Kellie B. Vaché
Oregon State University
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Featured researches published by Kellie B. Vaché.
Water Resources Research | 2007
Jeffrey J. McDonnell; Murugesu Sivapalan; Kellie B. Vaché; Sarah M. Dunn; Gordon E. Grant; Roy Haggerty; Christoph Hinz; Rick Hooper; James W. Kirchner; Michael L. Roderick; John S. Selker; Markus Weiler
Field studies in watershed hydrology continue to characterize and catalogue the enormous heterogeneity and complexity of rainfall runoff processes in more and more watersheds, in different hydroclimatic regimes, and at different scales. Nevertheless, the ability to generalize these findings to ungauged regions remains out of reach. In spite of their apparent physical basis and complexity, the current generation of detailed models is process weak. Their representations of the internal states and process dynamics are still at odds with many experimental findings. In order to make continued progress in watershed hydrology and to bring greater coherence to the science, we need to move beyond the status quo of having to explicitly characterize or prescribe landscape heterogeneity in our (highly calibrated) models and in this way reproduce process complexity and instead explore the set of organizing principles that might underlie the heterogeneity and complexity. This commentary addresses a number of related new avenues for research in watershed science, including the use of comparative analysis, classification, optimality principles, and network theory, all with the intent of defining, understanding, and predicting watershed function and enunciating important watershed functional traits.
Landscape Ecology | 2004
Mary V. Santelmann; David S. White; Kathryn E. Freemark; Joan Iverson Nassauer; Joseph Eilers; Kellie B. Vaché; Brent J. Danielson; Robert C. Corry; M. E. Clark; Stephen Polasky; Richard M. Cruse; J. Sifneos; H. Rustigian; C. Coiner; JunJie Wu; Diane M. Debinski
The contributions of current agricultural practices to environmental degradation and the social problems facing agricultural regions are well known. However, landscape-scale alternatives to current trends have not been fully explored nor their potential impacts quantified. To address this research need, our interdisciplinary team designed three alternative future scenarios for two watersheds in Iowa, USA, and used spatially-explicit models to evaluate the potential consequences of changes in farmland management. This paper summarizes and integrates the results of this interdisciplinary research project into an assessment of the designed alternatives intended to improve our understanding of landscape ecology in agricultural ecosystems and to inform agricultural policy. Scenario futures were digitized into a Geographic Information System (GIS), visualized with maps and simulated images, and evaluated for multiple endpoints to assess impacts of land use change on water quality, social and economic goals, and native flora and fauna. The Biodiversity scenario, targeting restoration of indigenous biodiversity, ranked higher than the current landscape for all endpoints (biodiversity, water quality, farmer preference, and profitability). The Biodiversity scenario ranked higher than the Production scenario (which focused on profitable agricultural production) in all endpoints but profitability, for which the two scenarios scored similarly, and also ranked higher than the Water Quality scenario in all endpoints except water quality. The Water Quality scenario, which targeted improvement in water quality, ranked highest of all landscapes in potential water quality and higher than the current landscape and the Production scenario in all but profitability. Our results indicate that innovative agricultural practices targeting environmental improvements may be acceptable to farmers and could substantially reduce the environmental impacts of agriculture in this region.
Water Resources Research | 2007
Sarah M. Dunn; Jeffrey J. McDonnell; Kellie B. Vaché
[1] Estimates of mean residence time (MRT) are increasingly used as simple summary descriptors of the hydrological processes involving storage and mixing of water within catchment systems. Current understanding of the physical controls on MRT remains limited, and various hypotheses have been proposed to explain its variability between catchments. We present a series of virtual experiments to investigate different hypotheses regarding the significance of different hydrological processes and geographical controls in determining the MRT of catchment waters. The experiments were undertaken using a semidistributed conceptual hydrological model, applied to the Maimai experimental catchment in New Zealand. Our results show that in this small steep catchment, with largely impermeable bedrock, the primary control on the stream water mean residence time is storage within the unsaturated zone. The physical location on the hillslope had only a small influence on soil water residence time. Stream water mean residence time was very sensitive to small additional amounts of deep groundwater in the model. Overall, our results suggest that stream water MRT is additive. The component residence times of stream water MRT appear relatable to characteristic properties of the catchment. Through this mechanism there is future potential for extrapolating MRT data from experimental catchments to other areas.
