Kwan-Dong Park
Inha University
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Featured researches published by Kwan-Dong Park.
Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences | 2012
Dong-Hyo Sohn; Kwan-Dong Park; Jihye Won; Jungho Cho; Kyoung-Min Roh
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon 305-348, KoreaIn this study, global positioning system (GPS)-derived precipitable water vapor (PWV) and microwave radiometer (MWR)-measured integrated water vapor (IWV) were compared and their characteristics were analyzed. Comparing those two quantities for two years from August 2009, we found that GPS PWV estimates were larger than MWR IWV. The average difference over the entire test period was 1.1 mm and the standard deviation was 1.2 mm. When the discrepan-cies between GPS PWV and MWR IWV were analyzed depending on season, the average difference was 0.7 mm and 1.9 mm in the winter and summer months, respectively. Thus, the average difference was about 2.5 times larger in summer than that in winter. However, MWR IWV measurements in the winter months were over-estimated than those in the sum -mer months as the water vapor content got larger. The results of the diurnal analysis showed that MWR IWV was under-estimated in the daytime, showing a difference of 0.8 mm. In the early morning hours, MWR IWV has a tendency to be over-estimated, with a difference of 1.3 mm with respect to GPS PWV.
Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences | 2010
Jihye Won; Kwan-Dong Park; Ji-Hyun Ha; Jung-Ho Cho
In processing space geodetic data, mapping functions are used to convert the tropospheric signal delay along the zenith direction to the line of sight direction. In this study, we compared three mapping functions by evaluating their effects on the tropospheric signal delay and position estimates in GPS data processing. The three mapping functions tested are Niell Mapping Function (NMF), Vienna Mapping Function 1 (VMF1), and Global Mapping Function (GMF). The tropospheric delay and height estimates from VMF1 and GMF are compared with the ones obtained with NMF. The differences among mapping functions show annual signals with the maximum occurring in February or August. To quantitatively estimate the discrepancies among mapping functions, we calculated the maximum difference and the amplitude using a curve fitting technique. Both the maximum difference and amplitude have high correlations with the latitude of the site. Also, the smallest difference was found around and the amplitudes increase toward higher latitudes. In the height estimates, the choice of mapping function did not significantly affect the vertical velocity estimate, and the precision of height estimates was improved at most of the sites when VMF1 or GMF was used instead of NMF.
Journal of Korean navigation and port research | 2012
Dusik Kim; Jihye Won; Eun-Seong Son; Kwan-Dong Park
†,*,** Graduate school of Inha University, Incheon 402-751, Korea*** Department of Geoinformatic Engineering, Inha University, Incheon 402-751, Korea요 약 :대류권의 건조가스 및 수증기에 의한 GPS 신호의 지연은 GPS 측위 정확도를 저하시키는 주요 원인으로 정밀 측위를 위해서 반드시 소거해야할 대상이다. 이 논문에서는 실시간으로 대류권 지연정보를 생성하여 GPS 측위에 적용하기 앞서, 대류권 지연정보 생성 알고리즘의 가용성을 파악하기 위해 후처리 기반으로 전국의 GPS 상시관측망을 이용하여 한반도 상공의 대류권 지연량 격자 지도를 생성하는 과정을 구현하였다. GPS 자료처리 소프트웨어는 GIPSY 5.0을 사용하였고, 건조지연량과 습윤지연량을 구분하여 산출하기 위해 전국의 AWS 관측망의 관측자료를 이용하였다. 대류권 지연정보에 대한 격자 지도를 생성한 후 격자 지도의 정확도를 검증한 결과, 격자 지도와 GPS 관측소 위치에서 산출된 대류권 지연량의 RMSE는 ZHD 0.7mm, ZWD 7.5mm, ZTD 8.7mm로 나타났다. 산출된 대류권 지연정보를 단일주파수 기반 상대 측위 알고리즘에 적용하여 대류권 지연정보 보정시 측위정확도 향상 정도를 분석하였다. 결과로 측위정확도는 기선거리가 약 297km인 수원(SUWN)과 목포(MKPO)의 상대처리 결과에서 최대 36%가 향상됨을 확인할 수 있었다.핵심용어 : GPS, 대류권지연, 건조지연, 습윤지연, 격자지도Abstract : GPS signal delay that caused by dry gases and water vapor in troposphere is a main error source of GPS point positioning and it must be eliminated for precise point positioning. In this paper, we implemented to generate tropospheric delay grid map over the Korean Peninsula based on post-processing method by using the GPS permanent station network in order to determine the availability of tropospheric delay generation algorithm. GIPSY 5.0 was used for GPS data process and nationwide AWS observation network was used to calculate the amount of dry delay and wet delay separately. As the result of grid maps accuracy analysis, the RMSE between grid map data and GPS site data was 0.7mm in ZHD, 7.6mm in ZWD and 8.5mm in ZTD. After grid map accuracy analysis, we applied the calculated tropospheric delay grid map to single frequency relative positioning algorithm and analyzed the positioning accuracy enhancement. As the result, positioning accuracy was improved up to 36% in case of relative positioning of Suwon(SUWN) and Mokpo(MKPO), that the baseline distance is about 297km.Key words :GPS, ZTD, ZHD, ZWD, Grid Map †교신저자:연회원, [email protected] 032)873-4310 * 연회원, [email protected] 032)873-4310 ** 연회원, [email protected] 032)873-4310*** 연회원, [email protected] 032)860-7604
