Kwang-Il Hwang
Korea Maritime and Ocean University
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Featured researches published by Kwang-Il Hwang.
Journal of Korean navigation and port research | 2011
Kwang-Il Hwang
This study simulates and compares the evacuation time and characteristics according to the living patterns on board a training ship which was launched in Dec. 2005, on the viewpoint of the various activities being possible on board a cruise ship. Based on interviews with personnels on board, 3 living patterns are set as representative living conditions; Pattern A(all personnels are positioned at their cabins), Pattern B(all personnels are positioned at lecture rooms, offices or else), Pattern C(all personnels are positioned at restaurant or cafeteria). The simulation results show that Pattern B is comparatively ideal because the evacuation time is short and there is less delay of personnels` movement on each deck. On the contrary, Pattern C is evaluated as the worst because the average evacuation time took more than 360 seconds and the bottle-neck happened at Upper deck. As a result, this study proposes the needs of various countermeasures against the fire and/or disaster, considering the various living patterns on cruiser(s) and/or passenger ship(s).
Journal of Korean navigation and port research | 2013
Kwang-Il Hwang
†Department. of Mechanical & Energy Systems Engineering, Korea Maritime University, Busan, 606-791, Korea요 약 :도서지역에 대한 에너지공급시스템의 다양화를 위해서는 지역 내에 풍부한 자연에너지 활용이 필요하고 이를 통해 도서주민의 생활환경 개선이 가능하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 지역에 특화된 자연에너지를 이용한 전력공급시스템을 제안하기 위한 기초자료 구축을 목적으로 통영-남해 해역에 위치한 4개 섬의 풍력과 일사량을 1년간 (2010년 11월~2011년 10월) 실측하여 발생 특성을 파악하고 활용가능성을 비교 평가하였다. 본 연구의 성과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 풍향별 발생 빈도수를 이용하여 작성한 바람장미로 부터 4개 섬의 풍향 특성이 크게 다르다는 것을 알았다. Rayleigh 속도확률분포를 이용한 평가에 따르면 KR섬과 SS섬은 2~5㎧의 바람이 많이 불지만, SR섬과 YJ섬은 2㎧ 이하의 저속 바람의 발생 확률이 매우 높은 것으로 분석되었고, 4개 섬 각각의 풍력발전량에는 큰 차이가 있었다. 4개 섬 모두에서 최대 일일 일사량은 2011년 7월에 발생하였지만, 평균 일일 일사량은 2011년 4월이 가장 컸다. 또한 월별 누적 일사량의 경우 2011년 4월이 가장 많았고, 2010년 12월 가장 적었다.핵심용어 : 신재생에너지, 섬, 바람, 일사량, 자원Abstract : For the diversity of energy supply system and the improvement in the habitants’ living environments of the islands, it is possible and necessary to use the natural energy as resources of the electric power generation system. In this study, the characteristics of wind and solar radiation on 4 islands offshore Namhae-Tongyoung of Korea were measured for one year from November 2010 to October 2011 and analyzed in relation to energy resources survey. As a result of measurement and analysis, the respective wind rose diagrams of 4 islands were made, and showed that the frequencies of wind directions were quite different from among the islands. The Rayleigh probability distribution of wind velocity showed that the wind speeds of KR and SS were mainly 2~5㎧, and the respective quantities of electric power generation of 4 islands were shown to be different. The variation of solar radiations and potential quantity of those uses were measured to be similar to each other among 4 islands.Key words :renewable energy, island, wind, solar radiation, resource†교신저자 : 종신회원, [email protected] 051)410-4368
Journal of Korean navigation and port research | 2012
Kwang-Il Hwang
To serve basic data for the design of capacity and management of Distributed(or On-site) Power Generation System using renewable energies, this study measured the electric power consumption(hereafter abbreviated as EPC) of 5 families of fishing village located at island in southeastern area of Korea. The results are as following. The maximum monthly average EPC occurred in December or January. Although the total monthly EPC of H family is 2~3 times more than J family, individual monthly EPC of J family is 10~30 % more than H family. Hourly EPC pattern shows that the maximum EPC occurred between 20~24 o`clock in summer season, but it occurred between 18~24 o`clock in winter season. Compared to summer, the height of fluctuation through a day is small. And the EPC patterns of weekdays and weekend estimated as very similar.
