Juan Pablo Barreyro
University of Buenos Aires
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Featured researches published by Juan Pablo Barreyro.
Advances in Cognitive Psychology | 2015
Irene Injoque-Ricle; Juan Pablo Barreyro; Jesica Formoso; Virginia Jaichenco
Simultaneous interpreting is a complex bilingual verbal activity that involves the auditory perception of an oral communication and the production of a coherent discourse. One of the cognitive functions underlying simultaneous interpreting is working memory. The aim of this work was to study the relationship between expertise, working memory capacity and articulatory suppression effect, and the ability to perform simultaneous interpreting. For this purpose, four working memory tasks and one simultaneous interpreting task were administered to thirty Spanish-speaking professional English interpreters. Results showed that simultaneous interpreting ability might be supported by the working memory´s capacity to store or process information, but also by the ability of the interpreter to cope with the articulatory suppression effect. We conclude that interpreters may have or develop resources to support the effect caused by articulatory suppression.
Escritos de Psicología | 2012
Irene Injoque-Ricle; Juan Pablo Barreyro; Débora I. Burin
Working Memory (WM) is an active memory system responsible for the temporary storage and concurrent processing of information. Different authors have considered WM as a complex but unitary system, whereas others have suggested that the system is multidimensional. In this line, the model developed by Baddeley and Hitch (1974) is one of the most well known; it proposes two modality-specific components the phonological loop and the visuo-spatial sketchpad and a supervisory executive system the central executive. This paper contributes to the debate on WM structure by investigating three groups of children of different ages and assessing different models using confirmatory factor analysis. The Working Memory Assessment Battery Test (Alloway, 2007; Injoque-Ricle, Calero, Alloway & Burin, 2011) was administered to 180 monolingual Spanish-speaking children. The three age groups consisted of 6-, 8-, and 11-year-old children (n = 60 participants per group). The results suggest that the WM structure is not uniform across the different age groups tested, showing progressive differentiation and specialization during childhood. This structure would appear to form between the ages of 6 and 8 years and become more complex as adolescence is approached.
Cuadernos de Neuropsicologia | 2012
Irene Injoque-Ricle; Juan Pablo Barreyro; Alejandra Daniela Calero; Débora I. Burin
Esta investigación fue financiada por el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET; Res. No 258/06 y Res. N° 3100/08) y Por la Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBACyT P016). La Batería Automatizada de Memoria de Trabajo (AWMA) fue traducida y adaptada bajo permiso. Copyright
Spanish Journal of Psychology | 2017
Jesica Formoso; Juan Pablo Barreyro; Silvia Jacubovich; Irene Injoque-Ricle
Researchers have focused on identifying the mechanisms involved in subitizing and its differences with estimation. Some suggest that subitizing relies on a visual indexing system in charge of the simultaneous individuation of objects that is also used by visuospatial working memory (VSWM). In adults, studies found associations between subitizing and VSWM, in the absence of correlation between VSWM and estimation. The present study analyzed the performance of 120 4 and 6-year-old children in three tasks: dot enumeration to measure subitizing capacity, quantity discrimination for estimation, and Corsi Block-tapping task for VSWM. In the enumeration task RTs (F(9, 1062)=720.59, MSE=734394, p<.001, η2=.86) and errors (F(9, 1062)=42.15, MSE=.194, p<.001, η2=.26.) increased with the array, but this growth was statistically significant only from 4 dots onward. Each subjects subitizing range was estimated by fitting RTs with a sigmoid function of number of dots and obtaining the bend point of the curve. Data fit (age 4: R 2 = .88; SD = .08; age 6: R 2 = .91, SD = .08) showed a mean subitizing range of 2.79 (SD = .66) for 4 year-olds and of 3.11 (SD = .64) for 6 year-olds. Subitizing ranges and average RTs showed low association with storage (r = .274; p < .05; r = -.398; p < .001) and average RTs with concurrent processing (r = -.412; p < .001) in VSWM. Subitizing range and speed showed no association with estimation speed and a poor association with accuracy (r = .234, p < .01; r = -.398, p < .001), which suggests independent systems for small and large quantities. Subitizing and estimation measures correlated with VSWM (p < .01), which suggests that both processes may require VSWM resources.
Revista de Investigación en Logopedia | 2018
Macarena Martínez-Cuitiño; Federico Soriano; Jesica Formoso; Geraldine Borovinsky; Jesica Ferrari; Noelia Pontello; Juan Pablo Barreyro; Facundo Manes
La Afasia Progresiva Primaria-variante semantica (APP-vs) se caracteriza por la afectacion progresiva del conocimiento conceptual. Algunas investigaciones han reportado la mayor afectacion de los conceptos abstractos en relacion con los concretos, es decir, un efecto de concretud. No obstante, otros investigadores dan cuenta de un efecto de concretud inverso, es decir, un mejor desempeno con conceptos abstractos en relacion con concretos. En esta investigacion se compara el desempeno, por medio en una tarea de juicios de sinonimia, de un grupo de 8 pacientes diagnosticados con APP-vs y un grupo de 20 controles emparejados en edad y nivel educativo. Los resultados dan cuenta de un efecto de concretud, es decir, un mejor desempeno con conceptos concretos tanto con sustantivos como con verbos. Estos hallazgos se alinean con las investigaciones previas en las que se detecta un peor rendimiento de los pacientes con APP-vs con conceptos abstractos. El efecto de concretud encontrado apoyaria la hipotesis de un centro semantico amodal relevante para el procesamiento de conceptos concretos y abstractos. La menor afectacion de los conceptos concretos observada podria explicarse por su mayor riqueza semantica.
