Marccus Alves
Federal University of Pernambuco
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Featured researches published by Marccus Alves.
Rodriguésia | 2009
Marccus Alves; Ana Claudia Araújo; Ana Paula do Nascimento Prata; Fabio Vitta; Sonia Marisa Hefler; Rafael Trevisan; André dos Santos Bragança Giol; Shirley Martins; Wayt Thomas
Diversity of Cyperaceae in Brazil) The purpose of this catalogue was to combine the available data from publications, theses, databases, and herbarium specimens from around 120 Herbaria, and colections sampled in Brazilian vegetation during the last 15 years to produce the most complete list, as possible as, of Cyperaceae species for Brazil. We catalogued ca. 1,700 names for 678 species in 42 genera occurring in Brazil. These values represent ca. 15 percent of the species and 40 percent of the genera found in the world. Both subfamilies of Cyperaceae are found in Brazil with Cyperoideae being the most diverse at both generic and specific levels. Although lower species were recorded for the tribes Cryptangieae, Sclerieae, and Trilepideae, these tribes represent a much higher percentage of the worlds totals for genera and species. The most diverse genera are Rhynchospora (157 spp.), Cypents (101 spp.), Scleria (82 spp.) and Eleocharis (69 spp.). Fifteen genera have one species in Brazil, although five of them are monospecific. The most species-rich regions in Brazil are the North and Southeast. There are no genera endemic to Brazil. There are, however, around 200 endemic species, of which 40 are in the genus Rhynchospora. Taxonomic and nomenclatural problems found are pointed under the species. For each catalogued species, the principal synonyms, bibliographic references, distribution within Brazils five regions, vegetation type, and citation of selected material examined are provided.
Botanical Review | 2009
Wm. Wayt Thomas; Ana Claudia Araújo; Marccus Alves
The tribe Rhynchosporeae comprises the genera Rhynchospora and Pleurostachys and has never been studied using molecular techniques. The objective of this study was to use an analysis of trnL-F sequences to evaluate the hypothesized taxonomic divisions within the Rhynchosporeae including the monophyly of the genera and the soundness of the subgenera and sections. A total of 44 ingroup species were studied, 41 of Rhynchospora representing 22 of Kükenthal’s 28 sections, and three of Pleurostachys. Five outgroup species from other genera were also included. The cladistic analysis of 50 trnL intron and trnL-F intergenic spacer sequences resulted in 16 trees and a strict consensus tree. The Rhynchosporeae form two well-supported primary clades with several well-supported smaller clades, many of which agree with previously hypothesized sections. Pleurostachys is embedded within the second primary clade.
Rodriguésia | 2010
Anderson Alves-Araújo; Marccus Alves
The present study aims to survey the species of Poaceae in fragments of Atlantic Forest in Pernambuco state. Samplings were conducted between 2005 and 2008, with increased efforts between February 2007 and May 2008. The identification of species followed the usual methods in taxonomy and distribution data were obtained in the literature and surveys on specific databases. As a result, were identified 54 species and classified into 31 genera. This work presents identification keys, comments on the distribution of species and the habitats on which each was found.
Rodriguésia - Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro | 2011
Bruno S. Amorim; Marccus Alves
Myrtaceae e representada no Brasil por 928 especies e tem a Floresta Atlântica como um de seus centros de diversidade, apresentando 636 especies, das quais 77,5% sao endemicas. Neste estudo foram tratadas as 23 especies da familia encontradas em fragmentos de Floresta Atlântica de Terras Baixas na Usina Sao Jose ao norte do estado de Pernambuco. Eugenia e o genero mais representativo com dez especies (E. candolleana, E. dichroma, E. excelsa, E. florida, E. hirta, E. aff. prasina, E. punicifolia, E. umbelliflora, E. umbrosa, E. uniflora), seguido de Myrcia com oito especies (M. bergiana, M. guianensis, M. racemosa, M. spectabilis, M. splendens, M. sylvatica, M. tomentosa, M. verrucosa), Psidium com duas especies (P. guajava e P. guineense) e Calyptranthes, Campomanesia, e Myrciaria com uma especie cada (Calyptranthes dardanoi; Campomanesia dichotoma; M. ferruginea). Sao apresentados chave de identificacao e comentarios sobre as especies, alem de ilustracoes dos caracteres diagnosticos.
