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Featured researches published by Kadir Yildirim.
Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques | 2013
Elif Colak; Metin Kement; Nuraydin Ozlem; Tahir Mutlu; Kadir Yildirim; Ahmet Gürer; Recep Aktimur
The aim of this prospective randomized trial was to evaluate the clinical outcomes of hem-o-lok ligation system in laparoscopic appendix stump closure by comparing the endoloop ligature. A total of 53 patients were evaluated in this study (n=26 and 27 for hem-o-lok and endoloop groups, respectively). The mean operation time were shorter in hem-o-lok group than endoloop group (64.7±19.2 vs. 75.4±23, respectively); however, the difference was not significant. Other surgical findings were similar. There was no statistically significant difference in overall nonsurgically or surgically related complications. The mean postoperative hospitalization time was also similar in both groups. Although it is not possible to make general conclusions on basis of such a limited study, in our opinion, closure of the appendix stump with polymeric nonabsorbable clips in laparoscopic appendectomy may be a cheaper and simpler alternative to other widely used methods.
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports | 2013
Elif Colak; Nuraydin Ozlem; Sadik Kesmer; Kadir Yildirim
INTRODUCTION Leiomyoma of the round ligament is a rare condition and usually appears like an inguinal hernia. PRESENTATION OF CASE We report a case of a 40 year-old women found to have an inguinal mass which it was finally diagnosed as leiomyoma. The patient was admitted to our hospital with a history of painless groin mass. The mass was thought to be irreducible inguinal hernia. Surgical exploration demonstrated a round ligament leiomyoma. DISCUSSION A smooth muscle tumor in the round ligament of the uterus in the inguinal region is a rare entity and can be mistaken for an irreducible inguinal hernia. It is a rare condition occurring predominantly in premenopausal middle-aged women. Abdominal, inguinal, and vulvar locations have been described. Surgical excision is the curative treatment. CONCLUSION Leiomyoma of the round ligament should be entertained as a possible etiology of inguinal mass.
Turkish Journal of Surgery/Ulusal cerrahi dergisi | 2016
Recep Aktimur; Kerim Güzel; Süleyman Çetinkünar; Kadir Yildirim; Elif Colak
OBJECTIVE We aimed to investigate the technical feasibility of single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) with our new facilitative maneuver and to compare it with the gold standard four-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). MATERIAL AND METHODS Operation time, cosmetic score and incisional hernia rates between LC (n=20) and SILC-1 (first 20 consecutive operations with the new technique) and 2 (subsequent 20 operations with the new technique) were compared. RESULTS The median operation time for LC, SILC-1 and SILC-2 were; 35 min (12-75), 47.5 min (30-70), and 30 min (12-80), respectively (p=0.005). The operation duration was similar in LC and SILC-2 (p=0.277) groups. Wound seroma rate was higher in SILC-1 (45%) and SILC-2 (30%) groups than LC (5%) group (p=0.010). Cosmetic score was similar between all the groups. Hernia rates were 15.8% and 5.3% in the SILC-1 and SILC-2 groups, respectively, while there was no hernia in the LC group. CONCLUSION SILC with new facilitating maneuver is comparable with classical four-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy in terms of ease, operation time, reproducibility and safety. Besides these advantages, the single-incision access technique must be optimized to provide comparable wound complication and postoperative hernia rates before being recommended to patients.
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports | 2015
Elif Colak; Aygun Ikinci; Gultekin Ozan Kucuk; Sadik Kesmer; Kadir Yildirim
Highlights • Fibroepithelial polyps are among common benign skin lesions.• They are seen rarely seen on the perineum.• There is a small number of cases that reach the giant sizes in the literature.
Turkish Journal of Surgery | 2016
Recep Aktimur; Dilek Kıymaz; Kübra Gümüş; Kadir Yildirim; Süleyman Çetinkünar; Nuraydin Ozlem
OBJECTIVE Inappropriate or insufficient knowledge of health care professionals about puerperal mastitis can lead mothers to premature weaning, as well as the lack of education on proper breastfeeding. However, the importance of education regarding puerperal mastitis seems to be underestimated. MATERIAL AND METHODS From July to August 2014, 317 female health care professionals were surveyed in Samsun, Turkey. Participants were classified into three groups; nurses, maternity care nurses (obstetrics and gynecology nurses and pediatrics clinic nurses), and midwives. A specifically prepared questionnaire was used to collect data. RESULTS 69.1% (n=219) of female health care professionals had one or more child/ren. The median length of breastfeeding duration was 11 months (0-36) while the overall puerperal mastitis rate was 13.3% (n=29). Puerperal mastitis related cessation of breastfeeding was similar between the groups, with an overall rate of 3.1%. 61.1% of the participants stated that they had one or more hours of education regarding puerperal mastitis while 5.4% indicated that they learned about the pathology from their experiences. Midwives and maternity care nurses were found to be more knowledgeable than nurses regarding the reasons, risk factors, prevention, symptoms, and treatment of puerperal mastitis. CONCLUSION As a result, the current level of education regarding breastfeeding and puerperal mastitis and daily practice in female health care professionals in Turkey is far from desired levels. The breastfeeding education of health care professionals must be adapted to an effective program, such as UNICEF/WHO 20-hour breastfeeding training course, and puerperal mastitis should be accepted as a public health care issue.
