Jussi Kaurola
Finnish Meteorological Institute
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Featured researches published by Jussi Kaurola.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2000
Petteri Taalas; Jussi Kaurola; Arve Kylling; Drew T. Shindell; Robert Sausen; Martin Dameris; Volker Grewe; Jay R. Herman; Juhani Damski; Benedikt Steil
The future development of stratospheric ozone layer depends on the concentration of chlorine and bromine containing species. The stratosphere is also expected to be affected by future enhanced concentrations of greenhouse gases. These result in a cooling of the winter polar stratosphere and to more stable polar vortices which leads to enhanced chemical depletion and reduced transport of ozone into high latitudes. One of the driving forces behind the interest in stratospheric ozone is the impact of ozone on solar UV-B radiation. In this study UV scenarios have been constructed based on ozone predictions from the chemistry-climate model runs carried out by GISS, UKMO and DLR. Since cloudiness, albedo and terrain height are also important factors, climatological values of these quantities are taken into account in the UV calculations. Relative to 1979–92 conditions, for the 2010–2020 time period the GISS model results indicate a springtime enhancement of erythemal UV doses of up to 90% in the 60–90 °N region and an enhancement of 100% in the 60–90 °S region. The corresponding maximum increases in the annual Northern Hemispheric UV doses are estimated to be 14% in 2010–20, and 2% in 2040–50. In the Southern Hemisphere 40% enhancement is expected during 2010–20 and 27% during 2040–50.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2007
Aapo Tanskanen; Anders Lindfors; Anu Määttä; Nickolay A. Krotkov; Jay R. Herman; Jussi Kaurola; Tapani Koskela; Kaisa Lakkala; Vitali E. Fioletov; Germar Bernhard; Richard McKenzie; Yutaka Kondo; Michael O'Neill; Harry Slaper; Peter den Outer; A. F. Bais; J. Tamminen
[1] The Dutch-Finnish Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on board the NASA EOS Aura spacecraft is a nadir viewing spectrometer that measures solar reflected and backscattered light in a selected range of the ultraviolet and visible spectrum. The instrument has a 2600 km wide viewing swath and it is capable of daily, global contiguous mapping. The Finnish Meteorological Institute and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center have developed a surface ultraviolet irradiance algorithm for OMI that produces noontime surface spectral UV irradiance estimates at four wavelengths, noontime erythemal dose rate (UV index), and the erythemal daily dose. The overpass erythemal daily doses derived from OMI data were compared with the daily doses calculated from the ground-based spectral UV measurements from 18 reference instruments. Two alternative methods for the OMI UV algorithm cloud correction were compared: the plane-parallel cloud model method and the method based on Lambertian equivalent reflectivity. The validation results for the two methods showed some differences, but the results do not imply that one method is categorically superior to the other. For flat, snow-free regions with modest loadings of absorbing aerosols or trace gases, the OMI-derived daily erythemal doses have a median overestimation of 0–10%, and some 60 to 80% of the doses are within ±20% from the ground reference. For sites significantly affected by absorbing aerosols or trace gases one expects, and observes, bigger positive bias up to 50%. For high-latitude sites the satellite-derived doses are occasionally up to 50% too small because of unrealistically small climatological surface albedo.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
S. Kalliskota; Jussi Kaurola; Petteri Taalas; Jay R. Herman; E. Celarier; N. Krotkov
During recent years, methods have been developed for estimating UV irradiance reaching the Earths surface using satellite-measured backscattered UV radiances. The NASA-developed method is based on radiative transfer calculations and satellite measurements of parameters affecting UV radiation: extraterrestrial solar irradiance, atmospheric ozone, cloud reflectivity, aerosol amounts, and ground albedo. In this work a comparison is made between daily UV erythemal doses estimated from Nimbus-7/TOMS measurements (from 1991 to May 1993) and those calculated from ground-based spectroradiometer data. Three stations operated by the National Science Foundation were chosen for this comparison: Ushuaia, Argentina (for 573 days). Palmer, Antarctica (for 450 days), and San Diego, California, (for 149 days). These stations were selected to illustrate the differences between ground-based measurements using the same type of instrument, SUV-100 double monochromator spectroradiometers. and satellite estimates of surface UV irradiance under three different environmental conditions (mountains and snow, nearly continuous snow cover, and midlatitude urban sea level conditions). Averaging the measured and TOMS-estimated doses over periods from I week to I month improves the agreement. The daily or monthly mean bias increases during months when there is snow/ice on the surface. TOMS has a larger estimate of the UV irradiance by 25% at San Diego (no snow), in agreement with the summer-month analysis of Toronto irradiances [Herman et al., 1999]. TOMS underestimates the average daily-UV dose at Ushuaia (monthly mean bias of -13%) and at Palmer (-35%) consistent with snow/ice with cloud effects not being properly accounted for in the TOMS algorithm. When the reflectivity at all three sites is low (no snow), the TOMS irradiance estimate is larger than the SUV-100 measurements consistent with previously analyzed Brewer data at Toronto. The effects of local fog or clouds smaller than the satellite field of view and undetected UV-absorbing aerosols near the ground are discussed. In addition to uncertainties in radiometric calibrations of the spectrometers, none of the SUV-100 data are corrected for deviations of diffuser-transmittance from true cosine response.
