José Luiz Lopes Vieira
Universidade Estadual de Maringá
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Featured researches published by José Luiz Lopes Vieira.
Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte | 2012
Leonardo Vidal Andreato; Emerson Franchini; Solange Marta Franzói de Moraes; João Victor Del Conti Esteves; Juliana Jacques Pastório; Thaís Vidal Andreato; Tricy Lopes de Moraes Gomes; José Luiz Lopes Vieira
Athletes from many sports that are categorized by body mass tend to reduce it to fit in lower categories. Such reduction can compromise the athletes performance and health. In order to determine the most appropriate category, the body composition is highly relevant, especially to avoid excessive reduction. Thus, this study analyzed the morphological profile of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu elite athletes. The sample was composed of 11 athletes, aged 25.8 ± 3.3 years, medalists in national and/or international competitions. The analysis was performed to determine the anthropometric body composition and somatotype. Body fat score from this population was 10.3 ± 2.6 % fat, a high percentage of muscle mass (61.3 ± 1.5 %), and predominant mesomorphic component (5.5 ± 1.0) was observed. The points of highest and lowest fat accumulation were respectively abdominal (15.7 ± 6.3 mm) and chest (6.8 ± 1.5 mm) regions. It can be concluded that athletes from this sport showed higher body mass during the preparatory period than in competitive conditions (4.4 ± 2.4 %); however, they showed low body fat, high muscle mass percentage and predominant mesomorphic component.
Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte | 2009
José Luiz Lopes Vieira; Helenice Zotto Amorim; Lenamar Fiorese Vieira; Adolpho Cardoso Amorim; Priscila Garcia Marques da Rocha
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and relationship between eating behavior disorders and body image distortion in rhythmic gymnastics’ athletes who participate in a competitive sports context. Methods: 48 rhythmic gymnastics athletes from the junior and senior categories and 48 elementary and high school students (control group) participated in the study. For the identification of eating behavior disorder the Eating Attitude Test (EAT-26) was used and to determine body image dissatisfaction the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ). For statistic analysis the Kruskall-Wallis test (p<0.05) and Spearman Correlation were used. Results: there were not statistical differences between the gymnastics group and the students group for eating behavior disorder; a significant correlation was noticed between eating behavior disorder and body image distortion for the athletes from younger junior (10-12 years old) and older junior (12-14 years old) sport categories. Descriptive analysis revealed that 27.2% (4 gymnastics/10-12 years old); 20.0% (4 gymnasts/13-14 years old) presented suggestive behavior of eating disorder. Two gymnasts aged 10-12 years old (10.0%), five gymnasts aged 13-14 years old (15.0%) and five 15 years old gymnasts (100%) presented body image distortion. Conclusion: The evidence points that the adolescents’ behavioral and cognitive perception related to the environment’s esthetic demands in which they are inserted seem to be a main factor to be taken in consideration as for the presence of behavior that suggests eating disorder and body image distortion.
Revista Paulista De Pediatria | 2012
Nadia Cristina Valentini; Mônia Tainá Cambruzzi Coutinho; Simone Maria Pansera; Viviane Aparecida Pereira dos Santos; José Luiz Lopes Vieira; Maria Helena da Silva Ramalho; Marcio A. Oliveira
OBJETIVO: Investigar la prevalencia de un posible trastorno coordinativo de desarrollo y su riesgo, y el desarrollo tipico en ninos y ninas, con 4 y 12 anos de edad. METODOS: Se evaluaron a 1.587 ninos de la region Sur de Brasil con el Movement Assessment Battery for Children. Los participantes fueron divididos en cuatro grupos conforme a la edad (1, de los cuatro a los seis anos; 2, de los siete a los ocho; 3, de los nueve a los diez; y 4, de los 11 a los 12). RESULTADOS: En total, 19,9% de los ninos fueron identificados con probable trastorno coordinativo de desarrollo (percentil ≤ 5%) y 16,8% con riesgo de tal trastorno (percentil ≤ 15%), todos evaluados por el Movement Assessment Battery for Children. Hubo interaccion significativa entre la clasificacion en el Movement Assessment Battery for Children por grupo de edad y sexo (p<0,0001).El analisis por genero demostro mayor prevalencia de trastorno coordinativo de desarrollo en el grupo de ninas en las franjas de edad 3 y 4 (p<0,05). Se observaron interacciones significativas para la destreza manual (p=0,0001), habilidades con balon (p<0,0001) y equilibrio (p<0,0001). Destreza manual fue el item con mayor peso en las variaciones observadas. CONCLUSIONES: Las dificultades en las tareas de destreza manual repercutieron mas fuertemente para el diagnostico de probable trastorno coordinativo de desarrollo y en riesgo de tal trastorno. Los ninos presentaron peor desempeno en las tareas de destreza manual y equilibrio, mientras que las ninas presentaron mayor deficiencia en las habilidades con balon. El desempeno motor deficitario fue mas prevalente en el grupo etario de ninos mayores.
Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2010
Nadia Cristina Valentini; Gabriela de Medina Coeli Villwock; Lenamar Fiorese Vieira; José Luiz Lopes Vieira; Marcus Levi Lopes Barbosa
Harters Self-perception Profile for Children (SPPC) is used to evaluate childrens self-worth. The objective of this study was to translate and verify the validity of the items, the confirmatory factorial analysis and the test-retest internal consistence of the Brazilian version of SPPC. The participants of this study were 7 professionals and 746 children (8 to 12 years old) who answered the instrument at two different moments. The results indicated that the Brazilian version contains clear and pertinent questions (CVCt > 0.70), shows satisfactory indices of the confirmatory factorial validity (χ2/gl = 4.33; Non-normed Fit Index = 0.958; Comparative Fit Index = 0.967 and Tucker and Lewiss Index of Fit = 0.962) as well as of internal consistence. Thus, the Brazilian version showed to be valid.
Revista Paulista De Pediatria | 2012
Nadia Cristina Valentini; Mônia Tainá Cambruzzi Coutinho; Simone Maria Pansera; Viviane Aparecida Pereira dos Santos; José Luiz Lopes Vieira; Maria Helena da Silva Ramalho; Marcio A. Oliveira
OBJETIVO: Investigar la prevalencia de un posible trastorno coordinativo de desarrollo y su riesgo, y el desarrollo tipico en ninos y ninas, con 4 y 12 anos de edad. METODOS: Se evaluaron a 1.587 ninos de la region Sur de Brasil con el Movement Assessment Battery for Children. Los participantes fueron divididos en cuatro grupos conforme a la edad (1, de los cuatro a los seis anos; 2, de los siete a los ocho; 3, de los nueve a los diez; y 4, de los 11 a los 12). RESULTADOS: En total, 19,9% de los ninos fueron identificados con probable trastorno coordinativo de desarrollo (percentil ≤ 5%) y 16,8% con riesgo de tal trastorno (percentil ≤ 15%), todos evaluados por el Movement Assessment Battery for Children. Hubo interaccion significativa entre la clasificacion en el Movement Assessment Battery for Children por grupo de edad y sexo (p<0,0001).El analisis por genero demostro mayor prevalencia de trastorno coordinativo de desarrollo en el grupo de ninas en las franjas de edad 3 y 4 (p<0,05). Se observaron interacciones significativas para la destreza manual (p=0,0001), habilidades con balon (p<0,0001) y equilibrio (p<0,0001). Destreza manual fue el item con mayor peso en las variaciones observadas. CONCLUSIONES: Las dificultades en las tareas de destreza manual repercutieron mas fuertemente para el diagnostico de probable trastorno coordinativo de desarrollo y en riesgo de tal trastorno. Los ninos presentaron peor desempeno en las tareas de destreza manual y equilibrio, mientras que las ninas presentaron mayor deficiencia en las habilidades con balon. El desempeno motor deficitario fue mas prevalente en el grupo etario de ninos mayores.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2010
Lenamar Fiorese Vieira; João Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci; Leonardo Pestillo de Oliveira; José Luiz Lopes Vieira
This manuscript presents the Sport Psychology field as a psychologists emergent field of action in Brazil. A historical analysis is performed concerning the path of Sport Psychology presenting the areas of professional action (research, teaching and intervention), the role of the sport psychologist (researcher, academic teacher and consultant) and the fields recent scientific state. Although the vast professional field, the diversity of knowledge needed to act in this subdivision of Psychology is an intervening element, resulting in an insufficient professional formation and a division of the professional action into two specialties: the Clinical Psychology and Educational Psychology applied to sport. Finally, it is highlighted the emergency in the comprehension of this aspects, providing background to understand the importance of the professional qualification in the field of Sport and Physical Exercise.