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases | 2018
Recep Aktimur; Cuneyt Kirkil; Kadir Yildirim; Nizamettin Kutluer
BACKGROUND One-anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB) is considered new from the bariatric standpoint. OBJECTIVES To assess the effectiveness and safety of the enhanced recovery after surgery protocol compared with the conventional approach in perioperative care of OAGB patients. SETTING Turkey. METHODS The prospectively collected data of 92 patients managed with standard care (group 1) were compared with 216 patients managed by the enhanced recovery after surgery pathway (group 2). All patients underwent OAGB by the same surgeon. The groups were compared in terms of mean postoperative length of stay; costs for surgery and recovery; and rates of complications, emergency room visits, and readmissions. RESULTS Length of stay was always 5 days in group 1 and had a mean of 1.2 ± 1.3 days in group 2 (P < .001). The mean total cost for surgery and recovery was 858.6 ± 33.1 USD in group 1 and 625.2 ± 289.1 USD in group 2 (P < .001). Specific complications (Clavien-Dindo IIIa) occurred in 1 patient (1.1%) in group 1 and in 3 patients (1.4 %) in group 2 (P = 1.000). Fifty-seven patients (61.9%) in group 1 and 45 (20.9%) in group 2 visited the emergency room within 1 month of being discharged (P < .001). Two patients (.9%) in group 2 needed hospital readmission; there was no need for rehospitalization in group 1 (P < .001). CONCLUSION The enhanced recovery after surgery pathway significantly reduces length of stay and cost after OAGB, with no significant difference in terms of surgical outcomes. It also reduces postdischarge resource utilization.
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | 2017
Ozlem Yersal; Süleyman Çetinkünar; Recep Aktimur; Mehmet Aziret; Sabri Özdaş; Hasan Erdem; Kadir Yildirim
Background: Breast cancer is a heterogeneous complex of diseases comprising different subtypes that have different treatment responses and clinical outcomes. Systemic inflammation is known to be associated with poor prognosis in many types of cancer. The neutrophil / lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet / lymphocyte ratio (PLR) are factors used as indicators of inflammation. In this study, we evaluated NLR and PLR ratios in breast cancer subtypes. Methods: A total of 255 breast cancer patients were evaluated retrospectively. Patients were classified into three subtypes: estrogen receptor (ER)- or progesterone receptor (PR)-positive tumors were classified as luminal tumors; human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2)-overexpressed and ER-negative tumors were classified as HER2-positive tumors; and ER, PR, and HER2-negative tumors were classified as triple-negative tumors. The NLR and PLR were calculated. Results: The median NLR and PLR were 3 (0.37–37,1) and 137 (37.1–421.3), respectively. 66.7% of the patients were luminal type, 19.2% were HER2 positive, and 14.1% were triple negative. NLR was not associated with grade (p: 0.412), lymphovascular invasion (p: 0.326), tumor size (p: 0.232) and metastatic lymph node involvement (p: 0.406). PLR was higher in the patients with lymph node metastasis than in those without lymph node metastasis (p: 0.03). The NLR was 2 in the luminal group, 1.8 in the HER2-positive group, and 1.9 in the triple-negative group, but the differences were not significant(p: 0.051). PLR was 141 in the luminal group, 136 in the HER2-positive group, and 130 in the triple-negative group, but the differences were not significant. Conclusion: We could not find any significant differences for NLR and PLR according to breast cancer subtypes.