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education | 2018
Débora I. Burin; Natalia Irrazabal; Irene Injoque Ricle; Gastón Saux; Juan Pablo Barreyro
We examined the contribution of Internet operational and navigation skills, previous knowledge, and working memory capacity to expository text comprehension as a lesson within an e-learning course. As different from previous studies in controlled settings; this study addressed students’ typical behavior in more ecological conditions. The first study tested self-reported Internet Skills Scale structure, reliability and concurrent validity, in a sample of 254 college students from a large Latin American public university. The second study addressed the contribution of self-reported Internet skills, previous domain knowledge, and working memory capacity to text comprehension in e-learning. Students (n = 125) read high or low previous knowledge expository science texts and answered questions about them, in an e-learning course specifically designed for research purposes, accessed remotely. They also completed working memory tests. Working memory and navigation were significantly associated with text comprehension: higher working memory, and lower scores in self-reported navigation behavior, led to better comprehension. These results have implications for instructional design and reading strategies interventions.
Europe’s Journal of Psychology | 2018
Alejandra Daniela Calero; Juan Pablo Barreyro; Irene Injoque-Ricle
Emotional intelligence includes self-perception regarding attention to feelings, clarity of feelings and mood repair. The aim of this work is to study the relationship between emotional intelligence, self-concept, and self-esteem. The sample included 137 adolescents from Buenos Aires City, that attended middle school, with a mean age of 13.12 years old (SD = 1.79). Correlation analysis and linear regression analysis were performed. Results showed significant positive correlations between self-esteem and clarity of feelings on the complete sample and the female subsample, and between mood repair and self-esteem on the male subsample. The linear regression analyses showed results on the same line. It´s concluded that positive self-evaluation regarding emotions, emotion comprehension and recovery can minimize the effect of negative experiences.
Spanish Journal of Psychology | 2014
Irene Injoque-Ricle; Juan Pablo Barreyro; Alejandra Daniela Calero; Débora I. Burin
Executive Function is a multidimensional construct that includes a wide range of cognitive abilities that allow solving goal-directed behaviors efficiently. Its development begins in early childhood and continues through adolescence. A key aspect of Executive Function is planning, defined as the capacity to generate and organize the necessary step sequence to carry out a goal-directed behavior. The aim of this study was to assess the development of planning in children. The Tower of London task was used in 270 children aged 6, 8, 11, and 13 years. The results showed that the time required to generate and organize the plan to solve a goal-directed problem increases as the difficulty of the problem increases, and that older children need less time to solve problems with a certain level of difficulty than younger children F(15, 1330) = 8.787; MSE = 1.441; p < .01; η2 =.090. These results are in line with the findings that planning develops through childhood and even during the first years of adolescence.
Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento | 2013
Juan Pablo Barreyro; Irene Injoque-Ricle; Débora I. Burin
La memoria de trabajo se refiere al conjunto de procesos implicados en almacenamiento temporal y procesamiento concurrente (Baddeley, 2000). Las pruebas Amplitud Aritmetica (Conway et al., 2005) y Amplitud de Conteo (Conway et al., 2005) son tareas que evaluan la capacidad verbal de la memoria de trabajo. El proposito de este articulo es presentar datos acerca de la confiabilidad y validez convergente de estas tareas. Las taras de amplitud aritmetica y amplitud de conteo se administraron, junto con la tarea Amplitud de Lectura, a 88 alumnos universitarios, con una edad promedio de 23.10 anos. El analisis de confiabilidad indico una muy buena consistencia interna de los items y el analisis factorial confirmatorio mostro un muy buen ajuste a un modelo de un factor en el que se agruparon todas las pruebas. Esto indica que ambas pruebas son validas y confiables para evaluar la capacidad verbal de la memoria de trabajo. Validy and Reliability of two Working Memory Tests: Aritmetic Amplitude and Counting: Working Memory is a memory system involved in the storage and concurrent processing of information (Baddeley, 2000). Arithmetic Span (Conway et al., 2005) and Counting Span (Conway, et al. 2005) are two traditional verbal working memory capacity tasks. The aim of this article is to present reliability and validity data of Arithmetic and Counting Span Tasks. They were administered, along with Reading Span task, to 88 university students with a mean age of 23.10 years. The reliability analysis showed an excellent internal consistency, and a one factor model with a very good fit to the data was observed using a confirmatory factor analysis. These results indicate that both tasks are reliable and valid measures to assess verbal working memory capacity.
Cuadernos de Neuropsicologia | 2012
Irene Injoque-Ricle; Juan Pablo Barreyro; Alejandra Daniela Calero; Débora I. Burin
Esta investigación fue financiada por el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET; Res. No 258/06 y Res. N° 3100/08) y Por la Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBACyT P016). La Batería Automatizada de Memoria de Trabajo (AWMA) fue traducida y adaptada bajo permiso. Copyright