Environmental Modelling and Software | 2011
Philipp Kraft; Kellie B. Vaché; Hans-Georg Frede; Lutz Breuer
Hydrological models are created for a wide range of scales and intents. The Catchment Modelling Framework (CMF) extends the Python programming language with hydrology specific language elements, to setup specific hydrological models adapted to the scientific problems and the dominant flow processes of a particular study area. CMF provides a straightforward method to test hydrological theories and serve as a transport module in integrated, interdisciplinary catchment model approaches.
Water Air and Soil Pollution | 1997
Timothy J. Sullivan; J. M. Eilers; B. J. Cosby; Kellie B. Vaché
Assessments of the aquatic effects of acidic deposition have focused on sulfur, as have recent efforts to control the emissions of acidifying compounds. Nitrogen dynamics were excluded from most acidic deposition modeling studies because it was believed that terrestrial ecosystems strongly retain N and because modeling N is a more formidable task than modeling S due to the influence of complex biological processes on N cycling. Re-examination of available data for the Adirondack Mountains of New York suggests that N deposition may be contributing to both chronic and episodic acidification of freshwaters to a greater extent than is generally believed. Previous research concluded that N has played a limited role in acidification processes in these lakes, based on regional averages of chronic chemistry. However, it is now known that historic acidification responses have been spatially variable within the Adirondack Mountains and that the declines in lakewater pH have been less than previously believed. Lakewater NO3− concentrations are commonly in the range of 5 to 25 μeq L−1 on a chronic basis in portions of the Adirondack region that have experienced significant chronic acidification. These NO3− concentrations correspond in magnitude to inferred historical acidification. Furthermore, the relative importance of NO3− as an agent of acidification increases dramatically during snowmelt when conditions are most toxic to fish. The consequence of not addressing N in formulating acidification recovery strategies for the Adirondacks includes the likelihood that we will overestimate the response of surface water to the mandated sulfur emissions reductions.
Archive | 2001
Mary V. Santelmann; Kathryn E. Freemark; Denis White; Joan Iverson Nassauer; Mark E. Clark; Brent J. Danielson; Joseph Eilers; Richard M. Cruse; Susan Galatowitsch; Stephen Polasky; Kellie B. Vaché; JunJie Wu
The use of ecological principles and guidelines in land-use planning, as advocated by the Ecological Society of America Committee on Land Use (Dale et al., Chapter 1) will be critically important to achieving sustainable ecosystems in the next few decades as the world’s human population continues to grow and land area under human management increases. Definition of these principles and articulation of guidelines for use by planners and decision makers is an important first step, but there are many obstacles to the application of ecological guidelines in the land-use planning process. The use of alternative future scenarios can help overcome some of the difficulties associated with application of ecologically healthy land-use practices in agricultural watersheds. With the future scenario approach, abstract goals such as enhancing water quality and restoring biological diversity are translated into specific land-use practices (wetland restoration, riparian buffers, alternative cropping practices, preserves) expected to help achieve these goals. Maps and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) databases of the future alternatives become the spatial data used to evaluate the responses of the various modeled endpoints as well as the response of human perceptions of changes in land use. Alternative futures can be used to frame landscape ecological hypotheses (cf. Ahern 1999); models can then be employed to test those hypotheses and focus additional research on components that are poorly understood.
Hydrological Sciences Journal-journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques | 2008
Lutz Breuer; Kellie B. Vaché; Stefan Julich; Hans-Georg Frede
Abstract The study of global change impacts on nitrogen dynamics in mesoscale catchments remains an important topic. The primary mechanisms of change can be grouped broadly into those focused on land management, land use, climatic change, as well as on N deposition patterns. The current state of mesoscale studies of N dynamics is outlined in an effort to present the potential tools and methods available to researchers, as well as to outline future directions for additional research. This review focuses on a comparison of the common model approaches that are used to simulate the N cycle in catchments. The review is not meant as an exhaustive list of all models that might include N cycling, but instead outlines a classification framework as a means of better understanding key differences between common modelling strategies. We conclude with a blueprint of what hydro-biogeochemical models should be capable of, and which additional efforts should be considered in the course of model development and verification.