Photochemistry and Photobiology | 2007
Gunther Seckmeyer; Darius Pissulla; Merle Glandorf; Diamantino Henriques; B. Johnsen; Ann R. Webb; Anna Maria Siani; Alkis Bais; Berit Kjeldstad; Colette Brogniez; Jacqueline Lenoble; B. G. Gardiner; Peter Kirsch; Tapani Koskela; Jussi Kaurola; Beate Uhlmann; Harry Slaper; Peter den Outer; Michal Janouch; Peter Werle; Julian Gröbner; Bernhard Mayer; Alain De la Casiniere; Stana Simic; Fernanda Carvalho
The diurnal and annual variability of solar UV radiation in Europe is described for different latitudes, seasons and different biologic weighting functions. For the description of this variability under cloudless skies the widely used one‐dimensional version of the radiative transfer model UVSPEC is used. We reconfirm that the major factor influencing the diurnal and annual variability of UV irradiance is solar elevation. While ozone is a strong absorber of UV radiation its effect is relatively constant when compared with the temporal variability of clouds. We show the significant role that clouds play in modifying the UV climate by analyzing erythemal irradiance measurements from 28 stations in Europe in summer. On average, the daily erythemal dose under cloudless skies varies between 2.2 kJ m−2 at 70°N and 5.2 kJ m−2 at 35°N, whereas these values are reduced to 1.5–4.5 kJ m−2 if clouds are included. Thus clouds significantly reduce the monthly UV irradiation, with the smallest reductions, on average, at lower latitudes, which corresponds to the fact that it is often cloudless in the Mediterranean area in summer.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2004
Vitali E. Fioletov; Michael G. Kimlin; N. Krotkov; L. J. B. McArthur; James B. Kerr; David I. Wardle; Jay R. Herman; R.S. Meltzer; T. W. Mathews; Jussi Kaurola
[1] Long-term monthly mean UV index values for Canada and the United States were calculated using information from two sources: from noon erythemal UV estimated from Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) total ozone and reflectivity data and from UV index values derived from observations of global solar radiation, total ozone, dew point, and snow cover. The results are presented as monthly maps of mean noon UV index values. Mean UV index values in summer range from 1.5 in the Arctic to 11.5 over southern Texas. Both climatologies were validated against spectral UV irradiance measurements made by Brewer spectrophotometers. With snow on the ground the TOMSbased data underestimate UV by up to 60% with respect to Brewer measurements and UV derived from global solar radiation and other parameters. In summer, TOMS UV index climatology values are from 10 to 30% higher than those derived from global solar radiation and other parameters. The difference is probably related to aerosol absorption and pollution effects in the lower troposphere that are not currently detected from space. For 21 of 28 midlatitude Brewer sites, long-term mean summer UV measured values and UV derived from global solar radiation and other parameters agree to within +5 to 7%. The remaining seven sites are located in ‘‘clean’’ environments where TOMS estimates agree with Brewer measurements while UV derived from global solar radiation and other parameters is 10–13% lower. Brewer data also demonstrate that clean and ‘‘typical’’ sites can be as little as 70–120 km apart. INDEX TERMS: 0360 Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Transmission and scattering of radiation; 3359 Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Radiative processes; 0394 Atmospheric Composition and Structure: Instruments and techniques; 3309 Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Climatology (1620); KEYWORDS: UV index, Brewer, TOMS, pyranometer, climatology, ozone
Environmental Biology of Fishes | 2002
Jani Häkkinen; Eeva Vehniäinen; Olli Ylönen; Jarno Heikkilä; Markus Soimasuo; Jussi Kaurola; Aimo Oikari; Juha Karjalainen
In the northern regions UV-B radiation levels have increased due to ozone depletion. A two-week laboratory experiment was conducted to measure the effects of UV-B radiation on the pigmentation, growth, oxygen consumption rate and survival of whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus, and vendace, Coregonus albula, larvae. In May newly hatched embryos were exposed in laboratory aquaria to three CIE weighted UV-B radiation levels: subambient (daily dose 1.37 kJ m−2), 9% (1.81 kJ m−2) and 34% higher (2.24 kJ m−2) than ambient. Control embryos and larvae were not exposed to UV-B. Larvae of whitefish and vendace that were irradiated with highest UV-B level had 32% and 31% more melanin than control larvae, respectively, which we interpret as an apparent induced response. In controls, the species difference revealed 53% more melanin in vendace larvae than in whitefish larvae. UV-B radiation had no effect on the mortality of either species, the survival being high in all treatments (>90%). Additionally, neither growth rate nor the metabolic rate of larvae of either species was affected by UV-B radiation. Thus, in relation to future scenarios UV-B radiation may not be a threat to whitefish or vendace larvae in current or expected radiation levels.
