Laura K. Lautz
Syracuse University
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Featured researches published by Laura K. Lautz.
Ground Water | 2008
Rosemary Fanelli; Laura K. Lautz
Hyporheic exchange, enhanced by complex stream channel morphology, can influence biogeochemical processing in the streambed. These processes chemically alter water passing temporarily through the streambed, which eventually returns to the stream channel and can potentially affect surface water quality. To assess the degree of biogeochemical cycling induced by complex streambed morphology, we instrumented two 20-m reaches of Red Canyon Creek, Wyoming, each containing a small log dam, with in-stream minipiezometers and temperature data loggers. We simultaneously observed pore water geochemistry and streambed temperature dynamics in several bedforms located upstream or downstream of the dams. We modeled seepage flux into the streambed using heat transport modeling. Upstream of the dams, low-permeability sediments have settled out in low-velocity pools, and enhanced anaerobic biogeochemical cycling occurred in the streambed. Rapid flux into the streambed occurred in glides immediately above the dams, where streambed temperature dynamics and geochemistry were nearly identical to the stream. In riffle sequences downstream of the dams, the streambed was oxygen rich, showed evidence of nitrification, and temperature dynamics indicated high connectivity between the streambed and the stream. Further downstream, streambed pore water geochemistry indicated ground water discharge occurring at the pool-riffle transition. Assessing streambed biogeochemical cycling may be facilitated by coupling streambed temperature measurements with pore water geochemistry and can aid in understanding how hyporheic exchange contributes to overall stream biogeochemistry.
Water Resources Research | 2015
Dylan J. Irvine; Roger H. Cranswick; Craig T. Simmons; Margaret Shanafield; Laura K. Lautz
One-dimensional analytical heat transport equations based on temperature time series data have become popular tools to quantify groundwater-surface water interactions. The influence of nonideal field conditions on the use of these equations has been assessed for nonsinusoidal stream temperature signals, uncertainty in thermal parameters, sensor accuracy and multidimensional flow. Given that streambeds are often highly heterogeneous, the influence of streambed heterogeneity on flux estimates from temperature time series requires further investigation. Synthetic streambed temperatures were generated using two-dimensional numerical models with heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity distributions. Streambed temperatures were used to calculate fluxes using methods based on amplitude ratios (Ar), phase shifts (Δϕ) and both (ArΔϕ). Calculated fluxes were compared to known fluxes from the numerical models for flow fields analogous to losing streams. The influence of streambed structure, degree of heterogeneity, depth of the sensor pair, and location along a flow path were assessed. Errors in calculated fluxes increased with sensor pair depth, position along a flow path, and with the degree of heterogeneity. These errors were larger for streambeds with isotropic structures compared with anisotropic structures, and of the three methods tested; the Δϕ method produced the largest errors. The simultaneous estimation of strong fluxes using Δϕ, and an inability to obtain a flux estimate from Ar can suggest the presence of low hydraulic conductivity zones. Given the large errors and inability to determine flow direction from the Δϕ method, the Ar and ArΔϕ methods are recommended for downwelling fluxes.
Freshwater Science | 2013
Martin A. Briggs; Laura K. Lautz; Danielle K. Hare; Ricardo González-Pinzón
Abstract: Small dams enhance the development of patchy microenvironments along stream corridors by trapping sediment and creating complex streambed morphologies. This patchiness drives intricate hyporheic flux patterns that govern the exchange of O2 and redox-sensitive solutes between the water column and the stream bed. We used multiple tracer techniques, naturally occurring and injected, to evaluate hyporheic flow dynamics and associated biogeochemical cycling and microbial reactivity around 2 beaver dams in Wyoming (USA). High-resolution fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing was used to collect temperature data over 9 vertical streambed profiles and to generate comprehensive vertical flux maps using 1-dimensional (1-D) heat-transport modeling. Coincident with these locations, vertical profiles of hyporheic water were collected every week and analyzed for dissolved O2, pH, dissolved organic C, and several conservative and redox-sensitive solutes. In addition, hyporheic and net stream aerobic microbial reactivity were analyzed with a constant-rate injection of the biologically sensitive resazurin (Raz) smart tracer. The combined results revealed a heterogeneous system with rates of downwelling hyporheic flow organized by morphologic unit and tightly coupled to the redox conditions of the subsurface. Principal component analysis was used to summarize the variability of all redox-sensitive species, and results indicated that hyporheic water varied from oxic-stream-like to anoxic-reduced in direct response to the hydrodynamic conditions and associated residence times. The anaerobic transition threshold predicted by the mean O2 Damköhler number seemed to overestimate the actual transition as indicated by multiple secondary electron acceptors, illustrating the gradient nature of anaerobic transition. Temporal flux variability in low-flux morphologies generated a much greater range in hyporheic redox conditions compared to high-flux zones, and chemical responses to changing flux rates were consistent with those predicted from the empirical relationship between redox condition and residence time. The Raz tracer revealed that hyporheic flow paths have strong net aerobic respiration, particularly at higher residence time, but this reactive exchange did not affect the net stream signal at the reach scale.
