Kazuhiro Ikenaka
Graduate University for Advanced Studies
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Featured researches published by Kazuhiro Ikenaka.
Neuron | 1995
Masaharu Ogawa; Takaki Miyata; Kazunori Nakajimat; Ken-ichi Yagyu; Masahiro Seike; Kazuhiro Ikenaka; Hiroshi Yamamoto; Katsuhiko Mikoshibat
In the neurological mutant mouse reeler, the histological organization of the neocortex develops abnormally and essentially results in an inversion of the relative positions of the cortical layers. The reeler mutation, therefore, provides an insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of the cortical layers. We have generated a monoclonal antibody (CR-50) that probes a distinct allelic antigen present in wild-type but not in reeler mutant mice. CR-50 reacted specifically with Cajal-Retzius neurons, one of the first cortical neurons to differentiate in the neocortex, but whose functional role is not known. When dissociated cerebral cortical cells were incubated with CR-50 in reaggregation culture, the genotype-dependent histogenetic assembly of wild-type cortical cells resembled that of reeler mutants. These findings revealed that the selective expression of a distinct molecule on Cajal-Retzius neurons is critical for the normal lamination of cortical neurons in the mammalian neocortex.
Current Biology | 2002
Hirohide Takebayashi; Yoko Nabeshima; Shosei Yoshida; Osamu Chisaka; Kazuhiro Ikenaka; Yo-ichi Nabeshima
Sonic hedgehog (Shh), an organizing signal from ventral midline structures, is essential for the induction and maintenance of many ventral cell types in the embryonic neural tube. Olig1 and Olig2 are related basic helix-loop-helix factors induced by Shh in the ventral neural tube. Although expression analyses and gain-of-function experiments suggested that these factors were involved in motoneuron and oligodendrocyte development, they do not clearly define the functional differences between Olig1 and Olig2. We generated mice with a homozygous inactivation of Olig2. These mice did not feed and died on the day of birth. In the spinal cord of the mutant mice, motoneurons are largely eliminated and oligodendrocytes are not produced. Olig2(-/-) neuroepithelial cells in the ventral spinal cord failed to differentiate into motoneurons or oligodendrocytes and expressed an astrocyte marker, S100beta, at the time of oligodendrogenesis. Olig1 or Olig3, other family members, were expressed in the descendent cells that should have expressed Olig2. We concluded that Olig2 is an essential transcriptional regulator in motoneuron and oligodendrocyte development. Our data provide the first evidence that a single gene mutation leads to the loss of two cell types, motoneuron and oligodendrocyte.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 1997
Takashi Shibata; Keiko Yamada; Masahiko Watanabe; Kazuhiro Ikenaka; Keiji Wada; Kohichi Tanaka; Yoshiro Inoue
The glutamate transporter GLAST is localized on the cell membrane of mature astrocytes and is also expressed in the ventricular zone of developing brains. To characterize and follow the GLAST-expressing cells during development, we examined the mouse spinal cord byin situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. At embryonic day (E) 11 and E13, cells expressing GLAST mRNA were present only in the ventricular zone, where GLAST immunoreactivity was associated with most of the cell bodies of neuroepithelial cells. In addition, GLAST immunoreactivity was detected in radial processes running through the mantle and marginal zones. From this characteristic cytology, GLAST-expressing cells at early stages were judged to be radial glia cells. At E15, cells expressing GLAST mRNA first appeared in the mantle zone, and GLAST-immunopositive punctate or reticular protrusions were formed along the radial processes. From E18 to postnatal day (P) 7, GLAST mRNA or its immunoreactivity gradually decreased from the ventricular zone and disappeared from radial processes, whereas cells with GLAST mRNA spread all over the mantle zone and GLAST-immunopositive punctate/reticular protrusions predominated in the neuropils. At P7, GLAST-expressing cells were immunopositive for glial fibrillary acidic protein, an intermediate filament specific to astrocytes. Therefore, the glutamate transporter GLAST is expressed from radial glia through astrocytes during spinal cord development. Furthermore, the distinct changes in the cell position and morphology suggest that both the migration and transformation of radial glia cells begin in the spinal cord between E13 and E15, when the active stage of neuronal migration is over.
