Kaline de Mello
University of São Paulo
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Featured researches published by Kaline de Mello.
Cerne | 2016
Kaline de Mello; Rogério Hartung Toppa; Eliana Cardoso-Leite
Urbanization and agriculture growth are some of the major causes of natural ecosystems depletion and biodiversity loss. Conservation efforts can be developed through the prioritization of areas for forest conservation in order to minimize this process. Here, we establish conservation strategies based on a spatial analysis of forest fragments in an urban landscape at the transition between two important Brazilian biodiversity hotspots: Atlantic Forest and Cerrado. A high-resolution mapping of forest patches was used to quantify forest cover and to provide spatial analysis. We developed a Forest Conservation Priority Index (FCPI) derived from landscape metrics to select priority areas for forest conservation efforts. We used area, shape and proximity metrics as landscape structure indicators. Landscape metrics were classified and we attributed a rank and weights for them to calculate the FCPI. Forest covers 17% of the study area. 60% of the forest patches comprise less than one hectare, 95% less than 10 ha and only 1% more than 50 ha. The largest fragments (> 100ha) are all long and narrow. Also, fewer than half the patches are connected to others. Regions classified as high and very high priority for forest conservation are localized at greater slopes, along rivers and on private lands. Our index allowed the prioritization of forest fragments in an urban landscape, directing efforts of conservation. Creating protected areas and restoration plans are necessary for the better situation of the natural ecosystem. Land-use planning must resolve human demands and conservation of this important ecosystem.
Química Nova | 2014
Mirela Cristina de Oliveira Cordovil; André Gustavo Ribeiro Mendonça; Wander Gustavo Botero; Ademir dos Santos; Julio Cesar Rocha; Kaline de Mello; Rogério Hartung Toppa; Luciana Camargo de Oliveira
This study used chemometric tools and a Geographic Information System (GIS) to determine the influence of organic matter and anthropogenic activity on the distribution of metal species between two major communities of the Middle Negro River Basin-AM. Higher concentrations of metal species were determined in flooded regions. The chemometric analysis showed the affinity of organic matter for potentially toxic metals, indicating its selectivity. GIS spatial analysis has shown that proximity to urban areas is a variable that is likely to influence the pattern of concentration of organic matter, and consequently the distribution of metal species between flooded and non-flooded areas.
Floresta e Ambiente | 2018
Kaline de Mello; Danilo Ribeiro da Costa; Roberta Averna Valente; Carlos Alberto Vettorazzi
This study aimed to define potential areas for forest conservation to improve water quality, using Multicriteria Evaluation (MCE); and to verify differences between results from a multidisciplinary group of experts. We worked with the Pirapora River Watershed, Piedade/SP. The participatory method was used to identify the criteria and their relative importance. Priority maps representing expert opinion were elaborated, as well as a map with average weight values. We compared the differences between the criteria weight values and the maps of priority areas. The maps proposed distinct spatialization of priority areas, supporting the understanding of criteria that influence the decision-making process. The highest priority level was associated with areas near to springs, forest patches, and with the highest slope values. We concluded that the MCE is an efficient method to identify priority areas; however, the selection of an expert group is an essential step to generate representative analyses.
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais (Online) | 2016
Maurício Tavares da Mota; Eliana Cardoso Leite; Fernanda Sola; Kaline de Mello
As areas protegidas e os espacos livres no ambiente urbano podemproporcionar diversos servicos ecossistemicos que contribuem para a melhoriada qualidade de vida. Entretanto, existe uma confusao de terminologia dessasareas e a gestao delas muitas vezes nao e feita de forma integrada. O presentetrabalho propoe uma categorizacao dos elementos naturais no municipio deSorocaba (SP) para a criacao de um sistema municipal integrando espacoslivres e areas protegidas, com base em suas caracteristicas fisicas, bioticase suas funcoes sociais. A metodologia de investigacao foi dividida em tresetapas: a primeira, revisao bibliografica do conceito de “parque” utilizadono Brasil e no mundo; a segunda, analise documental e espacial dos espacoslivres e areas protegidas no municipio de Sorocaba; e a terceira, construcaode um sistema municipal de espacos livres e areas protegidas. A classificacaofinal propoe a divisao dos espacos em categorias, entre elas: Unidades deConservacao, dividida em protecao integral (uso indireto) e uso sustentavel(uso direto), Areas de Interesse Ambiental e Espacos Livres de Uso Publicode Interesse Social. Foram ainda tracadas metas de expansao dessas areascom base em recomendacoes de orgaos ambientais e nas metas mundiais daConvencao da Diversidade Biologica.
Journal of Environmental Management | 2017
Mayra Cristina Prado de Moraes; Kaline de Mello; Rogério Hartung Toppa
Revista Arvore | 2014
Kaline de Mello; Laís Petri; Eliana Cardoso Leite; Rogério Hartung Toppa
O Mundo da Saúde | 2011
Kaline de Mello; Rogério Hartung Toppa; Denis Moledo de Souza Abessa
Ecological Engineering | 2017
Kaline de Mello; Timothy O. Randhir; Roberta Averna Valente; Carlos Alberto Vettorazzi
Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada - Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management | 2013
Kaline de Mello; Rogério Hartung Toppa; Denis Moledo de Souza Abessa; Mariana Castro
Ecological Indicators | 2018
Kaline de Mello; Roberta Averna Valente; Timothy O. Randhir; Carlos Alberto Vettorazzi