Journal of Korean navigation and port research | 2014
Kwang-Il Hwang; Yun-Sok Lee
다양한 여가 활동 수요증가와 함께 국내에서도 여객선과 크루즈선의 이용자수가 증가하고 있다. 그러나 과거 10년간 연평균 15건 이상의 여객선 안전사고가 발생했음에도 불구하고 승조원과 승객의 피난행동특성과 관련된 연구는 매우 미흡한 실정이다. 본 논문은 승선생활 환경에 익숙한 3학년과 승선생활이 생소한 1학년을 대상으로 선박에서의 승선생활 숙련도에 따른 각 피난행동특성을 비교분석한 것이다. 연구결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 3학년 실험에서 승조원의 안전성 향상을 위해서는 다양한 재난대응 시나리오의 개발과 실천 교육이 필요하다는 사실을 알게 되었고, 1학년 실험에서는 신규 승조원과 승객을 대상으로 한 초기 피난안전교육과 선내구조에 익숙한 기존 승조원에 의한 피난안전 유도 임무의 중요성을 확인할 수 있다. 또한 재난상황과 그 전개과정에 대한 상황인식 공유가 전체 피난시간에 큰 영향을 미친다는 사실을 설명할 수 있으며, 피난상황 발생 시 승선자의 안전성 향상을 위해서는 피난계획기법 상 선장과 관련 승조원이 반드시 선내 모든 피난경로와 경로별 피난자수를 통제할 수 있어야만 한다는 사실을 확인하였다. 【With the increasing needs on various leisure activities, the users of passenger ships and cruisers have been increased year by year. Although over 15 accidents per year betide on domestic passenger ships for last decade, the researches on the safety of crews and guests on boards are difficult to find. This study performed the comparative analysis by experiments on the evacuation characteristics between experience levels on board a training ship. The followings are the results. From the seniors experiments, it is found that more various evacuation scenarios have to develope and drill as a part of education contents. And from the freshmens trials, the importances of the evacuation education and the roles of existing crews on evacuation guides are pointed out as to increase the safety of new crews and/or guests who are not accustomed to onboard a ship. On the other, it is explained that the communications between evacuees are worthy and useful, and also save more evacuation times. And on the viewpoint of evacuation methodology, it is clear that captain and evacuation-related crews have to control all the evacuation passages and evacuees of each passages to save more lives.】
Journal of Korean navigation and port research | 2012
Kwang-Il Hwang
†Department. of Mechanical & Energy Systems Engineering, Korea Maritime University, Busan, 606-791, Korea요 약 :본 연구는 재난대응전략 수립의 기초자료로 활용할 목적으로 부산 영도를 포함해 영남 남해안 5개 섬의 주민을 대상으로 자연재해에 대한 의식조사를 수행한 것이다. 연구결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 총 503명의 유효응답 중 28%는 태풍을 가장 주요한 자연재해의 원인이라고 생각하며, 해일(19%), 지진(15%)이 뒤를 이었다. 자연재해을 경험한 응답자의 60%가 태풍을, 21%가 해일을, 8%가 적조를 경험했다고 응답하였다. 자연재해 발생과 관련된 정보는 대부분 일반 TV 또는 방송매체(67%)를 통해 접했고, 21%는 개인의 경험적 판단에 따라 자연재해 발생 상황을 인지하였지만, 개인이 관공서로부터 개별적인 관련 정보를 입수한 응답자는 없었다. 전체 응답자의 33%만이 자연재해 대응교육을 받았지만, 자연재해 대응교육 이수시간은 76%가 2시간 미만이었고, 3시간 이상은 26%에 불과하였지만, 교육내용에 대해서는 79% 이상이 효과적인 편이라고 긍정적으로 응답하였다. 자연재해 발생 시 피난처로 이동할 것인가에 대한 설문에 대해서는 85%가 이동할 것이라고 응답하였으나, 거주하고 있는 지역에서의 피난처를 알고 있는지에 대한 설문에 대해서는 불과 19%만이 알고 있다고 응답하였다. 피난처로 이동시 소지할 품목은 무엇인가에 대한 설문에 대해서는 식량이 가장 높은 비율을 차지하고는 있으나 절대적 비율은 높지 않고 이불, 취사도구, 금전, 옷 등 모든 품목들이 고르게 필요한 것으로 응답하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 내륙에 비해 자연재해 시의 구난 활동이 어려운 섬의 특성을 고려해 자연재해 발생 초기에 인명과 재산 피해를 최소화 시킬 수 있는 정보전달 체계 개발이 필요하며, 주민 대상의 지역별 특성을 반영한 자연재해 대응교육 수립이 필요하다.