Acta Botanica Brasilica | 2001
Gladstone Alves da Silva; Bartolomeu Acioli dos Santos; Marccus Alves; Leonor Costa Maia
Micorrizas sao associacoes simbioticas mutualisticas formadas entre fungos e raizes de plantas, sendo o principal beneficio para a planta o aumento do aporte de nutrientes. Agronomicamente, a micorriza arbuscular (MA) e o tipo mais importante de micorrizas e apresenta-se distribuido na maioria dos ecossistemas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a condicao micorrizica de especies de Commelinidae que ocorrem no Estado de Pernambuco. Raizes dessas plantas, coletadas em 10 municipios, foram lavadas, clareadas em KOH, coradas com azul de Tripano em lactoglicerol e observadas em microscopio para determinacao da presenca e identificacao do tipo de micorriza formado. O percentual de colonizacao das raizes foi avaliado pelo metodo de intersecao em placa quadriculada. Quarenta especimens, representando 30 especies, foram observados. Destes especimens, 70% estavam colonizados por fungos micorrizicos arbusculares (FMA). Em uma das familias (Typhaceae) nao foi encontrada a associacao; em duas (Eriocaulaceae e Juncaceae) todos os especimens apresentaram-se micorrizados e tres (Commelinaceae, Cyperaceae e Poaceae) mostraram especimens com ou sem FMA. Em algumas raizes foram observados outros fungos, alem dos micorrizicos. Os resultados indicam que FMA estao amplamente distribuidos entre as especies de Commelinidae em Pernambuco, sendo provavelmente importantes para o estabelecimento das mesmas nas areas de coleta.
Brazilian Journal of Botany | 2010
Polyhanna Gomes; Marccus Alves
Floristic composition and structure of vegetation were studied in two rocky outcrop areas in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil. From April 2007 to September 2008, 18 monthly field trips were carried out. Vascular plants were randomly collected throughout the outcrop areas. For structural analysis, 30 plots of 1 × 1 m were set in the vegetation islands. The checklist presented combines 211 species (69 families and 168 genera), although only 56 species were collected in the plots. Fabaceae (18 spp.; 8.5%), Asteraceae (17 spp.; 8%), Orchidaceae (13 spp.; 6.1%), Euphorbiaceae (13 spp.; 6.1%), Bromeliaceae (10 spp.; 4.7%), and Poaceae (eight spp.; 3.8%) are the richest families. Overall, 1,792 shrub and herbaceous specimens were counted in the plots. The Shannon-Wiener (H) diversity index values were 2.572 and 2.547 nats individual-1. The species that presented the highest absolute abundance values (number of plants) had low frequencies in the plots and vice-versa. The biological spectrum had a high proportion of phanerophytes and therophytes, followed by cryptophytes, chamaephytes, and hemicryptophytes. The studied flora shares floristic components similar to other rocky outcrop areas of the semi-arid region in northeastern Brazil, including in relation to dominant groups in the vegetation structure.
Rodriguésia - Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro | 2011
Maria Teresa Buril; Marccus Alves
Resumo Convolvulaceae e uma familia predominantemente tropical e compreende entre 1600 e 1700 especies. O Brasil e um importante centro de endemismo do grupo, mas sua diversidade ainda e pouco conhecida e subestimada no pais. A flora de Convolvulaceae da Usina Sao Jose, aqui apresentada, portanto, incrementa o conhecimento sobre a diversidade da familia no Nordeste. Foram registradas doze especies e cinco generos de Convolvulaceae na regiao: Bonamia maripoides, Evolvulus nummularius, Ipomoea bahiensis, I. hederifolia, I. nil, I. philomega, I. quamoclit, I. tiliacea, Jacquemontia glaucescens, J. sphaerostigma, Merremia macrocalyx e M. umbellata. O tratamento conta com chave de identificacao, descricoes, ilustracoes e comentarios para os taxons. Palavras-chave: floristica, liana, Mata Atlântica, taxonomia, trepadeira. Abstract Convolvulaceae is a predominantly tropical family and comprises between 1600 and 1700 species. Brazil is an important center of endemism of the group, but its diversity is still poorly understood and underestimated in the country. Therefore, the flora of Convolvulaceae from the Usina Sao Jose, presented here, increases the knowledge about the diversity of the family in the Northeast Brazil. Twelve species and five genera of Convolvulaceae is reported in the region: Bonamia maripoides, Evolvulus nummularius, Ipomoea bahiensis, I. hederifolia, I. nil, I. philomega, I. quamoclit, I. tiliacea, Jacquemontia glaucescens, J. sphaerostigma, Merremia macrocalyx, and M. umbellata. The treatment includes identification key, descriptions, illustrations, and comments for the taxa. Key words: Atlantic rainforest, floristics, liana, taxonomy, vine.
