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Featured researches published by Joseph Samba Diouf.

International Orthodontics | 2010

Influence of the mode of nutritive and non-nutritive sucking on the dimensions of primary dental arches

Joseph Samba Diouf; Papa Ibrahima Ngom; Alpha Badiane; Binta Cisse; Cheikh Ndoye; Khady Diop-Ba; Falou Diagne

INTRODUCTION Sucking is innate in both infants and young children. It is termed nutritive when referring to suckling from the breast or bottle-feeding and non-nutritive when applied to sucking of a digit or pacifier. Few studies have attempted to assess the impact of the type of sucking on the size of the dental arches. The aim of this study was to quantify the influence of the mode of nutritive suckling and non-nutritive sucking habits (NNSH) on the measurements of the dental arches. PATIENTS AND METHODS This was a transverse descriptive study involving 226 Senegalese children. The mode of feeding and the presence or not of a NNSH (digit or pacifier) were gathered from parents of all children using a structured questionnaire. Quantitative variables regarding intra- and inter-arch relationships were recorded using plaster moulds taken from the children. Statistical analyses were used to compare the different variables according to gender, the mode of feeding and the presence or not of a NNSH. RESULTS The subjects in the study (123 boys and 103 girls) were aged between 5 and 6years old. The children who had enjoyed mixed feeding (breast/bottle combination) had a great length of the anterior maxillary arch and a significantly greater depth of the palatal arch than children receiving breast-feeding alone. The children with antecedents or a current NNSH had a longer anterior maxillary arch than subjects with no NNSH (P=0.01). Regarding inter-arch relationships, the children with antecedents or a current digit-sucking habit had less overbite than their peers who had no NNSH (P=0.04). CONCLUSION The results of this study show that bottle-feeding, even partial, as well as NNSH are associated with changes in certain dimensions of the maxillary dental arch and in inter-arch relationships. Longitudinal studies are required to investigate further the nature of this association.

International Orthodontics | 2014

Vertical photogrammetric evaluation of the soft tissue profiles of two different racial groups: a comparative study.

Joseph Samba Diouf; Papa Ibrahima Ngom; Mohamed Siddick Fadiga; Alpha Badiane; Khady Diop-Ba; Marième Ndiaye; Falou Diagne

INTRODUCTION Facial soft-tissue analyses based on photographic records (photogrammetric analysis of the soft tissues) highlight interracial and interethnic dimorphism. The standards for facial analyses, originally obtained from Caucasian subjects, are not appropriate for the diagnosis and treatment planning of other groups of orthodontic patients. The purpose of this study was to compare the photogrammetric soft tissue profile characteristics in the vertical dimension of Senegalese and Moroccan adults. MATERIALS AND METHODS A cross-sectional study was performed on a group of Senegalese and Moroccan students in the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry of Dakar. Standardized profile photographs were taken for each student in a natural head position, centric relation, and relaxed lip posture. Fourteen linear and ten angular parameters were measured on a paper print using a graduated ruler and a protractor. The mean and standard deviation (SD) were calculated for each variable. In addition an independent samples t-test was performed to detect sexual and racial dimorphism. Results were regarded as significant at P=0.05. RESULTS Moroccan subjects had a less pronounced nasal bridge and a significantly more open nasolabial angle than the Senegalese, who had significantly greater lip height and a significantly less open inter-labial angle than the Moroccans. CONCLUSION Further studies including different age groups would enable longitudinal data according to age to be obtained.