Water Air and Soil Pollution | 1999
Timothy J. Sullivan; Donald F. Charles; Joseph A. Bernert; Barbara McMartin; Kellie B. Vaché; Jon Zehr
Interactions between acidic deposition and watershed characteristics were evaluated for a group of lakes in the Adirondack Mountains, New York. Landscape characteristics were compiled and examined relative to paleolimnological inferences of historical acidification. Results of estimates of acidification using the Model of Acidification of Groundwater in Catchments (MAGIC) and paleolimnological analysis were compared to physical, biological, and landscape change data, including such factors as watershed disturbance, logging, fire, and windthrow, to evaluate if inclusion of additional processes could improve model estimates. Results of bivariate and multivariate analysis confirmed that lakes that have experienced historical acidification tend to be those that receive relatively high amounts of precipitation and have short hydraulic residence times. These variables explained 58% of the diatom-inferred acidification. A combined model of long-term precipitation amount, hydraulic residence time, and recent blowdown accounted for 71% of the historic acidification in the Adirondacks. Lakes that have increased in pH since pre-industrial times tend to be those subject to substantial human disturbance and those that burned during major fires recorded after 1900. The magnitude of the discrepancy between MAGIC model and diatom-inferred hindcasts of acidification was not significantly correlated with any of the landscape change variables, suggesting that additional modifications to the MAGIC model to take into account landscape change are not likely to appreciably improve model performance.
Ecohydrology | 2017
David P. Turner; David R. Conklin; Kellie B. Vaché; Cynthia Schwartz; Anne W. Nolin; Heejun Chang; Eric Watson; John P. Bolte
Projected changes in air temperature, precipitation, and vapor pressure for the Willamette River Basin (Oregon, USA) over the next century will have significant impacts on the river basin water balance, notably on the amount of evapotranspiration (ET). Mechanisms of impact on ET will be both direct and indirect, but there is limited understanding of their absolute and relative magnitudes. Here, we developed a spatially explicit, daily time-step, modeling infrastructure to simulate the basin-wide water balance that accounts for meteorological influences, as well as effects mediated by changing vegetation cover type, leaf area, and ecophysiology. Three CMIP5 climate scenarios (Lowclim, Reference, and HighClim) were run for the 2010–2100 period. Besides warmer temperatures, the climate scenarios were characterized by wetter winters and increasing vapor pressure deficits. In the mid-range Reference scenario, our landscape simulation model (Envision) projected a continuation of forest cover on the uplands but a threefold increase in area burned per year. A decline (12–30%) in basin-wide mean leaf area index (LAI) in forests was projected in all scenarios. The lower LAIs drove a corresponding decline in ET. In a sensitivity test, the effect of increasing CO2 on stomatal conductance induced a further substantial decrease (11–18%) in basin-wide mean ET. The net effect of decreases in ET and increases in winter precipitation was an increase in annual streamflow. These results support the inclusion of changes in land cover, land use, LAI, and ecophysiology in efforts to anticipate impacts of climate change on basin-scale water balances.
Gcb Bioenergy | 2018
Natalie A. Griffiths; Benjamin M. Rau; Kellie B. Vaché; Gregory Starr; Menberu M. Bitew; Doug P. Aubrey; James A. Martin; Elizabeth Benton; C. Rhett Jackson
Logging and mill residues are currently the largest sources of woody biomass for bioenergy in the United States, but short‐rotation woody crops (SRWCs) are expected to become a larger contributor to biomass production, primarily on lands marginal for food production. However, there are very few studies on the environmental effects of SRWCs, and most have been conducted at stand rather than at watershed scales. In this manuscript, we review the potential environmental effects of SRWCs relative to current forestry or agricultural practices and best management practices (BMPs) in the southeast United States and identify priorities and constraints for monitoring and modeling these effects. Plot‐scale field studies and a watershed‐scale modeling study found improved water quality with SRWCs compared to agricultural crops. Further, a recent watershed‐scale experiment suggests that conventional forestry BMPs are sufficient to protect water quality from SRWC silvicultural activities, but the duration of these studies is short with respect to travel times of groundwater transporting nitrate to streams. While the effects of SRWC production on carbon (C) and water budgets depend on both soil properties and previous land management, woody crops will typically sequester more C when compared with agricultural crops. The overall C offset by SRWCs will depend on a variety of management practices, the number of rotations, and climate. Effects of SRWCs on biodiversity, especially aquatic organisms, are not well studied, but a meta‐analysis found that bird and mammal biodiversity is lower in SRWC stands than unmanaged forests. Long‐term (i.e., over multiple rotations) water quality, water use, C dynamics, and soil quality studies are needed, as are larger‐scale (i.e., landscape scale) biodiversity studies, to evaluate the potential effects of SRWC production. Such research should couple field measurement and modeling approaches due to the temporal (i.e., multiple rotations) and spatial (i.e., heterogeneous landscape) scaling issues involved with SRWC production.