Neuron | 1994
Tetsushi Kagawa; Kazuhiro Ikenaka; Yoshiro Inoue; Shigeki Kuriyama; Tadasu Tsujii; Junji Nakao; Kazunori Nakajima; Jun Aruga; Hideyuki Okano; Katsuhiko Mikoshiba
Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP), the major myelin protein in the CNS, has been thought to function in myelin assembly. Thus, mutations within the gene coding for PLP (Plp) cause hypomyelination, such as the jimpy phenotype in mice and Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease in humans. However, these mutants often exhibit premature death of oligodendrocytes, which form CNS myelin. To elucidate the functional roles of Plp gene products in the maturation and/or survival of oligodendrocytes, we produced transgenic mice overexpressing the Plp gene by introducing extra wild-type mouse Plp genes. Surprisingly, transgenic mice bearing 4 more Plp genes exhibited dysmyelination in the CNS, whereas those with 2 more Plp genes showed normal myelination at an early age (3 weeks after birth), but later developed demyelination. Overexpression of the Plp gene resulted in arrested maturation of oligodendrocytes, and the severity of arrest was dependent on the extent of overexpression. Overexpression also led to oligodendrocyte cell death, apparently caused by abnormal swelling of the Golgi apparatus. Thus, tight regulation of Plp gene expression is necessary for normal oligodendrocyte differentiation and survival, and its overexpression can be the cause of both dys- and demyelination.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2002
Tomoko Ishibashi; Jeffrey L. Dupree; Kazuhiro Ikenaka; Yukie Hirahara; Koichi Honke; Elior Peles; Brian Popko; Kinuko Suzuki; Hitoo Nishino; Hiroko Baba
Myelinated axons are divided into four distinct regions: the node of Ranvier, paranode, juxtaparanode, and internode, each of which is characterized by a specific set of axonal proteins. Voltage-gated Na+ channels are clustered at high densities at the nodes, whereas shaker-type K+ channels are concentrated at juxtaparanodal regions. These channels are separated by the paranodal regions, where septate-like junctions are formed between the axon and the myelinating glial cells. Although oligodendrocytes and myelin sheaths are believed to play an instructive role in the local differentiation of the axon to distinct domains, the molecular mechanisms involved are poorly understood. In the present study, we have examined the distribution of axonal components in mice incapable of synthesizing sulfatide by disruption of the galactosylceramide sulfotransferase gene. These mice displayed abnormal paranodal junctions in the CNS and PNS, whereas their compact myelin was preserved. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated a decrease in Na+ and K+ channel clusters, altered nodal length, abnormal localization of K+channel clusters appearing primarily in the presumptive paranodal regions, and diffuse distribution of contactin-associated protein along the internode. Similar abnormalities have been reported previously in mice lacking both galactocerebroside and sulfatide. Interestingly, although no demyelination was observed, these channel clusters decreased markedly with age. The initial timing and the number of Na+ channel clusters formed were normal during development. These results indicate a critical role for sulfatide in proper localization and maintenance of ion channels clusters, whereas they do not appear to be essential for initial cluster formation of Na+ channels.
Journal of Neurochemistry | 1992
Kazuhiro Ikenaka; Tetsushi Kagawa; Katsuhiko Mikoshiba
Abstract: Mutations within the gene for myelin proteolipid protein (PLP), a major myelin structural protein, result in abnormal glial differentiation, suggesting that the PLP gene products play some other functional roles. Transcripts from the PLP gene were analyzed in the developing mouse brain by a sensitive method using polymerase chain reaction. The mRNA for DM‐20, an alternatively spliced transcript from the PLP gene, was detected in the embryonic mouse brain as early as embryonic day 11, long before the appearance of oligodendrocytes, which were considered to be responsible for PLP production. PLP gene expression was analyzed in various cell lines to determine whether synthesis of the DM‐20 mRNA is restricted to those of glial cell lineage. All of the nervous system cell lines examined, including nonglial cell lines, produced DM‐20 mRNA but no or very little PLP mRNA. Peripheral sciatic nerve from adult Wistar rats also produced mainly DM‐20 mRNA. These results indicate that DM‐20 is not only a myelin structural protein, but it also plays other roles in the nervous system that seem to relate, at least in part, to glial differentiation.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology | 1996
Takaki Miyata; Kazunori Nakajima; Jun Aruga; Seiichi Takahashi; Kazuhiro Ikenaka; Katsuhiko Mikoshiba; Masaharu Ogawa
We have immunohistochemically investigated the expression of a reeler gene‐related antigen in the mouse cerebellum by using a monoclonal antibody, CR‐50. This antibody probes a distinct allelic antigen present in normal but not in reeler mutant mice, and this antigen is localized in the brain regions in which morphological abnormalities occur in reeler mice (Ogawa et al., Neuron 14: 899‐912, 1995). The developing normal cerebellum showed transient immunoreactivity to CR‐50 in a limited set of neurons and in the extracellular space near the pial surface. An early population of CR‐50‐labeled cells emerged on embryonic day (E) 13 along the dorsal cerebellar surface, comprising the nuclear transitory zone (NTZ). Bromodeoxyuridine labeling revealed the time of origin of these cells to be at E11‐12. From E14 to E18, some CR‐50‐labeled cells were stacked in the inner border of the external granular layer (EGL), whereas others were scattered in deep areas, such as the cerebellar nuclei and the surrounding intermediate zone or white matter. In the first postnatal week, these subcortical structures became immunonegative. However, CR‐50 antigen was continuously produced until the second postnatal week by another population of cells occupying i) the premigratory zone (PMZ), the inner half of the EGL, and ii) the internal granular layer (IGL). These later CR‐50‐positive cells were smaller than the earlier type and showed the morphology typical of granule neurons. Both types of CR‐50‐labeled cells were positive for a DNA‐binding protein, zic. By treating living cerebellar slices with CR‐50, the extracellular antigen was localized as a puncutate staining pattern in the NTZ, PMZ, and molecular layer (ML), but not in the subcortical regions and IGL. Purkinje cells were negative for CR‐50 and aligned as a monolayer adjacent to the PMZ, though their dendritic trees were closely associated with the extracellular CR‐50‐antigen in the PMZ and ML. Staining of dissociated cells suggested that the extracellular antigen is initially present throughout the surfaces of the CR‐50/anti‐zic double positive neurons, and is then rearranged to concentrate on their processes contacting with Purkinje cells. The spatiotemporal expressions of the CR‐50 antigen in the cerebellum are consistent with the possibility that this antigen is involved in cell‐cell interactions related to the histogenetic assembly of Purkinje cells.
