Grant A. Meyer
University of New Mexico
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Featured researches published by Grant A. Meyer.
Nature | 2004
Jennifer L. Pierce; Grant A. Meyer; A. J. Timothy Jull
Western US ponderosa pine forests have recently suffered extensive stand-replacing fires followed by hillslope erosion and sedimentation. These fires are usually attributed to increased stand density as a result of fire suppression, grazing and other land use, and are often considered uncharacteristic or unprecedented. Tree-ring records from the past 500 years indicate that before Euro-American settlement, frequent, low-severity fires maintained open stands. However, the pre-settlement period between about ad 1500 and ad 1900 was also generally colder than present, raising the possibility that rapid twentieth-century warming promoted recent catastrophic fires. Here we date fire-related sediment deposits in alluvial fans in central Idaho to reconstruct Holocene fire history in xeric ponderosa pine forests and examine links to climate. We find that colder periods experienced frequent low-severity fires, probably fuelled by increased understory growth. Warmer periods experienced severe droughts, stand-replacing fires and large debris-flow events that comprise a large component of long-term erosion and coincide with similar events in sub-alpine forests of Yellowstone National Park. Our results suggest that given the powerful influence of climate, restoration of processes typical of pre-settlement times may be difficult in a warmer future that promotes severe fires.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 1995
Grant A. Meyer; Stephen G. Wells; A. J. Timothy Jull
We employed a systemwide approach, a large and robust set of radiocarbon ages, and modern process analogs to interpret the Holocene history of forest fire–related sedimentation and overall alluvial activity in northeastern Yellowstone National Park. Debris-flow and flood events following the 1988 fires provided facies models for interpreting the stratigraphic record of fire-related sedimentation within valley-side alluvial fans of Soda Butte Creek. Fire-related deposits make up approximately 30% of the late Holocene fan alluvium. Fifty 14 C ages on fire-related events cluster within the intervals of 3300–2900, 2600–2400, 2200–1800, and 1400–800 yr B.P. and suggest earlier episodes of large fires and fan aggradation around 7500, 5500, and 4600–4000 yr B.P. A major pulse of fire-related debris-flow activity between 950 and 800 yr B.P. coincided with the height of the widely recognized Medieval Warm Period (ca. a.d. 1050–1200). Instrumental climate records over the last ∼100 yr in Yellowstone imply that the intensity and interannual variability of summer precipitation are greater during warmer periods, enhancing the potential for severe short-term drought, major forest fires, and storm-generated fan deposition. Along lower Soda Butte Creek, fill-cut terrace treads were created by lateral migration of channels and accumulation of overbank sediments ca. 8000 yr B.P. (terrace level T1a), 7000–5600 (T1b), 3100–2600 (T2), 2000–1300 (T3), and post–800 yr B.P. (T4). These periods coincide with overbank sedimentation on Slough Creek and the Lamar River but alternate with intervals of fire-related fan deposition, implying a strong climatic control. Local paleoclimatic data suggest cooler, effectively wetter conditions during terrace tread formation. In warmer, drier intervals, reduced average runoff in axial streams results in meander-belt narrowing; concurrent channel incision may be caused by infrequent large floods. Greater resistance to downcutting, however, allowed fewer terraces to be formed along Slough Creek and the Lamar River. Alluvial systems in northeastern Yellowstone show a clear response to millennial-scale climatic cycles, wherein alluvial fans aggrade and prograde over flood plains in drier periods. Axial streams widen their flood plains and trim back the fans during wetter periods. “Small-scale” climatic fluctuations of the Holocene thus had substantial impact on postglacial landscapes in northeastern Yellowstone.
Journal of Sedimentary Research | 1997
Grant A. Meyer; Stephen G. Wells
ABSTRACT We document initiation and flow processes, deposit facies, and geomorphic effects of forest-fire-related sedimentation on small alluvial fans in Yellowstone National Park. Brief, intense convective-storm precipitation on steep basins burned in the 1988 fires produced sedimentation events involving a variety of depositional processes on fans. Over the course of all documented events, flows on fans progressed from higher to lower sediment concentration. Events were often dominated by either debris flows or relatively sediment-poor streamflow processes; in some events, however, flows ranging a over wide spectrum of sediment concentration produced significant fan deposits. Debris flows were generated by progressive sediment bulking involving pervasive surface runoff and rill erosion on st ep upper basin slopes, followed by deep incision as flows progressed down channels. Debris-flow deposits show a marked decline in thickness and coarse gravel content downfan, often with extensive distal gravel-poor facies. We recognized a relatively minor percentage of noncohesive debris-flow and hyperconcentrated-flow facies, with sorting and stratification intermediate between muddy debris-flow and streamflow facies; these were deposited where dilute flows bulked with coarse sediment by eroding channel alluvium or earlier deposits of the event. Below incised fan channels, streamflows expanded as sheetfloods, which prograded lower fans with distally fining deposits. Basins > 3 km2 typically produced streamflow events on fans, but sediment texture and availability on slopes and in channels are primary factors determining flow processes on fans of smaller basins. Burned soil surfaces provided abundant silt and clay for debris-flow generation, but because soil surface sediment was stripped and/or compacted over time, the lack of available fines resulted in dominance of streamflow processes in later events.