International Orthodontics | 2011

Evaluation of dentoskeletal parameters in Senegalese subjects using orthodontic architectural analysis

Joseph Samba Diouf; Alpha Badiane; Papa Ibrahima Ngom; Khady Diop-Ba; Falou Diagne; Max Crocquet; Michel Danguy

INTRODUCTION The aim of this study was to determine the morphological characteristics of a Senegalese population based on an architectural cephalometric analysis. PATIENTS AND METHODS One hundred and five lateral cephalograms of Senegalese patients were assessed in a cross-sectional study. All lateral cephalometric films were traced on a transparent cellulose acetate sheet by the same operator. Danguy architectural analysis was performed with 11 measurements (seven linear and four angular). T-test was used to assess differences in cephalometric variables between subjects grouped according to gender (male and female) and age bracket (<12 years and ≥12 years). Significance was set at p≤0.05. RESULTS This study shows that this Senegalese sample had a skeletal class II tendency associated with backward mandibular rotation. The divergence of masticatory corner appears to be greater than in Caucasians with more vertical facial growth. No statistically significant differences were found between men and women. As compared to the under 12 years subgroup, the over 12 years subgroup shows significant increase in maxillary and mandibular lengths whereas skeletal divergence evidenced the opposite tendency and the difference with the under 12 subgroup was significant. Lastly, the first molar underwent significantly greater mesial drift in the 12 and over sub-group. CONCLUSION Danguy architectural analysis provides a good reliable comparative assessment of facial structures and offers an addition to conventional dimensional or typological analytical methods.

International Orthodontics | 2010

Attempt at modelizing the dental arch form of the Senegalese subject.

Khady Diop Ba; Mouhammadou Mansour Faye; Soukèye Ndoye; Joseph Samba Diouf; Papa Ibrahima Ngom; Falou Diagne

Insufficient attention paid to dental arch forms during orthodontic treatment can give rise to relapses. The aim of this study was to calculate the mean dental arch form of the Senegalese subject and to suggest a characteristic polynomial function. Our sample comprised 57 Senegalese subjects aged between 13 and 33 years displaying an ideal occlusion. By superimposing all the arch curves of the different subjects in the series and by adopting intermolar distance as the standard unit, we were able to calculate the mean maxillary and mandibular arch forms and suggest a polynomial function of 6 degrees enabling production of almost perfect reproductions of these forms.

International Orthodontics | 2008

Données odontométriques au sein d'une population sénégalaise : comparaison entre la méthode manuelle et l'analyse numérique

Khady Diop Ba; Falou Diagne; Joseph Samba Diouf; Ramatoulaye Ndiaye; Fatou Diop

Resume L’etude des moulages dentaires occupe une place preponderante dans l’examen clinique du patient avant toute prise de decision therapeutique. Ainsi avec l’arrivee des nouvelles technologies et l’introduction de l’information numerique au cabinet dentaire, les modeles numerises sont devenus une alternative a ceux en plâtre. L’usage des modeles 3D nous donne la possibilite d’effectuer des analyses qualitatives et quantitatives de maniere simple et rapide afin de mieux preserver l’equilibre fonctionnel et esthetique du patient. L’objectif de cette etude etait d’evaluer la fiabilite du logiciel Bibliocast Cecile 3. Pour ce faire, 57 sujets senegalais âges de 13 a 33 ans presentant une occlusion ideale ont ete selectionnes, des empreintes a l’alginate et une coulee au plâtre dur realisees et les modeles en plâtre enregistres ont ete scannes pour obtenir des modeles 3D virtuels. A l’aide du pied a coulisse electronique et du logiciel Bibliocast Cecile 3, nous avons respectivement mesure le surplomb et le recouvrement incisif, les diametres mesio-distaux et vestibulo-linguaux des 12 dents maxillaires et mandibulaires, les rapports anterieur et general. La comparaison des resultats obtenus pour l’ensemble des variables a montre qu’il n’y avait pas de difference significative entre les deux methodes ; ce qui veut dire que les deux methodes sont interchangeables.