Journal of Korean navigation and port research | 2012
Hye-In Kim; Ji-Hye Kim; Koon-Tack Kim; Kwan-Dong Park; Dusik Kim
As of 2012, for service-area-widening and commercialization of DGPS service, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs has completed a DGPS service via Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcasting and doing experimental broadcasting. In this study, kinematic positioning tests were conducted based on DGPS service via T-DMB using low-cost GPS equipments in a dynamic environment. Standalone GPS, single-reference NDGPS via NTRIP, and virtual-reference DGPS via T-DMB surveys were conducted at the same time. And horizontal positioning errors were computed by comparing them with the result of high-precision positioning. As a result, when the DMB transmission interval was 3 seconds, horizontal positioning errors of standalone GPS, NTRIP-DGPS, and DMB-DGPS were 2.3m, 1.0m, and 0.7m, respectively. When the interval was 1 second, horizontal positioning errors were 2.0m, 1.2m, and 0.8m, respectively. Thus horizontal positioning accuracies improved with the DMB-DGPS compared to the traditional single-reference NDGPS.
Journal of Korean navigation and port research | 2012
Ho-Seok Lee; Kwan-Dong Park; Du-Sik Kim
Although GNSS hardware and software technologies have been steadily advanced, it is still difficult to obtain reliable positioning results in the area with lots of signal blockage. In this study, algorithms for integrated GPS and GLONASS double difference relative positioning were developed and its performance was validated via simulations of signal blockages. We assumed that signal blockages are caused by high-rise buildings to the east, west, and south directions. And then, GPS-only and integrated GPS/GLONASS positioning accuracy was analysed in terms of 2-dimensional positioning accuracies. Compared with GPS-only positioning, the positioning accuracy of integrated GPS/GLONASS improved by 0.3-13.5 meters.
Journal of Korean navigation and port research | 2011
Kwan-Dong Park; Ji-Hye Won; Yong-Kwon Choi; Chang-Don Kee
In this study, we analyzed the signal environment of 17 DGNSS stations operated by DGPS Central Office through TEQC quality checking, visibility analysis and site visits. With TEQC, we produced times series of four indices of TEQC quality checking: observation ratio, L1 pseudorange multipath, L2 pseudorange multipath, and the frequency of cycle slip events. From visibility analysis, the directions where missing observations are happening were identified and the result was verified through onsite investigation. Without considering TEQC indices at the six sites(Palmido, Eochungdo, Geomundo, Pyeongchang, Seongju, and Chungju), the average TEQC indices were: 98% observation ratio, 0.19m of L1 pseudorange multipath, 0.71m of L2 pseudorange multipath, and 1.3 cycle slips per 1000 observations. The observation ratios at Palmido and Eochungdo were low. It was found that receiver settings were incorrect so that they could track the P2 signal of GPS satellites with L2C capability. No signal-blocking obstacles were found around the Geomundo station except the lighthouse. Thus, we guess that the poor TEQC indices at the site are believed to be caused by problems in the GPS hardware or cables. The low observation ratio at Pyeongchang is being caused by the surrounding hills blocking the satellite view from the south to the northwest directions. Even though all of four TEQC indices were bad at Seongju and Chungju stations, we found that the signal reception environment at the two sites is in good condition. We think that the quality indices got poor probably because of malfunctioning equipment. So, further investigation is needed for the Seongju and Chungju sites.
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures | 2002
Jaehwan Kim; Byung-Woo Kang; Kwan-Dong Park; Seung-Bok Choi; Kyung-Su Kim
The underwater explosion that has high energy brings about the shock wave and the pulsating gas bubble. In general, structural vibration from the shock wave is more serious than the pulsating gas bubble. This shock wave may damage the important fragile structures and equipment in the ship. This paper demonstrates the possibility of shock wave reduction in magneto-rheological (MR) inserts. The wave transmission of MR insert beam is experimentally investigated. A MR insert in an aluminum plate is made and two piezoelectric disks are used as transmitter and receiver. The transmission ratio between the transmitter and receiver is tested with and without magnetic field on the MR insert. The MR insert of the structure shows the capability of shock wave reduction. Details of the experiment are addressed.
