used QR codes associated with videos – read by using mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets – achieved better results than those who used more traditional resources. The analysis of variance test showed that the learning resource had a significant effect on the scores obtained by the students. In other words, the marks of the students participating in the study varied significantly according to the resource used. There was no significant effect on the interaction of method and gender, so there is no relation between the students’ gender and the resources’ impact on the results obtained by students.
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry | 1989
L. García; José Antonio Palazón; José Gálvez; Gregorio López
The 1 ∶ 4 complexes of cobalt (II) and manganese (II) thiocyanates with morpholine (Morph), [M(NCS)2(Morph)4] (M=Co, Mn), were prepared and studied by means of thermogravimetry, derivative thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry. By thermal treatment of the above compounds, the 1∶2 and 1∶1 complexes, [M(NCS)2(Morph)2] (M=Co, Mn; n=1, 2), were formed. Magnetic data, infrared and electronic spectra and molar conductance values for the compounds are reported. All the complexes contain N-bonded morpholine and the 1∶4 complexes are suggested to have a monomericcis pseudooctahedral structure with N-bonded thiocyanate, whereas the 1∶2 and 1∶1 complexes are considered to have a six-coordinated polymeric configuration involving bridging NCS groups.ZusammenfassungMittels. Thermogravimetrie, Derivativthermogravimetrie und Differential-Scanning-Kalorimetrie wurden die zuvor dargestellten 1∶4 Komplexe von Kobalt(II)- und Mangan(II)thiozyanaten mit Morpholin (morph) [M(NCS)2(morph)4] mit M=Co, Mn untersucht. Durch Erhitzen obiger Verbindungen entstehen die 1∶2- bzw. 1∶1-Komplexe [M(NCS)2(morph)n] mit M=Co, Mn undn=1, 2. Magnetisierungsdaten, Infrarot- und Elektronenspektren sowie die molare Leitfähigkeit der Verbindungen wurden ermittelt bzw. angegeben. Alle Komplexe enthalten N-gebundenes Morpholin. Die 1∶4 Komplexe besitzen eine monomere cis-pseudooktaedrische Struktur mit N-gebundenem Thiozyanat, während die 1∶2- und 1∶1-Komplexe eine hexakoordinierte polymere Struktur mit NCS-Gruppenbrücken zu besitzen scheinen.РезюмеМетодом ТГ, ДТГ и ДСК из учены синтезированн ые комплексы тиоцианат ов кобальта и марганца с морфолином (морф.) обще й формулы [М(МСS)2(морф.)4]. При термической обработ ке этих комплексов об разуются соединения состава [М (МСS)2(морф.)n], гдеп=1 или 2. Для этих соедин ений приведены магни тные данные, ИК спектроско пические данные, электронные спектры поглощения и значени я молярной проводимости. Коорди национная связь в комплексах осущест вляется через азот мо рфолина. Комплексы состава 1∶4 (м еталл: лиганд) являются мономерным и с цис-псевдооктаэдр ической структурой и содержа щие N-связанные тиоцианатные группы. Комплексы состава 1∶21 и 1∶1 имеют шести-координационн ую полимерную конфигурацию, включа ющую мостиковые тиоцианатные группы.