International Orthodontics | 2008

Corrélation entre l’épaisseur des muscles masséters et la morphologie cranio-faciale

Papa Ibrahima Ngom; Aïssatou Ly Ba; Falou Diagne; Joseph Samba Diouf; Omar Chakib; Martine Hennequin

Resume Introduction Une bonne connaissance des facteurs qui influent sur la morphogenese cranio-faciale est necessaire pour mieux diagnostiquer et traiter les anomalies orthodontiques. Notre objectif dans cette etude etait d’etudier les correlations entre la fonction musculaire et la morphologie cranio-faciale. Materiels et methodes Les sujets d’etude consistent en un echantillon randomise de 102 jeunes adultes volontaires. La fonction musculaire objectivee par l’epaisseur des muscles masseters a ete evaluee chez ces sujets par une echographie en temps reel a l’aide d’une sonde lineaire de 8 MHz. Les parametres de la morphologie cranio-faciale ont ete determines a partir de teleradiographie de profil obtenue chez chaque sujet. Resultats Il n’y a pas de correlation significative entre les variables du sens sagittal (SNA, SNB, ANB, AoBo) et l’epaisseur des masseters. En revanche les variables du sens vertical (ArGMe, SNPm, HFP) ont une correlation significative avec l’epaisseur des masseters. Conclusion L’idee que la morphologie cranio-faciale peut etre influencee au moins partiellement par la musculature masticatrice, pourrait avoir des implications interessantes en ce qui concerne le diagnostic et le traitement des dysmorphoses orthodontiques.

International Orthodontics | 2018

Relationships between the obstructive character of the tonsils and the type of ventilation and lip posture

Joseph Samba Diouf; Bay Karim Diallo; Khady Diop-Ba; Alpha Badiane; Papa Ibrahima Ngom; Ousmane Sonko; Falou Diagne

INTRODUCTION The role of obstructive tonsils in ventilatory disorders and abnormal lip posture is widely discussed in the literature but remains controversial. The data reported on the probable relationship between obstructive tonsils and an existing breathing disorder or lip incompetence were subjective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the obstructive character of the tonsils and the type of ventilation and lip posture. MATERIALS AND METHODS This is a cross-sectional study performed in children aged from 6 to 12 years old. The subjects were divided into two groups (A and B) according to the obstructive or non-obstructive character of the palatal tonsils. Type of ventilation and lip posture at rest were recorded for each child. The collected data were analysed using the SPSS 20.0 software (for Windows). A Students t-test and a Chi2 test were respectively used to compare quantitative and qualitative variables according to the obstructive character of the tonsils for each group. The level of significance is fixed at P=0.05. RESULTS The subjects in group B with obstructive palatal tonsils were significantly more likely to oral breathing and lip incompetence than the subjects with non-obstructive tonsils (group A). CONCLUSION The clinical examination of children with ventilatory and postural disorders with lip incompetence must be directed towards the search for associated obstructive palatal tonsils in order to plan an early etiological treatment. This would allow to avoid subsequent problems in the dentofacial structures.

L' Orthodontie française | 2015

Comparison of the dental measurements according to the obstructive character of the tonsils

Joseph Samba Diouf; Bécaye Touré; Ousmane Sonko; Alpha Badiane; Khady Diop-Bâ; Papa Ibrahima Ngom; Falou Diagne

INTRODUCTION The role of obstructive tonsils in dental arches abnormalities is widely discussed in the literature but remains controversial. Data on the probable relationship between obstructive tonsils and the presence of these orthodontic abnormalities are subjective. The objective of this study is to quantify the relationship between the obstructive character of the tonsils and the dental arches measurements. MATERIALS AND METHODS A cross-sectional study was performed in children aged between 6 to 12 years divided into 2 groups (A and B) according to the obstructive character of the tonsils. Dental intra- and inter-arches measurements are recorded on each child. Data is analyzed using SPSS 20.0 for Windows. A t Student and chi square tests are respectively used to compare quantitative and qualitative variables according to the obstructive character of the tonsils. The level of significance is fixed at p = 0.05. RESULTS The upper dental arch depth is significantly more important in subjects with obstructive tonsils (group B). Dental arches widths are significantly more important in subjects without obstructive tonsils (group A). Group B subjects are significantly more likely to have class II malocclusions, open bite and posterior cross bite with mandibular lateral deviation than group A subjects. CONCLUSION Early evaluation of children with obstructive tonsils can prevent dental intra- and inter-arches abnormalities caused by upper airway obstruction. Thus late and more aggressive treatments which are not always as efficient as when they were performed during childhood will be avoided.

