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Featured researches published by Maja Račić.

The Journal of Adult Protection | 2006

The prevalence of mistreatment among the elderly with mental disorders in primary health care settings

Maja Račić; Srebrenka Kusmuk; Ljilja Kozomara; Branka Debelnogic; Rajna Tepic

Elder mistreatment is a widespread medical and social problem that is often under‐recognised by primary care physicians. The primary aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of elder mistreatment among elderly patients with mental disorders in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One‐hundred‐and‐eighty‐four patients with different mental disorders were asked to complete the EAST questionnaire as part of a comprehensive geriatric assessment. Screening results were evaluated, and patients who had responses associated with ‘mistreatment’ were invited back to the clinics for additional clinical evaluation. Different types of mistreatment were identified in 71% of all patients. This led to a conclusion that screening for elder mistreatment should be a part of the routine health assessment for all older persons and a part of comprehensive geriatric assessment.

Slovenian Journal of Public Health | 2017

Self- perceived stress in relation to anxiety, depression and health-related quality of life among health professions students: A cross-sectional study from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Maja Račić; Radica Todorovic; Nedeljka Ivković; Srdjan Masic; Bojan Joksimović; Milan Kulić

Abstract Introduction The purpose of the present study was to examine self-perceived stress of health professions students at the Faculty of Medicine Foča, and to explore its association with anxiety, depression and health-related quality of life. Methods The cross-sectional study enrolled 451 students at the Faculty of Medicine (medicine, dentistry, nursing and speech therapy). Survey instruments were distributed at the conclusion of the spring semester during the last required lecture for each year and study programme class. Perceived stress was assessed using the 14-item Perceived Stress Scale. The students were evaluated for symptoms of depression and anxiety, using Zung’s self-assessment inventory for depression and the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). European Quality of Life-5 dimensions were used for describing and evaluating health. Multivariate analyses were carried out using logistic regression to examine the relationship between the outcome variable and selected determinant factors. Results A high degree of stress was reported by 1.6% of students, while the majority of students had either moderate (70.6%) or low degree (27.5%) of stress. The significant independent factors associated with perceived stress were anxiety score (OR, 0.339; CI 95%, 0.276-0.403) and EQ-5D score (OR, 0.044; CI 95%, 0.033-0.085). A high degree of perceived stress (OR, 0.624; CI 95%, 0.507-0.704), the presence of depression (OR, 0.800; CI 95%, 0.513-1.087), and low quality of life were associated with anxiety (OR, 0.073; CI 95%, 0.018-0.128). Conclusion Higher levels of perceived stress predispose health professions students for anxiety and lower quality of life. The study programme was not a significant determinant of perceived stress sore.

Acta Medica Academica | 2014

The effects of diabetes mellitus and hypertension on work productivity

Vesna Krstović-Spremo; Maja Račić; Bojan Joksimović; Vedrana R. Joksimović

OBJECTIVE The primary objective of this paper is to examine the impact of diabetes mellitus on the ability to work in patients with diabetes mellitus. The second objective of this paper is to examine the differences in the ability to work between patients with diabetes mellitus and patients with other chronic diseases, such as hypertension. MATERIAL AND METHODS A study was conducted in 10 family medicine practices from two primary health care centers, Pale and East Sarajevo, in the period between July 2009 and May 2010, utilising a retrospective medical records review and a cross sectional survey. The outcomes used to portray respondents health status included functional measures and ability to work. Functional measures were analyzed using SF-36 and a general questionnaire. Absenteeism and productivity loss were retrospectively analyzed for the past ten years from a regional sick-leave database and the administrative records of the Commission for the assessment of work capacity for the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of the Republika Srpska respectively. RESULTS Out of the total number of patients with diabetes, 24.6% had some form of disability. A statistically significant difference was found between the two groups; patients with diabetes mellitus were much more likely to have problems meeting the required standards at the workplace due to emotional and physical health issues compared to hypertensive patients. CONCLUSION Diabetes mellitus appears to reduce an individuals ability to work in comparison to patients with hypertension. There is a need to set up a diabetes mellitus prevention program and to develop and implement effective targeted intervention to help workers to manage their disease better.