Forest Ecology and Management | 2003
Grant A. Meyer; Jennifer L. Pierce
Fire management addressing postfire erosion and aquatic ecosystems tends to focus on short-term effects persisting up to about a decade after fire. A longer perspective is important in understanding natural variability in postfire erosion and sedimentation, the role of these processes in structuring habitat, and future expectations in light of a warming climate and environmental change. In cool high-elevation forests of northern Yellowstone National Park, stand ages indicate infrequent large stand-replacing fires. In warmer low-elevation forests of the Payette River region of Idaho, fire-scarred tree-rings record frequent low-severity fires before 1900; stand-replacing fires and resulting debris flows in recent decades are usually attributed to 20thcentury fire suppression, grazing, and other land uses. In both areas, however, tree-ring records extend back only about 500 years. We use 14 C-dated geologic records to examine spatial and temporal patterns of fire-induced sedimentation and its relation to climate over the last 10 000 years. We review sedimentation processes in modern postfire events, which vary in magnitude and impact on stream systems depending on burn severity, basin geomorphology, and the timing and characteristics of postfire storms. Modern deposits also provide analogs for identification of fire-related deposits in alluvial fans. In Yellowstone, episodes of fire-induced sedimentation occurred at intervals of about 300‐450 years during the last 3500 years, indicating a regime of infrequent high-severity fires. Millennial-scale variations in the fire-sedimentation record appear to relate to hemispheric-scale climatic change. Fire-related sedimentation is rare in Yellowstone during cooler episodes (e.g., the Little Ice Age � 1200‐1900 A.D.), probably because effectively wetter conditions prevented most fires from spreading. During some of the same cool periods, the Payette region experienced light surface fires and frequent, small pulses of fire-induced sediment. Between 900 and 1200 A.D., however, large fire-related debris flows occurred in both study areas, coincident with the Medieval Warm Period. During that time, drought may have limited grass growth in xeric Payette-region forests, restricting surface fire spread and allowing understory shrubs and trees to create ladder fuels. Although fire suppression and land-use effects are clearly involved in recent catastrophic fires in the Payette region, a warming climate and severe drought are probable contributors to major stand-replacing fires and postfire sedimentation, both past and present. Restoration and maintenance of conditions prior to European settlement may be unrealistic because of the potent influence of climate, and the incidence of severe fires will likely increase in both areas with future warming. # 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology | 1992
Robert C. Balling; Grant A. Meyer; Stephen G. Wells
Abstract The statistical relation between annual burn area in Yellowstone National Park and local climate conditions is established over the past century. Our analyses reveal that the summer Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) can account for approximately one-third of the temporal variance in the burn area data. Owing largely to a reduction in antecedent wintertime precipitation, a statistically significant decline in summer PDSI values (representing a trend toward increasing aridity) is identified for the Yellowstone area.
Climatic Change | 1992
Robert C. Balling; Grant A. Meyer; Stephen G. Wells
The increased frequency of wildfires in the United States has become a common prediction associated with the build-up of greenhouse gases. In this investigation, variations in annual wildfire data in Yellowstone National Park are compared to variations in historical climate conditions for the area. Univariate and multivariate analytical techniques reveal that (a) summer temperatures in the Park are increasing, (b) January-June precipitation levels are decreasing, and (c) variations in burn area within the Park are significantly related to the observed variations in climate. Outputs from four different general circulation model simulations for 2 × CO2 are included in the analyses; model predictions for increasing aridity in the Yellowstone Park area are generally in agreement with observed trends in the historical climate records.
Geology | 2001
W. Andrew Marcus; Grant A. Meyer; DelWayne R. Nimmo
A half-century after mine closure, metal contamination from sulfide ore mining in the headwaters continues to impair riparian vegetation and aquatic macroinvertebrates along Soda Butte Creek, Yellowstone National Park. A tailings dam failure in 1950 emplaced metal-rich sediment at high flood-plain levels, above 50 yr to 100 yr flood stages in 1996 and 1997. These large natural floods removed only a small part of the contaminated sediment through bank erosion; they also failed to lower in-channel Cu concentrations, because increased erosion of mine waste during high flows balances increased inputs of uncontaminated sediments, generating no net change in concentrations. Geomorphic processes controlling movement of contaminated sediments indicate that mine impacts will persist for centuries in Soda Butte Creek and imply long-lasting impacts in similarly affected streams worldwide.
