Leslie D. McFadden
University of New Mexico
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Featured researches published by Leslie D. McFadden.
Geology | 1987
Leslie D. McFadden; Stephen G. Wells; Michael J. Jercinovich
Well-developed desert pavements are present above eolian deposits that mantle flows of the Cima volcanic field, located in the Mojave Desert, California. Soil-stratigraphic data and geochemical data demonstrate that eolian and pedogenic processes play major roles in the evolution of these pavements. Eolian dust (1) accelerates mechanical fragmentation of flow rock, providing the source material for pavements, and (2) accumulates slowly below basaltic colluvium in flow depressions, eventually promoting development of cumulate soils below the evolving stone pavement. An increase in dust flux during the Holocene has raised ancient Pleistocene pavements as much as 20 cm above the former land surface. The results of our studies demonstrate for the first time that most desert pavements do not form by deflation, by overland flow, or by upward migration of stones through a slowly formed, clayey argillic horizon. Desert pavements are born and maintained at the surface.
Quaternary Research | 1987
Stephen G. Wells; Leslie D. McFadden; John C. Dohrenwend
Radiocarbon dating of late Quaternary deposits and shorelines of Lake Mojave and cation-ratio numerical age dating of stone pavements (Dorn, 1984) on the adjacent Soda Mountains piedmont provide age constraints for alluvial and eolian deposits. These deposits are associated with climatically controlled stands of Lake Mojave during the past 15,000 yr. Six alluvial fan units and three eolian stratigraphic units were assigned ages based on field relations with dated shorelines and piedmont surfaces, as well as on soil-geomorphic data. All but one of these stratigraphic units were deposited in response to time-transgressive climatic changes beginning approximately 10,000 yr ago. Increased eolian flux rates occurred in response to the lowering of Lake Mojave and a consequent increase in fine-sediment availability. Increased rates of deposition of eolian fines and associated salts influenced pedogenesis, stone-pavement development, and runoff-infiltration relations by (1) enhancing mechanical weathering of fan surfaces and hillslopes and (2) forming clay- and silt-rich surface horizons which decrease infiltration. Changes in alluvial-fan source areas from hillslopes to piedmonts during the Holocene reflect runoff reduction on hillslopes caused by colluvial mantle development and runoff enhancement on piedmonts caused by the development of less-permeable soils. Inferred increased in early to middle Holocene monsoonal activity resulted in high-magnitude paleo-sheetflood events on older fan pavements; this runoff triggered piedmont dissection which, in turn, caused increased sediment availability along channel walls. Thus, runoff-infiltration changes during the late Quaternary have occurred in response to eolian deposition of fines, pedogenesis, increased sheetflood activity in the Holocene, and vegetational changes which are related to many complicated linkages among climatic change, lake fluctuations, and eolian, hillslope, and alluvial-fan processes.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2009
D.O. Breecker; Zachary D. Sharp; Leslie D. McFadden
In order to better calibrate pedogenic carbonate as a proxy for past environments, we compared the stable isotopic composition of soil CO 2 , soil water, and pedogenic carbonate in young soils from central New Mexico, USA. Seasonal changes in the δ 13 C value of soil CO 2 , the δ 18 O value of soil water, and the soil temperature were monitored to establish the timing of isotopic equilibrium with the carbonate. Calcite solubility was calculated from measured temperatures and CO 2 concentrations in the soil. This approach allowed us to determine the conditions associated with pedogenic carbonate formation. Carbon isotope equilibrium, oxygen isotope equilibrium, and minimum calcite solubility all occurred simultaneously during warm, dry conditions in May 2008 when soil CO 2 concentrations were low. It is therefore concluded that pedogenic carbonate forms during warm, dry periods and does not record mean growing season conditions as typically assumed. The seasonal bias in pedogenic carbonate formation may explain the occurrence of pedogenic carbonate in monsoon climates and its absence in regions where annual precipitation is more uniformly distributed. The implications of the seasonal bias for stable isotope–based paleoenvironmental reconstructions are that paleoelevations may have been previously over- or underestimated, paleoatmospheric CO 2 concentrations likely have been signifi cantly overestimated, and pedogenic carbonate provides a C 4 -biased record of paleovegetation, especially in dry soils.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 1985