Environmental Science & Technology | 2014
Laura K. Lautz; Gregory D. Hoke; Zunli Lu; Donald I. Siegel; Kayla Christian; John D. Kessler; Natalie G. Teale
High-volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) gas-drilling operations in the Marcellus Play have raised environmental concerns, including the risk of groundwater contamination. Fingerprinting water impacted by gas-drilling operations is not trivial given other potential sources of contamination. We present a multivariate statistical modeling framework for developing a quantitative, geochemical fingerprinting tool to distinguish sources of high salinity in shallow groundwater. The model was developed using new geochemical data for 204 wells in New York State (NYS), which has a HVHF moratorium and published data for additional wells in NYS and several salinity sources (Appalachian Basin brines, road salt, septic effluent, and animal waste). The model incorporates a stochastic simulation to predict the geochemistry of high salinity (>20 mg/L Cl) groundwater impacted by different salinity sources and then employs linear discriminant analysis to classify samples from different populations. Model results indicate Appalachian Basin brines are the primary source of salinity in 35% of sampled NYS groundwater wells with >20 mg/L Cl. The model provides an effective means for differentiating groundwater impacted by basin brines versus other contaminants. Using this framework, similar discriminatory tools can be derived for other regions from background water quality data.
Ground Water | 2017
Dylan J. Irvine; Martin A. Briggs; Laura K. Lautz; Ryan P. Gordon; Jeffrey M. McKenzie; Ian Cartwright
Heat is a powerful tracer to quantify fluid exchange between surface water and groundwater. Temperature time series can be used to estimate pore water fluid flux, and techniques can be employed to extend these estimates to produce detailed plan-view flux maps. Key advantages of heat tracing include cost-effective sensors and ease of data collection and interpretation, without the need for expensive and time-consuming laboratory analyses or induced tracers. While the collection of temperature data in saturated sediments is relatively straightforward, several factors influence the reliability of flux estimates that are based on time series analysis (diurnal signals) of recorded temperatures. Sensor resolution and deployment are particularly important in obtaining robust flux estimates in upwelling conditions. Also, processing temperature time series data involves a sequence of complex steps, including filtering temperature signals, selection of appropriate thermal parameters, and selection of the optimal analytical solution for modeling. This review provides a synthesis of heat tracing using diurnal temperature oscillations, including details on optimal sensor selection and deployment, data processing, model parameterization, and an overview of computing tools available. Recent advances in diurnal temperature methods also provide the opportunity to determine local saturated thermal diffusivity, which can improve the accuracy of fluid flux modeling and sensor spacing, which is related to streambed scour and deposition. These parameters can also be used to determine the reliability of flux estimates from the use of heat as a tracer.
Water Resources Research | 2016
Kayla Christian; Laura K. Lautz; Gregory D. Hoke; Donald I. Siegel; Zunli Lu; John D. Kessler
Prior work suggests spatial parameters (e.g., landscape position, distance to nearest gas well) can be used to estimate the amount of dissolved methane in domestic drinking water wells overlying the deep Marcellus Shale. New York (NY) provides an opportunity to investigate methane occurrence prior to expansion of high-volume hydraulic fracturing because unconventional gas production is currently banned in the state. We sampled domestic groundwater wells for methane in 2013 (n = 137) across five counties of NY bordering Pennsylvania, and then resampled a subset of those wells in 2014 for methane concentrations and δ13C-CH4 and δD-CH4. The majority of waters from wells sampled (77%) had low concentrations of methane ( 10 mg/L). Dissolved methane concentrations did not change as a function of proximity to existing vertical gas wells, nor other parameters indicating subsurface planes of weakness (i.e., faults or lineaments). Methane levels were significantly higher in wells closer to hydrography flow lines, and most strongly correlated to Na-HCO3 water type. The distribution of methane between Ca-HCO3 (n = 76) and Na-HCO3 (n = 23) water types significantly differed (p < 0.01), with median methane concentrations of 0.002 and 0.78 mg/L, respectively. Combined classification of sampled waters based on the dominant water cation, well topographic position, and geologic unit of well completion effectively identified wells with a greater than 50% probability of having methane concentrations exceeding 1 mg/L. Such classification schemes may be useful as a screening tool to assess natural versus gas production-related sources of methane in domestic wells.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2015
Caroline Aubry-Wake; Michel Baraer; Jeffrey M. McKenzie; Bryan G. Mark; Oliver Wigmore; Robert Hellstrom; Laura K. Lautz; Lauren Somers
Spatially distributed surface temperature is an important, yet difficult to observe, variable for physical glacier melt models. We utilize ground-based thermal infrared imagery to obtain spatially distributed surface temperature data for alpine glaciers. The infrared images are used to investigate thermal microscale processes at the glacier surface, such as the effect of surface cover type and the temperature gradient at the glacier margins on the glaciers temperature dynamics. Infrared images were collected at Cuchillacocha Glacier, Cordillera Blanca, Peru, on 23–25 June 2014. The infrared images were corrected based on ground truth points and local meteorological data. For the control points, the Pearsons correlation coefficient between infrared and station temperatures was 0.95. The ground-based infrared camera has the potential for greatly improving glacier energy budget studies, and our research shows that it is critical to properly correct the thermal images to produce robust, quantifiable data.