L' Orthodontie française | 2015

Corrélations entre les mensurations photogrammétriques sagittales de profil des tissus mous et celles des arcades dentaires

Joseph Samba Diouf; Bécaye Touré; Marième Ndiaye; Alpha Badiane; Khady Diop-Bâ; Papa Ibrahima Ngom; Falou Diagne

INTRODUCTION Sagittal soft-tissue analyses made from photographic records (sagittal photogrammetric analysis of the soft tissues) allow orthodontists to quantify the sagittal dimension and situation of the facial soft tissues. These tissues maintain close anatomical relationships with the underlying dental arches. However, little importance has been given to the description and the comparison of the sagittal soft tissue morphology according to dental arches parameters. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between the sagittal photogrammetric soft tissue profile and the dental arches measurements. MATERIALS AND METHODS A cross-sectional study was performed in a group of students. Standardized facial-profile photographs were taken with each student in natural head position, and relaxed lip posture. Photogrammetric parameters were measured on paper sheet using a graduated ruler. Dental arches measurements were also performed directly into the mouth with an electronic caliper. The strength of the association between sagittal photogrammetric soft tissue measurements and dental arches parameters was investigated by a Pearsons correlation. Results were regarded as significant at p=0.05. RESULTS The lips protrusion parameters were significantly and positively correlated with the dental arch lengths. The overjet was significantly and positively correlated with Ls/Sn-Sm. The overbite was significantly and negatively correlated with the sagittal labial parameters Ls/N-Ort, Li/N-Ort, Ls-E, Li E, Ls-S, Li S, Ls/Sn-Sm and Li/Sn-Sm. CONCLUSION The correlations found in this study show the importance of taking into account the soft tissue in the diagnosis and orthodontic treatment of patients.

International Orthodontics | 2015

Influence of tonsil size on sagittal cephalometric measurements.

Joseph Samba Diouf; Papa Ibrahima Ngom; Mohamed Siddick Fadiga; Alpha Badiane; Khady Diop-Ba; Ousmane Sonko; Falou Diagne

INTRODUCTION The role of tonsils in the origin of sagittal skeletodental abnormalities has been widely discussed in the literature but remains controversial. Data on the probable relationship between enlarged tonsils and the presence of these abnormalities were subjective. The aim of this study was to quantify the relationship between the space occupied by the palatine tonsils and sagittal cephalometric measurements. MATERIALS AND METHODS A cross-sectional study was performed on a group of children divided into 5 subgroups according to the standardized tonsillar hypertrophy grading scale. Cephalometric measurements were recorded for each child. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20.0 for Windows. The strength of the association between tonsil grades and quantitative variables was assessed using Spearmans rank correlation coefficient (Rho). The level of significance was fixed at P=0.05. RESULTS Lengths SN, t2-p3, h-Gn and Xi-pm, and angles I/F, I/SN, i/M, SNB, SNPog and SNGn were significantly and negatively correlated with grades. The ANB angle, the sagittal position of the pogonion and the angle of facial convexity were significantly and positively correlated with grades. CONCLUSION Early evaluation of tonsil size can prevent certain skeletodental abnormalities in the sagittal plane caused by upper airway obstruction. Thus, more aggressive late treatments, which are not always as effective as when they are performed during childhood, can be avoided.


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Falou Diagne

Cheikh Anta Diop University

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Papa Ibrahima Ngom

Cheikh Anta Diop University

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Alpha Badiane

Cheikh Anta Diop University

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Khady Diop-Ba

Cheikh Anta Diop University

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Khady Diop Ba

Cheikh Anta Diop University

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Ousmane Sonko

Cheikh Anta Diop University

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Khady Diop-Bâ

Cheikh Anta Diop University

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Binta Cisse

Cheikh Anta Diop University

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Cheikh Ndoye

Cheikh Anta Diop University

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