Stephen G. Wells; John C. Dohrenwend; Leslie D. McFadden; Brent D. Turrin; Kenneth D. Mahrer
Landscape evolution in the eastern Mojave Desert is recorded by systematic changes in Pliocene to latest Pleistocene volcanic land-forms that show discrete periods of eolian deposition, surface stabilization, drainage-network expansion, and erosion on basaltic lava flows. These processes are documented by K-Ar dating in conjunction with morphometric, sedimentologic, pedologic, and geophysical studies. Lava-flow surfaces are composed of constructional bedrock highs and accretionary eolian mantles with overlying stone pavements. The stratigraphy of these mantles records episodic, climatically induced influxes of eolian fines derived from playa floors and distal piedmont regions. The relative proportions of mantle and exposed bedrock vary with flow age, and flows between 0.25 and 0.75 m.y. old support the most extensive eolian mantle and pavement reflecting landscape stability. Drainage networks evolve on flows by (1) rapid initial extension, (2) maximum extension and elaboration, and (3) abstraction of drainage. Increases in bedrock exposures and erosion of the eolian mantle on flows >0.70 m.y. old coincide with maximum drainage extension and significant changes in soil and hydrologic properties within this mantle. Increasing the content of pedogenic clay and CaCO 3 causes the accretionary mantle9s permeability to decrease; decreased mantle permeability promotes increased runoff, surface erosion, and drainage development. In the late Cenozoic landscape evolution of lava flows, four major stages reflect variations in landscape stability that are controlled by the impact of episodic influxes of eolian fines and increasing soil-profile development on infiltration-runoff properties of the flow surfaces.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 1995
Marith C. Reheis; Jonathan C. Goodmacher; Jennifer W. Harden; Leslie D. McFadden; Thomas K. Rockwell; Ralph R. Shroba; Janet M. Sowers; Emily M. Taylor
Eoliandustconstitutesmuchofthepedogenic material in late Pleistocene and Holocene soils of many arid regions of the world.Comparisonofthecompositionsand influx rates of modern dust with the eolian component of dated soils at 24 sites in southern Nevada and California yields informationon(1)thecompositionandinflux rate of dust in late Pleistocene and Holocene soils, (2) paleoclimate and its effects on the genesis of aridic soils, especially with regard to dustfall events, (3) the timing and relative contribution of dust from playa sources versus alluvial sources, and (4) the effects of accumulation of dust in soil horizons. The<2mmfractionsofAandBhorizons of soils formed on gravelly alluvial-fan deposits in the study area are similar to moderndustingrainsize,contentofCaCO3and salt,majoroxides,andclaymineralogy;thus, they are interpreted to consist largely of dust. The major-oxide compositions of the shallow soil horizons are nearly identical to that of the modern dust, but the compositions of progressively deeper horizons approachthatoftheparentmaterial.Theclay mineralogyofmoderndustatagivensiteis similar to that of the Av horizons of nearby Holocene soils but is commonly different from the mineralogies of deeper soil horizonsandoftheAvhorizonsofnearbyPleistocenesoils.Theseresultsareinterpretedto indicate that dust both accumulates and is transformed in Av horizons with time. Changes in soil-accumulation rates provide insights into the interplay of paleoclimate,dustsupply,andsoil-formingprocesses. Modern dust-deposition rates are more than large enough to account for middle and late Holocene soil-accumulation rates at nearly all sites. However, the early Holocene soil-accumulation rates in areas near late Pleistocene pluvial lakes are much higher than modern rates and clearly indicate a dust-deflation and -deposition event that caused rapid formation offine-grained shallow soil horizons on uppermost Pleistocene and lower Holocene deposits. We interpret late Pleistocene soil-accumulation rates to indicate that dust-deposition rates were low during this period but that increased effective moisture during the late Wisconsinan favored translocation of clay andCaCO3fromnearthesurfacetodeeper inthesoilprofile.Pre‐latePleistocenerates are very low in most areas, mainly due to a pedogenic threshold that was crossed when accumulations of silt, clay, and CaCO3 began to inhibit the downward transport of eolian material, but in part due to erosion.