Jornal Brasileiro De Psiquiatria | 2009
José Luiz Lopes Vieira; Mauro Porcu; Viviane Aparecida dos Santos Buzzo
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effectiveness of hydrogymnastics as a therapeutic method to the reduction of anxiety in females diagnosed with anxiety disorder. METHODS: This clinical survey had as participants, patients with anxiety, being the depression the existent comorbidade, from Psychiatry Media Residence Program of the Academical Hospital of Maringa, all had medical treatment (n = 16: experimental group = 8; control group = 8). The experiment was accomplished in the warm swimming pool of the Department of Physical Education of the State University of Maringa. The design of the study was developed with two hydrogymnastics sessions per week, during 12 weeks. The instruments used in the data collection were: Becks Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the Profile of Mood States (POMS). As to statistics analysis the Friedman test, Wilcoxon test, Mann-Whitney test and Multiple Comparisons were used, with a significance of 5%. RESULTS: Results show that anxiety disorder scores decreased in the experimental group after 12 weeks of intervention (19.12 ± 3.12 to 8.37 ± 4.60, P = 0.0005*) and control group (17.87 ± 14.32 to 12.12 ± 9.58, P = 0.254). As for mood state profile experimental group evidenced a positive mental health profile, while control group showed a negative mood state profile. CONCLUSIONS: It may be concluded that patients from experimental group evidenced significant reduction in anxiety level in relation to control group patients whom used only the conventional medicine treatment. For mood state profile changes were found throughout the study, being that control group experimented negative mood changes during the clinical survey while experimental group patients evidenced positive mood state profile with reduction on tension, depression, anger confusion and enhancement on vigor.Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of hydrogymnastics as a therapeutic method to the reduction of anxiety in females diagnosed with anxiety disorder. Methods: This clinical survey had as participants, patients with anxiety, being the depression the existent comorbidade, from PsychiaRecebido em 28/10/2008 Aprovado em 17/2/2009 Palavras-chave Transtorno de ansiedade, exercicios fisicos, complemento terapeutico. OS 8648 J Bras Psiq 58_1.indd 8 26/05/2009 12:19:43 J Bras Psiquiatr. 2009;58(1):8-16. 9 A pratica da hidroginastica como tratamento complementar para pacientes com transtorno de ansiedade artigo original
Revista Brasileira de Educação Física e Esporte | 2013
Bruna Felix Apoloni; Flávia Evelin Bandeira Lima; José Luiz Lopes Vieira
The experimental study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention program with exercises on the trampoline in postural control of children with Down syndrome. Twelve children of both sexes, aged between three and ten years have participated of the study. The intervention involved jumping activities, walking, run and play on the trampoline, three times a week, ten minutes of sessions and was held for twelve weeks. For evaluating the postural control it was used a force platform, model EMG System of Brazil. Descriptive analysis and comparative Students t-test was performed. Results showed a significant decrease in variables such as area of central pressure, anteroposterior average speed (AP) and mediolateral and anteroposterior frequency, which resulted in improvements in the postural control of children with Down syndrome that participated of this intervention.
Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano | 2015
Leonardo Pestillo de Oliveira; João Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci; José Roberto Andrade do Nascimento Junior; José Luiz Lopes Vieira; Lenamar Fiorese Vieira; Marcos Alencar Abaide Balbinotti; Evandro Morais Peixoto
Recentemente, alguns estudos tem apresentado as relacoes associativas entre os construtos Perfeccionismo (Pe) e Coping (Co), indicando ser um tema atual e importante. Este estudo tem por objetivo testar um modelo de relacoes preditivas das dimensoes Perfeccionismo Ajustado-Normal (PAN) e Perfeccionismo Desajustado-Neurotico (PDN), do construto Pe, sobre os Recursos Totais de Coping (RTC), do construto Co, quando mediadas pela Autodeterminacao (IAD), em uma amostra de atletas juniores de futebol. Para tanto, 182 atletas masculinos, com idades variando de 12 a 19 anos (14,86±1,97) de um clube de futebol do estado do Parana (Brasil), responderam aos seguintes instrumentos: Escala de Motivacao para o Esporte (EME-28), Inventario Atletico de Estrategias de Coping (IAEC-28) e Escala Multidimensional de Perfeccionismo (EMP-33). Os resultados de um Modelo de Equacoes Estruturais, testado sem a mediacao de IAD, explicaram 35% da variância de RTC; enquanto o MEE, considerando a mediacao de IAD, explicou 44% da variância de RTC apresentada pelos atletas. Os dados disponiveis permitem corroborar as hipoteses teoricas quanto a importância da Autodeterminacao na relacao entre Perfeccionismo e Coping. Salienta-se que novos estudos explorem amostras mais variadas permitindo ampliar a variabilidade de respostas e, consequentemente, melhorar ainda mais, por este vies, as relacoes hipotetico-preditivas testadas.
Motriz-revista De Educacao Fisica | 2013
Tatiane Flávia de Oliveira; José Luiz Lopes Vieira; Aurélio Izumi Grimble Gonçalves dos Santos; Victor Hugo Alves Okazaki
The present study analyzed the dynamic balance of teenagers with Down syndrome (DS) and teenagers with typical development (TD). Fourteen 14 teenagers with DS and 22 teenagers with typical development (TD) performed the task of trying to keep their balance on a unstable platform. Balance was analyzed in conditions with and without vision, in the bipodal basis of support with the parallels feet and semi-tandem. Both groups showed a worse performance in the conditions with no vision. However, the teenagers with DS showed greater instability in the dynamic balance in comparison to the teenagers with TD for both, vision and non-vision conditions. Such results were explained by the characteristics normally verified in people with DS, such as: muscular hypotonic, ligamentous laxity, and the difficulty in the action-perception integration.
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José Roberto Andrade do Nascimento Junior
Universidade Estadual de Maringá
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