Rodriguésia | 2010
Kalinne Mendes; Polyhanna Gomes; Marccus Alves
O Parque Nacional Serra de Itabaiana, Sergipe, esta situado em uma area de transicao entre a Mata Atlântica e a Caatinga e e considerado pelo Ministerio do Meio Ambiente como de extrema importância para a conservacao da flora da Mata Atlântica. Informacoes floristicas escassas, referentes ao estado de Sergipe e areas de tensao ecologica motivaram o levantamento floristico no unico Parque Nacional do estado. As coletas foram realizadas no periodo de 2006 a 2009, em seis expedicoes a campo, atraves de caminhamento aleatorio. Foram encontradas 552 especies distribuidas em 99 familias de Angiospermas e uma de Gimnosperma. Das especies coletadas, 187 ocorreram na fisionomia arbustiva-herbacea, 304 na arbustiva e 247 na arborea, sendo 23 comuns a todas as fisionomias. Leguminosae (41 spp.), Cyperaceae (40 spp.), Poaceae (38 spp.), Orchidaceae (30 spp.), Euphorbiaceae (27 spp.), Rubiaceae (24 spp.), Melastomataceae (21 spp.) e Bromeliaceae (20 spp.) foram as familias mais ricas. Especies comuns a Caatinga, Cerrado, floresta estacional, campo rupestre, restinga, tabuleiro e de areas de tensao ecologica, corroboram floristicamente com a classificacao do local como area de tensao ecologica, o que ressalta sua importância para a conservacao da biodiversidade.
Brazilian Journal of Botany | 2002
Marccus Alves; Maria Emília Maranhão Estelita; Maria das Graças Lapa Wanderley; William Wayt Thomas
Hypolytrum Rich. (subfamily Mapanioideae) has a pantropical distribution being represented in the Neotropics by 16-21 species, most of them growing in several Brazilian ecosystems. Informations from foliar anatomy was analysed for 10 species of the genus. The most useful characters detected in Hypolytrum species studied here are: the shape of the leaves in cross section, the occurrence of granules (probably formed by silica) on the epidermal cells; features of the cuticle, the hypoderm and the aerenchymatous parenchyma; the number of layers and origin (hypodermal and epidermal) of bulliform cells; the presence of papillae on the abaxial face of the epidermis; and occurence of radiate parenchyma on the smaller bundles. Studies of foliar anatomy showed to be useful in generic and specific delimitation but do not support the taxonomic sections established.
Rodriguésia - Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro | 2012
Edlley Pessoa; Marccus Alves
Orchidaceae was recently pointed as the most representative family in Atlantic forest. Based on the lack of data and the fragmentation with lost of diversity, this paper provides a checklist of the orchids in some fragments of Atlantic Rainforest in Usina Sao Jose (USJ), Pernambuco, Brazil. The study area includes six forest fragments in Igarassu, Pernambuco. Fieldwork was carried out from December/2008 to March/2010. The vouchers were deposited at UFP herbarium. Orchidaceae is represented by 27 species and 19 genera which Epidendrum L. (4 spp.) and Scaphyglottis Poepp. & Endl.(3 spp.) were the richest in number of species. This work increases 20 spp. to that recorded for USJ in previous checklist. Three species are recorded here for the first time for the Atlantic rainflorest, and one is a new record to Northeastern Brazil. Cattleya granulosa Lindl. and Zygostates bradei (Schltr.) Garay are considered threatened. The Piedade remain is noteworthy for having 26 spp., which is a RPPN. The data shows the importance of the area to conservation of the biodiversity in the State.