International Journal of Wildland Fire | 2008
Jennifer L. Pierce; Grant A. Meyer
Alluvial fan deposits are widespread and preserve millennial-length records of fire. We used these records to examine changes in fire regimes over the last 2000 years in Yellowstone National Park mixed-conifer forests and drier central Idaho ponderosa pine forests. In Idaho, frequent, small, fire-related erosional events occurred within the Little Ice Age (~1450–1800 AD), when greater effective moisture probably promoted grass growth and low-severity fires. This regime is consistent with tree-ring records showing generally wetter conditions and frequent fires before European settlement. At higher elevations in Yellowstone, cool conditions limited overall fire activity. Conversely, both Idaho and Yellowstone experienced a peak in fire-related debris flows between ~950 and 1150 AD. During this generally warmer time, severe multidecadal droughts were interspersed with unusually wet intervals that probably increased forest densities, producing stand-replacing fires. Thus, severe fires are clearly within the natural range of variability in Idaho ponderosa pine forests over longer timescales. Historical records indicate that large burn areas in Idaho correspond with drought intervals within the past 100 years and that burn area has increased markedly since ~1985. Recent stand-replacing fires in ponderosa pine forests are likely related to both changes in management and increasing temperatures and drought severity during the 20th century.
Geomorphology | 2001
Grant A. Meyer
Abstract The Lamar River watershed of northeastern Yellowstone contains some of the most diverse and important habitat in the national park. Broad glacial valley floors feature grassland winter range for ungulates, riparian vegetation that provides food and cover for a variety of species, and alluvial channels that are requisite habitat for native fish. Rapid Neogene uplift and Quaternary climatic change have created a dynamic modern environment in which catastrophic processes exert a major influence on riverine–riparian ecosystems. Uplift and glacial erosion have generated high local relief and extensive cliffs of friable volcaniclastic bedrock. As a result, steep tributary basins produce voluminous runoff and sediment during intense precipitation and rapid snowmelt. Recent major floods on trunk streams deposited extensive overbank gravels that replaced loamy soils on flood plains and allowed conifers to colonize valley-floor meadows. Tree-ring dating identifies major floods in 1918, ca. 1873, and possibly ca. 1790. In 1996 and 1997, discharge during snowmelt runoff on Soda Butte Creek approached the 100-year flood estimated by regional techniques, with substantial local bank erosion and channel widening. Indirect estimates show that peak discharges in 1918 were approximately three times greater than in 1996, with similar duration and much greater flood plain impact. Nonetheless, 1918 peak discharge reconstructions fall well within the range of maximum recorded discharges in relation to basin area in the upper Yellowstone region. The ∼1873 and 1918 floods produced lasting impacts on the channel form and flood plain of Soda Butte Creek. Channels may still be locally enlarged from flood erosion, and net downcutting has occurred in some reaches, leaving the pre-1790 flood plain abandoned as a terrace. Gravelly overbank deposits raise flood-plain surfaces above levels of frequent inundation and are well drained, therefore flood-plain soils are drier. Noncohesive gravels also reduce bank stability and may have persistent effects on channel form. Overall, floods are part of a suite of catastrophic geomorphic processes that exert a very strong influence on landscape patterns and valley-floor ecosystems in northeastern Yellowstone.
Geosphere | 2007
Tim F. Wawrzyniec; Les McFadden; Amy L. Ellwein; Grant A. Meyer; Louis A. Scuderi; Joe McAuliffe; Peter J. Fawcett
The advent of high-resolution, precise, back-pack portable terrestrial lidar scanners (TLS) provides a revolutionary new tool for obtaining quantitative, high-resolution (2-mm to 30-mm point spacing) measurements of landscape surface features. Moreover, data collected using these instruments allow observation of geomorphic processes in systems that can experience change on a daily basis. We have introduced TLS techniques in ongoing investigations of semiarid landscapes associated with weakly cemented sandstones along part of the Black Mesa escarpment of NE Arizona. Clay-cemented, Jurassic sandstones exposed along this escarpment are sensitive to moisture, and thus climate, via hydration-expansion weathering of interstitial clay. Sediment shed from weathered slopes has caused locally rapid valley floor aggradation and upper basin slope vertical denudation rates of 2–3 mm/yr over 10- to 100-yr timescales, as indicated by dendrochronology coupled with soil geomorphic analysis. These rates suggest rapid hillslope denudation rates. Employing the University of New Mexico Lidar Laboratory Optech Ilris 3D TLS, we are constructing a high-resolution model of two major basins along the escarpment. Focusing on a single, small (30 × 60 m) area of a mostly non-vegetated, steep slope (>35°), we demonstrate in this paper a method of comparative analysis of point-cloud data sets that can detect subcentimeter change resulting from a single season of monsoon precipitation along the escarpment. Using repeat scans can provide an empirical evaluation of single season erosion rates in the study site, and because our observations are geospatial in nature, we can also document the parts of the slopes that make the greatest contribution to local valley floor aggradation. In demonstrating the utility of this method, we expect that continued investigation of this site will provide insight to the key processes associated with soil-mantled versus bedrock-dominated slopes during modern escarpment retreat and hillslope modification, which, in turn, may further elucidate the impacts of Holocene climate change on this rapidly evolving landscape.