Ground Water | 2015
Samuel J. Smidt; Joseph A. Cullin; Adam S. Ward; Jesse Robinson; Margaret A. Zimmer; Laura K. Lautz; Theodore A. Endreny
While restoring hyporheic flowpaths has been cited as a benefit to stream restoration structures, little documentation exists confirming that constructed restoration structures induce comparable hyporheic exchange to natural stream features. This study compares a stream restoration structure (cross-vane) to a natural feature (riffle) concurrently in the same stream reach using time-lapsed electrical resistivity (ER) tomography. Using this hydrogeophysical approach, we were able to quantify hyporheic extent and transport beneath the cross-vane structure and the riffle. We interpret from the geophysical data that the cross-vane and the natural riffle induced spatially and temporally unique hyporheic extent and transport, and the cross-vane created both spatially larger and temporally longer hyporheic flowpaths than the natural riffle. Tracer from the 4.67-h injection was detected along flowpaths for 4.6 h at the cross-vane and 4.2 h at the riffle. The spatial extent of the hyporheic zone at the cross-vane was 12% larger than that at the riffle. We compare ER results of this study to vertical fluxes calculated from temperature profiles and conclude significant differences in the interpretation of hyporheic transport from these different field techniques. Results of this study demonstrate a high degree of heterogeneity in transport metrics at both the cross-vane and the riffle and differences between the hyporheic flowpath networks at the two different features. Our results suggest that restoration structures may be capable of creating sufficient exchange flux and timescales of transport to achieve the same ecological functions as natural features, but engineering of the physical and biogeochemical environment may be necessary to realize these benefits.
Science of The Total Environment | 2016
Kristina M. Gutchess; Li Jin; Laura K. Lautz; Stephen B. Shaw; Xiaoli Zhou; Zunli Lu
Road salt used as a deicing agent in winter months has become an emerging contaminant to streams and groundwater. In central New York, road salts are applied heavily during winter months. Recognizing potential sources of salinity to a river may reveal processes controlling the salinization of freshwater systems, with implications for future management practices. The Tioughnioga River, located in central New York, is a headwater of the Susquehanna River, which flows into the Chesapeake Bay. Salinity of the Tioughnioga River water has been increasing since the late 1930s. In this study, water samples were collected weekly at the East and West Branches of the Tioughnioga River from 2012 to 2014. We characterize natural and anthropogenic sources of salinity in the Tioughnioga River, using two independent approaches: (1) chloride to bromide ratios (Cl/Br) and (2) linear discriminant analysis. Ratios of Cl/Br suggest that road salt runoff influence is notable in both branches, but is more significant in the West Branch, consistent with a greater area of urban land. Linear discriminant analysis confirms the results of Cl/Br in the West Branch and further indicates presence of Appalachian Basin Brines in the East Branch, although their contribution may be volumetrically small. Longitudinal stream Cl concentration profiles indicate that sources of pollution are particularly concentrated around urban areas. Residence time of Cl in the watershed is estimated to be approximately 20 to 30years using a mixing model, suggesting that stream Cl concentrations likely will continue to rise for several decades.
Freshwater Science | 2015
Margaret A. Zimmer; Laura K. Lautz
Reach-scale stream restoration with natural channel design is often used to improve stream ecosystem structure and function. Some investigators have studied the effects of restoration on the hyporheic zone, but most used space-for-time substitution instead of comparing the same reach before and after restoration. We examined spatial patterns of hyporheic exchange rates and geochemistry during base flow in a 30-m pool–riffle–pool sequence before and 1 y after the stream was restored by installation of a cross-vane and engineered rock-riffle. Prerestoration vertical hyporheic exchange rates were relatively uniform across the riffle bedform. Average downwelling was 30 cm/d at or upstream of the riffle, and average upwelling was 30 cm/d downstream of the riffle. Downwelling hyporheic exchange rates increased up to an order of magnitude adjacent to the cross-vane and in the engineered rock-riffle. Prerestoration porewater [NO3−] was distributed along a wide and continuous gradient (0.1–3.8 mg/L), with higher concentrations in areas of downwelling and lower concentrations in areas of upwelling. Postrestoration [NO3−] was distributed bimodally with relatively high concentrations (>1.6 mg/L) adjacent to the cross-vane and low concentrations (<1 mg/L) elsewhere. These results suggest that rapid flushing of surface water through the subsurface creates residence times too short to yield net changes in [NO3−] along flow paths around the cross-vane. Distinct zones of groundwater upwelling were present before and after restoration, but the size of the zone of upwelling increased downstream of the cross-vane after restoration, possibly because higher permeability material was placed over the original, lower permeability sediment during restoration, creating an effective anisotropy that favored horizontal flow and produced larger apparent zones of groundwater discharge.
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State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
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