Renal Failure | 2015

Comprehensive geriatric assessment: comparison of elderly hemodialysis patients and primary care patients

Maja Račić; Nenad Petković; Koviljka Bogićević; Ivko Marić; Jelena Matović; Velimirka Pejović; Marijana Kovačević; Ljubica Djukanovic

Abstract Backgrounds: The quality of life and survival of elderly depend not only on their age but on many social and health factors. In the present study, comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) was made in elderly patients on regular hemodialysis (HD) and those without chronic kidney disease recruited in primary health care in order to compare their sociodemographic characteristics, physical health, functional ability and social support. Method: The 106 HD patients and 300 primary care patients aged 70 years and more were studied. Data on sociodemographic characteristics, neurosensory deficits, pain, falls, polypharmacy, basic activities of daily living (ADL) questionnaire, instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) questionnaire were obtained during interview. The Timed Up and Go, Nutritional Health Checklist, Two Question Instrument for depression and Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) were applied. Results: No significant differences were found for age, gender, education level and dwelling between the two groups. A lower percentage of HD patients lived alone when compared with controls. BMI >25 kg/m2 had 43.4% of HD patients and 49.3% of controls. CCI differed significantly between HD and primary care patients (median: 6 vs. 4) and significantly more HD patients reported depression. No significant difference was found between groups for cognitive dysfunction and ADL, but HD patients had significantly lower IADL scores than controls. The mobility of HD patients was worse; 45.7% of them reported falls in the previous year but only 9.7% from the controls. Conclusions: CGA revealed that HD patients had significantly higher CCI, worse IADL score, mobility and reported more frequent falls, depression and impaired vision than primary care patients.

Frontiers in Public Health | 2017

Medicine Availability and Prescribing Policy for Non-Communicable Diseases in the Western Balkan Countries

Tanja Pekez-Pavlisko; Maja Račić; Srebrenka Kusmuk

Background During the transition processes, the Western Balkan countries were affected by conflicts and transition-related changes. Life expectancy in these countries is lower, while the mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is higher in comparison with western and northern parts of Europe. The primary aim of this study was to analyze the treatment possibilities for the most common NCDs in the Western Balkan countries. The secondary aim was to understand and compare the policies regarding prescribing-related competencies of family physicians. Methods In June and July 2017, a document analysis was performed of national positive medicines lists, strategic documents, and clinical guidelines for the treatment of the most frequent NCDs; arterial hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). All text phrases that referred to medicines prescribing were extracted and sorted into following domains: medicine availability, prescribing policy, and medication prescribing-related competencies. Results Possibilities for treatment of arterial hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, asthma, and COPD vary across the Western Balkan countries. This variance is reflected in the number of registered medicines, number of parallels, and number of different combinations, as well as restrictions placed on family physicians in prescribing insulin, inhaled corticosteroids, statins and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), without consultant’s recommendation. Conclusion Western Balkan countries are capable of providing essential medicines for the treatment of NCDs, with full or partial reimbursement. There are some exceptions, related to statins, newer generation of oral antidiabetic agents and some of the antihypertensive combinations. Prescribing-related competences of family physicians are limited. However, this practice is not compliant to the practices of family medicine, its principles and primary care structures, and may potentially result in increased health-care financial ramifications to both the system and patients due to frequent referrals to the specialists.


Internet and computer addiction: “new age” disease of the 21st century

Snežana Medenica; Maja Račić; Vedrana R. Joksimović

The aim of this paper is to give a brief overview of research and the newest theoretical considerations on internet addiction classification and treatment. Over the past years we have been increasingly facing the so-called “new age” disease of internet addiction as a serious problem affecting numerous people, especially the young population who has made social networks and other internet contents a modus vivendi. A literature search was conducted for the purpose of locating information on prevalence, diagnosis and treatment of internet and computer addiction. Certain researchers and psychiatrists believe that the excessive internet use is a symptom of other disorders, such as depression and anxiety, or impulse control disorder. However, over the past few years a consensus has been reached that this constellation of symptoms is actually an addiction disorder. The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) has recently come up with a new definition, according to which addiction represents a chronic brain disorder. Consequently, the new American Classification of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) has introduced this form of addiction under the diagnostic category dubbed “cybernetic disorder”. The field of internet addiction is advancing rapidly through its official recognition as a separate and distinct addiction disorder. Some individuals with internet addiction are at significant risk and merit professional care and treatment. There are several treatments available, but the primary prevention is the most effective intervention. Family practitioners and psychiatrists should be taught to screen their patients for this disorder.