Journal of Korean navigation and port research | 2012
Kwan-Dong Park; Hye-In Kim; Du-Sik Kim; Chang-Don Kee
†,**,*** Graduate school of Inha University, Incheon 402-751, Korea* Department of Geoinformatic Engineering, Inha University, Incheon 402-751, Korea**** School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744, Korea요 약 :위성항법중앙사무소는 다수의 DGNSS 기준국을 운영하고 있으며 이 중 일부 기준국은 타 기준국에 비해 TEQC 품질평가 결과가 저조하다. 이에 이 연구에서는 GPS 관측자료의 품질향상을 위해 품질을 저하시키는 요인을 찾아 규명하고자 한다. 비교실험 대상은 TEQC 품질평가가 상대적으로 저조한 충주기준국을 대상으로 진행하였다. 현장조사를 통해 GPS 신호를 차단 또는 방해하는 장애물은 존재하지 않는 것으로 확인되었다. 비교실험은 주변의 환경적 요인을 고려한 동시관측 비교실험과 관측장비의 이상요인을 고려한 장비교체 비교실험으로 진행하였다. 동시관측 비교실험 결과에서는 실험용 관측기기에서 양질의 데이터가 기록되어 충주기준국 주변의 환경적인 부분은 품질저하의 주된 요인이 아님을 확인하였다. 기준국의 주요 관측장비를 하나씩 교체하며 진행한 장비교체 비교실험에서는 실험용 수신기에 기록된 데이터의 품질이 가장 양호함을 확인하였다. 상위 2가지 비교실험을 통해 수신기의 이상이 GPS 관측자료의 품질을 저하시키는 주된 요인임을 확인하였다.핵심용어 : NDGPS, 신호품질, 신호환경, TEQC, 비교실험Abstract : The DGNSS Central Office operates 17 DGNSS reference stations. Compared to the other DGNSS sites, the TEQC data quality of some sites is poorer. In this study, we tried to find out the causes that degrade the quality of GPS data for the purpose of improving the signal quality of the DGNSS stations. We selected the Chungju station that is the one of those stations with bad data quality. Through the on-site visit, we found that there is no signal-blocking obstacles. In addition to site surveys, we conducted two experiments; simultaneous observation considering environmental factors and comparison test through equipment replacements to check the malfunctioning of GPS equipments. In the simultaneous test results, we realized that environmental factors do not induce any bad effects on the data quality. In equipment replacement experiments, we confirmed that the data quality is of excellent quality when the test receiver was used instead of the original one installed at the site. When we replaced the antenna instead of the receiver, the data quality was bad. Through those two experiments, we concluded that the receiver is the main factor that degrades the signal quality.Key words :NDGPS, signal quality, signal environment, TEQC, comparative experiments †교신저자 : 연회원, [email protected] 032)873-4310 * 연회원, [email protected] 032)860-7604 ** 연회원, [email protected] 032)873-4310*** 연회원, [email protected] 032)873-4310*** 연회원, [email protected] 02)880-1912
Journal of the Korean earth science society | 2011
Kyeong-Hui Kim; Kwan-Dong Park; Chae-Ho Lim; Dong-Hoon Han
Based on the ICE-3G and ICE-5G ice models, we predicted the velocities of crustal uplift caused by Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) at 39 tide gauge sites operated by Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration (KHOA). We also divided the Korean peninsula in the ranges of and in grids, and computed the GIA velocities at each grid point. We found that the average uplift rates due to GIA in South Korea were 0.33 and 1.21 mm/yr for ICE-3G and ICE-5G, respectively. Because the GIA rates were relatively high at ~1 mm/yr when the updated ice model ICE-5G was used, we concluded that the GIA effect cannot be neglected when we compute the absolute sea level (ASL) rates around the Korean peninsula. In this study, we corrected the ICE-5G GIA velocities from the relative sea level rates provided by KHOA and we computed the ASL rates at 13 tide gauge stations. As a result, we found that the average ASL velocity around the Korean peninsula was 5.04 mm/yr. However, the ASL rates near Jeju island were abnormally higher than the other areas and the average was 8.84 mm/yr.
Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences | 2009
Ji-Hyun Ha; Du-Sik Kim; Kwan-Dong Park; Jihye Won
The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) aboard the Aqua satellite, which is one of the Earth Observing System satellites managed by National Aeronautics and Space Administration, provides global measurements of the water vapor in the atmosphere using infrared (IR) channels. In this paper, we restored precipitable water vapor (PWV) over a permanent GPS station in Incheon using the IR measurements of AIRS and compared the result with GPS-based PWV estimates. As a result, AIRS PWV had similar trends with GPS PWV; the bias of AIRS PWV against GPS PWV is 0.3 cm and root mean square error (RMSE) 0.7 cm. In addition, the correlation coecient between AIRS PWV and GPS PWV was 0.89. Thus we conclude that the AIRS PWV reflects local characteristics of the water vapor content.