Turkish Journal of Surgery | 2016
Recep Aktimur; Kerim Güzel; Süleyman Çetinkünar; Kadir Yildirim; Elif Colak
OBJECTIVE We aimed to investigate the technical feasibility of single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) with our new facilitative maneuver and to compare it with the gold standard four-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). MATERIAL AND METHODS Operation time, cosmetic score and incisional hernia rates between LC (n=20) and SILC-1 (first 20 consecutive operations with the new technique) and 2 (subsequent 20 operations with the new technique) were compared. RESULTS The median operation time for LC, SILC-1 and SILC-2 were; 35 min (12-75), 47.5 min (30-70), and 30 min (12-80), respectively (p=0.005). The operation duration was similar in LC and SILC-2 (p=0.277) groups. Wound seroma rate was higher in SILC-1 (45%) and SILC-2 (30%) groups than LC (5%) group (p=0.010). Cosmetic score was similar between all the groups. Hernia rates were 15.8% and 5.3% in the SILC-1 and SILC-2 groups, respectively, while there was no hernia in the LC group. CONCLUSION SILC with new facilitating maneuver is comparable with classical four-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy in terms of ease, operation time, reproducibility and safety. Besides these advantages, the single-incision access technique must be optimized to provide comparable wound complication and postoperative hernia rates before being recommended to patients.
Dicle Medical Journal / Dicle Tip Dergisi | 2016
Selçuk Altın; Ramazan Topaktaş; Ali Akkoç; Cemil Aydin; Reha Girgin; Zeynep Banu Aydın; Kadir Yildirim
Amac: Klinigimizde gerceklestirilen urolojik laparoskopik cerrahi olgularin sonuclari ve komplikasyonlarini geriye donuk olarak degerlendirmek.Yontemler: Ocak 2012 - Ocak 2015 tarihleri arasinda laparoskopik operasyon geciren toplam 115 hasta geriye donuk incelendi. Hastalarin demografik ozellikleri, preoperatif tanilari, laparoskopik yaklasim sekli, ameliyat ve yatis sureleri, cerrahi islem esnasinda ve sonrasinda gelisen komplikasyonlar ve acik cerrahiye gecilen hastalar acisindan incelendi.Bulgular: Hastalarin 61’i kadin, 54’u erkek ve ortalama yaslari 52,4±11,7 yil idi. Altmis sekiz olguda transperitoneal, 47 olguda ise retroperitoneal girisim uygulandi. Toplam 29 hastaya basit bobrek kisti eksizyonu, 25 hastaya basit nefrektomi, 22 hastaya ureterolitotomi, 19 hastaya radikal nefrektomi, 15 hastaya piyelolitotomi ve 5 hastaya da piyeloplasti yapildi. Toplam 115 vakanin 4’unde (%3,4) acik operasyona gecildi. Bu hastalar disinda major komplikasyon ve mortalite gorulmedi. En sik yapilan ameliyatlarin ortalama sureleri ise; bobrek kist eksizyonu 62 dk, basit nefrektomi 125 dk, ureterolitotomi 108 dk, radikal nefrektomi 141 dk, piyelolitotomi 116 dk ve pyeloplasti 166 (150190) dk idi. Ortalama yatis suresi 3,7±2,8 gun idi. Sonuc: Uyguladigimiz laparoskopik cerrahilerin sonuclari, basari ve komplikasyon oranlari literaturle uyumlu bulundu. Laparoskopik cerrahi, teknolojinin gelismesi, deneyimlerin artmasiyla ayrica hastalar tarafindan daha iyi tolere edilmesi nedeniyle acik cerrahiye alternatif, guvenli ve minimal invaziv bir tedavi yontemi oldugunu dusunmekteyiz
Turkish Journal of Surgery | 2015
Recep Aktimur; Kerim Güzel; Süleyman Çetinkünar; Kadir Yildirim; Elif Colak
OBJECTIVE We aimed to investigate the technical feasibility of single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) with our new facilitative maneuver and to compare it with the gold standard four-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). MATERIAL AND METHODS Operation time, cosmetic score and incisional hernia rates between LC (n=20) and SILC-1 (first 20 consecutive operations with the new technique) and 2 (subsequent 20 operations with the new technique) were compared. RESULTS The median operation time for LC, SILC-1 and SILC-2 were; 35 min (12-75), 47.5 min (30-70), and 30 min (12-80), respectively (p=0.005). The operation duration was similar in LC and SILC-2 (p=0.277) groups. Wound seroma rate was higher in SILC-1 (45%) and SILC-2 (30%) groups than LC (5%) group (p=0.010). Cosmetic score was similar between all the groups. Hernia rates were 15.8% and 5.3% in the SILC-1 and SILC-2 groups, respectively, while there was no hernia in the LC group. CONCLUSION SILC with new facilitating maneuver is comparable with classical four-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy in terms of ease, operation time, reproducibility and safety. Besides these advantages, the single-incision access technique must be optimized to provide comparable wound complication and postoperative hernia rates before being recommended to patients.