Primary Care Diabetes | 2015

Quality of diabetes care in family medicine practices in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina

Maja Račić; Srebrenka Kusmuk; Srđan Mašić; Sinisa Ristic; Nedeljka Ivković; Ljubica Djukanovic; Djordje Božović

OBJECTIVES In the present study, the audit of medical files of patients with diabetes, followed in family medicine practices in the eastern region of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), was carried out in order to investigate the frequency of the use of screening tests for early diagnosis of diabetes complications. METHODS The audit was conducted in 32 family medicine practices from 12 primary health care centers in the eastern part of BiH over one-year period (March 2010 to March 2011). A specially established audit team randomly selected medical files of 20 patients with diabetes from the Diabetes Registry administered by each family medicine team database. Screening tests assessed are selected according to the ADA guidelines. RESULTS Frequency of the individual screening test varied between 99%, found for at least one blood pressure measurement, and 3.8% for ABI measurement. When the frequency of optimal use of screening was analyzed, only 1% of patients received all recommended screening tests. CONCLUSION The frequency of the use of screening tests for chronic diabetes complications was found to be low in the eastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that longer duration of diabetes and a larger number of diabetics per practice were associated with a smaller number of screening tests, but specialists in family medicine provided a higher number of screening tests compared to other physicians.

Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis | 2015

Biomarkers of Stress in Saliva / Biomarkeri stresa u pljuvački

Nedeljka Ivković; Đorđe Božović; Maja Račić; Dijana Popović-Grubač; Brankica Davidović

SUMMARY Stress is defined as a state in which homeostasis, as a dynamic balance of internal conditions necessary for the proper functioning of cells or the living organism as a whole, is affected by the action of various stressors. Stress reaction occurs as a result of stress system activities, which is located in the central and peripheral nervous system. Stress evaluation involves a qualitative and quantitative analyses and valuation of certain biologically active substances (biomarkers of stress) in body fluids that are so often associated with stress. Saliva as a diagnostic medium is being increasingly used for purposes of clinical and basic research because of its composition and content as well as the advantages of the process of sampling, as compared to traditional methods of collecting blood samples and urine samples. Cortisol, as a biomarker of stress, is the most often studied salivary biomarker, which is associated with the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis. Since stress leads to the suppression of the immune system, values of salivary secretory IgA and salivary lysozyme, as biomarkers of stress, can be analyzed. In saliva, it is difficult to monitor acute stress parameters, catecholamines, due to their low concentrations, rapid degradation and instability in the samples. Chromogranin A (CgA) and α-amylase enzyme can be used as alternative indices of adrenergic activity during stress reactions, due to their stability in saliva and reliability of the obtained values. Stress reaction and the diseases in whose pathogenesis it participates are yet another proof of the constant interaction of physical, psychological and social factors in health / disease SAŽETAK Stres se definiše kao stanje u kome je homeostaza, kao dinamička ravnoteža unutrašnjih uslova neophodnih za pravilno funkcionisanje ćelija ili živog organizma u cjelini, ugrožena djelovanjem različitih stresora. Stresna reakcija nastaje kao posljedica aktivnosti tzv. stres sistema, koji je smješten u centralnom i perifernom nervnom sistemu. Stres sistem, preko odgovarajućih medijatora, stimuliše kataboličke, lipolitičke, antireproduktivne i imunosupresivne efekte stresne reakcije s ciljem preusmjeravanja energije zbog povećane potrebe organizma u trenutku značajnim za njegovo preživljavanje. Evaluacija stresa podrazumijeva kvalitativno i kvantitativno analiziranje i vrednovanje određenih biološki aktivnih komponenti (biomarkera stresa) u tjelesnim tečnostima koje se dovode u vezu sa stresom. Pljuvačka se kao dijagnostički medijum sve češće koristi za klinička i bazična istraživanja zbog mogućnosti koje pruža, s obzirom na njen sastav i sadržaj kao i na prednosti samog procesa uzorkovanja u odnosu na tradicionalne metode prikupljanja uzoraka krvi i urina. Od biomarkera stresa, u pljuvački je najčešće ispitivan kortizol, koji se dovodi u vezu sa aktivacijom hipotalamus-hipofiza-adrenalne (HPA) osovine. S obzirom da stres dovodi do supresije imunog sistema, u pljuvački se mogu analizirati i vrijednosti sekretornog IgA i lizozima kao biomarkera stresa. Parametre akutnog stresa, kateholamine, teško je pratiti u pljuvački zbog njihove male koncentracije, brze degradacije i nestabilnosti u uzetim uzorcima. Kao alternativni indeksi adrenergičke aktivnosti tokom stresne reakcije, zbog stabilnosti u pljuvački i pouzdanosti dobijenih vrijednosti, mogu se koristiti hromogramin A (CgA) i enzim α-amilaza. Stresna reakcija i oboljenja u čijoj etiopatogenezi ona učestvuje još su jedan dokaz stalne interakcije fizičkih, psihičkih i socijalnih faktora u zdravlju/bolesti