핵심용어 : 해안, 섬, 자연재해, 안전, 설문조사, 대응전략Abstract : As a basic data to build a countermeasures against coastal disaster, the conscious survey of people living around the coastal are is needed. This study performed the conscious survey on 5 islands located at Korean southeast ocean including Youngdo of Busan. Among many respondents, 503 effective answers are got and followings are the analyzed results. Among the various kinds of disasters, especially the typhoon(28%), storm surge(19%), earthquake(15%) are selected as menacing disasters in mind to coastal inhabitants. Typhoon(60%) and storm surge(21%) were the representative disasters that the coastal inhabitants experienced. 67% among the respondents get the disaster-related information from TV and/or commercial medias, and other 21% depend on their own experiences. Although 33% of respondents attended the disaster-related training and the training time was less than 2 hours, they answered the training was very helpful. Over 85% among the respondents answered they will evacuate if a disaster occur, but only 19% know the evacuee shelter(s). Except the foods, various living goods are selected and willing to carry with for living at shelter if they have to evacuate. Key words :Costal area, Islands, Natural disaster, Safety, Consciousness survey, Countermeasure†교신저자 : 종신회원, [email protected] 051)410-4368
Journal of Korean navigation and port research | 2009
Kwang-Il Hwang
Because of the heat island phenomenon and sea wind, there can be thermal conditions` differences around buildings at downtown and coastal area respectively in coastal city, like Busan, Incheon, Mokpo. For the final purpose of the buildings` energy saving design and operation considering of above mentioned environments differences, energy consumption including heating and cooling loads, electric loads are necessary to be accumulated and analyzed in as the database. As a part of this concept, this study aims to survey and analyze each loads of 22 apartments which has at least 100 households respectively and is located at Yeongdo island, Busan, Korea It is cleared that despite the residents living in this district can use sea wind as a natural ventilation and/or cooling methods, they mainly depends on the electric-driven air-conditioners for cooling with window-closed because of anti-salt problems of the sea wind. This leads the maximum power consumption of the surveyed-22-apartments to be appeared in August like that of inland buildings.
Modern Physics Letters B | 2015
Moon Kyu Kwak; Cheol Woo Park; Kwang-Il Hwang; Choon Man Park; Hoon Eui Jeong; Jun-Ho Choi
We present an application of high-aspect-ratio (high-AR) silicon structures (black silicon) with high water repellency and good wettability by oils and solvents. The fabrication of black silicon consists of a deep reactive-ion etching process for extremely-high-AR silicon structures and surface treatment with C4F8 gas. Such high-AR structures were found to be highly resistant against wetting by water, but they also have good wetting characteristics with respect to certain liquids such as ethanol, hexane and mineral oil. To determine the relationship between the AR of nanostructures and wetting selectivity, four different black silicon samples with different pattern heights were used. The static contact angles of various liquid were measured for the analysis of wetting properties of the four black silicon samples. To explore feasible applications, ethanol–water separation was performed as a miniaturized experimental simulation of environmental remediation.