Geomorphology | 1998
Leslie D. McFadden; Eric V. McDonald; Stephen G. Wells; Kirk C. Anderson; Jay Quade; Steven L. Forman
Abstract The vesicular, fine-grained A horizon (Av) is the widespread, ubiquitous surficial horizon of desert soils in diverse landforms and parent materials of varying ages. Now known to form mostly through accumulation of eolian dust, recent studies show that dust accumulation and concomitant soil development are genetically linked to stone pavement formation. Changes in the magnitude of eolian activity and effective leaching related to Quaternary climatic changes are also hypothesized to have influenced the evolution of the Av horizon. Numerical modeling, geochronologic, and field/laboratory studies elucidate the nature of pedogenic processes controlling compositional evolution of Av, how the changing Av horizon increasingly influences soil infiltration and carbonate translocation and accumulation, and the control that clasts of the evolving pavement exert on pedogenic processes. Results of a model that determines soil bulk chemical composition based on mixing of estimated proportions of externally derived (eolian) material and parent materials imply that the evolution of the soil bulk composition is strongly influenced by Av horizon formation. The early development of a weakly to moderately developed Av horizon directly over gravelly parent material in late and middle Holocene soils moderately influences soil infiltration, but significant leaching of very soluble materials and some carbonate in dust are permitted. In older, Pleistocene soils, however, the texturally more mature Av and underlying, cumulic nongravelly horizons more strongly limit the rate and depth of leaching, and soil bulk composition therefore more closely approximates a simple mixture of dust and parent material. Other aspects of Av horizon development and its relations to the pavement are evaluated through studies of pavement clasts with coatings of soil carbonate, referred to as carbonate collars. Development of a numerical model that integrates soil hydrology, a CO2 production–diffusion model, calcite kinetics and thermodynamic considerations, composition and thermal characteristics of pavement clasts and the textural and structural properties of the surface horizon provides the basis for testing a hypothesis of collar formation. Model results, combined with results of δ13C and δ18O analyses of collar carbonate, demonstrate how precipitation of calcite on pavement clasts and within the Av is favored at a depth much shallower than that indicated by the classic carbonate depth–climate relationship of Jenny and Leonard [Jenny, H.J., Leonard, C.D., 1935. Functional relationships between soil properties and rainfall. Soil Science 38, 363–381] and Arkley [Arkley, R.J., 1963. Calculations of carbonate and water movement in soil from climatic data. Soil Science 96, 239–248], or simulated by numerical models of carbonate accumulation. Simultaneous development of thick carbonate collars and the Av horizon requires the sustained pavement clast–Av horizon coupling for at least centuries to possibly millennia. New thermoluminescence ages also indicate that much of the Av horizon formed in the Holocene, and that it is certainly much younger than the older Pleistocene pavements. This supports the previously proposed hypothesis that increased dust flux during the Pleistocene-to-Holocene transition triggered and/or greatly accelerated Av horizon development. An understanding of the genesis of collars provides not just an understanding of how carbonate can accumulate in surface environments, but it also provides important clues into processes of pavement evolution and preservation of Av horizons during long glacial periods. The Av horizon is not merely an insignificant surficial zone of recent dust accretion; instead, its development profoundly influences the genesis of desert soils and pavements.