Journal of oral and facial pain and headache | 2018

Relationship Between Symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorders and Estrogen Levels in Women with Different Menstrual Status

Nedeljka Ivković; Maja Račić; Radoslavka Lecic; Djordje Bozovic; Milan Kulić

AIMS To evaluate whether serum estrogen level is associated with chronic pain, masticatory dysfunction, and depressive symptoms and/or somatization in women with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and different menstrual cycle status. METHODS A total of 64 women were allocated into one of three groups: one composed of women with normal menstrual cycles (Group 1), one composed of pregnant women (Group 2), and one composed of women in surgical menopause (Group 3). All respondents underwent a standardized clinical examination with the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD). Diagnoses were generated according to Axis I, and grades of chronic pain, depressive symptoms, and somatization were evaluated according to Axis II. The level of serum estradiol was measured by using the immunofluorescent method. Analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis test with post hoc comparisons via series of Mann-Whitney U tests, and Spearman correlation coefficient were used for comparisons between study participants. RESULTS Reported pain was decreased with the progress of pregnancy among the women from Group 2 and was the lowest at the 36th week of pregnancy. Women in surgical menopause reported higher pain intensity as well as more difficulties with chewing and eating hard and soft food compared to the other subjects. Depressive symptoms and somatization were lowest among the women with advanced pregnancy and the highest among menopausal women. CONCLUSION TMD-related chronic pain grade, masticatory dysfunction, and depressive symptoms and somatization are the highest when the estrogen level is the lowest.

Journal of Public Health | 2018

Health-related quality of life in outpatients with chronic heart failure associated with sideropenic anemia

Biljana Djukic; Maja Račić; Biljana Mijović; Nedeljka Ivković

AimsThe aim of this study was to assess the impact of anemia and iron deficiency on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in outpatients with chronic congestive heart failure.MethodsThe data were collected from patients with chronic congestive heart failure admitted to a university hospital outpatient clinic who agreed to be involved in the cross-sectional study. According to the World Health Organization’s cutoffs to define anemia, the patients were further divided into two groups, with and without anemia. HrQoL was assessed using two questionnaires: a disease-specific instrument, the chronic heart failure questionnaire (CHFQ), and a generic instrument, the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP). The standardized questionnaire was used to collect data regarding patients’ gender, age, marital status, place of living, education, occupation, and duration of diseases and comorbidities. To assess the iron status, ferritin, serum iron, the total iron binding capacity/TIBC and transferrin were measured.ResultsIn total, 200 outpatients with congestive heart failure were included in the study, 100 with and 100 without anemia. Patients with anemia were mainly female, had longer duration of disease (p = 0.001) and more hospitalizations (p = 0.001). Independent associations were found between the HrQoL and hemoglobin level (p = 0.049), HrQoL and hematocrit value (p = 0.006) and HrQoL and NYHA functional class (p = 0.004). Iron deficiency was not associated with impaired HrQoL.ConclusionAnemia has a significant impact on self-perceived health. Anemic patients are more likely to have worse heart failure as indicated by a higher NYHA class, thus being at higher risk for a decline of HrQoL compared with non-anemic patients.


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Nedeljka Ivković

University of East Sarajevo

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Bojan Joksimović

University of East Sarajevo

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Srebrenka Kusmuk

University of East Sarajevo

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Sinisa Ristic

University of East Sarajevo

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Sandra Joković

University of East Sarajevo

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Biljana Mijović

University of East Sarajevo

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Snezana Medenica

University of East Sarajevo

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Milan Kulić

University of East Sarajevo

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