Optical Engineering | 2002
Nickolay A. Krotkov; Jay R. Herman; Pawan K. Bhartia; Colin J. Seftor; Antti Arola; Jussi Kaurola; S. Kalliskota; Petteri Taalas; Igor V. Geogdzhaev
Satellite instruments provide global maps of surface UV irradiance by combining backscattered radiance measurements with radiative transfer models. The accuracy of the models is limited by uncertainties in input parameters representing the atmosphere and the Earths surface. To reduce these uncertainties, we have made enhancements to the currently operational TOMS surface UV irradiance algorithm (Version 1) by including the effects of diurnal variations of cloudiness, an improved treatment of snow/ice, and a preliminary aerosol correction. We compare results of the version 1 TOMS UV algorithm and the proposed version. We evaluate different approaches for improved treatment for average cloud attenuation within a satellite pixel, with and without snow/ ice on the ground. In addition to treating cloud transmission based only on the measurements at the local time of the TOMS observations, the results from other satellites and weather assimilation models can be used to estimate atmospheric UV irradiance transmission throughout the day. A new method is proposed to obtain a more realistic treatment of the effects from snow-covered terrain. The method is based on an empirical relation between UV reflectivity and measured snow depth. The new method reduces the bias between the TOMS UV estimations and ground-based UV measurements for snow periods. We also briefly discuss the complex problem of estimating surface UV radiation in presence of UV-absorbing aerosols. The improved (Version 2) algorithm can be applied to reprocess the existing TOMS UV irradiance and exposure estimates (since November 1978) and to future satellite sensors (e.g., GOME-2, OMI on EOS/Aura, and Triana/EPIC).
Photochemistry and Photobiology | 2009
Anders Lindfors; Anu Heikkilä; Jussi Kaurola; Tapani Koskela; Kaisa Lakkala
UV radiation exerts several effects concerning life on Earth, and spectral information on the prevailing UV radiation conditions is needed in order to study each of these effects. In this paper, we present a method for reconstruction of solar spectral UV irradiances at the Earth’s surface. The method, which is a further development of an earlier published method for reconstruction of erythemally weighted UV, relies on radiative transfer simulations, and takes as input (1) the effective cloud optical depth as inferred from pyranometer measurements of global radiation (300–3000 nm); (2) the total ozone column; (3) the surface albedo as estimated from measurements of snow depth; (4) the total water vapor column; and (5) the altitude of the location. Reconstructed daily cumulative spectral irradiances at Jokioinen and Sodankylä in Finland are, in general, in good agreement with measurements. The mean percentage difference, for instance, is mostly within ±8%, and the root mean square of the percentage difference is around 10% or below for wavelengths over 310 nm and daily minimum solar zenith angles (SZA) less than 70°. In this study, we used pseudospherical radiative transfer simulations, which were shown to improve the performance of our method under large SZA (low Sun).
Ultraviolet Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Models, and Effects | 2002
Nickolay A. Krotkov; Jay R. Herman; Pawan K. Bhartia; Colin J. Seftor; Antti Arola; Jussi Kaurola; Lasse Koskinen; S. Kalliskota; Petteri Taalas; Igor V. Geogdzhaev
We evaluate the effects of possible enhancements of the current (version 1) TOMS surface UV irradiance algorithm. The major enhancements include more detailed treatment of tropospheric aerosols, effects of diurnal variation of cloudiness and improved treatment of snow/ice. The emphasis is on the comparison between the results of the version 1 TOMS UV algorithm and each of the changes proposed. TOMS UV algorithm does not discriminate between nonabsorbing aerosols and clouds. Absorbing aerosols are corrected by using the TOMS aerosol index data. The treatment of aerosol attenuation might have been improved by using newly derived TOMS products: optical depths and the single-scattering albedo for dust, smoke, and sulfate aerosols. We evaluate different approaches for improved treatment of pixel average cloud attenuation, with and without snow/ice on the ground. In addition to treating clouds based only on the measurements at the local time of the TOMS observations, the results from other satellites and weather assimilation models can be used to estimate attenuation of the UV irradiance throughout the day. The improved (version 2) algorithm will be applied to reprocess the existing TOMS UV data record (since 1978) and to the future satellite sensors (e.g., Quik/TOMS, GOME, OMI on EOS/Aura and Triana/EPIC).
Journal of Climate | 1997
Jussi Kaurola
Abstract The control climate of an atmospheric general circulation model, ECHAM3, is validated with emphasis on the wintertime planetary- and cyclone-scale wave propagation and storm tracks in the Northern Hemisphere. By applying a set of time filters, it is shown that ECHAM3 has too much variance in the period range of 6–10 days. Geographically, the North Pacific and North Atlantic storm tracks are too strong and extend too far into the western parts of the continents. This overestimated variance compensates the deficient low-frequency variability in ECHAM3, so that the total variance is well simulated by the model. These problems seem to have a relatively small effect on the simulation of cyclone-scale eddies. The cyclone climatology of ECHAM3 is studied using a simple method in which a cyclone is defined as a local minimum in the 1000-hPa height field. The climatology is found to be reasonably close to that observed. The propagation of planetary- and cyclone-scale waves in ECHAM3 is studied using vario...