Quaternary Research | 1989
Leslie D. McFadden; John B. Ritter; Stephen G. Wells
Numerical and calibrated age determinations of the late Quaternary alluvial fan deposits of the Soda Mountains piedmont in the Mojave Desert provide an opportunity to study the utility of the multiparameter relative-age (RA) method for distinguishing and mapping geomorphic surfaces on a desert piedmont. Most RA parameters could not discriminate between deposits of Holocene age, although pavements have formed over locally significant parts of surfaces as young as middle Holocene. Several parameters, including lithologic composition, particle size, soil development, and varnish cover, permit distinguishing between Holocene surfaces and late Pleistocene surfaces. Statistically significant differences in initial particle size and lithology of the deposits, inferred to be the result of complex interaction among hillslope, alluvial fan, and eolian processes and climatic change, create conditions unfavorable for use of most RA techniques. In contrast, soil-profile development and varnish cover data are successful in discrimination among deposits of Holocene and Pleistocene age. This is attributed to the development of pedogenic features and varnish that are strongly dependent on dust influx and to the relatively minor dependence of these features on differences in the depositional character of the fan.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2010
D.O. Breecker; Zachary D. Sharp; Leslie D. McFadden
Quantifying atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]atm) during Earth’s ancient greenhouse episodes is essential for accurately predicting the response of future climate to elevated CO2 levels. Empirical estimates of [CO2]atm during Paleozoic and Mesozoic greenhouse climates are based primarily on the carbon isotope composition of calcium carbonate in fossil soils. We report that greenhouse [CO2]atm have been significantly overestimated because previously assumed soil CO2 concentrations during carbonate formation are too high. More accurate [CO2]atm, resulting from better constraints on soil CO2, indicate that large (1,000s of ppmV) fluctuations in [CO2]atm did not characterize ancient climates and that past greenhouse climates were accompanied by concentrations similar to those projected for A.D. 2100.
Geology | 1995
Stephen G. Wells; Leslie D. McFadden; Jane Poths; Chad Tracy Olinger
The formation of stone pavements, a ubiquitous gravel armor mantling landforms in arid regions of the world, has been previously attributed to erosion by wind and water or alternating shrinking and swelling of soil horizons, implying that gravel is concentrated at the land surface in a time-transgressive manner. A newly proposed model for pavement evolution differs from these models in that pavement clasts are continuously maintained atthelandsurfaceinresponsetodepositionandpedogenicmodificationofwindblowndust. In-situ cosmogenic 3 He surface-exposure ages on volcanic and alluvial landforms in the Mojave Desert of California are used to understand pavement evolution over geologic time scales and to test this new model. These exposure ages are stratigraphically consistent, show internal consistency at each site, and, for stone pavements adjacent to pristine, continuously exposed volcanic bedrock, are indistinguishable at the 1! level. We conclude that stone pavements are born at the surface and that pavements may provide one of the longest-term records of geologic, hydrologic, and climatic processes operating on desert surfaces.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2005
Leslie D. McFadden; Martha Cary Eppes; Alan R. Gillespie; Bernard Hallet
Despite the prominent role of physical weathering in arid and semi-arid landscapes, there has been little study of the specifi c processes responsible for the rapid breakdown of subaerially exposed rocks. For example, many boulders and cobbles in deserts exhibit fi ne near-vertical cracks. Although workers have hypothesized that these and other cracks are initiated by diurnal heating and cooling, no convincing specifi c mechanism for their formation has been proposed. We have characterized these cracks at eight sites on surfaces of different ages in the Mojave, Sonoran, and Chihuahuan Deserts, and the high desert of central New Mexico. Our data reveal four basic types of cracks: longitudinal, surfaceparallel, fabric-related, and meridional. The orientations of the fi rst three types are associated with clast shape and rock fabric. The azimuths of meridional cracks, however, are preferentially aligned north-south, typically with a nonrandom multimodal distribution. We propose that these cracks are caused by tensile stresses that arise in the interior of clasts due to strong radial gradients in temperature that evolve and rotate in alignment with the sun’s rays. We suggest that the multimodal nature of crack orientations may be in part attributable to the seasonally varying, latitude-dependent solar elevation angle. Over millennial time scales, we suggest that this thermal cracking is an effi cient weathering process that, together with cumulic soil epipedon development, creates the key attributes of most desert pavements. In addition to individual clasts exposed on desert surfaces, this mechanism of cracking is potentially signifi cant in other climates and on other planets, as well as for rock outcrops and for man-made structures.