Journal of Neuroscience Research | 2007
Seiji Hitoshi; Noriko Maruta; Mikito Higashi; Akhilesh Kumar; Nobumasa Kato; Kazuhiro Ikenaka
In rodents, adult neurogenesis occurs in the olfactory bulb and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. It has been shown that exposure to psychosocial stress reduces cell proliferation in the dentate gyrus. However, little is known about how stress affects the proliferation kinetics of neural stem cells (NSCs) in the subventricular zone (SVZ), which provide new neurons to the olfactory bulb. We utilized a forced‐swim model of stress in the mouse and found that chronic stress decreased the number of NSCs in the SVZ. The reduction of NSC number persisted for weeks after the cessation of stress but was reversed by treatment with the antidepressant drugs fluoxetine and imipramine. We demonstrated by in vitro colony‐forming neurosphere assay that corticosterone attenuated neurosphere formation by adult NSCs and, in contrast, that serotonin increased the survival of NSCs. In addition, serotonin expanded the size of the NSC pool in the SVZ when it was infused into the lateral ventricle in vivo. These results suggest that, under chronic stress conditions, the number of NSCs is regulated by the actions of glucocorticoids and serotonin. These data provide insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the pharmacological actions of antidepressant drugs.
American Journal of Pathology | 2004
Hideaki Yokoo; Sumihito Nobusawa; Hirohide Takebayashi; Kazuhiro Ikenaka; Koji Isoda; Makoto Kamiya; Atsushi Sasaki; Junko Hirato; Yoichi Nakazato
Olig2 is a recently identified transcription factor involved in the phenotype definition of cells in the oligodendroglial lineage. The expression of Olig2 transcript has been demonstrated in human oligodendroglial tumors, although the protein expression has not been studied extensively. We developed a polyclonal antibody to human Olig2 and analyzed it immunohistochemically. The antibody depicted a single distinct band of predicted molecular weight by Western blotting, and did not cross-react with human Olig1. In normal human brain tissue, the nuclei of oligodendrocytes of interfascicular, perivascular, and perineuronal disposition were clearly labeled by the antibody. Similarly, the nuclei of oligodendroglial tumors were labeled. There was no apparent correlation between the staining intensity and histological grade. Astrocytic components within the tumors were generally less or not stained. Astrocytic tumors were also positive with the Olig2 antiserum to a lesser extent, and the difference between oligodendroglial and astrocytic tumors was demonstrated by a statistical analysis. Olig2 and glial fibrillary acidic protein were expressed in a mutually exclusive manner, and Olig2 expression was cell-cycle related. Neither central neurocytoma nor schwannoma cases were stained. Our antibody was demonstrated to be useful in recognizing normal oligodendrocytes on paraffin sections, and applicable in diagnosis of some brain tumors.
Brain Research | 1995
Jiro Ono; Koushi Harada; Masaya Takahashi; Mitsuyo Maeda; Kazuhiro Ikenaka; Kosuke Sakurai; Norio Sakai; Tetsushi Kagawa; Bernhard Fritz-Zieroth; Toshisaburo Nagai; Akio Nihei; Shigeo Hashimoto; Shintaro Okada
Using magnetic resonance (MR) diffusion-weighted method, we examined the optic and the trigeminal nerves of jimpy and twitcher mice, considered to be animal models of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, hypomyelination disorder, and Krabbe disease, demyelination disorder, respectively. In jimpy mice, diffusional anisotropy of optic nerve did not show a significant difference compared to age-matched control mice, suggesting that diffusional anisotropy does exist in absence of multiple layers of myelin sheath. In twitcher mice, diffusional anisotropy was attenuated remarkably in the optic and trigeminal nerves. Loss of axonal straightness on longitudinal section confirmed by electron microscopy appeared to be the principal explanation for it. It is further suggested that this MR diffusion-weighted imaging method enables us to differentiate hypomyelination from demyelination in vivo.