Modern Physics Letters B | 2015
Jin-Woo Lee; Kyung-Man Moon; Sung-Won Yoon; Tae-Sil Baek; Kwang-Il Hwang
Composites are vulnerable to the impact damage by the collision as to the thickness direction, because composites are being manufactured by laminating the fiber. The understanding about the retained strength after the impact damage of the material is essential in order to secure the reliability of the structure design using the composites. In this paper, we have tried to evaluate the motion of the material according to the kinetic energy and potential energy and the retained strength after impact damage by testing the free fall test of the basalt fiber reinforced composite in the limelight as the environment friendly characteristic.
Modern Physics Letters B | 2015
Kwang-Il Hwang; Young-Hoon Sim
At the viewpoint of energy saving and the increasing needs of seaside leisure activities in Korea, floating architecture is recently to be focused on, but it is in the early stage of technological development. Considering the features of floating structures that can float and move on sea and/or river, this study proposes Single-U type Sea Water Heat Exchanger (SWHEx) and Spring type SWHEx that installed into or outside the submerged concrete structure of pontoon, respectively. As the results from CFD and mock-up tests, it is found out that the mean temperature difference is 3°C between the inlet and outlet temperatures of working fluid which flows inside the Single-U type SWHEx and 1.5°C for Spring type SWHEx. Also it is clear that the heat exchange performance of Single-U type SWHEx is better than Spring type.
Journal of Korean navigation and port research | 2011
Kwang-Il Hwang
†Department. of Mechanical & Information Engineering, Korea Maritime University, Busan, 606-791, Korea요 약 :해양에너지를 지역냉난방설비의 에너지원으로 활용하기 위한 방법론적 관점에서 출발한 본 연구의 목적은 부산시의 지리정보를 이용하여 500m×500m 메시를 개발하고, 메시 특성에 따른 유형별 분포도를 작성하는 것이다. 연구성과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 부산광역시의 총 16개 단위행정구역 중 연제구, 중구, 해운대구를 제외한 13개 구군(區郡), 108개 동(洞)별 유효 건축정보와 수치지도를 이용하여 500m×500m 메시를 개발하였다. 총 3,289개 메시가 유효한 건물바닥면적을 갖고 있으며, 그 중 용적률 50% 이상인 메시는 325개(9.9%), 100% 이상인 메시는 59개(1.8%), 200% 이상인 메시는 30개(0.9%), 300% 이상인 메시는 25개(0.8%)로 나타났다. 용적률 50% 이상인 325개 메시를 주성분분석과 클러스터분석에 의해 5개 유형으로 분류하였고 이를 500m×500m 메시 맵 위에 분포도를 작성한 결과, 상업시설 중심의 1유형은 수영구 광안동, 주거시설 중심의 4, 5유형은 남구 용호동 등이 대표 지역으로 나타났으며, 부산의 대표 유형으로써 주거중심의 주상복합 특성을 갖는 3유형은 남구, 동래구, 북구, 사상구 등 부산 전역에 고르게 분포하는 것으로 나타났다.핵심용어 : 해양에너지, 지역냉난방, 메시, 건물용도, 유형화Abstract : On the view point of renewable energies as energy sources of district heating and cooling plant, the purpose of this study is to develop, classify and map the 500m×500m mesh, of which is treated as normal size in DHC regulations for evaluation process. Followings are the results. Various building and geographical informations including 13 districts and 108 counties are re-defined to create 500m×500m meshes, and it is find out that 3,289 meshes among 8,463 meshes have meaningful floor areas. Only 59 meshes(1.8%) are evaluated as mesh which has more than 50% of building volume ratio per mesh. 5 clusters classified by principal analysis and cluster analysis with building needs characteristics are defined. Gwang-an Dong is representative of cluster 1 characterized as commercial area, and the cluster 4, 5 which has mainly residential needs are distributed in Yong-ho dong. Because there are a lot of cluster 3 meshes, which has complex needs area based on residential, cluster 3 could be defined as representative of Busan metropolitan city.Key words :Ocean energy, District heating and cooling, Mesh, Building needs, Classification†교신저자 : 종신회원, [email protected] 051)410-4368